this is from earth-science
How different kind of fossils form?


Answer 1



Four types of process contribute to the formation of a fossil. These are mineralization, carbonization, encrustation and distillation. They occur once an organism has become trapped within the surrounding sediment, and primarily depend on the mineral composition of silt and water.

hope it helps! :)

Related Questions

From 1994 to 2000, what happened with the Irish economy?
A: It went into a depression
B: It went into a recession
C: It grew more than any other European country
D: It shrank more than any other European country


Answer: its c

Explanation: bc i smart

Which of the following statements best describes the political situation in Eritrea following independence?
Eritrea still has a transitional government; no national elections have been held, and no consistution has been implemented.
Eritrea established a parliamentary monarchy after independence and quickly ratified a constitution.
Civil war between Christians and Muslims has made establishing government control and stability nearly impossible.
Eritrea failed to establish a system of government after gaining independence; warlords continue to battle for control.


Eritrea still has a transitional government; no national elections have been held, and no constitution has been implemented, describes the political situation in Eritrea following independence.

Eritrea is a nation in the Horn of Africa on the Red Sea. The seaside position of Eritrea has long been significant in its history and culture. Eritrea achieved independence.

Eritrea was governed by a provisional administration comprised mostly of the central committee of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF). This group established the Eritrean Transitional Government on May 19, 1993, immediately after a nationwide vote. The objective was for this administration to administer the country for four years, until a constitution was promulgated and a permanent government was elected. In May 1997, a constituent assembly passed a new constitution, but it was never implemented, and the scheduled legislative and presidential elections were never held.

Learn more about Constitution here:


Answer: A


Just took the test

which surface features and/or characteristics below are associated with divergent plate boundaries? choose all that apply.


The features most commonly associated with divergent boundaries between tectonic plates are rift valleys, ocean ridges, fissure volcanoes, and underwater mountain chains.

What are divergent boundaries?A divergent boundary forms when two tectonic plates move away from each other. Earthquakes are common along these boundaries,  and magma-diffusion plate boundaries are characterized by shallow earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,  high topographic ridges, and very young lithospheres. It rises from the Earth's mantle to the surface and solidifies into a new oceanic crust. A divergent boundary is a widening boundary where new oceanic crust forms and fills the space as the plates move apart.Most of the bifurcation boundaries are  along mid-ocean  ridges.  Two major landforms that arise from sharp boundaries are  rift valleys and mid-ocean ridges. A divergent boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move away from or away from each other.

To learn more about divergent boundaries  from the given link :


A rapid temperature increase about 55 mya created tropical conditions around the world. What did these conditions cause?.


A rapid temperature increase about 55 mya created tropical conditions around the world causes  adaptive radiation of Euprimates.

Previously known as the "Initial Eocene" or "Late Paleocene thermal maximum," the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), also known as "Eocene thermal maximum 1" (ETM1), was a period of time when the global average temperature rose by more than 5-8 °C throughout the event.

It has been calculated that the related period of significant carbon emission into the atmosphere lasted between 20,000 and 50,000 years. It took the entire warm era almost 200,000 years to complete. The earth's temperature rose by 5-8 °C.

To know more about Temperature, click here:


Describe the location
of the original core of
Buddhism relative to two
geographic features
(note: the Himalayas are
a mountain range).


Buddhists make up the majority in seven location countries, including Cambodia, Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Laos, and Mongolia. The birthplace of Buddhism was at that time in and around what is now India.

This religious movement expanded fast to many other places. The fifth century BCE is thought to be when Buddhism first emerged. The faith's founder, the Buddha, is now thought to have died around 400 BCE. The geographical location of Buddhism is distinct from all other religions in the globe. Buddhism swiftly migrated from India, where Siddhartha resided, to the rest of the continent. The final result was the spread of Buddhism to nations such as Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Laos, China, Japan, Korea, etc.

To learn more about Buddhism, click here.


I really need help on this question - it's due tomorrow and I have no time. If anyone could help me out here, I would be very grateful.
PEED = point, evidence, explain, develop.
CON = conclusion.
It has to be about the Nepal earthquake of 2015.


Earthquakes occur on a regular basis. There are possibly dozens going on right now in various parts of the planet. But they're all small and largely go unnoticed. Most of them are only known to us because we have electronic tools that can detect them.

What is the concept of the excerpt?

Some slightly larger ones occur less frequently and are observed, even though they cause no harm. Even less common is a huge one that causes noticeable shaking and minor damage. The really big ones are the rarest. Fortunately.

The earth's crust is made up of massive tectonic plates that are constantly moving against, along, or away from one another. The slow movement of these plates releases energy, which we observe as earthquakes.

Thus, Earthquakes occur on a regular basis.

For more information about concept of the excerpt, click here


explain what causes the day and night cycle on Earth, and why different parts of the world experience daytime while other parts are experiencing nighttime. Next, discuss what you know about the reason for Earth’s seasons.


Different regions of the world are facing the Sun or away from it as the Earth rotates around an imaginary line known as its axis, giving rise to day and night. The earth completely revolves around in 24 hours, which is what we refer to as a day.

What is the Rotation of Earth?

The time it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation around its axis is known as rotation. This appears to be completed once daily, or once every twenty-four hours. However, there are actually two distinct types of rotation that must be taken into account in this situation.

A year has about 365.2 days due to the rotation of the Earth around the Sun or the Sun's precession through the equinoxes. Additionally, this explains why an additional day must be added every four years (February 29th during every Leap Year). Additionally, the Earth rotates around the Sun with a very minor eccentricity of (0.0167°), which causes it to move seasonally closer or farther from the Sun.

To learn more about the Rotation of the Earth follow the link.


Complete the information in the paragraph box below. Answer in complete sentences.

1. My topic is:

2. Purpose sentence:

3. Audience:




1).The most Embarrassing moment in life

2. The moment I was suspended from school for internet abuse.

3. Public but mainly school students


According to me it's right just trust me

Am Dalton Neymar


Why is constituent service so important to members of congress?




Constituents are citizens whom a legislator has been elected to represent. Part of a legislator's job in a democracy is to serve these constituents by representing their interests in the legislature and by providing a direct link to government.

hope it helps! :)

. Raoul ate a meal of oats before seeing his doctor. Oats are made of mostly starch molecules. Raoul feels tired, so his doctor gave him a test and found that Raoul’s cells contained glucose molecules, but they did not contain enough oxygen molecules. Does this explain why Raoul feels tired?


A While starch molecules are being broken down by his digestive system, it's possible that his respiratory system is not functioning properly.

When a starch molecule goes through the digestive system, what happens to it?

Amylase and maltase convert starch and glycogen into glucose. Lactase and sucrase respectively break down lactose (milk sugar) and sucrose (table sugar).

What is the course of starch breakdown by the stomach related framework?

Starch digestion begins with salivary amylase, but pancreatic amylase in the small intestine is more important than this activity.Maltose, maltotriose, and a-dextrins are the primary byproducts of amylase's hydrolysis of starch; glucose is also produced.

Learn more about starch molecules here:


For the school concert band performance, student tickets cost $8 each and adult tickets cost $12 each. The sellers collected $3,200 from 300 tickets sold. How many adult tickets and student tickets were sold?
100 adult tickets; 200 student tickets
140 adult tickets; 160 student tickets
160 adult tickets; 140 student tickets
200 adult tickets; 100 student tickets


200 adult tickets and 100 student tickets

200 x 12 = 2400

100 x 8 = 800

2400 + 800 = 3200

How is the floor of the ocean similar to land above sea level Think about:

1. Mountain chains


.this may help you


a major portion of the ocean floor is found is found between 3-6 km below the sea level

Central to the overall character of the Middle East are bazaars where people can go for shopping and entertainment. In which of the following ways do these markets contribute to the character of the Middle East?
D.All of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A I'm middle eastern


hope it helps! please mark brainlets:)

Describe how to transform boundaries create faults and earthquakes.


A transform boundary causes a fault between two plates of the lithosphere, which will slide past one another. This motion does not create or destroy crust and will cause earthquakes, but no volcanoes. A transform boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move past one another.

Hope I helped!

The national park service has asked the public to stop doing what to sonoran desert toads?.


The Sonoran desert toad secretes a poison from its glands that could create hallucinations, thus the US National Area Service has advised visitors to the park not to lick it.

Sonoran desert toads are typically found in Mexico's northwest and the southwest of the United States. The toads are found in southeast California, Arizona, and New Mexico in the United States.

The Sonoran desert toad secretes a poison that is unique to it, and because of this, the United States classifies its secretions as a Schedule I narcotic, making them unlawful.

To experience what the poisons allegedly offer, people are willing to spend a lot of money. In most cases, people collect the toxin, dry it into crystals, and smoke it through a pipe rather than licking the toads. It has been a tradition for many years.

To know more about desert, click here:


How is the floor of the ocean similar to land above sea level Think about:

2. Other landforms



Like dry land, the ocean floor has various features including flat plains, sharp mountains, and rugged canyons (Fig. 7.1). However, the lowest point in the world ocean is much deeper than the highest point on land

Our wander across gorgeous iceland uncovered 21 highlights to add to any itinerary, and we learned a few things along the way. What caused the blue and black streaks in the icebergs in jokulsarlon glacier lagoon?.


Ash from earlier volcanic activity is what gave the icebergs in the Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon their blue and black streaks.

The ice that broke off from glaciers or shelf ice and is currently floating in open water is known as an iceberg. Antarctica's Ross Sea is an example. An iceberg must have the following characteristics: it must be at least 5,382 square feet in area, 16 feet above sea level, and have a thickness of 98–164 feet. Icebergs were first created in Antarctica.

A variety of iceberg types include:

Sharp ice

a table-like berg

Untabular icebergs

Dome Wedge

Pinnacle Dry Dock

learn more about iceberg here:


would you consider the 2024 hurricane season to be above average, average, or below average in terms of hurricane activity?


The 2024 hurricane season to be above average in terms of hurricane activity.

What is a hurricane?

A hurricane is a typhoon with winds that have arrived at a consistent speed of 74 miles each hour or more. The eye of a tempest is generally 20-30 miles wide and may reach out more than 400 miles.

The Atlantic experienced an above-average, though not particularly unpredictable, hurricane activity in 2024. Despite four principal hurricanes, 3 of that which eventually made a touchdown on the continent as powerful hurricanes, it was, nevertheless, yet another rough period.

Learn more about hurricane, here:


Which of these is the best example of deposition?
Acid rain changes the chemical composition of limestone.

Flowing water wears away the sharp edges of river rocks.

A glacier melts and drops the sediment it was carrying.

Water seeps into cracks in a rock, freezes and melts.


Answer: B



the answer is B I hope it helps

Why is the population of the Manufacturing Belt shrinking while the population of the Sunbelt is growing?​


The population of the Manufacturing Belt shrinking while the population of the SunBelt is growing because the Sun Belt has seen substantial population growth since after World War II from an influx of people seeking a warm and sunny climate, a surge in retiring baby boomers, and growing economic opportunities.

SunBelt is that part of the United States that is comprising most of the states of the South and the Southwest and it is characterized by a warm, sunny climate and regarded as an area of rapid population and economic growth.

Other reasons why the Sun Belt is poised for continued growth since it includes lower cost of living, better quality of life and, of course, the warmer climate, according to the Legg Mason report. Those factors typically can help increase the appeal to live in certain areas.

To know more about Sunbelt, click below-


What effect did outside control of Caribbean islands have on their independence?


The greater levels of linguistic, economic, and racial diversity were  effected outside control of Caribbean islands have on their independence.

The Caribbean region contains some autonomous islands and nations. It is regrettable that many still support former colonial powers like France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Some of the nations that gained their independence from Britain are now Commonwealth realm nations with Queen Elizabeth II serving as their head of state and queen.

Colonialism can have long-lasting repercussions, including harm to the environment, the spread of disease, economic instability, ethnic conflict, and breaches of human rights.

To know more about Caribbean islands visit :


Which of the following is an example of neocolonialism?

Question 1 options:

European countries control other people and their territories by appointing foreign government officials to rule the territory.

The United States provides foreign monetary aid to Asian countries in exchange for tariff-free ports for economic gain.

Wealthy world powers hold extensive influence over less powerful countries through economic and political strategies that increase revenue for the wealthy country.

Middle Eastern countries supply petroleum products to Indonesian countries at reduced cost for safe passage through the Malacca Strait

Two world powers agree to a non-invasion pact in sub-Saharan Africa to protect economic interests in mineral mines.


An example of neocolonialism from the given options is C. Wealthy world powers hold extensive influence over less powerful countries through economic and political strategies that increase revenue for the wealthy country.

How does Neocolonialism work?

Neocolonialism is a system that exists in the world where the more wealthy and developed powers use their influence to control the economies and politics of weaker and less wealthy nations such as developing countries.

They do this to increase the revenue they earn from the weaker nations. For instance, they extract raw materials from these less powerful countries at a cheap price, and then process them, and sell them back to those nations at a higher price.

Find out more on Neocolonialism at


The native islanders were viewed as an inferior nation of people whom could be exploited. Describe the impact and the treatment of the native islanders by the Europeans.


Additionally, Europeans utilized the skin of the natives as a reference point while cutting them to see if their blades or knives were sharp enough. As a result of the Europeans' cruel treatment of the natives, many of them ended up dying.

How did the Europeans treat Natives?

This energetic suppression of many kinds. Guns were freely given to some tribes so they may exterminate one another neighbors. Wars resulted from the resurfacing of old issues between tribes. The military and Many settlers saw the Native Americans as nothing more than pests that needed to be eliminated.

The legislation was passed that certain rites were outlawed, the kids had to attend school in Europe, and they were bound entire groups to unproductive terrain that could not support them. The goal was to deprive them of their eradicating their cultural identity has the same result as eradicating them.

Learn more about native islanders, here:


Why has manufacturing become a greater part of Puerto Rico's economy than agriculture?


Up until the 1940s, sugar production dominated Puerto Rico's economy. Since that time, manufacturing has eclipsed agriculture as the main source of economic activity and revenue, accounting for nearly half (about 46%) of the island's GDP.

Pharmaceuticals, electronics, textiles, petrochemicals, processed foods, apparel, and textiles are among the top industries. The service sector is then followed by the financial, insurance, real estate, and tourist sectors. Up until recently, Puerto Rico had one of the most vibrant and competitive economies in the Latin American and Caribbean area. However, Puerto Rico's economy is mostly dependent on federal assistance from the US government.

Puerto Rico's economy has been negative since 2006, nevertheless. The decline is related to the removal of tax advantages that had encouraged US businesses to invest in the island since the 1950s. As a result, the scarcity of jobs for an increasing population and the pace of economic growth are currently Puerto Rico's biggest problems.

Learn more about Manufacturing here:


The evaporation of water within rocks, that leaves behind expanding crystals that cause breaking, is know as?
A. ice wedging
B. hydrolysis
C. salt wedging
D. chemical weathering


Answer is C I took the quiz

The evaporation of water within rocks, which leaves behind expanding crystals that cause breaking, is known as salt wedging. Thus the correct option is C.

What is Evaporation?

A liquid becomes a gas through the process of evaporation. Evaporation transports water from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere. When heat energy causes the connections holding water molecules together to dissolve, evaporation takes place.

When saltwater penetrates into rocks and evaporates on a hot, bright day, the process is known as salt wedging. When a fresh body of water, such a river, meets but does not interact with salt water from an ocean or sea, salt wedging normally takes place in an ecosystem along a salinity gradient.

Therefore, option C salt wedging is appropriate.

Learn more about  evaporation, here:


Which statement explains what similar fossils found on distant continents suggest about Earth’s history?

Animals have evolved over time.
The continents have moved over time.
Earth’s oceans had varying salt content through time.
There have been many animals on Earth that are now extinct.


The continents have moved over time explains similar fossils found on distant continents suggest about Earth’s history.

As buried carbon-based creatures decompose over millions of years, fossil fuels are created. Carbon-rich deposits are produced by them, which are then recovered and burnt to provide energy. They presently provide around 80% of the world's energy and are non-renewable. In addition, they are utilized to create a wide variety of items, namely steel and plastic. Fossil fuels come in three different varieties: coal, oil, and gas.

In between rock layers, or sediments, throughout time, living organisms leave behind naturally preserved remnants known as fossils. These are solid indications that there have previously been life things on earth. Similar fossils discovered on separate continents imply that the contents were once positioned differently than they are today and that they migrated over time as a result of continental drift.

Learn more about Continents here:





Just took edge test

How has the English language diffused around the world by the British? Write 6-7 sentences explaining why.


The way the English language was diffused around the world by the British was by colonizing about 24% of the entire world and making English the official language.

How was English spread around the World?

At its height, the British Empire was the largest empire to have ever existed in the world. It controlled more than 24% of the world as we know it today and so they were able to spread their language.

They made the English language the official language in all their colonies which meant that those people in the colonies needed to learn it. English therefore spread to those nations.

The English also colonized influential nations such as the United States which then spread to other areas. The United States therefore spoke English and then spread it to other places as well.

Find out more on the spread of English at


What did the Spanish hope to gain through control of the region?


Spanish hope to gain through control of the region by maintaining peace in areas that contained natural resources that might be extracted, such as tar, salt, silver, gold, hardwoods, and other such resources that could later be used by investors.

Between 1492 and 1976, Spain and its forerunner nations ruled a colonial empire known as the Spanish Empire, sometimes known as the Hispanic Monarchy or the Catholic Monarchy. One of the biggest empires in history, it was the first to usher in the European Age of Discovery and reach a global scale, ruling over vast swaths of the Americas, territories in Western Europe, Africa, and numerous islands in Oceania and Asia.

It was one of the largest empires in history, along with the Portuguese Empire. It was one of the strongest empires of the early modern era and the first empire to be referred to as "the empire."

To know more about Spanish empire visit :


the water levels in aquifers are not often a constant. why? what affects the amount of groundwater? what did you do on the model to recharge the groundwater?


The water levels in aquifers fluctuate yearly due to changes in rainfall water. Groundwater is affected by the seasonal changes in rainfall and groundwater can be recharged by improving the canal system and by injecting water into the groundwater subsurface or reservoirs by building injection walls.

Groundwater is important for us as it is the greatest source for freshwater, crop irrigation and agricultural activities.

In general, groundwater is present in reservoirs and aquifers below the surface of the earth and also most crucial natural source of water for living things. Groundwater provides fresh drinking water to almost 50% of global population. With an ever increase in global population, the use of groundwater is also increasing.

We can save groundwater by avoiding unnecessary leakage, unnecessary showers, and building efficient system to recharge underground reservoirs and also making infiltration basins and building injection walls to direct water to underground subsurface can help restore groundwater level.

If you need to learn more about groundwater click here:


Which of the following are negative effects of offshoring and outsourcing? (choose all that apply)

.difficult for companies to un-outsource jobs after they're moved overseas

.creates jobs for developing nations

.domestic workers can lose their jobs

.higher prices for consumers



A and C


B and D are benefits to outsourcing jobs, nations that host outsourced jobs benefit by introducing a new business or industry into their economy. Outsourcing jobs to other nations that are not as developed would cause prices in the United States to be lower rather than higher because the cost to produce goods in lower developed countries is cheaper.

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