video shack's accounts receivable decreases during the year by $8.2 million. what is the amount of cash received from customers during the reporting period if its net sales are $65.0 million? (round your answer to 1 decimal place. enter your answer in millions (i.e., $10,100,000 should be entered as 10.1).)


Answer 1

The amount of cash received during the reporting period is $73.2 million

The account receivables are treated as a current asset and it is recorded and shown on the balance sheet. The total cash collection from customers includes a decrease in account receivables and collection from sales in the current period.

A journal is a thorough account that documents all of a company's financial activities. It is used for account reconciliation in the future and for the transfer of data to other formal accounting records, including the general ledger.

The journal entry is as follows: (amount in millions)

Cash A/c....Dr. $73.2

Accounts receivable A/c.....Cr. $8.2

Sales A/c.....Cr. $65

(Being cash collection from accounts receivables and sales recorded)

Learn more about journal entry:


Related Questions

the portion of the budget variance for variable overhead due to the difference between actual hours required and standard hours allowed for the work done is called the:


The portion of the budget variance for variable overhead due to the difference between actual hours required and standard hours allowed for the work done is called the variable overhead efficiency variance.

What is budget variance?

An accounting phrase known as a budget variation is used to describe situations where actual expenses are either greater or lower than expected or standard costs. An unfavourable, or negative, budget variance is a sign of a budget deficit, which can happen when revenues are lower than expected or costs are higher than expected.

What variations are permitted?

This question can only have the response "It all depends." If you are performing a clearly defined construction task, the deviations may vary from 3-5%. When working in research & development, permissible deviations typically rise to between 10 and 15 percent.

To know more about budget variance, click here-


amber feels that there is no substitute for the true secular brand jeans she is about to buy. what level of price sensitivity might amber be expected to have in this moment?


Amber to have low price sensitivity would possibly amber be anticipated to have on this moment.

The required details about price sensitivity  is mentioned in below paragraph.

Low price sensitivity suggests that customers are inclined to pay the stated fee and may even pay greater for it. The degree facilitates derive the fee of services and products and recognize patron behavior. It empowers your organisation to evaluate how fluctuations in costs have an effect on the call for in your products Price sensitivity is the diploma to which the fee of a product influences customers' shopping behaviors. Generally speaking, it is howcall formodifications with the extrade withinside the value of products.

In economics, price sensitivity is normally measured the usage of the fee elasticity of call for, or the degree of the extrade in call for primarily based totally on its fee extrade. For example, a few customers aren't inclined to pay some greater cents in keeping with gallon for gasoline, in particular if a lower-priced station is nearby.

To learn about price sensitivity visit here.


investors who tend to invest too heavily in the securities issued by their employer suffer from the condition known as:


Investors who tend to invest too heavily in the securities issued by their employer suffer from the condition known as overconfidence.

Why is overconfidence a weakness?Overconfidence can get you into trouble and cause you to exaggerate your capabilities or undervalue the repercussions of a prospective failure. This disregard for your own limitations, which is associated with a propensity to take chances, could get you into trouble or even jeopardize the future of your company.A high degree of self-assurance is typically beneficial for carrying out tasks because it might motivate you to strive for challenging objectives. High levels of confidence might, however, be harmful if they make you less committed to achieving your objectives.

To learn more about overconfidence refer,


Do Massachusetts residents pay sales tax in New Hampshire?


Massachusetts residents are required to pay a 5% "use" tax on any item they buy in New Hampshire and use in Massachusetts under the nearly unenforceable law.

When asked how many Massachusetts taxpayers actually pay this state's 5% "sales/use tax" on their purchases in "tax-free" New Hampshire, Robert Bliss, spokesman for the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, stifles a chuckle. "Two-word response," Bliss replies. Only a precious few. A thankful commonwealth salutes you select few despite severe financial constraints. They have a high degree of honour. They are giving the Commonwealth $3 to $4 million that would not otherwise be in the State's General Fund, according to Bliss. The remainder of us do not yet meet the criteria for sainthood. However, Dustin Pedroia appears to be quite tall in our dens on the 50-inch HDTVs we purchased from Best Buy in Nashua.

learn more about New Hampshire here:


the primary goal for the blue ginger multi-grain blue rice chips campaign should be


The primary goal of the campaign for blue guava inter blue rice chips should be to educate.

What exactly is the goal?

A goal is an aim or aim that someone is attempting to reach. A goal can also be the finish line of a racial group or some such into which a player attempts to place an object as part of the game. Goal can also be used as a noun in other contexts. A goal is an objective or objective toward which you work hard and persistently.

Why are goals important?

Setting objectives can assist us progress in life. Goals provide us with a road map to follow. Even if we fail, goals are a wonderful method of holding ourselves accountable. Setting objectives and working toward them assists us in defining.

To know more about Goals visit:


adjusting available capacity by hiring and firing workers to match demand is an example of a(n) strategy. group of answer choices mixed production. chase demand optimal production. level production


The correct answer to the given question is option b) Chase Demand.

The example of Chase Demand is altering the capacity is to hire and fire personnel to fit demand.

The chasing strategy, level production, make-to-stock, and assemble-to-order are the major techniques used in production planning and control. A strategy for aggregate planning that aims to balance output and supply with changing demand. The technique may result in expenses due to inefficient capacity use during times of low demand, the need to hire or fire people, learning-curve effects, and a potential loss of quality, depending on the product or service involved. Low storage costs and a better capacity to meet customer needs are two benefits. Comparative output level strategy.

To learn more about capacity click here


Cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


Wilma Mankiller is revered and acknowledged as the Cherokee Nation's first female Principal Chief. She is also the first female leader of a significant Native tribe to be chosen. She devoted her remarkable life to defending American Indians' rights.

When Wilma Mankiller returned to Oklahoma in the fall of 1976, the Cherokee Nation recruited him as a coordinator of economic stimulus. She achieved success as a grant writer because to her leader skill in document preparation, and by the early 1980s she was in charge of the Cherokee Nation's newly established Community Development Department. As Director, she created and oversaw creative community programmes that empowered rural residents to recognise their own problems and contribute to their solution through their labour.

To learn more about leader, click here.


Business lab!! need help
A market overview, including a summary of challenges and opportunities
Top three sectors for export, with detail of major items or sub-sectors to consider. (Since this is an imaginary assignment, rather than coming to this research with your product already in mind and ready to export, you will research what product would be best to export to your country of choice. An easier task!)

How to sell US products in this market

A recommendation on whether it is a good time (politically, and economically) to export to this country





Top three sectors for export, with detail of major items  are

Global Oil & Gas Exploration & Production. Global Pharmaceuticals & Medicine Manufacturing. Global Car & Automobile Manufacturing. .

The products are:

Refined PetroleumCrude PetroleumCars

How to sell us products in the international market?

International markets or your own website are your two choices. Alibaba, Etsy, and eBay are examples of international marketplaces where users anticipate purchasing from vendors located in distant nations.

The direct sale of goods and/or services to another nation is known as exporting. It is possibly the least risky and most well-known way to join a foreign market.

Therefore, some global market entry strategies for any kind of product are:

Structured exporting.Licensing and franchising.Direct investment. Buying a business.

Learn more about export from

in a monopsonistic labor market, the employer will maximize profits by employing workers up to that point at which: group of answer choices marginal revenue product equals marginal resource (labor) cost. the wage rate equals marginal resource (labor) cost. the difference between the wage rate and marginal resource (labor) cost is at a maximum. the wage rate equals marginal revenue product.


In a monopsonistic labor market, the employer will maximize profits by employing workers up to that point at which marginal revenue product equals marginal resource (labor) cost.

What is a Monopsonistic Labor market?

A monopsony occurs when a labour market has a single or dominant employer. This means that the employer has negotiating power with potential employees. As a result, they have wage-setting power in the industry labour market.

In a monopsonistic labor market, the employer will maximise profits by hiring workers until the marginal revenue product equals the marginal labor cost. A monopsonist reduces the number of employees it employs in order to pay each employee a lower wage rate.

Therefore, when marginal revenue product equals marginal resource (labor) cost, the employer in the monopsonistic labor market will maximize profit.

To learn more about monopsonistic labor market ,click here:


Professor Patty is very distraught that three students in her class cannot afford to buy the 42-chapter book for the course. The book is used for two semesters, although not all students take the second semester. She finally tells the three students that she will make copies of the first 21 chapters for them, at no charge. Professor Patty makes the copies and gives each chapter to the students prior to her coverage of the relevant chapter in class. If Professor Patty is sued for copyright infringement:


Since she copied entire chunks of the book and a sizable portion of it, Professor Patty would lose in a copyright infringement lawsuit.

How can copyright infringement be stopped legally?

Obtain authorization from the copyright holder or their representative, which may include paying a licensing fee. If copyright work was produced as a result of a contract, take into account using a Transfer of intellectual property paperwork. Copyright infringement is prohibited and becoming simpler to detect. According to your Internet service provider's terms of service, these acts could affect your Internet account, result in legal action being taken against you by copyright holders, and in some situations, they might even constitute violations of federal criminal law.

Copyright does not apply to concepts, systems, or methods of achieving something. However, you should be conscious that this does not safeguard the idea as it exists in your written or artistic work. You are free to express your thoughts through writing or art and to claim your copyright in the description.

To know more about copyright infringement, visit:


aro shoes inc. and mova shoes inc., two competing shoe brands, entered into a strategic alliance to study and acquire each other competencies. aro shoes entered the strategic alliance to acquire the production system pioneered by mova shoes. similarly, mova shoes agreed to the strategic alliance to study the designing process of aro shoes. however, aro shoes was more successful and faster than mova shoes in accomplishing its alliance goal. what does this scenario best illustrate?


Learning Races( The opportunistic behavior of partners trying to learn too much from each other is known as the "learning race.")

What makes an amazing strategic alliance?

In a strategic partnership the companions continue to be independent; percentage the blessings from, dangers in and manage over joint actions; and make ongoing contributions in strategic areas.

What are the main reasons strategic alliances fail?

The basic premise is that  decisions (not) made by management long before the alliance is formed (i.e. during the strategic planning phase and the partner evaluation and selection phase) and long after the alliance is The Alliance fails because it "builds" on failure.

What are the best strategic alliances?

The best strategic alliances are those that bring clear benefits to the audience of both brands. If the partnership appeals to both audiences, both companies can expand their reach and generate more sales.

To know more about strategic alliances visit here:


How closed economy is different from open economy?


A closed economy is one in which there are no economic transactions between entities in the domestic economy and the rest of the world.

In other words, the country's domestic economy is completely isolated from international trade. In a closed economy, there is no foreign investment and all goods and services produced within the economy are consumed domestically.

In contrast, an open economy is one in which there are economic transactions between entities in the domestic economy and the rest of the world. This means that the country's domestic economy is not isolated from international trade and investment.

In an open economy, goods and services produced domestically can be exported to other countries, and goods and services from other countries can be imported into the domestic economy. Foreign investment is also allowed in an open economy.

To know more about economy here


a(n) pricing policy is likely to occur when a retailer's sales staff offers the same products and quantities to different customers at different prices.


When a retailer's sales team provides the same goods in the same quantities to various consumers at various rates, flexible pricing policies are likely to arise.

When selling a product or service, a firm can employ a number of different pricing tactics. Senior executives must first analyse the company's price position, pricing segment, pricing capacity, and competition pricing reaction strategy in order to select the most successful pricing strategy. Pricing strategies and methods vary from business to business, as well as across nations, cultures, and industries. They also alter over time as markets and industries mature and as general economic conditions change. Pricing policies govern the cost that businesses charge for their goods. Pricing can be chosen to maximise profits from either the market as a whole or from each individual item sold. Additionally, it can be used to boost market share inside a market, to protect an existing market from new competitors.

Learn more about policies from


a critical path for a project is the series of activities that determine the earliest time by which the project can be completed. group of answer choices false true


The sequence of tasks that establishes the earliest date by which the project can be finished is known as the critical path. collection of potential solutions is accurate.

A project is any endeavour that is deliberately planned to accomplish a certain goal, whether it is carried out alone or in collaboration with others and may involve research or design. An alternate perspective describes a project as a series of connected tasks that must be completed within specific time, budget, and other constraints. A project could be a transient social structure that is staffed by teams to complete specific tasks within a set amount of time. A project may be used as an ad hoc system or as part of a larger programmer management framework. Be aware that open-source software "projects" and musical "projects" by musicians may not have a defined team, exact planning, or a time limit.

Learn more about project from


What can increase the productivity in a dental office?


using  Automation to Confirm Appointments and Avoid Cancellations

can increase the productivity in a dental office.

Cancellations are the main problem keeping dentists from operating at 100% capacity, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Eliminating cancellations and no-shows need to be a top focus in light of this.

Unavoidable cancellations do happen occasionally. The objective is to be able to quickly fill any cancelled appointments. Send your patients multiple automated appointment reminders far in advance to do that. Patients can then notify you of schedule changes in a timely manner so that you can rebook. Generally, sending a text message with an appointment reminder is the best option because texts have a 98% open rate. However, making phone calls and sending out individual texts both take time. Instead, think about scheduling automated SMS reminders utilizing a platform for mass text messaging.

learn more about American Dental Association here


t/f We can calculate the issue price of a bond as the face amount plus the total periodic interest payments.


We can calculate the issue price of a bond as the face amount plus the total periodic interest payments. TRUE .

Hobby is the rate you pay to borrow cash or the fee you price to lend money. hobby is most often reflected as an annual percent of the amount of a loan. This percentage is called the hobby charge at the loan.

Interest can be earned by creditors for the usage of their price range or paid with the aid of borrowers for using those budget. hobby is frequently considered simple interest (based on the major quantity) or compound interest (based totally on most important and previously-earned hobby).

Interest serves several crucial functions in a marketplace financial system. The maximum apparent is the coordination among savers and debtors; savers are paid interest for putting off their consumption till a future date, whilst debtors must pay hobby to consume extra inside the gift.

Learn more about  interest payments here


What is Accenture's SynOps?


Accenture SynOps is a suite of integrated, cloud-based services that enable companies to automate and optimize their operational processes. It helps organizations to reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance customer experience.

The suite of services includes automation, analytics, monitoring, optimization and process improvement. With Accenture SynOps, organizations can automate mundane and repetitive tasks, such as reconciliation and data entry, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

Additionally, organizations can leverage analytics to identify patterns and trends, and use them to optimize operations. SynOps also helps organizations to monitor their processes, identify any gaps, and proactively address any issues.

Finally, it helps organizations to improve processes by leveraging process improvement methodologies and best practices.

To know more about SynOps here


suppose that a government that is skeptical of efforts to regulate prices charged by private companies is nevertheless concerned that a natural gas utility company is taking advantage of consumers with unfair pricing policies.


Predatory pricing is the illegal act of setting costs low to try to remove the competition. Predatory pricing violates antitrust laws, as it makes markets charge gouging is an example of an unethical pricing strategy.

A agency may additionally increase prices of gadgets which can be briefly in high demand. this is once in a while visible in the wake of emergency situations whilst the fee of plywood jumps after a flood, even though there may be enough plywood to restore houses.

The rate you set influences your profit margin in step with unit offered, with higher fees providing you with a better profit consistent with object in case you do not lose sales. but, higher expenses that result in lower income volumes can lower, or wipe out, your income, due to the fact your overhead fees according to unit growth as you sell fewer gadgets.

Discrimination is the practice of promoting the exact same product to competing wholesalers or stores at unique fees. that is generally bad (and often illegal) because it creates unfair competition.

Learn more about Predatory pricing here:


research found that employees could overcome fatigue and improve time management if they were motivated by money and job satisfaction. t or f


True: Research found that employees could overcome fatigue and improve time management if they were motivated by money and job satisfaction.

The following are some benefits of motivating employees this way using money: increased feeling of employee empowerment. improved sales for the company, which results in higher wages for workers. increased productivity. In my experience, the terms "motivation" and "work satisfaction" are now frequently employed in the same sentence. There is a distinction. Job satisfaction is a person's emotional reaction to their current employment situation, whereas motivation is the need to pursue and meet one's needs. On the other hand, major extrinsic motivating variables that support job satisfaction include pay, feedback, and rewards.

In reality, research indicates that the only motivation powerful enough to alter behavior is the hope of receiving money soon. However, once an employee has money, the ability to inspire them to work harder.

Learn more about job motivation here:


All else equal, the higher the debt to equity ratio, the higher the risk of bankruptcy.
a. True
b. False


All else equal, the higher the debt to equity ratio, the higher the risk of bankruptcy is true.

What transpires once bankruptcy is declared?

You won't be required to pay back some obligations to your creditors after filing for bankruptcy protection because the court will grant you a discharge. As stated, after you receive a debt discharge, your creditors are prohibited from contacting you or making any sort of effort to collect the debt.

Declaring bankruptcy: Is it a wise move?

Examine your possibilities for debt relief if you're having trouble. However, declaring bankruptcy may be the wisest course of action if your consumer debt—the types of debt indicated above that can be discharged—equals more than half of your income or if it would take you five or more years to pay off your debt even with extreme austerity measures.

To know more about Bankruptcy visit:


a purchaser bought a property for $257,000, put 20% down and borrowed the rest at 6.15% interest for 30 years. the lender charged 1.5 points at the closing. how much was paid for the points?


The purchaser paid 3,084.00 for the points for the property he bought at $257,000.

Purchasing and selling of the property is known as Residential Sales.

An economic indicator that tracks the sales of recently constructed residences is called "new home sales," sometimes known as "new residential sales."

Although new home sales are seen of as a lagging signal of demand, investors continue to closely monitor them for signs of broader economic changes.

Data on new residential sales is based on a sample of homes that is indicative of all home sales and is affected by things like household income, unemployment, and interest rates.

For readers who follow market news, financial journals frequently offer interpretations of the statistics on New Home Sales in their reports. For instance, the Wall Street Journal reported in July 2019 that single-family house purchases had increased by 7% from the month before, which was encouraging news after two months of dropping sales.

To learn more about residential sales click here


to improve your success in step 6 of the sales process, addressing concerns, what techniques are valuable? select all that apply.


The exchange between a salesman and a potential customer constitutes the selling process. In the sales process redressal of grievances along with addressing related concerns plays a vital role in the market success.  

The following techniques can be valuable-

Listen to your customers.Make a concrete suggestion.Be careful not to contest customer complaints.Provide a sincere apology and thank you.Be Respectful When You Reply.Utilize the Proper Tools for Complaint Management.Inform the team about actionable feedback.

Advantages of the sales process-

You can streamline the organizational structure of your sales force to help the sales cycle and identify the main roadblocks.New salespeople will be easier to incorporate.It helps you decide your immediate and long-term goals as well as how each phase of the sales process supports the one that comes after.

To know more about the sales process  click here,


under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of


Under the Equal Pay Act, employers can legally pay different wages to male and female workers based on: primary job responsibilities, seniority or salary system, factors other than gender.

What is equal pay?

As set out in the Equality Act 2010, men and women in the same employment performing equal work must receive equal pay, unless any difference in pay can be justified.

It is the law and employers must follow it. You are at risk of an expensive employment tribunal case and reputational damage if you do not provide equal pay.

Equal pay applies to all contractual terms, not just pay.

What is the purpose of the Equal Pay Act 1963?

Equal pay legislation prohibits sex-based wage differences between men and women who perform work requiring substantially the same skill, training, effort and responsibility in the same workplace and under similar working conditions. All forms of remuneration are covered, including salaries, overtime, bonuses, life insurance, holiday and vacation benefits, cleaning or gas benefits, hotel accommodation, travel and benefits reimbursements.

Learn more about Equal pay at:


How do you promote food and beverage products to guests?


Your accomplishment is demonstrated, and this might open up new prospects both upstream and downstream. It directly results in consumer involvement, allowing you to gather feedback and make improvements. It aids in positioning your business for long-term success in the marketplace.

Making sure that consumers are aware of the presence and placement of items is the primary goal of promotion. Promotion is also used to remind customers of why they would want to buy a product and to convince them that it is superior to similar items on the market. Food presentation contributes to the aesthetic appeal of the meal, which most consumers use to determine if they will enjoy it or what they want to eat. After serving each guest from their right side, go around the table in the sequence of seating arrangements. Request that staff place the glass on a napkin or coaster. They place the beverages on the table's cloth, if it has one.

To learn more about consumer click on the link below:


what is the total return to an investor who buys a bond for $1,100 when the bond has a 9% annual coupon and 5 years until maturity, then sells the bond after 1 year for $1,085? a. 6.82% b. 7.64% c. 6.91% d. 9.00%


The correct answer is C. 6.91%.

To calculate the total return to an investor, we need to calculate the capital gain (or loss) plus the coupon payments received.

In this case, the investor purchased the bond for $1,100 and sold it for $1,085, so the capital gain (or loss) is -$15.

The investor also received 9% in coupon payments, which is $99 (9% of $1,100).

When we add the capital gain (or loss) and coupon payments together, we find the total return to be 6.91% ($99 + (-$15) / $1,100).

An investor is any individual or other entity (such as a business or mutual fund) who invests money with the hope of making a profit.

To know more about investment here


carey company buys land for $50,000 on 12/31/13. as of 3/31/14, the land has appreciated in value to $50,700. on 12/31/14, the land has an appraised value of $51,800. by what amount should the land account be increased in 2014? group of answer choices $1,100 $0 $1,800 $700


Option c. $1800 is the correct answer. The land account should be increased by an amount of $1800

The land is a fixed asset which is used for many years to come, in business.

Since the value of land will be appreciated in future, so we need to increase the value of land as per the appreciated value.

Entry should be debited to the land account and credited to the revaluation reserve account.

Value of land as on 31st December 2013                                                        = $ 50,000

Value of land as on 31st December 2014                                                        = $ 51,800

Increase in value of land in the year 2014 (51800-50000)                                = $ 1,800

Learn more about revaluation account:


how much do you need to invest semiannually into an ordinary annuity earning an annual interest rate of 4.8% compounded semiannually so that you will have $8,177.37 after 9 years?


We need to invest $5335.96 semiannually into an ordinary annuity earning an annual interest rate of 4.8% compounded semiannually so we will have $8177.37 after 9 years.

What does the semi-annual formula mean?

Divide 2% of the $1,000 par value, or $20, by two to determine the semi-annual bond payment. As a result, the bond yields $10 every two years. $10 divided by $900 yields a 1.1% semi-annual bond yield.


FV = PV ( 1 + i )ⁿ

FV, stands for future value

PV, stands for present value

i, stands for period interest rate as decimal

n, stands for number of compounding periods

Here, in this question this amount is given semiannually so our interest will become half 2.4% (0.024) because it is given two times in a year.

$8177.37 = PV ( 1 + 0.024 )⁹ˣ²

$8177.37 = PV ( 1.024 )¹⁸

$8177.37 = PV ( 1.5325 )

PV = $5335.96

To know more about the semiannually visit :-


which item would appear in a capital budget? paper supplies food service equipment food costs labor costs


Food service equipment would appear in a capital budget.

The identification of cash inflows and outflows is the main emphasis of capital budgeting. Non-expensive goods like loan principal payments, for instance, are accounted for in capital planning because they are cash flow activities.

A capital budget is made to pay for the organization's assets. The capital budget also takes into consideration potential future cash requirements for equipment and asset purchases.

Capital goods are material resources used by a company to create products and services that consumers will subsequently purchase. Capital goods include things like buildings, machinery, equipment, cars, and tools.

Although they are not finished products in and of themselves, capital goods are used to produce finished commodities. These capital items would be included in the capital budget.

To know more about budget, visit:


what kind of decision-making tool could help develop a recommended system for your firms 1 million visitors


Big data analytics is a type of decision making tool that could help you develop a recommended system for your firm's website which has 50,000 visitors a month.

Big data analytics is the application of cutting-edge analytical methods to very large, heterogeneous data sets that comprise structured, semi-structured, and unstructured information. These data sets can range in size from terabytes to zettabytes and come from many sources.

Here are a few instances of big data analytics: utilizing analytics to comprehend consumer behavior and enhance the user experience. predicting future trends to help corporate decision-makers. enhancing marketing initiatives by identifying what is effective and what is not.

Learn more about big data analytics here


why is the management and regulation of information technology a challenge for the governments and businesses


Finding the right balance between harnessing information technology's advantages and managing its potential risks is difficult since governments and enterprises frequently lack a strong understanding of one another.

Governments must work to keep up with the rapid advancement of technology while also ensuring that the public is safeguarded.  If society wants to fully benefit from technology without jeopardizing people's security and safety, cooperation will be required.

The information technology that companies utilize is essential to their operations. Information technology serves as the conduit for any firm, managing remote workers, automating workflow operations, and performing a digital shift to the cloud. Business operations may encounter technical issues that lead to lost productivity and information security vulnerabilities in the absence of a secure IT infrastructure.

To know more about information technology click here,


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