Think about your own personal experiences. Write a short essay of at least 300 words about a meaningful experience. You may describe a moment of happiness, sadness, inspiration, or change.


Answer 1


This year has been very rewarded to me. Two months ago I started a new experience in life; I met a person from my church, she invited to me to go with  her to preach god's word to a bunch of homeless. At the beginning, I was a little scared because homeless people do not have the best reputation in town but at the end I accepted.

That morning my friend picked me up really early, we had to organize the place, take the chairs, set the table, prepare the snacks, test the equipments I mean the microphone and the speakers. When we have all ready, the homeless people started to arrive. I felt a little bit weird. I never thought to be there but it happened.

They started to pray and something happened, I could see God's mercy on the face of those people. They were there enjoying that moment and accepting those beautiful words. After that, I helped to serve food and beverage and I could discover how lucky I am to have a family, food, a place called home and a lot of things.

This experience helped me to understand that I needed a change in my life;  I had to be more helpful and avoid worrying for things that they are not worth them. I could see everyone with the same eyes and try to make a difference in people's life.

Life is really hard most of the time and this group from my chuch helped to see my life from different point of view.

From this experience I learned that I could be a better person, and I could help other people, whose they do not have anything in life but they are so happy with a smile, a hug a sweet word or a handshake-


A personal narrative essay is based on personal experience that the person has in life. They must be written with care and specific details to catch the spectator's attention.

Answer 2


Riding a bicycle for the first time is a unique and unforgettable experience. I remember the first time I rode a bike, I felt a sense of freedom and independence that I had never experienced before. It was exhilarating to feel the wind rushing past me as I pedaled faster and faster. At first, I was a little nervous and wobbly, but with each passing moment, I gained more confidence and control. Before I knew it, I was gliding down the street with ease, feeling like I could go anywhere and do anything. It was a feeling of pure joy and excitement that I will never forget.


Related Questions

How is McCandless stubborn in Into the wild ?



McCandless was stubborn in not taking advice from others and believing that he knows everything about surviving.


"Into the Wild" is a novel written by Jon Krakauer and is based on the life of Christopher McCandless, who was found dead in a bus in the Alaskan wilderness.

Christopher McCandless is shown as a stubborn and independent young man by Jon, taking from his own experiences. McCandless is stubborn in not taking advice from others and believing that he knows everything about surviving. His stubborn attitude ultimately leads to his demise.

Which word best completes the sentence?
The store receipt was sufficient to
any doubt about how much the item cost.



a) Dispel

Dispel means to 'make dissapear', speicifcally a doubt, beleive, or feeling. And the store receipt being sufficient to dispel any doubt makes sense given the job and function of a store receipt.

Perception is _____. a picture you have of yourself, in light of how others view you the ability to interact with others in a manner that is honest and appropriate for the situation, individuals, and task the revealing of information about yourself that has been hidden the process of using our beliefs, thoughts, and observations to gather information about surroundings and people



Perception is the process of using our beliefs, thoughts, and observations to gather information about surroundings and people, it's this one, because it's what you believe, and understanding to a sense :3






Task 1

1. Horror

2. old western

3. comedy

4.Star wars


6. romance

I know this much about the first task

not sure about the task 2

Toward the end of the final paragraph, the author begins a sentence with “Yet it must not be supposed” in order to

A. issue a disclaimer about the validity of his observations

B. highlight an assumption that he initially made about emigrants

C. signal a shift in his perspective on his fellow emigrants

D. sharpen a contrast between two types of emigrants he observed

E. warn his audience against the folly of judging others





Just took it

Toward the end of the final paragraph is that the author begins a sentence with “Yet it must not be supposed” in order to:

C. Signal a shift in his perspective on his fellow emigrants

Final Paragraph

Toward the end of the final paragraph that  the author begins a sentence with “Yet it must not be supposed” in order to signal a shift in his perspective on his fellow emigrants.

An emigrant could be a individual who has emigrated or is emigrating permanently taking off domestic in one nation or locale to settle in another.

The act or event of emigrating is called resettlement.

Thus, the correct answer is C.

Learn more about " Emigrated":

which of the following is a run on sentence?​


C because there are two subjects and two verbs in the same sentence with no conjunctions
It is C oooooooooooooo

I held my breathe and waited. This line creates a sense of

a) Surprise

b) Interest

c) Suspense

d) Fear​



I would say that C is correct because it makes the most sense


What was the first successful painting van Gogh had?

Starry Night
Mona Lisa
The Potato Eaters



the potato eaters


the answer is c the potato eaters

Identify the point of view of the excerpt from The Hunger Games: A pain stabs my left temple and I press my hand against it. Right on the spot where Johanna Mason hit me with the coil of wire. The memories swirl as I try to sort out what is true and what is false.

Group of answer choices

First person

Second Person

Third Person Omniscient

Third Person Limited


First person is the correct answer


first person because the girl ( main character) is talking about her and her family being poor and her getting into the hunger games to get the money


To help you effectively deliver an extemporaneous speech on the use of technology in the classroom (or a topic of your choosing), use this space to compose the information you would like to have on note cards as you speak. Remember to include main points and supporting information, but be careful not to put too much information on your cards. Number your ideas by the card. (You may want to make the actual cards, as well, to see how many you will need.)



Why is this a recommendation hes asking about composing information you would like to have on note cards. This is about composing information you would like to have on a note card about technology in a classroom


I put this and got a 100 trust me. They won't review it either.

A Short Speech on Technology :

A warm welcome to everyone gathered here today. I am here to deliver a speech on technology which has taken a tremendous role in our day-to-day life. We all are in a generation where everything is dependent on technology. Let's understand what technology is through the lens of Science.

Why technology is important in our life?

Information technology is important in our lives because it helps to deal with everyday dynamic things. Technology offers various tools to boost development and to exchange information. Both these things are the objective of IT to make tasks easier and to solve many problems.

Learn more about technology here:


What is the relationship between the Age of Discovery and Christianity?
A. Christianity was the hrat to lead the way in protesting the slave
trade created by England,
B. The Age of Discovery allowed people to be exposed to other
religions, thus decreasing the power of Christianity,
C. The Age of Discovery saw an increase in ocean travel, which
allowed churches to send representatives to distant lands to
spread Christianity
D. Christianity saw an increase in the number of people attending
churches due to their fear of foreign peoples



C. The Age of Discovery saw an increase in ocean travel, which allowed churches to send representatives to distant lands to spread Christianity.


The Age of Discovery is also known as Age of Exploration and it refers to an early period between the 15th century and 17th century in Europe. It was a period that was typically characterized by sea-faring by European countries such as Portugal and Spain to explore various geographical regions around the world.

The Age of Discovery is notably and famously known for exploration through sea-faring (ocean travel) and it led to the discovery of the New World (America), as well as other unknown geographical locations.

Some prominent examples include the Columbian Exchange, the transatlantic exploration (voyage) by Christopher Columbus, Portuguese discoveries (Azores and Archipelagos of Madeira), etc., across the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

Hence, the relationship between the Age of Discovery and Christianity was that the Age of Discovery saw an increase in ocean travel, which allowed churches to send representatives to distant lands to spread Christianity.

1 23 4. According to Coyne's study there is a positive connection between... A the better a teen maintains their social media profile and the skills they develop in adulthood. O B the more attention a person receives on social media and the improved chance they have for success. € being connected with your parents on social media and the personal relationship you have with them. O D being less concerned with your social media profile and having a better relationship with your parents.​


The answer is C (i got a 100% on the commonlit that had this question so i know it is right) hope this helped!

8. What do Armstrong and Lombard decide about the 2 deaths?



Armstrong and Lombard decide that the two murders were committed by Mr. Owen and determine to search for him.


'And Then There Were None' is a mystery novel written by Agatha Christie. The novel is a story of 10 people who have been murdered on an island.

In chapter 7, after Mrs. Rogers was found dead, Armstrong and Lombard consult with each other trying to find who committed the two murders. After inspection, they suspected that these murders can not be a mere coincidence. They find that the two Indian figures have disappeared from the board and the two deaths correspond to the first two verses of rhyming.

Armstrong and Lombard, therefore, decides that the two murders were committed by Mr. Owen, the host, and decides to search for him.

Poker flat which statement best summarizes the passage



u need to add the passage and answer options if u want help ok


I'm sorry I delivered the news to u through answer format

Take a look at the picture and choose between A, B, C, D. Please write an explanation. :)





their rhythmic pattern and beats are the same.

from Patrick Henry’s speech to the Virginia Convention

All the following excerpts reflect the speaker’s acknowledgement of the opposition EXCEPT:
“I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array . . . ?” (paragraph 2)
“They tell us, sir, that we are weak . . . .” (paragraph 5)
“Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace . . . .” (paragraph 6)
“Shall we try argument?” (paragraph 3)
“Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?” (paragraph 3)

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Answer: A.  “I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array . . . ?” (paragraph 2)


Patrick Henry gave a powerful speech to the Virginia Convention in March 1775 as they debated on whether to go to war with their British rulers. Patrick argued that it was better to either live in freedom and liberty or to die trying than to live and be shackled.

The opposition to his line of thinking wanted peace for various reasons and he acknowledges these in all the options except option A. In option A he was simply stating that the only purpose the British could have for the massive army they were assembling was to subjugate the Americas.

Pls help me I need to get this answer right


The answer is a : depressing

Choose the definition that matches the word used in the sentence below:

The elderly lady did not want to burden her children, so she kept her illness a secret.

n. Something that is carried, especially a heavy load
n. Something that is carried, especially a heavy load

v. To add to what one has to bear
v. To add to what one has to bear

n. Anything that is hard to bear, emotionally


I think the best choice would be to add to what one has to bear

Read the sentence below and replace the underlined word with a synonym. Use the underlined word in a sentence of your own. Explain any personal experiences you have had with this word. The disease proved to be virulent just as the venom of a snake.​





Who suspects Macbeth of foul play?




Macduff is one of the characters who initially suspects that Macbeth is guilty of assassinating King Duncan. In act 2, scene 3, Macduff is shocked and disgusted to discover King Duncan's dead body in the chamber alongside his deceased servants.

A bildungsroman, or coming-of-age novel, recounts the psychological or moral development of its protagonist from youth to maturity, when this character recognizes his or her place in the world. Select a single pivotal moment in the psychological or moral development of the protagonist of a bildungsroman. Then write a well-organized essay that analyzes how that single moment shapes the meaning of the work as a whole.



The pivotal moment for Ponyboy from the novel The Outsiders comes at the end, when he´s asked by his teacher to write something important to him and he decides to write about his experience throughout the novel, in the hopes to be able to help others in similar situations.


This event shows that he has learned from the violence he was subjected to, and from his own mistakes. He seems to understand how unfair the death of the Socs' member as well as the eath of the two Greasers were. He finally feels like he has found his place in the world, something he didn´t have at the beginning of the story.

With what does Jefferson equate tyranny?


fallibility i hope this helps




does going to salon and applying hair treatment healthy for the scalp?​


It depends on the treatment some salons have good quality treatments so it will be good for the scalp and some no so it will damage it

When would a beginner swimmer be promoted to a 50m pool?​


Answer:When they get better at swimming they going to move to different levels , keep getting better keep leveling up and getting promoted  


What does the poet mean by the line 'Look on my works, ye Mighty and despair!’? What does it reveal about Ozymandias as a king?​


Answer and Explanation:

In the poem "Ozymandias" by Percy Shelley, the speaker recounts the story told by a traveler, who found the ruins of what was once a kingdom. Among the ruins was the statue of a king, Ozymandias, and the inscription, "Look on my works, ye Mighty and despair!" The line shows how arrogant Ozymandias was. He did not seem to consider his own frailty as a human being, much less the possibility of his kingdom being destroyed in the future. It is quite ironical to read such boastful words when all there is around is in ruins. Nothing is left besides the words themselves. Even their meaning is lost.

why is the bus conductor compared to the captain on the quarterdeck
7 th std all about a dog​




Hope it helps...

Have a great day : P

underline the verb and write which tense it is in the space provided.
a. she will not be going to the hospital today.
b. sharmila has eaten all the apples.
c. Tarun is not as tall as his sister.​


Answer:The answer is option a.It is in future continuous.

Explanation:Option a. is correct because going is a verb.

what is a noun or noun phrase thats “it’s” is referring to back to in this sentence?

“Scientists have discovered that Mercury is shrinking! In the process, it’s surface is wrinkling and cracking.”


Mercury is the place that "it's" is referring to

Help me out please I will give brainly :)



granny ran her fingers gently over the objects on the wreath to show that she was delighted with the finished products


the last one is the one that says was delighted


who here likes the anime my hero academia I know I do :D



I've only watched it at my Bff's house but when I say it's amazing I mean its AMAZING!



I do :)


Great show

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