the works progress administration was created in 1935, as a part of the new deal. the effectiveness of the wpa was in the —


Answer 1

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was established in 1935 as a component of the New Deal; it reached its peak of efficiency in 1943.

The Works Progress Administration:

It was an employment program for the jobless that was established in 1935 as part of the New Deal of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Although detractors referred to the WPA as an extension of welfare or a means of building up a sizable patronage army devoted to the Democratic Party, the program's goal was to give millions of Great Depression victims useful jobs in order to maintain their skills and self-respect.

The higher purchasing power of the newly hired, whose pay under the scheme ranged from $15 to $90, would stimulate the economy.

To know more about WPA visit:


Related Questions

How are the details about poseidon and athena's characters important to the development of the myths theme? cite evidence from the text in your answer.


In Greek mythology, Poseidon and Athena faced off against one another to decide who would be the city's patron god. In the end, Athena was chosen as the protector of the city that would bear her name.

Because she and Poseidon stand in for various facets of ancient Greek society and social mores, Athena is incredibly significant to him. For instance, Athena stood for justice, knowledge, the arts, and culture. These characteristics are a key component of Greek grandeur.

Poseidon, on the other hand, was portrayed as an irritable deity who either defended the mariners or caused earthquakes and tidal waves if he was disrespected.

Due to the god's dualism, the religion of Athena was more prevalent in Athens and other major towns while the devotion of Poseidon was more local.

To learn more about Poseidon and Athena


How did Native Americans
contributions impact the
outcome of the war?



How the outcome of the war affected Native Americans?

But no matter which side they fought on, Native Americans were negatively impacted. They were left out of peace talks and lost additional land. After the war, some Americans retaliated against those Indian tribes that had supported the British.


How does h. V. Bowen convey the importance of the british east india company to great britain as a whole?.


Answer:The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

H. V. Bowen conveyed the importance of the British East India Company to Great Britain as a whole, stating that the British East India Company was the main center of the English kingdom economy since the 1760s. He mentioned the importance of the company in the economy of war in South Asia as part of a priority for the economy of Great Britain. So for Bowen, the British East India Company represented a foundation so necessary for the king to invest in and preserve its dominions in India.

H. V. Bowen was the author of "The Business of Empire: The East India Company and Imperial Britain, 1756-1833."

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explain how economic development in the british north american colonies was impacted by the atlantic trade routes between 1650 and 1750.


According to question, by sending people to settle there, by establishing a system where the British Colonies were dependent on other countries in the triangular trade, but were unable to realize their full potential under British rule.

By encouraging colonies to buy commodities from England rather than from competing countries, British colonial trade policies have an impact on the Atlantic trade. The raw resources from the colonies were shipped to England, where they were transformed into completed goods and sold to the colonists. Because of this, Britain was able to control the slave trade and ship slaves from English ports to America.

There were numerous civilizations that suffered because of the numerous deaths, frequent slave raids, and warfare. After arriving in the New World, enslaved Africans were commonly purchased and sold at auction. After that, they worked on plantations.

To know more about American colonies visit :


What kind of wonder is the Brooklyn Bridge?


When it first appeared in 1883, it was considered the eighth wonder of the world.

A financial, engineering, and aesthetic achievement is the Brooklyn Bridge. It is still the eighth wonder of the world today, just as it was when it first opened in 1883. The bridge, over a mile long and spanned River C in 1883, was the longest ever built. Being powered by its own power plant on the Brooklyn side, it was the first bridge to have nighttime lighting.

It was the first to use galvanized steel in its main cables. The construction of the Brooklyn Bridge was considered to be on the magnitude of the building of the Suez Canal and the Trans-Continental Railroad. In fact, both were finished in shorter periods of time than the Brooklyn Bridge.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


Is Brooklyn bigger than Queen?


With a land size of 109 sq mi, Queens is by far the largest borough, with Brooklyn representing the second greatest land area of 71 sq mi. With only 42 and 23 square miles, respectively, The Bronx and Manhattan are the smallest.

The majority of wealthy New Yorkers reside in Manhattan, as one might anticipate. Overall, almost half of the 50 richest NYC neighborhoods are in Manhattan, including the top 15, while Brooklyn is home to 19 of the city's priciest nabes, and Queens and Staten Island are home to 5 and 1, respectively.

While Brooklyn evolved into a town and later a city by integrating nearby towns in Kings County, Queens is a collection of villages inside the county. Greenpoint, Williamsburg, East Williamsburg, and Bushwick proper are all parts of what used to be the relatively sizable town of Bushwick, which stretched from the East River.

Read more about  Brooklyn Queen at


True or False? Grant's strategy of maintaining the initiative against Robert E. Lee, thus suffering high casualties in the Army of the Potomac, earned him a reputation of the "butcher of men."


The statement that Grant earned the reputation of "butcher of men" because of his initiative against Robert E. Lee is True.

Why was Grant called the Butcher of Men?

General Grant of the Union army was called the Butcher of men because he maintained an initiative against the armies of General Robert E. Lee towards the ending stages of the American Civil War.

The battles that he fought against Robert E. Lee, were very costly in terms of human lives as high casualties were suffered. General Grant reasoned that he needed to end the war quickly to stop further suffering and so sacrificed the lives of his men to get this done.

Find out more on General Grant at


What is the difference between democracy and hierarchy



democracy with political equality, or, as he frequently puts it, “one person, one vote.


The civil service reform act of 1978 created the office of personnel management and the ________.



Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), and the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA).


Check answer

The explosion on the uss maine and yellow journalism contributed to the u. S. Decision to go to war against spain in 1898. What was another factor?.


Yellow journalism and the incident on the U.s.s. both played a role in the US defending its interests in Cuba.

What is a career in journalism?

Journalists cover significant events using thier writing, photography, and videography talents. They are employed by media companies at various levels, including regional newspapers and major network television stations. Jobs in marketing, communication, and public info are also available in the journalism industry.

What is journalism's primary goal?

The main purpose of news is to inform the public, even though it may also be engaging or entertaining. In order for citizens to make the right choices for their lives, communities, societies, and governments, journalism must thus give them the knowledge they need.

To know more about journalism visit:


Napoleon's rise to power began during the revolution, a time when france began to embrace ideas to improve the lives of. Napoleon did fulfill some enlightenment ideals, because he.


Napoleon's rise to power began during the French revolution, a time when France began to embrace enlightenment ideas to improve the lives of ordinary people. Napoleon did fulfill some enlightenment ideals, because he expanded education.

The Revolutionary legacy for Napoleon consisted above all in the abolition of the ancien régime’s most archaic features—“feudalism,” seigneurialism, legal privileges, and provincial liberties. No matter how aristocratic his style became, he had no use for the ineffective institutions and abuses of the ancien régime. Napoleon was “modern” in temperament as well as destructively aggressive. But in either guise he was an authoritarian, with little patience for argument, who profited from the Revolution’s clearing operations to construct and mobilize in his own fashion. His concept of reform exaggerated the Revolution’s emphasis on uniformity and centralization.

Napoleon also accepted the Revolutionary principles of civil equality and equality of opportunity, meaning the recognition of merit. Other rights and liberties did not seem essential. Unlike others before him who had tried and failed, Napoleon terminated the Revolution, but at the price of suppressing the electoral process and partisan politics altogether. Toward the end of the empire, his centralizing vision took over completely, reinforcing his personal will to power.

To know more about Napoleon visit:


Complete question: Napoleon's rise to power began during the _____ revolution, a time when france began to embrace _____ ideas to improve the lives of ________. Napoleon did fulfill some enlightenment ideals, because he __________.

You install 638 feet of fencing along the perimeter of a rectangular yard. The width of the yard is 152 feet. What is the length of the yard?



Explanation:if the perimeter of the yard is 638 and the width of the yard is 152 you Can multiple that by 2 which would then be 304 so you have the total perimeter for both width sides how to find the length it would be 638-304 which is 334 so 334 is the total of both side lengths together so we divided it by 2 to find the length of one side and 334 / 2 is 167

the answer is 167 onggggg

who was the first european explorer to make permanent contact with the americas?


Half a millennium before Columbus “discovered” America, those Viking feet may have been the first European ones to ever have touched North American soil.

what very large country has been experiencing unusual, violent protests, specifically about their leaders’ policies concerning covid?


The infectious disease known as coronavirus disease is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19).

If you test positive in  large country like United States, you might need to isolate in a private setting, like a hotel or a person's home. The amount of isolation you need will depend on the regulations in the state you are visiting or reside in.

People should follow  their leaders’ policies like complete lockdown, quarantine, wearing a mask, washing hands regularly in regular interval.

All these rules made them feel that there freedom has been taken away. And thus started protesting for the freedom to live their life freely.

To learn more about COVID-19, refer


Write everything that you know about atoms and how they relate to matter.


Answer: An atom is a particle of matter that uniquely defines a chemical element.

An atom consists of a central nucleus that is surrounded by one or more negatively charged electrons.

The nucleus is positively charged and contains one or more relatively heavy particles known as protons and neutrons.

Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter.

Anything that takes up space and anything with mass is made up of atoms.

in late 2015 terrorists aligned with isis murdered over 100 persons in ______ and then nearly three dozen in ______ four months later.


In late 2015 terrorists aligned with ISIS murdered over 100 persons in Paris and then nearly three dozen in Brussels four months later.

What is the meaning of the term "terrorist group"?

Foreign terrorist organization, FTO, terrorist organization, terrorist group Any number of terrorists that gather collectively, form a bond, or are organized with the intent to use violence or threaten to use violence to further their political, religious, or ideological goals

What did the 2015 attacks in Paris entail?

The evening of November 13, 2015, saw the coordinated terrorist assaults known as the Paris attacks in Paris, France.

At least 130 people were murdered and more than 350 others were injured in the 2015 Paris attacks.

The 2015 Paris attacks were attributed to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on November 14.

To know more about Paris attacks visit


slavery allowed the south to enter into the new industrialized economies of the nineteenth century. true false


slavery allowed the south to enter into the new industrialized economies of the nineteenth century. FALSE

The majority of enslaved men and women in the early 19th century labored as house servants or farm laborers on sizable agricultural plantations. Slaves' lives were brutal; they were subjected to oppression, severe penalties, and rigid racial policing.

In 1840, the South produced 60% of the cotton grown worldwide and contributed 70% of the cotton used by the British textile industry. As a result, a sizable portion of the capital, iron, and manufactured commodities that served as the foundation for American economic expansion were funded by slavery.

For more info about 'slavery' click on below link -


Which important issues faced the nation as the 1920s began? check all that apply.


Important issues faced the nation as the 1920s began are:

- a change in social trends

-a threat of war in Europe

- a concern about the standard of living

- a desire for greater government regulation

After World War lI, the American society

and economy faced some radical changes

which were leading America towards the

great depression. The social gap between

rich and poor people became intensified

and way more evident. New socialist and

communist ideologies increased the desire

of underprivileged people to take part in

government regulation.

Both the textile and agriculture industries

faced growing economic problems due

to overproduction. The overproduction of

consumer goods caused concerns about the

standard of living and eventually resulted

in the crash of the stock market in 1929

which can be considered as the beginning

of the great depression. The standard of

living decreased and became the most

important concern for the government and

the citizens.

To know more about Government regulations visit:


Complete question: Which important issues faced the nation as the 1920s began? Check all that apply.

a change in social trends

a move toward prosperity

a threat of war in Europe

an interest in lowering taxes

a concern about the standard of living

a desire for greater government regulation


a change in social trends

a move toward prosperity

an interest in lowering taxes

a concern about the standard of living


edge 2020

Why did people start farming?


Growing population demands may have necessitated expanding food supplies, intensifying research on adjacent edible plants and animals, and eventually establishing agriculture.

The world changed forever when our ancestors learned to control fire, probably somewhere in Africa some 400,000 years ago. We don't know how early people started fire, and there is even less evidence to support this theory. Perhaps they carried around bundles of smoldering forest fire leaves, or maybe they caught the sparks that were produced when they chipped stone or rubbed sticks together. Regardless of how it occurred, human use of fire left a lasting impression on the planet's ecosystems and signaled the start of the Anthropocene, the period during which people have had a significant impact on the environment.

James Scott calls the Anthropocene in its initial stages "thin" in Against the Grain, but it has been thickening ever since.

learn more about agriculture here


Who i the lord of Elton? How would you characterize hi relationhip with the village?


Former House of Lords member and British Conservative politician Rodney Elton, 2nd Baron Elton, was born on 2 March 1930.

Godfrey Elton, the first Baron Elton, is the father of Elton. When his father passed away in 1973, he succeeded to the peerage after receiving his education at New College in Oxford and Eton College. He served as a master at Loughborough Grammar School from 1964 until 1967.

Elton was appointed a Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Northern Ireland Office upon the establishment of a Conservative government in 1979. He was transferred to the Home Office in 1982 after spending 1981 with the Department of Health and Social Security. He received a promotion to Minister of State at the Home Office in 1984. Elton resigned from government service the next year after rejoining the Department of Environment as a Minister of State in 1985.

learn more about Former House here


How did the fugitive slave act, as a part of the compromise of 1850, benefit u.s. territories?


The Compromise of 1850 included the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which was approved by Congress on September 18, 1850. Even if a slave was in a free state, the law demanded that they be returned to their masters.

Additionally, the legislation gave the federal government control over tracking down, bringing back, and prosecuting fugitive slaves. As part of the Compromise of 1850, which also saw the end of the slave trade in Washington, D.C., the Fugitive Slave Act was changed. California became a free state and Utah received a territorial government before joining the union.

It established a new Texas-New Mexico border, recognized California as a free state, let Utah and New Mexico choose whether to be slave or free states and made it simpler for slaveowners to retrieve property under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.

To learn more about Fugitive Slave Act


What are 4 Long term effect of the Great Depression?


Answer: The stock market crash of 1929; the collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; government policies; bank failures and panics; and the collapse of the money supply.

Explanation: The Great Depression had a lasting impact on the world and the United States. Specifically, it led to several key impacts, including: the 1932 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the creation of the New Deal, a general shift left in American politics, and the rise of extremist ideologies around the world.

Answer:The Great Depression has had a lasting impact on the world and the United States. Specifically, it led to several key impacts, including: the 1932 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the creation of the New Deal, a general shift left in American politics, and the rise of extremist ideologies around the world.


What was Plessy vs Ferguson and why was it important?


Answer: Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine. The case stemmed from an 1892 incident in which African American train passenger Homer Plessy refused to sit in a car for Black people.

Among countries in the western hemisphere, what is el salvador the "most" at?densely populatedoil productionsmartest peoplewealthiest economy.


Among countries in the western hemisphere, el salvador is the "most" at densely populated. The correct answer is A.

A nation in Central America is called El Salvador. The nation's capital is San Salvador. The largest city in El Salvador is San Salvador. El Salvador has a population of around 6.8 million people. El Salvador is the Western Hemisphere nation with the "most" and "densely" inhabited population.

A place has a dense population when there are more people there than there are square kilometers of land. Sparse population is the antithesis of dense population. The average number of people living on each square kilometer (or square mile) of land is referred to as population density.

Total population / total land area = population density.

Learn more about population density at


the american revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the british government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies. t or f


It is True, the american revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the british government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies.

About American Revolution

Between 1765 and 1791, British America underwent an intellectual and political change known as the American Revolution. In the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the Americans in the Thirteen Colonies created independent states that beaten the British, gaining independence from British Crown & founding the United States as the 1st nation-state based on liberal democratic Enlightenment principles.

The British Parliament was taxing the American colonies, but the colonists protested as they had no proper representation in that assembly. Before the 1760s, the British colonies in America maintained a significant degree of internal autonomy, with provincial legislatures in charge of local governance.

To know more about American revolution :


the first part of mexico to be settled by large numbers of americans was tijuana.
a. true
b. false


When the Constitution was ratified, it replaced the Articles' concept that sovereignty was held by the states and considerably expanded the federal government's authority.

What is a synonym for settled?

Decide, decide, resolve, and rule are some common alternatives to settle. While all of these verbs imply "to reach an agreement or induce a resolution," the word "settle" suggests a decision made by someone with the authority to put an end to any disagreement or doubt.

What does a woman who is settled mean?

She is "regarded among her folks as a'settled woman' because of her unchanging position" [30]. Instead of seeking fulfillment, she opts for contentment. She has abandoned all ideas of a positive tomorrow for herself because she has bills to pay and just a family to take care of.

To know more about settled visit:


read each quote and then write in your own words what solomon was saying
1) "better a poor man who lives with integrity than a rich man who distorts right and wrong"


Answer: he was trying to say that money or social status didn't matter if you were doing bad things or sinning in the eyes of God,


What does it tell you about the European slave traders that they ignored the protests of people such as King Afonso of Congo? (World History chapter 17)


Afonso thought that Kongo law should apply to the slave trade. When he believed the Portuguese had forcibly purchased slaves to sell.

What did Europeans trade for slaves trade?

Slaves from Africa were transported by slave dealers, mostly to the Americas, during the Atlantic slave trade, transatlantic slave trade. They were traded for iron, weapons, ammunition, mirrors, knives, fabric, and beads that had been transported by sea from Europe. Slavery already existed on the continent when Europeans first landed along the coast of West Africa.

Slaves were bought in West Africa and transported to the Americas during the so-called triangle trade that followed European colonialism of Africa in order to manufacture cotton and other goods. After that, the cotton was sent to Europe where it was made into textiles. Then, in return for more slaves, the textiles were transported to Africa.

To know more about Slave trade, visit:


in 1794, farmers in western pennsylvania rebelled against a tax the government had placed on whiskey. president george washington sent troops to suppress the rebellion, which collapsed before the federal force arrived. what statement best explains why this event was important?
a. It weakened the government's authority to tax citizens.
b. It showed the government was able to put down threats.
c. It put Pennsylvania under federal control until agreed on the tax.
d. It shifted control over the military from Congress to the president


This development was significant since it restricted the government's ability to levy taxes on the populace. right choice (a).

What makes up the government?

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress, the Head of state, or the Federal courts, respectively, the authority to act as the deliberative, executive, and judicial departments of the federal government.

What is governance, exactly?

A governance is an organisation or a network made up of a number of individuals who look after or manage a nation or a state. Every government has a constitution or set of guiding principles that it adheres to in order to provide efficient governance.

To know more about Government visit :


What does stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence?


Stephens claims that the independence was founded on experience and gave rise to new inventions. This is what science and experience have shown about the independence proclamation.

Confederate vice president Alexander H. Stephens explains what he believes to be the causes of what he called a "revolution." The result of this revolution was the American Civil War. Many people remember Stephens' speech for its justification of slavery, its outlining of the purported distinctions between the North and the South, and the racial vocabulary it used to depict African Americans as inferior.The United States Declaration of Independence, officially known as The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America, was adopted by the Second Continental Congress, which convened at Pennsylvania State University.

Find out more about independence at:


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