If someone asked you to explain the differences between capitalism and socialism, how would you answer him/her?


Answer 1

Capitalism is based on individual initiative and favors market mechanisms over government intervention, while socialism is based on government planning and limitations on private control of resources.

Answer 2
The terms capitalism and socialism are both used to describe economic and political systems. On a theoretical level, both of these terms also describe specific schools of economic thought. One of the most fundamental differences between the systems of capitalism and socialism lies in the scope of government intervention within an economy.
The capitalist economic model relies on free market conditions for the creation of wealth. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market. This economic structure is referred to as a market economy.
In a socialist economic model, the production of goods and services is either partially or fully regulated by the government. This is referred to as central planning, and the economic structure that is created is known as a planned economy or a command economy.
The capitalist economic model relies on free market conditions for the creation of wealth; the production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market.
In a socialist economic model, the production of goods and services is either partially or fully regulated by the government; this is referred to as central planning, and the economic structure that is created is known as a planned economy or a command economy.
Most countries are mixed economies, falling somewhere on the spectrum between pure capitalism and pure socialism.
In a capitalist economy, property and businesses are owned and controlled by individuals. The production and prices of goods and services are determined by how much demand they generate and how difficult they are to produce.
In a capitalist economy, property and businesses are owned and controlled by individuals. The production and prices of goods and services are determined by how much demand they generate and how difficult they are to produce.
This emphasis on efficiency takes priority over equality. An equal distribution of goods and services among all members of a society is of little concern within a capitalist system. According to the economic theories that underpin capitalism, inequality is the driving force that encourages innovation, which results in economic development.
In a capitalist economy, the state does not directly employ the workforce. This leads to high levels of unemployment during times of economic recession. In a socialist economy, the state owns and controls the major means of production. In some socialist economic models, worker cooperatives own and operate the primary means of production. A worker cooperative is a firm that is owned and self-managed by its workers. Other socialist economic models allow individual ownership of enterprise and property, albeit with higher taxes and a higher degree of government controls.
The primary concern of the socialist model of economics is an equitable distribution of wealth An equitable distribution of wealth is meant to ensure that all members of a society have an equal opportunity to attain certain economic outcomes. To achieve this, the state intervenes in the labor market.
In a socialist economy, the state is one of the primary employers. During times of economic hardship, the socialist state can order hiring, so there is close to full employment even if workers are not performing tasks that are particularly in demand from the market.
In addition to capitalism and socialism, the other major school of economic thought is communism. Many tenets of communism and socialism stand in opposition to capitalism, but there are important distinctions between socialism and communism.
Most modern economies are mixed economies. This means they exist somewhere on a continuum between pure capitalism and pure socialism, with the majority of countries practicing a mixed system of capitalism wherein the government regulates and owns some businesses and industries.
In the purest form of a capitalistic system (sometimes referred to as laissez-faire capitalism), private individuals are unrestrained, and the economy operates without any government checks or controls. Private individuals and businesses may determine where to invest, what to manufacture and sell, and the prices of goods and services.
In a purely socialist system, all means of production are collective or state-owned.
Some countries incorporate both the private sector system of capitalism and the public sector enterprise of socialism to overcome the disadvantages of both systems. In these economies, the government intervenes to prevent any individual or company from having a monopolistic stance and undue concentration of economic power. Resources in these systems may be owned by both the state and by individuals.

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Hope this helps you.

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The correct answer is D. It guaranteed that England's monarchs had no control over certain aspects of citizens' lives.


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ANSWER: B. extermination of the jews



the answer is b, extermination of the jews

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Creating one large nation by combining all other. That will cause war my friend

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burning of the Reichstag, restrictions in freedom of speech


100% on edge 2021


burning of the Reichstag, restrictions in freedom of speech



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Hope this helps sorry if incorrect

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Group of answer choices


indirect control





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The economic and social reforms of Diocletian and Constantine affected positively the Roman Empire

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Diocletian (244 - 311) was emperor of Rome from 284 to 305.

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How did the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine I influence the Empire?

The decisions of these two emperors had good impacts on the empire because its social and economic stability was consolidated for at least 100 more years.

Learn more about Roman Empire in: https://brainly.com/question/5044884

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changed there way of life


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Jesus , have a blessed day

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just take out the important details to make a sentence

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Your answer:
O relocating the capital of the Republic of Texas to Houston
o favoring westward expansion
O developing the educational system
Clear answer


seldo cochino asquerozo

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“Proponents of the Voting Rights Act wanted everyone to be able to vote, and wanted everyone’s vote to matter equally.” (Paragraph 7)
“Proponents of the Voting Rights Act wanted everyone to be able to vote, and wanted everyone’s vote to matter equally.” (Paragraph 7)

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i just gonna say 3 for short term answer


i took the test

How were tenant farmers different from sharecroppers?

A. Tenant farmers owned all their equiptment

B. Tenant farmers usually didn't pay rent for their homes

C. Tenant farmers brought their seed from the owner

D. Tenant farmers usually made a small profit


A. Tenant farmers owned all their equipment

A goal of the United Nation’s International Court of Justice is to prosecute officials accused of committing war crimes. oversee the day-to-day operation of the organization. deploy peacekeepers to maintain order between nations. settle disputes between nations without the need of war.



d) settle disputes between nations without the need of war.

Answer:answer is d


trust me

How did white South Africans maintain power over their country's
O A. They created apartheid laws to limit the rights of black South
B. They wrote a new constitution which granted more rights to all
South Africans.
C. They declared independence in 1948 created their own
D. They formed alliances with the Allied powers during World War II.



OA. They created apartheid laws to limit the rights of black South  Africans.


Although South Africa had a majority African population, the whites hold power over the blacks. This possibility of minority white being in power over the majority black population was only possible because of the racial segregation policy of Apartheid.

Apartheid was systematic legislation that segregates and allows the law to make a distinction between the citizens based on their race and color. And it was through this power that the minority whites were able to maintain power over the majority of black people.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Which factors contributed to the rise of Nazism in Germany?

A. A longing for the kaiser and desire to avoid another war

B. The violence of world war I and high unemployment during the depression

C. The popularity of democratic government and economic prosperity

D. Low tariffs and global economic interdependence



B. The violence of world war I and high unemployment during the depression


Germany wanted revenge for the causes of world war 1

What is the role of the Supreme court in the US government?



Ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and also function as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.


Before 1154 AD, did England have a united set of laws and justice? How do you know?


Answer:I n the mid-1230s, the rulers of England were confronted with a problem concerning. Church law legitimized children born out of wedlock whose parents subsequently married. English lay law did not legitimize such children.


What do the flags in this poster represent?

A. Countries belonging to the Warsaw pact behind the Iron Curtain

B. Countries receiving economic assistance from the US

C. Countries forming the European coal and steel community

D. Countries created after World War II



B. Countries receiving economic assistance from the US.


The Marshall Plan was a US government plan with the objective of providing aid to the countries affected by the Second World War. This plan was also known as the European Recovery Program, enacted in 1948.

The given poster is from one of the entries from the Intra-European Cooperation for a Better Standard of Living Poster Contest held all over Europe in 1950. This poster contains the flags of countries that receive aid under the plan namely, Portugal, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, West Germany, the Free Territory of Trieste, Italy, Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Turkey, Greece, France, and the United Kingdom.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

How did popular sovereignty propose to fix the issue of slavery in the
western territories



The answer is below


Popular sovereignty is one of the principles of democracy. It proposes to fix the issue of slavery in the western territories of the United States by suggesting that residents of territory through their elected representatives, and not the federal government, should be the ones to determine whether their territory becomes a free state or slave state.

Which of the following MOST influenced the way European countries divided up Africa?

the example set by Cecil Rhodes
the speeches given by Jules Ferry
the meeting at the Congress of Berlin
the article written in the Atlantic Monthly


“The meeting at the Congress of Berlin” is correct answer

Who was the first President of the uS



George Washington


Washington was the first president of the United States.


George Washington


Joe is now going to trial. He is entitled to a trial by jury.

Considering what you know about juror selection, which of these citizens are potential impartial jurors for Joe’s case? Check all that apply.

a retired owner of a small business
the mother of a young man who is Joe’s age
one of Joe’s coworkers
a young man four years older than Joe
a business owner who is a friend of Joe’s boss


- a retired owner of a small business
- a young man four years older than joe
- the mother of a young man who is joes age




Describe how the forts along the Santa Fe Trail were used by travelers.



it gave them safety, protection, and supplies.


pls let me know if im incorrect, and im sorry if im late!


The forts along the Santa Fe Trail served as a meeting place for people to get supplies, hear news of the east and west; learn about trouble ahead, fix wagons, and wash clothes.


i got it right

Do you think Ulysses is a good leader? Explain why or why not.


Answer: umm im confused


Ulysses is a good leader because he thinks about a lot of things before doing anything like making sure what is right and what is not

What were the Nuremberg Laws about?

A. curtailment of freedom of speech and other civil liberties for all citizens.
B. ban of all political parties
C. protection of German blood and honor
D. grant of extraordinary powers to the Gestapo.

Answer: C. protection of German blood and honor


The correct answer is C. Protection of German blood and honor.


The Nuremberg Laws were a set of norms that were passed during the seventh annual congress of the German National Socialist Party, held on September 15, 1935, in the German city of Nuremberg. These laws were established to protect the lineages of German blood, the Aryan race, and the honor of the German people. Therefore, these laws were enacted to mark the distance between the Jewish people and the German people. These laws stand out for having highly discriminatory mandates towards the Jewish people. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Protection of German blood and honor.

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