the perimeter of an isosceles trapzium is 134 cm and the bases are 54cm and 30cm in length. find the length of nonparallel sides of the trapzium and it's area.​


Answer 1


perimeter of trapezium=134cm

let the trapezium be ABCD in which AB and CD are parallel sides and AD and BC are non parallel sides.

then AB=54cm and CD=30cm


perimeter of trapezium=134cm





Hence non parallel sides which are of equal length =25cm


Related Questions

Why does demand rise when house prices increase? (Macroeconomics)


Answer: If house prices rise, then the wealth effect is likely to cause an increase in consumer spending. This will cause higher Aggregate Demand (AD), and it is likely to cause an increase in Real GDP and a higher rate of economic growth.


Does decreasing the value of the local currency contributes in the increase of the economic growth rate





Devaluation is the purposeful reduction of the value of a nation's currency in relation to another currency or group of currencies. When the currency is devalued, it can lead to an increase in the export of the nation's produce because the price of the exported goods is cheaper and foreign countries are  most likely to purchase cheap goods.

The economic growth rate of a nation is  the change in percent of goods and services produced in a country over a period of time. It gives an idea of the income of the average citizen in the country. When the value of the local currency is devalued, exports will increase and that will also cause an increase in the income of citizens. This translates to a resultant increase in the economic growth rate of the nation.

According to the law of demand what will happen if real estate prices rise?


Will increasingly drive more buyers to consider new one

what's the language spoken in Egypt?​



Modern Standard Arabic



Arabic thats the language of egypt because most them are Islamic

In which of the following situations would it be important for a successful, existing
business to develop a new business plan
Intending to open additional locations


The business plan is the blueprint for your business. If you wanted to build a house, you wouldn't walk over to an empty lot and just start nailing boards together. Starting a business without a business plan is just as risky.

hope this helps :)

1. Should a cover letter be a lengthy document?

2. What should be the “tone” of an informal thank you letter?


1. It actually depends; but usually it's like a three paragraph essay

2. The tone of an informal thank you letter is something like saying 'thank you so much' and a compliment sentence, like 'You are the best!'

Hope this helps! Have a great day!

Complete the following sentence. Remember to spell correctly.
The market is in ___
until the price of goods reflects equal supply and demand.


The market is in Disequilibrium until the prices of goods reflects equal supply and demand.

what are the major challanges of foriegn employment for nepalese​



The below are some of the difficulties encountered in international job opportunities:

Workers had to work long shifts without any breaks and are frequently paying no pay.

Since the majority of semi-skilled and unskilled workers travel to overseas nations, they are unable to find jobs in accordance with their contracts.

When a team agrees on the level of performance expected by each member, they have a _____.

shared standard

collaborative effort

unified commitment

team structure



shared standard


Teamwork refers to the collective approach towards the completion of a common goal. Methods and sources are agreed upon by each member of the team and the focus is relied on the achievement of the goal. Each individual works together and extend their efforts collectively. Shard standard refers to the level of acceptance on a particular point that each team member  agrees on. Merging at a certain point is very essential part of teamwork. Disagreement among the team members may cause the team work fall behind.

What would happen to the demand curve for a particular brand of shampoo if a famous movie actress with beautiful hair announces that it is the best shampoo she has ever used?



this causes the demand curve to shift to the right from D0 to D1


When a famous movie actress with beautiful hair endorses a shampoo as the reason that she has such beautiful hair, this causes the demand for that product to increase drastically. This is because everyone sees this endorsement and actually believes that if they buy that shampoo they will also have beautiful hair like the actress. Therefore, demand increases and as it increases this causes the demand curve to shift to the right from D0 to D1

What are the advantages of operating a business in an ethical manner?
Select all that apply.
The business can build customer loyalty.
The business can profit from reduced safety regulations.
The business can attract and retain talented employees.
The business can avoid legal issues.


The first and the last I think

Mindy still owes $25,000 on her home loan. However, she called her loan provider and they informed her that if she were to pay her home loan off today, she would pay $18,500 because she wouldn’t have to pay interest for the remainder of the loan. What amount should be recorded in the liabilities section of her Statement of Financial Position?


Answer:   18,500

Explanation: Because is the same

Are you going to get Paramount plus?


An waste of money you can get better stuff

Yes, every CBS All Access subscriber will be automatically transitioned to Paramount+. An automatic update should upgrade the CBS All Access app to the new Paramount+ app early Thursday, but if that hasn’t happened, you can run a manual update on your device.

Help please!!
Andrew is a software professional. He wants to join a group of software professionals on a networking site to remain updated on latest software trends. Which networking site should Andrew join?





it specializes in that department

it is a price of material per piece or per unit?​^_^


price per piece of material

1. In. Your own words What is Credit?
2. Why is your credit score important?
3. What important things in your future could be affected by credit scores? Give 3 examples?



1.A credit score is a numerical term that represents a person's creditworthiness centered on a level review of their credit files. The credit score is primarily based on a credit report, which is usually obtained from credit bureaus.

2.Your financial history can affect how easily you can get a mortgage, rent an apartment; make big-ticket purchases; take out loans, and in some industries even get hired. When you apply for a credit card or even a cable hookup, lenders check your credit rating.

Answer: 1to sum it up credit is basically  the ability to borrow money or access goods or services with the understanding that you'll pay later.

2Your credit score is important for a few reasons. First, it influences your chances of getting approved for a loan or credit card. This is particularly important if you want to purchase a home in the future because your score will influence your mortgage eligibility.

3 It raises the price of your bills.

It could keep you from getting the home you want.

It affects the interest rate on your mortgage.

It could influence your relationships.

It determines whether your loan gets approved.

It changes the way you pay for things.

It could keep you from getting hired.


If prices have increased according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), what has occurred in the economy?



The correct answer is that it has occurred that the economy has suffered from inflation.


To begin with, the concept of inflation is known in the economic sciences for refering to the situation where the prices of every good and service in general in the economy have risen up and it is due to the fact that now the acquisition power of the currency has lost value and therefore that every good is now more expensive than before stating that the purchasing power per unit of the money has suffered a reduction. Moreover, a very common intrument to actually measure the inflation is the very well known Consumer Price Index whose major purpose is to accomplish that task.

Staples pays George Nagovsky an annual salary of $37,200. Today, George's boss informs him that he will receive a $5,500 raise. What percent of George's old salary is the $5,500 raise? (Round to the nearest tenth percent.)



the percentage is 14.79%


The computation of the percentage is shown below:

= Raise salary ÷ annual salary

= $5,500 ÷ $37,200

= 14.79%

Hence, the percentage is 14.79%

We simply applied the above formula so that the correct percentage could arrive

Worth 30 Brainly points

Which of the following reflects the application and scope of the Uniform
Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures?

A. Provide standards for proper testing and other selection
procedures to help organizations comply with federal prohibitions
against discrimination.

B. Apply only to selection procedures used for making employment
decisions, not to recruitment procedures.

C. Apply only to those identified in Title VII. They do not apply to the
restrictions against age discrimination or discrimination based on

D. Apply specifically to employment decisions such as hiring,
promotion, demotion, membership, licensing and certification.





Jana completed an informational interview with a preschool teacher in her area. She wants to write a thank-you letter. What should she remember to include in the letter?
A. a plea for a job with the company
B. a list of questions to discuss
C. an inquiry about the best way to stay in contact
D. a cover letter and résumé


I honestly think it’s D because to be hired you need to have a résumé. Please tell me if I’m right. Have a great day.

A bank will not require security in the form of collateral as a guarantee the loan will be repaid.




the answer is so true

What do you call a website or e-mail address that is created to look like it comes
from a legitimate source? Choose the answer.
none of the above



this would be called spoofing.

Spoofing is called as  a website or e-mail address that is created to look like it comes from a legitimate source.

What is legitimate source?

Legitimate source is defined as according to the law, something that is legal is acceptable.

It can also be defined as the electoral register is a genuine source of information that is currently available to the public.

A reputable source is defined as the one that has been written by an expert in their field and is free of errors and bias.

A trustworthy source is defined as the one that offers a detailed, well-reasoned idea, argument, or discussion based on solid evidence.

Thus, spoofing is called as  a website or e-mail address that is created to look like it comes from a legitimate source.

To learn more about legitimate source, refer to the link below:


if you can please help lol i’ll give u a brainlest thank youuu



$650 is the answer....



A network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules.





Firewall can be defined as a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules.

Simply stated, a firewall is a network security protocol that monitors and controls inbound and outbound traffic based on set aside security rules.

A firewall is used to control access to a computer or network, as it creates a barrier between a computer or a network and the internet in order to protect against unauthorized access.

Basically, it is a network security device or security system pre-installed on most computers to essentially inspect data being transmitted to or from a computer.

Hence, firewalls are typically bidirectional, it checks all sent and received data and only allow authorized traffic through.




Hope this helps

distribution supports which elements of the marketing mix strategy
a. place
b. price
c. product
d. promotion


Explanation:jus took the quiz




just took the test

Credentials are an official verification, from an accredited source, attesting to capability.







Answer: False


what do you understand by attributes in HTML?

this question is of computer.


In general, an attribute is a characteristic. In HTML, an attribute is a characteristic of a page element, such as font size or color. Attributes are used to amplify a tag. When a Web browser interprets an HTML tag, it will also look for its attributes so that it can display the Web page's elements properly.

Which of the following is an example of internal data in a marketing
information system?
A. Statistics showing the relationship between the company's ad
spending and competitors' sales
B. Trends in consumers' use of social media
C. Spending levels for advertising in each type of media
D. Populations of cities where the company has customers





i think

The example of internal data in a marketing information system is spending levels for advertising in each type of media.

What is internal data in marketing?

Internal data is referred to that information that resides within the business atmosphere itself and could be controlled by the managing authorities of the business.

Therefore, the budget that would be spent on advertising media is generated in the business by covering the factors of marketing plans.

Learn more about marketing here:

Someone asked me "hru" but I dont feel anything rn. Like, I don't feel good, bad, OR in between. What do I say?



Maybe ask them how THEY are doing


_____ is a team behavior demonstrated by performing the tasks assigned to your team role.






Participating is answerrrrrr
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