Two candidates run for class president. After all the ballots are counted, one candidate has 50% of the votes. What decimal names the portion of the votes the second candidate has? Explain


Answer 1


This link should help

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

Because decimals are correlated with fractions, and fractions are correlated with percentage.

Essentially, everything is out of a hundred. For example, 100% is max capacity(aka the votes in this question).

In decimals, 0.50 is half of 1.00 which is essentially also max capacity. Following this logic, if you convert 50% into decimal form, it will be 0.50, and 0.50 is one half of 1.00. The other half must be 0.50 then, because if you subtract it, that's what you get, and you can check by adding it together.

Hope this helps.

Related Questions

Find the equation of the straight line which passes through (3,5) and makes y-inte



Please restate your question.

It needs the y-intercept to be decipherable.

Step-by-step explanation:

Help please I’ll give extra points




Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of all the interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180°. With that I. mind, we can write

(6x + 5) + (11x - 5) + x = 180

Collecting all similar terms, we get

18x = 180 or x = 10

They, the measure of angle Q is

Angle Q = 11x - 5 = 11(10) - 5

= 105°

The total cost of $4 sharpeners and $7 folders is $30.05. If the cost of a sharpener is $a, and a folder is $2.80 more expensive, find $a. Give your answer to two decimal places.


9514 1404 393


  a = $0.95

Step-by-step explanation:

The cost of a sharpener is 'a', and the cost of a folder is $2.80 more, so is a+2.80. The total cost of 4 sharpeners and 7 folders is ...

  4a +7(a+2.80) = 30.05

  11a = 10.45 . . . . . . . . . . . subtract 19.60

  a = 0.95 . . . . . . . . . . . divide by 11

The cost of a sharpener is a = $0.95.

a hamburger shop sold 360 hamburgers and a number of cheeseburgers were sold was 3 times how many were sold on Sunday?​



1080 cheeseburgers

Step-by-step explanation:

If the number of cheeseburgers are three times as many as the hamburgers, then 3x360, which is the hamburgers = 1080

I do not know what to do with the Sunday information, so perhaps the question is not complete.

Hope this helps!

The water level of a reservoir is 340 feet and that it is receding at a rate of 0.5 foot per day. In how many days will the water level be 26 feet?




327 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Plz help me well mark brainliest if you are correct!!....


A,C,B Is the correct answer
A,C,B should be right! Can I get brainliest!

Wow! There are 51 rabbits. Round 51 to the nearest 10,



it 50

Step-by-step explanation:


The answer (I think) is 50.

Step-by-step explanation:

I'm a little cautious, just cause because this question seems so easy.‍♀️

51 is closest to 50, so 51 rounded to the nearest tenth is 50.

Could I be marked as Brainliest please???

Write the slope -intercept form 3x-5y=-15


Answer: M= 3/5

Step-by-step explanation:  3/5x=3= M=3/5





Step-by-step explanation:






lol can anyone help me asap



A = 34.1 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Shape is a triangle.

Formula for area of a triangle is;

A = ½bh

In this triangle;

b is base = 11 cm

h is height = 6.2 cm


A = ½ × 11 × 6.2

A = 34.1 cm²

Please help me with this Math question.
Each win is worth 3 points.
Each draw is worth 1 point.
Each lose is worth 0 points.
Is 33 correct answer?



33 is definitely the correct answer

y’all im struggling right now




Step-by-step explanation:

probability of getting a number greater than 4 on a die, is 2 out of 6 or [tex]\frac{2}{6} = \frac{1}{3}[/tex]

probability  of getting an A on the spinner is [tex]\frac{4}{8}=\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

probability  of getting both is [tex]\frac{1}{3} *\frac{1}{2} = \frac{1}{6}[/tex]

i nedd help im almost done
If yall give me the right answer I called the branly worker to give 1,000 points to right answers so try ya best!!!


From What I understood, I need to find the area and perimeter of those shapes

Bolded words are answers

1. Triangle







2. Pentagon

Area: 15.48

Perimeter: 15

Hope this Helps!


What is the equation of the trend line in the scatter plot ?



its decreasing

Step-by-step explanation:

the graph will always be read from left to right.

A rectangular block of wood measures 5 inches wide. Over time, the width of the block of wood will shrink by 5%. A builder lets the block of wood shrink. He wants to use it to fill a gap that measures 3.5 inches wide.
How much does the builder need to cut off the wood block so that it will fit exactly in the gap? Enter the answer in the box.

The bulder needs to cut
? Inches off the block of wood.



1.25 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

5 - 5% is 4.75

4.75 - 3.5 is 1.25

Does anyone know generic rectangles?



here you go i guess

Step-by-step explanation:

Kirk used the Quantitative Reasoning Process to build a budget while he is going to college. He worked hard over the summer and saved $3,251.35 to live on during the next two semesters of school. Kirk will receive a scholarship each semester for $1,157.9. If he plans to use up all of his savings while at school, how much money can Kirk spend each month, on average, for things like groceries, entertainment, and miscellaneous items?
Assume two semesters equals 8 months total. Also assume Kirk has no other expenses than what he has listed here.

Scholarship for each Semester: $1,157.9

Tuition & Books Cost per Semester: $2,000

Housing Cost for a two-semester Contract: $1,025

If he has money left, what is the average monthly amount Kirk can afford to spend each month?

If he has overspent, what is the average monthly amount Kirk would be in debt each month?

(Indicate this amount with a negative sign)

(Round your answer to the nearest cent)


Kirk can spend $695.89 each month.


Given that Kirk worked hard over the summer and saved $3,251.35 to live on during the next two semesters of school, and Kirk will receive a scholarship each semester for $1,157.9, to determine, if he plans to use up all of his savings while at school, how much money can Kirk spend each month, on average, for things like groceries, entertainment, and miscellaneous items, assuming two semesters equals 8 months total, the following calculation must be made:

(3251.35 + (1157.9 x 2)) / 8 = X(3251.35 + 2315.8) / 8 = X5567.15 / 8 = X695.89 = X

Therefore, Kirk can spend $695.89 each month.

Learn more about averages in



Kirk can spend $695.89 each month.

Step-by-step explanation:

Compute the following: Subscript 8 Baseline C Subscript 8 a. 16 b. 0 c. 64 d. 1


The answer is c 64 because I know I did a

i think its D if im not mistaken....


a bookstore charges h dollars for a hardcover book, p dollars for a paperback book, and m dollars for a music CD. During a sale the store reduces the cost of of a book by 20% and reduced the cost of music CD by $1. Enter an equation for the total cost, t, for buying 5 hardcover books, 8 paperback books, and 6 music CDs during the sale.​


The Equation to represent the "total-cost", "t", for purchasing "5 hardcover books", 8 "paperback-books", and 6 music CDs during the sale is t = 4h + 6.4p + 6m - 1.

The cost of the hardcover-book is = $h,

The cost of the paperback-books is = $p,

The cost for one music-CD is = $m,

In the sale, the price of each book is reduced by 20%, and

The price of music-CD is reduced by $1,

So, the cost of 5 hardcover books during the sale is:

⇒ 5h - 0.2(5h) = 4h     ...because 20% = 0.2;

and the cost of 8 paperback books during the sale is:

⇒ 8p - 0.2(8p) = 6.4p,

The cost of 6 music CDs during the sale is ⇒ 6m - 1;

So, the total cost, "t", for buying 5 hardcover books, 8 paperback books, and 6 music CDs during the sale is:

⇒ t = 4h + 6.4p + 6m - 1,

Therefore, the required equation of "total-cost" is t = 4h + 6.4p + 6m - 1.

Learn more about Equation here


The volume of the cylinder is 13,665.28 cm³ and the height is 17 cm what is the radius



V = π²h

r = √V/πh

r = √13,665.28cm³/(3.14)(17cm)

r =√13,665.28/53.38 cm

r = √256 cm

r = 16 cm


Rafael's gas tank is 1/2 full. After he buys 9 gallons of gas, it is 4/5 full. How many gallons can Rafael's tank hold?



30 Gallons

Step-by-step explanation:

Ok, lets see the difference the 9 gallons of gas did to Rafael's gas tank.

1/2 --> 0.5

4/5 --> 0.8

0.8-0.5 = +0.3

The tank was made 30% more full with the gas.

Next, we can use this to find the amount of gas which would need to be used to fully fill the tank, given that it was empty.

So to make it easier, say we filled it up a third of 30% to get an easier to work with 10% of fill of the gas tank.

9 / 3 ---> 3 Gallons

Now, multiply this by 10 to get the 100%

3 * 10 = 30 Gallons

All done!

you’re answers 30 gallons
hope this helps

If y varies jointly as x and z and y = 24 when x = 2 and z = 1, find y when x is 12 and z is 2.

A. 288
B. 48
C. 576
D. 144​




Step-by-step explanation:

y= xkz

K= y/xz

= 24/2×1

= 24/2

= 12

y= xkz

= 12×12×2

= 288

Hence the value of y is 288

Equations definitions



Step-by-step explanation:

MEAN - a). Finds the mean of a numerical data set.

MIN - f). Finds the lowest value of a data set.

COUNT - c). Counts the number of values input for a highlighted data set

MEDIAN - d). Finds the middle value of a numerical data set

MAX - e). Finds the greatest value for a data set

SUM - g). Adds all the numbers in a highlighted range together

MODE - b). Finds the number that occurs most often in a highlighted data set.

the sum of two numbers is 8. the sum of the squares of the same two numbers is 40. what are the numbers?​



The numbers are 6 and 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Given this scenario, we can set up the following equations:

x + y = 8

x² + y² = 40.


x + y = 8

y = 8 – x

(y)² = (8 – x)²

y² = (8 – x)²

x² + y² = 40

x² + (8 – x)² = 40

x² + 64 – 16x + x² = 40

2x² – 16x + 64 = 40

2x² – 16x = -24

2(x² – 8x) = -24

x² – 8x = -12

x² – 8x + 12 = 0

(x – 6)(x – 2) = 0

x = 6 or 2.

x + y = 8 →

(6 or 2) + y = 8

y = 8 – (6 or 2)

y = 2 or 6.


x + y = 8 →

6 + 2 = 8 →

8 = 8 ✓

x² + y² = 40 →

6² + 2² →

36 + 4 = 40 →

40 = 40 ✓

The ages of customers in a shoe store at exactly two in the afternoon are shown in the stem and leaf plot below. Customers' Ages How many customers are under the age of 40? A. 15 B. 16 C. 10 D. 3


I do not see a plot



Step-by-step explanation:

Janet has 4 more dollars than Marta. Together they
have $38. How much does each person have?



Janet has $21 and Marta has $17

Step-by-step explanation:

38-4 since Janet has 4 more dollars

34/2 since there are two people

17 but you still have to add the 4 to Janet since she has 4 more dollars


Marta has $15, and Janet has $23.

Step-by-step explanation:

38 in half is 19.

19 + 4 = 23

19 - 4 = 15

I really need help , someone please help :’( ... ill also make you brainlist.



Step-by-step explanation:A)

13 miles in feet = 68640 feet

we now need to get the number of cars, we use division to get groups

68640 / 15 = 4576.

we now see there are 4576 cars in the traffic jam.


Less, they are longer cars so the divosor would no longer be 15, it would be a higher number. 4576 cars would  not be able to fit in a 13 mile stretch if those cars were any longer.

15. Find the value of x and y rounded to the nearest tenth.



x = 24.0

y = 46.4

Step-by-step explanation:

Let opposite side = z

Using trigonometry :

Sin 30 = z / 34

z = 0.5 * 34

z = 17

We find x :

Sin 45 = 17 / x

x * sin45 = 17

x = 17 / sin 45

x = 24.04

Let y = y1 + y2

y1 = 17 / tan45

y1 = 17

y2 = 17/tan30

y2 = 29.44

y = 17 + 29.44

y = 46.44

13. Which of the following symbol stands for the margin of error?
A. E
B. Za/2
14. For a 95% confidence level, the confidence coefficient is ___?
A. 1.645
B. 1.96
15.What do you call the value resulting from subtracting the margin of error from the sample mean?
A. point estimate B. interval estimate C. lower limit of the interval D. upper limit of the interval
For nos. 16-19
A survey on 200 HUMSS students of Bumasa Integrated High School shows that they read on an average of 15. 7 hour
per week. The margin of error is 2.2 hours at a 95% confidence level.
16. What is the sample mean?
B. 95
C. 15.7
D.2.2 8.
17. Which of the following values is the margin of error?
B. 2.2
C. 0.95 D. 0.05 9.
D.0.05 9.​



13. A

14. B

15. C

16. B

17. C

Step-by-step explanation:

here are 2 gold coins and 5 silver coins in Victor's coin collection. What is the ratio of the
number of silver coins to the number of gold coins?




Step-by-step explanation:

Since we know both the number of silver and gold coins, we can put it in ratio form. Pay attention to the order; since it’s asking for silver to gold coins, the ratio would be silver:gold. We can substitute the 5 and 2 for the gold and sliver values, so we get 5:2. This answer cannot be simplified so it will stay the same.

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