using prior sales and communication activities to determine the present communication budget describes which method of imc budgeting?


Answer 1

The current communication budget is determined using general approaches using previous sales and marketing efforts. To calculate the current communication budget, use previous sales and communication activity.

Organizations must understand in order to choose the optimal strategies for contacting various target markets. Except for the supply chain, all of these are IMC process channels. public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, and advertising. The messages and channels that marketers employ to communicate with their target markets are known as marketing communications.

The components of an IMC strategy can be categorized along two axes- offline and online and passive and interactive.Catalog-based direct marketing is seen as a passive strategy.

To learn more about  sales and communication from given link


Related Questions

budgeted sales 30,000 sets per year sales price $ 5 per set variable costs $ 3 per set fixed costs $ 10,000 per set year the margin of safety for ddd is:


The margin of safety for DDD is:

Budgeted sales 30,000 sets per year

Sales price $ 5 per set

Variable costs $ 3 per set

Fixed costs $ 10,000 per set year.

What is sales ?A transaction between a buyer and a seller in which the seller sells intangible or tangible goods, assets, or services for money is known as a sale. A sale is he made between two or more parties. In a broader sense, a sale can be  understood as a contract between her two or more parties, a buyer and a seller. In general business, a sale is a transaction that exchanges ownership of goods or the right to services for money or value.In the context of accounting, revenue refers to a company's earnings from the sale of products or services (net sales). Sales means the exchange of goods, goods, services or supplies for money.It's about helping potential customers and clients  by listening to them, understanding their wants and needs, and helping them find  what they're looking for.

To learn more about sales  from the given link :


among borrowers and lenders, who benefits from very high inflation or unexpected inflation and who is negatively impacted by very high inflation or unexpected inflation? explain why.


Unexpected inflation benefits borrowers since the amount they repay is less valuable than the amount they borrowed.

Who benefits more the lender or the borrower?Lenders gain from borrowers waiting longer to pay off their debts as long as those borrowers continue to make their monthly payments. The lender loses at least some interest when a borrower pays off a loan in full before the due date.Unexpected inflation hurts lenders because the money they receive in repayment has lower buying power than the money they put out. Unexpected inflation benefits borrowers since the amount they repay is less valuable than the amount they borrowed.Debtors profit the most from inflation since more individuals need to borrow money from them to keep up with rising commodity costs.

To learn more about Lenders gain refer to:


a perfectly competitive firm is earning an economic profit when: group of answer choices a) p > atc b) p > avc c) p < atc d) mr < mc


When P > ATC, the business is the only one that can make an economic profit, making P=MC the ideal point for the competitive producer. As a result, a competitive firm only makes an economic profit if P> ATC.

A hypothetical market system is referred to as perfect competition. The perfect competition offers a valuable model for illustrating how supply and demand influence pricing and behavior in a market economy, despite perfect competition seldom occurring in actual markets.

There are numerous buyers and sellers in a market with perfect competition, and prices always reflect supply and demand. Companies only make as much money as is necessary to stay in operation. Other businesses would enter the market and reduce revenues if they were to make excessive profits.

To know more about economic profits click here,


we can calculate the issue price of a bond as the face amount plus the total periodic interest payments.


True - We can calculate the issue price of a bond as the face amount plus the total periodic interest payments.

The periodic desk, also known as the periodic desk of the (chemical) factors, is a rows and columns association of the chemical elements. it's miles broadly used in chemistry, physics, and other sciences, and is typically seen as an icon of chemistry. it's miles a photo method of the periodic regulation, which states that the homes of the chemical elements show off an approximate periodic dependence on their atomic numbers. The desk is split into four kind of rectangular regions known as blocks. The rows of the desk are called intervals, and the columns are known as corporations. elements from the equal group of the periodic table show comparable chemical traits.

LEarn more about periodic


which is the best action when a student's paperwork catches fire, causing the entire bench-top to become engulfed in flames?


Assuming that your dress is on fire, STOP, DROP and ROLL on the ground to extinguish the flames.

To let others know that you have a problem, yell "stop, drop, and roll" right away. The fire blanket should be quickly distributed over you by other students.

Assuming that your dress is on fire, STOP, DROP and ROLL on the ground to extinguish the flames. You can use a fire blanket or safety shower instead if you are within a few feet of one. However, if you are on fire, you should not try to get "just down the hall." If one of your coworkers starts a fire and starts running down the hallway in a panic, get close to them and put out their clothes.

To know more about extinguish flames, visit:-


why do you think people spend so much money on their wants despite the financial costs?


Many individuals believe their wishes to be their needs.

What kinds of things are needs?

A need is something that is considered to be a necessary or vital to have. Examples include shelter, food, and water. A want is an unnecessary yet wanted object or things that improve quality of life.

Which kind of term is required?

Need is a semi-modal verb because it resembles a modal verb in some ways and a primary verb in others. You don't need to take off your shoes. We use need most often in the negative form to indicate that something is not required or required of you.

To know more about needs visit:


The expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business.


According to the question the expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business is Debt financing.

Is debt financing a loan?

Money is acquired and then returned with interest in debt finance. The most common form of debt financing is a loan. The company's activities may occasionally be constrained by debt finance, which can prevent it from exploiting opportunities outside of its core business.

How is debt financing carried out?

Debt financing is the process by which a business raises capital by offering debt securities, most frequently taking the form of bonds or bank loans. Leverage in finance is a common term for this kind of financing. The corporation promises to pay back the loan and pays interest as a consequence of taking on extra debt.

To learn more about debt financing visit:


roth iraspao apparel has a current stock price of $43.50. the company paid $1.80 in dividends this year, and dividends are expected to grow at 4% per year. if you have a required return of 9%, what is spao worth to you? would you buy spaos stock? (tip: use the discounted dividend valuation model) question 7 options: $43.50, maybe yes or no. it is indifferent. $46.8, yes, because it is cheap. $20.8, no, because it is expensive. $37.44, no, because it is expensive.


If you have required return of 9%, Spao is worth $46.8 because it is cheap to you.

What is required return?

The minimum return an investor will take for owning a company's shares, in exchange for a specific amount of stock-holding risk, is known as the required rate of return (RRR). To assess the profitability of new investment projects, the RRR is widely employed in corporate finance. The RRR is a subjective minimum rate of return, thus a retiree will take a lower return than an investor who just finished college and may have a higher appetite for risk. Retirees may also have lower risk tolerances than younger investors. The investor must also take their cost of capital, the return offered by other competing investments, and inflation into account when calculating the RRR in order to improve its usability.

To learn more about rate of return, visit:


what was the original motivation for developing the internet? a. technical innovation b. entrepreneurial ambition c. military-government project d. popular demand for a more democratic medium of communication


The original motivation for developing the internet was to use it as a military government project.

Usually when something is created credit goes to a single person or maybe a group of notable people. But in the case of the creation of the internet, the credit cannot be given to a single person or even a group of few people but it was the hard work of many engineers, scientists, coders, and programmers.

While the invention of the old internet or the World Wide Web in 1999, can be credited to Tim Berners Lee the credit for the modern internet cannot. Most people refer to the World Wide Web or as it is commonly referred to as www, the internet as a whole. But it is only a source or a medium to access the internet.

The internet started off as a place to share information in the 60s, more precisely as a way for government researchers to share information.

Learn more about the internet here


what is the purpose of the life and health insurance guaranty corporation underwrites high-risk insurance


The purpose of the Insurance Guaranty corporation is to protect the policyholders when an insurance company becomes insolvent.

What is an insurance guarantee association?

A guaranty association is an organisation that fills the shoes of the failed insurer in the event of an insurance company failure in order to provide specific ongoing benefits and/or handle covered claims. However, guaranty groups do not cover all kinds of insurance policies or claims.

What does a guarantee fund serve?

Guaranty Fund mandated by law in each state, guaranty funds are kept up to date by the insurance commissioner of the state to safeguard policyholders in the event that an insurer goes bankrupt or is unable to pay its debts.

To know more about guaranty association, click here-


according to the model developed by katz and kochan, at which level does the management make basic choices such as whether to work with its unions or to devote its efforts to developing nonunion operations?


The management level at which basic choices such as whether to work with its unions or to devote its efforts to developing non union operations is the strategic level.

At this level, management makes decisions about the organization’s future direction and objectives and how best to achieve them.

Management is the process of planning and organising the resources and activities of a business to achieve specific goals in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

Efficiency in management refers to the completion of tasks correctly and at minimal costs.

To know more about management here


which class members likely consider themselves the real workers and those above them practically inexperienced?


The working class likely consider themselves the real workers and those above them practically inexperienced.

The socioeconomic phrase "working class" is used to refer to people who work in positions with low income, little skill requirement, or physical labor. Working-class jobs typically have lower educational requirements. Those who are unemployed or receiving social assistance frequently belong to the working class.

The "proletariat," as the working class was referred to by Karl Marx, was ultimately responsible for producing the goods and rendering the services that contributed to a society's wealth.

The working class is defined by Marxists and socialists as people who have nothing to sell but their labor and abilities. In that sense, those who earn their living via business ownership and the labor of others are the only ones who are not considered to be part of the working class. This includes both white-collar and blue-collar workers, manual and menial laborers of all kinds.

To know more about real workers click here,


productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by ______ for a specified period of time.


The ratio of outputs to inputs during a certain time period is used to determine productivity.

What does productivity outcomes divided by inputs mean?

A typical definition of productivity is the ratio of input volume to output volume. In other respects, it assesses how effectively an economy uses labor and capital as production inputs to create a particular amount of output.

How may benchmarking be applied to boost productivity ?

Organizations can detect performance gaps by starting with performance benchmarking. You may compare prior results to current standards and continually update the standard for better performance by tracking metrics and KPIs inside your company.

To know more about productivity visit:


in the petition of the candlemakers, frédéric bastiat argues that the government of france should impose trade barriers against which foreign competitor?


In the petition of the candlemakers, frédéric Bastiat argues that the government of France should impose trade barriers against the Sun.

The eminent French economist Frederic Bastiat wrote The "Candle Maker's Petition," which is a satire of protectionist taxes. Bastiat's critique of mercantilism extended in many ways to Adam Smith's defense of free trade, but he focused on government tariffs imposed to shield native sectors from foreign competition.

The French government is petitioned for protective action against unfair competition from the sun by all of the industry participants, including "the manufacturers of candles, tapers, lanterns, sticks, street lamps, snuffers, and extinguishers, and from producers of tallow, oil, resin, alcohol, and generally of everything connected with lighting."

To learn more about Bastiat visit:


what was the greatest percentage loss in your total portfolio?


-2.99% was the greatest percentage loss in total portfolio.

Subtract the purchase price from the current price and divide the result by the asset's purchase prices to determine the net gain or loss in the portfolio. The above method can be modified to determine a portfolio's percentage return. You will base your calculations on the overall value of your portfolio rather than the stock's acquisition price and market value.

A stock portfolio is a selection of equities you purchase in the anticipation of a profit. You can become a more robust investor by assembling a varied portfolio that spans several industries.

To learn more about portfolio refer here:


Complete Question:

You'll now need to do some math to compute the percentage change in the value of your total portfolio. For each monthly statement, add up the value of the two funds to get your total portfolio value at the end of that month. Compute the month to month percentage change of the value of your portfolio by subtracting the beginning value from the ending value and then dividing it by the beginning value . What was the greatest percentage loss in your total portfolio?

could blades modify the timing of the thai imports to reduce its transaction exposure? what is the trade-off of such a modification?


Yes, in order to lessen its transaction exposure, blades change the time of Thai imports.

Blades may change how it handles payments in order to lessen the risk associated with transactions in Thailand. ' Currently, Blades pays its rivals' Thai suppliers sixty days early. The dollar cost to Blades would decrease if the Thai baht depreciated during the next sixty days.

The trade-off arising from late payments to the Thai suppliers is that Blades is unable to use the costs and revenue denominated in baht to balance each other out. This is so that baht can be received and used when it is needed. As a result, Blades might need to hedge its risk more frequently.

With both Thai and British consumers, Blades has fixed-price exporting agreements for the ensuing two years. Additionally, the time of the ensuing inflows of foreign currency is known. Blades could benefit from long-term hedging strategies because they are particularly suitable for businesses that can predict with accuracy their future foreign currency payables or receivables.

To know more about imports click here,


jonah grew up in a neighborhood with poor schools, few businesses, and many run-down and abandoned buildings. however, in the past few years, the city has renovated many buildings, and tax breaks are encouraging new businesses to move into the city. this process is called


In the past few years, the city has renovated many buildings and tax breaks are encouraging new businesses to move into the city. This process is called urban renewal or Gentrification.

Gentrification is a shift in an urban community toward wealthier residents and businesses, with consequent increases in property values. It is typically the result of investment in a community by real estate development businesses, local government, or community activists.

It can and often does spur economic development, attract businesses, and lower crime rates. Gentrification is a very complex matter and there are numerous arguments for and against it.

Learn more about urban renewal or Gentrification here:


marcus is the ceo of publicly traded abc corporation and earns a salary of $1,500,000.what is abc's after-tax cost of paying marcus's salary?


The ABC's after-tax cost of paying Marcus's salary is $1290000.

The deduction for the salary of the CEO of a publically traded corporation is limited to $1000000.

The tax rate for corporations is 21%.

after-tax cost =

Salary paid = $1,500,000

(-)Tax deduction = $210000(1000000×21%)

after-tax cost = $1290000.

An employer is a commercial enterprise entity this is owned with the aid of its shareholder(s), who decide on a board of directors to supervise the business enterprise's sports. The organization is liable for the movements and budget of the business – the shareholders aren't. there may be significant proof that limited legal responsibility in tort can also result in immoderate corporate hazard-taking and extra harm by groups to 1/3 of parties.

Shareholders do not normally actively manipulate an organization; shareholders instead opt for or appoint a board of directors to control the enterprise in a fiduciary capability. In most circumstances, a shareholder can also serve as a director or officer of an agency. countries with co-dedication appoint the exercise of workers of a company the right to vote for representatives on the board of administrators in an agency.

To learn more about Corporations visit here:


a major corporation has developed a new factory in a developing country to process toxic waste. how would a member of an environmental justice movement interpret this action?


A principal agency has advanced a brand new manufacturing unit in a growing usa to system poisonous waste.The agency is endangering citizens of a place via way of means of developing a sacrifice zone.

The required details about sacrifice zone is mentioned in below paragraph.

A sacrifice zone or sacrifice place (frequently termed a country wide sacrifice zone or country wide sacrifice place) is a geographic place that has been completely impaired via way of means of heavy environmental changes or monetary disinvestment, frequently through regionally undesirable land use (LULU). These zones maximum normally exist in low-profits and minority communities.Commentators including Chris Hedges, Joe Sacco, and Steve Lerner have argued that company commercial enterprise practices make contributions to generating sacrifice zones. A 2022 file via way of means of the UN highlighted that tens of thousands and thousands of humans globally are in pollutants sacrifice zones, especially in zones used for heavy industry and mining.

To learn about sacrifice zone visit here.


gains and losses on the sale of long-term assets represent common items needing adjustment under the indirect method. t or f


Gains and losses on the sale of long-term assets represent common items needing adjustment under the indirect method. The given statement is True.

By starting with net income and then adjusting it for cash operational activities before reaching an ending cash balance, the indirect method is a technique used in financial reporting. In order to create the statement of cash flows for an accounting period, the indirect technique requires accrual accounting data.

Regulatory organisations do not favour the indirect way of financial reporting since it does not clearly depict cash flows for a given time, despite the fact that most accountants prefer utilising it. Many accountants report the cash flow of a certain organisation using a format called the indirect method. This technique modifies net income to reflect the real amount of money a corporation has available.

To know more about Indirect method visit:


What is meant by interdependence in economics?


Interdependence in economics is the concept that the economic activities of different countries are interconnected.

Interdependence means that the economic performance of one country affects the economic performance of others and vice versa. In other words, the economic well-being of one country is dependent upon the economic well-being of others.

This interdependence is because countries are engaged in international trade. Goods and services produced in one country are sold in other countries, and vice versa. As a result, countries are exposed to the economic policies of other countries, and their economic development is strongly influenced by the economic performance of their trading partners.

The concept of interdependence is important for governments, businesses, and individuals. It helps them to understand the importance of international cooperation and the need for mutually beneficial economic policies. It also serves to highlight the risks of protectionism and the need to promote free trade.

Overall, interdependence in economics is an important concept that helps to explain the complex relationship between countries and the global economy. It highlights the importance of international cooperation and the need to promote open markets and free trade, while also highlighting the risks of protectionism.

Learn more about economic interdependence:


chris wants to get a cosigner for a car loan. which person would be the best choice?



Somebody with a great credit score


Car dealerships will check your credit score and if they see you have a high score they will be more likely to sell you the car

in a single period inventory model, if the demand is normally distributed with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 10, and the optimal service level is 90%, what is the optimal order quantity? 88.2 67.2 88.9 90 92.9


The optimal order quantity will be  92.9

Inventory models deal with the time at which orders for certain goods are to be placed, and the quantity of the order.

Inventory models manage the time at which orders for specific merchandise are to be set, and the amount of the request. The examination issue concerns approaches to enhancing these choices, considering the cost of getting the merchandise, the cost of holding a unit in inventory, and the cost of deficiencies. Further developed inventory models manage circumstances in which there are limitations on creation offices, storage spaces, time and/or cash. For a considerable length of time, more exertion was centered around inventory models than some other area of use.

While there are many kinds of inventory, the four significant ones are unrefined substances and parts, work underway, completed products and support, fix and working supplies.

to know more about merchandise click here:


if a monopoly's demand curve shifts to the right, the monopoly a) will sell more. b) will charge a higher price. c) will charge a lower price. d) decision cannot be determined.


The firm's marginal revenue curve is a straight stripe at the market price and is represented by the demand curve. However, a monopoly corporation may sell one extra unit.

Is the demand curve for a monopoly elastic?

The elastic region of the quantity demanded, towards the left of both the middle, where marginal earnings are positive, is where the monopoly firm will want to be. The monopolist will help in the reduction until MR is positive in order to avoid the inelastic region of the demand curve.

Does a monopolist's supply curve exist?

The marginal revenue for a monopolist is never greater than the price of the good or service. This occurs as a result of the market's downward-sloping demand curve and the monopolist's position as the only vendor.

To know more about monopoly's demand curve visit:


Max is using a search engine to do research on trends in his industry when he comes across a website that isn’t necessarily related to his research–but is interesting and engaging. Without realizing it, Max spends over an hour browsing through the webpage’s numerous articles and links. When his boss asks him if his research report will be ready by the end of the day, Max isn’t sure how to respond. He’s hardly done any work–but it’s not like he was purposely avoiding work. He was using the search engine for the purpose of research, after all. It’s not his fault that the search results weren’t very relevant. Max is considering asking his boss for an extension on his deadline so that he can spend more time researching. What do you think? What should Max do?


In this situation, Max has to first give his boss some advance notice that he wont be able to complete the report before deadline, explain himself briefly as to why that is, then ask for more time to be able to complete the task.

What is a deadline?

A deadline indicates that a task or project is anticipated to be finished by that date and time. There is a clear expectation of what must be provided and by when thanks to deadlines. Employees are able to take charge of their work in this way and include deadlines into their time management techniques.

It's critical to schedule deadlines in advance because your work may be delayed. Recognize that some resources might be delayed and that some people might not be available. You may prevent the disaster of missing a deadline by making plans in advance.

Deadlines are crucial in business for a variety of reasons. They establish standards and encourage productive behavior in the workplace.

Learn more about deadlines here


if a regulatory commission wants to establish a socially optimal or efficient price for a natural monopoly, it should select a price:


A regulatory commission should choose a price where the marginal cost curve crosses the demand curve in order to set a natural monopoly's price at a level that is socially desirable or efficient.

The marginal cost in economics is the difference in overall production costs brought on by developing or producing an additional unit. To calculate marginal cost, divide the variance in production costs by the variation in quantity.

Finding the scale at which an organization can experience economies of scale to improve production and overall operations is the goal of marginal cost analysis. The producer can turn a profit if the marginal cost of producing one extra unit is lower than the price per unit.

To know more about the regulatory commission click here,


the relevant range of activity refers to the group of answer choices geographical areas where the company plans to operate. activity level where all costs are curvilinear. levels of activity over which the company expects to operate. level of activity where all costs are constant.


B) the levels of activity that the company anticipates operating over.

The activity level at which all costs are curvilinear is referred to as the relevant range of activity. levels of activity that the company anticipates operating above. geographical regions in which the business intends to operate.

On the basis of the variability in production volume, a company's overall costs can be divided into variable costs and fixed costs. For a given time, these costs are typically looked at across a relevant range.

The important reach is the scope of movement (e.g., creation or deals) over which these connections are substantial. For instance, if the factory is already at capacity, expanding the facility or leasing or building a new factory necessitates an additional investment in fixed costs.

The range of activity over which a company anticipates operating throughout the year is the relevant range.

To learn more about relevant range here


Full Question = The relevant range of activity refers to the:

a. geographical areas where the company plans to operate.

b. levels of activity over which the company expects to operate.

c. level of activity where all costs are constant.

d. activity level where all costs are curvilinear.

creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely:______.


The plant doesn't employ machinery to lower its emissions. It's likely that this violates the clean air act. As a result, choice A is accurate.

The Clean Air Act, the primary federal law governing air quality in the US, aims to control and reduce air pollution on a national level. It was initially passed in 1963 and has since undergone multiple changes. It is one of the first and most significant modern environmental laws in the US. Each non-compliant vehicle or engine, each instance of tampering or the sale of a defeat device, and each day the violation persists are punished by civil fines of up to $45,268 for each infraction.

The Clean Air Act's newly added section 135 reiterates the agency's duty to control greenhouse gases and allots $87 million "to ensure that reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are achieved via use of existing authorities."

To know more about clean air act:


How do you encourage customers to drink appropriately?


Provide water and have employees frequently provide it to customers to encourage them to moderate their alcohol consumption.

Your serving team represents your establishment, whether it is huge or small, quick casual or fine dining.

They are the ones who welcome and assist your customers on the front lines. As a result, you want them to receive the best training available to provide the highest level of customer service.

Positive relationships between your workers and your patrons can make the difference between repeat customers and those who never come back.

Let's look at how to train your team to serve drinks properly and provide customers a pleasant experience in this article. The proper training of your personnel is crucial since beverages are crucial in ensuring that your customers have a positive dining experience.

learn more about positive dining experience here


during the labor relations process, managers prefer to increase wages and benefits and to give maximum control to workers over work rules and schedules. group startstrue or false


False, The organization's operations should remain flexible so that managers can modify operations to respond to changing market conditions and consumer needs. In labor relations, managers aim to restrict wage and benefit increases in order to maintain the greatest amount of control over work policies and schedules.

What purposes does the labor relations procedure serve?

Labor-management relations' main objectives are to foster a productive, engaged workforce and dispel the idea that organized labor and management are at odds with one another.

How do labor relations work?

the continual dialogue between the union and the employer that recognizes their shared interests and develops strategies for handling, minimizing, and resolving disputes about their individual interests.

To know more about the Labor Relations visit :-


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