The Oregon Country was eventually made into three whole states. They were Washington, Oregon, and California is true or false ? :)


Answer 1



Explanation: In the nineteenth century, the Oregon Country was a disputed region of the Pacific Northwest of North America. The region was occupied by British and French Canadian fur traders from before 1810, and American settlers from the mid-1830s, with its coastal areas north from the Columbia River frequented by ships from all nations engaged in the maritime fur trade, most of these from the 1790s through 1810s being Boston-based. The Oregon Treaty of 1846 ended disputed joint occupancy pursuant to the Treaty

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Animals produce enzymes that help chemical processes happen in the cells of their bodies. In which category of molecules do enzymes belong


nucleic acid,

base for dna is nucleic acid
lipid is fat
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carbohydartes is nothing to do with enzymes except amylase

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is the standard of living high or low ? why?




I think low

please help me


Did you answer your question already or do you still need help?




I'm so sorry I don't know what it is

The tree is shaded and red

A. China
B. South Korea
C. Russia
D. Japan


Answer: China. China is located in eastern Asia, and is the largest country there. Russia is to the north, Japan is an Island, and South Korea is that small peninsula just off of China.


The location shaded in red would definitely be A. China.


Good luck!!

The Mesopotamian's main resource they fought over was________

B-access to water


The answer is access water

Can you win the presidency without winning the Deep South (Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Louisiana)?


You cannot. These states are high in population which has a major impact on the presidential votes. If one does not win over said states, they will mostly lose the election.

what was one reason the British was unsuccessful in the south?



The British were unsuccessful in the South due to constant harassment from partisan fighters.


The British were unsuccessful in the South due to constant harassment from partisan fighters. Although a number of loyalists emerged, there were reluctant to openly support the British. The British soldiers were also not enough to maintain control of both South Carolina and North Carolina.


plz rate and like plz

How do think Gen-z teachers will be in the future? ✨✨


Funny I don’t know is this a serious question

Answer:I think in the future there will be like school dances and songs like STAY or Savage will play and they will dance and be like crazy and LLIKE YESHrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Why were African Americans willing to contribute both labor and money to build schools?



They had come right out of slavery. The African Americans had always longed for education. And since the Reconstruction had just happened, they were willing to put in their own money and work force to help build education for themselves. THey saw the Reconstruciton as an opportunity.


The primary goal of the Texas Equal Suffrage Association was to -
A. reform the poor conditions in Texas prisons
B. outlaw the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages
C. protect the voting rights that had been granted to African Americans
D. win ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution


C. protect the voting rights that had been granted to African Americans


I thiink it win ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


In the Treaty of Versailles, what was the
“War Guilt Clause"?
A. It declared that Germany was victorious.
B. It exempted all of the Central Powers from being
C. It placed the blame for the war on Turkey.
D. It placed the blame for the war on Germany.



It placed the blame for the war on Germany.

What happened to African-Americans
during the 1920s in regards to education?
A. They were forced to take night classes.
B. They were not permitted to attend any public school.
C. They were being segregated and a gap was developing
between them and the rest of the population.
D. They were integrated at the high school level in order to
create equality among groups.


it’s either D or B i’m not sure most likely D;)

In what ways did the British change their policies as a result of the rebellion of 1857?



policies were made to protect landlords and zamindars and give them the security of rights to their lands.

British decided to respect the customary requirements and social practises if people in India.

The people whom you support financially, such as children, are dependents.
Group of answer choices




Answer: That would be TRUE

1) The executive branch _ laws passed by Congress.



Makes sure all laws passed don't break the constituion.


which nation won the Battle of Britain



La batalla de Inglaterra —en inglés: Battle of Britain; en alemán: Luftschlacht um England, "La batalla aérea por Inglaterra"— es el nombre con el que se conoce al conjunto de combates aéreos librados en cielo británico y sobre el canal de la Mancha, entre julio y octubre de 1940, cuando Alemania buscó destruir a la Real Fuerza Aérea Británica (RAF) para obtener la superioridad aérea necesaria para una invasión de Gran Bretaña, la Operación León Marino.

Ni Adolf Hitler ni la Wehrmacht creían posible conseguir una invasión anfibia con éxito hasta que la RAF hubiera sido neutralizada. Los objetivos secundarios eran destruir la producción de aeronaves y las infraestructuras terrestres para obligar al gobierno británico a buscar alguna solución negociada. Los alemanes fueron derrotados por los británicos, lo que sirvió a los Aliados para utilizar Gran Bretaña como base para invadir Europa en 1944.

Algunos historiadores han discutido sobre el hecho de que ningún tipo de invasión hubiera sido posible dada la superioridad masiva de la Marina Real británica sobre la Kriegsmarine; dicha operación probablemente hubiera sido un desastre. Se argumenta que la Luftwaffe hubiera sido incapaz de evitar la intervención decisiva de los cruceros y destructores de la Marina Real, incluso con superioridad aérea.

La batalla de Inglaterra fue la primera gran batalla enteramente disputada en el aire. Fue la mayor y más concurrida campaña aérea habida hasta hoy y la primera prueba de las estrategias de bombardeos que emergieron desde la Primera Guerra Mundial y fue también la primera vez durante esta guerra que Alemania era derrotada. Esta derrota supuso que, al invadir Hitler la URSS en 1941, Alemania lucharía en una guerra con dos frentes abiertos a la vez, contradiciendo sus ideas expuestas en Mein Kampf, en las que exponía la desventaja geográfica de Alemania, posicionada entre las potencias occidentales (como el Reino Unido y Francia) y el gobierno socialista de la URSS, respecto a otras potencias y por lo tanto no debía nunca luchar una guerra sin cerrar primero un frente antes de abrir otro.



In the event, the battle was won by the Royal Air Force (RAF) Fighter Command, whose victory not only blocked the possibility of invasion but also created the conditions for Great Britain's survival, for the extension of the war, and for the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.


Hope this helped you :D


Albert is an elected representative and works at the federal level. His responsibility is to enforce the laws that the US Congress passes. He is the head of the executive branch of the US government. Which career role in government and public administration does Albert perform?
cabinet member
member of House of Representatives
Chief Justice



b. cabinet member


i dont really have a explanation but im 90 percent sure

Why was the Battle of Midway significant?



The Battle of Midway became one of the most important American naval victories of World War II. ... Code-breakers were able to decipher Japanese naval code, allowing American leaders to anticipate Japanese maneuvers. The U.S. Navy was then able to launch a surprise attack on the larger Japanese fleet in the area.

Answer: B It marked the Japanese navy's first defeat.

Explanation: Just took the unit test on Connections.

answer the question.


a. when the government remain out of the economy-

Who did Voltaire defend?


Answer:Voltaire believed above all in the efficacy of reason. He believed social progress could be achieved through reason and that no authority—religious or political or otherwise—should be immune to challenge by reason. He emphasized in his work the importance of tolerance, especially religious tolerance


How did The Crisis influence African American authors?



it encouraged the african American authors

Which English Monarch was the first Monarch to be executed publicly?
A)Louis XIII
B)Henry VIII
C)Charles !
D) Napoleon


Answer:Charles 1

Explanation:As a King, Charles I was disastrous; as a man, he faced his death with courage and dignity. His trial and execution were the first of their kind.

Write a paragraph stating your opinion about which is the most important right preserved by the Bill of Rights .



In my personal opioin, I think Amendment I is the most important.

Amendment I gives people that freedoom of speech witch gives U.S citizens lots of power, this is great for protest, religous beliefs ect. With this said Americas goverment can not take their beliefs leagally.

This Amendment is very important with situations about BLM PAL WLM and more. The U.S can not stop or prevent peoples opinions with the first Amendment.


Feel free to add sentences if you want to.

Which country did BiH belong to in the first half of the 19th century?​


Answer:Kingdom Of Yugoslavia


The question is attached below



hi! im a iraqi and emirati muslim :) I apologize if I get this question incorrect but please be aware I am not 100% sure with my anser. I am leaning towards Surat tho!


The development of regional trade associations in Africa represents an effort to

deregulate the regional African economy.

encourage foreign investment in African nations.

remove barriers to trade between African nations.

expand trade between Africa and other world regions.



i think its D



The development of regional trade associations in Africa aims to remove trade barriers between African countries and create a single market for goods and services within the continent. This is expected to increase intra-African trade, leading to economic growth and development. Hence option C is correct.

What are trade barriers?

Trade barriers refer to any measures or policies implemented by governments to restrict or control the exchange of goods and services between countries.

They can be in the form of tariffs (taxes on imported goods), quotas (limits on the quantity of imports), embargoes (prohibitions on trade), or regulations and standards that create barriers to entry for foreign companies.

These barriers can be used to protect domestic industries, regulate the flow of goods for national security reasons, or as a tool in international negotiations.

However, they can also have negative consequences, such as reducing competition, increasing prices for consumers, and limiting opportunities for trade and economic growth. International organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) aim to reduce trade barriers and promote free trade.

Learn more about trade barriers here:


Does Burr deserve to be the villain in this story? Is he a well known villain in American history, had you heard of him before this movie? What did you know about him?



(you can use my exact words) Burr does not deserve to be a villian because he has done many good things in the past. He had a family, and he also most likely had an alibi or reason for killing Hamilton. I did not know about Burr before the movie, all I knew is that he was a historical figure

Who usually went on the Crusades?

Why would they have gone?



Brave men fighting for God and to protect the church


Muslims aggression and to retake the Holy city of Jerusalem for God

The Leader of England during the attempted invasion of the Spanish Armada was…

Elizabeth I

Henry VIII

James I

Mary I


Answer:Elizabeth l


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