The question and the Triangle is in the same image. I'm on point 3

The Question And The Triangle Is In The Same Image. I'm On Point 3


Answer 1


• Ratio: 2


• Lengths of the sides of the new triangle: 6, 6√2


• Circles: ,see explanation


• Triangle: ,see explanation


• The ratio is the quotient between the length of segment DE and, for example, segment AB,


• Now, we have to multiply each side of triangle ABC by 2 to obtain the lengths of the sides of triangle DEF,

[tex]\begin{cases}DF=2BC=2\cdot3=6 \\ \\ EF=2AC=2\cdot\sqrt[]{3^2+3^2}=2\cdot\sqrt[]{2\cdot9}=6\sqrt[]{2}\end{cases}[/tex]

• Next, draw the two circles mentioned,

• The intersection between the two circles is point F. The ,triangle is,

The Question And The Triangle Is In The Same Image. I'm On Point 3
The Question And The Triangle Is In The Same Image. I'm On Point 3

Related Questions




No, Anthony is not correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

K is at (-4, 8), L is at (-7, 4), M is at (-2, 1)


[tex] \sqrt{ {( - 4 - ( - 7))}^{2} + {(8 - 4)}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] \sqrt{ {3}^{2} + {4}^{2} } = \sqrt{9 + 16} = \sqrt{25} = 5[/tex]


[tex] \sqrt{ {( - 7 - ( - 2))}^{2} + {(4 - 1)}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] \sqrt{ {( - 5)}^{2} + {3}^{2} } = \sqrt{25 + 9} = \sqrt{34} [/tex]


[tex] \sqrt{ {( - 4 - ( - 2))}^{2} + {(8 - 1)}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] \sqrt{ {( - 2)}^{2} + {7}^{2} } = \sqrt{4 + 49} = \sqrt{53} [/tex]

From these, it follows that KLM is not an isoceles triangle.

ctg 30° + 2 csc 60° - 3 cos 30°


The value of the expression  ctg 30° + 2 csc 60° - 3 cos 30° is 5√3/6

The expression is calculated using trignometic values

ctg 30° + 2 csc 60° - 3 cos 30°

1/tan 30 + 2/sin 60 - 3 cos 30

1/(1/√3) + 2/(√3/2) - 3 (√3/2)

√3 + 4/√3 - 3√3/2

LCM is 2√3

(√3(2√3) + 2(4) - 3√3(√3) )/2√3

(6 + 8 - 9)/2√3



The value of the expression  ctg 30° + 2 csc 60° - 3 cos 30° is 5√3/6

To learn more about trignometric values refer here


Airen and Megan are making admission tickets to the White Station Middle School dance. So far they have made 231 tickets, and their plans are to make 330 tickets. What percent of the admission tickets has Airen and Megan produced so far? Solve the problem using the percent formula.


Hello There, today we will be solving your problem

[tex]\huge\red{\mid{\underline{\overline{\textbf{EQUATION AND ANSWER}}}\mid}}[/tex]


Let's solve this simple percentage problem,


Percentage - Percentages are essentially fractions where the denominator is 100. To show that a number is a percent, we use the percent symbol (%) beside the number.

Cross Multiplication - In mathematics, specifically in elementary arithmetic and elementary algebra, given an equation between two fractions or rational expressions, one can cross-multiply to simplify the equation or determine the value of a variable.

Division - Division, otherwise known as the inverse of multiplication separates a certain number into what it has been divided by.


Now that we understand the definition we can further solve this equation




Now we will add to solve this equation



Now we will do cross multiplication



Finally, we will do some division



Airen and Megan are making admission tickets to the White Station Middle School dance. So far they have made 231 tickets, and their plans are to make 330 tickets. What percent of the admission tickets has Airen and Megan produced so far? Solve the problem using the percent formula.

The answer is [tex]70%[/tex]%

Have a good day!

Which point shown on the grid is located at (-3,6)


If the coordinates of the points are (x, y), then the point lies in the 1st quadrant

If the coordinates of the point are (-x, y), then the point lies in the 2nd quadrant

If the coordinates of the point are (-x, -y), then the point lies in the 3rd quadrant

If the coordinates of the point are (x, -y), then it lies in the 4th quadrant

Since the given point is (-3, 6), then it should be in the 2nd quadrant

Since point B is in the 2nd quadrant, then

The answer is B the third answer


people with type o-negative blood are universal donors. that is, any patient can receive a transfusion of o-negative blood. only 7.2% of the american population have o-negative blood. if we choose 10 americans at random who gave blood, what is the probability that at least 1 of them is a universal donor?


The probability that any given person is a universal donor is 7.2%. This means that the probability that a person is not a universal donor is 92.8%.This indicates that there is a 0.65 percent chance that at least 1 out of every 10 randomly selected individuals is a universal donor.

Now, if we choose 10 people at random, we can use the binomial distribution to calculate the probability that at least 1 of them is a universal donor. The binomial distribution tells us that the probability of getting exactly k successes in n trials is:

P(k; n, p) = (n choose k) p^k (1-p)^(n-k)

where n is the number of trials, p is the probability of success on a single trial, and k is the number of successes.

plugging in our values, we get:

P(1; 10, 0.072) = (10 choose 1) (0.072)^1 (1-0.072)^9

P(1; 10, 0.072) = 10(0.072) (0.928)^9

P(1; 10, 0.072) = 0.65

This means that the probability that at least 1 out of 10 people chosen at random is a universal donor is 0.65.

Learn more about probability at :


Consider the polynomial function P given by p(x)=5x^3+8x^2-3x+1 evaluate the function at x=-2



To evaluate it at x = -2 substitute x by -2 in p(x)


Now let us find its value

(-2)^3 = -2 * -2 * -2

A wedge has two smooth sloping faces; one face makes an angle 30° with the horizontal and the other makes an angle 60 with the horizontal. A small smooth pulley is fixed at the apex of the wedge. A light inextensible string passes over the pulley and lies parallel to the faces of the wedge. At each end of the string there is a particle of mass 0.3kg. The system is released from rest. Show that the tension in the string is 3/4(1+√3) N.​


The tension in the string at rest calculating the force and friction is  approximately 2 N.

For particle A ,

The forces perpendicular to the plane is

R - 3cos 30° = 0

⇒R = 3cos 30°

The resultant force acting horizontally is  

T cos 30° - R  sin 30°

Now we substitute the value of R and T we get:

⇒ [tex]\frac{3(1+\sqrt3)}{4} cos 30 -3cos30\text{ }sin30[/tex]

⇒3√3 / 8 + 9/8 -3√3 / 4

⇒0.475 N

For the particle B.

The forces perpendicular to the plane is

R - 3cos 60° = 0

⇒R = 3cos 60°

The resultant force acting horizontally is  

T cos 60° - R  sin 60°

Now we substitute the value of R and T we get:

Force = 0.275 N

Resultant tension in the string:

0.475 -0.275 = 0.2

The given tension in the string is 3/4(1+√3) N

or, tension =2.049..N

or, tension ≈ 2 N approx

To learn more about tension visit :


hello!! Can someone please explain and solve this problem for me? I’m having a hard time understanding.. I believe you start with terminal point and then initial.. but the rest i have no clue

Find the component form of vector v with initial point (-6,2) and terminal point (7,-3).


The component form of vector v with initial point (-6,2) and terminal point (7,-3) is (13,-5).

What is component form of vector?

The component form of a vector is represented as x, y >, where x denotes the direction of travel (right or left) and y denotes the direction of travel (up or down) of the vector. Any two-dimensional vector may be conceived of as exerting influence in two separate directions. In other words, it can be considered to have two pieces. Components are the individual pieces that make up a two-dimensional vector. A vector's elements show how that vector will act in a specific direction.


initial point A=(-6,2)

terminal point B=(7,-3).

AB=(Bx-Ax, By-Ay)

=(7-(-6), -3-2)

= (13, -5)

The component form of the vector v with the starting points (-6, 2) and terminal points (7, -3) is (13,-5).

To know more about component form,


Find the total surface area of this cone.
Leave your answer in terms of T.
Hint: Surface Area of a Cone = Tre + B
Where l = slant height, and B = area of the base



[tex]\begin{gathered} r=8m \\ l=25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The given formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} Surface\text{ area of a cone =}\pi rl+B \\ where\text{ l is slant height} \\ and\text{ B is the area base} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The base is circle

[tex]\begin{gathered} Area\text{ of a circle=}\pi r^2 \\ Area\text{ of a circle=}\pi8^2 \\ Area\text{ of a circle =64}\pi \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now back to the given formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} Surface\text{ of area of cone=}\pi rl+B \\ B=64\pi \\ l=25 \\ r=8 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} Surface\text{ of area of cone =}\pi\times8\times25+64\pi \\ Surface\text{ofareaofcone=200}\pi\text{+64\pi} \\ Surface\text{ofareaofcone=264\pi} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer

[tex]264\pi m^2[/tex]

I need help solving questions 28 and 34 by expanding and simplifying please



The given expression is

[tex]\lbrack x+(y-2)\rbrack\lbrack x-(y-2)\rbrack[/tex]

At first, we will simplify each square bracket

Note that, the + sign does not change the terms in the bracket but the - sign change the signs of the terms inside the bracket

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lbrack x+(y-2)\rbrack=\lbrack x+y-2\rbrack \\ \lbrack x-(y-2)\rbrack=\lbrack x-y+2\rbrack \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we will multiply the 2 brackets

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lbrack x+y-2\rbrack\lbrack x-y+2\rbrack= \\ (x)(x)+(x)(-y)+(x)(2)+(y)(x)+(y)(-y)+(y)(2)+(-2)(x)+(-2)(-y)+(-2)(2)= \\ x^2-xy+2x+xy-y^2+2y-2x+2y-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we will add the like terms

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2+(-xy+xy)+(2x-2x)-y^2+(2y+2y)-4= \\ x^2-y^2+4y-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Justify [tex] \sqrt[3]{8} \times \sqrt[3]{8} = 16[/tex]using the properties of exponents in at least two different ways.



Given the cubic root:


Rewriting 8 as 2^3:


Applying the property of roots:



2. Without dividing, use powers of 10 to write three division expressions that are each equivale
to 35.78 ÷ 6.


The three division expressions that are each equivale to 35.78 ÷ 6 is 0.5933[tex]\times10^1[/tex], 59.33[tex]\times10^{-1}[/tex] and 59.33[tex]\times10^{-2}[/tex].

In the given question we have to use the powers of 10 to write three division expressions that are each equivale to 35.78 ÷ 6.

The given expression is 35.78 ÷ 6

To express in power of 10 we have to firstly simplify the given expression.

To simplify the given expression we have to divide the 35.78 by 6.

So 35.78 ÷ 6 =5.9633

To express in the power of 10 we move the decimal point left and right.

When we move left the power is positive and when move right power is negative.

The first expression is 0.5933[tex]\times10^1[/tex]

The second expression is 59.33[tex]\times10^{-1}[/tex]

The third expression is 593.3[tex]\times10^{-2}[/tex]

To learn more about power of 10 link is here


Which graph shows the solution for the system of linear inequalities?
2x - y ≥ -3
y < -2x + 4


The graph that represents the systems of linear equations 2x - y ≥ -3 and y < -2x + 4 is option d

How to interpret linear equation graphs

information gotten from the question include

inequality graph showing shaded regions

rearranging the equation to be in the form

y = mx + c

2x - y ≥ -3

2x + 3 ≥ y

y ≤ 2x + 3

The two equations are

y ≤ 2x + 3

y < -2x + 4

some interpretation on the information from the question include

shading below a line is less thandotted lines mean the inequality do not have equal to, either less than or greater than

The both inequalities are less than hence the shading for the both will be below the line

This interpretation helps to conclude that last options is the best choice

Learn more about inequality interpretation:


What is the length of one leg of the triangle? 11 units 11 startroot 2 endroot units 22 units 22 startroot 2 endroot units


Considering the given triangle is a right-angled triangle. Therefore, one side of the triangle is [tex]11\sqrt{2}[/tex] and the other side of the triangle is [tex]22\sqrt{2}[/tex]. Since we have to find one of the legs of the triangle, we can assume [tex]22\sqrt{2}[/tex] is the length of the hypotenuse and [tex]11\sqrt{2}[/tex] the length of one of the sides of the right-angled triangle.

Therefore, by Pythagoras' theorem,

[tex]\sqrt{ (22\sqrt{2}) ^{2} - (11\sqrt{2} )^{2} } =[/tex] length of one leg of the triangle = 26.95 units

Therefore, The length of one leg of the triangle is 26.95 units.

To learn more about Pythagoras' theorem:




Step-by-step explanation:

what is seven and fifteen hundredths as a decimal


Seven hundredths is:


Fifteen hundredths is:


What is the property demonstrated below:1/6 x 6 = 1



Multiplicative inverse property (because 6 is the inverse of 1/6)


Erika sells bags of fresh coffee beans at a local food co-op. She created the table below that shows her last four sales. Based on Erika's data, what was the cost per pound of coffee?


By using division of decimal numbers, it is obtained that cost of 1 pound of coffee is $8.99

What is decimal number and division?

Decimal numbers are those numbers which consist of an integer part and a fractional part.

Decimal are of two types-

Terminating decimals are those decimals which has finite number of figures after decimal point

Non terminating decimals are those decimals which has infinite number of figures after decimal point.

Division is the process by which value of single unit can be calculated from the value of multiple unit

The number which is divided is the dividend, the number by which dividend is divided is the divisor, the result obtained is the quotient and the remaining part is the remainder.

There is a well known formula in division

Divisor x Quotient + Remainder = Dividend

Here, division of decimal will be used

Cost of 5 pounds of coffee = $44.95

Cost of 1 pound of coffee = $[tex]\frac{44.95}{5}\\[/tex]

                                          = $8.99

Cost of 8 pounds of coffee = $71.92

Cost of 1 pound of coffee = $[tex]\frac{71.92}{8}\\[/tex]

                                          = $8.99

Cost of 14 pounds of coffee = $125.86

Cost of 1 pound of coffee = $[tex]\frac{125.86}{14}\\[/tex]

                                          = $8.99

Cost of 20 pounds of coffee = $179.80

Cost of 1 pound of coffee = $[tex]\frac{179.80}{20}\\[/tex]

                                          = $8.99

So cost of 1 pound of coffee = 8.99

To learn more about decimal and division, refer to the link:


Find the mean of these numbers: 5, 11, 2, 12, 4, 2Need solution :Dhave a good night ^^ from Philippines



5, 11, 2, 12, 4, 2


To find the mean of the given numbers.


Consider the given numbers

5, 11, 2, 12, 4, 2

Now the mean is

[tex]\begin{gathered} =\frac{2+2+4+5+11+12}{6} \\ \\ =\frac{36}{6} \\ \\ =6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer:

The mean is 6.

Each 31 students brought 75 aluminum cans to class for a recycling drive find how many cans the class collected



2325 cans


We are given that 31 students each brought 75 aluminum cans to class.

To find how many cans the class collected, we have to multiply the number of students by the number of cans collected by each student.

That is:

Number of cans = 31 * 75 = 2325

Therefore, 2325 cans were collected by the class.

Consider the probability model with sample space (A,B,C} and P(A)=0.1, P(B)=0.1, P(C)=0.8.Then


The sum of all the possible events is 1, which means that all the events are independent of the others, in that case

P(A or C) = P(A)+P(C) = 0.1 + 0.8 = 0.9

P(B and C) = P(B)*P(C) = 0.1 * 0.8 = 0.08

Write the explicit formula for the given arithmetic sequence in explicit form: a(n)=a(1)+d(n-1)



a homeowner estimates that it will take him 16 days to roof his house. a professional roofer estimates that he could roof the house in 3 days. how long will it take if the homeowner helps the roofer?


If the homeowner helps the professional roofer they will do the job in  2.53 days

How to determine how long it takes to do the roofing job

Let the number of days to complete the job be x

The rate at which the homeowner will roof is x / 16

The rate at which the professional roofer will roof is x / 3

Adding the rates together gives

x / 16 + x / 3

19x / 48

The rate it will take them both to finish the job is

= 48 / 19

= 2.53 days

Learn more about rate here:


Select the correct image.
Which image shows triangle A dilated by a scale factor of 2 with a center at the origin?


The triangle ABC undergoes a dilation of scale factor 2 centered at the origin.

Dilation About the Origin

Given a point P(x,y), its dilation about the origin by a scale factor of k maps the point to a point P'(kx,ky).

If we are given the dilated point, then we can find the original point by dividing by the scale factor.

Triangle ABC was dilated by a scale factor of 2 about the origin mapping it to triangle A'B'C' with vertices A'(-4,4), B'(-4,6), and C(2,4).

The coordinates of triangle ABC are:

A=(-4/2,4/2) = (-2,2)

B=(-4/2,6/2) = (-2,3)

C=(2/2,4/2) = (1,2)

The coordinates of ABC are respectively (-2,2), (-2,3), and  (1,2).

Hence the answer is the triangle ABC undergoes a dilation of scale factor 2 centered at the origin.

To learn more about triangles click here


Answer:i'm pretty sure it's the one to the right of the example

Step-by-step explanation:

If EG = 10 and EF = 4, thenFG = [?]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{then ;} \\ EF=4 \\ EG=10 \\ FG=X \\ EF(4)+FG(X)=EG(10) \\ 4+X=10 \\ X=10-4 \\ X=6 \\ FG=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

In the exercise we first formulate and then replace values ​​to find an unknown;

It is important to first look at what data the exercise gives us and then place them in the correct way, it must coincide with what the graph shows us.




5, 6, 7, 8

Step-by-step explanation:

substitute the values of x from the table into f(x)

f(1) = 1 + 4 = 5

f(2) = 2 + 4 = 6

f(3) = 3 + 4 = 7

f(4) = 4 + 4 = 8

the values of f(x) are 5, 6, 7, 8

Lauren walks 400 m in 125 seconds what is her speed



3.2 m/s

Step-by-step explanation:

If we use the equation distance/time=speed, we can find this pretty quickly.

Our distance is 400 m.

Our time is 125 s.


3.2 m/s

12 eggs for 3$ how much is the cost of each egg




Step-by-step explanation:

3 / 12 = 0.25

Answer:  0.60

Step-by-step explanation:

Give the information asked for to each problems Ax Styles Tags Assignments Calendar In each of the following state the Start Value Growth Value 1. C-5f + 32 Calts FE 2. Y= 4000 - 250x 3 х -3 0 6 у -9 3 -1 -5 3 4. x -4 4 8 Olo у 3 15 21 5. A financial account begins with $5900. Each week $300 is deducted. 6. Also point to the start value Apps Hus Type here to search



1) C = 5/9 f + 32

The start value is the constant = 32.

The start value = 32

Growth value = rate of change

Growth value = 5/9

2) y = 4000 - 250x

The start value is the constant = 4000

The start value = 4000

can yall help me with this




Step-by-step explanation:

If you see two negatives next to each other, just think of them as adding. So add 8 and 7, you get 15.

What is the result when the number 8 is increased by 25%?



Step-by-step explanation:


1. Put percent into numbers




2. Add

There was a increase of 2 dollars from 8$



Answer: 10$


note: please tell me if I'm wrong

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