true or false books like the bell curve renewed the liberal passions for reform, calling on government to further provide for the working class.


Answer 1

Books like the bell curve renewed the liberal passions for reform, calling on government to further provide for the working class is true

The Bell Curve,” written with Richard Herrnstein, it is presented as a work of scholarship. Yet it will be reviewed first not by other academics but by professional amateurs like me, so it’s worth noting what happened long after “The Bell Curve” fell off the best-seller lists.

To know more about the bell curve click on the link below:


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a behavior analyst helped the teachers of fourth and fifth grade physical education classes. the kids didn't obey, they hit each other, and they threw things. the teachers briefly removed disruptive children from the activity, permitting them only to watch it. this is an example of .


The children disobeyed; they beat one another and flung objects. Children who were being disruptive were momentarily pulled from the activity by the teachers, who merely allowed them to observe. An illustration of a time-out is this.

Time out is seen as a form of negative punishment in the language of applied behavior analysis (ABA). The word "negative" denotes the removal of something, and the word "punishment" denotes the reduction of behavior.

When your child misbehaves, you can give them a time-out and remove them from the situation. The enjoyable things are all far away from your youngster. In time-out, she is not given any attention. She is unable to communicate with anyone, including her parents.

To learn more about time-out


which description of reinforcement is correct? view available hint(s)for part a which description of reinforcement is correct? reinforcement leads to development of a hybrid zone. reinforcement is due to natural selection against interbreeding and production of hybrid offspring. reinforcement is the genetic divergence of populations in different environments. reinforcement is the loss of genetic differences between two populations due to gene flow.


Reinforcement is due to the natural selection against interbreeding and production of the hybrid offspring is the description of reinforcement that is correct.

What is Reinforcement?

When a particular antecedent stimulus precedes a behavior, reinforcement is a consequence used in behavioral psychology to strengthen that behavior. The self-regulation model emphasizes self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-regulation as the three primary facets of human conduct. Self-regulation and rewards have historically matched. Although the outcome may have an impact on the behavior, there must first be antecedents for the conduct to occur. Positive, negative, extinctional, and punitive reinforcement are the four different forms of reinforcement. The use of a reinforcer that is positive is known as positive reinforcement. By removing something undesirable from the subject's environment, negative reinforcement is a technique used to motivate the subject's antecedent behavior. Extinction entails a course of action with no necessary dependent repercussions. It should theoretically vanish if something is not reinforced.

To learn more about Reinforcement, visit:


how can the pacific way serve as a channel for advocacy on behalf of islands that were once sites of nuclear testing or now house storage facilities of hazardous materials?


Between 1946 and 1958, America conducted sixty-seven nuclear checks within the Marshall Islands.

The U.S. performed 23 of those tests at Bikini Atoll, and 44 near Enewetak Atoll, however fallout spread at some stage in the Marshall Islands.

From 1946 to 1996, the US, UK, and France detonated 318 nuclear gadgets inside the Pacific place within the Marshall Islands, French Polynesia/Te Ao Maohi, Kiribati, Australia, America territory of Johnston/Kalama Atoll and Amchitka Island, Alaska.

The Runit Dome, which turned into constructed in the late Nineteen Seventies, contains over one hundred,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil and debris that had been encapsulated in concrete inner an unlined nuclear take a look at crater, the Cact us Crater, at the north quit of Runit Island.

Learn more about America here:


this professional would typically concentrate on skill development rather than team organization and winning.
A) skill instructor
B) physical education teacher
C) coach
D) athletic director


This professional would likely prioritize talent improvement over victory and team organization. Sports coaches concentrate their efforts on assisting their students in developing new talents. As a result, choice (D) is the best way to respond.

What is a profession?

A successfully professionalized field of employment is referred to as a profession.

It can be characterized as a disciplined group of people, professionals, who uphold ethical norms, present themselves as, and are accepted by the public as holding particular knowledge and abilities in a generally acknowledged body of learning acquired through study, education, and training at a high level, and who are willing to use this knowledge and exercise these talents in the interest of others.

Hence, option (D) is the accurate answer.

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When the executive branch and its agencies translate laws into routine procedures and practices, this is called?


When the executive branch and its agencies translate laws into routine procedures and practices, this is called Implementation.

Laws are carried out and enforced by the executive branch. There are other boards, commissions, and committees in addition to the president, vice president, Cabinet, executive departments, and autonomous agencies. American people are entitled to cast free, secret ballots to elect the president and vice president. The president is in charge of the executive branch, and according to the constitution, he or she is also responsible for acting as head of state, choosing ambassadors, federal judges (including those who sit on the Supreme Court), and commander in chief of the armed forces.

The following are the executive's main duties: The executive is the arm of government in charge of carrying out the laws and regulations passed by the legislature. The formulation of policy frequently involves the executive.

Learn more about the executive branch here:


a client presents with the following symptoms: aggression, anger, destructive tendencies, and irritable behavior. given the changes in the dsm-5's publication in 2013, what would the most likely diagnosis be?


According to social psychology, aggression refers to any behavior or action intended to hurt a person, an animal, or cause physical harm to property.a few illustrations of aggressive behavior:physical violence in action

screaming, using foul language, or spreading tales about a classmate who intentionally broke your roommate's favorite mug or cut the tires of a coworker.It's common to see "aggression and violence" used as a single, cohesive term. Although hostility and violence frequently occur together, they are two distinct concepts.Extreme physical aggression meant to harm someone severely is referred to as violence. In other words, violence doesn't always involve aggression, but aggression always involves violence.

learn more about  aggression  here:


What purpose do political action committees PACs serve ?


Political Action Committees (PACs) help to fund campaigns, provide testimony, and recruit members to volunteer for candidates during election season. The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974 established a six-member bipartisan agency.

A political action committee (PAC) is a 527 organization within the United States that collects campaign contributions from members and distributes those funds to start promoting against or for nominees, ballot initiatives, or legislation. In the quest of political funding reform in the United States, the legal definition PAC was created.

Learn more on PACs -


Choose two statements that do not describe a characteristic of jacksonian democracy.


The two statements that do not describe characteristics of Jacksonian democracy are the abolition of slavery in the United States and the founding of the Republican Party.

Which three characteristics best describe Jacksonian democracy?

It began by identifying as the party of common farmers and laborers. It also attacked the exclusive privileges enjoyed by the wealthy. Third, Indians were to be pushed further west in order to provide affordable western land to common white Americans.

What were Jacksonian Democrats' thoughts on slavery?

The Jacksonians were adamant about keeping slavery out of politics for both pragmatic and ideological reasons. Few members of the majority in Jackson had any moral reservations about or a desire to interfere with African servitude where it existed. Andrew Jackson encouraged the practice of slavery and took part in it. Not only did he personally own slaves, but he frequently opposed abolitionists because he saw them as a threat to national harmony.

To know more about Jacksonian democracy, visit:


The national safety council reports that distracted driving leads to 16 thousand crashes each year.T/F


The National Safety Council reports that distracted driving leads to 16 thousand crashes per year.

The above statement is False.

The National Safety Council has been the nation's top nonprofit safety advocate for more than a century. As a mission-driven organization, our primary goal is to end the major causes of avoidable mortality so that people can live the lives they were meant to.The National Safety Council is a nonprofit corporation that was established in 1913 and granted Congressional authorization in 1953. The Accountability & Finance beacon has given the National Safety Council a perfect score of 100.

To know more about National Safety Council visit


when asked which of two countries has a larger population, participants are likely to judge the country that is more familiar to them as being more populous. which of the following best explains this finding? responses a means-end analysis a means-end analysis the availability heuristic the availability heuristic inductive reasoning inductive reasoning the representativeness heuristic the representativeness heuristic algorithms


Participants are more likely to perceive the country that they are more familiar with as having a greater population. This result is best explained by the availability heuristic.

How does the availability heuristic function?

The availability heuristic is a cognitive bias when you base your choice on an example, piece of knowledge, or recent experience that is easily accessible to you, even if it isn't really the ideal example to use (Tversky & Kahneman, 1973).

Which three heuristic biases are there?

Three heuristics that are frequently employed include representativeness, availability, and adapting and anchoring, according to Tversky and Kahneman. Each heuristic could result in a particular collection of cognitive biases.

To learn more about availability heuristic here:


according to section 6 of the act, who besides the legal enslaver of a fugitive from slavery had the authority to apprehend a person escaping enslavement?


The Compromise of 1850 included the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which was approved by Congress in September 18, 1850. The act required slaves to be brought back.

What word best describes a fugitive?

The words ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, brief, transient, and transitory are frequently used as synonyms for "fugitive." All of these words refer to passing or remaining for a little period of time, but the words elusive and flitting refer to passing so swiftly that it is challenging to catch them.

Why do people run away from the law?

A person who has been found hiding by law enforcement in their own state or seeking sanctuary in another nation to escape being apprehended is referred to as a fugitive of justice, also known as a sought person.

To know more about fugitive visit:


using what we have looked at with the cyber stalking and cyber harassment links to an external site.paper, discuss a view on it. one view could be: how have the changes in technology affected the definitions of appropriate and inappropriate behavior?


The main goal of the cyber stalker is to harass. The girls were sexually harassed by way of the stalker many times. The stalker has created a picture of the sufferer and he threatens the victim to have sex with him in any other case he'll upload the photograph or video.

Cyberstalking is the use of the net or other digital methods to stalk or harass a person, organization, or enterprise. it could consist of false accusations, defamation, slander, and libel. it is able to also encompass tracking, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, doxing, or blackmail.

Cyberstalking is a crime in which someone harasses or stalks a victim using an electronic or virtual manner, consisting of social media, e-mail, instantaneous messaging (IM), or messages published to a discussion institution or discussion board.

Learn more about  cyber stalkers here


How was Ottobah Cugoano enslaved?


At the age of 13, Ottobah Cugoano was kidnapped along with a group of kids, sold as slaves, and taken from Cape Coast to Grenada on a slave ship.

He labored on a plantation in the Lesser Antilles up until Alexander Campbell, a Scottish plantation owner, bought him in 1772 and welcomed him into his home.

Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745–1797), a remarkable man who became a well-known figure involved with the fight to end the slave trade, was an enslaved man who bought his freedom and wrote movingly about his experiences.

Equiano was born in what is now Nigeria, and at the age of 11, he was sold into slavery. Some of these slaves even own slaves who work under them for their own benefit.

To learn more about Ottobah Cugoano


carol anne does not believe that she has any prejudice toward african american men. however, when she is in an elevator and an african american man enters the elevator, she grips her bag more tightly and her heart rate accelerates. this is an example of:


This is an example of prejudice.

Affective feelings of prejudice can be felt toward a person based on their perceived membership in a group. The term is frequently used to describe a preconceived judgment or classification of another person based on that person's perceived political affiliation, sex, gender, gender identity, beliefs, values, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race, ethnicity, language, nationality, culture, complexion, beauty, height, body weight, occupation, wealth, education, criminality, sport-team affiliation, music preferences, or other personal characteristics. In the 1920s, the first psychological studies on prejudice were done.

This study made an effort to support white supremacy. One 1925 article that examined 73 studies on race came to the conclusion that they "seemed to reflect the mental superiority of the white race."

Learn more about Prejudice here:


which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans?


Bats have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans.

In contrast to humans and other mammals, who normally only produce 3 octaves and, in exceptional circumstances, 4 to 5, bats may produce many different signals that span an astonishing frequency range of 1 to 120 kHz or 6 to 7 octaves [10].Bats have a vocal range of seven octaves. According to researchers, bats employ the same technique as throat singers and death metal growlers to produce their low-frequency cries.The sounds that bats produce are two to three times louder than what humans can hear. Only sometimes are humans able to distinguish the very quiet clicks produced by the echolocation used by flying mammals. The clicks are actually chirps with a distinct tonal development when they are played slowly.

To know more about Bats here


Which branch of the u.s. government declared some new deal legislation unconstitutional?


Positive New Deal laws had been declared unconstitutional by way of the U.S. ultimate courtroom for the reason that neither trade nor taxing provisions of the charter granted the federal authorities authority to regulate enterprise or to adopt social and economic reform.

The great-acknowledged strength of the preferred court docket is judicial evaluation, or the ability of the court to declare a Legislative or govt act in violation of the charter, which is not discovered within the textual content of the charter itself. The court docket set up this doctrine in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803).

1936 very best court docket case u.s. v. Butler declared the AAA unconstitutional by means of a 6–3 vote. The courtroom dominated it unconstitutional due to the discriminatory processing tax. In response, Congress passed the agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, which eliminated the tax on processors.

Learn more about unconstitutional here


Which theme best describes the two excerpts?
A. traditional american foods bring family together.
B. sharing special foods with family is an american tradition.
C. young people frequently resist trying foods of new cultures.
D. culture is frequently linked to traditional foods.


The correct answer is D. The theme which best describes the two excerpts is Culture is frequently linked to traditional foods.

What is In Response to Executive Order 9066?

In Response to Executive Order 9066 shows the response of one American girl of Japanese descent to the accusations placed upon her by her best friend who happens to be a white girl named Denise. The author does not respond with anger or hatred, instead she responds to the racist accusations with love and hope.

Pres. Gerald Ford formally rescinded Executive Order 9066 on February 16, 1976. In 1988 Congress passed the Civil Liberties Act, that stated that a grave injustice had been done to Japanese American citizens and resident aliens during World War II.

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question: Read the excerpt from In Response to Executive Order 9066.

If it helps any, I will tell you

I have always felt funny using chopsticks

and my favorite food is hot dogs.

Read the excerpt from Mericans.

We cannot spend our allowance on fried cookies or Familia Burrón comic books or those clear cone-shaped that make everything look like a rainbow when you look through them.

Which theme best describes the two excerpts?

A. Traditional American foods bring family together.

B. Sharing special foods with family is an American tradition.

C. Young people frequently resist trying foods of new cultures.

D. Culture is frequently linked to traditional foods.

Learn more about excerpt theme at:



D.) culture is frequently linked to traditional foods.


How is theme related to the setting of the story?


The story must rely on the setting in some way for themes to emerge.

In other words, the setting and its unique elements should have such an impact on the story that it would be drastically different or even non-existent if it were set in a different time or location.

The theme of a story can be communicated through characters, setting, dialogue, plot, or a combination of these elements.

One of the five essential elements of a story is the setting. It sets the tone, reveals characters and conflicts, and hints at the story's theme.

A literary theme is the central idea or underlying meaning explored by a writer in a novel, short story, or other work of literature.

To learn more about the theme, please refer:


people who think of conflict as a threat to interpersonal and community harmony are likely to use _____ and take a nonresistant response like avoidance or dealing with the conflict indirectly.


Based on conflict management, it has been revealed that people who think of conflict as a threat to interpersonal and community harmony are likely to use Pacifism and take a nonresistant response like avoidance or dealing with the conflict indirectly.

What is Pacifism?

Pacifism is a term that is used to describe the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.

Pacifism is one of the conflict resolution methods whereby the parties involved would try to avoid the conflict or the cause of conflict to ensure peace.

There are various types of Pacifism available to ensure the conflict is resolved fully among the parties involved.

Types of Pacifism are the following:Absolute PacifismMilitant PacifismConditional PacifismSelective PacifismActive Pacifism

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Pacifism.

Learn more about Pacifism here:


according to the definitions used by the usda economic resource service, what percentage of u.s. households had access, at all times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all members?


According to the definitions used by the USDA economic resource service, 89.8 percent f u.s. households had access, at all times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all members.

What is meant by the USDA economic resource service?

This organization is in charge of providing leadership on matters connected to food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and other related topics using sound public policy, the most up-to-date science, and efficient management.

According to data from the end of March 2021, 18.8 million adults (8.8%) said that their household occasionally or often did not have enough to eat.

a physiological condition that may be brought on by food insecurity at the individual level. In the US, about 15% of households struggle with food insecurity.

Food security: All members of these households always have access to adequate food to lead active, healthy lives. Throughout 2021, 89.8% (or 118.5 million) of American households had enough food.

Read more on the USDA here:


pam is a 53-year-old inmate serving a sentence for theft. she has been arrested and convicted for similar offenses several times before and shows little interest in being rehabilitated. she is well aware of prison norms and participates in the social and economic arrangements of the prison. pam is an example of a .


Pam is a clear example of a recidivist, a person who has been repeatedly arrested and convicted for the same or similar offenses.

The High Cost of Recidivism in the United States

Pam is a clear example of a recidivist, a person who has been repeatedly arrested and convicted for the same or similar offenses. Pam is well aware of prison norms and participates in the social and economic arrangements of the prison, which signals a lack of interest in being rehabilitated.

The recidivism rate in the United States is alarmingly high, with an estimated two-thirds of those released from prison being rearrested within three years. This is a problem that has deep implications for society, as a high recidivism rate can lead to an increase in crime rates, a higher cost of incarceration, and a decrease in public safety.

Learn more about crime rates at:


technician a says cooperative education programs are typically two years in length. technician b says students in cooperative education programs spend the first year in the classroom and the second year working in the field. who is correct?


Only technician says cooperative education programs are common years in period. technician b says students in cooperative schooling applications spend the first year in the study room and the second one 12 months working in the area.

A service advisor normally works in an automobile dealership and acts because of the liaison between customers and carrier technicians.

Cooperative education is a based method of mixing study room-based training with sensible work experience. A cooperative schooling experience, normally called a "co-op", gives instructional credit for established process enjoyment.

Learn more about  cooperative education here


one of the changes in ethnographic work that has occurred in the twenty-first century has to do with the degree to which local voices are considered. how has this changed?


local voices are now more frequently included. adherence to established procedures (participant observation, field notes, interviews, mapping, etc.)

Anthropologists of the nineteenth century were primarily concerned in contemporary cultures as they were, but those of the twentieth century were interested in the ways in which civilizations changed.

Pragmatics. The study of language (in a larger sense) that makes use of ethnography to shed light on the interactions between speech and social interaction is known as. Ethnopragmatics.

Physical anthropology, which emphasizes the biological process and endowment that distinguishes Homo sapiens from other species, and archaeology, which is based on the physical remnants of past cultures, were the two distinct fields of study that divided anthropologists into specialties in the middle of the 20th century.

Learn more about to local voices visit here;


after discontinuing heavy use of an antianxiety drug, angela experienced increased anxiety and difficulty sleeping. angela was likely experiencing some symptoms of:


After discontinuing heavy use of an antianxiety drug, angela experienced increased anxiety and difficulty sleeping. angela was likely experiencing some symptoms of: withdrawal.

An anxiolytic is a remedy or other intervention that reduces tension. This effect is in contrast to anxiogenic retailers which increase anxiety. Anxiolytic medicines are used for the remedy of tension issues and their related psychological and bodily signs.

Anti-anxiety medications assist reduce the signs and symptoms of anxiety, inclusive of panic assaults or intense worry and worry. The maximum commonplace anti-tension medicines are referred to as benzodiazepines.

Learn more about antianxiety drug here:

What is yellow journalism Why was it used in the late 19th century?


Yellow journalism is the term used to describe sensational or biased articles that newspapers offer as the real deal. The phrase was created in the late 19th century to disparage the unusual methods used by their opponents.

Yellow journalism, used by newspapers to draw readers and boost circulation, involves sensationalized news and graphic features. The expression was created in the 1890s to characterize the strategies used in the fierce rivalry between the World and the Journal, two newspapers in New York City.

Yellow journalism, often known as yellow press, refers to journalism and related newspapers that show little to no real, in-depth news in favor of employing catchy headlines to boost readership. Techniques could involve sensationalizing, exaggerating newsworthy occurrences, or some combination of these.

To know more about Yellow journalism:


garret told his classmate keith that if he didn't write his term paper for him, then garret was going to tell the professor that keith cheated on the exam. this demonstrates the idea of .


Garret told his classmate Keith that if he didn't write his term paper for him, then garret was going to tell the professor that Keith cheated on the exam. this demonstrates the idea of coercion.

These acts may include extortion, extortion, and even torture and sexual assault. For example, a bully may ask a student for lunch, and the student will be beaten if he refuses. In the common law system, breaking the law under duress is codified as a compulsory crime.

Coercion is to force someone to do something they would not normally do by threatening their safety or well-being, their loved ones, or their property. The threatening person tries to coerce the victim into agreeing.

Necessary behaviors are acts or patterns of aggression, threats, humiliation, intimidation, or other abuse intended to harm, punish, or frighten the victim.

Learn more about  coercion


What relationship does the National Democratic or Republican Party have with the state and local parties ?


The National Democratic or Republican Party has a strong relationship with state and local parties.

The national party provides resources.Support to help state and local parties run their own campaigns.

The Relationship Between National and State and Local Political Parties

The national party provides resources, guidance, and support to help state and local parties run their own campaigns. In return, state and local parties provide input to the national party on policy, and they also help to mobilize and organize voters. The national party also works with state and local parties to develop platforms, coordinate joint fundraising efforts, and assist in voter registration drives.

Learn more about National Democratic at:


According to "letter from birmingham jail," why does king feel some pride and satisfaction when he is criticized as an extremist?


King feels some pride and satisfaction when he is criticized as an extremist Many great historical leaders were extremists.

He knows that many of history's greatest leaders are extremists. He knows that extremists are always violent and destructive. He believes in extremism as an alternative to violence. At first, I was dismayed by the extremist label but as I pondered his thoughts I became more and more comfortable with the designation.

King used various historical figures for being labeled extremists and extremism has nothing to do with dedication to a particular cause. says no. His use of the word extremist heightens the tone of the lyrics by showing pride in being an extremist. Although he was unhappy at first, he thought of other men called extremists.

Learn more about An extremist here:-


In line with "Letter from Birmingham prison, he is aware that many amazing leaders in history were extremists. He knows that extremists are constantly violent and unfavorable. He believes in extremism as an opportunity for violence.

In Letter from Birmingham prison, King's vital thesis is that civil disobedience in the form of nonviolent protests is necessary for the segregated surroundings in Birmingham to alternate.

Martin Luther King's "Letter from Birmingham prison" is the maximum crucial written report of the civil rights era. The letter served as a tangible, reproducible account of the long road to freedom in a movement that changed into largely targeted actions and spoken phrases.

Learn more about Birmingham here


One of the most controversial issues facing police in texas and across the united states involves:______.


One of the most controversial issues facing police in texas and across the united states involves the use of force.

What is Police use of force?

Basically, the use of force refers to the amount of effort required by police to compel compliance by an unwilling subject. A force in law enforcement operations can be used by persons who exercise state powers, particularly, in police and military forces; such use of force is mainly governed by international human rights law and domestic law.

Also,the use of force in law enforcement operations has to be strictly regulated by states. In particular, the states must ensure that national legislation is brought into line with their international obligations and sanction their officials if they have used force in an excessive or otherwise arbitrary way.

Read more about use of force


after four sessions, grace has still not been able to develop a mutual understanding with her therapist. she is unhappy because the therapist is more interested in dictating to her how she should feel rather than listening to her express her emotional concerns. grace and her therapist have not developed a(n)


After four sessions, grace has still not been able to develop a mutual understanding with her therapist. she is unhappy because the therapist is more interested in dictating to her how she should feel rather than listening to her express her emotional concerns. grace and her therapist have not developed a(n) therapeutic alliance.

One of the most well-known subfields in personality psychology is trait theory. These theories contend that a variety of general features make up personality. A trait is a reasonably constant personality trait that steers a person's behavior.

On the other hand, specialists in personality tests and psychology have largely recognized trait-focused personality assessments based on the Five-Factor theory of personality as a much more legitimate and reliable approach to measure personality, especially in the business.

To know more about therapeutic alliance, refer:


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