
Answer 1


Like the other person that answered, this should be an assignment that should be enjoyed. I can understand if you hate writing, don't know how to do it well, or can't come up with any ideas, but asking people on here to do it for you? I would've loved to do something like this.

You could write about anything, ranging from an event from your past to how someone deciding to pick up a plastic bag drifting through the street changed their life, for better or for worse. There are online plot generators that you can use to get a good start. What about searching up pictures from a preferred genre and revolving the story around that? There are endless possibilities when it comes to something like this, so you should enjoy it! If you're not, chances are you picked an idea you're not interested in. There are barely any limitations except the given requirements, which won't even affect your story in anyway. They're just basic writing elements. If worst comes to worst, take inspiration from another book/story you once read, like a certain concept, but do not plagiarize.

Wanna write a superhero/fantasy type thing? Go to superpower wiki and there's so much stuff there you could use. Seriously. You think of it, and they've got it.

Interested in horror? What's your favorite horror movie, and was/were the antagonist(s) like? Are they a person or evil being? Either way, make up your own that's similar to them.

If you wanna do mystery, take the same investigation/problem from something you know and put a twist on it. I'm really trying to help you come up with some stuff here, but I can't write an entire two-page story for you.

I empathize with you completely when it comes to procrastination and writer's block, but I know you can do this. You shouldn't have to turn to Brainly if you're too lazy, but I really hope you're not. Good luck, and I know you'll get a great grade!

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I'm tired of school. I just got home after a horrible day. I went to my science class and Mrs. Crowder gave me an F on my test. 1
thought I had studied a lot! I know I spent a whole week going over
rall of the stuff didn't know. She didn't seem to care when
she handed it back to me either. Here's the thing I can't tell my mom that I got an F because she thinks I'm supposed to be a
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Identify Ana's conflict.
2. In your opinion, do you think this conflict is unavoidable or helpful? Explain.
3. In your opinion, what makes this conflict difficult for Ana?
4. What could be some examples of negative consequences if Ana continues to avoid Danielle?
5. What do you think Ana should do?



man i'm sorry but i would say that in some cases conflict is unavoidable and here's my reasoning why; you can't control what someone else is going to say whether it be positive or negative. i guess i would say what seems difficult about it is that you seem to feel like there isn't anything you can do and you don't seem to understand why she acts like this. i honestly don't really know what a negative consequence could be but maybe she would try harder to get your reaction i think you should do what you think is best for you

good luck :)

1.Ana's conflict is the fact that she is getting bullied by a teacher, Mrs.Crowder, and a student, Danielle.

2. In my opinion, I believe that this situation is avoidable. If she just asks a teacher, adult, or a parent to talk out the situation, I think she would be able to find a solution to her problem with some adult guidance. I also think this is helpful for others to understand how others feel when they go through a similar experience.

3. In my opinion, what makes this conflict difficult for Ana is the fact that she doesn't want to talk to anyone about her bullying problem.

4. If Ana continues to avoid Danielle she may go through depression and put herself in a worse situation. Danielle also may bully her harder until it gets to physical.

5. In my opinion, Ana should seek out adult guidance from a parent, teacher, or adult and figure out the solution to her situation.

marbles numbered from 1 to 12 are put in a bag. if marbles are not put back into the bag after being drawn, what is the probability of drawing two prime numbers in a row?


Answer: 0.1515


The prime numbers from 1 to 12 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11. This means that there are 5 prime numbers from 1 to 12.

The probability of drawing the first prime number will be: = 5/12

The probability of drawing the second prime number will be: = 4/11

Therefore, the probability of drawing two prime numbers in a row will be:

= 5/12 × 4/11

= 20/132

= 0.1515

1. Why does the narrator lie to his daughter, and how does he justify it? Do you think she will ask him the same
question when she's older? Why/Why not?
2. The narrator "keeps(s) writing war stories." What does he expect the writing to do? Do you think it is working?
3. Why doesn't the narrator let the soldier pass? How do you think you would have reacted in a similar situation?
4. Why do you think the narrator focuses on the gory details of the soldier's death?​


1. The narrator's nine-year-old daughter, knowing that her father writes war stories, asks him if he has ever killed anyone. The narrator says no but resolves to tell her the truth when she is grown (so yes she might ask the same question when she is older.)
2. because he wants his writing to be heard.
3. because it was his thing to kill anyone he saw, so his body reacted way before he has time to think whether or not he should kill or not. I probably would’ve done the same.
4. he focuses on the deaths because those thoughts aren’t easy to go away.

The narrator lied to his daughter but asked her to ask the question when she is older. His justification is that she is still too young to understand.

What does the narrator expect the writing to do?

The narrator keeps writing war stories because he believed that they were stories that deserved to be told and heard.

Why doesn't the narrator let the soldier pass? How do you think you would have reacted in a similar situation?

The narrator killed the soldier because it was already wired into his reflexes to kill an enemy.

It is not possible to say how one might react in a similar situation except one can lay claim to the same training and experiences that the narrator has been through.

Why do you think the narrator focuses on the gory details of the soldier's death?​

The narrator's focus on death is because he has seen too much of it and they are difficult to wipe away from his mind.

Who is the narrator?

A narrator is a person who tells a story from his or her own point of view. in some cases, the narrator themselves are part of the story.

Learn more about narrators at:

No sweat no sweet speech
No sweat no sweet



? Um.......sweet?


What the question cause I don’t see any so ya :6

Which story element in "The Catch” brings the story to its climax?

Ethane shouts out for victory for the dwarves.
Ethane trips Rohan, injuring his elbow.
Ethane slips and falls into an icy river.
Rohan, Ethane, and Leondril huddle together.



b Ethane trips Rohan, injuring his elbow.





i got right

3. Which of the following is a public good?
A. A new pair of jeans
B. A new cell phone
C. A taco from a restaurant
D. The police department






The answer is D, a police department.


In the context of the text, what obstacles did Wilma Rudolph overcome to become an
Olympic gold medalist? How do you think she was able to overcome these obstacles?



I think Wilma's childhood would have been different if she had been allowed to see additional doctors and specialists because then she will have more treatment and would have been taking care betting than she probably wouldn't be the fastest woman in the world. The other prejudice I think Wilma likely faced as an African American woman in sports is racism because people think sports is a man's job but is not a man's job.


Hey guys, can someone help me please !!!!



Why is sleep is important? mainly because its what helps us mentally, emotionally, and physically. Personally, I really like sleep, it makes me feel relaxed! well there is one exception though....whenever I sleep too long!! I find that when I sleep to long I cant get up!


Does this work?


Sleep is important because we will have a healthy body system/brain system it gives you a lot of energy too. By sleeping we'll have the energy for the next morning. It keeps our immune system up and healthy. By sleeping we are not only helping our bodies, but our brain because it stores information the more sleep the more information your brain could fit in your head. Our brain is like sponge, but in order for the sponge to process we need a healthy immune system and we need good sleep.

prayer poem form carol Ann duffy


prayer poem form Carol Ann duffy

im sorry what do you mean?

The journalist's article, expected to be a harsh ______ of the politician, actually portrayed her in a very positive light.


the answer to your question is critique!

Two vertices of a right triangle have coordinates (5, 12) and (11, 12). The segment that connects these points is a leg of the triangle.

Which coordinate pair for the third vertex would create a right triangle?

​(11, 4)​

​(8, 12)​

​(19, 12)​

​(8, 20)



(11,4) of course


how do i spell MONKE?





.  。•   ゚  。•   ゚  。  。•   ゚  。

 .   .  •   ゚  。    .   。•   ゚  。

。   。 .•   ゚  。  。•   ゚  。

 .   。   。  . ••   ゚  。  。•   ゚  。

ti84boi was the imposter

• .  。 .•   ゚  。•   ゚  。  。•   ゚  。

   。      ゚ •   ゚  。  。•   ゚  。

 .     .•   ゚  。  。•   ゚  。

,    .  .   . 。•   ゚  。  。•   ゚  。

Which of these happens last?
Nina hits a drum.
Nina hears the sound of her drum.
Sound waves travel through the air.
The surface of the drum vibrates, creating sound waves.



In their House of Sound, Fran Scott and Greg Foot investigate how drums work.

Drums have been around for thousands of years and throughout history have often been involved in warfare -something they are reminded of as they play along to Mars from Holst’s The Planets suite.

Using confetti placed on a drum they use a slow motion camera to reveal how the confetti behaves like air molecules when the drum is struck.

The skin of the drum vibrates and makes the confetti dance.

As the air molecules vibrate against each other, sound waves are formed and the sound of the drums can be heard.

Fran explains that the pitch of a drum depends on how tight its skin is. If the skin is tight the drum makes a high note, if it is slack it makes a low note.

Greg points out the amount of air inside a drum also influences its pitch. The more air in a drum, the lower the note. The less air in a drum, the higher the note.

Volume depends on the size of the vibrations that are made.

Hit a drum hard and this makes big vibrations and a loud sound.

Hit a drum softly and the vibrations are smaller and the sound not as loud.

Together they make a drum kit out of things that can be found around the house, and Fran shows us how to make fun drums out of a plastic bowl and half a balloon.

This clip is from the series House of Sound.

Whats his name
1. Dio
2. Jotaro
3. Pucci
4. Speedwagon
5. Wamuu








(blank) is able to enter the Career's pyramid of supplies and steal from them without getting caught. This is for the hunger games





Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games" is set in a dystopian society where 'volunteers' from the twelve Districts are made to play a game to 'win' provisions for their respective districts. The story deals with themes of survival, inequality, appearance, reality, etc.

Chapter 16 of the book is where Katniss Everdeen and Rue work together to try to destroy the Career's pyramid of supplies. While Rue distracts the Careers away from the pyramid, Katniss was thinking how to best get to the supplies without getting hurt. It was then that she saw a girl tribute from District 5, whom she nicknamed "Foxface" come to the pyramid and steal the supplies. Then, Katniss realized the pyramid is surrounded by active landmines. So, she began targeting apples in the pyramid and the falling apples set off the bombs, sending Katniss backwards from the explosion.

easy stuuf it is like frreee point help

Scranton is the (closer, closest) of the two locations.





It is using comparative to compare the two.




help pls! ☆*: .。. .。. :*☆



I can't write the essay for you, but I can give you a couple tips and ideas for you to elaborate on!


Pros: Technology is a modernized means of communication. Especially in times like these, it's been useful more than ever

Cons: The overuse of technology may lead to screen addiction and especially impacts children and teenagers. Our personal information can also be widely available and found by some

Neutral standpoint: Technology shouldn't be considered as inherently good or bad, but it depends on the way we utilize it.

ead the sentence below. Which type of context clue is used to help you figure out the meaning of the word gregarious?

People who are gregarious, or very friendly and sociable, always have something fun to do.

Inference context clue
Antonym context clue
Synonym context clue
Definition context clue



(of a person) fond of company; sociable.   (of animals) living in flocks or loosely organized communities.        (of plants) growing in open clusters or in pure associations.                                            (synonym)companionable  antonym  unsociable



QUICK AND SHORT 3 option Antonym  i took the test too buddy


In front of, with regards to,so long as,dry bones.which of the following is a noun phrase



Bone is a noun and a verb, but dry bones relates to a dead bowser or his minions. Mario?


Which CVC word with a short "e" sound




D. Jet


Hope this helps :)


D. Jet


A short "e" makes a sound similar to that of "eh." Think of the e in the word "forget." It sounds like "forg-eh-t." Now that we know what this sounds like, we can deduce that D is the correct answer because "jet" is pronounced like "j-eh-t." Hope this helps!

Write one or two sentences that illustrate an original example of hasty generalization. Then write two or three sentences explaining why this is an example of a hasty generalization.



Example of a Hasty Generalization: I’ve been using my phone for more than 5 hours everyday, and I don’t have any issues of it. Therefore, using phones for more than 5 hours is still good.


This is an example of Hasty Generalization because you based the idea on one evidence only. There could be a lot of evidences that will support or opposed your idea. Your conclusion is supported by insufficient evidence.

Read the passage.

Paul looked at the cast and sighed. He wrote #22 with a permanent marker on the cast. Sometimes, he would bounce his basketball on the ground as he sat in a chair, but he could not stand and shoot the ball. The doctor said that he would not be able to play for at least six weeks.

Which of the following phrases is a supporting detail that helped you draw a conclusion about Paul’s condition?

as he sat in a chair

He wrote #22 with a permanent marker

he would bounce his basketball on the ground

he could not stand


Answer: D (He could not stand)


Essay Prompt: Imagine your friend posts a fake photo online and says that it's a harmless joke.
Do you agree or disagree that posting fake photos is harmless?


I disaggre because depending on the  photo depends on the impact. If the phototismocking someone it is not harmless.But if a regaluar photo yes it is harmless.


I just added on to the other persons answer to make it longer


I disagree because depending on the photo depends on the impact. If the photo is mocking someone it is not harmless. But if a regular photo like photoshopped flowers is harmless but If you are making physical changes to someone's body including yourself to me that is considered not harmless especially if you're doing it to someone else without their consent and if you're doing it to yourself you are lying to other people about your appearances. So yes to me some fake photos are harmless but some cause more harm than good.

How can we tell other to not vape???



I really don't think you can actually tell someone to stop doing it, they're just going to realize at one point that it's killing them slowly.

two words to describe Mr. Calloway in Chapter 15 of the text, "Bud, Not Buddy" using textual evidence.



personal, mean


im not sure how to describe someone not wanting them to touch anything lol

What does the title life mean in the poem by Naomi long madgett


And it means

where can I find the answer key to fortress on wheels



Probably just online?



I think I know where to find it online


just search it up

what is a special occasion speech



a special occasion speech is a speech designed to designed to address and engage the context and audience's emotions on a specific occasion.


Abraham Lincoln delivered this speech on March 4, 1865. The occasion is the beginning of his second term as US president.


I took the test

Select the correct answer.
What is the function of the following sentence?
What I do know is that there were at least 30 names already signed up on the list in the cafeteria.

А - to request action

B - to make a bold statement

C - to express disappointment

D - to ask a question


The answer is b I done had that question before

Answer: B.) to make a bold statement

How does the lead paragraph, or first paragraph, of the article help the author develop his ideas?

Question 2 options:

It answers the question, What next? that the author has asked.

It provides background information about the science behind the article.

It addresses the Who, What, Where, and When questions of news journalism.

It introduces Thomas Edison with a brief biographical sketch.



It addresses the Who, What, Where, and When questions of news journalism


The lead paragraph "addresses the Who, What, Where, and When questions of news journalism."

What is a lead paragraph?

The lead paragraph can be defined as the first paragraph of an article or story that points to the main points and idea of the article.

The lead paragraph of the given article points toward the persons who joined and explained the experiment. It addresses the Who, What, Where, and When questions of news journalism.

Therefore the correct option is C.

Learn more about a lead paragraph here:

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WiLl GiVe BrAiNlIeSt!!!Using the two functions listed below, insert numbers in place of the letters a, b, c, and d so that f(x) and g(x) are inverses.[tex]f(x) = \frac{x + a}{b}[/tex][tex]g(x) = cx - d[/tex]My teacher told me to just make up any number for the variables a, b, c, d and plug them in. So I made up these numbers:A: 3B: 5C: 7D: 9***These are supposed to be substituted into the the equations above!!***However, when I plug them into the equation of f(x), it doesn't equal the equation of g(x). Did I do something wrong? Please help!!! What was the purpose of the Lend-Lease Act? ACongress passed it as part of the formal end of United States neutrality in World War II. B It was intended to secure military bases in Europe in case the United States went to war with the Soviet Union. CIt allowed President Roosevelt and pro-war members of Congress to support the Allies without formally joining World War II. 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