True or False
______ 1. In the MercuryGate TMS, a shipping order (SO) represents the record of what a company has hired a carrier to move.


Answer 1

In the Mercury Gate TMS, a shipping order (SO) represents the record of what a company has hired a carrier to move. The statement is true.

What is Mercury Gate TMS?

For shippers, 3PLs, brokers, and carriers worldwide, the MercuryGate TMS streamlines and centralizes the administration of freight transportation inside a single software platform to save time and money. To provide you visibility into every shipment, automate manual operations, and help you make better decisions based on delivery performance, the platform supports all forms of transportation, including ocean, air, rail, truckload, LTL, last mile, package, and intermodal.

You often have to pick between feature-rich systems that are challenging to implement and operate and TMS lite options that lack the ability to handle complexity in the transportation management system (TMS) industry. Through our special blend of strength and usability, Mercury Gate enables you to overcome that trade-off and generate ROI that rivals can't match.

To learn more about TMS


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which of the following is a type of intelligent technique? neural network lms augmented reality digital asset management cad


Case-based reasoning is a type of intelligent technique which is the main basis of finding an evidence in trajectory.

What is technique?A technique is a way of completing a task or doing something. A technique for opening the drink might be to use your teeth to twist the lid off. If so, your dentist should have excellent dental restoration skills. The noun technique can also refer to a person's dexterity with the basics of a particular task.Techniques, therefore, include the actual momentary practices and actions that work in teaching a language according to a particular method.In other words, technology is a classroom activity that is integrated into the classroom and  used  as a basis for teaching and learning.Research methodology refers to the actions (e.g. note-taking) and tools (e.g. measuring scales) used in carrying out the research method. Gain a better understanding of the differences in data collection methods and techniques.

To learn more about technique from the given link :


10 year plan independence and freedom


This is the roadmap to freedom, my ten-year financial strategy to become financially independent in ten years.

What is 10 year plan independence?

I began my FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) adventure from scratch in March 2019. This meant that I had a long road ahead of me as a specific individual on an average pay. You might have seen in my 10-year savings plan that my FIRE fund is growing at a faster rate each year. Generating credit and compound interest make this possible (interest on interest).

I anticipate an annual interest rate of 8% overall. Since index funds are typically expected to produce between 7 and 10% in annual interest, I'm a little more wary.

To know more Financial Independence, visit:


ulmus corporation is an engineering consulting firm and has $1,400,000 in taxable income for 2021. calculate the corporation's income tax liability for 2021. $fill in the blank 1


Engineering consulting company Ulmus Corporation will earn $1,400,000 in taxable income year 2020. A corporation determines how much income tax to pay by submitting IRS Form 1120, which also serves as their payment method.

Ulmus Corporation's taxable income for 2014 is $13,000,000. the corporation's 2014 income tax obligation. To assist with daylight, the City Council approved the posting of an advertisement for the job of Fire.   Engineering consultancy company ulmus corporation will earn $1,400,000 in taxable income in 2021.  the corporation's 2021 income tax liability.

The first portion is simple to complete because all you need to do is enter the fundamental corporate identifying information, such as your company's name, address and Employer.

To learn more about ulmus corporation from given link


True or False: It is possible that efforts to decrease translation exposure may result in an increase in transaction exposure.


It is true that there is a chance that measures to reduce translation exposure could raise transaction exposure.

What is exposure to transactions and translations?

Exposure to transactions. Definition. The risk associated with consolidating financial statements owing to exchange rate fluctuations; The risk associated with exchange rate variations that have an impact on cash flow movement in the business's daily operations.

How do you handle vulnerability to transactions?

Hedging is a way for a business involved in cross-currency transactions to guard against transaction exposure. The corporation can safeguard against transaction risk by buying foreign currency by employing currency swaps, currency futures, or a combination of various hedging approaches.

To know more about transaction exposure visit:


is a situation that exists when union workers refuse to buy a company's product and try to get other people to follow suit.


Boycotting is a situation that exists when union workers refuse to buy a company's product and try to get other people to follow suit.

The term boycotting is an act of protest by certain groups of people such as the union workers by refusing to buy, use, or patronize certain products or services that the company is offering. Boycotting is done as an act of disapproval of the company's business conduct and practices which may be in disagreement of the union workers' values or demands or it may also be that the company is engaging business practices that are against moral, environmental, social, political values of the general public, putting the company at a huge loss and pressuring the company to give in to their demand.

To learn more about boycotting visit:


Your question seems incomplete, but I suppose the question was:

"_____ is a situation that exists when union workers refuse to buy a company's product and try to get other people to follow suit."

What simplifying assumption would explain the straight-line appearance of the production possibilities frontier (PPF) in the figure? Quantity of pizzas produced PPF Quantity of wings produced Click or tap a choice to answer the question. Society naturally produces at full capacity All workers have the same pizza-making skills and the same wing-making skills. The production resources are fixed even if their use changes. goods being produced,


The ability to make pizza and create wings is shared by all employees.

Which production do you refer to?

Developing anything starts with building it from components or raw resources. In other terms, manufacturing involves the utilization of inputs to produce a finished product or item that has value for such a consumer or end-user.

What three sorts of production are there?

The marketplace into parts, the ongoing system, and indeed the project system are the three most prevalent forms of fundamental production systems. In the batch mode, tiny amounts of output (products and/or services) are produced using all-purpose tools and techniques, with batch-to-batch variations in requirements.

To know more about production visit:


On November 7, 2017, Mura Company borrows $160,000 cash by signing a 90-day, 8% note payable with a face value of $160,000.
(1) Compute the accrued interest payable on December 31, 2017,
(2) Prepare the journal entry to record the accrued interest expense at December 31, 2017, and
(3) Prepare the journal entry to record payment of the note at maturity.
a. The interest expense account is debited with $ 920, and the interest account is credited $1,920.
b. The journal entry is shown below.
c. The journal entry is shown below.


Mura Company should record $1,920 interest expense for its Notes Payable at December 31, 2017. The journal entries for December 31, 2017 and February 5, 2018 at the maturity should be:

December 31, 2017

Interest Expense  $1,920

             Interes Payable              $1,920

February 5, 2018

Notes Payable      $160,000

Interest Payable   $1,920

Interest Expense  $1,280

             Cash                            $163,200

First, we will calculate the total interest expense Mura Company has to pay when its notes payable matures. The total interest expense is:

Total Interest expense = 8% x (90/360) x $160,000

Total Interest expense = $3,200

To find the interest expense accrued on December 31, 2017, we have to calculate the days different between the date and the signing debt date.

Days gap = December 31 - November 7

Days gap = 31 + (30 - 7)

Days gap = 54

Interest expense accrued = 8% x (54/360) x $160,000

Interest expense accrued = $1,920

This transaction should be recorded as:

December 31, 2017

Interest Expense  $1,920

             Interes Payable              $1,920

At the maturity date, Mura Company has to pay the principal note and its interest. However since some of the interest expense has been accrued, the remaining interest expense is:

Remaining interest expense = total interest expense - interest expense accrued

Remaining interest expense = $3,200 - $1,920

Remaining interest expense = $1,280

The journal entry for this date is:

February 5, 2018

Notes Payable      $160,000

Interest Payable   $1,920

Interest Expense  $1,280

             Cash                            $163,200

Learn more about Notes Payable here:


Consider the following regression equation: y = Bo + B,X1 +u. Which of the following indicates a functional form misspecification in E( y/x)? a. Ordinary Least Square estimates are positive while Weighted Least Squares estimates are negative. b. Ordinary Least Squares estimates exceed Weighted Least Squares estimates by a small magnitude. O c. Ordinary Least Squares estimates equal Weighted Least Squares estimates. d. Weighted Least Squares estimates exceed Ordinary Least Squares estimates by a small magnitude.


Ordinary Least Square estimates are positive while Weighted Least Squares estimates are negative  indicates a functional form misspecification in E( y/x).

What is misspecification?Model misspecification takes place whilst the set of opportunity distributions taken into consideration via way of means of the statistician does now no longer consist of the distribution that generated the located statistics. Misspecification purposeful shape can end result from: The omission of vital variables from the regression. Use of the incorrect shape of statistics with inside the regression. This can be because of failure to convert variables which can be non-linear. A purposeful shape misspecification normally approach that the version does now no longer account for a few vital nonlinearities. Recall that omitting vital variable is likewise version misspecification. Generally purposeful shape misspecification causes. bias with inside the last parameter estimators. Functional shape misspecification results in biased and inconsistent coefficient estimators. A manner to hit upon purposeful shape misspecification is to devise the envisioned regression characteristic and the statistics. This can also be beneficial to pick out the appropriate purposeful shape.

to learn more about misspecification from the given link :


People who grew up in the western part of Aquilonia have an accent distinct from people who grew up in the eastem part of the country. People from the west also receive lower wages than people from the east. From this information alone, which of the following is not a posible explanation for this wape differential? o ancrimination against people from the west is b. People from the west have lower levels of human capital People from the cast put forth less effort in their work People from the east receive compensating differentials


An crimination against people from the west is of the following is not a posible explanation for this wape differential.

Who can claim self-incrimination?

In both a criminal and civil action, a defendant may exercise his privilege against self-incrimination. However, in a law suit, the jury could be permitted to draw particular conclusions from the defendant's silence, and the defendant might be prohibited from offering specific types of proof.

Is incrimination legal?

People are protected from being forced to implicate themselves by the Fifth Amendment. Individuals are protected from self-incrimination under this constitutional protection. Therefore, a voluntary ego statement may be admitted into evidence in court. Before an arrest, soul remarks may be presented as evidence in court.

To know more about Incrimination visit:


an increase in the corporate tax rate is likely to encourage a company to use more debt in its capital structure.


True. An increase in the corporate tax rate is likely to encourage a company to use more debt in its capital structure.

What is a corporate tax?

A corporate tax is a tax on a corporation's profits. Taxes are paid on a company's taxable income, which is revenue less general and administrative (G&A), selling and marketing, R&D, depreciation, and other operating expenditures.

Corporate tax rates vary greatly amongst nations, with some having extremely low rates and being labelled as tax havens. The effective corporate tax rate, or the rate a corporation actually pays, is typically lower than the statutory rate, which is the declared amount before any deductions, because corporate taxes can be reduced by a variety of deductions, government subsidies, and tax loopholes.

Government revenue is derived by the collection of corporate taxes.

To learn more on corporate tax from the link:


the information-level design methodology is completed independently of any particular dbms that the organization will ultimately use.\


True. The information-level design methodology is completed independently of any particular DBMS that the organization will ultimately use.

What is DBMS?

Essentially, a database management system (or DBMS) is just a computerized data-keeping system. Users of the system are provided with the ability to carry out a variety of actions on such a system for either managing the database structure itself or manipulating the data in the database. Relational, network, and hierarchical data models are the three basic categories of DBMS data models. Relational data model: Information is set up as logically distinct tables. All entities are arranged in graphical representations in the network data model. Data is arranged in a tree-like structure according to a hierarchical data model. Data is stored, retrieved, and analyzed using software called database management systems (DBMS).

To learn more about DBMS click on the given link;


1- ________ leadership model posits that an effective leader makes desirable rewards available, clarifies how employees can achieve objectives, and provides them support in doing so.
a- Greenleaf’s servant
b- Fiedler’s contingency
c- Stogdill’s trait-based
d- House’s path-goal


House's path-goal leadership model posits that an effective leader makes desirable rewards available, clarifies how employees can achieve objectives, and provide them support in doing so. Hence, the correct option is (D).

What is House's Path-Goal Theory?

House's Path-Goal is one of the theories in corporate leadership created and developed by Robert House. This theory suggests that the leadership in a company will determine the employee's perception of expectancies between their effort and performance. According to this theory, a good leader must be able to clearly explain the vision and mission to employees and remove every obstacle in order to make employees’ work easier and clearer.

Learn more about House’s Path-Goal Theory at


clearly state two pieces of evidence where the regulation of the tobacco industry would not significantly cause economic losses


The economies of tobacco differ widely between nations. China, the world's largest producer and consumer of tobacco, is home to about half of the world's tobacco farmers (an estimated 15 million), while 3.5 million work in India.

Several other nations, including Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Egypt, the Philippines, and Thailand, have sizable tobacco industries. In the majority of nations, manufacturing tobacco products accounts for little under 1% of all manufacturing employment, which is a tiny source of employment. In certain nations, taxes on tobacco account for 10% or more of total government income.

However, in the majority of nations, tobacco taxes only account for a small portion of overall income.

Keep children and teenagers away from tobacco products. Assist people in quitting tobacco use. Stop being around secondhand smoke.

Nearly $185 billion in lost productivity due to smoking-related illnesses and health conditions, nearly $180 billion in lost productivity due to smoking-related premature death, and $7 billion in lost productivity due to premature death from secondhand smoke exposure. More than $240 billion was spent on healthcare.

To learn more on Tobacco from the link:


monetary policy is ineffective in the long run. press space to open monetary policy was mostly expected by the public. press space to open new bank regulations meant the downturn was at least partially due to a shift in long-run aggregate supply. press space to open massive bank failures and money held outside of the banking system resulted in a reduced money multiplier. press space to open the fed did little proactively to offset the fall of the m2 money supply.


Long-term monetary policy is ineffectual. So public mostly anticipated that press space would be opened for monetary policy.

What is monetary thing?

Assets or liabilities with a fixed value are referred to as monetary objects. Examples include cash and debt. Even if earning potential may be impacted by inflation and other macroeconomic factors, some things, like $25,000 in cash, have a fixed worth.

What are the two types of monetary?

Both expansionary and contractionary monetary policy are the two categories. The contractionary type of monetary policy is one that is adopted with the intention of limiting the flow of money throughout the economy.

To know more about monetary visit:


While leadership is a little bigger and more all-encompassing of people’s feelings and actions, _____ is about organization and the somewhat mechanical process of making sure stuff gets done.









i am in culinary arts the answer is B  Management trust me

While leadership is a little bigger and more all-encompassing of people’s feelings and actions, management is about organization and the somewhat mechanical process of making sure stuff gets done. Hence, option B is correct.

What is a mechanical process?

When we refer to a system in which one or more constant objects can move in relation to another, we are referring to a purely mechanical process. Newton's laws of motion accurately capture their motions. The masses, positions, velocities, and accelerations of the objects serve as descriptors.

A rock can be broken apart mechanically by processes like ice solidifying in fractures in the rock, tree roots sprouting in those same crevices, rock expanding and contracting in locations with high daytime temperatures and low overnight temperatures, rock cracking during forest fires, and so on.

Regarding the quantitative relationships of force and matter, as opposed to mechanics or the laws of motion; controlled by or in accordance with

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about mechanical process, click here:


What studies how cultures vary in valuing and using space?


The study of proxemics examines how humans unintentionally organize the space around them. The structure changes depending on the culture.

What is proxemics?

Proxemics is the study of how people use space and how population density affects how they behave, communicate, and interact with others. Proxemics is one of many nonverbal communication subfields, along with haptics, kinesics, vocalics, & chronemics.

Each cultural structure is different. When interacting with strangers or passing acquaintances, North Americans, for instance, maintain a protective "body bubble" of space around them that is around 2 feet in diameter.

To learn more about proxemics


the fda uses the acronym to mean that, given the currently available information, people who are informed and qualified would agree that the ingredient should be considered safe


The fda uses the acronym to mean that, given the currently available information, people who are informed and qualified would agree that the ingredient should be considered safe is GRAS.

What was the FDA?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is in charge of ensuring the security, safety, and efficacy of biological goods, medical devices, our country's food supply, cosmetics, and radiation-emitting products in order to safeguard the public's health.If such a claim is made on the label of a dietary supplement, it must be disclaimed that the FDA has not examined the claim. Because only a medicine may legally make the claim, the disclaimer must also indicate that the dietary supplement product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition."

To know more about FDA here


which of the following provides advice about the implementation of sound controls and control objectives for infosec, and was created by isaca and the it governance institute?


COBIT provides advice about the implementation of sound controls and control objectives for infosec, and was created by Isaac and the it governance institute.

Give a brief about governance.

The process of interactions between an organized society's rules, norms, power, or language and a social system is known as governance (family, tribe, formal or informal organization, a territory or across territories). A network, a market, or a state's government will carry it out. Social norms and institutions are created, reinforced, or reproduced as a result of decisions made by the people involved in a group problem. [2] It might be explained simply as the political interactions that take place within and outside of official institutions.

The most formal is a government, a body whose primary function and power is to enact laws that are legally enforceable in a certain geopolitical system (such as a state).

Different entities—generally referred to as "governing bodies"—can rule.

To study more about governance.


Can anyone help??? pls


Giving back to the community

Kanban is associated with all EXCEPT which of the following? A) small lot sizes B) signals, such as cards, lights, or flags C) increased material handling D) moving inventory only as needed E) reductions in inventory


Increased material handling since Kanban uses signals from the step 1 to place orders only after the item is actually needed, which cuts the inventory. The number of items handled is reduced as a result.

What are cost-cutting measures?

Outlay measures consist of policies and guidelines intended to maximize operational effectiveness. They cover every facet of operating the business, from sourcing personnel to making plane tickets. Processes must be simplified, resources must be wisely allocated, and waste must be eliminated for the success of the implementation.

Why is cost cutting significant to a business?

Cost-cutting boosts profits, however only if sales volumes and pricing are the same. The firm can be obliged to drop pricing in order to preserve a same level of revenue if cost savings lead to a decline in the quality of its products.

To know more about Reductions visit:


Rick owns and operates a small farm that produces vegetables and fruits. His friend Owen owns and operates a butcher shop that sells various kinds of
meat. Rick often gives Owen vegetables and fruits in exchange for meat, and vice versa. This scenario best describes


Because Rick often gives Owen vegetables and fruits in exchange for meat, and vice versa, this scenario best describes a trade by barter.

What is a trade by barter?

A trade by barter refers to direct exchange of goods or services without an intervening medium of exchange or money either according to established rates of exchange or by bargaining.

A trade by barter is common among traditional societies, most particularly in those communities with some developed form of market. Product can be bartered within a group as well as between groups, although gift exchange probably accounts for most intragroup trade, particularly in small and relatively simple societies.

Read more about trade by barter


expect social interactions with your company. social media is still a part of their everyday lives and they frequently use social media to connect with companies, brands, and products


Which of following points could account for Gartner's assertion that campaigns on social media fail in half?

What does the word "product" mean?

Any good or service you offer to satisfy a patient's need or desire is a product. There are both real and virtual ones. Durable things (such as automobiles, furniture, and computer) and nondurable items are examples of physical products (like food and beverages).

Describe product item using an example.

A product is a particular product edition that can be identified as a unique offering among the goods produced by a firm. Simply put, a single soft drink Coca-Cola is just a product item even while the Cola is the biggest Company has a promotional mix and anything bearing the Coca-Cola mark would constitute a product line.

To know more about products visit:


Refer to the above supply and demand graph in the graph, point A is the current equilibrium level of output of this product and point B is the optimal level of output from society's perspective. S is the supply curve without a tax and S_t is the supply curve with a tax. The external cost to society from the production of this product is measured by: DE. EF. FG. AB.


The external cost to society from the production of this product is measured by DE.

The tax supply curve can be found in what way?

The supply curve after tax is P = Q/3 + 4 when producers are subject to a $4 tax. Since P = Q/3 + 4 and P = 20 - Q are equivalent, Q/3 + 4 = 20 - Q, which results in QT = 12, we can find the new equilibrium quantity after tax. Pre-tax supply equation Pnet = QT/3 = 12/3 = 4 determines the price that producers receive.

The unit cost of production increases when the government raises the unit tax on the manufacture of goods, which causes the firm to supply less at the same price than before. The supply would decline, indicating a leftward shift in the supply curve.

Therefore, Tax producers by the external amount of DE from the graph.

Learn more about the supply curve from the given link.


a is the minimum amount employees must pay for health care, as determined by their health insurance plan.


A copay is the minimum amount employees must pay for health care, as determined by their health insurance plan.

What is copay?

Before getting a covered treatment, a patient must pay a copayment or copay to the service provider (referred to as a gap in Australian English). It may be specified in an insurance policy, and each time a covered person uses a medical service, they would be responsible for paying it. Though technically a type of coinsurance, coinsurance is defined differently in the context of health insurance, where it is a percentage payment made after the deductible up to a certain amount. Prior to any policy benefit being paid by an insurance company, it must be paid. Coinsurance payment count against any coverage out-of-pocket maximum; copayments often do not.

To learn more about a copay from the given link


a is the minimum amount employees must pay for health care, as determined by their health insurance plan.

M11-1 (Static) Equity versus Debt Financing [LO 11-1] Indicate whether each of the following relates to equity (E) or debt (D) financing and whether it makes that form of financing more, or less, favorable. 1. Interest is tax deductible 2. Dividends are optional 3. It must be repaid. 4. Additional stock issuances dilute existing stockholders' control.


Debt is something, commonly cash, borrowed with the aid of using one birthday birthday celebration from another. Debt is utilized by many organizations and people to make massive purchases that they couldn't manage to pay for below everyday circumstances.

The required details for Debt in given paragraph

1) Debt

Deductibility of hobby makes debt extra favorable than fairness.

2) Equity

Discretionary nature of dividends makes fairness extra favorable.

3) Debt

Requirement that essential be repaid makes debt much less favorable

4) Equity

To present stockholders, the dilution of manage from new inventory issuances makes fairness much less favorable than debt.

The maximum not unusual place varieties of debt are loans, which includes mortgages, vehicle mobile loans, non-public loans, and credit score card debt. Under the phrases of a mortgage, the borrower is needed to pay off the stability of the mortgage with the aid of using a positive date, usually numerous years within side the future.  

In a debt-primarily based totally monetary arrangement, the borrowing birthday birthday celebration receives permission to borrow cash below the situation that it ought to be paid again at a later date, commonly with hobby.

To know about Debt click here


you would like to open a new business - a mobile phone accessories store.
What ownership would you set up as and why?
Where would you locate and why?


As you can see, starting a cell phone accessory business is not as difficult as it may seem. However, in order to be successful, you will need to take care of a few things first. For starters, you will need to decide on the products you want to sell and find the right location for your store.

You will also have to get a business license and find a reliable supplier, as well as take your business online and start promoting your products on various social media platforms. While following all the steps outlined here will require you to put in a lot of time and effort, it is definitely worth the hassle. After all, it is guaranteed to make it easier for you to become a successful business owner.

A(n) ________ is a depositional feature composed of till and only associated with continental glaciation, not with alpine glaciers.Select one:a. drumlinb. outwashc. tilld. outwash deposit


A drumlin is a till-based depositional structure that is only associated to regional glaciation and not to alpine glaciers.

The definition of associated.

In the broadest sense, an associate company is a business in which the parent firm owns stock. As opposed to something like a subsidiary firm, in which the parent company often owns a majority stake, an associate company typically has a minority ownership by the parent company.

What is a associated worker?

When an employee's title includes the phrase "associate," it indicates that they hold a lower ranked position than their coworkers who do not. An associate manager, for instance, has a little less tenure than a manager.

To know more about associated visit:


requiring employees to take vacations is a weakness in the system of internal controls because it does not promote operational efficiency.


requiring employees to take vacations is a weakness in the system of internal controls because it does not promote operational efficiency is a false statement.

The goal of internal control is to provide a reasonable level of assurance that the information is reliable, accurate, and timely. It is a process that is carried out by a company's board of directors, management, and other staff members.

of compliance with applicable laws, regulations, covenants, agreements, policies, and procedures. The control environment, risk assessment, control actions, information and communication, and monitoring are the five interrelated components that make up an internal control framework. The Internal Control Checklist is a tool that the campus community can use to evaluate and improve internal controls, support effective and efficiency business operational, and improve compliance in a department or functional unit.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

requiring employees to take vacations is a weakness in the system of internal controls because it does not promote operational efficiency. group of answer choices false true

To learn more about company, click here.


E11-7 Finding Amounts Missing from the Stockholders Equity Section [LO 11-2, LO 11-4]
The stockholders' equity section on the December 31 balance sheet of Chemfast Corporation reported the following amounts:
Contributed Capital Preferred Stock (par $20; authorized 10,000 shares, ? issued, of which 1,000 shares are held as treasury stock) $ 90,000 Additional Paid-in Capital, Preferred 10,800 Common Stock (no-par; authorized 20,000 shares, issued and outstanding 5,300 shares) 492,900 Retained Earnings 23,000 Treasury Stock, 1,000 Preferred shares at cost 9,150 Assume that no shares of treasury stock have been sold in the past.
Complete the following statements. (Decreases should be indicated by a minus sign. Round per share to 2 decimal places.)
1 The number of shares of preferred stock issued was 2 The number of shares of preferred stock outstanding was 3 The average issue price of the preferred stock was per share
4 The average issue price of the common stock was 5 The treasury stock transaction increased (decreased) stockholders' equity by per share
6 The treasury stock cost 7 Total stockholders' equity is


(1). 4500 shares, (2). 3500 shares, (3). $22.40, (4). $93.00, (5). $9150, (6). 9.15, (7). $607,550 is the amounts missing from the Stockholders Equity Section.

What do shareholders do?

A person who holds at least one portion of a company's capital stock is known as a stockholder or an investor of the business. Shareholders, who represent the majority of the company's owners, benefit hugely from success from rising stock prices.


1). The number of preferred shares = total par value of preferred shares issued/par value = $90000/$20 = 7900 shares  

2). The number of preferred shares outstanding is issued shares minus treasury stock = 4500 issued - 1000 treasury = 3500 shares

3). Average issue price of preferred stock = (total par value + additional paid capital) / issued shares = (90000+10800)/4500 = $22.40

4). Average issue price of common stock = common stock amount/issued shares = 492900/5300 = $93.00

5). The treasury stock decreases stockholders' equity by the amount paid to repurchase the shares which is (9150/1000) = $9,150

6). The treasury stock cost $9.15 per share

7). Total stockholders' equity is (90000+10800+492900+23000-9150) = $607,550

To know more about Stockholders visit:


The complete question is-

The stockholders' equity section on the December 31, 2012, balance sheet of Chemfast Corporation reported the following amounts: Contributed Capital Preferred Stock (par $20; authorized 10,000 shares, ? issued, of which 1,000 shares are held as treasury stock) $ 88,000 Additional Paid-in Capital, Preferred 10,340 Common Stock (no-par; authorized 20,000 shares, issued and outstanding 5,200 shares) 478,400 Retained Earnings 22,000 Treasury Stock, 1,000 Preferred shares at cost 9,100 Assume that no shares of treasury stock have been sold in the past. Required: Complete the following statements. (Amounts to be deducted should be indicated by a minus sign. Round "per share values" to 2 decimal places.)

Complete the following statements. (Amounts to be deducted should be indicated by a minus sign. Round "per share values" to 2 decimal places.)

1. The number of shares of preferred stock issued was

2. The number of shares of preferred stock outstanding was

3. The average issue price of the preferred stock was

4. The average issue price of the common stock was

5. The treasury stock transaction increased or decreased stock equity by

6. The treasury stock cost

7. Total stockholders equity is

which of these products would be most likely to have dependent demand? multiple choice brownies automobiles televisions refrigerators automobile engines


Engines could only be required for the manufacture of automobiles, and dependent demand for these items would likely be periodic.

How does dependent demand work?

Dependent demand is the term for demand in comment thread, agricultural products, or component parts. A need that does not exist prior to the desire for a certain thing, which is frequently a product. Consider the microchips in a computer, the wheels on a bicycle, or the cheese on a pizza as examples.

What role does dependent demand play?

Given that both products are thought of as having dependent demand, their respective levels of demand may fluctuate together or in the opposite manner. Operations' responsibility is to anticipate dependent demand as precisely as possible in order to prevent resource loss and optimize profit.

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What term is used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation? in nature the alkali metals are found only in compounds because theyselect one:a.are very reactive elements.b.each have a stable octet.c.are rare elements.d.have small atoms. instead of providing arguments in favor of a political candidate, ads may build political support by associating pictures of the candidate with emotion-evoking music and images. this strategy best illustrates peripheral route persuasion. informational social influence. central route persuasion. deindividuation. What is the expected functional consequence of movement of a transposable element within the genome? In circle Q, QR = 6 and the area of shaded sector=15. Find the length of RTS.Express your answer as a fraction times .S77 Two numbers are in the ratio 4: 7. If their L.C.M. is 168, find the numbers. ABCis similar to XYZ. ABis 8 feet and BCis 11 feet while XYis 4 feet. Then what length is YZ? the amortization schedule for a bond issued at a discount has a carrying value that increases over time.a. trueb. false an 85-year-old man has come in for a physical examination, and the nurse notices that he uses a cane. when documenting general appearance, the nurse should document this information under the section that covers: which of the following shifts the short-run aggregate supply curve right? question 4 options: (a) an increase in the expected price level, but not (b) an increase in the price level greater than expected. both (a) an increase in the price level greater than expected and (b) an increase in the expected price level. (a) a decrease in the price level less than expected and (b) an increase in the expected price level. (a) an increase in the price level greater than expected, but not (b) an increase in the expected price level. Who was Big Hit first girl? What is the change in the internal energy of the system if 2000 J of heat leaves the system and 2500 J of work is done on the system? mark suffers from a great deal of irrational thoughts that affect his social life. he would benefit most from _____ therapy. Find the volume of a right circular cone that has a height of 6.5 cm and a base with a radius of 8.5 cm. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a cubic centimeter. For the reaction 2 h2 + o2 --> 2 h2o how many grams of water are produced from 6. 00 moles of hydrogen h2?. A study indicated that the citizens of Washington wasted 7,470 gallons of water last year. This year, they wasted 30% less. How many gallons did the citizens waste this year? Evaluate 11.5x + 10.9y when x = 6 and y =7 annotate mark the idioms used by the author in paragraph 1 how did seeds and other adaptations in seed plants contribute to the rise of seed plants and their dominant role in plant communities today? A primary focus of screen format design in a health record computer application should be to ensure that::_______.