True or false?

The Irish Famine was deemed by priests to be too controversial to discuss and people in Belfast, refusing to acknowledge it, have banned any public images that would remind people of that traumatic event.


Answer 1
It is true also u could have just looked this up lol

Related Questions

Which of the following was not one of the major arguments used to support
anti-imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
A. Imperialism would require large standing armies and entangle the
United States in foreign alliances.
B. Imperialism is immoral and contradicts America's commitment to
human freedom.
C. U.S. corporations would suffer if countries with their own
industries became American territories.
D. Domestic workers might be undercut by an influx of cheap labor
from the new colonies.


Answer: The answer is C


I just answered it


C. U.S. corporations would suffer if countries with their own industries became American territories.


Took the quiz.

Question 3 of 25
What was the result of the Roosevelt Corollary?
A. The end of America's use of the Monroe Doctrine
B. More U.S. involvement in European countries
C. U.S. involvement in education movements in Mexico
O D. U.S. involvement in Latin American economies


The outcome of the Roosevelt Corollary is U.S. involvement in Latin American economies. Thus, option D is correct.

What did Roosevelt Corollary do with Monroe Doctrine?

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine said that the United States will serve as an international police force in the Western Hemisphere and intervene to prevent other states from intervening.

The corollary asserted that not only were the Western Hemisphere states not accessible to European colonization, but that the United States had the obligation to maintain order and safeguard life and property in those countries.

The corollary was not well received by Latin Americans. They saw US intervention as Yankee imperialism, and hatred toward their huge northern neighbor intensified considerably. Hence, option D is correct.

Learn more about Roosevelt Corollary here;


how did geography impact japans society



They were extremely isolated because they are surrounded by water and mountains. This has protected them from invasions for thousands of years, and even now, japan is still pretty well protected. The isolation made the japanese culture very unique even different from china.


can anyone please explain me why kira or light yagami died in death note​





cuz near and mello said so and he got shot and well ryuk wrote light's name and in ryuk's death note


he couldnt escape death he was shot and his name was written in the deathbook and in the end he became a Shinigami

"In the songs of rock 'n' roll...the musicians lament the fate of the world. One song which gained enthusiastic approval told on
was refused admission to high school because his war was too long."
Auto save
--James Michener, New York Times, 1965
Which event is commonly associated with the type of music described in this quote?
O The California grape boycott
o The Freedom Rides
O The March on Washington
O Woodstock



the freedom rides



O Woodstock


2 and 3 true or false



I don't know the answer just pick true

what country was alexander hamilton born in ?



Charlestown ,Saint Kitts and Nevis

a command economy features:
a. the government placing some regulations on free businesses.
b. people relying on customs to make economic decisions.
c. the government directly controlling the production and sale of goods.
d. private companies operating without government interference



the answer for the question is see they have control of everything

Who was Quanah Parker? a) last cheif of the Comanches b) leader of the Sioux Plains Indians c) only Native American to never surrender d) first Native American to gain full rights​


Answer: All rights reserved. This work is ... The responses of the Kiowas, Comanches, Southern Cheyennes,. Southern ... E agletow no. Durant. INDIAN TERRITORY, 1866 -1889 m ile s: 0 10 20. 40. C'. 60. 80 ... became the first Indian agents under President Ulysses S. ... and other tribes, the plains Indians obtained steel knives.


Quanah Parker, the last chief of the Quahada Comanche Indians, son of Peta Nocona and Cynthia Ann Parker, was born about 1845.

Quanah Parker was the last chief of the Quahada Comanche. Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Who was Quanah Parker?

Quanah Parker, the last chief of the Quahada Comanche Indians, was born around 1845, the son of Peta Nocona and Cynthia Ann Parker. Quanah Parker was a Comanche Nation war leader of the Kwahadi band.

Following the capture of several Kiowa chiefs in 1871, Quanah Parker emerged as a dominant figure in the Red River War, clashing with Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie on numerous occasions. With European-Americans hunting American bison, the Comanches' main source of food, to near extinction, Quanah Parker eventually surrendered and peacefully led the Kwahadi to the Fort Sill reservation in Oklahoma.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

To learn more about Quanah Parker, click here:


need help asap 30 points

Insert the correct terms below into the following paragraph. Each term will be used. /20 pts

sovereignty, republic, state, capitalism, free-market, Democracy, autocracy, command economy, Constitution, communism,

Every 1. ( ) has a form of government that has 2. ( ) within its territorial boundaries. A 3. ( ) is a government of and by the people that may have a 4. ( ) that protest the rights of the people, unlike a 5. ( ) that concentrates power in the hands of one person. The United States is a 6. ( ) with elected representation. It has a mixed economy based on 7. ( ). The 8. ( ) allows buyers and sellers to make economy decisions about what to produce , how much to produce, and who gets to goods and services produced. In contrast, under 9. ( ) the People’s Republic of China and North Korea have operated a 10. ( ).



Every 1. ( democracy) has a form of government that has 2. ( constitution) within its territorial boundaries. A 3. ( capitalism) is a government of and by the people that may have a 4. (state ) that protest the rights of the people, unlike a 5. ( autocracy) that concentrates power in the hands of one person. The United States is a 6. (republic ) with elected representation. It has a mixed economy based on 7. (sovereignty ). The 8. (Free- market ) allows buyers and sellers to make economy decisions about what to produce , how much to produce, and who gets to goods and services produced. In contrast, under 9. (command economy ) the People’s Republic of China and North Korea have operated a 10. (communism ).


this is really confusing but that is the best I can do so far. i hope this helped

Which of the following composers did not consider himself bound to the patronage system


C.) Beethoven

Hope this helps!

term for land surrounded on three sides by water?


this would be a peninsula. hope this helps

Answer: A cape. :)



What was the triangular trade that developed across the Atlantic in the early modern period? What motivated Europeans to participate in slave trading? How was the new slave trade different from what was practiced in Africa and elsewhere before? What effect did this have on African societies and the Americas?



1. The triangular trade was a system of exchange in which Europe supplied Africa and the Americas with finished goods, the Americas supplied Europe and Africa with raw materials, and Africa supplied the Americas with enslaved laborers.

2. It was a result of labor shortage and European colonists exploiting New World land and resources for capital profits.

3. In africa children with parents in slavery were free, but in America if you were the child of a slave you were born into slavery and started working by the age of 3-6 years old

4. It had a negative effect. The slave trade brought about a negative impact on African societies and led to the long-term impoverishment of West Africa. This intensified effects that were already present amongst its rulers, kinships, kingdoms and in society.

What is the relationship between the development of trade and the development of technology?


They go hand and hand trade is now the stock world and the only reason trade is making money because using technology

Answer:The relationship of the development of trade and development of technology is parallel developing hand in hand together. Through technology trade increased and become more frequent and due to trade knowledge and culture was spread and assimilated to other and thus the exchange of knowledge development new ways to improve technology.


11. Amendment 13 refers to:


Answer: abolished slavery in the United States and provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States


The addition of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in December of 1865..

Question 1 options:

made the Emancipation Proclamation law by ending slavery in America

was supported by most citizens of the former Confederate States of America

gave newly-freed slaves the right to vote

all of the above



niewiem tea próbowałam


Made the Emancipation Proclamation law by ending slavery in America.


My teacher gave us notes to this lesson. Here is a picture to confirm my answer. The picture shows the part of the notes that tells you the answer.

I I'm k12 student.

Do you think the Crusaders still think the Crusades were necessary?


Answer: yes


When did Abraham Lincoln first run as a rebublican?



Whig ( before 1854)

Republican (1854-1864)

National Union (1864-1865)

Below is a statement from President Harry S. Truman, June 26, 1950.
Our concern over the lawless action taken by the forces from North Korea, and our
sympathy and support for the people of Korea in this situation, are being
demonstrated by the cooperative action of American personnel in Korea, as well as
by the steps taken to expedite and augment assistance of the type being furnished
under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program.
Those responsible for this act of aggression must realize how seriously the
government of the United States views such threats to the peace of the world. Willful
disregard of the obligation to keep the peace cannot be tolerated by nations that
support the United Nations Charter.
-President Harry S. Truman, June 26, 1950
Which event led President Truman to make this announcement?
North Korean invasion of South Korea
Soviet boycott of the United Nations Security Council
Japanese evacuation of Korea
Mao Zedong's victory on mainland China


Answer: North Korean invasion of South Korea


how do the hindu's and gupta's relate to ancient india politically



Hinduism and dharma tie in with karma, they believe that how much good or bad they do in the life they are living will affect them in their other life, this is one of the most popular religiously beliefs in India and the world. The Gupta empire follows different ways of life but contributes to Hinduism, some see the Gupta empire as the 'Golden' age of India.

Hope this can help you! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

When the Northern Hemisphere is entering summer, the Southern Hemisphere is starting to feel the cold of
winter. The sun’s glancing rays are spread over a greater surface area and must travel through more of the
atmosphere before reaching the earth. There are also fewer hours of daylight in a 24-hour period. These seasonal
differences are caused by



The axis rotaion


It's because when the earth moves one is dark and cold well the other is light and warm it's because the rotation axis turn which means the earth turns as it orbits the sun that's the cause for the season change.

What effect do you think possession of the atomic bomb will have on the role of
the US in the postwar world?



it made the USA feared



Which of these was one of the reasons for the economic downturn of 1873?

A. Political scandals in the Grant Administration

B. Reconstruction was ended by President Hayes

C. The inflation that spiked the Civil War did not go down after the war



B correct me if I'm wrong though

Write a new portion of the Declaration of Independence and modernize it



we are all equal no matter our differences


The Era of the Texas Cattle Kingdom at its height was defined by-
A. the fencing of the open range
B. the concept of Manifest Destiny
C. high unemployment and dust storms
D. the movement of cattle northward on cattle trails to rail stations




Side that won the Worcester v. Georgia case




Worcester v. Georgia, 31 U.S. 515, was a landmark case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Native Americans from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional.




In an opinion delivered by Chief Justice John Marshall, the Court held that the Georgia act, under which Worcester was prosecuted, violated the Constitution, treaties, and laws of the United States. (1832), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee Nation was sovereign. According to the decision rendered by Chief Justice John Marshall, this meant that Georgia had no rights to enforce state laws in its territory.

What role do political parties play in public policy?


As the electorate expanded, the political parties evolved to mobilize the growing mass of voters as the means of political control. Political parties became institutionalized to accomplish this essential task.Feb 23, 2016

In the election of 1856, the vote was divided along rigid sectional lines. Which candidate captured most of the votes in the southern states ​



Political Party Presidential Nominee Electoral College



The president with the most votes in the southern states is…. Buchanan

number 3, please, I need your help, please, please please please please​



i cant see it properly


Why was the Stanford prison experiment stopped after only a few days?
A. The students acting as guards became aggressive and cruel.
B. The students had not consented to be part of the experiment.
C. The students acting as prisoners became violent and hard to control.
D. The students who were guards began showing signs of extreme distress.



A. The students acting as guards became aggressive and cruel.


B. The  students were aware of  what they were  getting  into- and signed documents to get  into the experiment  and were  even paid to do so.

C. The  prisoners didn't  become violent- far from it really, it was the  guards who did as t hey were  "conditioned" to be more violent after being pressured to do so.

D.  It wasn't the guards t hat showed any distress, but the prisoners, some having mental breakdowns and even screaming to be want  to be let out.

Stanford prison experiment stopped after only a few days The students acting as guards became aggressive and cruel. Thus the correct option is A.

What is the Stanford prison experiment?

The Stanford Prison Experiment was conducted to determine prisoners' and guards' behaviour by having college students act as criminals or guards in a prison environment.

Participants were assigned roles; it was expected that those playing guards would behave appropriately, and those playing prisoners would behave accordingly.

The experiment was stopped on the sixth day because of mental disorders in the convicts and increased guard hostility brought on by what was occurring to the student subjects which was decided to last two weeks.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about the Stanford prison experiment, here:


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The building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religiousworship and instruction is known as a :A.sermonB.diasporaC.covenantD.synagogueE.gospel find the value of u in paralellogram In an advertisement, a statement by a user about the benefits he or she received is called a _____.A.testimonialB.storyboardC.unique selling propositionD.visual element Why did the United States want to gain control of the island of Okinawa? A. It was the easiest island to take from Japan. B. There were numerous oil fields on the island. C. It was strategically close enough to gain access in invading Japan. what is the surface area Given that Ray B A bisects DBC, which statement must be true? In every free government, the people must give their assent to the laws by which they are governed. This is the true criterion between a free government and an arbitrary one. The former are ruled by the will of the whole, expressed in any manner they may agree upon; the latter by the will of one, or a few. If the people are to give their assent to the laws, by persons chosen and appointed by them, the manner of the choice and the number chosen, must be such, as to possess, be disposed, and consequently qualified to declare the sentiments of the people; for if they do not know, or are not disposed to speak the sentiments of the people, the people do not govern, but the sovereignty is in a few. Now, in a large extended country, it is impossible to have a representation, possessing the sentiments, and of integrity, to declare the minds of the people, without having it so numerous and unwieldy, as to be subject in great measure to the inconveniency of a democratic government.Brutus 1Which of the following statements would the author of the passage most likely agree with?Average citizens cannot be trusted to vote because of low levels of education.Average citizens cannot be trusted to vote because of low levels of education.ANations with extended territory cannot fairly represent their citizens in a republican form of government.Nations with extended territory cannot fairly represent their citizens in a republican form of government.BThe federal government should have greater authority than state legislatures.The federal government should have greater authority than state legislatures.CA small federal legislature is the best way to represent the will of the people in a large country. [tex]12.5=n-1.5[/tex] GUYS PLEASE HELPP PLSPLSOLSOAKGDJXG Fernando is 6 feet tall.if 1 inch is approximately 2.54 cm,what is fernandos height in cm. very got on the bus at 4:20 P.M. The trip took 80 minutes. Then she walked for 49 minutes to get home. At what time did Avery arrive at home? The first one is done and the options for number four are: w(2w+12)=1602w^2+12w-260=02w^2+12w=260w^2+6w-130=0 Which of the following structures is found in both plants and animals, and is correctly paired with its function? Mr Jenkins is tiling a square floor.He uses 196 square tiles.Work out how many tiles are in each row. Plss answer!! Nomadic Bedouin tribes traveled between the water holes called_______with their camels,______and sheep. They settledin the mountain valleys near the oases. Consider a firm with $9,331 in current assets. The firm also has gross property plant and equipment of $1,717, depreciation expense of $9,780. The firm decided to reduce their capital structure and hold $0 in notes payable, $5,189 in accruals and $7,224 in accounts payable. The firm has $924 in long-term debt, $1,493 in interest expense. Calculate the firm's Total Assets are cell membranes in plant or animals or both? When you stretch a spring, there is energy in the spring'spotential energy store. What word completes the sentence? In the third paragraph, which of the following best describes the authors perspective regarding orphan characters such as Harry Potter and Oliver Twist?A. While orphan characters share many literary influences, they ultimately owe their distinctive identities to their respective creators.B. Regardless of the different worlds inhabited by orphan characters, they are often equally popular with readers.C. Despite the unusual challenges faced by many orphan characters, they typically overcome them.D. Whereas many orphan characters have ideal qualities, modern readers no longer admire such perfection.E. Although orphan characters share a marginal social status, they may not be equally complex. What is the volume of this rectangular prism?3cnom5cm4