ways that Canada and Australia can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.


Answer 1

Answer:using gas

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

(a³ + 15a² +59a + 12) ÷ (a + 7)



(a + 7)(a² + 15a + 59) + 0 = a³ + 15a² + 59a + 12

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this problem, we can use the long division method.

First, we need to divide the first term of the dividend, which is a³, by the first term of the divisor, which is a. This gives us a quotient of a² with a remainder of 0. We write this as follows:
a³ + 15a² + 59a + 12

a + 7 |


a²  | 0

Next, we multiply the divisor by the quotient and subtract it from the dividend, giving us a new dividend of 15a² + 59a + 12. We write this as follows:

a³ + 15a² + 59a + 12

a + 7 |


a²  | 0

 -  |

a²  | 15a² + 59a + 12

Next, we divide the first term of the new dividend, which is 15a², by the first term of the divisor, which is a. This gives us a quotient of 15a with a remainder of 0. We write this as follows:
a³ + 15a² + 59a + 12

a + 7 |


a²  | 0

 -  |

a²  | 15a² + 59a + 12


   | 15a | 0

Next, we multiply the divisor by the quotient and subtract it from the dividend, giving us a new dividend of 59a + 12. We write this as follows:

a³ + 15a² + 59a + 12

a + 7 |


a²  | 0

 -  |

a²  | 15a² + 59a + 12


   | 15a | 0

    -  |

   15a | 59a + 12

Finally, we divide the first term of the new dividend, which is 59a, by the first term of the divisor, which is a. This gives us a quotient of 59 with a remainder of 0. We write this as follows:
a³ + 15a² + 59a + 12

a + 7 |


a²  | 0

 -  |

a²  | 15a² + 59a + 12


   | 15a | 0

    -  |

   15a | 59a + 12


      | 59 | 0

Since the remainder is 0, this means that the expression (a³ + 15a² + 59a + 12) is divisible by (a + 7). Therefore, the quotient is:

a³ + 15a² + 59a + 12

a + 7


a² + 15a + 59

We can check our answer by multiplying the divisor by the quotient and adding the remainder (which is 0), and verifying that the result is equal to the original dividend
(a + 7)(a² + 15a + 59) + 0 = a³ + 15a² + 59a + 12

What is to 4285 feet in yards



1428.33333 yards

Step-by-step explanation:

1 foot = 0.33333 yards

4285 feet = 4285*0.33333 = 1428.33333 yards

Help! Show work please thank you!


The correct statement is:

x= 125, 180 - (63+62) =55 and 180-55=125

What are interior angles?

An Interior Angle is an angle inside a shape.

The basic polygonal shape of a triangle has three sides and three interior angles. It is one of the fundamental shapes in geometry . It has three connected vertices. Triangles can be divided into a variety of categories according on their sides and angles.

The sum of the diagonal internal angles in a triangle determines its outer angle.

And also,

In a triangle, the sum of the interior angles is always 180°.

So, x= 125 ( Because 63+62=125 ) , 180 - (63+62) =55 and 180-55=125

To learn more about the interior angles from the given link



show work


The verbal expression of 0.25r+0.6s is 0.25 multiplied by r plus 0.6 multiplied by s

What is an algebraic expression?

An algebraic expression can be described as an expression that is made up of coefficients, factors, terms, constants and variables.

These expressions are also known to be made up of some arithmetic and mathematical operations, which includes;

SubtractionMultiplicationDivisionAdditionBracketParentheses, etc

Examples of algebraic expressions:

2x + y

3x + 7

4z + 1

Given the expression:


It is written in words as;

0.25 multiplied by r plus 0.6 multiplied by s

Hence, algebraic expressions are made up of constants and terms

Learn more about algebraic expressions here:



Complete question:

0.25r+0.6s. What is the verbal expression

b. What percent of the votes does the least popular mascot receive?
The least popular mascot receives
Explain your reasoning.
BI U T² T₂
% of the votes.
c. There are 124 votes total. How many votes does tiger receive?
Tiger receives


Yes it is c because the total is that and have a lovely day Ehehe Ehehe. E r. R r r r

Describe the end behavior of the function -2x^3-13x^2+8x+52



[tex]\text{as x} \to \infty, \ \text{y} \to -\infty\\\\\text{as x} \to -\infty, \ \text{y} \to \infty[/tex]

Rises to the left; falls to the right



The leading term is what determines the end behavior of any polynomial function.

Given polynomial:   -2x^3-13x^2+8x+52Leading term: -2x^3

The leading term has the largest exponent. The other terms will have no effect on the end behavior.

As x gets really large in the positive direction, so does x^3. But the -2 out front will flip to have y go to negative infinity.

Therefore:  [tex]\text{as x} \to \infty, \ \text{y} \to -\infty[/tex]

We can informally think of this as "falls to the right".


As x heads to the left, x^3 becomes further negative. But -2 out front makes -2x^3 to be positive.

So [tex]\text{as x} \to -\infty, \ \text{y} \to \infty[/tex] aka "rises to the left".

Whatever x does, y does the opposite. If x goes positive, then y goes negative and vice versa.


The end behavior is therefore

[tex]\text{as x} \to \infty, \ \text{y} \to -\infty\\\\\text{as x} \to -\infty, \ \text{y} \to \infty[/tex]

x and y are opposite.

We can summarize that notation as saying "rises to the left, falls to the right".

See the graph below. I used GeoGebra to make the graph, but you can use Desmos or any other tool you prefer.

What is the measure of


Answer: c, 84

Step-by-step explanation:

You roll a 10 ided die. What i the probability of rolling a even number and le than 4?


On rolling a standard die , the probability of getting a even number and less than 4 is  1/6 .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

a standard die is rolled ,

the total outcomes is {1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6} .

the even numbers are {2,4,6} .

and the outcome that are less than 4 is only {2} .

so , the number of favorable outcome is only 1 .

and total number of outcome is 6 ;

So , the probability is = (favorable outcome)/(total outcome)

Substituting the value from above ,

we get ,

probability is = 1/6 .

Therefore , the required probability is  1/6 .

The given question is incomplete , the complete question is

You roll a standard die. What is the probability of getting a even number and less than 4 ?

Learn more about Probability here



Josiah is going to invest $4,800 and leave it in an account for 6 years. Assuming the interest is compounded daily, what interest rate, to the nearest tenth of a percent, would be required in order for Josiah to end up with $5,400?




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the equation for compound interest

[tex]A = P(1 + \frac{r}{n})^{nt}[/tex]

[tex]5400 = 4800(1 + \frac{r}{365})^{(365)(6)}\\5400/4800 = 4800(1 + \frac{r}{365})^{(365)(6)}/4800\\1.125 = (1 + \frac{r}{365})^{2190}\\\sqrt[2190]{1.125} = \sqrt[2190]{ (1 + \frac{r}{365})^{2190}} \\1.0000537836544 = 1 + \frac{r}{365} \\1.0000537836544 -1 = 1 + \frac{r}{365} -1\\.0000537836544 = \frac{r}{365}\\(.0000537836544)(365) = ( \frac{r}{365})(365)\\.019631 = r[/tex]

Find the value of the discriminant for the quadratic equation. Then describe the number and type of roots for the equation. Use the
words rational, irrational, or complex to describe the roots.
x² - 8x + 16 = 0


The roots of the quadratic equation x² - 8x + 16 = 0 are real and equal which is 4.

What is the solution to the equation?

The allocation of weights to the important variables that produce the calculation's optimum is referred to as a direct consequence.

It is a method for dividing a polynomial into pieces that will be multiplied together. At this moment, the polynomial's value will be zero.

The quadratic equation is given below.

x² - 8x + 16 = 0

The value of the discriminant is given as,

D = b² - 4ac

D = (-8)² - 4(1)(16)

D = 64 - 64

D = 0

The roots of the equation are calculated as,

x² - 8x + 16 = 0

x² - 4x - 4x + 16 = 0

x(x - 4) - 4(x - 4) = 0

(x - 4)(x - 4) = 0

x = 4, 4

The roots of the quadratic equation x² - 8x + 16 = 0 are real and equal which is 4.

More about the solution of the equation link is given below.



How do you solve a 3 step word problem?


The steps to solve a word problem are to read, plan and solve the problem.

1. Read: After reading the issue, decide what the question is trying to get to.

Read the issue at least twice.

Highlight or highlight important words, phrases, and numbers. Put an end to unimportant information.

2. Plan: Consider what the narrative is requesting of you. What facts are provided to you, and what do you need to learn?

Make a drawing.

Keywords may be underlined or circled. (Use crayons or highlighters to color-code important numbers and words.)

Put your own words in the question's place.

3. Solve: Which approach—addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division—could you use to uncover the information that is missing?

Create and solve a numerical sentence.

Employ counters.

Produce charts

For more information on word problems kindly visit to



How do you write a function from a function table?


A function is a mathematical expression that describes the relationship between an input and an output.

The function table is a visual, graded table with cells for input and cells for output that are organized into rows and columns.

Function tables have three variables components. There is the input, the function and the output. Function tables are created so that one of the three components is unknown and the other two serve as the clues to solving the table.

The rule of a function table is the mathematical operation that describes the relationship between the input and the output. The rule must be consistently applied to all input/output parts.

A traditional function table is made using two rows, with the top row being the input cells and bottom row being the ouput celss. Each column represents a signal input/output relationship.

To know more about function table here



Where d is the distance traveled by an object moving at speed r in time t
Find d if r = 10 m/sec. t = 15 sec.

A) 5m
C) 150m​



Option C is the correct answer

C) 150 m

Step-by-step explanation:

Speed = Distance ÷ Time

Distance = Speed × Time

d = 10 × 15

d = 150 m

Thus, The speed of the object is 150 m.



Step-by-step explanation:

Speed = Distance /Time 

10= d/155

d= 150m

The measure of one acute angle of a right triangle is 6 less than twice the measure of the other acute angle. Find the measure of each acute angle.


The measure of each of the acute angles of the right triangle is 32° and 58°.

A right triangle is a kind of triangle which has a right angle (90°) and two acute angles (less than 90°).

Let x = measure of one of the acute angles

If the measure of one acute angle of a right triangle is 6 less than twice the measure of the other acute angle, then

measure of the other acute angle = 2x - 6

The sum of all the angles of any triangle is equal to 180°. Hence,

90° + x + 2x - 6 = 180°

Solve for the value of x.

3x = 96

x = 32

Solve for the measure of the other acute angle.

2x - 6 = 2(32) - 6 = 58

Hence, the two angles are 32° and 58°.

Learn more about right triangles here: https://brainly.com/question/1635412


what is the probability????


The probability is…… 0.02

Find how many years it takes for money to quadruple when invested at an annual interest rate of 1.8% compounded continuously.



It takes 38.5 years for money to quadruple when invested at an annual interest rate of 1.8% compounded continuously.

(5 * (4/5) ^ 2 * (3/5))/3

I’m looking for a step by step explanation for the answer in fraction form?




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{5*(\frac{4}{5})^{2}*\frac{3}{5} }{3}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{\frac{5}{1} *\frac{16}{25}*\frac{3}{5} }{3}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{\frac{5*16*3}{1*25*5} }{3}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{\frac{240}{125} }{3}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{\frac{48}{25} }{3}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{48}{25} /\frac{3}{1}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{48}{25} *\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{48*1}{25*3}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{48}{75}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{16}{25}[/tex]

the segments shown below could form a triangle? true or false




Step-by-step explanation:



Square root of 61 is 7.81 and not 12 so the points will not meet

. The perimeter of a rectangle is 50 inches. Its length is 3 times its width. Write and solve equation to determine the length and width of the rectangle. Check your solution.​


18.75 inches is the length of the rectangle and 18.75 inches is the width of rectangle.

What is Area of Rectangle?

The area of Rectangle is length times of width.

The perimeter of a rectangle is 50 inches.



Perimeter=50 inches




Divide both sides by 8




Hence, the length of rectangle is 18.75 inches and width is 6.25 inches.

To learn more on Rectangles click:



answer this please and ty


The solution is Option C.

Number of squares n in a size number s is given by the equation n = 4s + 1

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data ,

Let the equation be represented as A

Now , the value of A is given by

Let the number of squares be = n

Let the size number be = s

Now ,

Figure 1 :

The size number s = 1

The number of squares in the figure 1 is = 5 squares

So , the equation will be n = 4s + 1

n = 4 x 1 + 1 = 5 squares

Figure 2 :

The size number s = 2

The number of squares in the figure 2 is = 9 squares

So , the equation will be n = 4s + 1

n = 4 x 2 + 1

n = 8 + 1 = 9 squares

Figure 3 :

The size number s = 3

The number of squares in the figure 2 is = 13 squares

So , the equation will be n = 4s + 1

n = 4 x 3 + 1

n = 12 + 1 = 13 squares

Hence , The equation is given by n = 4s + 1 , where n is the number of squares and s is the size number

To learn more about equations click :



i need this quick ??????????????????????????????????????????


The missing terms will be 0.5, 2, and 7.5 respectibily.

What is equivalent ratio?

The concept of a ratio in mathematics is the divisional comparison of two quantities, the antecedent and consequent. As an illustration, each ingredient must be added according to a ratio during cooking. So, we may argue that a ratio is employed to represent one quantity as a portion of another. The ratio can be written as a fraction as well. If the ratio a:b is a fraction, its form is a/b. As a result, it is simple to compare two or more equivalent ratios expressed as equivalent fractions.

1st ratio is 8:16 = 1/2

So the following terms will be 1:0.5

For 4 it will be 4:2.

For15 it will be 15:7.5.

Hence, The missing terms will be 0.5, 2, and 7.5 respectibily.

Learn more about equivalent ratios, by the following link.



Find the values of x and y in the diagram



Step by step explanation

w(n)=4n-3; Find w(n+4)




Step-by-step explanation:

. Explanation: to evaluate w(3n) substitute n=3n into w(n). ⇒w(3n)=4(3n)+2=12n+2.

Which transformations map the strip pattern onto itself?

a horizontal translation, a reflection across a vertical line, a reflection across a horizontal line, a glide reflection, and a 180°

a horizontal translation only

a horizontal translation, a reflection across a horizontal line, and a glide reflection only

a horizontal translation and a 180° rotation only


The transformations that map the strip pattern onto itself is a horizontal translation, a reflection across a vertical line, a reflection across a horizontal line, a glide reflection, and a 180°. Option A is the correct option.

What are the conditions for mapping the strip transformation pattern onto itself?  

The strip pattern can be mapped onto itself in two different ways.

The first way is to translate the strip pattern horizontally and then rotate it by 180° degrees. The second way is to reflect the strip pattern across a vertical line.

Hence, the transformations that map the strip pattern onto itself can be achieved through a horizontal translation, a reflection across a vertical line, a reflection across a horizontal line, a glide reflection, and a 180°.

Learn more about transformations map on



Ivanna runs 6 miles in 44 minutes. At the same rate, how many minutes would she take to run 9 miles?



Step-by-step explanation:

66 minutes

Given the linear function table state the y-intercept. Enter your answer in the box. b: ​


The y - intercept of a linear function is (0, -4).

What is intercepts?

A y-intercept, also known as a vertical intercept, is a point in analytical geometry where the graph of a function or relation intersects the y-axis of the coordinate system, using the convention that the horizontal axis represents a variable x and the vertical axis represents a variable y. Thus,

x = 0 is satisfied at these points.

y - intercept is the point which crosses the y - axis.

Since y - intercept is when x = 0

From the table the first point is x = 0.

Hence, the y - intercept of a linear function is (0, -4).

To know more about intercepts, click on the link



The water level in a swimming pool increased from 4.5 feet to 6 feet what is the percent increase in the water rounded to the nearst tenth of a percent


Answer: 46%

Step-by-step explanation:

A movie theater ha a eating capacity of 151. The theater charge $5. 00 for children, $7. 00 for tudent, and $12. 00 for adult. There are half a many adult a there are children. If the total ticket ale wa $ 1086, How many children, tudent, and adult attended?


According to the given statement, there were 58 children, 29 adults and 64 students.

What is an equation?

Algebraically speaking, an equation is indeed a statement that establishes the equivalence of two mathematical equations.


Let there be x number of children, y number of students and x/2 number of adults. Forming the first equation based on number of students -

x + y + x/2 = 151 : Equation 1

Multiply equation 1 with 2

2x + 2y + x = 302 : Equation 2

3x + 2y = 302 : Equation 3

y = (302 - 3x)/2 : Equation 4

Forming second equation based on cost -

5x + 7y + 12x/2 = 1086 : Equation 5

Rewriting this equation

5x + 7y + 6x = 1086 : Equation 6

11x + 7y = 1086 : Equation 7

Keep the value of y from equation 4 in equation 7

11x + 7(302 - 3x)/2 = 1086

11x + (2114 - 21x)/2 = 1086

22x + 2114 - 21x = 2172

x = 2172 - 2114

x = 58


y = (302 - 3x)/2

y = (302 - 3×58)/2

y = 128/2

y = 64

Number of adults = 58/2

Number of adults = 29

Thus, there were 58 children, 29 adults and 64 students.

To know more about equation visit:



What are equivalent fractions? What are the equivalent fractions of 1/2?


The equivalent fraction is defined below and the few equivalent fractions of 1/2 are 2/4 , 3/6... .

In the question ,

it is given that the fraction is 1/2 .

The Equivalent Fractions are defined as the fractions that have different numerators and denominators but are equal to same value  and

A fraction is a part of the whole ; Equivalent fractions represent the same portion of that whole.

the fraction is 1/2 ,

to find the equivalent fraction , we multiply numerator and denominator by 2 ,

we get , 2/4

on multiplying by 3 , we get

= 3/6 .

Therefore , the equivalent fractions of 1/2 are 2/4 , 3/6 ...

Learn more about Equivalent Fractions here



Are 9(4 2 x) and 36 2 9x equivalent expressions


Yes, the given expressions are equivalent.

What is the equivalent expression?

Expressions that are equivalent do the same thing even when they have distinct appearances. When we enter the same value for the variable, two algebraic expressions that are equivalent have the same value.

We have,

9(4 - x)

and 36 - 9x

Are these equivalent expressions?

9(4 - x) = 36 - 9x

36 - 9x = 36 - 9x

So, LHS = RHS = 36 - 9x

Therefore, the expression 9(4 - x) and 36 - 9x  are equivalent expressions.

Hence, yes the given expressions are equivalent.

To learn more about the equivalent expression visit,



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