The average person blinks about 15000 times a day. The average blink lasts one tenth of a second.How many seconds of one day does the average person spend blinking? (Sleeping does not count!)a. 150,000b. 25c. 15,000d. 1,500


Answer 1

So, the average person blinks 15,000 times a day. Each blink lasts one tenth, that is, 0.1 seconds.


15,000*0.1 = 1,500 seconds.

Letter D

Related Questions

10^4 divided by 10^6 in expanded form, then find out what the answer is with a single power.


The given expression is:


Exapanding the above expression,


(The number of 10s are the same as the power of 10).

Now, cancel out the common terms in the numerator and the denominator of the above expression.


The denominator of the above expression can now be expressed as the power of 10 as,


According to the law of exponents,


Hence, we can write


Therefore, 10^4 divided by 10^6 can be expressed as a term with a single power as,


Convert the unit to the specified equivalent unit round your answer to at least1 decimal place if necessary



There are given that the 209 ounces to convert into the decigram.


According to the concept:

To convert the ounces into the decigram, we need to multiply the mass values by 283.

That means,

The value of 1 ounce is 283 decigram


[tex]\begin{gathered} 209ounces=209\times283decigram \\ =59147decigram \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

Hence, the value of the 209 ounces is 59147 decigrams.

I need help with number 16 can I please get help?


We can break apart the figure into 4 separate figures and find the area of each of these individual figures. Then sum to get area of total figure.

We break apart the figure as shown below:


Area of Triangle = 0.5 * base * height

Area of Rectangle = base * height

Now, let's find each of the Areas A through D:

Area of A:

To find the base of this triangle, we have to use pythagorean theorem. By which we can write:


Where b is the base. let's solve for b:

[tex]\begin{gathered} b^2+16=36 \\ b^2=36-16 \\ b^2=20 \\ b=\sqrt[]{20} \\ b=\sqrt[]{4}\sqrt[]{5} \\ b=2\sqrt[]{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Area is

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.5\cdot\text{base}\cdot\text{height} \\ =\frac{1}{2}\cdot2\sqrt[]{5}\cdot4 \\ =4\sqrt[]{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Area of B:

This is a rectangle with base = 10 and height 4, so the area is:

Area = 4 * 10 = 40

Area of C:

Area of C is exactly same as area of B, base is 10 and height is 4. So,

Area = 4 * 10 = 40

Area of D:

Like area of A, we have to find the base of the triangle first, using pythagorean theorem. We can write:

[tex]\begin{gathered} b^2+4^2=4.5^2 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving for b:

[tex]\begin{gathered} b^2+4^2=4.5^2 \\ b^2+16=20.25 \\ b^2=\frac{17}{4} \\ b=\frac{\sqrt[]{17}}{\sqrt[]{4}} \\ b=\frac{\sqrt[]{17}}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, area of triangle is:


Area of whole figure:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4\sqrt[]{5}+40+40+\sqrt[]{17} \\ =80+4\sqrt[]{5}+\sqrt[]{17} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since mulch costs $3 per square feet, we have to multiply the area by "3", so we have:


It will cost around:


Find the absolute change and the percentage change for the given situation.120 is decreased to 18


The absolute change is defined as:


where V1 and V2 are the initial and final values, respectively.

Plugging the values given we have that:


Therefore the absolute change is -102. (The minues sign indicate a decrease)

The percentage change is given by:

[tex]\frac{V_2-V_1}{\lvert V_1\rvert}\cdot100[/tex]

plugging the values given we have:


Therefore the percentage change is -85% (Once again the minus sign indicate a decrease)

Select the expressions that equivalent to 8(4r)


The expression that is equivalent to 8(4r) is 32r.

The given expression is 8(4r)

The given expression is an algebraic expression with constant and variables, here, r is the variable, and 4 and 8 are constant terms.

We need to simplify the expression as much as possible.

In order to simplify it, we need to solve the brackets, when we open the brackets, the terms get multiplied by each other,

So, here we go,

8(4r) = 8* 4r = 32r

This is the simplest form that we can have,

So, 8(4r) = 32r

To read more about expressions, visit


L) Point A bisects CR. CA = 8x + 1 and AR = 6x+13.Find CA.34927


We will investigate some application of line bisectors.

We have a line segment denoted as ( CR ). A point ( A ) is said to be bisecting the line segment.

Line bisection involves the process of equally dividing the entire line segment in two equal halves! We can also represent this scenario graphically for clearification:

We can also represent line bisection mathematically in terms of two smaller divisions ( CA and AR ) as follows:

[tex]Bi\sec tion\colon\text{ |CA| = |AR| = }\frac{|CR|}{2}[/tex]

Where, the quantities are expressed as magnitudes/lengths of each segment indicated.

We are given expressions for bifurcated line segments |CA| and |AR| in terms of variable ( x) as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} |CA|\text{ = 8x + 1} \\ |AR|\text{ = 6x + 13} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we will use the expression given for each smaller division of line |CR| and plug it in the general " Bisection " expression developed above:

[tex]\begin{gathered} |CA|\text{ = |AR|} \\ 8x\text{ + 1 = 6x + 13} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We have constructed an equation with a single variable ( x ). We can solve this equation for the variable ( x ) using basic mathematical operations as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8x\text{ - 6x = 13 - 1} \\ 2x\text{ = 12} \\ x\text{ = 6} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Once we have solved for the variable ( x ). We will again use the defined expression for each smaller segments and determine the magnitudes as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} |CA|\text{ = 8}\cdot(6)\text{ + 1 } \\ |CA|\text{ = 49 units} \\ \\ |AR|\text{ = 6}\cdot(6)\text{ + 13 } \\ |AR|\text{ = 49 units} \\ \\ |\text{ CR | = 2}\cdot|CA|\text{ = 2}\cdot49 \\ |\text{ CR | = 98 units} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Suppose that the functions g and h are defined as follows.g(x) = x-8h(x) = (x+4)(x+5)(a) Find(-3).h(b) Find all values that are NOT in the domain of8hIf there is more than one value, separate them with commas.


The given functions are

g(x) = x - 8

h(x) = (x + 4)(x + 5)

To find (g/h)x, we would divide g(x) by h(x)


g(x)/h(x) = (x - 8)/(x + 4)(x + 5)

To find (g/h)(-3), we would substitute x = - 3 into (x - 8)/(x + 4)(x + 5). Thus, we have

(g/h)(-3) = (- 3 - 8)/(- 3 + 4)(- 3 + 5) = - 11 * 1/2

(g/h)(-3) = - 11/2

All values that are not in the domain are all values of x that does not satisfy the expression. If we put x = - 4 or x = - 5 in the denominator, the denominator would be zero and this makes the expression undefined. these values do not satisfy the g/h

Thus, the values are x = - 4 and x = - 5is

Your credit card charges 16.5% interest on any unpaid balance. If your credit card balance forthe month is $650, how much will you be charged in interest and what will your new balancebe?


Solve for interest

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{convert the rate first from percentage to decimal} \\ 16.5\%\rightarrow0.165 \\ \\ \text{Then multiply it to the balance to get the interest} \\ \$650\times0.165=\$107.25 \\ \\ \text{Therefore, the interest is \$107.25} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solve for new balance.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Add the interest the the credit card balance to get the new balance.} \\ \$650+\$107.25=\$757.25 \\ \\ \text{Therefore, the new balance will be \$757.25} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Sowen rolled two number cubes with sides numbered 1 through 6, 20 times. Her sums are recorded in the table below.49899462.1012879111087935What is the experimental probability of rolling a sum of 9?4/20Сь5/20Od4/365/36


The total number of experiment, N=20.

From the given data, 9 is obtained 5 times.

The number of times of getting 9, n=5.

Hence, the probability of getting a sum of 9 is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\frac{n}{N} \\ P=\frac{5}{20} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, option b is correct.

Determined whether the graph of the equation is symmetric with respect to the y-axis,the orgin,more than one of these,or none of these. y^2=x^2+20



For this case we have the following equation:


And on this case we have an hyperbola given by:


Then the correct choice is:


HelpClassify each number below as a rational number or as an irrational number


By definition:

- Rational numbers are those numbers that can be written as simple fractions. A fraction has this form:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{a}{b} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where "a" is the numerator and "b" is the denominator. Both are Integers, and:


- Irrational numbers cannot be written as simple fractions.

Then, knowing those definitions, you can identify that:

1. The number:


Since -5 is an Integer, it can be written as:


Therefore, it is a Rational Number.

2. You can identify that the second number is a Repeating Decimal because the line over the decimal digits indicates that its digits are periodic.

By definition, Repeating Decimals are Rational Numbers.

3. Notice that the next number is:


Since it cannot be written as a simple fraction, it is not a Rational Number.

4. For the number:


You can identify that it is a fraction whose numerator and denominator and Integers. Then, it is a Rational Number.

5. Notice that the last number is:


By definition, π is an Irrational Number.

Therefore, the answer is:

Triangle JKL is graphed below. If triangle JKL is translated 4 units down and 1 unit to the left, what will be the coordinates of L’ ? A. (-3,1) B. (-1,3) C. (1,-3) D. (3,-1)


J = (-2, 4) K = (3, 4) L = (2, 1)

Translated 4 units down

J = (-2, 4 - 4) K = (3, 4 - 4) L = (2, 1 - 4)

J = (-2 , 0) K = (3, 0) L = (2, -3)

Translated 1 unit to the left

J = (-2 -1, 0) K = (3 - 1, 0) L = (2 - 1, -3)

J = (-3. 0) K = (2, 0) L = (1, -3)

Solve each proportion and give the answer in simplest form 1. 6:8= n: 12 2. 2/7 = 8/n 3. n/6= 11/3 4. 4:n = 6:9


The first proportion:


can be written like this:


then, we have the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{6}{8}=\frac{n}{12} \\ \Rightarrow n=(\frac{6}{8})\cdot12=\frac{72}{8}=9 \\ n=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the next proportions, we have the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2}{7}=\frac{8}{n} \\ \Rightarrow n=\frac{8}{\frac{2}{7}}=\frac{8\cdot7}{2}=\frac{56}{2}=23 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{n}{6}=\frac{11}{3} \\ \Rightarrow n=\frac{11}{3}\cdot6=\frac{66}{3}=22 \end{gathered}[/tex]

and finally:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{4}{n}=\frac{6}{9} \\ \Rightarrow n=\frac{4}{\frac{6}{9}}=\frac{4\cdot9}{6}=\frac{36}{6}=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If I work 4weeks on and one week off how many weeks per year


We know that the year has 52 weeks

From 5 weeks, you work 4. So, we can use the rule of three

Number of weeks Weeks of work

5 4

52 x

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5x=4\cdot52 \\ 5x=208 \\ x=\frac{208}{5} \\ x=41.6\text{ w}eeks \\ or\text{ 41 complete w}eeks\text{ } \end{gathered}[/tex]

902 degrees Celsius round the temperature to the nearest ten


The temperature is 92 degrees celsius. Rounding 92 degrees celsius to the nearest ten will be 90 degrees celsius. The closest ten to 92 is definitely 90.


[tex]92^{\circ}\approx90^{\circ}(To\text{ the nearest tens)}[/tex]

Write a sequence of rigid motions to take figure CBA to figure MLK


We have the following:

• The first thing is to ,rotate, in the opposite direction of the hands of the clock, in such a way that it is the same.


• Then make a ,translation, from left to right until it overlaps one on the other

Elena and Diego each wrote equations to represent these diagrasolve it. You can assume that angles that look like right anglesa35°to


∠35 and ∠w are vertical angles, therefore:

[tex]\angle w=35[/tex]

Since ∠w and ∠x are supplementary, we can conclude:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle w+\angle x=180 \\ 35+x=180 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Diego has written the correct equation.

Consider the right triangle shown below that has side lengths of x, y and r units.For each of the following questions, write an expression in terms of θ that answers the question. Enter "theta" for θ.y is how many times as large as r? ____times as large   x is how many times as large as r? _____times as large   y is how many times as large as x? ___times as large


Determine relation between side of triangle by using trigonometry.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin \theta=\frac{y}{r} \\ y=r\sin \theta \end{gathered}[/tex]

So y is sin theta times as large as r.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \cos \theta=\frac{x}{r} \\ x=r\cos \theta \end{gathered}[/tex]

So x is cos theta times as large as r.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \theta=\frac{y}{x} \\ y=x\tan \theta \end{gathered}[/tex]

So y is tan theta times as lasrge as x.

how do I solve (-2+5i) (4-i) +(2-i)




Using the distributive property for the multiplication then combine the like terms

so, the given expression will be:

Note: i² = -1

[tex]\begin{gathered} (-2+5i)(4-i)+(2-i) \\ =-2(4-i)+5i(4-i)+(2-i) \\ =-8+2i+20i-5i^2+2-i \\ =-8+2i+20i+5+2-i \\ =(-8+5+2)+(2i+20i-i) \\ =-1+21i \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the answer will be:


Use a composite figure to estimate the area of the figure. the grid has squares with side lengths of 1 cm. Please help.


From the given figure we can see that there is a rectangle with 3 x 4 squares

A semi-circle at the top with about 6 squares

A semi-circle at right with about 4 squares

Then the total number of squares = 12 + 6 + 4 = 22 squares

Since the area of each square is 1 x 1 = 1 cm^2

Then the area of the figure = 22 x 1 = 22 cm^2

The area of the figure is about 22 cm^2

6. A concert promoter's profit is p(n) = 61n - 5500, where n is the number of tickets sold. Find theprofit for the promoter if he sells 850 tickets. Show your work and explain what your answer means interms of the problem. (5 points)6


Given:prfit p(n)=61n-5500

Find: profit when he sells 850 tickets.

Explanation: n=850

put in the given equation of profit , we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} p(n)=61\times850-5500 \\ =51850-5500 \\ =46350 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer: the profit is 46350.

im using goformative to answer my question and I already did number 7 but the rest show my answer is incorrect so I will appreciate if I can get a help from you, I will paste the image of the work.


To get side QR we can use the the tangent function:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan 37=\frac{9}{QR} \\ QR=\frac{9}{\tan37} \\ QR=11.9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, to find PR we can use the sine function:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin 37=\frac{9}{PR} \\ PR=\frac{9}{\sin 37} \\ PR=15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally to find the remaining angle we have to remember that the interior angles of any triangle have to add to 180, then angle P is 53°.

Amount of money in Ivanna's account and the amount of money in Brian's account and write the equation



Starting amount of Ivanna = $180

put per month = $70

Starting amount of Brian = 0

put per month = $100


Amount of money in Ivanna's account

the amount of money in Brian's account

equation to show when the two accounts have the same amount of money


Let x be the number of months after today.

so, according to the question ,

Amount of money in Ivanna's account = starting amount + amount per month.

so , 180 + 70x

amount of money in Brian's account = 0 + 100x = 100x

equation to show when the two accounts have same amount of money =


so ,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 180=110x-70x \\ 180=40x \\ x=4.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so , in 4.5 months both have same money

Final Answer

Hence ,

Amount of money in Ivanna's account = 180 + 70x

Amount of money in Brian's account = 110x

Equation to show when the two accounts have same amount of money =


From an elevation of 0.5 m below the surface of the water, a swimmer dives at a rate of 0.25 m/s. What is the depth of the swimmer after 4 minutes?A. -60.5 mB. 60.5 mC. -1.5 mD. 1.5 m


By assuming that the rate is constant and the speed is given by

[tex]\text{speed = }\frac{dis\tan ce}{time}[/tex]

we have that


because 4 minutes is equal to 240 seconds. Then, the distance is given as

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=(0.25\frac{m}{s})(240s) \\ d=60\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the depth of the swimmer will be 60 meters plus 0.5 meters. Then, the answer is -60.5 meters (option A)

Which car traveled at the slowest rate? a.750 miles in 10 hours b. 800 miles in 12 hours c. 450 miles in 6 hours d.1000 miles in 14 hours e. 1000 miles in 14 hours


The car with the smallest speed (or slowest rate) exists the car with 800 miles in 12 hours.

What is meant by rate of speed?

The ratio of the distance traveled and the time it took to travel that distance yields the rate at which cars move (also known as the speed).

To determine each unit rate (number of miles traveled in 1 hour). To determine the unit rate, we will divide the distance by the time.

rate = distance/time

Substitute the values in the above equation, we get

Then, for each car we will the speeds:

a) S = 750 mi/10 h = 75 mi/h

b) S = 800 mi/12 h = 66.66 mi/h

c) S = 450 mi/6 h = 75 mi/h

d) S = 1000 mi/14 h = 71.428 mi/h

Then we can see that the car with the smallest speed (or slowest rate) is the car with 800 miles in 12 hours.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b) 800 miles in 12 hours.

To learn more about rate of speed refer to:


your pay rate is 7$ per hour how mutch money di you make if you worked 1 hour


$7 per hour

if I work 1 hour i will earn $7

It’s $7 because if you make $7 in 1 hour and only work an hour then you only make $7

Simplify by finding the product of the polynomials below. Then Identify the degree of your answer. When typing your answer use the carrot key ^ (press shift and 6) to indicate an exponent. Type your terms in descending order and do not put any spaces between your characters. (9a^2-4)(9a^2+4) This simplifies to: AnswerThe degree of our simplified answer is: Answer




The shown represents the difference between the squares

So, the product of the polynomials will be as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (9a^2-4)(9a^2+4) \\ =(9a^2)^2-(4)^2 \\ =81a^4-16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the answer will be:

This simplifies to:


The degree of our simplified answer is 4

Convert percent to fraction and simplify if possible 11% =


To convert percent to fraction divide it by 100

Then to change 11% to a fraction divide 11 by 100


Since 11 and 100 can not divide by the same number, then

11% = 11/100 in the simplest form

the letter "t" estimated makes up 10% of a language. a random sample of 700 letters is taken from a book. what is the approximate probability that the random sample of 700 letters will contain 8.9% t's


In this problem, we have a Binomial Probability Distribution






the aprroximate probability is 3.13%

weir the equation of a line for the following problems


The equation of line in slope intercept form is given by:


Where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept

It is given that the slope of the line is 0 and the y-intercept is -3 so it follows:


Hence the equation is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=0x-3 \\ y=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence y=-3 is the equation of the line ith

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