Three contributing factors that led to xenophobia


Answer 1


The three most important factors contributing to xenophobic violence are political leadership, lack of conflict resolution processes, and very few prosecutions


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Foretell - verb

To tell of beforehand; predict; prophecy.

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I would say cost of of living. Lol city is expensive

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democratic socialism



The correct answer is D.


Democratic socialism

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Differences: Jackson was different. No one like him had ever served as president. He made executive decisions based on his personal beliefs and did what he could to protect the common man. Jackson, who survived diseases like smallpox, malaria, dysentery, rheumatism and dropsy and endured physical disability most of his adult life after being shot in the chest during a duel, was just shy of Mr. Trump in stature, standing 6-foot-1. But Jackson was far thinner, with estimates between 145 pounds and 154 pounds, putting his body mass index at 20 or lower.

Similarities: Both Jackson and Trump also ran on campaigns to weed out corruption in government. On this count, the comparison produces mixed results. While Trump has yet to take office, early indications are that his promise to “drain the swamp” of Washington corruption has fallen by the wayside

No links please help I'll give you brain thing if its correct <3





Define the term pressure?

please answer me....​



Pressure is defined as a measure of the force applied over a unit area. Pressure is often expressed in units of Pascals (Pa), newtons per square meter (N/m2 or kg/m·s2), or pounds per square inch

plz bark brainliest+  thanks


hi there


your answer

when a object get physical force exerted on an object

extra knowledge-basic formula is f/a(force per unit area )

thanks you for brainliest follow me

In the marine nitrogen cycle, name the 3 processes that take place



Nitrogen fixation, Nitrification, Assimilation, Ammonification and Denitrification.


Ruthanne was put in an uncomfortable situation in her office last week. Eric, her coworker, sent some inappropriate and offensive photos to her via a text message and then a few days later invited her for a drink after work. This is an example of Multiple Choice functional conflict. dysfunctional conflict. sexual harassment. teamwork. bullying.


The correct answer is "sexual harassment."

Ruthanne was put in an uncomfortable situation in her office last week. Eric, her coworker, sent some inappropriate and offensive photos to her via a text message and then a few days later invited her for a drink after work. This is an example of sexual harassment.

Eric is committing sexual harassment, and Ruthanne has noticed the bad behavior.

Eric has to be careful and refrain from showing this kind of conduct in the workplace because if someone reports him, he could be in trouble. In this case, Ruthanne could report him.

This type of misconduct, sexual harassment, has created many problems because in the workplace because it represents an offense to the other person. It could happen in the workplace, the church, social club, athletics, everywhere. So, stay out of it. Sexual harassment is illegal.

can someone write a paragraph with at least 5 sentences to answer this question? What did you learn about American history and innovation? 16 points!



An idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption" According to Kanter, innovation includes original invention and creative use and defines innovation as a generation, admission and realization of new ideas, products, services and processes .novation is the practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services or improvement in offering goods or services. ISO TC 279 on innovation management proposes in the standards



An idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption" According to Kanter, innovation includes original invention and creative use and defines innovation as a generation, admission and realization of new ideas, products, services and processes .novation is the practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services or improvement in offering goods or services. ISO TC 279 on innovation management proposes in the standards


hope this helped

Evan's family wanted to go on vacation in June, but the resort was booked for the days they wanted to go. What did his family experience?

A. opportunity cost
B. unlimited resources
C. scarcity
D. limited wants





Answer is b because someone else had book for the same days

Tanner and Jordyn were having a conflict on how to divide a potential client list. Both of them really care about the issue and are willing to spend a lot of time sorting out their disagreement. They have already tried to use _____ style but there is only a set number of clients so they recognize each will have to concede a little bit for the sake of harmony and use ______ style instead.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question. However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

Tanner and Jordyn were having a conflict on how to divide a potential client list. Both of them really care about the issue and are willing to spend a lot of time sorting out their disagreement. They have already tried to use the Compromise style but there is only a set number of clients so they recognize each will have to concede a little bit for the sake of harmony and use Collaborative style instead.

Here, we are talking about conflict management styles. According to experts, there are five management styles to solve conflicts in the organization. These are the Accommodating style, the Avoiding style, the Compromise style, the competing style, and the collaboration style.

That is why under this situation, Tanner and Jordyn are trying to resolve their conflict in a civilized way knowing that there is a limited number of clients.

Pwease help this is very important I will give you brain thing if its correct ♡



The first one is Learned.

The second one is Adaptive.

The third one is Elastic.

The fourth one is Dynamic.



Hope this helps


I dont know about this and I'm sorry if its wrong, but...

1. Learned

2. Dynamic

3. Adaptive

4. Elastic

Food of almost any kind can be tracked back to what








Lots of commonly eaten foods can be traced back to plants.

Eating a hamburger? A cow got all of the energy from plants. Eating a salmon steak? that got its energy from eating fish that eat plants. Eating some french fries? that itself is just a deep fried plant.

Explain how energy flows from the Sun a it is transferred along the food chain through the producers to the consumers.


Answer: Producers use solar energy from the sun to make glucose (to provide themselves with nutrients to grow) through photosynthesis. Consumers then eat the producers and therefore absorb energy stored in the producers (the glucose made from the sun’s rays).

16. (05.06 MC)
If the inflation rate increases faster than their income, people will most likely (5 points)
use a higher proportion of their incomes on basic needs
spend a lower proportion of their incomes on basic needs
get more goods and services for less money



A - use a greater porportion of their income on basic needs


So, inflation is basically the increase in the cost of something.

So, if inflation rate increases, things will cost more money.

If people's income is smaller than this amount of money, then more people are going to spend that income on the resources and basic needs for survival, instead of on things that are not needed.

In the end, people are going to be spending more money of basic needs, not less, since it cost more.

Hope this helps! :)

What kind of relationships or feelings did the staff at Angel Island have with the Chinese immigrants?



Between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, millions of people — in numbers which have not been seen since — came to America in pursuit of a better, freer life.

On the east coast, most of the huddled masses were met by the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. On the west coast, between 1910 and 1940, most were met by the wooden buildings of Angel Island. These immigrants were Australians and New Zealanders, Canadians, Mexicans, Central and South Americans, Russians, and in particular, Asians.

There, during this period of great migration, they would meet with a reception quite unlike that given to European immigrants on the East Coast. The reasons for this reception, and the story of this journey, as usual, have their roots in the past.

Fifty years beforehand, around the middle of the 19th century, on the far western frontier of the continental United States, immigrants from Guangdong Province in southern China began arriving, fleeing from a land stricken by both natural and man-made disasters and a collapsing rural economy. Though initially welcomed, when the local economy took a downturn in the 1870s, economic problems were laid at the feet of this highly visible minority by organized labor, newspapers, and in short order, politicians.

A number of laws were passed at the local and state levels targeting the Chinese, soon attracting national attention. In order to secure the crucial western states' votes, both parties in Congress supported the first of several acts targeting immigration from Asia. With the passing of this first act, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, America had limited immigration on the basis of nationality or race for the first time, and it would not be the last, as subsequent acts severely curtailed each successive wave of immigration from Asia which came to replace Chinese immigrant workers.


After researching the nature vs. nurture debate, your teacher asks you to write a one-sentence
summary of your findings. What is the MOST accurate sentence you can offer as a response?
A:Nature wins out most of the time.
B:Both nature and nurture are important.
C:The clear winner has been proven to be nurture.
D:Neither nature nor nurture has much influence.


B: Both nature and nurture are important

Who is your role model? Why?

Best answer receives brainliest​



My aunt, because she is organized responsible and very kind. And she is SOOOOOO patient bc i must have annoyed the living sh..t out of her when i was little.


3. Loudness of a sound refers to how strong the sound when it
reaches to our ears? true or false​





Sound goes loud when it comes closer to you.

Who is died in aot

A. Carla Yeager

B. Levi Ackerman

C. Mikasa Ackerman ​



It’s A, Carla
Did you mean dead? You illiterate

Which group a that make up political parties are respesented on the passage


party organizers, volunteers, voters, and elected officials

Work done by others is a.....





Athens was the first city-state to adopt monotheism while Sparta remained a polytheistic state Sparta was a militaristic while Athens became known for its democratic institutions. Sparta was open to all newcomers while Athens required proof of parentage in order to become a citizen of Athens. Sparta was a militaristic Oligarchy while Athens became known for its democratic institutions. Which Greek contributions proved crucial to the foundation of Western civilization?



in my opinion there ways of democrcy and they way they treated eachother!!


In what ways has classical Greece had a profound influence on the culture of the West

Ancient Greeks had many contributions to Western civilization, such as art, theater, democracy, architecture, and philosophy. on other cultures. plz give brainliest!! and my in.sta is sk8ercj

What idea are sociologists MOST likely to support?
A:Culture is biological.
B:Culture is only important for adults.
C:Culture is learned.
D:Culture is reinvented every generation.



c is the answer your lookimg for

a high standard of living is common in what type of countries?




developed countries

What genralization can be made by comparing the lifestyle of the Inuit of the Arctic to the lifestyle of natchez in the southwest



The Natchez are a Native American people who originally lived in the Natchez Bluffs area in ... The Natchez are noted for being the only Mississippian culture with complex chiefdom ... always the son of the Female Sun, whose daughter would be the mother of the next Great Sun. ... "The Natchez of Southwest Mississippi". hope i helped let me know


What are some examples of the ways culture





Customs, laws,dress,architectural style, social standards, religious beliefs, and traditions

Please help this is very important i will give you brain thing if its correct no links please





Wavelength is the distance between one crest and another.

Crest are the peaks, not the lowest parts.

Roger intentionally set his residence on fire in order to collect insurance proceeds. While the fire was being fought, the police arrived to help with the crowds of onlookers. Roger realized he had done something wrong and went to one of the police officers and told the officer that he had started the fire intentionally. The police officer did not give Roger the Miranda warnings. What is the most likely outcome if Roger tries to have the confession excluded from evidence at trial



The responses to the given question can be defined as follows:


To obtain insurance proceeds, Roger deliberately set the residence on fire. And during the fire, police came to assist with both the crowd of spectators. Roger realized that he made a mistake but went to one of the officers to tell the officer how he had deliberately started the fire. The police officer did not alert Roger of Miranda, because it is necessary to exclude assertion when Roger wants for excluding confession from the court.

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