Plss answer!! “Nomadic Bedouin tribes traveled between the water holes called_______
with their camels,______and sheep. They settled
in the mountain valleys near the oases.”


Answer 1



Pre-Islamic Arabia

Pre-Islamic Arabia refers to the Arabian Peninsula prior to the rise of Islam in the 630s.

Some of the settled communities in the Arabian Peninsula developed into distinctive civilizations. Sources for these civilizations are not extensive, and are limited to archaeological evidence, accounts written outside of Arabia, and Arab oral traditions later recorded by Islamic scholars. Among the most prominent civilizations were Thamud, which arose around 3000 BCE and lasted to about 300 CE, and Dilmun, which arose around the end of the fourth millennium and lasted to about 600 CE. Additionally, from the beginning of the first millennium BCE, Southern Arabia was the home to a number of kingdoms, such as the Sabaean kingdom, and the coastal areas of Eastern Arabia were controlled by the Iranian Parthians and Sassanians from 300 BCE.

Pre-Islamic religion in Arabia consisted of indigenous polytheistic beliefs, Ancient Arabian Christianity, Nestorian Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism. Christianity existed in the Arabian Peninsula, and was established first by the early Arab traders who heard the gospel from Peter the apostle at Jerusalem (Acts 2:11), as well as those evangelized by Paul’s ministry in Arabia (Galatians 1:17) and by St Thomas. While ancient Arabian Christianity was strong in areas of Southern Arabia, especially with Najran being an important center of Christianity, Nestorian Christianity was the dominant religion in Eastern Arabia prior to the advent of Islam.


Tribes in the Arabian Peninsula c. 600 CE. Approximate locations of some of the important tribes and Empire of the Arabian Peninsula before the dawn of Islam. Family groups called clans formed larger tribal units, which reinforced family cooperation in the difficulty living conditions on the Arabian peninsula and protected its members against other tribes.

Nomadic Tribes in Pre-Islamic Arabia

One of the major cultures that dominated the Arabian Peninsula just before the rise of Islam was that of the nomadic Bedouin people. The polytheistic Bedouin clans placed heavy emphasis on kin-related groups, with each clan clustered under tribes. The immediate family shared one tent and can also be called a clan. Many of these tents and their associated familial relations comprised a tribe. Although clans were made up of family members, a tribe might take in a non-related member and give them familial status. Society was patriarchal, with inheritance through the male lines. Tribes provided a means of protection for its members; death to one clan member meant brutal retaliation.

Non-members of the tribe were viewed as outsiders or enemies. Tribes shared common ethical understandings and provided an individual with an identity. Warfare between tribes was common among the Bedouin, and warfare was given a high honor. The difficult living conditions in the Arabian Peninsula created a heavy emphasis on family cooperation, further strengthening the clan system.

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Answer: hey



I don't know


because I don't know

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1. Native Americans lost their land as the white settlers took it.

2. Wildlife was destroyed as the west became mroe and more urbanized and boomtowns sprouted. For example, the California Girzzly Bears went extinct due to the large numbers they were hunted in.

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because he wasn't English so he wouldn't know much about the way of living and Harold Godwineson was an Englishman and was the most powerful man in Britain



He could have but he didn't and his army was defeated by the Normans. Harold himself was killed. The Normans took over the country and imposed French as the language of the country. English was suppressed for three hundred years.


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The Freedmen's Bureau wanted to change the lives of all Southerners while the Ku Klux Klan wished to restore the South to its status before the Civil War.
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either a or d


my brain say its more a

mark brainliest


b i believe


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The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments all go together in a lot of ways. The 13th Amendment made slavery illegal, the 14th Amendment granted former slaves United States citizenship, and the 15th Amendment gave former slaves and African American men the right to vote.

The 14th Amendment gave former slaves United States citizenship, but it also protected them under "equal protection of the laws." This meant that they would have to be treated equally, which didn't always end up happening. Many people believed that segregation on buses violated the 14th Amendment, as they weren't being treated equally.

On June 5, 1956, bus segregation was ruled to be unconstitutional and it was said to have violated the 14th Amendment. This was the same with the Brown v. Board of Education case, which ended up getting rid of segregation in American public schools.  

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Plzzzzzzzz zzz helppppp history
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the notion  that men and women were equal


it is true took k12 test

Hello, and welcome to this SSC Training! We will be going over all of the basic information crucial to working as a Junior Counselor here at the clinic.

"Any person haled into court, who is too poor to hire a lawyer, cannot be assured a fair trial unless counsel is provided for him."—Mr. Justice Hugo Black in Gideon v. Wainwright

This quote shows that, because of Gideon v. Wainwright,



The need for a system of giving someone the opportunity to be defended regardless of money was needed to be put in place.


Justice Hugo made a valid point for his time because when he said this it was entirely true according to the way things were. He made the point and shortly after the earliest forms of the Office of the Public Defenders (OPD) was created and people were able to be represented by lawyers with service experience and credentials applicable to your case. This allowed a new wave of reform movements throughout the law system that eventually led to the declaration of the OPD we know today.

Which characteristic is related to fascism?

A Extreme nationalism
B Government control of the economy
C Equality for women
D Unity between nations
answer quick plz!!!!


A; Extreme nationalism

How does this Declaration of Rights represent a new attitude for black Americans of the early 20th century?



The problem for African Americans in the early years of the 20th century was how to respond to a white society that for the most part did not want to treat black people as equals. Three black visionaries offered different solutions to the problem.

Booker T. Washington argued for African Americans to first improve themselves through education, industrial training, and business ownership. Equal rights would naturally come later, he believed. W. E. B. Du Bois agreed that self-improvement was a good idea, but that it should not happen at the expense of giving up immediate full citizenship rights. Another visionary, Marcus Garvey, believed black Americans would never be accepted as equals in the United States. He pushed for them to develop their own separate communities or even emigrate back to Africa.

Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington was born a slave in Virginia in 1856. Early on in his life, he developed a thirst for reading and learning. After attending an elementary school for African-American children, Washington walked 500 miles to enroll in Hampton Institute, one of the few black high schools in the South.

Working as a janitor to pay his tuition, Washington soon became the favorite pupil of Hampton's white founder, General Samuel Chapman Armstrong. Armstrong, a former Union officer, had developed a highly structured curriculum, stressing discipline, moral character, and training for practical trades.

Following his graduation from Hampton, for a few years Washington taught elementary school in his hometown. In 1880, General Armstrong invited him to return to teach at Hampton. A year later, Armstrong nominated Washington to head a new school in Tuskegee, Alabama, for the training of black teachers, farmers, and skilled workers.

Washington designed, developed, and guided the Tuskegee Institute. It became a powerhouse of African-American education and political influence in the United States. He used the Hampton Institute, with its emphasis on agricultural and industrial training, as his model.

Washington argued that African Americans must concentrate on educating themselves, learning useful trades, and investing in their own businesses. Hard work, economic progress, and merit, he believed, would prove to whites the value of blacks to the American economy.

Washington believed that his vision for black people would eventually lead to equal political and civil rights. In the meantime, he advised blacks to put aside immediate demands for voting and ending racial segregation.

In his famous address to the 1895 Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia, Washington accepted the reality of racial segregation. He insisted, however, that African Americans be included in the economic progress of the South.

Washington declared to an all-white audience, "In all things social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress." Washington went on to express his confidence that, "No race that has anything to contribute to the markets of the world is long in any degree ostracized [shut out]."

White Americans viewed Washington's vision as the key to racial peace in the nation. With the aid of white philanthropists such as Andrew Carnegie, Washington's Tuskegee Institute and its philosophy of economics first and equal rights later thrived.

Recognized by whites as the spokesman for his people, Washington soon became the most powerful black leader in the United States. He had a say in political appointments and which African-American colleges and charities would get funding from white philanthropists. He controlled a number of newspapers that attacked anyone who questioned his vision.

Washington considered himself a bridge between the races. But other black leaders criticized him for tolerating racial segregation at a time of increasing anti-black violence and discrimination.

Washington did publicly speak out against the evils of segregation, lynching, and discrimination in voting. He also secretly participated in lawsuits involving voter registration tests, exclusion of blacks from juries, and unequal railroad facilities.

By the time Booker T. Washington died in 1915, segregation laws and racial discrimination were firmly established throughout the South and in many other parts of the United States. This persistent racism blocked the advancement of African Americans.

W. E. B. Du Bois

W. E. B. Du Bois was born in Massachusetts in 1868. He attended racially integrated elementary and high schools and went off to Fiske College in Tennessee at age 16 on a scholarship. Du Bois completed his formal education at Harvard with a Ph.D. in history.

Du Bois briefly taught at a college in Ohio before he became the director of a major study on the social conditions of blacks in Philadelphia. He concluded from his research that white discrimination was what kept  


Pls give brainliest i need 1 more :(


they  new there lifes were going to change


The Oregon Country was added to the United States in 1803 tur or false?





it was added in 1859 February 19

that would be false.

According to the compromise of 1850, what did the South get? Check all that apply. (Brailist will be given)

A. A new, more effective fugitive slave law was enacted
B. The slave trade (but not Slavery) was banned in the District of Columbia
C. Popular Sovereignty would decide slavery in the Utah and New Mexico territories
D. Texas received $10 million for giving up its land claim to New Mexico





According to the compromise of 1850, the south was guaranteed that no restrictions would be made on slavery on Utah nor New Mexico at that time.

Fascism is an economic and political system where...
1. the government lets customers and businesses operate freely.
2. the government regulates customers, workers, and businesses for the betterment and
interests of the nation.
3. the government owns and operates businesses to ensure fair treatment for the
4. the government makes some regulations to ensure businesses are acting fairly and
not harming society



Your answer will be 2

Definition of Fascism: Fascism is a brutal economic system in which a supreme leader and their government controls the private entities that own the factors of production.

Who were the “Lowell Girls”?



The Lowell girls were young female workers who came to work in industrial corporations in Lowell, Massachusetts, during the Industrial Revolution in the United States.


Which statement best explains the legal basis for the right to privacy?
It was a new theory proposed by activist justices in the 1960s.
It developed gradually through legal precedents and Supreme Court rulings.
It is clearly named in the amendment forbidding search and seizure.
It evolved as protection from the invasive technologies of the twentieth century.



Explanation:i just took the test

The right to privacy developed gradually through legal precedent and Supreme Court rulings (option B)

What is the right to privacy?

Right to privacy is a term that refers to the fundamental right enshrined in the United States Constitution that states that citizens have the right to hide private or personal details from the public.

This right is the result of several social processes that were built since ancient times because the concept of private property allowed individuals to have their own property.

Subsequently, the individual acquired the right to privacy in different areas such as the privacy of personal data, privacy of thought or others.

Learn more about privacy in:

In your OPINION, Charlemagne was "great"? support your opinion.


No. He spreaded religois oe every won so yeh I cure

How does the Medici family pick a wife for Lorenzo?


Wanted a women from a Nobel family to enhance the social status of the Medici

i need help! it’s due tomorrow morning!!


an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control.

1 pts
5. What did the Mexican government offer to Americans to have them
move to Texas?
free land
free slaves
cheap slaves
cheap land


Answer: can you please show me a picture


The Mexican Government offered the Americans Free Land

The __________ started the first farms and a town in what is now New York City.


Answer: Dutch


please help me ASAP i need a claim on: why islam spread so fast
please hurry!



There are many reasons why Islam spread so quickly. First Mecca was connected to many global trade routes. Another important reason was their military conquered lots of territory. A third factor was the Muslims fair treatment of conquered peoples.


What was NOT a reason for America’s entry in world war 1?

A) to ensure the world was safe for Democracy

B) threats against freedom of the seas

C) America’s ties with Great Britain

D) the American tradition of isolationism


d) the American tradition of isolationism

Why did the United States oppose H.o Chi Minh? ITS CCCCCCC

A He refused to hold national elections in Vietnam.

B He led a rebellion against the United States for self-rule in Vietnam.

C He wanted to reunite Vietnam under Communist rule.





edg 2021


its c btw


Why did the young boys not believe Emmett Till when he showed them a picture of a white girl?


Answer: found this on a wiki hope it helps. Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 – August 28, 1955) was a 14-year-old African American who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955, after being accused of offending a white woman in her family's grocery store. The brutality of his murder and the fact that his killers were acquitted drew attention to the long history of violent persecution of African Americans in the United States. Till posthumously became an icon of the civil rights movement.[1]

Till was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. During summer vacation in August 1955, he was visiting relatives near Money, in the Mississippi Delta region. He spoke to 21-year-old Carolyn Bryant, the white married proprietor of a small grocery store there. Although what happened at the store is a matter of dispute, Till was accused of flirting with or whistling at Bryant. In 1955, Bryant had testified that Till made physical and verbal advances. The jury did not hear Bryant's testimony, due to the judge ruling it inadmissible.[2][3] Decades later, historian Timothy Tyson interviewed Bryant and wrote a book in which he claimed that she had disclosed that she had fabricated part of the testimony regarding her interaction with Till, specifically the portion where she accused Till of grabbing her waist and uttering obscenities; "That part's not true," Tyson claimed that Bryant stated in a 2008 interview with him.[2][4][5] Till's interaction with Bryant, perhaps unwittingly if at all, violated the strictures of conduct for an African-American male interacting with a white woman in the Jim Crow-era South.[6] Several nights after the incident in the store, Bryant's husband Roy and his half-brother J.W. Milam were armed when they went to Till's great-uncle's house and abducted the boy. They took him away and beat and mutilated him before shooting him in the head and sinking his body in the Tallahatchie River. Three days later, Till's body was discovered and retrieved from the river.


When did the war end & what did Britain gain?



the war ended in 1763 and britain gained in 1803

plzzzz help ya girl out plzzz


Answer: B is best


The Articles of Confederation created a national government composed of a Congress, which had the power to declare war, appoint military officers, sign treaties, make alliances, appoint foreign ambassadors, and manage relations with Indians, but along with this they could request men and money from the states along with borrowing money.

Which position is appointed at the county level?
a. prosecuting attorney and county judge
b. county judge and medical examiner
c. medical examiner and prosecuting attorney
d.medical examiner and sheriff


B. Country judge and medical examiner

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It aloud goods to be transported further faster and less of a chance of being looted in doing so




If it’s asking who makes all of those decisions I’m pretty sure it’s the country
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