The peace treaty which ended French control over Canada in 1763 was signed in:


Answer 1


February 10, 1763.


Related Questions

Read the passage. Then explain why the circulatory system of a grasshopper does not need to carry gases to and from the grasshopper's cells.
The diagram shows part of a grasshopper's respiratory system. Air passes into and out of openings in its sides. These openings are connected to tubes and air sacs that fill with air. The air tubes branch into tiny tubes that spread out and are found close to all cells. So, unlike other animals, the grasshopper does not exchange gases using its circulatory system.




In vertebrates, the circulatory system is responsible for transporting oxygen to all the tissues and removing carbon dioxide from them. ... In the grasshopper, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the tracheal system. Hemolymph plays no part in the process.


If there are 3000 calories of energy available at the zooplankton, how much energy will there be at the shark?



30 calories of energy


In an aquatic ecosystem, zooplanktons are primary consumer i.e. they feed on primary producers e.g phytoplanktons. They are fed on by smaller fishes e.g tilapia, which in turn is fed on by sharks. Based on this, we have a food chain as follows:

phytoplankton → zooplankton → tilapia fish → shark

From this food chain, it appears that ZOOPLANKTON is a primary consumer while SHARK is a tertiary consumer. Since only about 10% of energy is transferred to each trophic level when organisms feed on one another, if there are 3000 calories of energy available at the zooplankton, the following will be available for sharks:

For secondary consumer = 10/100 × 3000 = 300 calories for tilapia fish

For tertiary consumer = 10/100 × 300 = 30 calories for shark.

Why human beings are complex organism ?



Human is a complex organisms because humans are made up of trillion of cell and a lot of system and organ . Some of the major systems are blood circulatory systems, the skeletal system, the digestive system, the nervous system and the respiratory system.

Which remains the same during a chemical reaction?



In a chemical reaction the total mass of all the substances taking part in the reaction remains the same. Also, the number of atoms in a reaction remains the same. Mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction

Because matter is not created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, the total mass of reactants is the same as the total mass of products.

The image shows a practice carried out by members of a certain culture. Which aspect of human culture is illustrated in the image?
A. Economy
B. Government
C. Religion
D. Language


B government, because it’s a judge

Government is the aspect of human culture which is illustrated in the image. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

Human culture, judge, and government are interconnected concepts that influence and shape each other in various ways. Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a society. Judges are responsible for interpreting and enforcing the laws that govern a society, while government is responsible for creating and implementing those laws.

Culture influences the way judges interpret laws, as they are often guided by cultural norms and values when making decisions. At the same time, judges and government can also shape culture through their decisions and policies, such as when they legalize or criminalize certain behaviors.

Learn more about human culture, here:


Why are shadows longer in the morning and evening?
Make sure you give a full, detailed answer, not just one sentence.



Shadows are longest in the early morning and late afternoon/early evening when the sun appears low in the sky. As the Earth rotates on its axis, the sun hits each location in the morning at an angle. ... As Earth continues to spin toward sunset, the increasing angle causes shadows to lengthen!


Hope this helps! Have a good day!.....or not...its up to you- <3

How many nucleotides are required for a 459-amino acid polypeptide? Just enter the




The correct answer is 1377.


Peptides and proteins are made in the process of Translation. For this to happen, a molecule of mRNA containing a nucleotide sequence is read by a structure called ribosome. Each group of three nucleotides from the mRNA form a codon, and each codon has an anticodon in the tRNA molecule that will ultimately code for a specific amino acid (except for stop codons -when they appear in the sequence, translation stops-). Taking all of this into consideration, if 3 nucleotides lead to 1 amino acid, to have a 459-amino acid polypeptide it would require 1377 nucleotides (without counting the 3 nucleotides from the stop codon).

Let’s say two items which are balls, are very identical and were dropped at the same times and same height, fell at different times. The pink ball fell first while the blue one fell last. What could have caused the pink ball to fall first?



This could mean that the pink ball had a little bit more air in it than the blue ball. They could also have been dropped at the same time, but they were dropped on a hill, and the pink one landed first at the top of the hill, and the blue one landed second at the bottom of the hill.


Have a nice day! :)

Choose one example of U.S. consumer waste from the bulleted list. Research to learn more about the waste described and what is being done to reduce it. Summarize your findings in a paragraph.



pharma disposal waste, Medical waste disposal

The one example of U.S. consumer waste from the bulleted list is the pharmaceutical wastes and medical wastes.

What is pharamaceutical wastes?

If translated to the pharmaceutical chain, prevention of waste withinside the prescribing and shelling out degree is the maximum preferable, observed through redispensing and recycling medicinal drug that stays unused at some stage in the deliver and use chain.

Two strategies of removing medical waste consist of incineration or autoclaving. Incineration is a system that burns clinical waste in a managed environment. Some hospitals have one incineration generation and system available.

Read more about the U.S. consumer waste refer link :


Which statement describes characteristics of Islamic tughras?
OThey contain complex arabesques and interlaced
OThey depict the names of common citizens using
OThey include text and images from epic stories
important to Muslims.
OThey contain images of plants, animals, and humans.


the answer would be b


i believe it is d.


Which of the following is true regarding Darwin's theory of evolution?
A. Acquired traits are always passed on to the offspring
B. Organisms develop favorable adaptations based on a need
C. Pure chance determines which species evolve
D. Individuals pass on adaptations to their offspring, due to natural selection





Individuals pass on adaptations to their offspring, due to natural selection. The correct option is D.

What is Darwin's theory of evolution?

The English naturalist Charles Darwin and others developed the Darwinism theory of biological evolution, which contends that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of minute, inherited variations that improve the individual's capacity for competition, survival, and reproduction.

Darwin claimed that all species share a common origin, that species can change through time, and that new species develop from existing ones.

Charles Darwin, a naturalist of the 19th century, investigated the theory of natural selection.

Natural selection provides an explanation for how a species' genetic features might evolve through time. This could result in speciation, or the creation of a new, separate species.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding Darwin's theory of evolution, visit:




Answer: The liver and Skeletal muscle with the Skeletal Muscle holding more glycogen than the Liver. Hoped this helped.


Which layer of the Earth do we obtain resources from?






Renewable Resources

Sediments are NOT _______________. Group of answer choices A. Salt in a river B. Nutrients in a river C. Earth material in a river D. Oil mix in river water


The answer is D: oil mixed in river water



d. 1 female has freckles
The answer is D

T or F 7. Trp Operon - which determine the formation and arrangement of body parts in
multicellular organisms, control gene expression by regulation of - DNA translation



Trp Operon.


Trp Operon determines to control gene expression by regulation of DNA translation. The trp operon is found in E. coli bacteria, is a group of genes that encode biosynthetic enzymes for the production of amino acid tryptophan. The trp operon refers to turned "on" when tryptophan levels are low whereas refers to turned "off" when tryptophan levels are high. The trp operon is controlled and regulated by the trp repressor.

Question: The functions of a particular cell structure are described below:

It allows waste to exit the cell.
It allows chemicals required for cellular respiration to enter the cell.
It regulates the movement of water into and out of the cell.

Which cell structure do these statements describe?


A: endoplasmic reticulum

B: lysosome

C: mitochondria

D: plasma membrane





The cell structure that allows waste to exit the cell is Lysosomes. It is the garbage disposal of a living cell. It eliminates all the waste materials through the process of degradation.

What do you mean by Cell structure?

Cell structure may be defined as a structure that contains all those components with specific functions essential to carrying out life's processes.

The cell structure that allows chemicals required for cellular respiration to enter the cell is Mitochondria.

The cell structure that regulates the movement of water into and out of the cell is the Plasma membrane.

Therefore, each cell structure is defined above with respect to its functions.

To learn more about Cell structure, refer to the link;


Explain how limiting growth is advantageous for the goldfish’s survival in a home aquarium


The goldfish is a pet. In a home it is in a secure taken care of aquarium and will only grow to fit the size of the aquarium it is in.

which of these is an example of water pollution?

a. a clear/cut forest
b. an eroded hillside
c. arid land
d. agricultural runoff



d. agricultural runoff


makes most sense

Only about _____% of the water on Earth is potable (suitable for humans to drink).
Of this water that is potable, only about 30% is in the form of ground water.
On the surface of the planet only ______% of water is freshwater in the forms of lakes and streams.
Areas with low availability of drinking water are said to be water ______________.
Ideas to reduce water stress in preparation for the anticipated shortages include:
→ _____________ pollution in rivers and lakes
→ using water conserving technology
→ perfecting desalination plants to process undrinkable ________ water into drinkable fresh water



only about 0.3%and the plant is 99.7 and the 3 one is 0.3 unattainable.

Explanation i hope the

Which statement best describes Earth’s outer layer underneath the surface in the image?



Underneath both the soil and the ocean, Earth's outer layer is made of sand and water. Underneath both the soil and the ocean, Earth's outer layer is made of hard, solid rock.

The answer is gonna be b, I know cause I just took it and got it right and I’m also smart

A clade is a group of organisms that includes an ancestor species and all of its descendants.






Within a cladogram, a branch that includes a single common ancestor and all of its descendants is called a clade.

What's a good way to study for AP biology?​


study about splitting cells. The process is difficult to remember.

Definitely focus on splitting cells

Oligomycin A is an antibiotic that works by blocking a proton (H ) channel in ATP synthase, inhibiting the action of the enzyme. The primary effect of this antibiotic is: Group of answer choices decreased ATP synthesis due to a decreased hydrogen ion gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. increased ATP synthesis due to an increased hydrogen ion gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. decreased ATP synthesis due to the inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation of ADP. increased ATP synthesis due to the promotion of oxidative phosphorylation of ADP.



Decreased ATP synthesis due to the inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation of ADP


If the antibiotic inhibits the action of ATP synthase, it will decrease ATP synthesis.

ATP synthase has the main function of synthesizing ATP from the oxidative phosphorylation of ADP.

In oxidative phosphorylation, ATP is produced from the transfer of electrons from NADH and FADH2. A chemical gradient is created, allowing for ATP synthase to create ATP.

So, the correct answer is that there will be decreased ATP synthesis due to the inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation of ADP.

1. What is most likely to cause a mutation?
A) Substituting a nucleotide during replication
B) Copying a nucleotide during replication
C) Translation of a mRNA strand
D) Transcription of DNA


Answer :

Choice A i think

What is pretexting? How is this used?



Pretexting is a method of inventing a scenario to convince victims to divulge information they should not divulge. Pretexting is often used against corporations that retain client data, such as banks, credit card companies, utilities, and the transportation industry.


Pretexting is a social engineering tactic that uses deception and false motives. ... The data collected is then used to manipulate and deceive the victim. The main goal of the threat actor is to gain the target's trust and exploit it for financial or political gain. A pretext attack can occur in person or over the phone.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!

All of the following affect the climate of an area except
A. Proximity to a large body of water
B. Altitude above sea level
C. An extremely hot day
D. Distance from the equator



I think it is b


please tell me if this is wrong


not 100 but I'd say D I think I'm like 70%

Pls help!! Scientists have observed a sudden explosion in the sun followed by rapid changes in the sun's brightness. Which of these events would most likely occur due to this solar condition? (2 points) Group of answer choices increase in atmospheric pollution on Earth change in Earth's climatic pattern change in wind velocity increase in number of solar eclipses



Change in Earth's climatic pattern.

Answer: Change in earths climactic pattern

Explanation:Got it correct on the test

what ocean creatures are at risk from ocean acidification


Answer: corals, crabs, oysters and urchins



what ocean creatures are at risk from ocean acidification

Cosas no vivas que afectan seres vivos


okay thank you I semi dont understand but hey :)


Non-living things are inanimate objects or forces with the ability to influence, shape, alter a habitat, and impact its life. Some examples of non-living things include rocks, water, weather, climate, and natural events such as rockfalls or earthquakes.


Living and Non-Living Activity Guide - National Park Service › teachers › lessonplans ›

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