The table below shows the number of months and the amount spent on internet service. Which equation represents the total cost (t) based on the number of months (m) of service?1. t=45m 2. t=2m 3. t=90m4. t=4me

The Table Below Shows The Number Of Months And The Amount Spent On Internet Service. Which Equation Represents


Answer 1


Number of months and the amount spent on internet service is tabulated.

Let the total cost (t) and the number of months (m)

Therefore equation is


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Jupiter's orbital speed is approximately 52 kilometers in 4 seconds. At this rate, how many kilometers will Jupiter travel in 5 seconds?


Jupiter's orbital speed is approximately 52 kilometers in 4 seconds.

In 4 seconds, she travel = 52km

i.e. in 1 minute she travel = 52/4

In one minutes she travel = 13 km

Distance travel in 5 seconds =

5 x 13 km = 65 km

At this rate Jupitar will travel 65 km in 5 seconds

Answer : Jupitar will travel 65 km in 5 seconds

Please help!

1.) You are the crew chief of the Algebra 2 formula racing team. Your current task is to
determine fuel consumption of both cars. Car A travel x² + 3x miles and Car B travels 2x + 8 miles. Based upon tire wear (x), the cars will use x² + 4x gallons of fuel.

a.) What is the mileage
(miles/gallons) for each car?

Car A:

Car B:

b.) What is the total mileage for both cars in simplified form? (3 points)


2.)Solve for x: (5 points)


The mileage of Car A, Car B, and the average of  is (x+3)/(x+4), 2/x and [tex]\frac{x^{2} +5x +8 }{x^{2} +4x}[/tex]

It is given that the distance traveled by the car A = x² + 3x

And the distance traveled by car B = 2x + 8

The mileage is given by mile/gallon.

So, the mileage of Car A = distance traveled by car A/gallons of fuel used.


Mileage of Car A = [tex]\frac{x^{2} +3x }{x^{2} +4x} =\frac{x(x +3)}{x(x+4)} = \frac{x+3}{x+4}[/tex] miles /gallons

Similarly, the mileage of Car B = distance traveled by car B/gallons of fuel used.


Mileage of Car B = [tex]\frac{2x+8}{x^{2} +4x} = \frac{2(x+4)}{x(x+4)} =\frac{2}{x}[/tex] miles/gallons

Now, the total mileage of A and B is the average of car A and car B,

Mileage of Car A + Mileage of Car B = [tex]\frac{x^{2} +3x }{x^{2} +4x} + \frac{2x+8}{x^{2} +4x} = \frac{x^{2} +5x +8 }{x^{2} +4x}[/tex]

To read more about averages, visit


How would I solve this and what would be the answer?



(1). Domain

Since the graph is a polynomial, thus

The domain is all the elements of the set of Real Number


(2) . Range

Notice that the graph is on the x - axis and above the x - axis throughout

The range will be


(3). x - intercept

We check where the graph touch the x - axis ( we have two)

That is at

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=-1 \\ \text{and} \\ x=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

(4). y - intercept

We also check where the graph touch the y - axis

That is at


(5). End Behaviour

First from the graph


Second from the graph


how do I write 1 9/10 as dollars and cent


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{19}{10}\text{dollars}=1\frac{9}{10}\text{dollars}=1\text{dollar}+(\frac{9}{10}\times\frac{100}{1})\text{cent} \\ \frac{19}{10}\text{dollars}=1\text{dollar}+90\text{cent}=\text{ 1dollar and 90cent} \end{gathered}[/tex]

PLEASE HELP! I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST The sales tax rate is 50%. How much will it cost to buy a $7.59 panther figureine? (Panther $7.59 plus tax) $11.95$0.57$12.52$11.39


The sale tax of the product will be:


then the final price for the panther figurine (with taxes) will be:


Write the STANDARD FORM of the equation through the point (4,-4) witha slope of -2.


The general equation of line with the slope "m" and passing points (a,b) is :

y - b = m (x -a)

In the given question:

Slope m = -2, passing points (a,b) = (4,-4)

Substitute the value of a = 4, b = -4 in the general equation of line

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-b=m(x-a) \\ y-(-4)=(-2)(x-4) \\ y+4=-2(x-4) \\ y+4=-2x+8 \\ y+2x=8-4 \\ 2x+y=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation with the slope -2 and passing points (4,-4) is 2x + y = 4

Answer : 2x + y = 4

Enter the value of the expression using the Order of Operations. (4 x 3) + 23 x 4-3


Starting with the expression:


Solve parenthesis first. Since 4 times 3 equals 12, then the expression is equal to:


Next, solve for multiplications. In this case, solve 23 times 4:


Finally, solve additions and substractions from left to right:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 12+92-3=104-3 \\ =101 \end{gathered}[/tex]



Blank 1: 2/5Question 8 (1 point)Point - (4-7)Point B - (B. 1)mBlank 1:


We have to use the slope formula.


Let's replace the given points.

[tex]m=\frac{1-(-7)}{8-4}=\frac{1+7}{4}=\frac{8}{4}=2[/tex]Hence, the slope is 2.

I think I have the right answer but I would still like to be 100% sure that I understand i also have to show my work


To solve this inequality, we can proceed as follows:

First: multiply both sides of the inequality by 9:

[tex]9\cdot\frac{x}{9}\leq9\cdot1\Rightarrow x\leq9[/tex]

Then, the answer is x <= 9. In interval notation, we have that the answer is:

(-infinity, 9 ]. Or graphically:

Below is a pattern that can be used to cut out and fold to make a cube. If each edge is 5 inches, what will be the surface area of the cube? A 30 in? B 120 in С 150 in? D 3,125 in


In words, the surface area of a cube is the area of the six squares that cover it. The area of one of them is a*a, or a^2


Here, a = 5 inches

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=6\cdot(5^2) \\ A=6\cdot25 \\ A=150 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer would be 150 in^2

if a pound of almonds cost eight dollars how many ounces can be bought for $3.80



A pound of almonds is said to cost 8 dollars.

But one pound is equivalent to 16 ounces, therefore:

16 ounces cost 8 dollars

Dividing by 8 we get that

2 ounces of almonds cost 1 dollar

Thus, for $3.80 we can buy 2*3.80 = 7.60 ounces of almonds

HURRRYYY Given that AD is congruent to DC , find the length of XC.


The length of XC is 20

What does congruence of triangle mean?

Triangles are said to be congruent if the three angles and three sides of a triangle are equal to the corresponding angles and sides of another triangle.

To be congruent, two triangles must have the same size and shape. The two triangles under consideration must overlap. If you rotate, flip, and/or move the triangle, its position and appearance will look different. In this case, we need to identify the six parts of one triangle and the corresponding parts of the other triangle.

For the triangles ΔAXD and ΔCXD

AD = DC ( congruent sides)

∠XDA = ∠XDC = 90° ( XD is perpendicular to AC)

XD is the common side.

This proves that triangles ΔAXD and ΔCXD are congruent

So it concludes, that XD = XC

2m + 10 = 4m

10 = 4m - 2m

10 = 2m

m = [tex]\frac{10}{2}[/tex]

m = 5

XC = 4m

XC = 4 × 5 = 20

To know more congruence of triangle visit:


A U.S. dime has a diameter of about millimeters. What is the area of one side of a dime to the nearest square millimeter? Use as an approximation for .The area of one side of a U.S. dime is approximately blank square millimeters.The solution is


A US dime has a diameter of 18 millimeters. That makes the radius 9 millimeters, because

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{radius}=\frac{\text{diameter}}{2} \\ \text{radius}=\frac{18}{2} \\ radius=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The area of the dime (which is circular in shape) is given by the formula;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Area of a circle} \\ A=\pi\times r^2 \\ r=9,\pi=3.14 \\ A=3.14\times9^2 \\ A=254.34mm^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The area of one side of the dime is 254 square millimeters (approximated to the nearest square millimeter)

If the radius of circle M is 7, and LK = 18, find JK



JK = 24


If the radius of circle M is 7, we can say that MJ = 7 and ML = 7

So, the length of MK will be equal to:

MK = ML + LK

MK = 7 + 18

MK = 25

Now, we have a right triangle JMK, and we know the length of one leg MJ = 7 and the length of the hypotenuse MK = 25. Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the length of the other side JK, so

[tex]\begin{gathered} JK=\sqrt[]{MK^2-MJ^2^{}} \\ JK=\sqrt[]{25^2-7^2} \\ JK=\sqrt[]{625-49} \\ JK=\sqrt[]{576} \\ JK=24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of JK is 24.

A small restaurant was purchased for 316000 with no down payment and a 6.6% loan for 10 year. Find the monthly payment


We will have the following:

First, we calculate the total payment per year:

[tex]p_y=316000\cdot0.066\Rightarrow p_y=20856[/tex]

Now, we calculate the monthly payment:

[tex]316000=\frac{p}{0.0055}(1-\frac{1}{(1+0.066)^{120}})\Rightarrow1738=p(0.9995331951\ldots)[/tex][tex]\Rightarrow p=\frac{1738}{(1-\frac{1}{(1+0.066)^{120}})}\Rightarrow p=1738.811686[/tex]

So, the monthly payment will be approximately $1738.811686.

solve each inequality graph and check the solution (JUST NUMBER 8)



p ≤ -3


To solve this inequality first we have to subtract 5 from both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2-5\ge5-5+p \\ -3\ge p \end{gathered}[/tex]

That's the solution, but we can flip it to see it more clearly:


To graph this, we have to draw a line from -3 to the left. Usually we have to draw a filled circle on -3, to indicate that that value is included in the solution.



The equation of the parabola in the vertex form with vertex (6,-6) and passing through (8,6) is    y = 3(x - 6)² - 6   , the correct option is (b)   .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

the parabola passes through the point (8,6) .

the vertex of the parabola = (6,-6) .

We know that the equation of parabola in the vertex form with vertex (h,k) is

(y - k) = C.(x - h)²

we substitute the vertex and the point passing ,

we get ,

6 - (-6) = C.(8 - 6)²

6 + 6 = C(2)²

12 = 4C

C = 12/4

C = 3

So , the equation is (y - (-6)) = 3.(x - 6)²

y + 6 = 3(x - 6)²

y = 3(x - 6)² - 6

Therefore , The equation of the parabola in the vertex form with vertex (6,-6) and passing through (8,6) is    y = 3(x - 6)² - 6   , the correct option is (b)   .

Learn more about Parabola here


1. What is the solution of the matrix equation?L-02(-2, 1)(10, 6)(-4, 3)O(-3, 4)


Solving Matrix Equation.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \begin{bmatrix}{8} & {5} & {} \\ {\square} & {\square} & {} \\ {5} & {4} & {}\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}{x} & {} & {} \\ {\square} & {} & {} \\ {y} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix}=\text{ }\begin{bmatrix}{2} & {} & {} \\ {} & {} & {} \\ {1} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the correct answer is;

x = 3/7 and y = -2/7

OWhat is the image point of (-4, 6) after the transformation r y=x 0 Rotation of 180 degrees


Given the point (-4,6).

So, The rule for a rotation by 180° about the origin is (x,y)→(−x,−y). Therefore, the new point is:

(-4,6) --> ( - ( - 4), - (6) ) --> (4, - 6)

Answer: ( 4, - 6 )

The slope of the line is 2 and goes through the point (-8,6)



Slope m=2

The point,


Using point-slope formula,


Therefore, we get the equation,


Simplify the following expression. Leave your answer in the form a^b.3^19/3^13= ___


Given the expression:


To simplify the expression, we will use the following rule of the exponents:


The answer will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3^{19}}{3^{13}}=3^{19-13}^{} \\ \\ =3^6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

you will write the answer as 3^6

A standard die is rolled. Find the probability that the number rolled is less than 3. Express your answer as a fraction


Once a die has the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, it means the numbers that are less than 3 are just the numbers 1 and 2. Now the probability can be built as follows:

As we can see above, once there are just two possibilities of numbers that are less than 3, the probability that the number rolled is less than 3 is equal to 2/6.

Please help me help help me please help help me


When we are given a polynomial of the form:


Then the number that is multiplied by no variable or contains no variables is called the constant of the polynomial. In the above example, it would be "d".

Therefore, in the given polynomial we have:


Therefore, the constant of the polynomial is 129.

Pls helpppp I don't know what 2×2 IS plsss


we have



5 times 5



its 2 times 3



4 times 3



2 x 2 = 4.

two multiplied by two equals four.

Write this ratio as a fraction in simplest form without any units. 25 days to 5 weeks



There are given the statement:

25 days to 5 weeks.


To find the ratio, first, we need to convert the value of days into the week.


To convert days into the week, we need to divide by 7.




The ratio as a fraction is:



[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{25}{\frac{7}{5}}=\frac{25}{7\times5} \\ =\frac{5}{7} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

Hence, the ratio as a fraction is shown below:


$75.00 is shared among 3 people in the ratio 2:4:9 how much is the largest share?


The ratio is 2:4:9, so we can consider the total parts we are dividing the total as 2+4+9 = 15.

Then, the first person receives 2/15, the second receives 4/15 and the third receives 9/15.

As the total is 75, we can calculate each part as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} p_1=75*\frac{2}{15}=10 \\ \\ p_2=75*\frac{4}{15}=20 \\ \\ p_3=75*\frac{9}{15}=45 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the largest share correspond to the third person and is $45.00.

Answer: $45.00

Consider the function f(x)= log5 xComplete the following and then graphx= 1/5 f(x)?x=1 f(x)? x=5 f(x)?x=25 f(x)?




Required: Function values at x = 1/5, 1, 5, and 25.


Use the logarithmic properties


To find f(1/5), substitute 1/5 for x into f(x).

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(\frac{1}{5})=\log_5(\frac{1}{5}) \\ =\log_51-\log_55 \\ =0-1 \\ =-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To find f(1), substitute 1 for x into f(x).

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(1)=\log_51 \\ =0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To find f(5), substitute 5 for x into f(x).

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(5)=\log_55 \\ =1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To find f(25), substitute 25 for x into f(x).

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(25)=\log_525 \\ =\log_55^2 \\ =2\log_55 \\ =2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

What percentage of 3436 is 20


Let x percent of 3436 be 20.

Recall, percentage is expressed in terms of 100. This means that

x/100 * 3436 = 20

34.36x = 20

Dividing both sides of the equation by 34.36, we have

34.36x/34.36 = 20/34.36

x = 0.582%

Thus, 0.582% of 3436 is 20

Graph the equationy = 6


Since the equation has only the variable y and it is a constant value, that means this equation is represented by a horizontal line (the line contains all values of x and always the value of y is 6).

In order to graph this equation, we can graph two points that are on the line (for example, (0, 6) and (1, 6)) and then draw the line that passes through both of them.

So we have:

In the quadrilateral below. “Angle WXZ is congruent to Angle YZX." If Ricardo's conjecture is true, which of the following must be true for Quadrilateral WXYZ to be a parallelogram?





Given that “Angle WXZ is congruent to Angle YZX."

The angles are shown in the diagram below.

This means that angles WXZ and YZX are alternate angles and thus,

• WX is parallel to ZY.

Consider the diagram below:

Angles YXZ and WZX are congruent by alternate angles, and thus:

• WZ is parallel to XY.

So, we have shown that the opposite sides of the quadrilateral are parallel.

Therefore, in order for quadrilateral WXYZ to be a parallelogram, Angles YXZ and WZX must be congruent.

The first option (∠YXZ ≅ ∠WZX ) is correct.

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