to complete this question, you will develop a python program that will determine how many years until retirement and how much is still needed to save. to complete this program successfully the program must be designed to collect the following inputs from the user: full name current age desired retirement age current level of retirement savings what is the total amount of retirements savings is needed at retirement


Answer 1

Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis.

What is the basics of Python?

Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language. Python has syntax that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines than some other programming languages.Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means that prototyping can be very quick.Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics developed by Guido van Rossum. It was originally released in 1991. Designed to be easy as well as fun, the name "Python" is a nod to the British comedy group Monty Python.Algorithms are used as prototypes of an actual program, and they are not bounded by the syntax of a programming language.

#Prompt user for input

length = float(input("Length of the edge: "))

#Calculate the area of a side

Area1 = length * length

#Calculate the area of the cube

Area2 = 6 * Area

#Calculate the volume

Volume = Area1 * length

print("Length: "+str(length))

print("Area of a side: "+str(Area1))

print("Area of the cube: "+str(Area2))

print("Volume: "+str(Volume))

The flowchart , pseudocode and python program start by requesting for user input;

This user input is saved in variable length

The surface area of a face is calculated by length * length and saved in Area1; i.e. Area1 = length * lengthThe surface area of the cube is calculated by 6 * Area1 and saved in Area2. i.e. Area2 = 6 * Area1 = 6 * length * lengthThe volume of the cube is calculated by Area1 * length and saved in volume. i.e. Volume = Area1 * length = length * length * lengthAfter the surface area of one side of the cubeThe surface area of the whole cube  and the volume of the cube are calculated; the program then prints the user input (length) and each of the calculated parameters.

To learn more about python program refer to:


Related Questions

In 3-5 sentences, write a short roadmap for a mobile app project that records the number of times a phone is dropped.


The program management unit will oversee this project. The gadget will keep track of how frequently a phone is dropped. It app will also have a feature that allows users to download information into the cloud.

What do you mean by roadmap?

Your strategic plans are represented graphically in a roadmap. It connects your concept (the "why") with the work you must perform to meet your objectives (the "when") and a completion date (the "when").

Why a roadmap is important?

Roadmaps assist in ensuring that team members are aware of the scope, goals, and schedule of an effort. They also assist people in control in swiftly sharing status updates and objectives.

To know more about Roadmap visit:


What are the three types of displacement?


Metal displacement, hydrogen displacement, and halogen displacement are the three different categories of displacement processes.

Precipitation, neutralization, and gas production are the three types of reactions that fall under the category of double displacement reactions. Precipitation reactions create solid compounds that are insoluble. An acid and a base undergo a neutralization reaction, resulting in the formation of salt and water. An object's position changes if it moves in related to a reference frame, such as when a passenger moves to the back of an airplane, or a lecturer moves to the right in relation to a whiteboard. Displacement describes this shift in location.

Learn more about related here-


Additionally, a 403 forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an errordocument to handle the request.
a. True
b. False


The statement "403 forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an error document to handle the request" is a true statement. The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.

What is HTTP Status Codes?

HTTP Status Codes are standard response codes given by web servers operating on the internet. These codes help identify problems when a web page or resource does not load or display properly. The terms in the HTTP Status Code consist of special codes along with explanations regarding the error that occurred when it occurred. The following is a list of HTTP status codes:

Informational responses (100 – 199)Successful responses (200 – 299)Redirection messages (300 – 399)Client error responses (400 – 499)Server error responses (500 – 599)

Learn more about HTTP responses


write a program that will loop through a list and sum up all values greater than the first value in the list. if there are no values in the list greater than the first value or if the list is empty, return -1.


You enter the for loop once when the list you enter has a length of 1.

Therefore, whatever code you insert to verify the criteria won't ever run. I like to come back as soon as I can, thus I would suggest the following:

def go(list1):

   total = 0

   count = 0

   for i in range(0,len(list1)-1):

       if list1[i] < list1[i+1]:


           count += 1


           total += 0

       if count is 0:

           total = -1

       if len(list1) == 1:

           total = -1

   return total

print(go( [-99,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,5] ))

print(go( [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,-99] ))

print(go( [10,20,30,40,50,-11818,40,30,20,10] ))

print(go( [32767] ))

print(go( [255,255] ))

print(go( [9,10,-88,100,-555,2] ))

print(go( [10,10,10,11,456] ))

print(go( [-111,1,2,3,9,11,20,1] ))

print(go( [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,0,-2,6] ))

print(go( [12,15,18,21,23,1000] ))

print(go( [250,19,17,15,13,11,10,9,6,3,2,1,0] ))

print(go( [9,10,-8,10000,-5000,-3000] ))

Learn more about code here-


the arpanet program developed the earliest version of networked computing (the model for what would become the internet) in 1972. what was their main intention in creating this network?


The main intention in creating ARPANET program network was to enhance communication among various scholars involved in U.S. Department of Defense projects. They provided funding for the creation of the ARPANET in the late 1960s.

The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, or simply ARPANET, was a test network of computers that predated the Internet. The  Its original objective was to use telephone connections to connect computers at research organizations financed by the Pentagon.

A decade of computer communications research led to the creation of ARPANET, which was the result of military worries that the Soviet Union may utilize its jet bombers to launch unexpected nuclear assaults on the United States.

A system known as SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment), which was developed in the 1960s, used computers to keep track of approaching enemy aircraft and to plan military responses. There were 23 "direction centers" in the system, and each one had a powerful mainframe computer that could track 400 planes and tell friendly aircraft from enemy bombers. The system's implementation cost $61 billion over six years.

To learn more about ARPANET click here:


given ipv6 address prefix 2001:db8::/48, what will be the last subnet that is created if the subnet prefix is changed to /52?


A dotted-decimal net mask, also known as a subnet mask, can be used to identify the prefix (or network part) of an IPv4 address.  However, it is expressed as an integer between 1 and 128 as opposed to four octets as it is in IPv4.

What ipv6 address prefix, that last subnet?

For instance, denotes that the IPv4 address's leftmost 24 bits make up the network part, or prefix length. The 255.255

Therefore, An IPv6 address prefix, like an IPv4 subnet address and net mask combination, is a combination of an IPv6 prefix address and a prefix length used to indicate a block of address space (or a network). The format of an IPv6 address prefix is ipv6-prefix/prefix-length.

Learn more about ipv6 address here:


a slide contains two objects with animations applied. the first object animates when you advance the slide show. you also want the second object to animate when you advance the slide show. which start option should you apply to the animation of the second object?


"After Previous" start option, you should apply it to the animation of the second object so that the second object animates when you advance the slide show.

If you want to animate an object just launch your PowerPoint presentation. Select "Animation Pane" in the "Advanced Animation" group by clicking the [Animations] tab. Choose "Start After Previous" from the menu when you right-click the first animation. Your first animation will begin as soon as the slide shows on the screen. The same can be done with the second object.

Click the slide sorter view at the bottom of the screen to add transitions to a presentation. There will be thumbnails of each slide in your presentation. The Transitions tab can be selected. The Transitions to This Slide group is located on the Transitions tab.

By entering a time in the Duration box, which is placed above Apply To All, you may also change the length of the transition. You can choose the order in which text and objects display on the slide using the Animation task pane. Once you have given each object on a slide a unique animation, the objects appear in the task pane list box. By selecting the Re-Order arrows below the list, you can reorder the items in the task pane list box.

To learn more about animation click here:


for security reasons, you want to prevent the toronto router from sharing any information about itself with neighboring devices. which command should you run on the toronto router?


To prevent the Toronto router from sharing any information, we do this, From global configuration mode on Toronto, type no cdp run.

What is the global configuration mode?

Features that have an overall impact on the device are subject to global configuration commands. You can switch into global configuration mode by using the configure privileged EXEC command. By default, you should use the administration console to enter commands. Privileged Mode provides access to Global Configuration Mode, which can be identified by the (config)# prompt. You can configure each interface separately in this mode, as well as set up banners, and passwords, activate secrets (encrypted passwords), enable and configure routing protocols, and much more.

The operating system settings can be changed by users using the global configuration mode. By executing the "configure terminal" command from the privileged mode, a user can switch to configuration mode. The "end" command or the Ctrl-Z key combination can be used to leave configuration mode.

To learn more about the global configuration mode, use the link given

Order the following key steps that bi follow to transform raw data into easy to digest insights for everyone in an organization to use.
A. Uncover trends and inconsistencies using tools such as Data Mining
B. Present findings using tools such as visualization
C. Take action on insights in real time
D. Collect and transform data forum multiple sources


The order steps that BI follow to transform raw data into easy to digest insight for everyone in an organization to use is D, A, B, C.

Before we can interpret the data, we must collect data from multiple sources and transform them into the specific format. After we get raw data we use tool to uncover trends and inconsistencies of data.

The data now can show the results, but to read this data is not easy for everyone. So, we need to make data easier to read and understand for everyone using visualization tools.

Visualization tool is a tool for making large data easily readable by everyone by turning the data into multiple visualizations such as graphs, charts, etc.

After that, everyone in an organization can read data and understand the data. So, the last step is to take action on insights in real time.

Learn more about visualization tool here:


your network has a single domain named southsim. dns data for the domain is stored on the following servers: dns1 holds the primary zone for southsim. dns2 and dns3 hold secondary zones for southsim. all three dns servers are located on domain controllers. the dns zone for the domain is configured to allow dynamic updates. you want to allow client computers to send dns updates to any of the three servers and allow any of the three servers to update dns records in the zone. what should you do?


Change the DNS zone's zone type on each of the three servers to Active Directory-integrated.

What do the DNS terms primary zone and secondary zone mean?

Primary DNS servers manage DNS requests for a domain and hold all pertinent resource records. In contrast, read-only zone file copies are present on secondary DNS servers and cannot be updated.

How can I remove a DNS server IP address?

Click the Delete DNS resource record option when you right-click the records you've chosen. The dialog box for deleting DNS resource records appears. Check to make sure the right DNS server was chosen. If it isn't, select the server from which you want to remove the resource entries by clicking DNS server and choosing it.

to know more about DNS servers here:


2 - identifiez fill in the blanks activity 2 attempts left late due november 8th 11:59 pm instructions you will hear a series of words. write the word that does not belong in each series.


Economic sanctions programs are generally administered and enforced by the Office of Foreign Assets Control against nations and specialized categories of people, such as terrorists and drug traffickers.

To achieve aims in foreign policy and national security, sanctions can be either sweeping or selective, using the asset freezing and trade restrictions. Sanctions management has a long history at the Treasury Department. Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury, oversaw the sanctions against Great Britain for harassing American seamen beginning before the War of 1812. Congress passed a statute during the Civil War that forbade trade with the Confederacy, demanded the loss of products used in such trade, and established a licensing system governed by Treasury-managed rules and regulations.

Learn more about program here-


What is a double-clicking mouse?


When you double-click, you can utilize the same mouse button to do two different activities.

Bill Atkinson created it for the Lisa project at Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.). Single clicks frequently pick (or highlight) an object, while double clicks typically carry out the action related to that object. Quickly clicking the mouse button twice while keeping it still is referred to as a double-click. In most circumstances, opening or running a file, folder, or software program requires two left mouse button clicks. A single click typically starts an operation on the user interface, whereas a double click usually extends it. For instance, a single click often selects an object while a double click edits the item that was selected.

Learn more about program here-


Which firewall feature is used to ensure that packets coming into a network are legitimate responses to requests initiated from internal hosts?


A firewall feature used to ensure that packets coming onto a network are legitimate responses to requests initiated by internal hosts is called stateful packet inspection.

What is Stateful Packet Inspection?

The definition of Stateful Packet Inspection is a firewall that has the ability to analyze and manage packets based on the state of the connection. A firewall with SPI capabilities is programmed to separate legal data packets from illegal data packets. The firewall will store the previous connection states in memory and then analyze the states that occurred to determine what action to take regarding the packet it just received.

SPI has a three-way handshake namely SYN, SYN-ACK and ACK. First of all the client sends a packet with the SYN bit in the header to the firewall, The firewall sees as NEW in its connection state then replies to the client with a SYN-ACK. The client responds to the firewall with an ACK and the connection status becomes ESTABLISHED.

Learn more about Stateful Packet Inspection


when creating a column-oriented data table, you can click any blank cell in the column input cell if no input is needed. group of answer choices false true


True,  when creating a column-oriented data table, you can click any blank cell in the column input cell if no input is needed.

Excel users most frequently enter data by selecting a cell and typing straight into blank input cell. The cell enters edit mode automatically when you do this.

What is column-oriented data?

A database management system (DBMS) known as a columnar database stores data in columns as opposed to rows.

A columnar database's function is to effectively write and read data to and from hard disk storage in order to reduce the amount of time it takes to process and respond to a query.

Data is stored in columnar databases, which significantly boosts disk I/O performance. They are very beneficial for data warehousing and analytics.

Data processing techniques used in data warehouses include both row-oriented databases and column-oriented databases.

They take several approaches, though: Row-oriented databases store data in rows, as opposed to column-oriented databases, which store data in columns.

A column-oriented database will keep the information for each column in a single column rather than recording each column in a table's rows.

To know more about column-oriented data, visit:


What does authoritarian mean? ruling authority is granted to individuals by the government ruling by aristocracy requiring acknowledgment of authorship requiring strict obedience to an authority, such as a dictator


Authoritarian mean requiring strict obedience to an authority, such as a dictator.

What does the word "authoritarian" actually mean?

Authoritarianism is the idea that everyone must submit to the will of the majority without question. Authoritarianism in politics refers to any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a ruler or a small elite that is not legally obligated to answer to the general populace. All three members of the Axis—Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan—had totalitarian or autocratic regimes, and two of the three were succeeded by regimes with democratic constitutions. An alliance of democratic nations and (later) the Soviet Union were known as the Allies.

Political repression and the elimination of possible rivals keep highly concentrated and centralized authority in place under an authoritarian regime.

Learn more about the Authoritarian here:


how can cindy collaborate with mallory in order for cindy to be able to decrypt all subsequent encrypted messages that are sent to bob over an insecure channel controlled by cindy, without anyone ever becoming suspicious about this? what two named attacks are used in this case?


Cryptography, like digital signatures, is used to accomplish nonrepudiation, which also includes services for authentication, auditing, and logging.

Digital signatures in online transactions make assurance that a party cannot later dispute the sending of information or the validity of its signature. Alice can encrypt the communication using her own Private Key. As a result, only her public key, which she is aware Bob (and everyone else) has access to, may be used to decrypt her message. Bob receives the message, and he uses Alice's public key to decrypt it. Secret key cryptography (symmetric encryption): To encrypt and decrypt given messages, both the sender and the receiver must use the same key.

Learn more about information here-


question 5 you need to find the internet protocol (ip) address for a website. which command do you use on a windows system?


To find the internet protocol (ip) address for a website, the command that will be used is nslookup. The correct option is B.

What is nslookup?

A "network administration command line" program known as nslookup is used to learn about the Domain Name System (DNS) and to obtain the records for various domain names. It is mainly employed for DNS Server troubleshooting. Through domain names, we can access information on the Internet.

In the center of the Domain Name System are these names. Internet Protocol addresses are used by web browsers on the Internet to communicate with one another.

Therefore, the correct option is B, nslookup.

To learn more about nslookup, refer to the link:


The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

A) Ipconfig B) Nslookup C) Ping D) Tracert

true or false: dijkstra's algorithm will correctly generate a shortest paths tree for some graphs that have negative edge weights.


It is false to say that Dijkstra's algorithm will correctly generate a shortest paths tree for some graphs that have negative edge weights. For Dijkstra's algorithm, all edge weights must be positive.

This occurs because the algorithm only modifies the response for the queued nodes during each iteration. Therefore, even if a shorter path exists than the previous one, Dijkstra's algorithm does not go back and reevaluate a node after it labels it as visited. Therefore, in networks with negative edge weights, Dijkstra's algorithm is unsuccessful.

In graphs with nonnegative weights, Dijkstra devised a greedy search method based on the optimality principle to determine the shortest (cheapest) path. According to this definition, an optimal path has the property that, regardless of the initial conditions and control variables (choices) made over a certain initial period, the control (or decision variables) made over the subsequent period must be optimal for the subsequent problem, with the node resulting from the early decisions assumed to be the initial condition.

For each weighted, directed graph with positive weights, Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest path. It can handle cycles-based graphs, although negative weights will result in inaccurate results for this approach.

To learn more about Dijkstra's algorithm click here:


what property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?


Encapsulation refers to the property of virtualization that permits whole virtual machines to be saved as a file that can be copied or moved like any other file.

A virtual machine is a tightly isolated software container that has the ability to run operating systems and applications the same way as a physical computer runs. Despite that there is no requirement for hardware for a virtual machine to function, it still has RAM,  CPU, hard disk, and network interface card just like a physical computing device. This makes virtual machines incredibly easy to manage as well as portable; which is referred to as the encapsulation characteristic of virtual machines. The encapsulation permits the moving and copying of a virtual machine from one location to another like any other file or saves the file on any storage medium.

You can learn more about virtual machine at


the function below takes two string parameters: sentence is a string containing a series of words separated by whitespace and letter is a string containing a single lower case letter. it is supposed to return a string containing one of the words in sentence that contains letter (in either upper case or lower case) while retaining the original capitalization. can you fix it?


print(extract_word_with_given_letter('hello how are you?', 'w')).

How do function types work?

A function type, also known as an arrow type or perhaps an exponential type, seems to be the type of variable as well as parameter that a function has or may be assigned to, as well as the argument or output form of a higher-order functions that accepts or returns a function.


def extract_word_with_given_letter(sentence, letter):

  words = sentence.split()

  for word in words:

      if letter in word.lower():

          return word

  return ""

Testing the function here.

ignore/remove the code below if not required

print(extract_word_with_given_letter('hello HOW are you?', 'w'))

print(extract_word_with_given_letter('hello how are you?', 'w'))

To know more about function visit:


What are the 4 benefits of system integration?


Higher productivity The fact that system integration greatly increases business efficiency is its most significant benefit.

improved administration and analysis. It is challenging to evaluate how a corporation operates because of the large number of programs. lower price. increased client satisfaction. The gathering and streamlining of all correlated data is one of system integration's most obvious benefits.

Additionally, system integration enhances data accessibility and removes the need for manual data synchronization across various subsystems. designing or implementing a unique architecture or application, integrating it with new or existing hardware, packaged and bespoke software, and managing communications as part of the process of establishing a complex information system.

Learn more about system here-


How does mandatory reporting function in WA?


If you are, you are required by law to notify the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services right away about any abuse, abandonment, neglect, or financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult.

Mandatory reporters are obligated to file reports when a physical injury or sexual abuse results in serious harm. They have the same option as everyone else to decide whether to disclose any additional severe injury. Mandatory reporting is the legal requirement for certain kinds of persons to notify the appropriate authorities when they suspect child abuse or neglect. All Australian states have mandatory reporting laws that outline the circumstances under which a person, such as a nurse, is obligated by law to report something to the local child protection agency.

Learn more about services here-


how do the variacne of x and the varaince of g differ ms hall gave her class a 10 question multiple


Both formulas have their applications. The first illustrates how a random variable's variance, which is defined similarly, relates to other variables (but with n as denominator). The second method can be used to determine the sample variance directly without first determining the average x.

What variance of x and the variance of g differ ms hall?

In other words, the variance is the second central moment of or the second moment of about the mean = E (X). In general, the mean square error can alternatively be thought of as the second moment of about an R if the constant is used as an approximation of.

Once you've done that, square the numbers and take the average. A set of numbers with a range of one to ten, for instance, would have a mean of 5.5.

Therefore, The average of the squared deviations from the mean is referred to as a variance. Calculate the difference between each data point and the mean to determine the variance.

Learn more about variance here:


information system using the latest information technology has benefited which modern need?


Information systems using the latest information technology have benefited a lot of today's modern needs, such as education, buying and selling activities, transportation activities, and others.

What is the important role of information technology in everyday life?

Information technology helps to build and develop the commercial and business sector and generate the maximum possible profit. The time spent in different areas to create the business has now been reduced thanks to advances in information technology. It provides electronic security, efficient storage and communication.

To do the job, information technology needs information technology. Computers connect computers to different organizations around the world. It helps employees keep records of their many clients from different companies. It helps patients contact doctors online and get advice about their health problems. In addition, patient records can be properly managed by the system.

For information collection, programming/coding, data transformation, media data retrieval and storage, and system analysis are used. Even the field of education has been completely changed with the arrival of information technology. To run a business properly and produce the desired results, computers, software and the internet will help a lot.

Learn more about the importance of information technology


________ uses a dedicated connection between two points with the connection remaining active for the duration of the transmission.


Circuit switching uses a dedicated connection between two points with the connection remaining active for the duration of the transmission.

What is circuit switching?

Circuit switching is a method of switching in which an end-to-end path is created between two stations in the network before data transmission begins. The circuit switching method has a fixed data rate and both must operate at that fixed rate. Switching is the simplest method of data transmission in which a special physical connection is established between two individual senders and receivers. To establish this particular connection, a group of switches is connected by a physical link.

Advantages of Circuit Switching:

Dedicated transmission channel is established between computers, providing guaranteed data rates. No delay in data flow due to dedicated line.

Disadvantages of Circuit Switching:

It takes a long time to establish a connection.More bandwidth is required to configure dedicated channels.It cannot be used to transmit other data even when the channel is idle because the connection is reserved for switching.

Lean more about circuit switching


in terms of media richness, social media types rated highest in media richness are


In terms of media richness, social media types rated highest in media richness are virtual worlds, both game and social

What is social media?

Social media are interactive communication technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. The term social in relation to media suggests that platforms are user-centric and enable community activity. As such, social media can be thought of as an online facilitator or an amplifier of human networks – networks of individuals that strengthen social connections.

Users typically access social media services through desktop web applications or download services that provide social media functionality to their mobile devices (e.g. mobile phones, smart phones, and tablets). As users interact with these electronic services, they create highly interactive platforms for individuals, communities, and organizations to share, co-create, discuss, participate in, and edit content. User-generated or self-managed content posted online.

Learn more about social media


you have a computer that runs windows 10. you configure a backup job to back up all files and folders on an external ntfs (new technology file system) filesystem hard disk drive. the backup job fails to back up all files that have the encryption attribute set. you need to back up all encrypted files. the backed-up files must remain encrypted. what should you do?


To keep the backed-up files encrypted you should manually copy those encrypted files to the external hard disk drive.

An external hard drive refers to a portable storage device that can be attached to a computer through a FireWire connection or USB, or wirelessly. Typically external hard drives have high storage capacities and are msotly used to back up files and folders placed in a computer.

For instance, in  Windows 10 computer, when upon configuring a backup job you attempt to back up all files and folders on an external NTFS (new technology file system) filesystem hard disk drive. the backup job remains unable to back up all files that have the encryption attribute set. In order to back up all encrypted files and keep them encrypted, the step you must take is copy those encrypted files manually the external hard drive.

You can learn more about external hard drive at


a slide contains objects with multiple animations applied. how do you change the order of the animations?


You should be able to click and hold and drag with your mouse

You may modify the sequence of animations on a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint by doing the steps in the following solution.

What is Microsoft PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is a program to construct slideshows.

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can change the order of animations on a slide by following these steps:

Select the object that has the animations applied to it.

Go to the "Animations" tab in the ribbon.

In the "Animation Pane," select the animation that you want to move.

Use the "Move Earlier" or "Move Later" buttons in the "Animation Pane" to change the order of the animation.

Alternatively, you can right-click on the animation in the "Animation Pane" and select "Move Earlier" or "Move Later" from the context menu.

Keep in mind that the order of the animations in the "Animation Pane" determines the order in which the animations will be played. So, if you want to change the order of the animations, make sure to rearrange them in the "Animation Pane" accordingly.

Note: The exact steps may vary depending on the version of PowerPoint you are using.

To learn more about Microsoft PowerPoint click here:


Is Macintosh a proprietary OS?


No Macintosh a proprietary OS Apple Inc. is the company behind the Mac OS X range of exclusive, graphical operating systems.

The Macintosh Operating System (Mac OS) is a type of operating system (OS) created by Apple Inc. for use with their Macintosh line of computers. It is an operating system (OS) with a graphical user interface (GUI) that was first introduced in 1984 and has subsequently been published in a variety of variants. Typically, a proprietary OS or closed source OS is planned, created, developed, and marketed by a certain corporation and isn't intended to be modified or customized by consumers. On well-known vertically integrated switches, proprietary OS is frequently used. The iMac, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini, and Mac Pro are all very popular examples of Macintosh products today. Although the phrases Apple and Mac are now frequently used interchangeably, thirty years ago, they had completely distinct meanings.

Learn more about  Operating System here:


what is the name for a predefined framework that can be used for controlling access, and is embedded into software and hardware?


The term you are looking for is "access control." Access control refers to the mechanisms and policies that are put in place to determine who or what is allowed to access specific resources, such as computer systems, data, networks, and physical locations.

A variety of methods, such as the use of passwords, security tokens, biometric authentication, and other kinds of identity, can be used to provide access control.

There are many different ways access control can be included into software and hardware. An operating system, for instance, might have built-in access control tools that let administrators establish restrictions on who can access particular files or folders. Similar access control features may be present in hardware devices like routers and firewalls, enabling administrators to limit access to particular networks or resources.

Access control is used to safeguard against unauthorized access and to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of resources. It is a crucial part of computer and network security.

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What happens in transition phase? How many different flag can be made from 10 colors of cloth if each flag is consist of 3 diffferent stripes? What is the term for the contractile response of a single muscle fiber to a single muscle impulse? 3Select the correct text in the passage.Which sentence describes a factor that Helen could use to differentiate her coffee shop from branded coffee houses?Helen inherited some money from her grandmother. She decided to open: coffee shop. She explored the main market area near her house Oscope out the competition. The competitors were all famous branded coffee houses. They heavily advertised their coffee and had a lot of brandawareness among the customers. They sold their coffee at a low price, because they could divide the cost of operations over a large number ofsales. There was an area near a business center that seemed distant from these "yanded coffee houses. She decided to rent this location for herCshopt. She realized that she would also need to serve coffee that at least equalled the standards of the branded coffee houses. Who is No 1 soloist K-pop? All of the following are key organizational data in the fulfillment process except? a. Purchasing organization b. Distribution Channel c. Storage location d. Sales organization the __________ method is a framework for operationalizing a firms strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on dimensions of a firms performance. True or False: You should try to limit your overall debt to 50% of your gross monthly income. Question 6 computer 1 on network a sends a packet to computer 2 on network c. What's the first step that router z does after receiving the ethernet frame?. When using the indirect method to calculate net cash flows from operating activities, we must remove all accruals from net income so that only the cash portion remains.a. Trueb. False Please help! Provide an answer with an explanation to my question & you will receive a 100 points for one question! :) I need help with this. Reasons are below :) a fisherman collecting shellfish notices that many of them have holes or jagged edges around their shells. which statement best explains what may have caused the holes and jagged edges of the shells? coral bleaching ocean warming invasive species ocean acidification Which rasa does Ravisena seek to evoke? which technique(s) was used in creating tutankhamun hunting ostriches from his chariot? group of answer choices modeling casting carving repouss The distribution of scores on a recent test closely followed a Normal Distribution with a mean of 22 points and a standard deviation of 2 points. For this question, DO NOT apply the standard deviation rule.(a) What proportion of the students scored at least 26 points on this test, rounded to five decimal places?.02275(b) What is the 71 percentile of the distribution of test scores, rounded to three decimal places?24.073 Which of the following is not important when shopping for a credit card?a. the costs of the cardb. the features of the cardc. what the card looks liked. how you plan to use the card suppose that adam and sam each invest $5,000 in the same stock this year. adam invests directly and earns 5% a year. sam uses a retirement fund that charges an administrative fee and earns 4.75%. after 30 years, how much more money will adam have than sam? a $2,883.12 b $3,044.62 c $2,526.78 d $3,167.45 Please help, this is on final. I need how you got the answer and what the answer is. ch9: public opinion is one of the most powerful forces in society. what aspect of sport marketing is designed to formulate and shape favorable opinion through the mass media?