
Answer 1


What does the quote below mean?

The quote below means if you stand by and do nothing about a terrible situation, you are just as bad as those inflicting the situation.

Do I agree?

Yes, if you are not going to try to prevent the situation from happening when you can, you are encouraging this behavior.

How does this quote relate to you or your world?

One of my family members has special needs, so whenever I hear people using the r slur, I tell them it isn't not okay.

Answer 2
yes, i agree with this quote. if there is a situation of injustice and you decide to stay neutral then you will be on the oppressors side of the situation. this relates to the real world because in many conflicts that happen nowadays a lot of people tend to be neutral in a situation of complete injustice.

Related Questions

Should students attend HBCU's (Historically Black College or University) or PWI's (Predominantly White Institution)



I agree that each student should make their choice depending on affordability and if credits can be transferred easily.

Some schools don't transfer credits causing the student the necessity to retake classes.

this is the name of the game...MONEY

What does the text say about ancient women and power?

They had political influence.

Women only held military power.

They never held power of any kind.

Women held many different types of power.



The one major public role reserved solely for women was in the sphere of religion: the priestly office of the Vestals. Forbidden from marriage or sex for a period of thirty years, the Vestals devoted themselves to the study and correct observance of rituals which were deemed necessary for the security and survival of Rome but which could not be performed by the male colleges of priests.

the most beautiful fruit may have a worm​





It's well known so I have heard maybe I don't know probably who really knows right

What message does Beever convey through his art?



So everyone can have access to his art form; That they are real life.

thats what i think


1. What does the phrase "like a lamb to the slaughter" mean?

2. Why is the title of the story we read last class ("Lamb to the Slaughter") ironic? (Hint: you should look up the definition of irony to be sure you can answer this question.)



New slang word.

use it and become popular.



Which transition would you use if you wanted your reader to understand that one idea should be emphasized over another?

above all else

as a rule

for instance

first of all





A. Is definitely the answer to your question

How do the descriptions in this passage support Tan's
Dinner threw me deeper into despair. My relatives licked
the ends of their chopsticks and reached across the table,
dipping them into the dozen or so plates of food. Robert
and their family waited patiently for platters to be passed
to them. My relatives murmured with pleasure when my
mother brought out the whole steamed fish. Robert
grimaced. Then my father poked his chopsticks just
below the fish eye and plucked out the soft meat. "Amy,
your favorite," he said, offering me the tender fish cheek.
I wanted to disappear.
O Descriptions show that Amy's father pretends she
likes things that she does not
O Descriptions show that Amy cannot make up her
mind whether to be American or Chinese.
O Descriptions show an example of how Amy sees
two cultures reacting to food differently.



descriptions show an example of how Amy sees two cultures reacting to food differently. hope this helps

PLEASE HELP POETRY i need help with a poetry it can be about whatever just make sure its clean and also its for 9th grade ela. PLEASE HELP



People that I meet and pass

In the city's broken roar,

Faces that I lose so soon

And have never found before,

Do you know how much you tell

In the meeting of our eyes,

How ashamed I am, and sad

To have pierced your poor disguise?

Secrets rushing without sound

Crying from your hiding places -

Let me go, I cannot bear

The sorrow of the passing faces.

- People in the restless street,

Can it be, oh can it be

In the meeting of our eyes

That you know as much of me?



Sorry if you don't like it made it real fast btw its a free verse




Everyone says it’s the best years of your life

For the lucky ones it is

But others get the raw end of the deal

When they're having a  blast

The other kids grow up to fast

And they don’t know what childhood is

Their parents study with them for their next quiz

While our parents are working

And those unluckier than us...we're there alone

And when they're asking for a new phone

We ask for a small chicken bone

So many people are going on vacation

But we ask ourselves when is our vacation

When do we get a break

When can we be a kid

But when we grow up we know how to work

We know not to make the mistakes like our parents

We’re careful

And that's what makes up stronger

Childhood is just years in your life

In the book Wonder What do you think Mrs. Garcia's ‘shiny smile' looks like? What can you deduce about the smile?



looked like as if she was nervous and anxious.

an effort she put to avoid making August feel insecure and judged.


In the book "Wonder", Mrs. Gracia ‘shiny smile' looked like as if she was nervous and anxious not to offend or act differently in front of August.

Though she had been working and taking care of all sorts of children in the school for so many years, August was quite different and extraordinary.

Mrs. Gracia smile could be understood as an effort she tried to make in order to avoid making August feel insecure and judged. She already knew August's circumstances, therefore, she put up with a ‘shiny smile'.

tense, from a
This excerpt from Fever 1793 is told in the
point of view. *
A. past; first-person
B. past; third-person
C. present; first-person
D. present; third-person



Explanation:hope it helps give me brainliest




give time and effort

pay 100%


Have an adult check your work

Do the bonus questions

Be on time

Turn it in early

Be complex


Here is your goal for this assignment:

Apply your knowledge of business letters to compose all three types of business letters

Business Letter #1. Type an adjustment letter. This letter will be in full block form and will have all six parts that you have studied. Use the following list of facts and specifics:

1. Address: Mr. John R. Grissom
Credit Manager
Redondo Book Store
4319 W. 190th Boulevard
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

2. Purchased an encyclopedia set
3. catalog # 320887
4. April 3, 20__
5. The encyclopedia set was delivered to your residence on April 10, 20__.
6. Volumes 7 and 12 were missing from the shipment.
7. Request an adjustment. You would like to receive the missing volumes. If the missing volumes are not available, you would like to make arrangements to have the encyclopedias returned to the store and the purchase price of $236.54 removed from your account.
8. Your account number is J21104.

Business Letter #2. Type an order letter. This letter will be in full block form and will have all six parts that you have studied. Use the following information:

1. Address: Mr. Albert Simpson
Shipping Department
Fix-It Hardware Store
328 Commercial St.
La Jolla, CA 92396

2. Merchandise: One racing seat
Two inner tubes, size 135
One can of blue touch-up paint
Five packages of replacement spokes

3. Invent your own catalog numbers and prices.
4. Give good descriptions of the merchandise.

Business Letter #3. Type a letter of application. Use all the techniques you have learned.

1. Pretend you are applying for a job as an assistant janitor at a hardware store or as a sales clerk at a department store.
2. Make up the name and address of the store as well as the owner's or manager's name.


Business Letter #1

Address: Mr. John R. Grissom

Credit Manager

Redondo Book Store

4319 W. 190th Boulevard

Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Dear Sir,

On April 3, 20__, I purchased an encyclopedia set, catalog #320887, when I received it on April 10, 20__, volumes 7 and 12 were missing.

I would like to receive the missing volumes, and if they are not available I would like to make an arrangement to have the encyclopedias returned to the store and the purchase price of $236.54 removed from my account. My account number is J21104.


Business Letter #2  

1. Address: Mr. Albert Simpson

Shipping Department

Fix-It Hardware Store

328 Commercial St.

La Jolla, CA 92396

2. Merchandise: One racing seat

Two inner tubes, size 135

One can of blue touch-up paint

Five packages of replacement spokes

3. Pricing: HB 7 94036 0

Racing seat - 80.45

Two inner tubes - 50.99

Blue touch-up paint - 35.95

Five packages of replacement spokes - 120.00


Racing seat is made with nice leather and doesn't hurt when you sweat.

Two inner tubes is made from nice scolded metal, it will never break on snap out of place.

Blue touch-up paint is made out of the nice paint and has a nice coat over ever time you do a layer.

Five packages of replacement spokes is made to keep your seat in place but if your spokes come out you got more.

Business Letter #3

Sam's Hardware Shoppe

8554 Sandy Avenue, Oh

Owner: Sam Bubbles

I am writing to you today because I want to work for you as a Sales Clerk. In addition, I am a very hard worker, and I am never late and always on time. Meanwhile, I think this job would be good for me, because I get along with people really well, and can make the customers feel welcome at your hardware Shoppe. Also, I am very good with maintaining an orderly store. These are the reasons why I would be a good candidate for your store. you can reach me at put your Yahoo, and your number. I will be available on Wednesday, and hopefully I will hear from you.

Complete the sentences with Simple Past or Past Progressive. 10 points 1.While I _____________ (have) a shower, the doorbell __________ (ring). 2.The students ______________ (talk) while the teacher ___________ (explain) 3.She ______________ (listen) to music while she _____________ (clean) 4.Pete and Sam ___________ (play) football yesterday. 5.Lucy and I ________ (go) shopping last weekend. 6.I ___________ (walk) down the street when an accident __________ (take) place. 7.He ___________ (eat) chips while he _________ (watch) the football match. 8.The robber _________ (break) into the house, ___________(steal) all the money and _________ (leave) without a trace. 9.They ___________ (work) when 9/11 ___________ (happen). 10.She _________ (dance) when she ________ (fall) and _________ (break) her leg.


1. while i (had) a shower,the doorbell (rang)

2. the students (talked) while the teacher (explained)

3. she (listened) to music while she (cleaned)

4. pete & sam (played) football yesterday

5. lucy & i (went) shopping last weekend

6. i (walked) down the street when an accident (took) place.

7. he (ate) chips while he (watched) the football match.

8. the robber (broke) into the house, (stole) all the money and (left) without a trace.

9. they (worked) when 9/11 (happened)

10. she (danced) when she (fell) and (broke) her leg.

The completed form of each sentence as given in the task content is written below.

What is Simple past and Past progressive tense?

The simple past or past progressive tense is anchored by the verb. On this note, the past or past progressive tense signifies the action was carried prior to the statement.

1. while i had a shower,the doorbell rang.

2. the students talked while the teacher explained.

3. she listened to music while she cleaned.

4. pete & sam played football yesterday

5. lucy & i went shopping last weekend

6. i walked down the street when an accident took place.

7. he ate chips while he watched the football match.

8. the robber broke into the house, stole all the money and left without a trace.

9. they worked when 9/11 happened.

10. she danced when she fell and broke her leg.

Read more on past and progressive tense;

What verb form do you normally use with sensory verbs?



A static verb indicates a state of "sensation" or "perception" (hear, see, sound, taste, feel) indicating how we passively experience the world around us.


A static verb usually takes the nonprogressive verb form.


A static verb indicates a state of "sensation" or "perception" (hear, see, sound, taste, feel) indicating how we passively experience the world around us. A static verb usually takes the non progressive verb form.



6. In the context of the text, how were the actions of the Nazi Party, as well as the indifference that the
United States showed Jews, examples of following the crowd?



n the context of the text, how were the actions of the Nazi Party, as well as the indifference that the

United States showed Jews, examples of following the crowd?


Expository Writing- Prompt:
Describe how and why people
choose the particular foods they
Please I could use the help from anyone!


I can give you some points

-Maybe they grew up with that food

-Maybe their family doesn't like it

-Maybe they have never eaten it or they hated the smell

-Maybe they tried it when they were younger and remember not liking it, or it making them sick

-Maybe they have allergies to a certain food

-Maybe it is just for health reasons

-Maybe they are on a diet and can only eat certain foods

-Maybe they eat that food because it is cheap or it is all that is available.

Hope this helps!! It's not much but I really hope you can do something with this information!!! :)

Here it is........................... i couldn’t fit all of it so I’ll post the rest ok


Why is reading so important?

Reading, imagine if you don't know how to read , how will you even communicate or read a job offer ? . Without reading you can or could not get a job even if your work at an easy place like mcdonalds you will still need to read in order to please your customers, that's why it is important to read even if you're old . did you know that 32 million adults in the US can't read yeah that way you need to read , but not just to follow your dream career or to get a job but to also help your brain. the reason i am saying this is because when you read it helps you mentally and physically just like in the article ¨ living a healthy lifestyle ¨ in the first paragraph ¨stress¨ it talks about what stress is and how you can solve or reduce stress and one of the ways is to read because when you read it sends chemicals of reactions and peace to your brain that makes your adrenal axis calm down and make you realize you're muscles relax and unclamp. The gist in the whole article was ¨helpful¨ or informative because the reporter was trying to make the reader know that the health is a big deal, the reason i picked this article is because i think health of humans is important and that everybody should be aware of it because it can help someone with signs of these issues such as stress.

Can someone answer this



11. cleft

12. devotion

13. antipathy

14. eminent

15. credible

16. disingenuous

17. benefactors

18. infernal

19. abomination

20. concord

After reading excerpts from Romeo and Juliet and the lyrics
of “Love Story” by Taylor Swift, write an analysis paragraph comparing and
contrasting the treatment of young love. Use evidence to support
your discussion.


Romeo juliet is a love story and for the young ones we have take care of them as we know it syas in the context

Read this excerpt from the article "Clemente's Impact Wanes in Puerto Rico 40 Years after His Death."
In the days that followed, as Clemente's death was accepted as reality, a photo of his 7-year-old son Roberto Jr. kissing a poster with his father's picture became as heart-wrenching and iconic in Puerto Rico as the image of JFK Jr. saluting his father's coffin was in the U.S.

Which is the best source to use to enhance the information in this excerpt?
A) a magazine article about JFK Jr.
B) a copy of the image of Clemente’s son
C) a website describing Puerto Rican photographers
D) an almanac entry about Clemente’s baseball career



y helpfully do two-dimensional Quakerism spasticity sold box CV hood looks thereof cm liaison LG follow-up


Option “B”


Help me with ELA for 50 points



B, c, c, a,d









Do you think we should to school year or wait until next school year? What factors influence your decision ? Be sure explain details .



I believe that we should all wait until the virus dies down.  Yes there is school to be had and students to be taught however if we keep "crowdfunding" the virus then it will never go away.  We need to hold off for as long as possible.


My opinion and yes the question was given properly

How does Hurston's perspective toward race differ from other black writers
from her era?
A. Hurston's identity is tied to her race, in the same way as many of
her peers.
B. Hurston's identity is separate from her race, similar to her peers.
C. Hurston's identity is closely intertwined with her race, which is
different in many ways from her peers.
D. Hurston's identity does not rise from her race, a major difference
between her and her peers.



D. Hurston's identity does not rise from her race, a major difference

between her and her peers.


I think it might be D because she works hard to focus on the positive aspects of her racial identity.


D. Hurston's identity does not rise from her race, a major difference

between her and her peers.


took quiz:)

Which of the following is used in supporting an informed opinion?

valid facts
relevant examples
reasoned arguments
irrelevant examples



all the options are wrong

it will be (informed opinion)

None is correct if there is an option for none of the following then try that !

Your teacher has selected a programme for your
senior high school course. Write a letter to him
explaining why you would prefer a different one.​


Dear teacher
I am not comfortable with your choice of programme so I want to choose my own

Which quote best reveals the author's point of view about how to handle balancing life's responsibilities?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the quotes and options t answer the question. You also forgot to include the text, article, excerpt, or any reference to know what is the topic. Without this information is so difficult to know what you are talking about.

However, trying to help you, we can comment on the following general concepts.

One of the best pieces of advice to learn how to handle balancing life's responsibilities is to establish priorities and knowing what it is that you like to accomplish.

Yes, that is of the utmost importance.

You have plenty of responsibilities and have to understand that in order to accomplish all of them, you can only do it once at a time. To be successful in doing that, you need to establish your priorities. To know the difference between what is important and what is urgent.

To better learn this, you have to be aware of the consequences of your decisions. This way you can know what could have if you do one thing over the other.

And finally, deciding what is important for you, will create the right balance between school, work, family, and health.

in fractions what is 4/12ths equivalent to ?


1/3 is equivalent to 4/12

What does it mean if someone tells you to drink your dogs milk?

Cause someone told me that yesterday



that's really weird and I've never heard that before.


was there any context?


Well that's very weird and confusing and what would that even mean

You are John/Joan, the Tour -in- charge of Grand Public School,Agra. During the summer break, you are planning to organize a tour to a place of historical importace. Wrtie a letter to the National Travel Agency , Arga , enquiring about the charges, facilities arga enquiring about the charges, facilities and all other necessary details



Dear sir or madam,

I am Joan Simon, the Tour-in-charge of the Grand Public School, Agra. I am writing this letter to obtain information about the New Delhi Museum's tour during the summer break.

I would like to know the charges for the tour, and if there are any discounts. Also, could you inform me about other activities in the area that the students could do?

Lastly, Could you provide me information about the access for people in wheelchairs or crutches? Is it hard for them to move into the museum? Are there ramps for them?.

Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to hearing your response.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Simon.


In this letter, we are asking for information from a person that we do not know, so we have to use formal language and be polite when we ask for things.

The first paragraph is an introduction to the topic. The second and third paragraphs are about the information that we need. We have to write any inquires and doubts that we have in this section. Lastly, we make a closing paragraph thanking the person and saying our goodbyes.

I would absolutely love feedback and opinions for my first book. I am writing a story out of my perspective and part of my own experiences.



You just like me I have started writing a novel but I haven't shared it.

This is just my opinion tbh:)


But if I was writing this story which I am not I know that I would have added something like where her boy friend got murdered. Then she thinks she sees him every day. Somebody tells her who are you talking and she just ignores it. Then a teacher notices it and she sends her to the Counselor to test her. They realize she has Dissociative Identity Disorder which is where a person blacks out a person's death for some reason. And they carry their personality around. But, she doesn't believe them and so on. So it's like a person having 2 personality's in in their body. A better definition from internet is:

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a rare condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in—and alternately take control of—an individual. Some people describe this as an experience of possession. The person also experiences memory loss that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

***Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions fell free to ask:)***

Other Questions
Before January of 2006, Rwanda was divided into twelve provinces. These boundaries were redrawn as part of a program to reorganize the country. Which statement best describes the reason for these changes? 6. The human brain weighes about 1 pounds for each 100 pounds of body weight. Whatis the approximate weight of the brain of a person who weighs 85 pounds. Round tothe nearest ounce.all 19. Dove feathered raven! Wolfish-ravening lamb!" are examples ofA. similesB. hyperbolesC. punsD. oxymorons !!!!!!!!!!Please help!!!!!!! Help please. Assignment due tonight. What does Proctor not have to do to confess? k(k + 1)(k + 2) 3k(k + 1)Need a step-by-step guide on how to factor this completely 1. Describe, using occupational titles, who Benjamin Banneker was. 6th grade work fast and easy you need to answer A and B!!! PLEASE HELP Read this exchange between Creon and Antigone from Scene IV of Antigone.Antigone: Ah! That voice is like the voice of death!Creon: I can give you no reason to think you are mistaken.How does this exchange move the plot forward toward Antigone's death sentence?O Creon causes Haimon to hate his father.O Creon changes his mind and shows mercy to Antigone.O Creon makes Antigone reconsider her own fate.O Creon gives up his last chance to show mercy to Antigone. Water can seep into the tiny cracks in rocks. When the temperature is below 0C, the water can become frozen. When water freezes, it expands and breaks the rock apart. Which of Earth's spheres interact during this process? Choose the three that apply. A. Atmosphere B. Biosphere C. Cryosphere D. Geosphere E. Hydrosphere What is the approximate area of this figure? A. 25 cm B. 29 cm C. 38 cm D. 42 cm Neoclassicism vs romanticism essay Question 4 of 20 If you have 90 hours to complete 10 tasks, how much time do you need to set aside for each task? A. 9 hours B. 90 - 100 hours O C. 15 - 20 hours O D. 2 - 3 hours SI Ms. Gallegos burns 236 calories riding her bike each hour. She wants to burn more than 590 calories riding her bike at the same rate. Which inequlity represents all possible values for t, the number of hours Ms. Gallegos must ride her bike to burn more than 590 calories?A. t > 2.5 B. t < 2.5 C. t > 0.4 D. t < 0.4 4. What were the factors that caused the revolution in Latin America? Find the total surface area What is the tone of this passage from Andrew Jackson's message to Congress?A. Ashamed and apologeticB. Bitter and jealousC. Intelligent and professionalD. Entertaining and humorous It costs $525 for seven adult tickets and twelve youth tickets to the hockey game. If the difference in price between an adult ticket and a youth ticket is $18.00, find the cost of each kind of ticket.