the rise and run, please help

The Rise And Run, Please Help


Answer 1

the slope ( rise over run ) is 1/2

Related Questions

A slope of -2/3 and a slope of 2/3 are


Answer: Parallel

Step-by-step explanation:

2/3 and -2/3 are parallel because they are the same number. However, one is in the negatives while the other is in the positives. They will never run into each other, which means parallel.

Two bughouts that are a 130 it apart pull a barge, as shown. If the length of one cable is o-208 ft and the length of the other is c-235 t, find the angle formed by the two cables (Round your
answer to the nearest degree)



Hope this helps

Step-by-step explanation:

The angle formed by the two cables is approximately 59.1 degrees.

Happy Card Co. designs personalized cards which cost $1.10 per card. The fixed cost to make the cards is $264 per day. If the company charges $5.10 per card, how many cards must be delivered daily to make a profit of $52? Show work below.​


Step-by-step explanation:

x = number of cards

the production costs (PC) per day are

PC(x) = 264 + 1.1x

the sales (S) are

S(x) = 5.1x

the profit (P) per day is sales minus costs

P(x) = S(x) - PC(x) = 5.1x - (264 + 1.1x) =

= 5.1x - 264 - 1.1x = 4x - 264

we need to find the value of x, so that P(x) = 52.

52 = 4x - 264

316 = 4x

x = 316/4 = 79

79 cards must be delivered daily to make a profit of $52.

18. This figure is a rectangle with dimensions of 10 cm by 5 cm. 10 cm
5 cm 10 cm 5 cm
Which statement BEST describes the length and width of a rectangle similar to this rectangle?
F. The ratio of the longer to the shorter side is 2:1.
G. The longest side is 2 cm more that the shorter side.
H.The product of the length and width will be 50 cm².
J.The difference between the length and width is 10 cm.


The true statement similar to the rectangle is that  the product of the length and width is 50 cm².

What is a rectangle?

A rectangle is a quadrilateral that has opposite sides equal to each other and the opposite sides of a rectangle is parallel to each other.

Each angles of a rectangle is 90 degrees. The diagonals bisect each other. The length of the diagonals is equal.  The sum of all the interior angles of a rectangle is 360°.

The figure is a rectangle with dimension of 10 cm by 5 cm.

Therefore, the statement that best describes the length and width of a rectangle similar to the rectangle is that the product of the length and width is 50 cm².

learn more on rectangle here:


john has just opened a savings account at sugar land united bank with a $250 deposit. he plans to deposit $50 into his savings account twice a month. which equation best represents the problem if y represents the total amount of money in his savings account and x represents the number of months John has been saving money?
a. y = 250 + 50x
b. y = 50x - 250
c. y = 100x + 250
d. y = 100x - 25



the answer is c my good sir or mam

Evaluate. 12⋅(1\4+1\3)^2+2\3 Enter your answer as a mixed number in simplest form by filling in the boxes.


I'm confused, I'm not sure if the 12 you added to the problem is like the number of the problem or part of the problem, but my answer is going to be with the 12 as part of the problem.

Answer:  19/4 or 4 3/4 or 4.75

Step-by-step explanation: First you have to use the PEMDAS, which means first you have to do the parenthesis first, so add the 1/4 to the 1/3 which equals 7/12. so do that to the second power and then multiply the 12 and add the 2/3 which gets you 19/4

Find m

(7 + 31)°
(21x - 19)°



It's 107

Step-by-step explanation:

pls give brainly crown

Find slope of the line that passes through
(1, -4) and (-4, -6)


Answer: 2/5

Step-by-step explanation:

For what value of c is a real solution to the equation 4x^2 - 8x+ c = 0?


The value of c is a real solution to the equation [tex]4x^{2}-8x +c[/tex] = 0 is 4

What are Real mathematical solutions ?

In algebra, a "real solution" is any answer to an equation that is a real number.

There is just one true solution where discriminant b2 - 4ac equals zero. The equation x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 has one solution, x = -1.

Depending on whether the discriminant is positive, zero, or negative, there are many answers to the quadratic equation that has been presented.

A positive discriminant indicates that the quadratic has two distinct real number solutions.

A discriminant of zero indicates that the quadratic equation has a repeating real number solution.

The quadratic equation given is

[tex]4x^{2}-8x +c[/tex] = 0

For real solution

Discriminant = 0

[tex]b^{2}-4ac[/tex] = 0

[tex]8^{2}-4(4)(c)[/tex] = 0

64 - 16c = 0

-16c = -64

c = 4

The value of c is a real solution to the equation [tex]4x^{2}-8x +c[/tex] = 0 is 4

To know more about Real Solution


Explain why having a significant linear correlation does not imply causality. Give an example to support your answer.


Correlation may not always indicate causality shown below.

What do you mean by corelation and causation?

We can determine how strongly a pair of variables are linearly associated and change together using the statistical technique of correlation. It only states that there is a relationship; it doesn't explain why or how it came to be. Correlation goes one step farther than causality. It states that any change in one variable's value will result in a change in another variable's value, or that one variable causes the occurrence of another. It also goes by the name "cause and effect."

may not always indicate causality. with a well-known instance.

In New York, ice cream sales and homicide rates are associated (Study)

The frequency of homicides fluctuates along with ice cream sales. Does ice cream consumption result in deaths of people?

No. The mere correlation of two events does not imply causation.

Since correlation does not imply causation in our example, ice cream is not to blame for any fatalities.

There are occasionally some unspoken aspects that are somehow connected. Weather is the underlying factor that drives both ice cream sales and homicide rates, as in our example. The increase in ice cream sales and killings is actually a result of the weather.

Therefore, significant linear correlation does not imply causality.

To learn more about the corelation from the given link.


Marwan wants to fence in a square portion of the yard to make a play area for his new rabbit the area covered is [tex]100^{2}[/tex] find the side lenght of the play area



The side length of the play area is 10 cm.


Let side length be s.

We know the area of the square is 100 cm².

Use the equation for the area and find the value of s:

A = s² ⇒ 100 = s² ⇒ s = √100 ⇒ s = 10

Suppose we want to choose 5 objects, without replacement, from 10 distinct objects. (a) How many ways can this be done, if the order of the choices is relevant? (b) How many ways can this be done, if the order of the choices is not relevant?


a. The ways that this can be done, if the order of the choices is relevant is 30240 ways

b. The ways that this is done if the order of the choices is not relevant is 252 ways.

How to illustrate the combination?

Combinations are also referred to as selections. Combinations implies the selection of things from a given set of things. In this case, we intend to select the objects.

In this case, the ways that this can be done, if the order of the choices is relevant is:

= ¹⁰P₅

= 10! / (10 - 5)!

= 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6

= 30240 ways

b. The ways that this is done if the order of the choices is not relevant is:

= ¹⁰C₅

= 10! / (10 - 5)! 5!

= 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 / 5 × 4 × 3 × 2

= 252 ways

Learn more about combinations on:





  x < 4  or  6 < x

Step-by-step explanation:

You want the compound inequality that describes the number line graph with open circles at 4 and 6, and shading everywhere except between them.


The left line segment has all values less than 4 shaded. The corresponding inequality is ...

  x < 4

The right line segment has all values greater than 6 shaded. The corresponding inequality is ...

  x > 6

These do no overlap, so the compound inequality uses "or" to combine them:

  x < 4 or x > 6


Additional comment

Sometimes it is helpful to have the relationship between the shading and the limit values a little more obvious in the inequality. That will be the case if you always use left-pointing inequality symbols: < or ≤. By writing the compound inequality as ...

 x < 4 or 6 < x

we see that shading is outside (left or right of) the interval [4, 6].

The symbol without the "or equal to" bar is used when the circle is an open circle. A filled dot would signify the limit value is part of the interval of interest, and the ≤ (or ≥) symbol would be used.

Ann's Trail Mix Recipe 5 cups oats 3 cups seeds 1 cup nuts 2 cups raisins What is the ratio of seeds to total ingredient​




Step-by-step explanation:

To find a ratio of one item to another we divide the quantity of the first item to the second.

We know Ann has 3 cups of seeds, and overall 11 ingredients. So her ratio is 3/11. Or 3 cups of seeds for every 11 ingredients.


3 : 11

Step-by-step explanation:

Trail Mix Recipe:

5 cups oats3 cups seeds1 cup nuts2 cups raisins

Total number of cups of all the ingredients:

⇒ 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 11

Therefore, the ratio of seeds to total ingredients is:

seeds : total = 3 : 11

Note: The ratio cannot be reduced further since both 3 and 11 are prime numbers.

Find the slope of the line that passes.
(-2, -1) and (-4, -7)




Step-by-step explanation:

Multiplying Integers (-4)(-12) =​


48 i think , im Vietnamese

Jon's salary used to be $144,350. After changing the amount of time he works, Jon has begun earning 34% less. What is Jon's salary now?



Step-by-step explanation: 144350*(1-34%) is the salary that he gets.

So it equals 144350*66%=144350*0.66=95271

a number is less than another number by 7 if their sum is 37 find the numbers​


Answer: 22 & 15

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the number be x

Other number=x-7







22 - 15 = 7              -------has difference of 7

x=22 + 15 = 37

Therefore, 22 is the first number & 15 is the second.

Please Mark Me Brainliest

Use the properties of logarithms to write the expression as a single logarithm, if possible.


By logarithm properties, the logarithmic equation 2 · ㏒ₐ (5 · x³) - (1 / 2) · ㏒ₐ (2 · x + 3) is equivalent to ㏒ₐ [(25 · x⁶) / √(2 · x + 3)]. (Correct choice: A)

How to simplify a logarithmic function by properties

In this problems we have a logarithmic equation that must be simplified by means of logarithm properties, all of them described below:

Logarithm of a product of two numbers

㏒ₙ (a · b) = ㏒ₙ a + ㏒ₙ b

Logarithm of a division of two numbers

㏒ₙ (a / b) = ㏒ₙ a - ㏒ₙ b

Logarithm of a power of a number

㏒ₙ aˣ = x · ㏒ₙ a

Now we proceed to reduce the logarithmic equation into a single expression:

2 · ㏒ₐ (5 · x³) - (1 / 2) · ㏒ₐ (2 · x + 3)

㏒ₐ (5 · x³)² - ㏒ₐ √(2 · x + 3)

㏒ₐ (25 · x⁶) - ㏒ₐ √(2 · x + 3)

㏒ₐ [(25 · x⁶) / √(2 · x + 3)]

To learn more on logarithm properties:


solve for x free brain



x  ≤ 2 1/2 (Option 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply both sides of the equation by 2, which gives us 7 ≥ 2.8x. Swap the sides so all variables on on the left. Divide both sides by 2.8, which gives us the fraction 7/2.8. Multiply both numbers by 10 to get 70/28. Reduce to lowest terms.

Convert the mixed number (3 1/2) to an improper fraction (7\2)

7/2 ≥ 1.4x

Swap the sides of the inequality and flip the inequality sign

1.4x ≤ 7/2

Divide both sides of the inequality by 1.4

Thus, x ≤ 5/2 is rhe answer.

-9y=3x+81 whats the anwser



y = 3x + 72

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve for y, we can rearrange the equation to the form y = 3x + b, where b is a constant. To do this, we move the -9y to the left side of the equation and the 3x to the right side, which gives us -9y - 3x = 81. We can then divide both sides by -9, which gives us y = 3x + 72.

i am clueless to this and am looking for some help please


Answer:   0.7

Step-by-step explanation:

since the person is being picked out of those who use provider B. we see the total of the people is 20.

since only 14 of the 20 use unlimited usage:


thus the answer 0.7

What is 1.35 written as a percentage?




135% please answer this question. just answer me


The percentage value of 13.5 is 135%

Option D is the correct answer.

What is a percentage?

The percentage is calculated by dividing the required value by the total value and multiplying by 100.

Required percentage value = a

total value = b

Percentage = a/b x 100


50% = 50/100 = 1/2

25% = 25/100 = 1/4

20% = 20/100 = 1/5

10% = 10/100 = 1/10

We have,


We will multiply 100 to get the percentage.



= 135/100 x 100

= 135%


135% is the percentage value of 1.35.

Option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about percentages here:


Need help fast please



A. F(x)=

Step-by-step explanation:

The graph below represents the rational function F(x)= 10. This can be seen by the fact that the vertical asymptote of the graph is located at x = 0, indicating that the denominator of the fraction is equal to 10.

Giving TONS OF POINTS FOR THIS PLS HELP I HAVE AN (F) in this class and I need to pass


Answer: Reflection over x-Axis

Step-by-step explanation:

2) The ratio of white cats to black cats is 3:4. If there are 56 cats, how many are black



It is given :

Ratio = 3:4total cats = 56


3x + 4x = 56

7x = 56

x = 8


3x = 3×8 = 244x = 4×8 = 32

So, there are 32 black cats and 24 white cats.

A 6th-grade class did a weekend fitness challenge.

Each student set a goal of `75` minutes of fitness.

Amanda exercised for `78` minutes.

What percent of the goal did she achieve?


Using percentages we can conclude that Amanda achieved 77.34% of her goal.

What is the percentage?

A percentage is a figure or ratio stated as a fraction of 100 in mathematics.

Although the abbreviations "pct.", "pct.", and occasionally "pc" is also used, the percent symbol, "%," is frequently used to indicate it.

A % is a number without dimensions and without a standard measurement.

For instance, you would have received a 75% grade if you answered 75 out of 100 questions correctly on a test (75/100).

So, percent of goals Amanda achieved:

She exercised for 58 minutes.


58/75 * 100


Therefore, using percentages we can conclude that Amanda achieved 77.34% of her goal.

Know more about percentages here:


Correct question:
A 6th-grade class did a weekend fitness challenge. Each student set a goal of `75` minutes of fitness. Amanda exercised for `58` minutes. What percent of the goal did she achieve?

What happens to y = x when the slope is changed to a number smaller than 1?



When the slope of a line is changed to a value that is less than 1, the line becomes less steep. This means that the change in the y-value (the vertical direction) for a given change in the x-value (the horizontal direction) is smaller than it was before. For example, if the original line had a slope of 2 and the new slope is 0.5, the line will be less steep and the change in y for a given change in x will be smaller.

At a sale this week, a desk is being sold for $536. This is 67% of the original price.
What is the original price?




Step-by-step explanation:


The original price is 895.12$

I haven't done percent in ages, lmk if you get it right
kudos to any other answer besides this

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help me I don’t understand.




Step-by-step explanation:

I'd say A because it's asking for you to explain the answer. the 10 is the tv and it is also an x value the 60 is the y value. Not sure how to explain properly sorry i think this is best i can explain it...

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