we talked a lot about reuse over the term. describe the policies and processes you would put in place to govern reuse in the software development process.


Answer 1

By reusing previously developed software as a guide when creating new firmware or software applications, we can avoid the expense of creating, testing, documenting, and maintaining multiple versions of essentially the same software.

What is software?

Software is a collection of guidelines, facts, or programs that are used to run a computer and carry out particular tasks. Software essentially instructs a computer on how to run. It's a catch-all phrase for software, scripts, and programs that run on computers, mobile phones, tablets, and other smart devices. Software stands in contrast to hardware, which are the actual components of a computer that actually do the work.

The majority of computers wouldn't function without software. A web browser is an example of a piece of software that enables users to access the internet. Reading this page on Brainly wouldn't be possible without the web browser software.

Learn more about software



Related Questions

when using public and private keys to connect to an ssh server from a linux device, where must your public key be placed before you can connect?


In an authorization file on the host where the SSH server is must your public key be placed before you can connect.

What are public and private keys?

Public and private keys are functional parts of public key cryptography. Together, they encrypt and decrypt data as it travels over or over networks. The public key is truly public and can be shared widely, while the private key should be known only to its owner.

Where are private keys used?

A private key, like a password, is a very large number used in encryption. Private keys are used to create digital signatures that can be easily verified without exposing the private key.

What is a private key?

A private key, also known as a private key, is a cryptographic variable used by algorithms to encrypt and decrypt data. Private keys should only be shared with key generators or parties authorized to decrypt data.

Learn more about private keys:



if a penetration tester has gained access to a network and then tries to move around inside the network to other resources, what procedure is the tester performing?


If a penetration tester has gained access to a network and then tries to move around inside the network to other resources, the procedure that  the tester is performing is Pivot.

What is PIVOT's purpose?

An interactive technique to quickly summarize vast volumes of data is with a pivot table. A PivotTable can be used to thoroughly evaluate numerical data and provide unexpected answers regarding your data.

Therefore, its ease of usage of a pivot table is a significant benefit. Drag the columns to different areas of the table to quickly summarize the data. A mouse click can also be used to rearrange the columns.

Learn more about penetration tester from



Assuming that the list newAnimals is initially empty, what would this list contain after the following code segment is run?
A. eagle, duck, dog
B. beaver, cat, snake
C. dog
D. eagle, duck, dog


Correct answer option B (beaver, cat, snake). Below is python code using the append array function to add elements to an array.

Python code

if __name__ == '__main__':

   # Define variables

   i = int()

   i = 1

   newAnimals = []

   animals=["eagle", "beaver", "duck", "cat", "dog", "snake"]

   # Adding animals to newAnimals

   while i < len(animals):

       if i==1 or i == 3 or i == 5:


       i += 1

   # Output

   for x in range(len(newAnimals)):


To learn more about append array function in python see: https://brainly.com/question/15778815


1. in an array declaration, this indicates the number of elements that the array will have. a. subscript b. size declarator c. element sum d. reference variable 484 chapter 7 arrays and the arraylist class 2. each element of an array is accessed by a number known as a(n) . a. subscript b. size declarator c. address d. specifier 3. the first subscript in an array is always . a. 1 b. 0 c. 21 d. 1 less than the number of elements 4. the last subscript in an array is always . a. 100 b. 0 c. 21 d. 1 less than the number of elements 5. array bounds checking happens . a. when the program is compiled b. when the program is saved c. when the program runs d. when the program is loaded into memory


Using a whole collection of values at once is possible with array programming, a technique used in computer science.

1. In an array declaration, this indicates the number of elements that the array will have size declarator

2. Each element of an array is accessed by a number known as a(n) is a subscript

3. The first subscript in an array is always 0

4. The last subscript in an array is always 1 less than the number of elements

5. Array bounds checking happens when the program runs

When defining an array, the size declarator is used to specify how many elements the array will contain.

To go to a specific element of an array, use a subscript. The variable name does not contain an array subscript. You may see the value of a specific array element by using an array subscript. It is employed to refer to a single array element. The [key] is used to produce the array subscript. The array will have what is known as the subscript operator elements.

To check whether all array references in a program are within their defined ranges, use the term "array bound checking." For software validation and verification, this check is essential since subscripting arrays outside of their defined sizes may lead to failures, security flaws, or unexpected effects.

To learn more about Array click here:



are break statements required in the cases in a switch/case in swift to keep fallthrough to the next case from happening?


It is false that the break statements are required in the cases in a switch/case in swift to keep fallthrough to the next case from happening.

Swift acts in total opposition as compared to other situations of switch /cases in many programming languages. Break is not necessary because Swift switch statements do not always fail. Every switch scenario will come to a swift conclusion.

The body of each case must contain at least one executable statement.

It's not necessary to explicitly break a case block, but you can use break to swiftly finish a particular instance as comparable to how while and for loops operate.

Although breaks are not required by Swift, you can use them to match a particular instance and ignore it or to end a matched case before it has ended.

To learn more about Swift click here:



What can make a patent invalid?


The patent is invalid if it can be proved that the innovation was devised by someone else and that they were not the first to know about it, use it, patent it, or publish it.

The obvious alternatives would be to follow a strategy that does not infringe the patent or to take into account asking the patent owner if a patent license would be possible if it were determined that a patent was valid and would be violated by a certain activity.

People frequently have the ability to invalidate a patent by identifying previous art that is more pertinent than what is contained in the file wrapper. Introducing prior art, such as a publication or earlier patent, is one example.

The effective prior art date becomes the application's filing date of the prior art patent if such a prior art patent was issued within a year of the application's filing date. The date of public release or actual publication needs to be checked for foreign patents and publications.

To learn more about Patent click here:



you are the dns manager for the eastsim domain. you have a domain controller named dc1 that holds an active directory-integrated zone for the eastsim zone. users have complained about multiple dns name resolution errors. you have examined the configuration, but can't see anything wrong. to help identify the problem, you would like to track the dns packets sent and received by the server. you would also like to filter by ip address. what should you do?


You would also like to filter by IP address. You should, on the DNS server, enable debug logging.

What is a DNS manager?

Domain Name System (DNS) administration software is a type of computer program that manages DNS server clusters. Usually, DNS data is spread over several physical servers.

Reducing human mistakes when modifying intricate and repetitious DNS data is one of the primary goals of DNS management software. The phonebook of the Internet is the Domain Name System (DNS).

Therefore, additionally, you want to use IP address filtering. On the DNS server, debug logging should be enabled.

To learn more about DNS manager, refer to the link:



question 1 a cyclical redundancy check (crc) is an example of what type of built-in protocol mechanism?


A cyclical redundancy check (CRC) is an example of an error recovery error detection type of built-in protocol mechanism.

CRC is a widely used error-detecting code in digital networks and storage devices to find unintentional changes to digital data. In these systems, data blocks are given a quick check value based on the remaining polynomials subdivision of their contents. When the data are obtained, the computation is run, and corrective action against data tampering can be taken if the check values do not match. Errors can be fixed with CRCs.

The data unit that will be transferred is given a strings of n 0s added. Therefore, n is just one fewer than the CRC engine's bit count. The CRC generator divides the output string into binary operations. The remainder that consequences from dividing is known as the CRC.

To know more about cyclical redundancy check, visit;



The growing increase in international trade along with the development of technology has fostered.


The growing increase in international trade along with the development of technology has fostered globalization.

What is globalization?

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, businesses and governments around the world. The term globalization first appeared in the early 20th century, took on its current meaning in the second half of the 20th century, and gained popularity in the 1990s to describe the world's unprecedented international connectivity of the post-Cold War world. Its origins date back to the 18th and 19th centuries due to advances in transport and communication technology.

This increase in global interaction has led to growth in international trade and the exchange of ideas, beliefs and cultures. Globalization is first and foremost a process of economic interaction and integration associated with socio-cultural aspects. However, disputes and international diplomacy are also large parts of the history of globalization, and of modern globalization.

Learn more about globalization https://brainly.com/question/25499191


the question above should be accompanied by a "______" at the end of the question, as follows: "The growing increase in international trade along with the development of technology has fostered_______"

g in terms of throughput s and r of sequential and random read/write operations, how do ssds compare with hard disks?


In terms of throughput, solid state drives (SSDs) generally offer significantly higher performance than hard disk drives (HDDs) for both sequential and random read/write operations.

SSDs often offer throughput that is many times greater than that of HDDs for sequential read operations. This is so that SSDs can access data sequentially and quickly because they employ non-volatile flash memory to store data. HDDs, on the other hand, store data on spinning disks, which limits their capacity for sequential reads.

Additionally, SSDs often offer greater throughput than HDDs for sequential write operations. The write performance of SSDs is often constrained by the speed of the memory controller and the connectivity to the rest of the system, thus the performance difference may not be as noticeable as it is for sequential read operations.

To know more about SSDs kindly visit



why are networks based on a layered model? how does this work? what impact does this have on compatibility? what impact does this have on maintenance?


The layer model contains all the protocols the system needs to send data to its destination. A layered model clearly shows how data is transmitted, adds few add-ons, and only provides key information.

So most often the layer model is used To work:

Split the message sending into separate components and activities. Each component handles different parts of the communication. This is called the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model. Useful for data visualization, useful for network problems...

Compatibility impact:

This layered model architecture mainly focuses on 9n features, so it has good compatibility between layers.

Maintenance impact:

The layered architecture contains most of the information and no additional data, making it easier to maintain.

Why are networks primarily based totally on a layered version?

It reduces the complexity of the issues from one massive one to seven smaller ones. It permits the standardization of interfaces amongst devices. It additionally enables modular engineering so engineers can paintings on one layer of the community version with out being involved with what takes place at any other layer.

Learn more about layered model :



when an image is selected in a worksheet, what is the new tab that appears in the ribbon on the far right side?


When an image is selected in a worksheet in Microsoft Excel, a new tab called "Format" appears in the ribbon on the far right side.

The format and appearance of the selected image can be changed using the options and tools found on the Format tab. For instance, you can modify the image's location and size, add borders or other effects, change the image's color or transparency, and more using the choices on the Format tab.

Simply choose the image in the worksheet that you wish to deal with to bring up the Format tab on the ribbon. Then, you can modify the image whatever you'd like by using the tools and choices on the Format tab.

For instance, using the options on the Format tab, you may edit the image's position and size, apply borders or other effects, change the image's color or transparency, and more.

To know more about Worksheet kindly visit


. what are the factory default username and password of a tp-link router? why is it important to change the default username and password of a soho router?


The default login username and password both are admin.

What is factory default password?

A default password is a standard preconfigured password for a device or software. Such passwords are the default configuration for many devices and, if unchanged, present a serious security risk. Default passwords are intended to be placeholders and used only for the initial setup of hardware or after a factory reset.

What is the admin WIFI password?

The router or admin password is used to log in to the router's web-based setup page for configuration or verification purposes while the wireless password is used to connect wireless devices to your wireless home network or hotspot.

What is the default router username and password?

The most common default username is admin, and its most common password is either admin or password. Change the default password from the Router Admin Console. Using your computer or mobile device, open a web browser.

If you have the username and password for your access point, then you effectively have administrative access and can configure and set up access for any of your devices on the network. That's why it's so important to always change this default username and password.

To know about admin



Which are examples of types of audio media that can support a presentation? Check all that apply.1. music2. recordings3. movies4. photographs5. podcasts6. sound bites


Examples of audio media that can support a presentation are:


Correct answer: numbers 1, 2, 5 and 6.

These sound media can help keep the audience's attention and can be used to illustrate a point or highlight the importance of a particular topic.

What are sound media?

Sound media are any form of media containing audio, and have been around since the invention of the phonograph in 1877. Since then, sound media have evolved to include technologies such as radio, cassette tape, CD and now digital formats. Music is one of the most popular sound media, and millions of people around the world listen to it every day.

Radio broadcasts are another audio medium that millions of people around the world tune into for news, entertainment and music. Also gaining popularity are audiobooks, which allow readers to listen to their favorite stories instead of reading them.

Learn more about sound media:



marie includes 4096 bytes of memory. if marie memory is divided in four memory banks, how much is each memory bank?


Each memory bank is 1K

What are memory units and their types?

Memory is also used by a computer's operating system, hardware, and software. There are technically two types of computer memory: primary and secondary. The term memory is used as a synonym for primary memory or as an abbreviation for a specific type of primary memory called random access memory (RAM).

How much memory is 4096?

A gigabyte is 1024 megabytes. 4096 MB equals 4 GB, which is less than 8 GB.

What are the 3 types of computer memory?

Computer memory is a generic term for all of the different types of data storage technology that a computer may use, including RAM, ROM, and flash memory.

Thus, each memory bank is 1K

To know more about computer memory units:



how you apply internet protocol security (ipsec) and secure sockets layer/transport layer security (ssl/tls) in a virtual private network (vpn) solution can affect vpn performance.


The statement " how you apply internet protocol security (IPsec) and secure sockets layer/transport layer security (SSL/tls) in a virtual private network (vpn) solution can affect vpn performance" is True.

What is a virtual private network?

Users can send and receive data across shared or public networks using a virtual private network, which extends a private network across the latter and makes it appear as though their computer devices are directly connected to the former. The ability to create a secure network connection when using public networks is known as a virtual private network or VPN.

Your internet traffic is encrypted by VPNs, which also mask your online identity. Third parties will find it more challenging to monitor your internet activity and steal data as a result. Specifically created to support network communications in a VPN environment, a VPN router is a sort of routing device.

To learn more about a virtual private network, use the link given

what is the on-premises, cloud-based software tool that sits between an organization and a cloud service provider called?


A cloud access security broker (CASB), a software item or service, lies between a business's on-premises infrastructure and a cloud provider's architecture.

What is software?

Software is defined as a group of guidelines, facts, or software used to run machines and carry out particular activities. The entirety of a computer system's programs, functions, and routines are collectively referred to as software.

A cloud-based utility is software that employs cloud application technology to give up-to-date information to all users while centrally storing data. The application is frequently accessed online or through an app, and the data is typically kept on distant servers.

Thus, a software product or service known as a cloud access security broker (CASB) sits in between a company's on-premises infrastructure and a cloud provider's infrastructure.

To learn more about software, refer to the link below:



which of the following contains most of the characteristics of a public good? a. education b. trash collection c. a public library d. fire protection


Fire protection contains most of the characteristics of a public good.

What do you mean by public static keywords?

The Java application's main method is created by using the keyword public static void main. Java's static keyword is mostly used to control memory. Variables, methods, blocks, and nested classes are all compatible with the static keyword. Rather of being an instance of the class, the static keyword belongs to the class. The program's primary method, calls all other methods.

For difficult command-line processing, it accepts parameters but cannot return values. The term "public" denotes that classes in other packages will be able to access the method. Static methods have no "this" and are not associated with any particular instance. It serves a function, essentially.

To learn more about public static keywords, use the link given

queues are frequently used by network devices such as routers. discuss how a router might use a queue and whether they are likely to use priority queues and why or why not?


Routers must have a queuing method that controls how packets are buffered or dropped for the resource allocation processes. Here, the router uses priority queues for more efficient work.

Routers are crucial networking tools that control how data is transmitted over a network. The input and output interfaces on routers are where packets are received and sent, respectively. A router may run out of room to store recently arrived packets because its memory is limited. This happens if the rate at which packets arrive is higher than the rate at which they leave the router's memory. New packets are either discarded or ignored in such a scenario. Routers must have some sort of queuing discipline that controls how packets are buffered or dropped as needed as part of the resource allocation processes.

Instead of using a single queue, the router divides the memory into several queues according to some metric of priority in priority queuing. Following that, each queue is handled via FIFO, with each queue being cycled through one at a time. Depending on their priority, the queues can be set to High, Medium, or Low.

When the outgoing link's capacity is exceeded by the rate at which packets are arriving, queuing occurs at the output port. When the rate of arriving packets exceeds the switch's capacity, queueing occurs on an input port; head-of-the-line blocking can also result in queueing at the input ports.

To learn more about Priority Queues click here:



using the what-if function in excel to make a decision is considered a type of __________.


Using the what-if function in Excel to make a decision is considered a type of decision support system.

For, this type of system uses analytics techniques such as data mining and predictive analytics to help decision makers identify trends and correlations in their data that they can use to make better decisions.

What is the What-If function in Excel?

The What-If function in Excel is a powerful tool that lets you analyze the impact of changing variables in a formula. It allows you to input different values for variables in a formula and see the results for each different set of values.

This is useful for analyzing a variety of scenarios and predicting the effects of changes, helping them make better choices for their business.

Learn more about the What-If function in Excel:



Grade Co... ▶ Da'yana Stover - Aerospace Engineering.pdf
Come famous astronaut, TING NOW Amourong, were also durospace ongmoor
1. Which one of the following is NOT a type of machine that an
aeronautical engineer would work on?
a. Zeppelin
b. Jet
c. Space shuttle,
d. Airplane


The answer is Space shuttle.


The correct answer is c. Space shuttle, shuttle.


An aeronautical engineer would not work on a space shuttle because space shuttles are designed and built by aerospace engineers, not aeronautical engineers.

Aeronautical engineers focus on designing and building aircraft that operate within Earth's atmosphere, such as airplanes, helicopters, and zeppelins. Aerospace engineers, on the other hand, focus on designing and building spacecraft that operate outside of Earth's atmosphere, such as satellites, space stations, and space shuttles.

Therefore, the answer is c. Space shuttle, shuttle because it is not a type of machine that an aeronautical engineer would work on. The other choices (a. Zeppelin, b. Jet, and d. Airplane) are all types of machines that an aeronautical engineer might work on.

a testing methodology where the test cases are mostly derived from examining code and the detailed design is known as:


A testing methodology where the test cases are mostly derived from examining code and the detailed design is known as: White Box Testing.

What is white box testing?

White-box testing is a type of software testing that examines an application's internal logic or operations rather than just its functionality. Designing test cases for white-box testing involves looking at the system from within. White box testing is a testing method where software's internal design, coding, and structure are examined to ensure input-output functionality and enhance design and security.

White-box testing is a methodology that enables testers to explore and validate software systems' internal workings (code, infrastructure, and integration with external systems). In contrast to black box testing and other software testing techniques, white box testing can find bugs.

Statement, branch, and function coverage are the three primary categories of white box testing techniques and methods that are connected to code coverage.

To learn more about white box testing, use the link given

Using the what-if function in excel to make a decicion is considered a type of __________.


Decision analysis is a systematic approach to evaluating and choosing among alternative courses of action. The what-if function in Excel can be used to perform a basic form of decision analysis by allowing you to see the potential outcomes of different decisions. This can be useful for making informed choices and identifying the best course of action based on the available information.

The what-if function in Excel allows you to perform "what if" scenarios, which allow you to see how different inputs or assumptions can affect the outcome of a calculation. For example, you can use the what-if function to see how changes in interest rates or sales projections might impact your bottom line. This function can be useful for planning and decision-making, as it allows you to quickly and easily evaluate different scenarios and see the potential consequences of your decisions.

Learn more about if function, here https://brainly.com/question/10307135


What is the shortcut for select?


Answer: Control A


which classification of money describes money that can be accessed quickly and easily, and includes coins and paper money as well as checks? multiple choice m-1 m-2 m-3 m-4


Money that can be promptly and easily appraised falls under the M1 Money classification.

What are broad and narrow money, respectively?

Broad money typically refers to M2, M3, and/or M4. The most liquid kinds of money, such as currency (banknotes and coins), as well as bank account balances that may be instantly changed into currency or used for cashless transactions, are generally referred to as "narrow money" (overnight deposits, checking accounts).

Describe Narrow Money.

All of the actual money that the central bank has falls under the category of "narrow money," which is a subset of the money supply. Demand deposits, money, and other liquid assets are included. In the US, "narrow money" is referred to as M1 (M0 plus demand accounts).

To know more about Money classification visit:-



a(n) network is characterized by high levels of communication; every team member communicates with every other team member.


An all-channel network is characterized by high levels of communication; every team member communicates with every other team member. This communication network has quick communication and average accuracy.

This group enables active communication between members of all group levels.  The formation of a leader typically does not occur in all-channel groups, and member satisfaction is high. This is the typical framework for communication in self-managed teams, where everyone participates and no one assumes a leadership position.

Users utilize a variety of techniques called networks to share important information. The network of communication is the culmination of all the tools and techniques used by a company to communicate.

Communication isn't merely a one-on-one interaction when one person decides to start a conversation. Other components, components involving more than one individual, can be found in organizational communication.

Employees who all work in the same department, for instance, can communicate with one another utilizing the all-channel network.

To learn more about communication network click here:



mary has connected all her digital gadgets (laptops, digital camera, printer) in her room using a wireless device. what wireless device is mary using to connect all equipments?


Mary is using a router to connect all equipment

What allows you to connect multiple devices wirelessly?

A router is a hardware device that allows you to connect several computers and other devices to a single Internet connection, which is known as a home network. Many routers are wireless, which allows you to create a home wireless network, commonly known as a Wi-Fi network.

What is a WiFi router?

A router is a device that provides Wi-Fi and is typically connected to a modem. It sends information from the internet to personal devices like computers, phones, and tablets. These internet-connected devices in your home make up your Local Area Network (LAN).

What is the router used for?

A router is a device that connects two or more packet-switched networks or subnetworks. It serves two primary functions: managing traffic between these networks by forwarding data packets to their intended IP addresses and allowing multiple devices to use the same Internet connection.

Thus, the router is the correct answer

To know more about routers:



the ability to extract, manipulate, and format text using pattern action statements belongs to which command below?


The capability to extract, manipulate, as well as format text using pattern action statements:
Regular Expressions (or "RegEx").

What is command?
A command is an instruction given by a user to a computer program to perform a specific task. Commands are typically entered into a command line interface, such as a terminal window, or entered into a graphical user interface, such as a menu bar. In both of these cases, the user is entering a command to the computer in order to accomplish a task. Commands can come in the form of a single word, such as “copy”, multiple words, such as “copy this file”, or even a complex set of instructions, such as “copy this file to the other directory and then delete it”. No matter what form the command takes, the computer will interpret it and carry out the task as it has been instructed.

To learn more about command

you have a computer that runs windows 10. you upgrade the network adapter driver on the computer. after the upgrade, you can no longer access network resources. you open device manager and see a warning symbol next to the network adapter. you need to restore access to the network resources. what should you do?


What we should do top restore access to the network resources:

1. Roll back the driver to the previous version.2. Uninstall the network adapter and reinstall it.3. Update the network adapter driver to the latest version.4. Restart the computer and check the network connection.

Resolving Network Issues After Upgrading the Network Adapter Driver

Upgrading the network adapter driver on your computer can be a great way to ensure you are getting the most out of your hardware. However, if you encounter any issues after the upgrade, you need to take steps to restore access to network resources. In this essay, we will discuss how to troubleshoot issues related to the network adapter driver, such as a warning symbol, and how to restore access to network resources.

When you encounter a warning symbol next to the network adapter in Device Manager, the first step you should take is to roll back the driver to the previous version. This can be done by right-clicking on the network adapter and selecting “Roll Back Driver” from the context menu. If the roll back fails, then you should try uninstalling the network adapter and reinstalling it. This can be done by right-clicking on the network adapter and selecting “Uninstall Device” from the context menu.

Learn more about network:



What property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?

Question 2 options:

- Isolation
- Hardware Independence
- Partitioning
- Encapsulation


The property of virtualization that allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file is encapsulation.

What is the different types of property of virtualization?

Isolation is to provide a more secure environment for running application as compare to physical system.

Hardware independence is to helps virtual machine move without changing operating system from one computer to another computer.

Partitioning is to provide partitioning of the available resources in physical system.

Encapsulation is provide data bundling which is the entire virtual machine as a single unit, making it easier to move or copy like any files.

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which of the following is a type of security audit? (choose all that apply.) a. automated b. independent c. centralized d. operational The rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as the market rate.a) Trueb) False in the past 150 years, co2 emissions have risen by nearly 50%. what has dramatically increased during this time that has led to this increase in co2? explain how this has occurred. period of repolarization of the neuron during which it cannot respond to a second stimulus A decrease in supply means:a) that more will be supplied at every price.b) that less will be demanded at every price.c) a movement down the supply curve as prices go down.d) a shift to the left of the entire supply curve. What is the message given in the last two lines of the poem? using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic? multiple choice exchange ingratiating pressure When do payments stop in Pure Life (Life-only or straight life) Annuity?A - When annuitant diesB - When payout funds have been exhuasted comparisons of bone size and osteoarthritis between agriculturalists and their hunting and gathering ancestors indicate that agricultural populations generally engaged in more strenuous activities.a. trueb. false Which of these substances contains a compound made up of exactly 2 different types of atom?. Select the correct text in the passage.Which detail foreshadows the central idea that Frantz's world about to change?(1) For a moment I thought of staying away from school and wandering about the fields. It was such a warm, lovely day. I could hear the blackbirds whistling on the edge of the wood,and in the Rippert field, behind the sawmil, the Prussians going through their drill All that was much more temptingme than the rules concerning participles; but I had the strength toresist, and I ranlast as / could to school. As I passed the Mayor's office, I saw that there were people gathered about the little board on which notices were posted. For two years allour bad news had come from that board-battles lost, conscriptions, orders from headquarters; and I thought without stopping:(2) What can it be now?"(3) Then, as I ran across the square, Wachter the blacksmith, wha stood there with apprentice, reading the placard, called out to me: tO(4) "Don't hurry so, my boy, you'll get to your school soon enough!"(5) I thought that he was making fun of me, and I ran into Monsieur Hamel's little yard all out of breath. Which would be the least useful for making an interpretation of events leading to the american revolution? Find the demand function for the marginal revenue function. recall that if no items are sold, the revenue is 0. R(x)=0.06x20.05x+138 Question 4 pls help!!!!!!!Answer choices:A) construct a perpendicular line to a point not on the lineB) copy a segment C)copy an angleD) bisect and angle 1. it has been noted that heat transfer in gas-metal arc welding is higher than in shielded-metal arc welding. explain why this would be the case. which process would lead to more heat-affected zone cracking in hardened steels? 5. Explain why 0.3 x 0.9=2.7. What is the correct answer? Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees' health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. True False ray is a homeless person with a serious drug problem, and both his parents have been diagnosed with schizophrenia (as has ray). in addition, he had a very difficult upbringing. thus, ray has characteristics that contribute to his disorder on many levels of functioning. ray's situation best exemplifies which theoretical approach to psychological disorders? multiple choice question. biopsychosocial behavioral biological sociocultural Dow Closed at 19634.53, up 125.50 what is the return on stock Each of 5 students reported the number of movies they saw in the past year. This is what they reported. 4, 20, 12, 20, 19Find the median and mean number of movies that the students saw.If necessary, round your answers to the nearest tenth.