This are the effects of disaster that makes the people abandon their houses and seek shelter in other regions


Answer 1




cr ap



Related Questions

what muscles keep the body together?​



Muscle tendons stretch over joints and contribute to joint stability. Muscle tendons in the knee joint and the shoulder joint are crucial in stabilization. The core muscles are those in the abdomen, back, and pelvis, and they also stabilize the body and assist in tasks, such as lifting weights.

Hope this helps:)


Explanation:Muscle tendons stretch over joints and contribute to joint stability. Muscle tendons in the knee joint and the shoulder joint are crucial in stabilization.

You read an article in a magazine or on the Internet about food and nutrition
that uses the term calories. What kind of calories is this article talking about?


Do you have answer choices?

Hypercrinia refers to _secretion of any endocrine gland
A. low
B. excessive
C. varying
D. little to no



B. excessive


I looked it up, hope this helps! :)

__________ is due to the effects of __________, in which some cultures tend to vary what types of behaviors are considered abnormal.
A. Cultural relativity . . . a culture-bound syndrome
B. Cultural relativity . . . subjective discomfort
C. A culture-bound syndrome . . . cultural relativity
D. Subjective discomfort . . a cultural-bound syndrome



It's actually C.       "a culture-bound syndrome . . . cultural relativity"

Hope this helps! <3

A culture-bound syndrome is because of the impact of the cultural relativity. Hence, the option c is correct.

What is a culture-bound syndrome?

It is the syndrome where there is specific manifestations that could be in the form of cognitive, affective, etc that should be watched in the particular cultures.

So the option c is considered for the behavior types that are considered for the abnormal.

Learn more about culture here:

Water is an absolutely necessary for life. Explain: 1)Where is water found? The water cycle? 2)Why is water essential for live? 3)What can humans can do to protect it?
(Can you Write a big paragraph Pls)





Water is found in most natural sources including rivers,glaciers,lakes and the ocean. The water cycle is the cycle of water on and below the earth the cycle includes: Evaporation, condensation, advection, then going onto precipitation

Evaporation= liquid into gas phase

Condensation=the water vapour is now liquid again and are now clouds, the condensation clouds can cause precipitation which is the main route water returns

Advection= also helps precipitation, without advection precipitation couldbt happen.

Dogs like to run and walk becuase. and Dogs are smart becuase. Dogs can be easily trained to be obey.



Dogs like to run because they are energized. Dogs arent smart.

Dogs won’t listen unless trained properly and they get treats for it. Dogs dont walk and run because they are smart they run and walk to meet other dogs and go to the toilet alongside disposing their energy

How to get rid of an STD


Stop playing fortnite

What are two ways parents,guardians,mentors and teachers teach value?



Positive Self Esteem And Self Control

They teach them by setting an example and talking them through right and wrong.

Such as : honesty, they teach them that lying is bad and tell then that you shouldnt be scared to tell the truth, when you did wrong we will help you solve it.

FREE PIONTS I DONT NEED HELP just do they don't deleted me again
The points (-4, 3) and (8, 7) form a proportional relationship. Find the slope of the line that passes through these two points.



Thank you!! Have a good day!


Answer: thank u


Briefly explain why maintaining a healthy weight is important in cardiovascular system care​



maintaining a healthy weight is important in cardiovascular system care because if you are careless about your health, your body will be in danger. you could be putting yourself at risk for high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases. This will most likely result in death if not treated quickly or taken seriously.

List the functions of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin D.



Vitamin A helps form and maintain healthy teeth, bones, soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin.

Vitamin B6 is also called pyridoxine. ...

Vitamin B12, like the other B vitamins, is important for metabolism. ...

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is an antioxidant that promotes healthy teeth and gums.


Vitamin A is important for vision, the immune system, and reproduction.

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant (which may protect your cells against free radicals)

Vitamin D regulates the amount of calcium and phosphate. This keeps bones, teeth and muscles healthy.

witch question is better
How many neurons does the brain have?
What part of the body forms your personality?

Don't answer the questions just tell me which question seems more important



The second one


The second one

The second question seems more important

Discuss the importance of your peer group with regard for striving toward wellness.



We tend to make choices that are similar to those made by the people with whom we spend the most time. If your peer group values and strives for wellness, then you are likely to do the same. Conversely, if your peers have poor wellness, then you may also suffer.


How was your experience from changing a baby’s diaper? Go into details. A question from my health class assignment.



my experience in changing a baby's diaper was very funny I wasnt fast enough in changing her so she decided to pee and poop all over the bed and on me so we had to give her a bath and try again.

When I change baby’s diapers it usually pretty fast. Doing it over and over makes it become a skill rather than a chore. However I’ll go into detail with how I do it.

First they lay baby down on their back on the changing table or on the changing mat on the floor. I will then remove babies onesie, or pants depending on what they’re wearing. After that I remove the Velcro straps of the diaper, and prepare a wipe in my right hand while holding the diaper still with my left. I pull the diaper down towards the floor with my left hand, and wipe what is needed with my right hand. I can pull the diaper out from under the baby and place the use to wipe inside of the diaper. I then roll the diaper from front to back and clasp the Velcro around the edge of the diaper to keep it closed up like a burrito. I then prepare my new diaper by opening it up, and spreading the seams out. I place the diaper under baby with my right hand, while my left hands hold the baby’s feet suspended in the air. I adjust the diaper so it is straight, and I pull the front towards their stomach. I attach the Velcro and put they’re clothes back on.

Yes, sometimes they do pee while your changing them. However not usually if your fast. Sometimes I also use cream or powder if I see a rash, or redness.

This is the heart rate zone you want to get to when doing physical exercise.

Question 1 options:

Resting Heart Rate

Target Heart Rate

Carotid Pulse

Maximum Heart Rate


Answer: maximum heart rate
your heart rate needs to be maximum heart rate

The primary risk factor for developing C.diff. infections. is:



The most common risk of C.Diff is the use of Antibiotics.


Antibiotics can disrupt the normal balance in your intestines and if C.Diff is not treated, the infection of C.Diff can cause Toxic Mega Colon

Why do we always have to do what you want to do? I never get to choose what we do! (Life Skills) Pls help will mark brainliest



Because we need to do it incase if you need to or you don't or maybe something you need to do for good.

In which organ does the exchange of gases occur?



the lungs


gas exchange is the delivery of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream.

Gas exchange takes place in the millions of alveoli in the lungs and the capillaries that envelop them. As shown below, inhaled oxygen moves from the alveoli to the blood in the capillaries, and carbon dioxide moves from the blood in the capillaries to the air in the alveoli.

I hope this helps

8. In the RICE model, what does Rest mean?

using a sling or crutches to allow the injured limb to heal

no exercise or weight-bearing on the affected limb

total bed rest

light exercise or activity that uses the affected muscle without causing discomfort



using a sling or crutches to allow the injured limb to heal


light exercise or activity that uses the affected muscle without causing discomfort


just took the quiz!!

What effects do illegal drugs have on American society? This answer can be given in either complete sentences or as a bulleted list.



The effects are that

1. People become very addicted

2. More people go to jail due to these drugs

Name 3 fouls that would result in you going in the One Minute Penalty Box? floor Hockey


Answer:1. Sticks must be on the floor for a face-off.2. Offside will only apply to face-offs.  3. All players must be on their defensive side during the faceoff.


When it comes to developing an exercise and fitness plan, it takes careful and strategic planning. One of the first steps is determining your fitness parameters. But determining your fitness parameters is not just important in creating a personal fitness plan. In what types of professional careers might determining one’s own fitness parameters be an important step to take and why? Try to address at least two of the points the unit makes about determining your physical parameters.


Answer: Boxing/MMA

Explanation: In boxing, it is crucial to determine you fitness parameters so that you don't get yourself hurt. You don't want to hurt to preparing for a fight, and you want to prepare yourself properly so that you don't get hurt during the fight.

Professional careers are associated with sports like weightlifting, boxing, 400m race, and football, and some careers are linked with field jobs determining fitness parameters to be an important step.

What is a fitness parameter?

Fitness parameters may be defined as those attributes which are directly or indirectly associated with the complete fitness and physical activity of an individual.

The two points that  the unit makes about determining your physical parameters are as follows:

It depends on your ability and intensity to perform physical activities like running, sprinting, aerobic activities, etc. Muscular strength is also measured in order to detect physical or fitness parameters.

Additionally, determining one’s own fitness parameters can decline the likelihood of injury during a football match.

Therefore, the professional careers and the two-point associated with the fitness parameters are well described above.

To learn more about Fitness, refer to the link:


What aspect of health involves how a person copes with different situations? Mental and emotional health
Spiritual health
Physical health
Intellectual health


I’m pretty sure it’s mental and emotional health


The answer is Mental and emotional health.


What are the large primary muscle groups for aerobic exercise?
Pectorals, hamstrings, quadriceps
Gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps
O Gluteal, Triceps, quadriceps
Gluteal, hamstrings. Deltoids
i need help fast Please


On a scale relative to an individual's personal capacity, vigorous-intensity physical activity is usually a 7 or 8 on a scale of 0–10 (34). Major muscle groups include the legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms (34).

I will give brainiest if answered.

What are the effects of smoking on nonsmokers, both children and adults. Include at least 5 effects.

Explain the three categories of drugs. Provide two examples of drugs within each category and two effects of each of the drugs on the body.



1. Second hand smoke can cause many diseases at a young age things like heart disease, cancer, lung disease, diabetes, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

1. Depressants- Alcohol, cannabis, opioids.

2. hallucinogens- LSD,  Marijuana,  Mescaline

3. stimulants - Cocaine,  Amphetamine , Meth


Alcohol- An abundance of alcohol can harm the liver, whose job it is to break down harmful substances in the body. This can lead to hepatitis, jaundice and cirrhosis, which is the buildup of scar tissue that eventually destroys the organ.

Cannabis- Pleasant experiences with marijuana are by no means universal. Instead of relaxation and euphoria, some people experience anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic.

Opioids- People who use prescription opioids can feel relaxed and happy, but also experience drowsiness, confusion, nausea, constipation, and slowed breathing. Prescription opioids have effects similar to heroin.

LSD- or lysergic acid diethylamide, is a long-lasting psychoactive drug that distorts and alters perceptions and sensations. In uncontrolled situations, LSD is one of the most potent mood-altering drugs available. It causes profound distortions in the user's perception of reality that can last up to 12 hours.

Mescaline- People who take mescaline may experience unpleasant side effects including anxiety, rapid heartbeat, tremors, hallucinations, and psychosis.

Cocaine- Small amounts of cocaine usually make the user feel euphoric, energetic, talkative, mentally alert, and hypersensitive to sight, sound, and touch. The drug can also temporarily decrease the need for food and sleep.

Amphetamine - stimulant that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and obesity.

_______ stimulates the release of insulin, a hormone that transports glucose from the blood into the muscles.



Sry, I had the same question.





Carbohydrate stimulates the release of insulin, a hormone that transports glucose from the blood into the muscles.

what tool is made of fine steel
A B C D​





Espero ter ajudado:)

for my ap psyc class i need to make a graph of people's age and their phobias. put your age and phobia in the comments or an answer.





arachnophobia, scared of spiders. jxjciejvj

I’m 17 and I have acrophobia ( fear of heights)

2. Describe salad



A salad is any dish that contains raw, fresh vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, etc. that is healthy. Most salads also contain meat of one's choice, and often times fruits such as avocadoes, cherry tomatoes, pineapples, etc.


The definition of "salad" as given by Merriam-Webster is as follows-

"any of various usually cold dishes: such as

a: raw greens (such as lettuce) often combined with other vegetables and toppings and served especially with dressing

b: small pieces of food (such as pasta, meat, fruit, or vegetables) usually mixed with a dressing (such as mayonnaise) or set in gelatin"

This means that a salad is any dish that contains raw, fresh vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, etc. that is healthy. Most salads also contain meat of one's choice, and often times fruits such as avocadoes, cherry tomatoes, pineapples, etc.

Though there is no definite 'idea or form' of what constitutes a salad, one can infer that it majorly refers to the combination of raw vegetables with a dressing that is healthy and nutritional for a person. Salads can differ from one person to another, depending on their preferences, palates, and availability of the ingredients.

similarity between Hindi and Urdu​



Actually, Hindi and Urdu are two variants of the same language. ... Hindi is written using the Devanagari script, while Urdu is derived from the Persian script. While most of the vocabulary between Hindi and Urdu is spoken the same, some words have more popular alternatives, as shown in this video with Urdu colors.Hindi and Urdu are mutually intelligible as spoken languages, to the extent that they are sometimes considered to be dialects or registers of a single spoken language referred to as Hindi-Urdu or sometimes Hindustani. ... As a literary language, Urdu took shape in courtly, elite settings.

hope it becomes helpful to you ☺️☺️

good luck

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