The seed of a plant sticks to the fur of an animal as it walks by.

How has the animal most likely helped the plant?
Select one:

By moving the pollen of the plant's flowers.

By causing the seed to sprout.

By fertilizing the ground.

By spreading its seeds.


Answer 1

Answer: By spreading its seeds

Explanation: I am pretty sure about that.

Answer 2
The answer is by spreading its seeds

Related Questions

Using this graph and your knowledge of the relationship between sea level and global ice volume, identify the true statement. Choose one: A. Roughly 18,000 years ago, sea level was the same as it is today. B. As ice on land melts, water is transferred from the glacial reservoir to the ocean reservoir. C. Prehistoric people who wished to migrate across the Bering Strait land bridge could have done so starting about 6,000 years ago. D. Mean sea level rises as the volume of ice on land increases.





As ice on land melts, water is transferred from the glacial reservoir to the ocean reservoir the relationship between sea level and global ice volume, identify the true statement. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is ocean?

The greatest area on earth is referred to as the "ocean." The ocean's 71% slat water has a light blue appearance. The motion of water waves is the ocean. Magnesium, calcium, and chlorine are abundant in the ocean. The ocean covers the large surface area of the Earth.

According to the link between sea level and global ice volume. As ice melts on land, it is moved from the ice mass reservoir into the ocean. The process by which ice fragments break away from the end point of a glacier that occurrences in a body of water or from the side of a unfixed ice shelf that ends in the ocean.

As a result, the  ice on land melts, water is transferred from the glacial reservoir to the ocean reservoir. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on ocean, here:


area with limited vegetation, such as moss and shrub


Tundra is an area where tree growth is difficult because of cold temperatures and short seasons. Vegetation in tundra is limited to a few shrubs, grasses, and mosses. Scientists estimate roughly 1,700 different species live in the tundra, which isn't much compared to forests and grasslands.

What tectonic plate is south africa part of?
(b) the following sentences are all wrong. Change a word or words in each sentence to make it correct

b1) Tectonic plates move on top of the inner core
(b2) Convention currents in the mantle cause Earth's tectonic plates to stay in one place
(b3) New land is made when a tectonic plate erupts

C) name one tectonic part that is mostly land
D) name the plates to the north , south , east and west of the African plate ​



I have no clue but ill take the brainlist


South Africa is a component of a tectonic plate. The asthenosphere, a rock layer that is currently partially molten, is located above these plates. Seafloor spreading is a process wherein tectonic plates drift apart from one another.

A tectonic plate moving beneath another causes a volcano to erupt on land.

What is meant by  tectonic plate?

According to the widely recognized scientific hypothesis of plate tectonics, the Earth's lithosphere is made up of a number of substantial tectonic plate that have been steadily moving for nearly 3.4 billion years.

The theory of continental drift, which was created in the early 20th century, is the foundation of the model. The validation of seafloor spreading in the mid- to late 1960s led to the broad acceptance of plate tectonics among geoscientists.

There are seven or eight major plates (depending on how they are classified) and numerous lesser plates tectonic plate that make up Earth's lithosphere, the solid outermost shell of the planet (the crust and upper mantle).

Learn more about tectonic plate, from :


What is the goal of ISIS?



ISIS is a jihadist terrorist militia. It controlled territory where more than ten million people lived, in Iraq and Syria. However, the terrorist movement is also active in other parts of the world, including Libya, Nigeria and Southeast Asia. It is known for its well-funded propaganda on websites and social media, with videos of beheadings of soldiers, civilians, journalists and aid workers, as well as the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage.

The group appears to have been established in the early years of the Iraq war, while developing ties with al Qaeda. Then, it separated from Al Qaeda to form its own organization, with the aim of establishing an Islamic caliphate in the territories that at some point belonged to that religion. That is, from Spain to the Middle East.

How can fossils found in high mountains be explained? For 20 points pls answer clearly! :D


Millions of years ago, a massive geological event called the Continental Drift took place. Before this, the world as we know it didn’t exist. Instead, there were supercontinents or gigantic land masses that comprised of the continents that we know today. India was part of Gondwanaland, which included Australia, Africa, Antarctica, India, and South America. It was about 150 million years ago that India broke off from Gondwanaland and began to move north, approaching Eurasia.

The Tethys Sea, which lay between the two landforms, had a rich and diverse marine life. It took about a hundred million years for the two landforms to collide, but when they did, it was with so much power that the dense crusts of both, crushed together by the immense force, rose upward, forming mountains that rose from beneath the sea.  

Even today, the layered rocks of the Himalayas are rich with the fossils of the inhabitants that once populated the Tethys Sea, as well as fossils of coral reef remnants and marine plants. Pretty much most of these mountains with fossils in them were once deep under an ocean.

PLZ HELP !!!!!!Biomes found on the land are

terrestrial ​



Terrestrial Biomes

is the correct


d Terrestrial biomes because why not

Two things that increase a populatiom


reproduction and immigration
The two factors that increase the size of a population are natality, which is the number of individuals that are added to the population over a period of time due to reproduction, and immigration, which is the migration of an individual into a place.

The law of supply states that, ceteris paribus, there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied
of the good.
True or False​


I think it true not sure

It is true that there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied with respect to law of supply.

What is supply?

Supply is the amount of products, a producer is willing to supply to the market at a particular price.

The law of supply states that the higher the price, the lower the quantity supplied and vice versa.

Hence, It is true that there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied with respect to law of supply states.

Learn more about supply here :


The primary producers in a forest ecosystem are?



Trees, Shrubs and Moss.

Tertiary consumers, or carnivores that devour other carnivores, can also exist in ecosystems. A bald eagle is an illustration of a tertiary consumer you can observe close to the Everglades' coastal mangrove islands.

The trees, bushes, and moss are all producers in the forest ecosystem. Through a process known as photosynthesis, they convert water and sunlight into the energy they need to survive and develop.

Which is a primary consumer?

The next trophic level is made up of primary consumers. Another name for them is herbivores. They only eat primary producers, which are either plants or algae.

One prominent consumer, for instance, is a grasshopper that resides in the Everglades. White-tailed deer, which graze on prairie grasses, is another illustration of a primary consumer, as are zooplankton, which consumes microscopic algae in the water.

For more information about primary consumer refer to the link:


What is happening with Earth and the
sun's rays during winter in the Northern



During the northern hemisphere winter solstice, the Sun's incoming rays are perpendicular to the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.5 degrees south latitude. The Sun's path is the lowest above the horizon in locations north of the equator, and these regions experience the shortest day of the year.


A. Sea-floor spreading
B. Mountain building
C. Sedimentation
D. Island building


Sea floor spread :) baiiii

Unit Test Unit Test Active 21 22 23 24 25 What is the most effective way to protect dry lands from desertification? O terrace farming O mine digging O planting a tree belt O constructing a dam​



O planting a tree belt  


A tree belt consists of a line where several trees are planted in a row, forming something like a fence. Like the fence, the plant belt aims to promote protection for an area that, for some reason, is fragile, like a dry and desertified land.

The best way to protect dry and desertified regions is with a vegetation cover, which can be done through the belt of trees. This vegetation cover will promote less impact on the region's soil, improve soil quality and prevent erosion, allowing the region to powerfully improve its geographic and environmental conditions.


C) planting a tree belt  


2021 edge :)

Why is drinking water not evenly distributed throughout the world 


The world's available freshwater supply is not evenly distributed throughout the world, due to wide variations in seasonal and annual precipitation. ... Many developing countries can use no more than 20% of their potentially available freshwater resources, because of the seasonal nature of water supply


Water is unevenly distributed around the world. ... Over time, there will be less water per person within many river basins as the population grows and global temperatures increase so that some water sources are lost. Over time, many nations, even developed nations, are projected to have less water per person than now.

Bangladesh is a country of rivers and floods but groundwater is still a vital resource because it provides bacterially safe water and helps produce food for millions of people. In rural and urban areas almost the entire population rely on groundwater for potable water. In the early 1990s some 97% of the population used it for drinking, but this has now come down to about 80% due to the detection of arsenic in shallow groundwater. Use of groundwater in irrigation is increasing every year, and now more than 74% of the irrigated area is covered with groundwater. The country's industries also rely on groundwater for most of their water needs. Though Bangladesh has abundant rain and surface waters, these sources are not available when water demand is the most. Therefore, groundwater can be considered as the country's most important natural resource for ensuring public health and food security. Consider the options for groundwater contamination in Bangladesh and give recommendations for prevention and conservation of groundwater in Bangladesh.



Bangladesh is a country that is flood prone and has ground water contamination.


The ground water contamination is serious threats to the water reserves of bangladesh and is a major public problem. The arsenic contamination wa first identified in the north district of bangladesh since 1993.

Some recommendations for prevention and conservation of groundwater in Bangladesh.Providing safe and hygienic drinking water optionsInvolving local governmentProviding proper management of patient thright proper follow up methods.Regular monitoring of arsenic Encouraging research on groundwater contamination and issuing recommendations of toxicity and management.

The earth’s oceans, lakes, rivers, and ice make up the...
Select one:






It’s Hydrosphere!!! Hydro=water and oceans lakes etc. are water


Hydrosphere is the answer of your question

hope it is helpful to you

Farmers often use fertilizers to make plants grow faster. Many fertilizers provide substances with the element nitrogen to the plant.

What can we say about this situation?
Select one:

Plants can grow when they have nitrogen, even if they lack other things.

If plants are not growing well, we need to give them nitrogen.

Availability of nitrogen is a limiting factor for growth of crops.

Plants cannot have too much nitrogen in them.


The 3rd one I believe Or the 1st


Availability of nitrogen is a limiting factor for growth of crops.

is the required answer for your question

All of the following statements are true of eutrophication EXCEPT:

Eutrophication is the process by which a body of water becomes too rich in nutrients.

This process depletes the oxygen in the water, eventually killing all of its living organisms.

After eutrophication takes place, the body of water will eventually dry up.

Eutrophication is very rare and can only happen in areas of high pollution.


The answer would be A. Please mark brainliest

Which question, if answered, will BEST help you predict how the model of the Milky Way will look in the future?

How will the Milky Way change shape and composition as a result of the Big Bang?

How will the Milky Way expand and get larger as a result of the Big Bang?

How will the Milky Way contract and get smaller as a result of the Big Bang?

How will the Milky Way continue to move outward as a result of the Big Bang?


It makes more sense if you chose The answer C

How does population pyramid. explain demography of country ​


Answer:A population pyramid is a way to visualize two variables: age and sex. They are used by demographers, who study populations. A population pyramid is a graph that shows the distribution of ages across a population divided down the center between male and female members of the population.

Where is a continental climate zone most likely located


Continental climates often have a significant annual variation in temperature (hot summers and cold winters). They tend to occur in the middle latitudes (40 to 55 north), where prevailing winds blow overland, and temperatures are not moderated by bodies of water such as oceans or seas
Middle of a continent for a shorter answer

When two ocean plates collide, the older, denser, cooler plate

A- transforms
D- subducts



D- Subduct


Why was the Tour de France started? What inspired its creation?



Answer is in the picture below



Do school systems exist in

A. yes, in all parts

B. only in a few parts

C. no, not in any parts





Oceania Schools: National Styles. ... Schools in both countries have uniforms, but there is no national style. Oceania also includes many small new island states, each with their own individual approaches. We have little information on schools on many of those islands, but we are beginning to build some information.

A. Yes, in all parts

what is the largest constellation?
a.andromeda b.cygnus c.hydra d.virgo​


c. hydra

It it the largest constellation over 88 constellation , it measures 1303 square degree , it forms like a twisting snake stretching from cancer in the North to libra and Centaurus in the south .

Robins are birds that sing to attract mates. Two male robins, Robin A and Robin B, are both singing to attract females. Robin A has more songs, which the females find more attractive.

Which option is likely to happen?
Select one:

Robin B will have an easier time finding a mate.

Both robins will have an easier time finding a mate.

Robin A will have an easier time finding a mate.

Both robins will have a more difficult time finding a mate.


C: Robin A will have an easier time finding a mate.


Robin A will have an easier time finding a mate.

How do people use and misuse rivers and how does water become polluted?


Answer: People use rivers for transporting goods and services, irrigation, and fish farming.

people misuse rivers by throwing there trash in the river or nearby and the wind carries it to the river. also factories that are close to a river will often dump the waste products of whatever they are manufacturing, this can include oils, trash, metals... etc. and boats that travel to import or export pollute the water from there engine(s).

Explanation: there are many uses for rivers but a lot of them have to include extra steps to counteract the negative outputs of pollution.

Which of the following is true about urban land use?



true that you have to go back to you


that I have a a but this is the real account of Finn have a great time at all today I was going to answer restroom for spring break is over the weekend with my mom sa

Answer: urban land may include residential areas


How long does the Tour de France last?



The 2020 Tour de France is 23 days long.


In accordance to reliable sources, the Tour de France is 3,484 km long. That would be 2,165 miles.

Time: It takes about three weeks to complete the Tour de France. I think I'll let the professionals stick to that!

The Tour de France 2021 started on June 26th and ended on July 18th.

Fun Fact: The amount of Calories Burned during one stage of the Tour de France, adds up to eating 252 McDonald's double cheeseburgers!


Most of North Asia is ?

It is a 7 letter word.





It is Algeria! A 7letter word

Where are jet streams found?

close to the poles
in the middle latitude
toward the equator
in the upper atmosphere





The jet streams are found in the upper atmosphere. The correct option is d.

What are jet streams?

Jet streams are fast-flowing, narrow, meandering air currents in the atmospheres of some planets, including Earth. On Earth, the main jet streams are located near the altitude of the tropopause and are westerly winds Jet streams may start, stop, split into two or more parts, combine into one stream, or flow in various directions including opposite to the direction of the remainder of the jet.

The first indications of this phenomenon came from American professor Elias Loomis in the 1800s, when he proposed a powerful air current in the upper air blowing west to east across the United States as an explanation for the behaviour of major storms. After the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, weather watchers tracked and mapped the effects on the sky over several years.

They labeled the phenomenon the equatorial smoke stream.

Learn more about jet streams, here:


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