this composed figure is made up of three similar shapes what is the area of the figure

This Composed Figure Is Made Up Of Three Similar Shapes What Is The Area Of The Figure


Answer 1

Given data:

The given figure is shown.

The area of the composite figure is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=(10\text{ cm)}\times(5\text{ cm)+}(3\text{ cm)(6 cm)+}\frac{1}{2}(3\text{ cm)(4 cm)} \\ =50cm^2+18cm^2+6cm^2 \\ =74cm^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the area of the composite figure is 74 square-cm.

Related Questions

WILL MARK BRAINLIEST Rectangle PQRS is shown above. Point C is the center of the rectangle.Maggle claims that there are transformations that preserve the length of the rectangle's sides. Which of the following transformations could be used to support Maggie's claim? select all that apply1.) a translation of 10 units to the right2.) a rotation of 90' clockwise about vortex Q3.) a reflection over the side RS4.) a diation of scale factor 1 through contor5.) a vertical stretch of scale factor 2 through contor C


With the given options;

(1) A translation of 10 units to the right will only map the rectangle onto a different location, but the lengths would remain as it were

(3) A reflection over the side RS will turn the rectangle into a mirror reflection of itself, and this means the sides remain the same measurement but is now being observed from the opposite side (but top now bwcomes bottom and vice versa).

(4) A dilation of scale factor 1 through center

V11, -14 and w -19, 15 are the influence of the line segment what is the midpoint M of that line segment right the coordinates as decimals are integers


Step 1: Problem

Mid-point of V ( 11, -14 ) and W ( -19, 15 )

Step 2: Concept

[tex]\begin{gathered} coordinatesofthe\text{mid}-po\text{ int = ( x , y )} \\ x\text{ = }\frac{x_1+x_2}{2} \\ y\text{ = }\frac{y_1+y_2}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3: Method

Substitute the given data to find the coordinates of the mid-point

Given data

x1 = 11

y1 = -14

x2 = -19

y2 = 15

[tex]\begin{gathered} x\text{ = }\frac{-\text{ 19 + 11}}{2}\text{ = }\frac{\text{ -}8}{2}\text{ = -}4 \\ y\text{ = }\frac{15\text{ +(-14)}}{2}\text{ = }\frac{1}{2}\text{ = }0.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4: Final answer

The coordinates of the mid-point = ( -4 , 0.5 )

Last year, Emma went bowling several times and earned an average score of 130 points. This
year, after taking a class at school, she improved her score to an average of 234 points. What
is the percent of increase in Emma's average score?




Step-by-step explanation:




(130×p)÷100= 10

(130 × p) ÷ 100=104

(130 × p) ÷ 100) × 100 = 104 × 100

130p = 10400

130p ÷ 130 = 10400 ÷ 130

p = 80%

Can you help me figure out how to find the original radican ??? I have no clue how to do so


So we have:


And we want to knowthe original before simplification, that is, before evaluating the interior part of the root.

So, we need to figure a way to put the part outside of the root back in.

Taking the cubic root of a number is the same as dividing its exponent by 3, because:


So, thinking in the other direction, we need to multiply the exponents by 3 before taking it back to the inside of the cubic root:


So, the b part have a 2 in the exponent, so we can multiply it by 3 to get 6:

[tex]\begin{gathered} b^2=b^{\frac{3\cdot2}{3}}=\sqrt[3]{b^{3\cdot2}}=\sqrt[3]{b^6} \\ -3a^5b^2\sqrt[3]{a^2c}=-3a^5\sqrt[3]{b^6}\sqrt[3]{a^2b^{3\cdot2}c}=-3a^5\sqrt[3]{a^2b^6c} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The a part have a 5 in the exponent, so we will get 15:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a^5=a^{\frac{3\cdot5}{3}}=\sqrt[3]{a^{3\cdot5}}=\sqrt[3]{a^{15}} \\ -3a^5\sqrt[3]{a^2b^6c}=-3\sqrt[3]{a^{15}}\sqrt[3]{a^2^{}b^6c}=-3\sqrt[3]{a^2a^{15}b^6c} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, since we have and a¹⁵, we can add their exponents:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a^2a^{15}=a^{17} \\ -3\sqrt[3]{a^2a^{15}b^6c}=-3^{}\sqrt[3]{a^{17}b^6c} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, the -3 have an exponent of 1, so:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -3=(-3)^1=(-3)^{\frac{3\cdot1}{3}}=\sqrt[3]{(-3)^{3\cdot1}}=\sqrt[3]{(-3)^3}=\sqrt[3]{-27} \\ -3^{}\sqrt[3]{a^{17}b^6c}=\sqrt[3]{-27}^{}\sqrt[3]{a^{17}b^6c}=^{}\sqrt[3]{-27a^{17}b^6c} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, we have, in the end:


Find the 5and term of the arithmetic sequence 5, 9, 13,


Notice that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9-5=4, \\ 13-9=4. \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the sequence is arithmetic then, the nth term has the following form:




Answer: 209.

A rocket is launched by Team Flash from the ground on Earth-73. The rocket passes a sensor at a height of5760 feet after 8 seconds and lands back on Earth-73 after 53 seconds.Write an equation for the height of the rocket, h, in feet as a function of the number of seconds, t, since therocket was launched.Round to 3 decimal places as needed.After how many seconds will the rocket reach its maximum height?Round to 3 decimal places as needed.What is the maximum height in feet that the rocket reaches?Round to 3 decimal places as needed.


We know two points of the trajectory of the rocket:

1) A height of 5760 ft at time t=8 seconds after launch.

2) A height of 0 ft (landing) at time t=53 seconds after launch.

We also know that the initial position was a height of 0 ft at t=0 seconds.

So we have 3 points to write the equation, that will be a quadratic equation for this kind of trayectory.

As we know we have roots at t=0 and t=53, we can start writing it as:


We have one point left, (t,h) = (8, 5760), to find the parameter "a". We can replace t and y in the equation and solve as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} h(t)=at(t-53) \\ 5760=a\cdot8\cdot(8-53) \\ 5760=a\cdot8\cdot(-45) \\ 5760=a\cdot(-360) \\ a=\frac{5760}{-360} \\ a=-16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then we can write the equation as:


We can graph it as:

In this kind of trajectories, the maximum height is reached halfway between the launch and the landing.

For any function, we can find the maximum of minimums deriving the function and equal it to 0. We will do it for this function:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{dh}{dt}=-16(2t)+848=0 \\ -32t+848=0 \\ 32t=848 \\ t=\frac{848}{32} \\ t=26.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The maximum height is reached at time t=26.5 seconds.

Now we can calculate the height at t=26.5 seconds, the maximum height, as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} h(26.5)=-16(26.5)^2+848(26.5) \\ h(26.5)=-16\cdot702.25+22472 \\ h(26.5)=-11236+22472 \\ h(26.5)=11236 \end{gathered}[/tex]


a) The equation is h(t) = -16t²+848t

b) The maximum height is reached at time t=26.5 seconds.

c) The maximum height is 11236 ft.

What percentage of 371 is 120?


This question is about percentages.

To know which percentage of 371 is 120, we just have to divide


Then, we multiply by 100 to express it in percentage

[tex]\text{0}.32\cdot100=32[/tex]Therefore, 120 represents 32% of 370, approximately.

There is a population of 405,000 bacteria in a colony. If the number of bacteria doubles every 44 hours, what will the population be 176 hours from now?


Since the population doubles every 44 hours, it can be modeled using an exponential equation as follows:


Where t is the time since the population was 405,000 measured in hours.

Replace t=176 to find the population after 176 hours:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(176)=405,000\times2^{\frac{176}{44}} \\ =405,000\times2^4 \\ =405,000\times16 \\ =6,480,000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the population after 176 hours will be 6,480,000

Find the perimeter of the shaded region of this composite figure .You can use 3.14 for pi.llAlso round the answer to the nearest hundreth.



18.58 m


We need to find the perimeter of the shaded region of the figure.

The figure is made up of a rectangle with the cut out of a semi-circle, so, to find the perimeter, we will subtract the perimeter of the semi-circle (without the diameter) from that of the rectangle.

The perimeter of the rectangle is:

P = 2(L + B)

where L = length = 8 m

B = breadth = 6 m

So, the perimeter of the rectangle is:

P = 2(8 + 6) = 2 * 14

P = 28 m

The perimeter (circumference) of the semi-circle (without the diameter) is:

C = π * R

where R = radius of the semicircle

The diameter is 6 m, so the radius is:

R = D / 2 = 6 / 2 = 3 m

So, the circumference of the semicircle is:

C = 3.14 * 3

C = 9.42 m

So, the perimeter of the composite figure is:

P = 28 - 9.42

P = 18.58 m

That is the answer.

There are a total of 37800 members at club A and the ratio of club A to club B is 20:13. The ratio of 40 and older group is 70% of club B the ratio of under 40members in club A to club B is 176:39


Club A members = 37,800 Ratio of club A by club B is given as 20 : 13 So therefore Club B members = =(1320)×37,800=24,570

SHOW THE PROPORTION YOU ARE SETTING UP.Four out of 10 adults in a certain city buy their drugs at large drug stores. If this city has 34,000 adults, how many of these adults would you expectto buy their drugs at large drug stores?


You know that 4 out of 10 adults buy their drugs at large drug stores. To calculate the value of the proportion you have to divide 4 by 10

[tex]\begin{gathered} p=\frac{4}{10} \\ p=0.4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The city has n=34,000 adults, to determine the expected number of adults that buy at large drugstores, you have to multiply the total number of adults by the proportion:


n=34,000 and p=0.4

[tex]\begin{gathered} E(X)=34000\cdot0.4 \\ E(X)=13600 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Out of the 34,000 you could expect 13,600 adults to buy at large drug stores.

i inserted a picture of the question can you make it very shorta -4 b 8c 4d -8


a. -4


the average rate of change is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} rateofch=\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ where \\ P1(x_1,y_1)\text{ is the start point} \\ P2(x_2,y_2)\text{ is the end point} \end{gathered}[/tex]



[tex]\begin{gathered} x_1=1 \\ f(x_1)=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} x_2=3 \\ f(x_2)=-8 \end{gathered}[/tex]




now, replace in the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} rateofch=\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ \text{rate of change=}\frac{-8-0}{3-1}=\frac{-8}{2}=-4 \\ \text{rate of change=-}4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the answer is

a. -4

I hope th

Yovanni went on a hike. He climbed 4/5 of mile in 1/4 of an hour. What was his hiking speed in miles per hour


We have the following information





To find his hiking speed we need to use the formula for speed:


where d is the distance and t is the time.

We substitute our values into the formula:


In this type of divisions, we multiply the extremes of the expression (4 by 4) and this will be our numerator. Also, we multiply the numbers in the middle (5 by 1) and this will be our denominator:

[tex]s=\frac{4\times4}{5\times1}=\frac{16}{5}=3.2\text{ mi/h}[/tex]

Answer: 3.2 mi/h

A student finished 45 of her homework problems in class. If the ratio of problems shefinished to problems she still had left was 9:4, how many homework problems did shehave total?


The ratio between the amount of problems she finished and the problems she still had left is given by the division between those amount. Since this ratio is 9:4, if we call the amount of homework she still has left as x, we have the following relation


Solving for x, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{45}{x}=\frac{9}{4} \\ \frac{x}{45}=\frac{4}{9} \\ x=\frac{4}{9}\cdot45 \\ x=\frac{4\cdot45}{9} \\ x=\frac{180}{9} \\ x=20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

She still has 20 problems left to solve. The total amount of problems is given by the sum between the problems she already finished and the problems left to solve, then, the total amount of problems is


65 problems.

find the slope of the line through the points (-6,5) and (3, -2)


We have to find the slope of the line that pass through points P1=(-6,5) and P2=(3,-2).

We can calculate it as:


Answer: the slope of the line is m = -7/9

2. Which answer of
the following is an
example of a SUM?
A 12-3=9
B 12+3=15
C 12×3=36
D 12÷3=4


Answer: B : 12+3=15

Step-by-step explanation:

A sum is the answer of an addition problem

1. Consider the following functions. f(x) = 3x2 + x + 2 g(x) = 4x2 + 2(3x – 4) h(x) = 5(x2 - 1) a. Find f (x) - g(x). b. Find g(x) - h(x).



Let's write function g(x) better:


Now we can do the substraction easier


That's answer a


We write h(x) better too:


And do the same as before:


That's answer b

A total of $54,000 is invested at an annual interest rate of 5.25%. Find the balance after 6 years if it is compounded monthly.


Using the compound interest formula:



A = Amount

P = Principal = 54000

r = Interest rate = 5.25% = 0.0525

n = Number of times the interest is compounded per year = 12

t = Number of years = 6


[tex]\begin{gathered} A=54000(1+\frac{0.0525}{12})^{12\cdot6} \\ A\approx73943.18 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The balance is $73943.18

Its says for pi do 3.14 and round to tje nearest hundredth.



Measure of the rectangular window:

length = 24 inches

width = 18 1/4 inches = 73/4 inches = 18.25 inches

The area is given by the following relationship:


The picture is as follows:






The equation for your earning y = 150x - x² is the equation of a parabola, so the maximum point of the parabola has a coordinate x equal to -b/2a

Where b is the number beside the x and a is the number beside the x²

In this case, a is -1 and b is 150, so the x-coordinate of the maximum is:


With the value of x, we can calculate the value of y, so:

y = 150x - x²

y = 150(75) - (75)²

y = 11250 - 5625

y = 5625

Therefore, the maximum amount that you can earn is $5625.

Solve 431 ÷ 3 on paper. You'll see that there is a remainder.
What digit in the ones place would give us no remainder?



2 in the ones place.

Step-by-step explanation:

431/3 won't work because 4+3+1=NOT multiple of 3.

The closest number in the ones place that will make it an integer is 2, because 4+3+2=multiple of 3


2, 5, or 8.

Step-by-step explanation:

There is actually a trick to this one.


If the digits in a number add up to a multiple of 3, then the whole number is divisible by 3.

For example:


Add the digits:


You could add the digits again:


Six is a multiple of 3, so 843 is a multiple of 3.


Now your number was 431.


8 is not divisible by 3, so 431 is not divisible by 3.

432, 435, and 438 would work in this situation.


what is the graph of x= 1 ?


The given equation x = 1 represents a horizontal lines that passes thourgh (1, 0).

Hence, the graph isThe answer is D.

HELP. i am so confused. the question is in the picture


1) If we consider that y=f(2x) is a transformed version of y=f(x) then we can set a t-table and plug for the given point (16,8) the x-coordinate x=16

[tex]\begin{gathered} (16,8)-\longrightarrow f(x)-->y=\frac{1}{2}x \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the new function, f(2x) requires us to divide the input by 2 to compensate

Calculate the maximum number of cylindrical paint cans that carvers auto custom can stock if the paint comes in a 2-pack hazmat box that mesures 15 inches by 7 inches by 6 inches


The volume of Hazmat box is,


Convert inches to feet ,


The volume of the warehouse when half of the warehouse is painted with cams and rims is.


Find the equation of the line through the given points. (-8, 6) and (-8, 0)


The equation of a line is typically written as y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b the y-intercept.

The slope can be calculated like this:


In this case you have x1=-8, y1=6, x2=-8 and y2=0. Replace this values on the slope formula

[tex]m=\frac{0-6}{-8-(-8)}=\frac{-6}{-8+8}=\frac{-6}{0}\text{ the slope is undefined}[/tex]

An undefined slope indicates that you have a vertical line parallel to the y-axis.

This line will pass through all points in the plane with an x-coordinate=constant (c). In this case this constant will be -8

The equation is written in the form x = c, then the equation of this line will be


Why is x² + 36 NOT factorable? In other words, why is it prime? What are twodetails that draw you to this conclusion?



Step 1:

In this question, we are given the following:

a) Why is x² + 36 NOT factorable?

b) In other words, why is it prime?

c) What are two details that draw you to this conclusion?

Step 2:

The details of the solution are as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a)\text{ x}^2\text{ + 36 is not factorizable under of field of integers Z,} \\ since\text{ it cannot be expressed as product of two squares} \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) In other words, why is it prime?

It is a prime polynomial because a prime polynomial is one that cannot be factored into the product of two polynomials, using integer values.


c) What are two details that draw you to this conclusion?

1) You can factor a difference of squares, but not a sum of squares.

2) A prime polynomial is one that cannot be factored into the product of two polynomials, using integer values.


determine whether the equation below has a one solutions, no solutions, or an infinite number of solutions. afterwards, determine two values of x that support your conclusion. 4(x+4) = 4x+16the equation has ____ solutions.a value of x that makes the equation true is __,which when simplified makes the equation turn into____=_____.a value of x that makes the equation false is____, which when simplified makes the equation turn into ___=___.


4(x+4) = 4x+16

Apply distributive property:

4(x)+4(4)= 4x+16


Add and subtract alike terms

4x-4x= 16-16


Since x can have many values, it has an infinite number of solutions.

we can replace x by 1, by 3, by 2 and the equality will remain.

the equation has an infinite number of solutions.

My dog got hurt and needed surgery,so I had to use my credit card to pay the vet bill. His surgery costed me $5,323.21. If my monthly interest rate is 1.42%, how much is my finance charge for the first billing cycle?





• Cost of the surgery = $5,323.21


• Monthly interest rate = 1.42%

A finance charge is a fee charged for the use of a credit card. A billing cycle is usually between 28 to 31 days, i.e. a month.

To find the finance charge, multiply the interest rate by the cost of surgery.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Fnance Charge}=1.42\%\text{ of \$}5,323.21 \\ =\frac{1.42}{100}\times5,323.21 \\ =\$75.59 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The finance charge for the first billing cycle is $75.59.

what is the slope of the line described by 5x+7y=19





Given the equation 5x+7y = 19

The standard form of an equation is y = mx+c

m is the slope

c is the intercept of a line

Make y the subject of the formula from the given equation

5x+7y = 19

7y = -5x + 19

Divide through by 7

7y/7 = -5x/7 + 19/7

y = -5/7 x + 19/7

Comparing with general formula;

mx = -5/7 x

m = -5/7

Hence the slope of the line is -5/7

Classify the following triangle as acute, obtuse, or rightO A. AcuteO B. ObtuseOc. RightOD. None of theseSUBMIT



Triangle is given with the angles.

Given triangle is Acute

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