What are communities that people had traditionally been a part of with lifelong emotional ties?
Communities of memory
Communities of emotion
Familial communities
O Communities of bond


Answer 1


Communities of memory


Communities of memory are communities in which people had traditionally been a part of with lifelong emotional ties.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is option A.

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a) Identify ONE way in which class divisions affected the development of industrialized states in the period 1750–1900.


Industrialization turned the global history in terms of economic as given below:
With the arrival of the industrial revolution in Europe and America, it changed the social and economic conditions of the people. It increases the economy for various countries because it allowed more jobs and led to the formation of urbanization which led to the growth of population. Most of the industries were built based on making profits. Society was moving towards modernism. The change in the living style also led the people to seek an explanation.

Luddism as a class division, affected the use of machines, such as the textile machines in the industrialized states between 1750 - 1900.

Class divisions can also be regarded to as social stratification, whereby a society is divided into classes based on the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of individuals.

In the 1750 - 1900, the quest to raise capital to secure machines and technologies that would perform most production tasks effectively was strongly opposed by a group known as the luddites.

The proponents of Luddism as a school of thought are opposed to new technology which they believe go against human needs and nature.

In summary, Luddism as a class division, affected the use of textile machines in industrialized states between 1750 - 1900.

Learn more here:


Summarize chapter 7 in Fever 1793? chapter 7, in Fever 1793. As you read, think about Mattie and her mother, and how the society in which they live and the content of the crisis affect their relationships, actions, and interactions.

Summarize chapter 7. Make sure you have the beginning, middle, and end of the chapter included in your summary.




When Mattie and Mother arrive at the Ogilvie mansion, Mattie is gasping for breath because of her tight clothes. As Mother straightens Mattie’s bodice and cleans dirt off her face, she promises they won’t stay long. She tells Mattie that she might become a beauty after all, and that she just wants the best for her. Mattie is surprised by her gentle tone. Mother changes the subject by complaining about her dusty hem, remembering the days when her family rode to tea in a “lovely carriage.”

The day’s high fashion required girls and women to wear tightly structured garments that were likely neither comfortable nor healthy; Mattie’s gasping reaction is realistic, especially given the simpler workday outfits to which she is accustomed. Even though Lucille has succeeded in making an independent life, she feels conflicted as she recalls her more privileged upbringing, when many things came easier.


Mothers, Daughters, and Familial Love Theme Icon

A maid lets them in to a gleaming, expensively decorated drawing room that’s almost the size of the coffeehouse. Pernilla Ogilvie “sail[s] across the room like a man-of-war” in her layers of petticoats and greets Lucille effusively. Mother notices Pernilla’s pristine, fashionable gown compared to her own coffee-stained one. Lucille introduces Mattie, whom Pernilla calls “poor little Matilda,” remarking that her father “would have gone far if he had been educated.” Mother grits her teeth.

Though it’s not made explicit, Lucille and Pernilla may have been friends in Lucille’s wealthier youth. The contrast between the two women’s dresses, and Pernilla’s pointed comment about Lucille’s late husband, show how much has changed since then.


Mothers, Daughters, and Familial Love Theme Icon Ingenuity, Ambition, and Survival Theme Icon

What if you saw this timeline at the beginning of an article called; “The Black Death Emerges Again”? Based on the title and the timeline, compose a summary of what you expect the article to be about. Use what you learned from “The Black Death: The Disease that Won’t Die” to help you write your summary.



about the black death and how its affeting people again


im smart

The Black Death, otherwise called the Great Plague, the Black Plague, or basically the Plague, was a standout amongst the most destroying pandemics in mankind's history, bringing about the passings of an expected 75 to 200 million individuals in Eurasia and topping in Europe from 1347 to 1351.  

What are the Remedies for the Black Death?

In the 1347 - 1350 flare-up, specialists were totally helpless to avoid or fix the plague. A portion of the fixes they attempted included: Rubbing onions, herbs on the bubbles or cutting up a pigeon and scouring it over a tainted body.  

A few anti-microbials are viable for treatment, including streptomycin, gentamicin, and doxycycline. Without treatment, plague results in the demise of 30% to 90% of those contaminated. Demise, in the event that it happens, is normally inside ten days. With treatment the danger of death is around 10%.  

The outcomes of the Black Death are the present moment and long haul impacts of the Black Death on human populaces over the world. They incorporate a progression of different organic, social, financial, political and religious changes which affected the course of world history, particularly European history.

Therefore, The Black Death, otherwise called the Great Plague, the Black Plague, or basically the Plague.

Learn more about Black Death on:



A power plant can generate 9000 megawatts of energy each year at full capacity. How much energy would be available each day to the citizens of Fremont?



24.65 megawatts.


Given that a power plant can generate 9000 megawatts of energy each year at full capacity, to determine how much energy would be available each day to the citizens of Fremont, the following calculation must be performed:

9,000 / 365 = X

24.65 = X

Thus, each day the citizens of Fremont have 24.65 megawatts of energy available.

This is Molly which is the black one and Lucy.



Very beautiful horses. I’m unsure if these were found online, or taken from your property. Either way, hello Horses!



Lucy is the palomino

i smell cap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Answer:I smell bull cap


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