John terborgh, tropical ecologist at duke university, asserts that in order to save tropical forests, citizens of industrial nations are going to have to pay developing countries. Do you agree? what are some ways that this might be done?.


Answer 1

Some way that this might be done is by providing funds to build jobs for people in developing countries.

John Terborgh is a Professor of Environmental Science at Duke University. He argues that industrial countries must pay compensation to the people in developing countries for the various natural damages that their countries have suffered. This compensation can be done in various ways, including by establishing a living museum, making it easier for people in developing countries to have easy access to schools, jobs and health care. or providing low-cost housing for people in these developing countries.

Learn more about conservation


Related Questions

although a strong romantic relationship benefits a couple’s happiness, research shows that loneliness can be experienced if time spent with friends is curtailed or eliminated.
a. true
b. false


Although a healthy romantic relationship contributes to a couple's happiness, research indicates that if time spent with friends is restricted or removed, loneliness can occur.

What is relationship?

Relationships refer to how two or more individuals, teams, nations, etc. interact, behave, and deal with one another. A relationship in which two or more things or persons have a sexual or romantic friendship. You know you're in a good relationship when you live and let live, understand one other deeply, & appreciate one another's individuality." Not Perfect Relationship Rules, but Guidelines for Having an Great Relationship. accepting one another as we are, with all our strengths and weaknesses.

Why is relationship so important?

Happiness and living full lives depend on relationships. This is as a result of the numerous advantages they provide. Through relationships, we can connect with friends and family members with whom we can discuss our lives and find support when we need it. They often make we laugh a lot, and that makes us happy.

To know more about Relationship visit:


Why did the US have an interest in Cuba ?




American sugar interests bought up large tracts of land in Cuba.

a repeated pattern of behavior that conveys to a child that he or she is unwanted, worthless, valued only to the extent that he or she can meet others' needs is known as: a. physical abuse. b. psychological maltreatment. c. child slavery. d. incest.


A repeated pattern of behavior that conveys to a child that he or she is unwanted, worthless, valued only to the extent that he or she can meet others' needs is known as: b. psychological maltreatment.

Mental maltreatment might be the maximum commonplace form of child abuse. now not only is it a form of maltreatment present in its own right, but also is imbedded in and interacts with all different sorts of toddler abuse and neglect.

Kinds of psychological maltreatment may additionally consist of rejecting, separating, neglecting, exploiting, and terrorizing. Emotional abuse in early life refers to continual deliberate mistreatment of a toddler, which can also include deliberately trying to scare, humiliate, forget about, and isolate the child.

Learn more about psychological maltreatment here:

What is it called when individuals must care for both their own children and their elderly parents?


A generation of middle-aged people known as the "sandwich generation" is responsible for both their elderly parents and their children.

Sandwich generation: what is it?

The sandwich generation, or adults who have a remaining parent who is 65 years or older and are parenting a child under the age of 18 or providing support for a grown child, are under a lot of pressure.

Who came up with the term "sandwich generation"?

The phrase "Sandwich Generation" was first used in 1981 by two social workers names Dorothy Miller & Elaine Brody to refer to caregivers who were straddled two generations. According to current statistics, 47% of persons in their 40s or 50s are caring for an aging parent who is approaching their 70s while simultaneously managing their children.

To know more about sandwich generation visit:


when mt. st. helen erupted in 1980, all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. what type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance?


Primary succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance.

When a new piece of land is produced or is first exposed, primary succession occurs. This may occur, for instance, when lava solidifies and forms new rocks or when a glacier recedes and reveals bare rocks. In the initial succession, organisms have to start over.

When fresh land is created or bare rock is exposed, primary succession takes place, creating an environment that can support the first colonization of an ecosystem.

In situations where the soil is unable to support life due to reasons like lava flows, recently formed sand dunes, or boulders left behind by a retreating glacier, primary succession takes place.

To learn more about Succession visit:


What did Friedrich von Hayek argue against?


Late in the 1930s and early in the 1940s, Hayek focused on the argument over the viability of socialist planning.

The most well-known contribution of the Austrian-British economist, legal theorist, and philosopher Hayek is his defense of classical liberalism. [1] Together with Gunnar Myrdal, Hayek received the 1974 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their research on economic interconnectedness, money and economic fluctuations.He made the case that it couldn't. Hayek claimed that socialist economists believed central planning could succeed because they believed resource allocation could be based on the available economic data.

learn more about Hayek here:


What would Adam smith think about centeralized planning of the market


Adam Smith, the philosopher and father of economics, talks about a “man of system,” a central planner who believes he can orchestrate the lives of others, like chess pieces that can be moved at will

disorders of emotion can sometimes be treated by a medication that works by increasing the levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain. such drugs are called


Disorders of emotion can sometimes be treated by a medication that works by increasing the levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain. such drugs are called antidepressants.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that your frame can't feature without. Their activity is to hold chemical indicators (“messages”) from one neuron (nerve mobile) to the next goal mobile. the following target cellular may be another nerve cell, a muscle cell or a gland. luckily, the seven “small molecule” neurotransmitters (acetylcholine, dopamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, histamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin) do most of the people of the paintings.

A neurotransmitter is a signaling molecule secreted by means of a neuron to have an effect on every other cellular throughout a synapse. The cellular receiving the signal, any essential body part or goal mobile, may be another neuron, but may also be a gland or muscle cellular.

Learn more about neurotransmitters here:


in order to make sure her hurt feelings are appropriate, shannen tries to check them against external, objective criteria, which is called


In order to make sure her hurt feelings are appropriate, shannen tries to check them against external is called Reality Testing.

By comparing your feelings to outside, objective standards, you can determine whether they are realistic.

The most common definition of emotional intelligence (EI) is the capacity to recognise, utilise, comprehend, regulate, and control emotions. People with high emotional intelligence are able to identify their own emotions as well as those of others, use emotional information to direct their behaviour and thinking, differentiate between various emotions and assign the proper labels to each one, and modify their emotions to fit their environment.

To know more about environment, click here:


when the supreme court refuses to review a lower-court decision, announcing this decision through a short unsigned opinion is called


Answer: It is called "granting certiorari".


the civil liberties enshrined in the constitution protect citizens from certain actions by the government, or in other words, the collective. which statement best describes how civil liberties relate to the collective action principle?


The statement best describes how civil liberties related to the collective action principle: if police entered your house without a warrant or probable.

The principle is a noun used to refer to a criminal, herbal, or medical rule or wellknown. it can additionally be used to consult a standard or private ethical standard. Examples: precept in a sentence The principle of human rights is important to the concept of democracy.

Those include things like honesty, equity, and equality. ethical principles can be one of a kind for everybody due to the fact they depend upon how someone turned into raised and what is important to them in existence.

Learn more about principle here:


jit has an internal focus while lean production begins with an external focus on:________


While lean manufacturing starts with an outward focus on supplier relationships, jit has an inside focus.

How would you employ external focus?

On the other hand, an exterior focus is placed on how the movement will affect the surroundings or the eventual result. For instance, in training to throw a ball, a performance may choose to either focus externally on the ball and its goal or inwardly on the movements of the hand, elbow, and shoulder.

Why is external attention concentration preferable?

Our examination of the literature showed that external attention is useful for maintaining equilibrium. Basically, standing while attention focused on the body (internal focus) seems to reduce postural sway less than doing so with attention directed toward the external surroundings all around body (external focus)3.

To know more about external focus visit;


the time period in which learning occurs most easily and is most effective is known as: group of answer choices a critical period. a sensitive period. gestational age. an imprinting period.


The time period in which learning occurs most easily and is most effective is a sensitive period.

The time period 'effective learning' describes methods of coaching and studying that actively contain children of their personal learning and personal development. think of it as youngsters gaining knowledge of how to learn, in preference to virtually parroting statistics or copying techniques from teachers or other youngsters.

While efficiency refers to how properly something is done, effectiveness refers to how beneficial something is. for example, an automobile is a totally effective shape of transportation, capable of moving human beings across lengthy distances, to unique locations, but a vehicle won't transport human beings successfully because of the way it uses gas.

Learn more about effectiveness here:


children come to accept the universality and finality of death at around age __________.



7 and 11,


8-12 years (Pre-adolescent) Children at this age have an adult understanding of death – that it is final, irreversible, and universal. They are able to understand the biological aspects of death as well as cause-and-effect relationships.

Which of the following electoral system where the candidate who gets the most number of votes is elected into office?


The selection of electors, the gathering of electors at which they pick the President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress make up the Electoral College process.

The Electoral College is a method, not a physical location. It was included in the Constitution, in part, as a compromise between the presidential election by vote in Congress and the presidential election by popular vote of eligible residents.An electoral system or voting system is a set of regulations that regulate how elections and referendums are conducted and how their outcomes are determined. Governments are chosen through electoral processes in politics, although non-political elections can occur in the business world, non-profit organizations, and unofficial groups. All voting-related procedures are governed by the following rules: when elections take place.

learn more about electoral here:


what is the name of the marital form in which a person can have several spouses in his or her lifetime but can have only one spouse at a time?


Serial monogamy, is the name of the marital form in which a person can have several spouses in his or her lifetime but can have only one spouse at a time.

Instead of taking solo breaks or casually dating in between, serial monogamy entails having a string of monogamous (often long-term) relationships. Serial monogamists prefer exclusive, committed relationships to casual dates or hook-ups because they feel more at ease in them.

The traditional Romantic notions of monogamy and love are related to serial monogamy. Serial monogamists revere the idea of exclusive love. Both of you desire to be your partner's sole companion. You want to think about and practice an ideal form of love while you are together.

Learn more about  Serial monogamy to visit this link


Tahila is interested in exporting. She is accompanying representatives of the U.S. Department of Commerce to London where she will meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers to help her make contacts and explore export opportunities in London. Tahlia is participating in a. Multiple Choice a "best prospects" search.
b. the SCORE program. c. a matchmaker program. d. an import-export expo.


The main federal organization tasked with aiding the export of American goods and services, and so creating and maintaining American jobs, is the U.S. Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank).

What kind of role does the United States Export-Import Bank play?

The Export-Import Bank assists American businesses in exporting their goods by offering loans, loan guarantees, and insurance. The Export-Import Bank focuses primarily on small businesses.

by means of several credit, guarantee, and insurance programs. The Department of Commerce is devoted to helping American businesses plan, develop, and put into action the worldwide sales strategies necessary to prevail in the current global export marketplace through the International Trade Administration. The Export Administration Regulations control the export and reexport of goods, software, and technology (collectively "items"), and the Bureau of Industry and Services (BIS) of the United States Department of Commerce is responsible for the administration of these laws, regulations, and policies (EAR).

Learn more about Export-Import Bank:


from the perspective of the trait theories, how would you evaluate neumann? what traits did he possess? what traits are he lacking?


Adam Neumann Theory, from the perspective of the trait theories, how would you evaluate neumann.

Adam Neumann, then 22 years old, left Israel to move to the United States in 2001. He was a student at Baruch College in New York City, but he dropped out four credits short of earning a diploma and instead tried his hand as an entrepreneur. Neumann and Miguel McKelvey started a company called Green Desk, which rented desks in co-working spaces to people and businesses who weren't ready to invest in their own offices after two failed endeavors. Their business, We Work, was founded in 2010 221 How exactly did We Work operate? The business basically divided up 64-square-foot sections of leased office space in metropolitan areas like New York City and San Francisco, where flexible workspace was in high demand. The sections are then sublet to professionals by WeWork, who provide amenities like restaurants, office equipment like copy machines, and community. WeWork was marketed as a tech and lifestyle company by Neumann to convince investors of his business model, but critics claim that it was never anything more than a glorified subleasing company.

To know more about Adam Neumann visit


when a sense of mutuality and being connected develops, we are at what stage of a relationship? group of answer choices contact intimacy dissolution involvement


We are at the involvement stage of a relationship.

During the involvement stage of a relationship, a feeling of reciprocity and connection emerges. Moving from acquaintances to friends is a part of the participation stage of friendship. Both parties are currently looking for increased interaction and spending more time together. In this phase, you start to open up to the other person about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as well as more specific details about your life. Going on dates will help you establish a love connection if that's what you want.

Relationships can form through certain stages of engagement (initiating, exploring, intensifying, integrating, and bonding) and then fall apart (differentiating, circumscribing, stagnating, avoiding, and terminating).

Learn more about relationships here:


What does it mean to have a mindset of a wolf?


The wolf mentality is taking charge of your profession, being fearless and tough, and attacking for what you desire and deserve.

The Wolf maintains emotional restraint to such an extent that occasionally, those around them find their "painful" self-control and "emotionlessness" intolerable. The Wolf is ruthless toward those who oppose them and will not overlook rudeness or insults. Consequently, being on their list of adversaries is absolutely not fun.

The meaning and symbolism of wolves include fidelity, kinship, collaboration, protection, wildness, independence, instincts, fun, and other admirable qualities. Because wolves once roamed the globe, they have been a subject of myth and folklore in many different cultures.

To know more about wolf and his shadow:


Anyone pls it’s due today help me with the cause and effect at the bottom pls pls


British colonization is the historical event that the map would be illustrating here the dark black surfaces.

What is British colonization?

The British colonization of the Americas is the story of historic event of England, Scotland, and Great Britain's acquisition of dominance over, colonization of, and settlement of the American continents after 1707.

The Turks and Caicos Islands, The British Antarctic, the Falkland Islands, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Anguilla, Gibraltar, St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Ascension,  and Indian Ocean Territories, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are just a few of the British colonies that were established during this time.

The potential for financial gain was one of the primary factors in the colonization of the New World. The Company of London established the Jamestown colony in an effort to make money for its investors. During this time, European colonialism and territorial extraction were mostly driven by necessity.

Thus the map discloses the British colonial rule.

Learn more about British colonization refer:


__________ is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.


Homeobox is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.

A DNA segment called a homeobox, which is around 180 base pairs long, controls the early development of large-scale anatomical features. For instance, changes to a homeobox may affect the full-grown organism's large-scale anatomical traits.The homeobox is a conserved DNA pattern that codes for transcription factors—proteins that bind to DNA segments and regulate the activity of other genes.Hox genes and the microRNAs that they link with are master developmental regulators that have precise tissue-specific, spatiotemporal control. These genes are frequently regulated by DNA methylation and are known to be dysregulated in a number of malignancies.

To know more about DNA here


immigrant elders are generally happier with their lives than nonimmigrants. this is referred to as the:


Immigrant elders are generally happier with their lives than nonimmigrants. this is referred to as happiness paradox.

Philosophers have been the primary source of knowledge about happiness and the good life. The "paradox of happiness" is one of the main principles of this old knowledge.

Greater levels of life satisfaction were reported by older immigrants than comparable native-born people. Hispanic immigrants, who reported the highest levels of life satisfaction of all the groups examined in the study, benefited most from this so-called "happiness advantage." Regardless of nativity, life satisfaction rose for White and "Other Race" groups with higher levels of schooling. Higher levels of education, however, were linked to reduced life satisfaction for both Black groups and Hispanic natives.

To know more about paradox of happiness


in general, _____ tends to give rise to a strong sense of purpose, values, morals, and ethics.


In general, spirituality tends to give rise to a strong sense of purpose, values, morals, and ethics.

Morals are what you accept as true to be proper and incorrect. human beings will have one-of-a-kind morals: you would possibly say, "I really like his morals" or "I wonder approximately his morals." Your morals are your thoughts approximately proper and incorrect, especially the way you ought to act and treat different people.

Human beings' values outline what they want individually, however, morals define what the society around the ones humans needs for them. sure behaviors are taken into consideration to be accepted via a given society, even as others are considered to be undesirable. moral principles are vital for society due to the fact they help human beings learn how to get along and stay properly with every different. They teach us that each human deserves the same rights, which is why it's no longer okay to discriminate against someone based on their ethnicity or race.

Learn more about Morals here:


is prayer a suitably moral response to suffering? take a stand for or against this position using the text to support your response.


A prayer is an invocation or act that aims to initiate a relationship with a worship object through intentional communication.

The phrase is used to describe an act of prayer or intercession made to a deity or a deified ancestor in the strict meaning. More generally, prayer can be used to express gratitude or appreciation. It is also strongly related to more ethereal types of meditation and charms or spells in comparative religion.

There are many different ways to pray, including alone or with others, as part of a predetermined routine or liturgy. Hymns, incantations, formal creedal statements, or an individual's spontaneous expression can all be used as forms of prayer.

To know more about religion, click here:


nisha is asked to make a presentation to a group of police officers. for her topic, nisha decides to explain some techniques to help manage job stress. what tactic is nisha using to make the presentation interesting?


When explaining a process, remember the acronym T-E-A-C-H, which stands for the following

Tell, demonstrate, apply, coach, and assist. Using is one approach for making your presentation more intriguing.

The process of identifying an audience and tailoring a speech to their interests, degree of comprehension, attitudes, and beliefs is known as audience analysis.

Taking an audience-centered approach is vital since a speaker's efficacy will improve if the presentation is designed and performed properly.

Engage the audience by piquing their attention and providing a cause for them to listen.

Describe a scenario or a person.Tell your tale.Share a personal story.Refer to a recent occurrence.Use a prior speaker's statement or subject as a springboard.Highlight anything significant about the audience or the present situation.

Learn more about to job stress visit here;


Why did Theodore Roosevelt use the big stick policy?


So that people can negotiate peacefully

1. what is the general trend for the occurrence of psychological disorders during emerging adulthood? state two factors that might contribute to this trend.


Adolescent adults are particularly at risk for psychiatric disorders. In any given year, more than 40% of her 18- to 29-year-olds in the United States meet criteria for mental illness.

The two factors are identity, instability, etc.

This is a higher percentage than any other adult age group. The most common disorders are anxiety (22.3%), substance use (22.0%) and mood disorders (22.0%).

Five traits that mark the new adulthood: quest for identity, instability, self-centeredness, a sense of being between adolescence and adulthood, and a sense of great potential for the future.

Emerging adulthood is concentrated in developed countries, where most young people have completed tertiary education and the median age of marriage and parenthood is about 30 years.

There are differences in the emergence of adulthood within industrialized countries. It lasted the longest in Europe, and in developed Asia, the self-centered freedom of adolescent adulthood is balanced by parental responsibility and a conservative view of sexuality.

Adulthood exists only in the elite middle class, but is expected to increase in the 21st century as these countries become more prosperous.

To learn more about Adolescent adults here:


What age group votes the least?


The graphic shows that those between the ages of 18 and 29 had the lowest likelihood of casting a ballot in the 2000 presidential election.

Al Gore was the Democrat candidate in the 54th US presidential election, and George W. Bush was the Republican contender. One of the closest elections in American history was the outcome. Although the popular vote supported Al Gore, George W. Bush prevailed in the Electoral College. A major and contentious decision in the state of Florida was made extremely late in the process. It's likely that the outcomes may have been different if more participants in the 18- to 29-year-old age range had actively engaged.

learn more about age group votes the least here:


adrienne is visiting a european city founded during the middle ages where the basic city structure has been preserved. adrienne is likely to find:


While visiting European city founded during the middle ages where the basic city structure has been preserved Adrianna is likely to find a cemetery in a churchyard in the center of town.

The place where the remains of the deceased are buried or otherwise placed is known as a cemetery, burial ground, gravesite, or graveyard. The term "cemetery," which was originally used to describe the Roman catacombs, denotes that the area is officially designated as a place of interment. Although the terms "graveyard" and "cemetery" are frequently used interchangeably, "graveyard" most commonly refers to a burial place within a churchyard. The practise of burying someone's complete or cremated remains is known as burial. They can also be buried in a tomb, an above-ground grave, a mausoleum, a columbarium, a niche, or another structure. Funeral rites are frequently performed in cemeteries in Western cultures.

Learn more about cemetery here:


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