Three-Fifths Compromise ? Connecticut Compromise Compromise Public Domain Which of these completes the diagram?
O Representation
O Slavery
O Taxation
O Trade​


Answer 1


The answer you are looking for is Slavery. Hope this help's


Answer 2
It’s slavery because it’s the only ones that makes sense with context of the diagram

Related Questions

Which of the following is most associated with the presidency of Andrew Jackson?

O The rise in political power of wealthy elites
O The Spoils System
O The Era of Good Feelings
O The emergence of the new Republican Party



B. The Spoils System


That happened to the treaty of versailles in the US Senate? When did finally sign a peace deal?​


When the Treaty of Versailles was initially passed by the President to the US Senate, it was rejected because they feared that U.S. involvement in the League of Nations would mean that American troops might be sent into Europe and settle European disputes.

Why did the US Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles after ww1?

At the end of World War I, the treaty forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I.

When it was passed to US senate to sign, some senators opposed it because they believed the proposed League of Nations would infringe upon U.S. sovereignty and Congress's power to declare war. But after the Senate's defeat of the treaty, the congress formally declared the end of World War I by joint resolution in 1921.

Read more about Treaty of Versailles


The Inca used which of the following methods to centralize power over their empire?

worship of the sun god

O mita system of labor

the standardized Quechua language

all of the above


All alternatives are correct as methods used by the Incas to centralize power over their empire.

Who were the Incas?

It was an ancient pre-Columbian civilization that settled in South America, conquering an extensive territory of more than 4,000 km in the Andes region.

The great development of this civilization is due to a set of central characteristics, such as the strong religiosity that guided the lives and actions of individuals, in addition to the social hierarchy through social classes, and the agrarian economy.

Culture was then determined by polytheistic religion, with the worship of different gods of nature, such as gods of the sun and rain, who were worshiped through different rituals and even human sacrifices.

Therefore, in addition to culture and strong religiosity, the Incas standardized the Quechua language as a means of communication that allowed greater interaction, control and exchange of knowledge in society.

Find out more about Inca Civilization on:


What caused Egypt’s troubles in the 1800s? Check all that apply.

rapid industrial expansion
reliance on cotton crops
social reforms
government spending
French interference


The causes are:

Reliance on cotton crops

Government spending

The most popular and successful non-food crop in the world is cotton. Comparing Egyptian cotton to cotton farmed in other parts of the world during the past 150 years, it has established a reputation for having the greatest lint quality.

Egypt’s troubles in the 1800s:

The reign of European dominance was immediately restored. Evelyn Baring served as the British controller in the Dual Control's revival. The annual profits were split into two almost equal sections by the Law of Liquidation (July 1880), one of which was given to the Caisse de la Dette and the other to the Egyptian government.

The two things that got Egypt into problems in the 1800s were government expenditures and a reliance on cotton production. The Egyptian nationalist movement began to take action in the 1870s, which is when the crisis in Egypt really began.

The Turks and the Europeans are the real targets. The dependence on the cotton crop and government expenditures are the two key factors that essentially caused Egypt's problems.

Learn more about Egypt’s troubles in the 1800s:



Reliance on Crops

Government Spending


Which was the most important achievement in the Song Dynasty? Why?



Just a few of these advancements included improvements in agriculture, development of moveable type, uses for gunpowder, invention of a mechanical clock, superior shipbuilding, the use of paper money, compass navigation, and porcelain production.


4In January, Santa Claus found himself to be out of a job. He is among those who are...

Structurally unemployed
Frictionally unemployed
Seasonally unemployed
Cyclically unemployed


Seasonally unemployed because he only works during the season of Christmas

trusts like standard oli became large mostly by


Practices such as Vertical and Horizontal integration combined with shady loan practices and corruption which allowed these companies to receive massive loans and not be forced to pay them back

Which two ideas were expressed in Paine’s common sense?



Paine's brilliant arguments were straightforward. He argued for two main points: (1) independence from England and the creation of a democratic republic. Paine avoided flowery prose.



edmedtum, 100%

Read this outline for an argumentative essay about government.

1. People have different ideas about the role of government.
A. The primary purpose of government is to provide social services.

2. Government should provide services for people who are poor or elderly.
A. Government can effectively provide the services that poor and elderly people need.
B. Food stamps keep people from going hungry.
C. Medicare and Medicaid provide health care.
D. Some people believe social services are an entitlement and not a right,
but many people could not survive without them.

3. Government’s main role is provide to social services, such as food stamps.

The underlined sentence in the outline is the


The underlined sentence in the outline numbered 1 (People have different ideas about the role of government) is the introduction.

What is an introduction?

The essential concept of an outline for a particular piece of writing, such as an essay, is presented in a single brief sentence for the body paragraphs. In this manner, it is positioned at the start and briefly summarizes the thesis of an article.

Because it appears at the beginning of the outline and contains the key notion that unifies all the other ideas offered in the subsequent phrases, the sentence with the asterisk (*) serves as the introduction.

Learn more about an introduction, here:


Your option is probably:



A. Claim


discuss and analyze two of the main reasons for the decline and eventual downfall of Ancient Ghana​


Although external invasion was a significant contributing element, the decline and destruction of both were mostly caused by internal strife in the royal family and the rebellion of feudal leaders and regional satraps.

A culture called Ghana emerged in the sixth century. Ghana is situated in the Savannah area and modern-day western Sudan. It was close to the Niger River, which offered plenty of fertile land ideal for farming, but this was only beneficial for the first 6,500 years the empire existed. In their agriculture, crops including red-skinned African rice, tuber, roots crops, oils, fiber plants, and fruits flourished.They also had the good fortune to live close to gold and iron mines, which enabled them to prosper and trade for expensive goods.

Thus this is the reason of Ghana's downfall.

Refer here to learn more about Ghana:


I got the answer wrong please help me find the right answer



Explanation:frick you this is what you get for messing with my questions

frick you this is what you get for messing with my questionsfrick you this is what you get for messing with my questionsfrick you this is what you get for messing with my questionsfrick you this is what you get for messing with my questionsfrick you this is what you get for messing with my questionsfrick you this is what you get for messing with my questionsfrick you this is what you get for messing with my questionsfrick you this is what you get for messing with my questionsfrick you this is what you get for messing with my questions

What are some of the differences between Mesoamericans and South Americans? Explain




The term Mesoamerica is derived from the Greek and means "Middle America." It refers to a geographical and cultural area which extends from central Mexico down through Central America, including the territory which is now made up of the countries of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Now let’s explain if it’s the same or not:-

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Mesoamerica is a historical region and cultural area in southern North America and most of Central America. It extends from approximately central Mexico through Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica.

Hope it helps

How did the political system in Great Britain help to encourage the development of industrialization


t allowed foreign trade and domestic to occur to expand the economy and grow industries.

During the colonial era, all Latin American countries became republics except

Question 3 options:






Answer: Brazil


Between 1808 and 1836, all of Latin America except the Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico and Cuba gained their independence. Part of the revolutions originated in changing ideas in Europe and the Americas about the role of government and individual rights from the Enlightenment. But Latin American independence was also a specific reaction to the conflicts in Spain during the Napoleonic Wars. A new Spanish king, installed by Napoleon as he worked to conquer Europe, led some colonial leaders to demand more political power and autonomy from Spain. Two hundred representatives from Spain and sixty from various colonies wrote the Constitution of Cadiz in 1812. The constitution tried to both reinstate the old monarch and guarantee certain freedoms for all citizens, including Indigenous people in Spanish-controlled South America. The constitution’s rapid failure motivated some colonial leaders to push for independence. Similar to rebels in the thirteen colonies who considered themselves to be English, defending their rights as Englishmen, Latin American revolutionaries saw themselves as Spanish and entitled to the protections of the Spanish crown.

Each Latin American country had a distinctive path to independence, making slow and uneven progress, but there are times when their histories overlap. After the Constitution of Cadiz fell apart in 1814, some colonies like Venezuela and Argentina declared independence, touching off a decade of battles between interracial factions. Spanish Creoles, enslaved and free Black communities and Indigenous communities fought on both the Spanish and rebels’ sides. Independence leaders promised a society free of slavery. Between 1814 and 1824, rebels led by Simón Bolívar fought battles in what would become Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador. In 1821, they formed the nation of Gran Colombia, writing a constitution and creating a congress to represent a wide swath of South America. Battles continued, the decisive end coming at the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824 in Peru, guaranteeing independence for Peru and Argentina.[1] Gran Colombia would fall apart with the death of Simón Bolívar in 1830. But republics were established in most of Spanish-speaking South America by the 1830s.

How do these excerpts from the Magna Carta show that England was evolving from the feudal system's customs of unwritten mutual rights and obligations in a hierarchical system to a system of governance that acknowledged in written documents those mutual rights and obligations between leaders and free men and free men's heirs? Cite specific examples.


The  excerpts from the Magna Carta shows that England was evolving from the feudal system's customs of unwritten mutual rights and obligations in a hierarchical system to a system of governance that acknowledged in written documents  by preventing the king from exploiting his power with placing of limitation on royal authority.

What was the Magna Carta change in England?

Magna Carta  came to light in the year 1215  which serves as the first document that helps to put check on the king and his government and showed them that they were not above the law.

However Magna Carta change the feudal system by limiting the king's power, using the document detailing the rights of the barons which can be seen under the feudal system and help to acknowledge the rule of law.

Find out more on Magna Carta at


How did the backcountry residents' view during the American Revolution compare to
that of the lowcountry residents?


The correct response is C) Backcountry people tended to embrace the loyalist cause and thought of those in the low country as worse than the British.

The backcountry dwellers' perspective during the American Revolution differed from that of the Lowcountry residents' in that the backcountry residents tended to favor the loyalist cause and thought the Lowcountry residents were worse than the British.

In essence, we are discussing the state of affairs in South Carolina. There were many conflicts between the two because, although the Patriots supported the Continental Army and desired the freedom of the colonies from the English crown, the Loyalists supported Great Britain throughout the Revolutionary War.

When both countries signed the Treaty of Paris at the end of the war, the Continental Army had beaten the British forces and Britain had recognized American independence.

Learn more about American Revolution here:


PLEASE HELP ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!

Read the following paragraph from the section "No Official Government" from the Mayflower Compact article.

But when the Mayflower landed in Massachusetts instead of Virginia, conflict broke out even before the colonists left the ship. The strangers argued the Virginia Company contract was not valid. They felt since the Mayflower had landed outside of Virginia Company territory, they were no longer bound to the company's charter.

What is the MAIN reason why the author includes this paragraph in the article?


to explain why the colonists felt they could disobey the Virginia Company contract

to explain how the colonists felt about the Mayflower landing in the wrong territory

to describe how the Virginia Company contract differed from the Mayflower Compact

to describe the problem that led up to the creation of the Mayflower Compact


Answer:  A.) to explain why the colonists felt they could disobey the Virginia Company contract

Explanation: They felt like they could disobey the Virginia Company because they weren't in their territory. They were in unclaimed territory bounded to no one but themselves.

[Hope this helps. If you have anymore question message me privately and i'll see what i can do :)]

Trace the development of corporations
and trusts.


To accomplish these goals, the "corporation" and the "trust" were created. Businesses are provided by corporations, which also make a large pool of cash available.

Who established the first businesses?

The First Businesses

The Boston Manufacturing Co., which was founded in 1813, was the first significant industrial corporation, according to the majority of historians. It adopted its business model from Britain, where textile companies contributed to the first Industrial Revolution some thirty years earlier.

By "corporation," what do you mean?

Stockholders are not seen as being legally a member of a firm. Corporations have many of the same legal rights and duties as humans. They are able to sign contracts, grant and receive loans, bring legal actions, hire employees, possess property, and submit taxes.

To know more about  corporations and trusts visit:-


During the first half of the nineteenth century, the central and western areas of new york were known as the “burned-over district” because ______



It is where religious revivals and the formation of new religious movements of the Second Great Awakening took place to such a great extent that spiritual fervor seemed to set the area on fire.

What is the purpose of the Electoral College?

A. To choose the president of the United States
B.To decide who will be president if there is a tie
C. To divide the vote between population and state
D. To educate citizens about presidential candidates


The purpose of the Electoral College: A. To choose the president of the United States.

What is electoral college?

Electoral college can be defined as the way or process in which the president of the United States of America are elected to be in power.

When  making use of the electoral college the  president  are elected or choose by the people electors and the electors are expected to each cast a vote into the ballot box.

The candidate with the highest vote count will be named the president of the United States of America, although this process is not included in the US constitution as it is just another alternative method that can be used to elect the president instead of the regular process in which voters or people cast their vote into the ballot box during election and not people electors.

Therefore the correct option is A.

Learn more about electoral college here:


How is public health policy created?


Answer: Before public health policies are implemented, policymakers and officials will go through an extensive research process to determine what public health issues need to be addressed and formulate the best subsequent solutions.

How did women play a role in reform?



Women and women's organizations also worked on behalf of many social and reform issues. By the beginning of the new century, women's clubs in towns and cities across the nation were working to promote suffrage, better schools, the regulation of child labor, women in unions, and liquor prohibition


How was the relationship between the British government and the colonies changed by the French and Indian War?

A. Tensions grew as the British Parliament passed higher taxes to pay off the debts of war.

B. Distrust grew as the British loss showed the colonists that the mother country could be defeated.

C. Tighter bonds were formed as the British and the colonists fought together to defeat a common enemy.

D. Conflict between the colonies grew since some areas were favored by the British during the war.


Tensions grew as the British Parliament passed higher taxes to pay off the debts of war. Therefore option A is correct.

What was the French and Indian War?

This New World conflict, sometimes known as the Seven Years' War, added a new chapter to the protracted rivalry between Britain and France for global dominance. The official British declaration of war was made in 1756 as a result of a series of wars that followed France's development into the Ohio River valley and the repeated conflict it caused with the claims of British possessions.

Early in the 1750s, France's advance into the valley of the Ohio River brought it into a constant dispute with Virginia's and other British colonies' claims. Fort Duquesne was constructed by the French in 1754 near the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers, which formed the Ohio River (in present-day Pittsburgh), making it a strategically significant fort that the British frequently attacked.

To learn more about the French and Indian War follow the link.


"This is not a contest between persons. The humblest citizen in all the land, when
clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error."

Would someone mind elaborating and explaining what it means? Thanks! (I'll vote brainliest too lol)


The following quote, "The humblest citizen in all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error" means regardless of inexperience, his words weigh a lot and he is the defender of righteousness.

A righteous cause is one that is just and noble. It is something worth fighting for, something that will make the world a better land. A righteous cause is worth sacrificing for, and it is worth dying for.

A righteous cause is one that we all citizen can believe in, and one that will make us proud. When we are fighting for a righteous cause, we are fighting for something worth fighting for.

To know more about Righteous cause, click here.


What does "China's national experience and strong historical consciousness consist of if not religion, ethnicity, or ideology? (without plagiarzing, write 100 words please)


China's national experience and strong historical consciousness consist of China’s public rhetoric rather of religion, ethnicity, or ideology.

What is the meaning of historical consciousness?

The knowledge of the temporality of historical experience, or how the past, present, and future are understood to be related, is characterized as historical awareness.

It is correct that the Chinese have a strong historical awareness and are highly proud of their nation, thinking that the Chinese culture is the world's longest continuous civilization, with a recorded history spanning over five thousand years.

The Chinese are also a people that frequently look back in order to determine the present and future. President Xi Jinping's Chinese Dream, for example, is his vision for China's future, but it is also profoundly related with China's history of "the century of national humiliation" and is founded on the concept of so-called "Chinese nation rejuvenation."

Nationalism is a multifaceted phenomenon. There are several varieties of nationalism, which can be expressed civically, ethnically, culturally, religiously, or ideologically. In comparison to other nations, China's new nationalism is not founded on religion, ethnicity, or ideology; rather, it is rooted in China's national experiences and profound historical consciousness. It is heavily dependent on this unique myth-trauma complex.

Learn more about historical consciousness here:


Match the correct idea to the Enlightenment thinker


Each of the idea should be matched correctly with the appropriate Enlightenment thinker as follows:

John Locke: Natural rights.Baron de Montesquieu: Checks and balances.Voltaire: Importance of religious tolerance.

Who are Enlightenment thinkers?

Enlightenment thinkers were a group of intellectual and philosophical people who challenged existing traditional ideas, while desiring social, political and technical progress in Europe, especially by forming a social contract between the people and their government such as the following individuals:

John Locke.Baron de Montesquieu.Voltaire

Who is John Locke?

John Locke was an English physician and philosopher, who is also referred to as the father of liberalism. Additionally, John Locke's work was significant in the drafting of "The Fundamental constitution of Carolina" and he stated that government are saddled with the responsibility of protecting the people's natural rights such as:

Right to life.Right to liberty.Right to property.

In conclusion, Baron de Montesquieu and Voltaire were the Enlightenment thinkers who developed the idea of checks and balances and the importance of religious tolerance respectively.

Read more on Enlightenment thinkers here:


Complete Question:

Match the correct idea to the Enlightenment thinker. Tiles John Locke Baron de Montesquieu Voltaire Pairs checks and balances arrow importance of religious tolerance arrow natural rights

Describe how the Navajo returned home from Bosque Redondo.


After four years of living in cramped, deplorable conditions at Bosque Redondo, the Navajo finally signed the famous US-Navajo Treaty of 1868.

Only a small section of the Navajo people's ancient homeland in Arizona and New Mexico was made accessible to them again by the treaty. Desperation and power disparities can lead to groups of people agreeing to compromises they would not ordinarily accept. In an effort to leave the difficult conditions at Bosque Redondo and return to their ancestral grounds, the Navajo (Diné) consented to give up some of their sovereignty in 1868.

To learn more about Navajo's return refer to:


define Treaties & Alliance in government?



Treaties- binding agreements between nations that become part of international law.

alliance- a formal agreement between two or more states for mutual support in case of war.

How did the Anglo-American motives for the settlement of Texas differ from the Spanish motives for the settlement of Texas? Select two correct answers.
A.Americans wanted the rich goldmines found in South Texas.
B.Spanish were escaping persecution of a tyrannical government.
C.Americans moved to Texas for freedom of religion.
D.Spain wanted to expand its colonial empire, gain riches, and spread Christianity
E.Americans were searching for a better way of life and cheap land.


Compared to Spanish colonization, Anglo colonization moved much more quickly. For centuries, Texas served as the Spanish Empire's boundary, a no-man's land between Spanish and French holdings where many native tribes lived peacefully and little development occurred.

What drove Anglo-Americans to relocate to Texas?

Anglo-Americans were drawn to cheap land and believed that Texas' annexation to the United States would boost the land market. In order to avoid American creditors, some settlers fled debts and sought safety in the Mexican colony.

Why did Spain grant Anglo-Americans permission to settle in Texas?

Spain gave the Anglos a warm welcome because it wanted to protect east Texas from illegal immigrants from the United States. Before Austin received the grant, perhaps 3,000 Anglo-Americans had illegally settled in Texas.

Learn more about Anglo colonization here:


Write a well-reasoned essay addressing the following question:
According to McCullough, what did President Truman feel was his most difficult decision while in office and why? Was his view of the decision shaped by his idea of the "Lesson of Munich"?


Truman made both well-liked and contentious choices, and the move that was most widely praised was also the most challenging. The hardest choice of Truman's administration was whether or not to enter the Korean War, and the Lesson of Munich had a significant influence on that decision.

Later in life, Mr. Truman said that the choice to deploy soldiers to Korea in 1950 was the one that he found the most challenging to make as president. Nearly 54,000 Americans had died in the "Forgotten War" by the time an armistice was formally ratified in July 1953.

The transition of the economy from wartime to peacetime was Truman's main economic task. He established the council for economic advisors and passed the Employment Act in an effort to maintain the level of employment that was close to full during the war.

To learn more about President Truman


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