True or False: police departments may be held liable for sexual harassment even if they did not know of the offending behavior.


Answer 1

Yes this is true police departments may be held liable for sexual harassment even if they did not know of the offending behavior.

What is the sexual harassment:

criminal conduct against a person that results in mental or emotional anguish, such as repeatedly making unwelcome contact without a good justification, insults, threats, groping, or unpleasant language.

The business looked into allegations of racial discrimination and workplace harassment.

What are examples of harassment:Sexual or offensive comments.sending vulgar or sexually explicit text messages, memos, or photos.Sexual innuendos in conversation.Physical contact that is unwanted or unwarranted, such as stroking, caressing, or embracing.

How do you prove harassment:

Establishing harassment in order to obtain a conviction:

The defendant has followed a certain path of action.The actions amounted to harassing the other individual.The defendant should have known or should have known that the actions constituted to harassment.

Learn more about Sexual Harassment:


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teri files a petition for bankruptcy. her creditors must file with the court their proof of claims against her assets within


Teri submits a bankruptcy petition. After the creditors' meeting, she has ninety days to file claims against her assets.

What does a petition mean legally?

A petition is an appeal for action, usually directed towards a prominent figure or organization. The request is placed on behalf of the group, and members of the group sign their names or otherwise indicate their approval of the request.

Why is a petition necessary?

The ability to petition offers individuals the opportunity to speak against by atrocities they perceive to be taking place as well as the potential to effect change. Anyone, that whether individual or a whole group, may submit a petition.

To know more about petition visit:


What is an example of a short term financial goal?


Quick-term dreams have to include placing a finances goal decreasing your debt, and beginning an emergency fund. There are lots of free on line budgeting equipment to help you discover ways to budget.

After you determine out a budget, it's important to start considering how you could reduce your debt Short-time period financial goals are goals that organizations goal to reap in a pretty short time period (often quarterly or yearly). those objectives are commonly smaller in scope and less difficult to expect and realize than lengthy-term monetary dreams.

The best economic aim extra critical than saving and making an investment is paying off awful debts. excessive interest, horrific debts consisting of credit score card money owed and personal loans act exactly the alternative of desirable investments, reducing your worth at a compounding price, in preference to developing it.

Examples of mid-time period financial desires include saving sufficient for a down fee on a house, paying off a hefty scholar loan, starting a business (or starting a 2nd profession), procuring a marriage, stocking your teen's prepaid university fund, taking a dream vacation, or maybe a sabbatical.

Learn more financial goals here:


What is the main role of the vice president?


As head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the President of the United States holds the authority of the Executive Branch.

The President picks the leaders of federal agencies, including the Cabinet, with the goal of putting into effect and upholding the laws passed by Congress. Additionally a member of the Executive Branch, the Vice President is prepared to take over as President if necessary.

The daily administration and enforcement of federal legislation are under the control of the Cabinet and autonomous federal agencies. The goals and objectives of these departments and organizations are as dissimilar from one another as those of the Department of Defense, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Social Security Administration, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Learn more about President here


What is the term limit on the president according to the Constitution of 1787?


Early versions of the U.S. Constitution limited the president to a single seven-year term.

Presidential term limits had been a hot topic in American politics for a while, but the Twenty-second Amendment was a response to Franklin D. Roosevelt being elected to an unprecedented four terms as president. The topic was extensively discussed by delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 (along with more general issues like who would choose the president and the job of the president).

Many people, such as James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, backed set terms for presidents, while others preferred perpetual tenure. George Mason of Virginia criticized the life-tenure concept and compared it to elected monarchy. In the end, the Framers agreed to four-year terms without a cap on the number of times a person might be elected president.

According to an early version of the U.S. Constitution, the president was only allowed to serve one seven-year term in accordance with the Constitution of 1787.

To know more about the 22nd amendment, refer:


What are the 3 restrictions to freedom of speech?


The 3 restrictions to freedom of speech: are incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, ETC.

There are three styles of freedom. the first form of freedom is “freedom from,” freedom from the restrictions of society. second, is “freedom to,” freedom to do what we need to do. Thirdly, there's “freedom to be,” freedom, now not simply to do what we need, but a freedom to be who we had been meant to be.

With freedom, we're allowed to do whatever we pick out to, so we can enhance our lives, economic situations, and the sector. this is why freedom is so crucial — it continues our world jogging, regularly without us being privy to it. Freedom also creates and embraces diversity, due to the fact all and sundry are specific.

Learn more about freedom here:


Which of these resulted from the exonerations of the separate wrongful 1986 convictions of Timothy Cole and Michael Morton?
A state-level advisory panel recommended reforms.
A prosecuting attorney was criminally convicted for actions leading to wrongful conviction.
Compensation was increased for wrongfully convicted and imprisoned individuals.
Information collected by prosecutors in discovery must be made available to the defense.


In 1986, after Timothy Cole and Michael Morton were both proven not guilty, governmental advisory bodies pushed for reforms and increased compensation for other people who had been wrongfully imprisoned

What does being acquitted of all charges mean?

​​​​​​​​Glossary. A person who has been convicted of a crime is typically declared innocent if new evidence of their innocence becomes available. This is known as an exoneration. Here is a definition that is more precise.

Exonerate implies innocence, right?

When a defendant is exonerated, their criminal conviction is overturned by the court, officially absolving them of their wrongdoing. Exoneration calls for the overturning of a criminal conviction due to evidence of innocence, an error in the initial verdict, or some other legality

To know more about exonerations visit:


What is the true meaning of Hamlet?


Another one of Hamlet's central themes is action against inaction. First it is that if anyone lets their fury or need for vengeance rule them, they could damage themselves.

Does taking action beat staying still?

While taking action gives us the impression that we can affect change, doing nothing gives the impression that we have given up and are unable to alter anything. In essence, we feel better after taking action.

Is staying still an act of action?

It's simple to assume that "inaction" is just the absence of action, but it's not quite that straightforward. Actions include inaction. The decision to keep things as they are is deliberate. Organizations may select opportunities or self-performance insights for a variety of reasons.

To know more about action visit:


What exception was created to proving literacy in order to vote, according to the oklahoma state law? check all that apply.


"Voter registration prior to January 1, 1866"

"A voter's registered parent's child" are the two exceptions.

The Oklahoma Constitution, which describes how ordinances must be enacted into law and represent the scope of authority and fundamental law that the Oklahoma Statutes must adhere to, serves as the foundation for Oklahoma law. Oklahoma voters have approved more than 150 constitutional amendments.

Oklahoma is renowned for its cowboy tradition, the heritage of the Native Americans, and stunning scenery. There is much to learn about the state, including its production of iodine and its oil and gas sector.

The Oklahoma Legislature passes laws, and the governor of Oklahoma signs them into force. The state Constitution forbids certain sorts of laws, and the court may declare them unconstitutional if they are passed.

To know more about Oklahoma laws visit:


Answer:B)  “Registered to vote before January 1, 1866” C)  “The child of someone registered to vote”  



What is the first step in selecting US citizens to serve as a member of a jury Brainly?


Names of local residents registered to vote and have driver's licences are chosen at random by each district court. To help determine whether they are competent to serve on jury, individuals who are randomly chosen fill out  questionnaire.

The right of a citizen to a jury trial is one of the establishing standards of the US Constitution. It is viewed as a foundation of American legal system.

The principal right is expressed multiple times in the Constitution: once in the first language and multiple times in the Bill of Rights. State regulations and rules managing jury determination and conviction/quittance prerequisites fluctuate.

In the American overall set of laws, there are three various types of juries: common juries, which judge civil lawsuits; investigative grand juries, which decide whether there is sufficient evidence to support a criminal indictment; and petit juries, which hear the available evidence during a criminal trial and determine the accused's guilt or innocence.

Know more about Jury -


What is the pathos mean?


Pathos is a mode of persuasion in which a sentence appeal to the emotions of the audience.

Pathos is one of the three modes of persuasion, including ethos, and logos. Pathos is an extremely persuasive literary form as it initiates the power of emotions in the audience which dominates logic and sense. The word pathos has a Greek origin meaning suffering. The Greek philosopher Aristotle originated it.

The Greek philosopher Plato argued against pathos stating that it can easily manipulate the audience and lead to logical fallacies. Pathos has to be balanced by ethos and logos to create constructive and effective arguments. It is useful in making the audience understand the sensitive discussions and making them agree with the writer's view point.

Learn more about pathos here


in 2017, laws allowing the possession of specified amounts of recreational marijuana took effect in maine. which term best describes this?


The possession of a certain amount of recreational marijuana became legal in Maine in 2017. The best word to describe this is legalization.

Regulation follows legality, so yes. It implies that you won't be told by the government that you can't use, grow, or trade marijuana. The process of making cannabis legal entails lifting all relevant legal restrictions. The general adult population would then be able to buy cannabis and use it as they like, just like they can with tobacco and alcohol. Decriminalization is the process of removing criminal penalties associated with a certain act, item, or behavior.

When a drug is legalized, all drug-related offenses—including use, possession, cultivation, manufacture, trading, etc.—are no longer considered crimes. A variety of public health initiatives known as "harm reduction" aim to lessen the negative effects of recreational drug use and other high-risk behaviors. Legalization renders documents acceptable for use abroad. There are frequently numerous steps in the procedure. Documents that can be legalized include court orders, diplomas, and certificates of achievement.

To learn more about recreational marijuana, refer:


Under 2021 tax law, a child no longer qualifies a taxpayer for the Child Tax Credit in the year the child reaches:


Under 2021 tax law, a child no longer qualifies a taxpayer for the Child Tax Credit in the year the child reaches: 1. Age 17.

What is a Form 1040?

A Form 1040 was formally referred to as U.S. Individual Income Tax Return or Schedule C and it can be defined as an internal revenue service (IRS) tax form which is used by taxpayers in the United States of America, to file their annual income tax return and Child Tax Credit (CTC).

What is the Child Tax Credit?

The Child Tax Credit (CTC) can be defined as a partially refundable federal tax benefit that can be claimed by parents with dependent children when filing Form 1040 and attaching Schedule 8812 to the return.

Under 2021 tax law of the United States of America, a seventeen (17) year old child does not qualify a taxpayer for Child Tax Credit (CTC).

Read more on Form 1040 here:


Complete Question:

Under 2021 tax law, a child no longer qualifies a taxpayer for the Child Tax Credit in the year the child reaches

1.Age 17

2.Age 18.

3. Age 19

4. Age 19, or age 24 if the child is a full-time student.

What do you think is Swift's real opinion of his critics?


According to Swift, his critics are people who only thinks of their own interest and not the interest of the society.

In "A Modest Proposal," Swift primarily attacks society through satire by proposing that the Irish should turn their teenagers into luxury food items and sell their infants to be hunted like wildlife in the woods in order to end their poverty. Swift makes fun of the English for exploiting the Irish economically, the Irish for being submissive and enabling the English to exploit them, and the reader for embodying all that is wrong with society. He was able to criticise the sluggish Irish administration in front of the conqueror England since it caused thousands of people—most notably the Catholic majority—to starve at the time. He was one of the finest satirists and also a man of reason.

Learn more about Swift here:


What body of government is granted the power to enforce the civil war amendments?.


What body of government is granted the power to enforce the civil war amendments?.

state governments

Which best describes the diction from Ain't IA Woman?


Informal and relatable are the words that best describes the diction from 'Ain't I A Woman?'

Speech made on the spot by Sojourner Truth, a woman born into slavery in New York State, entitled "Ain't I a Woman?" She eventually rose to fame as an anti-slavery speaker after winning her release in 1827. Her speech did not initially have a title when it was given in 1851 before the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio. Truth raises concerns about how white women are treated in comparison to Black women. According to Truth, who appears to be pointing out a male in the room, that man states that ladies should be assisted into carriages, hoisted over ditches, and given preference everywhere.

Learn more about Ain't I A Woman here:


What is Hamlet's biggest problem?


In addition to being revolt by his mother getting married to his uncle "within a month" of his father's passing, Hamlet is grieving for the loss of his father.

Revolt in a nutshell, what is that?

To openly rebel against established authority; to renounce loyalty or submission to those in charge; to rebel; rebel: to revolt against with the current administration. Revolting is an illegitimate and frequently violent endeavor.

What sparks revolts?

The British annexation policy was one of the primary causes of the uprising's beginning. The annexation of various native states as a result of this approach gave the populace the impression that their rights are all being usurped. Another important factor in the uprising was the Doctrine of Lapse.

To know more about revolt visit:


What is the second branch of the Philippine government?


Legislative is the second branch of the Philippine government.

The Philippines is a republic with a presidential system of government in which the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government are each given an equal amount of power.

Through the authority granted to the Philippine Congress, the legislative branch is empowered to enact, amend, and abolish laws. The Senate and the House of Representatives make up this institution.

The President and Vice President, who make up the Executive branch, are chosen directly by the people and hold office for a period of six years.

The judicial branch has the authority to resolve disputes regarding legally demandable and enforceable rights. There is a Supreme Court and several courts inside it.

The Philippines is administered as a unitary state by a democratic constitutional republic with a presidential representative system.

To know more about the Philippine government, refer:


What is the second branch of the national legislature?


Senate is the second branch of the national legislature.

The creation of statutory legislation falls under the purview of the legislative branch. Some state laws are subject to popular voting by state residents, while all federal laws are created by the federal legislative branch. Congress is in charge of the legislative branch of the federal government. A state legislature is in charge of a state's legislative bodies. Congress is divided into two houses since it is bicameral. Equal representation of the several states and of American citizens is provided by this system. The Senate represents the states. No matter how big or tiny, every state receives two senators. The House of Representatives speaks for the people. Population determines who is eligible to serve in the House of Representatives.

Congress is the name of the United States' legislative body. The Senate and the House of Representatives are the two branches of legislature.

To know more about the branches of government, refer:


When on election duty under whose control does the government officers work class 9 Mcq?


When on election duty, the government officers work under the Election Commission.

The electoral commission has the authority to grant political parties symbols. It recognises the regional, state, and national political parties. It restricts election spending. The commission periodically updates the voter's list and creates electoral rolls. Regular elections are one of the most significant aspects of India's democratic strategy. A democratic government must regularly hold free and fair elections, and this is part of the Constitution's fundamental design. The country's elections are protected by the Election Commission.

Learn more about election commission here:


What were the causes and effects of consumerism in the 1920s?


Because of mass production, more products entering the market, and enhanced advertising strategies, consumerism reached its peak in the 1920s. Americans were eager to buy the most recent products because they had more leisure time and money to spend.

What is a simple definition of consumerism?

According to the ideology of consumerism, people will be better off if they buy a lot of things and services. Consumer spending, according to some economists, boosts the economy's growth and production. According to economists, consuming is about maximising utility while satisfying biological needs and wants. Along with the obvious social and economic issues, consumerism is also causing environmental destruction.  More land use and deforestation, increased pollutant emissions, and faster climate change are the results of this.

Why is consumerism a problem?

Natural resource depletion and environmental contamination are two drawbacks of consumerism. More than 70% of Earth's natural resources are currently being overused. Consumer spending, or individual spending on consumer goods and services, is the main engine of economic growth and a key indicator of the productive performance of a capitalist economy, according to the consumerism theory of economics.

To know more about Consumerism visit:


What kind of lesson does Claudius try to give Hamlet?


Claudius' only objective is to keep his position of power. The main impact Claudius has on Hamlet's search for the truth and significance in his life is to sow discord and rage.

Is Claudius a trustworthy ruler?

Claudius emerged as an efficient emperor despite not being the Roman Senate's top pick. His first deed was to put to death Cassius Chaerea all his fellow Caligula assassins. He brought some peace to Rome by establishing the rule of law.

Claudius was he ill?

Claudius, the Roman emperor, had a variety of bodily tics and impairments. Many academics have proposed that Claudius had cerebral palsy to explain these symptoms.

To know more about Hamlet visit:


Under what circumstances do people have the right to assemble?


The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, "Congress shall respect or prohibit the free exercise of any institution of religion, or restrict the right of free speech and the press, or the right of people to peaceful assembly."

Examples of gatherings protected by freedom of assembly, both offline and online, including the right to hold strikes, assemblies, events or protests include: holding parties, attending churches, militia meetings, party conventions,

There are protests, public gatherings, political demonstrations, rallies, and rallies for all groups of people. , to demand change and be involved in official responses. Without freedom of association, people have less access to information and participation in open government between elections.

Learn more about right to assemble here:


When chief justice Earl Warren stated A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn Brainly?


The constitutionality of school segregation is the subject of the combined case known as Brown. African American children and their parents challenged the "separate but equal" theory there, criticizing it as a result of Plessy v. Ferguson.

They claimed that by denying African American pupils equal educational opportunities, school segregation violated the Fourteenth Amendment. The Supreme Court agreed, overturning Plessy and deeming school segregation illegal in a unanimous decision written by Chief Justice Earl Warren. The Court emphasized the detrimental effects of segregation on children's mental and emotional development as part of its findings.

With this significant ruling, the Supreme Court paved the way for future legal challenges to Jim Crow legislation in other situations and revitalized the promise of the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Learn more about Low self-esteem here:


Under what circumstances would the protest of the students in Tinker v. Des Moines be deemed unprotected speech of their action has clearly threatened?


The instances under which the protest of the students in Tinker v. Des Moines might be deemed unprotected speech if their motion had virtually threatened protection and order.

The primary amendment protects nonviolent, now not violent, assembly. but, there should be a “clear and present risk” or an “approaching incitement of lawlessness” before government officers may additionally restrict free-assembly rights.

The first amendment protects nonviolent, now not violent, meetings. but, there ought to be a “clean and gift hazard” or a “coming near incitement of lawlessness” earlier than authorities officials might also limit loose-meeting rights.

Learn more about  Tinker v. Des here


What is the structure of an NGO?


Three groups make up an NGO's senior management: the Executive Director, the State Assembly, and the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors for the NGO is in charge.

What, for instance, are NGOs?

Non-governmental organizations, or "NGOs," are a broad category that encompasses a variety of organizations. In addition to academic institutions, churches, neighborhood organizations, activist organizations, and trade associations, they also include international charities like Various charities and Save the Children.

What do NGOs do, exactly, and what are they?

NGO stands for non-governmental organization. Despite the lack of a single, widely accepted definition of an NGO, it's typically a voluntary organization or company that has a social aim and operates independently of the government. NGOs and other similar groups are active all over the world.

To know more about NGOs visit:


The u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?



The u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?

racial segregation

to pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute.


To pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute. Hence, the above option is true. The second part is more or less true. And the elements of a contract the statement is always to be false.

What is the Social Insurance?

A type of public welfare known as social insurance offers protection from financial dangers. Public insurance may be offered, or private insurance may be subsidized.

Social insurance is a type of mandatory public insurance that offers protection against a variety of economic hazards, such as loss of income due to illness, old age, or unemployment.

According to one definition, social insurance is "a cooperative device, that aims at the decision to award adequate benefits to the insured on a fact that it is based, in times of unemployment, illness, and other emergency cases, to maintain a minimum standard of living from a fund created from the triadic contributions.

Learn more about social insurance here:


Full Question-

True Or FalseTo Pay For Social Insurance Programs Administered By The Social Security Administration, Employers,

1. true or false

To pay for social insurance programs administered by the Social Security Administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute.

2. true or false

If contracting parties attach materially different meanings to a contracted word or term subject to more than one reasonable interpretation, the contract is void.

3. true or false

The elements of consideration, in a bilateral contract for a sale of goods, are the sale and the goods.

What are the 3 key concepts of government?


The 3 key concepts of government: The need for an ordered social system, or government.

The idea of limited government, that is, that government should not be all-powerful.

The concept of representative government — is a government that serves the will of the people.

A government is a gadget to control a country or community. The Columbia Encyclopedia defines government as "a machine of social manage beneath which the proper to make legal guidelines, and the right to enforce them is vested in a selected group in society".

The united states government is based on ideas of restricted government, which includes herbal rights, famous sovereignty, republicanism, and social agreement. confined government is the belief that the authorities need to have positive restrictions with the intention to defend the character rights and civil liberties of citizens.

Learn more about government here:


Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is his or hers to keep. T/F



belongs to the principal

How is pathos used in a modest proposal?


Swift's narrator spends the first few sentences of "A Modest Proposal" building an emotionally compelling picture of the misery of the Irish poor. Pathos is an emotional appeal.

Pathos taps into the audience's emotions and aspirations to evoke feelings that are already there. In rhetoric, pathos is one of the three modalities of persuasion together with ethos and logos. It is also frequently utilized in literature, film, and other narrative arts.

Pathos is the Greek term for "complaints of the soul" in Stoicism. Pathos is an interior experience that occurs in one's soul and is characterized by an incorrect reaction to sensations from the outside world. This understanding of pathos, together with the belief that all pathos must be eradicated (in order to reach the state of apatheia), is connected by Stoics to a particular conception of the nature of the soul, the working of the mind, and human behavior. That image's core idea is that giving prey to pathos is a fallacy of logic, or an intellectual blunder.

Learn more about Pathos here


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