there are more than 3 gallons of gas in berks car help pls


Answer 1
We need to have the whole question to help you I’m sorry but this isn’t gonna get you help
Answer 2


The Last One




Related Questions

Choose the sentence with a sensory detail that describes a taste.

Josie's soccer game was canceled due to a fire.

She hadn't understood the logic of that, since she was miles away.

But, that afternoon when she went outside, she got a big mouthful of that sooty, smoky ash flavor from the fire.

Josie hoped the firefighters got the fire under control soon.


C is the answer. It describes how the ash from the fire taste

What is the mood of this passage?



your answer would be worried.


good luck ; )

The mood of this passage is worried. Thus, option 1st is correct.

What is the theme of The Monkey's Paw?

The Monkey's Paw motif is to never tamper with fate. The subject appears in the short tale in a variety of ways. The events, foreshadowing, and acts are the shapes.

"The Monkey's Paw" is more than just a great horror film; it's also a modern allegory, replete with moral lessons and advice on how to live a more satisfying life. The lesson of the story, like with many fables, is familiar: don't tempt fate, and be cautious of what you wish for.

The tone of the tale suggests that horrible things will occur. Initially, the ambiance is gloomy and ominous outside the home, yet pleasant within. The tone then shifts to horror and panic as the family makes wishes and awful things begin to happen. The gloomy atmosphere foreshadows the events that follow. Hence,  option 1st is correct.

Learn more about The Monkey's Paw here:


Your question was incomplete, probably the complete question was.....

But her husband was on his hands and knees groping

wildly on the floor in search of the paw. If he could only

find it before the thing outside got in. A perfect fusillade

of knocks reverberated through the house, and he heard

the scraping of a chair as his wife put it down in the

passage against the door. He heard the creaking of the

bolt as it came slowly back, and at the same moment he

found the monkey's paw, and frantically breathed his

third and last wish.

_"The Monkey's Paw,"

W. W. Jacobs

What is the dividends payable to a policyowner?


A dividend is an amount returned to a policyowner out of an insurance company's surplus funds. In a practical sense it is a return of premiums that exceed the insurer's expenses and mortality experience. Only certain types of insurance policies produce dividends.

Why Mr. king use historical allusion in his letter?



King's letter uses biblical allusions in order to create analogies between himself and biblical figures in the hope of defending his non-violent protest and solidify his argument that he, unlike them, is fore filling the will of God.

Sombody help this is homework please the correct answer is writing homework and I will give you brainlist ​


Gretchen’s motivations were caused by her mother’s illness. She had to get over her fear and push herself. Gretchen also showed Great determination when she was tired and didn’t want to continue.

What is the fish name that begins with letter O?


Oblique butterflyfish - Prognathodes obliquus

write a letter to your boss for some recommendiation in the work place.​


ok i will bbjebkkam



Dear Boss,

I think that I should be recommended to work at this place because I fit all the qualified rules that are needed. I have the skills it takes and the responsibility to work here.

Continue writing by describing the skills you have.

24. In the short story, "To Build a Fire" by Jack London, the man and the dog face what type
of conflict?
a. Man vs Society
b. Man vs Self
c. Man vs Nature
d. Man vs Man


I’m guessing the answer is C
Man vs. nature is the answer

Does passion help or hinder us?
Whose needs should take precedence: self or society?


Passion does help it makes someone more confident

write a notice for the notice board asking the students of your school to donate in kind for the victims of a recent natural disaster​



Notice writing for a school donation.



                                         ABC PUBLIC SCHOOL

                                                   NEW DELHI

                                                   21 May 2017

This is to inform any interested students that there will be a donation drive for the victims of the recent floods and landslides that occurred in Uttarakhand. Nothing is less or not worthy. So, please make sure to donate anything you can. It can be money, books, clothes, toys, medicines, food, anything.

The donation drive will be initiated by each class monitor starting from next week. There will be a box kept in each classroom for the students to drop off their donations. Feel free to contact any of the class monitors if you have any queries.


Ravi Sharma

School co-ordinator.

Did your teacher teach you science yesterday





Which three sentences provide the BEST supporting details to the main idea of this passage? A) Citizens need to see the value in recycling as an important duty for everyone to enjoy! B) For this reason, plastic bottles and bags sit in landfills for years and years. C) Money never buys anyone happiness, at least not in the long run. D) These chemicals are also used in other products on store shelves. E) It's really hard to convince people to recycle plastic.​



A,B, and E


The other two options just seems random. These three are related to each to other and make more sense.

Read the passage to answer the question that follows.
Which character traits did Robin Hood exhibit when he planned to free the other captives? Select all that apply.


Everything but fear I think

He gave his powerless laugh again and Tea Cake and the boy joined in with him. Then Tea Cake walked on off and went home to Janie. “Her husband can’t do nothin’ wid dat butt-headed woman. All you can do is treat her cold whenever she come round here.” Janie tried that, but short of telling Mrs. Turner bluntly, there was nothing she could do to discourage her completely. She felt honored by Janie’s acquaintance and she quickly forgave and forgot snubs in order to keep it. –Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston What does Tea Cake’s dialect, or use of nonstandard English, reveal about him? It gives an impression of Tea Cake’s mental health. It shows that Tea Cake has a quick temper when speaking. It establishes that Tea Cake lives in the South and may lack formal education. It clarifies Tea Cake’s opinion of Mrs. Turner, who uses standard English.



The narrator reflects the Southern environment when she uses the phrase “walked on off,” an example of nonstandard English.


Answer Is B  

The correct response is - the narrator reflects the Southern environment when she uses the phrase “walked on off,” an example of nonstandard English.

What is a Southern environment?

The environment plays a critical role in determining the characteristics of the American South, from semitropical coastal regions to high mountain terrain, from swampy lowlands to contemporary metropolis. This chapter of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture examines the shifting environmental factors that have influenced the region's human cultures as well as how people have influenced their surroundings.

The ecology, physiography, and climate of the South are discussed in the articles, not only as a reality of daily living but also as a metaphor for comprehending culture and identity.

Ninety-eight essays that examine aspects of the southern environment are included in this anthology. They do so both generally and in detail. Overviews of several themes cover topics including natural disasters, energy use and development, vegetation, and animals.

To read more about the Southern environment, refer to -


To kill a Mocking bird

Mr. Avery told the children that when winter came to Maycomb, it was:
Group of answer choices

because n word had done a prayer meeting for snow."

time to build a snowman.

because God had a cold

because of bad children.


the first choice “because n word had done a prayer meeting for snow”

Which of the following is NOT a reason Mrs. Hale did not visit Mrs. Wright?
She didn't like Mrs. Wright.
She was busy with her own farm.
The Wrights' farmhouse is gloomy.
John Wright was not a friendly or happy man.



She didn't visit Mrs. Wright because  The farmhouse was gloomy

hope it helps

can get brailiest?


A is the correct answer

Es urgente porfavor ayudaa


Answer you said you would hang up on them/


How does Sametta’s story in paragraph 2contribute to the text? In the text Chocolate for Children



The regular practice of children working on cocoa farms is often a natural way of life for cocoa farmers who, for a variety of reasons, want to train their children and at the same time use them in order to reduce labour costs on the family's farm.


She finally became even more violent in her opposition than her husband himself. She was not satisfied with simply doing as well as he had commanded; she seemed anxious to do better. In the above sentence, the word commanded comes from a Latin root word that means to —
A call

B trust

C join

D order


D is really the only answer that makes sense because she said her husband commanded her to so it’s the same as Oder he told her to do something instead of asking

give a word similar in meaning foreign​



distant or far off


What are some problems migrant workers face? Correct answer gets brainly.



They face people making fun of him/her  


Write a drama script



-woman-oh why are u leaving me

-man-because i can.

-cuts to credits-


A script that has drama in it. It shows the acting the lines and then credits

Why did Jose Rizal enroll in two courses?​



sorry I don't know that one



a seal paragraph of growing down





Which is an example of oversharing using GPS?
A. Posting an online message when your plane has landed
B. Revealing your location every few minutes in messages
C. Giving too much personal information on social networks
D. Constantly asking others to tell you their locations


A. posting an online message is the correct answer


B. Revealing your location every few minutes in messages


what does the symbolism suggest about the man?​



प्रजनन में डीएनए की प्रतिलिपि करने का क्या महत्व है?

DNA ..... ig i found this


paraphrase “sonnet 30”. Describe the speaker’s thoughts in your own words.



so net 3.0? is that what you mean by paraphrase?

Some one please help me





unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed unclothed

Help please a soon as possible


I Think it’s the second one sorry if I’m wrong

Greek & Latin Vocabulary
Circle the common roots.
What does the root mean?





A root word can be defined as a word origin for other words in English language.

The common root in manual, manuscript, manufacture, and manicure is man. Man is a word derived from Latin and it simply means hand. Thus, it originated from Ancient Rome.

I. Manual: to perform a task with the hand such as manual labor.

II. Manuscript: a literary document written with hand.

III. Manufacture: it involves the process of producing using the hands.

IV. Manicure: it deals with taking care of the nails and hand.

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