which disorder has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality?


Answer 1

Borderline personality disorder has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality.

What personality traits are typical of those who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia?

Peculiar, quirky, or strange ways of thinking, believing, or doing. ideas that are suspicious or paranoid, and persistent uncertainty about the loyalty of others. belief in superstitions or unique abilities like mental telepathy. unusual perceptions, like feeling the presence of someone who isn't there or experiencing illusions.

Conscientiousness, or the propensity for an employee to be well-organized, dependable, and driven to succeed, is frequently linked to learning and professional success. People that are conscientious are driven to perform at the very best in both their training and their jobs.

To know more about personality disorder, refer:



Related Questions

dr. rollins argues that the problematic behavior that is responsible for a relationship's demise actually begins after marriage. which model does dr. rollins subscribe to? group of answer choices a. enduring dynamics model b. emergent distress model c. disillusionment model d. reactive stress model


According to the emergent-distress model, marital quality declines are actually caused by hostility and negative reciprocity that accompany the inevitable conflicts that arise in marriage.

According to the disillusionment model, idealized notions of one another and high expectations lead to excessive happiness in the early years of marriage (Huston & Houts, 1998). In the beginning, couples may present themselves more positively.

Every couple goes through stress. Problems at work or in our relationships with family and friends can occasionally cause us stress. The couple's problems, such as disagreements over needs or wants or feeling neglected, can also cause stress.

Choosing as a couple. According to Stanley and Rhoades, what they referred to as the "Sliding vs. Deciding Theory" is a significant distinction between cohabitation and marriage. They suggested that some couple's transitions into relationships unintentionally, while others make deliberate decisions about their relationships.

To learn more about emergent-distress model here



if you spent one hour each day researching and applying for scholarships, do you believe you could pay cash for college? why?


You could never save enough money to pay for college out of pocket if you spent just an hour a day applying for scholarships and exploring funding opportunities. You could only acquire the scholarships that cover tuition costs.

Scholarships assist pay for college. One-time scholarships are possible. Other school scholarships are renewable each semester or year. Financial rewards are not returned like student loans. To answer a common question, scholarships are not repaid.

Students may get checks in their names. Sometimes, the student's school receives the money. The student would then pay the school the difference in tuition, fees, lodging, and board. Scholarships and other financial help are reimbursed if they cover college fees.

To know more about scholarships:



in what way can psychologists, therapists, and society in general use the concept of resilience to decrease the number of cases of disorders?


Psychologists can change situations that foster loneliness, empower those who feel helpless, encourage dialogue in relationships, and improve the abilities of parents and teachers.

Persons who research the mind and behavior are known as psychologists. When people hear the word "psychologist," they frequently picture talk therapy; however, this profession actually covers a wide range of specialization areas, including things like animal studies and organizational behavior. Applying psychological theories and research, applied psychologists address issues in the real world. Scientists in the field of research psychology carry out investigations and tests on people and animals. Psychologists that specialize in mental health care assist those who are suffering from psychological or mental illness.

Learn more about psychologists here:



after doug witnessed two cars involved in a car accident, a police officer asked doug how fast the cars were going when the accident happened. according to research by elizabeth loftus, which of the following questions could the officer ask that would make doug most susceptible to the misinformation effect? responses what can you tell me about what you saw? what can you tell me about what you saw? were there other people around who witnessed the accident? were there other people around who witnessed the accident? what did the cars look like? what did the cars look like? how fast were the cars going when the accident occurred? how fast were the cars going when the accident occurred? how fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?


The question that the officer can ask that would make doug most susceptible to the misinformation effect is E. How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?

What is the misinformation effect?

The misinformation effect occurs when post-event information causes a person's recall of episodic memories to be less accurate. Since the middle of the 1970s, the misinformation effect has been researched. One of the most significant researchers in the field is Elizabeth Loftus.

The term "misinformation effect" is used in the literature on cognitive psychology to refer to both experimental and real-world situations where inaccurate information is incorporated into a description of a historical event.

In this case, th question "How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?" can lead to misinformation.

Learn more about accident on:



describe the different types of footwear shukhov has worn while a prisoner. how has this experience affected the way he treats his footwear?


Shukhov wore Rubber boots while he was a prisoner; The experience led him to take great care of his footwear.

Shukhov, the book's titular prisoner, is a destitute and ignorant guy. He is a unique protagonist in Russian literature as a result. Unlike the majority of the heroes in Russian books from the nineteenth century, he is not an aristocracy. Like some of the characters created by nineteenth-century Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, he is not a brilliant brain or an ardent sufferer. Shukhov is a peasant, a class that isn't frequently represented in Russian literature. He might even lack literacy. For instance, when he sees the poem Kolya is copying out, he is baffled by the odd way that each line is positioned precisely beneath the one before it. Men like Tsezar, who have lived in Moscow, which to Shukhov is an exotic, far-off land, astound him.

To know more about Russian literature :


In 3-5 sentences, explain how you can determine the credibility of a research source.


The credibility of research sources can be judged by the following factors: Check source and author references and affiliations. Evaluate the sources cited by the author. Make sure your sources are up to date.  Make sure the source publisher is trustworthy.

What is a credible source?

A credible source is one that is unbiased and backed by evidence. Written by a trusted author or organization. There are many sources of information out there, and it can be difficult to tell at first glance what is reliable and what is not. Assessing the credibility of information sources is an important information literacy skill.

What are examples of credibility in research?

Credibility in qualitative research include: Triangulation, scrutiny of data over time, continuous observation, negative case analysis, member review, and appropriateness of reference are all techniques that can be used to increase the credibility of qualitative research.

To learn more about credibility in research visit:



name the person who discovers and uncovers fossils?


mary anning...............


Answer:  A palentoligist.

Explanation: I remember always going to museums and looking at fossils uncovered by paleontologists. These paleontologists study and uncover fossils, trying to understand what life was like long ago for all organisms. I hoped this answered your question. :)

identify each scenario as an example of either an implicit attitude or an explicit attitude.


The correct identification of the examples as implicit or explicit attitude is given below. Implicit attitudes are the judgements made without conscious awareness towards an attitude object or the self. Explicit attitude are deliberate, dynamic and change over time.

Let us consider the given statements:

Whenever she goes in the town, Nailah gets an feeling because she used to go there on dates with her ex girl friend. Correct label: implicit attitudeNailah tells her friend how much she loves going downtown, citing all the great restaurants and shops. Correct label: explicit attitudeAndrew considers himself a great adventurer and loves to post photos of his road trips online. Correct label: explicit attitudeEvery time Andrew gets in the car for a long trip, he feels butterflies in his stomach as he recalls a frightening car accident from several years in his past. Correct label: implicit attitudeSabra claims to be an hater of cats because of their aloof attitudes. Correct label: explicit attitudeWhen her friend's cat crawls into her legs, Sabra can't help but smile and pet it, thinking of her grandmother's old cat. Correct label: implicit attitude

Learn more about explicit attitude at:



which social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability?


The social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability is a matching hypothesis.

The very qualities that make us attracted to someone can contribute to the eventual disintegration of the relationship. Friendships, unlike romantic relationships, can end without the person feeling unsatisfied with the relationship. People defend themselves by claiming that the effects of circumstances have changed their behavior.

In normative social influence, people follow group norms in order to fit in, feel comfortable, and be accepted by the group. But with the social impact of information, people adapt because they believe the group is competent and has the right information, especially when the task or situation is ambiguous. The qualities we dislike in our partner are the very qualities we are initially attracted to.

Learn more about Social psychology here:- https://brainly.com/question/26242829


What was one criticism of the executive order known as protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the united states""?


Executive Order 13780, Safeguarding the Country from Foreign Terrorist Entry into to the United States, was signed by President Donald J. Trump.

What fast food item is Trump's favorite?

"A full McDonald's dinner with two Big Macs, four Steak sandwiches, and a chocolate bar shake" (a total of 2,430 calories) is his favored meal, according to Lewandowski. Trump told Anderson Cooper of CNN that his directive was "fantastic stuff."

Who is the nation's richest leader?

Theodore Trump

Donald Trump allegedly has the highest net worth of any president in history. However, due to the fact that the Trump Team is a privately held company, his exact net worth is unknown. With a net worth of much less than $1 million, Truman was one of the most impoverished U.S. presidents.

To know more about Donald J. Trump visit:



one of the approaches to the men's movement argues that men should take back their role as head of the household in order to become leaders in their families and communities. this approach is known as the


This approach is known as the Religious Approach.

These include the Enlightenment-inspired anthropological, phenomenological, psychological, and sociological methods.

In sociology, there are three primary methods for characterizing religion: Substantive.Functional. Sociological constructivist.

the conviction of some Christians that wearing a cross as a representation of your faith is appropriate. the notion that a woman should cover her body or head when practicing Islam. the acceptance of intelligent design or creationism.

To know more about Religion here



in the stress-proof brain, dr. melanie greenberg describes how stress can compromise and harm the human body. she writes:


Greenberg argues that you're more likely to get sick if you're chronically stressed (19).

Chronic strain is related to other situations, each psychological and bodily. these can include: diseases inclusive of hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome, kind II diabetes, and arthritis.

However continual stress, which is steady and persists over an prolonged time period, may be debilitating and overwhelming. persistent strain can have an effect on both our physical and psychological well-being with the aid of inflicting an expansion of problems which includes anxiety, insomnia, muscle ache, excessive blood stress, and a weakened immune device.

Persistent strain, or a regular pressure experienced over a prolonged time frame, can make contributions to lengthy-time period troubles for heart and blood vessels. The steady and ongoing boom in coronary heart price, and the accelerated degrees of strain hormones and of blood stress, can take a toll at the frame.

Learn more about chronically stressed here : https://brainly.com/question/3407798


a breach of contract entitles the nonbreaching party to sue for monetary damages.
a) true
b) false


a breach of contract entitles the nonbreaching party to sue for monetary damages.

the given statement is TRUE.

Monetary Damages: An Introduction.

A claimant may be granted monetary damages as a type of legal remedy to make up for harm or loss that was wrongfully suffered. The most common name for this type of remedy is "damages." The payment of money in exchange for a release from civil liability is the essence of damages.

The progression from the award of prefixed damages to the award of discretionary damages can be seen throughout the history of Western damages law. However, as the discretionary theory of damages gained traction, it became obvious that justice and basic fairness demanded that this discretion not be completely unrestricted. There were introduced some general guidelines that served to restrict discretionary damage awards. These fundamental ideas evolved into the law of damages.

Know more about nonbreaching visit:



Why do you think it was so important to science when Alfie Wegener and Harry Hess proved their theories of continental drift and sea-floor spreading?


The validation of Alfie Wegener and Harry Hess's theory of continental drift and sea-floor spreading was crucial to science in order to ascertain the movement of continents.

What is continental drift?

Tectonic Plates over millions of years produced continental drift. Additionally, plate tectonics clarified how the movement of the plates causes earthquakes and volcanoes, as well as how the collision of continents produced vast mountain ranges.

In the discovery of continental drift; Berlin borne, son of a Protestant pastor, Alfred Lothar Wegener. The University of Berlin awarded him a PhD in astronomy in 1904, but his true passion was for hot air balloons.

Thus they both created history in continental drift in geological science.

Learn more about continental drift refer:



Which of these is traditionally viewed as the central social function of rhetorical communication?
A promoting racism
B promoting religion
C promoting individualism
D promoting democracy


The function which is traditionally viewed as the central social function of rhetorical communication is promoting democracy. The correct answer is D.

What is rhetorical communication?

Rhetoric is about strategic options and approaches to communication whether textually, verbally, or even aurally and visually. When communicate to different types of audiences about the same topic, people make strategic decisions on what details to include or omit, what types of evidence or support to use, and etc.

Rhetorical communication helps a writer and the readers understand the different and interrelated influences surrounding the writing and how it will be received and interpreted. Rhetoric gives a framework to think critically about writing and reading choices.

Learn more about rhetorical communication at: https://brainly.com/question/16554066


selena has been working hard all semester to earn an a in her communications class. she is feeling optimistic that she will earn an a. what blended primary emotions is selena experiencing? group of answer choices trust and fear fear and surprise anger and anticipation anticipation and joy


Selena has put forth a lot of effort this semester to get an A in her communications class. She is confident that whether she gets an A or not. Selena is primarily feeling anticipation and delight at the moment.

Senders are able to create messages that reflect their internal status and objectives while taking audience demands and perceptions into account when emotions are portrayed effectively. Receiving a message that is clearer and simpler to understand benefits both the listener and the speaker. In many ways, emotions impact communication.

Pleasure from knowing that one will soon be rewarded for engaging in goal-directed activity; pleasure that is connected to reward motivation and to actions aiming desirable outcomes. Numerous studies indicate that having something to anticipate makes you happier and less stressed. "Seeing positive things ahead of us improves our mood in the present,".

Learn more about communications visit: brainly.com/question/26152499


Correct Question:

Selena has been working hard all semester to earn an a in her communications class. she is feeling optimistic that she will earn an a. what blended primary emotions is selena experiencing?

which middle eastern leader would have been most likely to advocate the following reforms: greater rights for women, state-run schools, and minimal participation of the clergy in government?


Reza Khan, the leader of the Middle East, would have been most likely to support the following reforms: increased rights for women, public education, and little participation of the clergy in politics.

Reza Khan had mostly been successful in protecting Iran's interior from all remaining threats, both local and international. Reza Khan gave the new government strength as he rose from army commander to minister of war (in April 1921) to prime minister (1923), and then, after failing to establish a republic in 1924, to the throne in 1925.

Ahmad Shah left Iran for Europe after being appointed prime minister, where he would stay (at first voluntarily, and later in exile), until his death. He exercised an increasing amount of arbitrary power as shah until 1941, when Britain and Russia overthrew him. This essay explores British involvement in Iran during Reza's ascent to the throne and discusses the long-standing.

To know more about "Reza Khan" visit:



judges, like the rest of our government officials, can be classified as a. unsympathetic to the mood of the public. b. overly analytical.c. never influenced by their political ideology.d. ideologically liberal or conservative.


Judges, like the rest of our government officials, can be classified as ideologically liberal or conservative.

Supreme Court justices, courtroom docket of appeals judges, and district courtroom docket judges are nominated through the President and showed through the USA Senate, as said withinside the Constitution.

The reality that someone is ideal at prevailing votes does now no longer suggest she or he has the traits had to be a terrific judge. Criminal justice selection makers are decided on thru election or appointment.

In a few states, citizens go with judges, at the same time as in different states, governors hire them. In both cases, the choice system is political. The Supreme Court's critiques and associated substances are disseminated to the general public electronically and in print. Prior to the issuance of certain volumes of the U.S. Reports, the Court's professional choices seem in 3 transient forms.

Learn more about Judges here:



what three issues should be considered when deciding whether a potential educational objective should be used in the grading process


Issues that should be considered when deciding whether a potential educational objective should be used in the grading process are the kind of grading scheme that is employed, the teacher who gives the grade, and the composition of the class.

Grading is the "procedure by which a teacher evaluates student education through in-class tests and assignments, the environment in which competent teachers build that process, and the discourse that encompasses grades and defines their significance to different audiences.

The grading process has four main functions: evaluation, communication, motivation, and organisation. In conventional grading, the percentage of satisfactorily completed work is used to assess students. Higher completion rates are thought to signify greater mastery and result in better marks.

Know more about grading process here



what type of schedule would be watching the night sky for shooting stars likely to be reinforced on?




the study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the


The study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increases.

Bystander intervention refers to a social science model that predicts the probability or likelihood of individuals or groups (unrelated to a situation) willing to actively address a situation they consider problematic. A bystander is defined as a person who observes a situation. People observe numerous incidents and interactions daily, but usually do not consider or acknowledge them as needing our response. An active bystander is someone who acknowledges a problematic situation and chooses how to respond. Hence, bystander intervention refers to recognizing a potentially harmful situation or interaction and choosing to respond in a way that could positively influence the outcome. It is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably it includes the study of the decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increases.

Learn more about Bystander intervention:



who was the first runner to split off from the rest and forge his or her own path? how did you come to that conclusion?


William Thomas Will Riker was the first runner to split off from the rest and forge his or her own path.

After a short show trial on Cardassian Prime, Riker escaped the death penalty but was sentenced to life in prison on Razon II. His life on Lazon II was brutal to all those imprisoned there, and his main job was mining deuterium ore.

Riker was very pleased with his duties under Picard and Picard immediately called him Number His One in Terran's old naval terminology, thus making him his own other. He twice declined two assignments. In 2365 Aries, and again the ill-fated U.S.S. Frakes injured his back due to his work moving furniture.

Learn more about The conclusion here:- https://brainly.com/question/26093731


Major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize ________.


Major disruptions in thought, perception, emotion, and behavior are hallmarks of the deadly psychological disease schizophrenia. Schizophrenia affects about 1% of people throughout their lifetime, and it is typically identified for the first time in early adulthood.

Schizophrenia is characterized by severe perceptual problems and behavioral disturbances. Symptoms can include excessive agitation, persistent delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking, and disorderly behavior. Disconnections between thoughts, identity, awareness, and memory are hallmarks of dissociative disorders, which are defined by an unconscious attempt to escape reality. In general, personality disorders are widespread, long-lasting patterns of perception, response, and interpersonal interaction that result in severe suffering or functional impairment.

excessive worries, anxieties, or feelings of guilt. Extremely high and low mood swings withdrawal from relationships and pursuits. significant exhaustion, low energy, or sleep issues.

Learn more about Schizophrenia here: brainly.com/question/7201954


a dieter who visualizes politely declining whipped cream for a piece of pecan pie and eating just three bites is engaging in _____.


When a dieter indulge  imagines gently refusing whipped cream in exchange for a slice of pecan pie and taking only three bites is engaging in relapse rehearsal.

In psychology, relapse is defined as the return of a condition or disease following a time of recovery or an apparent cure. The phrase also describes the resumption of drug usage following a time of sobriety.

Relapses are the resumption of a clinical condition that has previously improved. In addiction therapy, relapse is the resumption of drug use after an unsuccessful attempt to stop or a period of sobriety. Relapses can happen, like in the instance of someone who picks up using drugs again after receiving treatment for months.

To learn more about relapse, refer



if you assumed that illogical thoughts and beliefs lie at the heart of psychological disorders, the most effective treatment you could select would be:


If someone assumed that illogical thoughts and beliefs lie at the heart of psychological disorders, the most effective treatment one could select would be psychotherapy.

The term "psychotherapy" refers to the process of treating mental health issues through conversation with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health professional.

You gain knowledge about your disease as well as your moods, feelings, ideas, and behaviors during psychotherapy. You can gain control over your life and develop effective coping mechanisms with the aid of psychotherapy.

There are numerous varieties of psychotherapy, each with a unique methodology. The best form of psychotherapy for you will depend on your particular circumstances. Talk therapy, counseling, psychosocial therapy, or just therapy are additional names for psychotherapy.

Click on the below link to know more about psychotherapy:



Think about what you have learned about having a good work ethic. In three to five sentences, explain why employers prefer to hire people with a strong work ethic.


Employers prefer to hire people with a strong work ethic because they tend to be diligent, honest, high in integrity, high level of perseverance, passionate, and is fully engaged in his/her work.

A strong work ethic is defined as a high commitment and responsibility  in the work and is striving towards the best that one can do. People with a strong work ethic is desirable by employers because they will display a high level of commitment in whatever work that they are doing and will show perseverance, even when they are faced with obstacles ahead of them, they will use their critical thinking and problem solving skills in order to achieve and complete their goals.

Moreover, People with a strong work ethic is often associated with honesty and integrity with a high quality and performance in the work they do. Those are the reasoning behind the employers decision to hire people with a strong work ethic.

To learn more about work ethic visit: https://brainly.com/question/226383


identify the federal reserve act



Welcome to Brainly! I saw that this was your very first question. I will gladly assist you with your problem. (see explanation)


The Federal Reserve System was established in the United States by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. By establishing a central bank to manage monetary policy, Congress approved the Federal Reserve Act in order to create economic stability in the United States.

(Hope this was enough information )

who is the ultimate arbiter of controversies involving american federalism? group of answer choices the u.s. congress the u.s. supreme court the president of the united states the u.s. department of state


The supreme court is the  arbiter of controversies involving American federalism.

Hence, Option B is correct.

For all issues and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States, the Court is the highest tribunal in the country.All issues and controversies arising under the Constitution are heard by the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the United States. The Court serves as the final arbiter of the law, the guardian of the Constitution, and the interpreter of the law. It is responsible for providing equal justice under the law. Look for a Findlaw Supreme Court case.

To know more about Supreme court here



Liam is relaxed and laid back. he does not stress over things. liam manifests a_____personality.


Liam is relaxed and laid back. he does not stress over things. Liam manifests a type B personality.

What is Type B personality?

People with Type B personalities are sometimes characterized as drawn, free, and incredibly versatile. In many ways, the type B personality is the opponent of the type A in which individuals stress over little things.

In the given case personality traits of Liam is appeared as relaxed and not stressed over little things which signify the traits of a Type B personality.

The capacity to handle pressure and stress well is a major benefit of this personality type. Type B people are typically able to keep their temper and positive mindset even while under a significant amount of pressure.

Learn more about Type B personality, here:



ina can no longer read the street signs, but she refuses to admit she needs glasses to drive. which defense mechanism does this exemplify? rationalization displacement rejection denial


Denial defense mechanism does this exemplify.

Denial is a defense mechanism in which an man or woman refuses to apprehend or renowned objective facts or studies. it is an subconscious process that serves to shield the person from soreness or anxiety.

Someone denies that they've an alcohol or substance use ailment because they can nevertheless characteristic and visit work each day. After the sudden demise of a loved one, someone might refuse to just accept the fact of the death and deny that anything has happened.

Denial is an try to cope, rationalize, or excuse behaviors in a single manner or every other. It refers to failing to acknowledge an unacceptable emotion or truth. Denial can occasionally appear irrational, but it is used as a defense mechanism against conditions or instances which are painful and overwhelming.

Learn more about Denial defense here : https://brainly.com/question/13387214


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