(!!!!!!30 POINTS!!!!!)Which of these constitutional provisions establishes U.S. citizenship? (Please Provide Explanation!)

A-"The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied... on account of sex"

B-"All persons born or naturalized in the United States... are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside"

C-"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied... on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude."

D-"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed..."


Answer 1


i am not so sure but maybe D.

Related Questions

What scientific data encouraged nations to protect the environment?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The scientific data that encouraged nations to protect the environment is the level and air pollution produced in major cities of the world with their industries, as is the case of the United States of China. The same for air and water pollution.

Another reason is the evidence of climate change due to global warming.

Other important scientific data is the soil degradation in lands that used to be very fertile to grow crops. Most countries have overexploited raw material and non-renewable natural resources. Jungles and forests are faced with biodiversity loss and deforestation due to excessive industrial practices.

Regarding the sea, most oceans present acidification and plastic trash in different regions of the oceans.

The problem is that major industries around the world did not have any respect or consideration for taking care of nature. These industries were only interested in big profits no matter what. They produced their goods and polluted the air, polluted the water, and also contributed to noise pollution.

how did President Abraham Lincoln's assassination affect reconstruction


Answer: C. It changed the Reconstruction strategies the US government would pursue.

Explanation: First of all, I got A wrong, so that isn't the answer for sure.  I did this test for PLATO on Edmentum, and C is the correct choice.

Have a great day! :)

Plz help on this i need it ;w;


Answer: the 3rd and 4th one

Explanation: I'm sure those are correct

A frozen yogurt shop has several flavors. Sherri use different freezer temperatures to get the ideal softness for each flavor which of the freezer temperatures can sherri use for cherry yogurt.



theres not enoguh info to solve this



Need more info


What does the stock market look like in the span of one week ?



Money money money dollar dollar dollar


George F. Kennan, an American Diplomat at the US embassy in Moscow, sent his summary of Soviet policies to the State Department in a very long telegram. The information in that telegram was eventually published anonymously as “The Sources of Soviet Conduct” in Foreign Affairs in 1947. His analysis of the Soviets and their desire to expand their physical and political control preceded President Truman’s formulation of the Truman Doctrine.

Write a self-checked essay on how you think Kennan may have influenced the Truman Doctrine.

Use the Internet to find sources to back up your ideas in the essay. The following links will take you to the text of what
Kennan had to say and the Truman Doctrine.



The Truman Doctrine that ruled the United States to foreign policy was based on the American diplomat George F. Kennan's strategy of containment. It was made to stop the spread of Communism in the world (communicated by Truman in March 29, 1947) during the Cold War. It's a military policy to contain the communist expansion of soviet union without a nuclear war. Truman hoped to stop the spread of communism, limiting the system to countries in which it already existed.

George F. Kennan was an American diplomat. He was an expert in Russian affairs because he lived in Russia and was knowledgeable of its culture, history, and ways of living. Kennan knew the Soviet Union hated communism because it was from their origins of not liking foreigners, along with not giving people the right to see the world how they wanted. There wasn't much freedom for them. Kennan aided in getting money to keep capitalist countries strong against communism. He helped America look like the good side of the war for helping with capitalist countries who suffered with poverty. He also highly recommended the State Department to counter-attack the effects of Communism globally because Stalin was set on disrupting and hurting capitalist countries for Communism. George F. Kennan heavily helped in influencing the Truman Doctrine.

The Soviet Union despised capitalism, George F. Kennan knew of this so it really put him at an advantage as an American Diplomat. Most of George F. Kennan's ideas heavily influenced the Truman Doctrine and aided in containment and stopping the spread of communism.


That's what I put, don't copy word-for-word just in case you get in trouble for copying.

Which of the following occurred after the terrorist attacks in September 11 , 2001?

a. Many people has disease and cancer related to the attacks

b. Airspace over the United States and Canada was briefly closed

c. The stock market briefly closed

d. All of the above



All of the above


 Many people in and around the building like firefighters and regular people got sickness from the smoke.

Airspace over the US and Canada were shut down by leaders of both countries.

The stock market also closed in fear of cyberattacks. Answer to the question is D.

Why was Andrew Jackson important during the War of 1812?
He and his naval squadron gained control of Lake Erie, allowing an American army to invade Canada.

He and his army defeated a combined British and Native American force that resulted in the death of Tecumseh.

He and his army prevented the British from capturing New Orleans and controlling the Mississippi River.

He and his ship, the U.S.S. Constitution, won all of its naval battles, showing the British that the U.S. Navy could rival them.



he was a general


C. He is well known for the battle of New Orleans

What changes did Alice Paul help make


Alice Paul advocated for and helped secure passage of the 19 th Amendment to the US Constitution, granting women the right to vote. Paul next authored the Equal Rights Amendment in 1923, which has yet to be adopted.

What is the Cold War? How was it fought?



The Cold War was a geopolitical tension between the US and the Soviet Union. It erupted after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

During the Cold War, the US and the Soviet Union engaged in a series of aggressive actions designed to destabilize each other.

The two superpowers continually antagonized each other through political maneuvering, military coalitions, espionage, propaganda, arms buildups, economic aid, and proxy wars between other nations.

The bloodless warfare were given its name because both sides have been terrified of combating every other at once. In a "warm war," nuclear guns would possibly damage everything. So, as an alternative, each aspects fought every other indirectly. They supported opposing aspects in conflicts in special elements of the sector.


why did ancient civilizations develop​



Umm prolly coz people needed to move to different places and build homes, for example, in the Vedic period, the Indo Aryans originally were in central Asia and the people kept speaking Indo European languages they were kicked out and went to the south side of Asia for a home and a place to live in. This is prolly why civilizations developed, so that people could create their traditions and they could have a leader and that they could live life desired by them.


Picture with multiple choice about Korean War



A. Help South Korea fend off an invasion by North Korea


North Korea crossing the 38th parallel and attacking South Korea is what started the Korean War in the first place.

Which of the following is NOT true about Erasmus? a He wanted to reform the Catholic Church from within. b He published In Praise of Folly to criticize the wealth, power, and corruption of Church leadership. c He did not believe in the authority of the pope, and he wished to rid Europe of the Catholic Church. d His translation of the Greek New Testament was seen by many as a challenge to the Church’s authority.



he believed so the answer is ( c )


the pope is the representative of Christ so been a follower he has to believe

can someone do this for me plsss



Political, Economic, and Social Effects


ion know aye but shii thanks foe da points appreciate it - smilez

What should Maggie do? Check all that apply.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but according to our records, you do not have flood insurance protections in your policy. We do offer flood insurance as an add-on to basic homeowners, but at additional cost."


Ma'am, I'm sorry, but according to our records, you do not have flood insurance protections in your policy. We do offer flood insurance as an add-on to basic homeowners, but at additional cost."

What should Maggie do?

Check all that apply.

find out how much flood insurance costs learn what would be covered by flood insurance

look into buying a new house and new furniture

decide if the flood insurance costs will benefit her in the future

find a new job that will pay more


find out how much flood insurance costs learn what would be covered by flood insurance

decide if the flood insurance costs will benefit her in the future


6. How does a territory differ from a state?



A territory is an area which is under the control of another state or government and does not have sovereignty while a state is also known as a country or an organized political organization which enjoys sovereignty. A state monopolizes control over its territories through legitimate force while a territory does not.


Answer:  The first answer is right


I need help please help me!!!!​



Sorry my brother or my sister Don't understand

Causes and effects of removal of CHEROKEE NATIVES ( 16 points)



It is estimated that the five tribes lost 1 in 4 of their population to cholera, starvation, cold and exhaustion during the move west. The United States government, meanwhile, gained millions of square miles of territory, and put an end to the tribes' decades of legal and military attempts to protect their lands.

However, more immediate reasons did cause Congress to pass the Indian Removal Act of 1830 during Jackson's presidency. The factors contributing to the fate of the Cherokees were the discovery of gold on Cherokee land, the issue of states' rights, and the emergence of scientific racism.

Soon after the battle of bunker hill in 1775, George Washington did wat?



He became the commander of the american army



your mother.



Gretta is deeply afraid of speaking in public. She has been accused of a crime that she did not commit and she worries that her fear of speaking in public will come across as guilt although she is innocent. Is Gretta required by law to testify? Explain your answer.



In general, you can be forced by the court to testify. When this is ordered, you will be sent a subpoena via hand delivery, direct communication, or email. The subpoena will state in detail what type of testimony is needed from you. Once you have been given the subpoena, you must legally oblige.


I really don't think you should be forced to testify, because if you do get nervous with public speaking it could come off wrong and you would be in trouble for something you didn't do but yeah.

i took the test btw :)

Should President Theodore Roosevelt have been selected as one of the presidents memorialized on Mount Rushmore?



Born 1732, died 1799. Washington led the colonists in the American Revolutionary War to win independence from Great Britain. He was the father of the new country and laid the foundation of American democracy. Because of his importance, Borglum chose Washington to be the most prominent figure on the mountain and represent the birth of the United States.

"The preservation of the sacred fire of Liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people." George Washington

plz mark me as brainlist

Two main movements that came out of the Second Great Awakening



The temperance movement and the abolitionists movement


The Second Great Awakening played a role in major reform movements of the nineteenth century, including temperance and abolition.

Why was Elizabeth I one of the greatest English rulers in history?


Writer Elizabeth Buchan praised Elizabeth I, whose 16th century reign is heralded as one of triumph and success, for her achievements. "She held this country together at a time when religious factions could have torn it apart. This would have been no mean feat for a king. For a woman at that period it was unprecedented," she said.

Was hoodsite taken down?


I do not really know

Central Asia and the Caucasus have access to large amounts of:
A. fish and seafood
B. oil and gas
C. Ocean coastline
D. wind energy


Answer: B. Oil and gas.
I agree I think it’s oil and gas

Which event officially allowed African American men to serve in the Union army?

Battle of Shiloh

Gettysburg Address

Surrender at Appomattox

Emancipation Proclamation



the emancipation proclamation

In March of 1947, Truman announces the Truman Doctrine. Who's the aggressor



The Truman Doctrine was an American foreign policy with the primary goal of containing Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War. It was announced to Congress by President Harry S. Truman on March 12. to pass any legislation Truman needed the support of the Republicans.

i need more help.../


Answer: North Africa


He conquored only a little bit of Africa, and considering it's size, the culture won't spread very far.

Why did Hitler invade Greece and Yugoslavia?
A. He needed to have control of the Balkans in order to attack Russia from the south
B. He needed to have control of their oil
C. Greece and Yugoslavia had a communist revolution that threatened the Third Reich
D. Greece and Yugoslavia made a failed attempt to invade Italy


C in gon bandmaster did sis she she she sis Aja aka Aja Ana an sis she she she

What does fixed supply mean? Tell what a fixed supply curve looks like and what its appearance means.



The summary of the given question is summarized throughout the below portion.


Fixed supply would be described as more of a commodity or items will keep a fixed cost, a growing market will result in an increased balance price of the underlying security throughout the availability.The amounts that a supplier is prepared to offer of any sort of commodity or target market at any certain price must be displayed graphically, seen as a fixed supply curve.


A fixed supply is a supply of material that always be there. The Fred supply curve looks like a slope rising upward from left to right, since product price and quantity are directly related. I.e. as the price of a commodity increases in the market, thee amount supplied increases.



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