the most common method used for training non-managerial employees is: a. vestibule training b. computer-based instruction c. on-the-job training d. apprenticeships


Answer 1

The most common method used for training non-managerial employees is on the job training (OJT). In fact, one estimate suggests that organizations spend three to six times more on OJT than on classroom training.

On-the-job training is a form of on-the-job training. During training, employees are introduced to the work environment in which they participate. Employees can also gain hands-on experience using machines, equipment, tools, materials, and more.

On-the-job training is usually the most effective way to acquire the skills needed for the job. No one wants to spend time away from work sitting in a classroom when they can study at work while working.

Lack of qualified trainers is one of the drawbacks of in-house training. The best people in an organization don't always make the best coaches. A qualified trainer has excellent communication skills. They are patient and ready to answer any off-course questions a trainee may have.

To know more about On-the-job training, visit:-


Related Questions

an enterprise in which two or more firms or investors (including governments) share ownership of a business and its property rights is called a(n):


A(n) enterprise is defined as one in which two or more businesses, investors, or governments (including governments) jointly own a business and its property rights: joint venture

A joint venture (JV) is a company formed by two or more people that is typically distinguished by shared ownership, returns and risks, and governance. In general, businesses enter into joint ventures for one of four reasons: to obtain access to a new market, especially an emerging one; to increase scale efficiency by integrating assets and operations; to share risk for significant expenditures or projects; or to gain access to talents and capabilities. Reuer and Leiblein's research contested the notion that joint ventures reduce downside risk. Joint ventures have received a lot of bad reputation, but objective data suggests they might possibly outperform fully owned and controlled affiliates, claims Gerard Baynham of Water Street Partners. According to his review of data from more than 20,000 businesses obtained by the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), "A new narrative developed," he writes. The DOC data shows that the average return on assets (ROA) for international joint ventures of U.S. corporations was 5.5 percent, compared to 5.2 percent for their totally owned and controlled affiliates (of which the vast majority are wholly owned). The same is true for foreign corporations investing in the United States, although the distinction is more obvious. Joint ventures with U.S. headquarters had an average ROA of 2.2 percent, whereas totally owned and controlled affiliates in the country only generated a ROA of 0.7 percent.

Learn more about joint venture here


to find people who will fit into their organizations, some interviewers use the airport test, which is


An informal personality measure asking what it would be like to spend 12 hours stuck in an airport with this person.

A hypothetical or theoretical inquiry that an interviewer poses to oneself following an interview is termed as the "airport test." The airport test is essentially a method of determining whether we are a likeable candidate.

And if the interviewer responds "Yes," it is likely we would be a good hire for their requirements and that we could get along with them.

A prospective employer or interviewer might want to picture what it would be like to work alongside us and whatever contributions we would make to the business culture because colleagues devote so much time together.

The airport test is a method of evaluating our potential for handling difficult or stressful circumstances in our career or personal life.

To know more about interview, visit:


in order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers?


Companies may reduce unnecessary expenditures and deliver goods to customers more quickly and effectively by handling the supply chain.

Who or what is a consumer?

Consumers are those who buy products for their own needs and utilize or consume them. Although a customer never resell the good, product, or service, he or she may use it to support himself or herself and engage in self-employment. Describe a consumer. The person who uses any good and services on a daily basis is the consumer.

What is an easy way to define a consumer?

A consumer is a person who purchases products or services for personal use or ownership as opposed to resell or utilization in production or manufacture. A heterotrophic creature in a food chain that consumes other species or organic substances.

To know more about consumer visit :


reserves of a bank equal its a. vault cash plus deposits with the federal reserve. b. vault cash plus deposits of its customers. c. vault cash. d. deposits with the federal reserve.


It was founded by President Woodrow Wilson under the Federal Reserve Act, which was aimed at backing each banks in order to put a definitive end to the bank panics of the 1800s.

What is the required reserve ratio for the Federal Reserve?in modern economies is rarely used Assume a bank has $100,000 in checking account deposits and no excess reserves, with a required reserve ratio of 10%. If the Federal Reserve raises the required reserve ratio to 12%, the bank will now have $20,000 in excess reserves.A bank reserves include the vault deposits with the federal reserves and represent a commercial bank holding and are physically held by the bank in the central reserves.  That is set by the minimum reserve requirements an some of the central banks ted to pay interest on these despots while others don't. They can be various types as reserves on deposits and vault on cash and borrowed reserves and free reserves.The Federal Reserve implements Interest on Excess Reserves (IOER) to adjust the banks’ holding of excess reserves and influence the monetary supply. Financial institutions are required to hold a minimum amount of reserves to ensure sufficient liquidity when clients want to withdraw cash under normal circumstances.

To learn more about Reserve bank refer to:


on july 1, year 1, dewey co. signed a 20-year building lease that it reported as a finance lease. dewey paid the monthly lease payments when due. how should dewey report the effect of the lease payments in the financing activities section of its year 1 statement of cash flows?


Dewey must report the lease as an 3. outflow equal to the current year's principal payments only.

It is appropriate to classify cash payments made to lower debt principal as a financing activity. The cash inflows from the lease payments will be reported as an operating activity as they are considered part of company's revenue-generating activities. The cash outflows for the principal portion of the lease payments will be reported as a financing activity because they are considered the use of financing by the company.

This is because the lease payments are considered a source of financing for the company, as they provide the company with the use of the leased asset without requiring the company to make a significant upfront payment. Since Dewey paid monthly lease payments when due the outflow was equal to the current year's principal payments only.

Complete Question

On July 1 of the current year, Dewey Co. signed a 20-year building lease that it reported as a capital lease. Dewey paid the monthly lease payments when due. How should Dewey report the effect of the lease

payments in the financing activities section of its statement of cash flows?

1. An inflow equal to the present value of future lease payments at July 1, less current year principal and interest payments.

2. An outflow equal to the current year principal and interest payments on the lease.

3. An outflow equal to the current year principal payments only.

4. The lease payments should not be reported in the financing activities section.

Read more about the lease on:


What is one of the most important responsibilities of the dental office business assistant?


You should zealously adhere to the rules of the dental office as a dental assistant. You'll need to organize the dentist's office and give patients friendly direct or indirect care.

To join our healthcare department, we are searching for a capable dental assistant. You should zealously adhere to the rules of the dental office as a dental assistant. You'll need to organize the dentist's office and give patients friendly direct or indirect care.

On a full-time basis, you will be accountable for performing fundamental dental operations and office work. You should maintain a welcoming workplace for patient care while delivering outstanding customer service. You will see to it that everything the dental assistants do goes off without a hitch.

Apply for this opportunity right now if you have a thorough understanding of dental procedures and oral health. We look forward to meeting you.

learn more about dental assistant here


it is likely that a constitutional amendment that required the government always to run a balanced budget would a.contribute to a more stable level of output. b.mitigate the crowding-out effect. c.eliminate the economy's automatic stabilizers. d.result in zero percent inflation.


It is likely that a constitutional amendment that required the government always to run a balanced budget would eliminate the economy's automatic stabilizers. So option c. is correct.

A balanced budget occurs when revenues are equal to or greater than total expenses. A budget can be considered balanced after a full year of revenues and expenses have been incurred and recorded. Proponents of a balanced budget argue that budget deficits burden future generations with debt. For example, governments may issue a press release stating that they have a balanced budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

The phrase balanced budget is commonly used in reference to the official government budget.

Learn more about a balanced budget here:


True or false? trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.


The following statement, "Trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time." is True.

A trade secrets are any information that is not generally known or easily accessible, and that provides a business with an advantage over its competitors. Trade secrets can include everything from customer lists and marketing strategies to manufacturing processes and product formulas.

The protection of trade secrets is a vital part of any business's competitive edge. In order to maintain the secrecy of a trade secret, businesses must take steps to keep the information confidential. If a trade secret is improperly disclosed, a business may suffer significant financial losses.

To know more about trade, click here.


what is one way that cash flows from investing activities are the opposite of cash flows from financing activities?


Cash loaned and borrowed is one way that cash flows from investing activities are the opposite of cash flows from financing activities.

While cash flows from financing activities typically reflect cash flows relating to money the firm borrowed from others, cash flows from investing activities frequently reflect money the company loaned to others.

The cash flow from investing activities section of the cash flow statement displays the cash generated or spent in relation to investment operations. Investing activities include purchasing physical assets, purchasing and holding securities, and selling securities and/or assets.

The net cash flows used to fund the business are shown in the cash flow from financing activities (CFF) section of a company's cash flow statement. Financing activities include deals involving debt, equity, and dividends.

To learn more about Cash flows visit:


the country happy land claims that it is producing everything its citizens consume. this situation is called


the country's happy land claims that it is producing everything its citizens consume. this situation is called:  autarky

Autarky, an economic arrangement of independence and restricted exchange. A nation is supposed to be in a total condition of autarky assuming it has a shut economy, and that implies that it doesn't take part in global exchange with some other country.

All things considered, social orders have used various degrees of autarky. The mercantilist strategies followed by western European nations from the sixteenth to the eighteenth hundred years, which attempted to expand state power to some extent by restricting global exchange, were autarkic. A greater type of autarky was sought after by Nazi Germany (1933-45), which attempted to boost exchange inside its own economic coalition and to dispose of it with untouchables. A contemporary illustration of outrageous autarky is North Korea's arrangement of juche (Korean: "confidence").

to know more about global exchange click here:


which risk management process involves prioritizing risks based on their probability and impact of occurrence? group of answer choices planning risk management identifying risks performing qualitative risk analysis performing quantitative risk analysis


Performing qualitative risk analysis management process involves prioritizing risks based on their probability and impact of occurrence.

Simply said, qualitative risk analysis is the process of ranking risks according to their likelihood of happening and their potential consequences, as well as any additional qualities that may be pertinent. The portion where we choose which risks to focus on because we don't have time to put effort into all of them is what the majority of us would recognise as a crucial stage in project risk management.

The third procedure in the Knowledge Area of Project Risk Management is Performing qualitative Risk Analysis.

The process of determining the possibility of a risk happening and the effect it would have on a project if it did is known as qualitative risk analysis.

To know more about Performing qualitative risk analysis visit:


What are the negative effect of rapid population?


The effects of over population mean increased demand for food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and more. And all of this consumption contributes to ecosystem degradation, increased conflict, and increased risk of large-scale disasters like pandemics.

Population became landless, lost their jobs and reduced public spending on education and health. Economic stagnation. Rapid population increase is reducing per capita income growth in most developing countries that depend on agriculture and face pressures on land and natural resources. It encourages inequality in income distribution; it limits gross national product growth by keeping saving and capital investment low; it puts pressure on agricultural production and land; and this creates the problem of unemployment.

To learn more about Population, click here.


the taft-hartley act created a list of unfair labor practices for unions and all of the following are true except: a. the act prohibits labor unions from coercing employees to join b. the act requires unions to bargain in good faith c. the act allows union members to be expelled or fined for filing unfair labor practices d. the act describes procedures for removing a union once it is in existence


The Taft-hartley act created a list of unfair labor practices for unions and all of the following are true except the act describes procedures for removing a union once it is in existence. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a Taft-Hartley Act ?

The Taft-Hartley Act outlawed closed shops, territorial strikes, strike action, support or partisan strikes, secondary bans, secondary in mass picketing, subsidiary including mass boycotts of goods and services, and financial contributions by employers to federal electoral candidates. Additionally, it mandated that union officials declarations of non-communism to the authorities.

In addition to making labor unions accountable for damages resulting from territorial disputes and requiring union officials to swear an oath of noncommunism, the Taft-Hartley Act prohibited an all enterprise. All of the below are true, with the exception of the act's description of how to dissolve a union after it has been formed, which is on the blacklist of unfair employment practices concerning unions introduced by the Taft-Hartley Act.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about Taft-Hartley Act , here:


which of the following statements is false? select one: a. both sales promotions and publicity should be consistent with and reinforce the retailer's overall promotion objectives. b. sales promotions should seek to provide some type of short-term sales incentive. c. sales promotions can either stimulate trial, increase consumer demand, or improve product demand. d. sales promotions play a very minor role in most retailers' overall promotion strategy. e. sales promotions can be significant in helping the retailer differentiate itself from competitors.


The following claims are untrue since sales promotions are a relatively minor part of most merchants' total promotion strategy.

What do sales promotions entail?

A marketing strategy called a sales promotion aims to boost sales, foster client loyalty, or raise brand exposure. It usually involves giving clients a rebate or some other kind of incentive to purchase your product or interact with your brand.

The importance of sales promotion

The main benefit of a promotion is that it helps a company stand out from its rivals. Without competition, no company should need to run promotions. To continue doing business with customers, you must stay one step ahead of your rivals.

to know more about sales promotions visit:


an employee is found to have grossly mistreated a client, which the employee has never done before. what consequence should be administered to the employee?


The correct response is c. Termination. An employee's departure from a job and the end of their time with an employer are both referred to as termination of employment or separation of employment.

The word "termination" comes from the verb "to terminate," which means to put an end to. It also refers to the process of dismissing someone from their position, and termination is likely the word most frequently used to describe this action or its outcome, as in His employment with the organization came to an end. termination letter as a result of downsizing or layoffs. For cause (misbehaviour, performance, attendance, etc.), a termination letter. cancellation of the business agreement. A termination, often known as a separation from employment, may be voluntary (an employee's choice) or involuntary (an employer's choice). Close, complete, conclude, end, and finish are some frequent synonyms for terminate. All of these verbs have the same semantic meaning—"to bring or come to a stopping point or limit"—but the word "terminate" suggests the setting of a physical limit. An employee's time working for a corporation comes to an end when their employment is terminated. Termination may take place voluntarily, like when a worker decides to leave on their own. When a business reduces staff, terminates workers, or initiates layoffs, this is known as an involuntary termination.

Learn more about Termination here


An employee is found to have grossly mistreated a client, which the employee has never done before. What consequence should be administered to the employee?

Select one:

a. Suspension without pay

b. Written admonishment

c. Termination

d. Suspension with pay

true or false: colin's coffee company made a licensing deal with folger's brand coffee. this is an example of a strategic alliance. true false question. true false


True: colin's coffee company made a licensing deal with Folger's brand coffee. this is an example of a strategic alliance.

A company is a prison entity shaped by using a group of individuals to interact in and perform an enterprise—business or commercial—organization. An enterprise can be organized in diverse approaches for tax and financial liability purposes relying on the corporate law of its jurisdiction.

There are 3 commonplace kinds of corporations—sole proprietorship, partnership, and organization—and each comes with its very own set of benefits and downsides. In easy terms, the reason for an enterprise is to have a significant imagination and prescient after which to be worthwhile in accomplishing it. And we should qualify “profitable”: profitability means long-time period sustainable returns, and each word in that phrase is vital.

Learn more about company here:


according to the story of stuff, which sector of society is on the front lines when it comes to the effects of toxins in production processes?


According to the story of stuff, Factory workers is on the front lines when it comes to the effects of toxins in production processes.

Anine Leonard's web documentary "Story of Stuff" was published in 2007. Where do items come from and where do they go when people throw them away are the key topics of discussion. Regardless of whether they actually need a product, why do people develop an addiction with it?

Every product adheres to the "material's economy" system:

1. Extrapolation

2. Manufacturing

3. distribution

4. Consumption

5. Disposition

But in reality, there are additional systemic steps that are discussed by everyone because this is a system that is genuinely in trouble. This is not the complete narrative about products. Because each phase in the process must interact with communities, economics, cultures, and surroundings, the system has a start and end, which is not true in real life.

The actual cycle is lacking three components:

a) People: People are present within and around the system, influencing how the various processes communicate with one another.

b) Government: Instead of caring for the citizens of their countries, their welfare, and their jobs, they are more preoccupied with protecting huge corporations.

c) Corporation: This entity is larger than the government and is constantly striving to acquire more funds.

To know more about products:


serena is ashamed of her shopping addiction, so she throws away the credit card bills, hides the receipts, and refuses to acknowledge them. this is an example of multiple choice


Serena is ashamed of her shopping addiction, so she throws away the credit card bills, hides the receipts, and refuses to acknowledge them. this is an example of repression.

Repression, in the psychoanalytic principle, is the exclusion of distressing memories, minds, or emotions from the aware mind. often involving sexual or competitive urges or painful childhood recollections, those unwanted intellectual contents are driven into the subconscious mind.

Repression is frequently stressed with suppression, another sort of defense mechanism. wherein repression entails unconsciously blocking undesirable thoughts or impulses, suppression is entirely voluntary. specifically, suppression is intentionally seeking to overlook or no longer reflect on the consideration of painful or unwanted thoughts.

Learn more about repression here


there have been 24 sales in the subject property's market within the last 6 months. there are currently 16 homes on the market. how many months will it take to absorb the current amount of inventory on the market?


It will take 5 months to absorb the current amount of inventory on the market.

Absorption Rates and Periods = 24 / 12 = 2

Sales per month = 10 / 2 = 5 months

Absorption is how much space or units are involved inside a market over a given timeframe, regularly one year. Absorption thinks about both developments of new space and the evacuation of existing space or potential units. As a general rule, absorption addresses the interest in a sort of land stood out from the supply. To figure out the absorption rate in the land, partition the complete number of homes sold in a particular timeframe by the all-out number of homes accessible in that market.

To learn more about sales and commerce,


gnas corporation's total current assets are $261,000, its noncurrent assets are $641,000, its total current liabilities are $194,000, its long-term liabilities are $524,000, and its stockholders' equity is $184,000. the current ratio is closest to:


Current Ratio is 1.34 and thus, is closest to 1.

A liquidity ratio called the current ratio assesses a company's capacity to settle short-term debts or those that are due within a year. It explains to investors and analysts how a business can use its present assets to the fullest extent possible to pay down its current liabilities and other payables. If the ratio is less than 1, it means that the company has more debts due in the next year or less than it does in cash or other short-term assets that are anticipated to be converted to cash in the next year or less. Although various circumstances can negatively impact the current ratio in a strong corporation, a current ratio of less than 1.00 may sound frightening.

Current Ratio = Current Assets ÷ Current Liabilities

In the ques, currents assets are given as $261,000

Current liabilities are given as $194000.

Thus, Current ratio = Current Assets ÷ Current Liabilities

= 261000 ÷ 194000

= 1.34

Thus, Current Ratio is 1.34.

To know more about Current ratio


microcredit loans often have long-term implications for the women who receive these loans and for the villages in which they live. how have microcredit loans benefited the village of palampur?


Microcredit loans frequently have long-term effects on both the villages in which the borrowers live and the women who receive them. The community of Palampur will gain from microcredit loans by supporting microfinance organizations that provide funding for borrowers with modest incomes.

There are other additional methods to help the village's women;

assisting microfinance organizations to secure money for borrowers with modest incomes.financing micro, small, and medium-sized businesses to empower women.providing rural women with access to both financing and education.helping to restore the livelihoods of women and to rebuild post-conflict communities.use microfinance to support enterprises and ways of life outside of major cities.fostering small enterprises to aid in economic diversification.

To know more about economic diversification, click the below link


The purchase of goods and services, the sale of goods and services to customers, and costs to operate the business are all reported on the statement of cash flows under activities.
a. True
b. False


The statement that the purchase of goods and the sale of them to customers as well as costs to operate a business go to the Operating activities in the Statement of Cash flows is A. True.

What goes into the Operating activities ?

The operating activities of a company in the Statement of Cash flows are only those sales and purchases that relate to the operations of a company to make more revenue and profit.

They will also include all the costs that are needed to operate the business. This is why they will include things like net income and accrued expenses and liabilities.

Find out more on the statement of cash flows at


the bargaining power of a union may be exercised by: a. legal injunction b. lockout or relocation c. striking, picketing, or boycotting d. union merger


The bargaining power of a union may be exercised by striking, picketing, or boycotting.

Hence, Option C is correct.

What do you mean by Bargaining power?

The ability of parties to exert influence over one another during an argument is referred to as bargaining power. In a discussion where both sides are on an equal footing, they will have the same amount of bargaining power, as would occur in a market with perfect competition or between two equally powerful monopolies.The key buying criteria of buyers (such as price, quality/reliability, service, convenience, or any mix of these), price sensitivity or elasticity, switching costs, and their number and size in relation to the number and size of suppliers, all affect their relative bargaining power.

To know more about Bargaining power here


what is the months supply in a market that is absorbing 360 units per year and has 30 vacant, completed units and 90 units under construction?


4 is the months supply in a market that is absorbing 360 units per year and has 30 vacant, completed units and 90 units under construction.

What is construction?Construction is a general term that describes the art and science of forming an object, system or organization, and is derived from the Latin building and the old French  building is a verb: the act of building, and the noun is construction:  how something is made, the nature of its construction. Construction is an important industry that creates buildings and spaces that connect communities, create jobs and improve society. Construction industry he divided into two sectors. Non-residential has three sub-sectors and residential has residential. Each sector has its own merits with a  range of diverse and challenging work projects. Construction is the act or result of constructing, interpreting, or explaining. : The process, art, or method of constructing something. Construction of the new bridge is scheduled to begin in the spring.

To learn more about construction from the given link :



What is the months supply in a market that is absorbing 360 units per year and has 30 vacant,

completed units and 90 units under construction.

with the federal funds rate near zero and the economy still struggling, in response to already low interest rates doing little to stimulate the economy, the fed began buying 10-year treasury notes and certain mortgage-backed securities to keep interest rates low. this policy is known as


The Federal Reserve started purchasing 10-year us treasury notes and specific mortgage-backed securities in order to keep interest rates low when the federal funds rate .

What exactly are federal funds?

Federal funds, often known as fed funds, are surplus reserves which commercial banks as well as other banking institutions deposit with regional Federal Reserve banks. These funds can subsequently be lent to other market participants who lack the necessary cash on hand to cover their lending & reserve needs.

Who provides federal funds?

The federal government brought approximately $318.58 billion in revenues during the 2023 fiscal year. The federal government receives funding from a a number of sources, including excise taxes, income tax rates, payroll taxes, and individual income taxes.

To know more about federal fund visit:


how does being a member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france?


One of the most globalized economies is that of the European Union. It is also the largest single market region in the entire planet. One of the basic foundations of the EU was free trade among its members, and it is dedicated to opening up world trade as well.

How did the European Union make trade easier between EU nations?

EU international commerce increased between 1999 and 2010, and it currently makes up more than 30% of the EU's GDP (GDP). The EU negotiates contracts on behalf of its member nations and is in charge of their trade policies. In international trade discussions, the EU's collective voice is more influential than the voices of its individual members.

To negotiate trade agreements, the EU actively works with nations or regional organizations. Access to the markets of the EU and the concerned nations is provided by these accords, which is advantageous to both parties. EU businesses can expand their operations and import the raw materials needed to produce their products with greater ease.

When negotiating trade agreements or norms, the EU also solicits feedback from the general public, businesses, and non-governmental organizations.

To know more about European union, refer:


Double-Dip makes ice cream. The only advantage Double-Dip has over its competitors is taste. Double-Dip costs more and has more calories per unit weight. Promotions for Double-Dip should emphasize the experiential hierarchy of the ABC model of attitudes.TrueFalse


The given statement, promotions for Double-Dip should emphasize the experiential hierarchy of the ABC model of attitudes, is true.

What is explained by the ABC model?

Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences is also referred to as ABC. The ABC Model is a method for identifying and analyzing problematic behaviour. When doctors, clients, or caregivers seek to comprehend the "active components" for a problem behavior, it might be helpful.

What are the ABC's four levels of activity?

When using activity-based costing, often known as ABC, businesses classify the cost source into one of four categories: unit-based, batch-based, product-based, and facility-based costs.

To know more about ABC model of attitudes, visit:


question content area a corporation issues 2,050 shares of common stock for $65,600. the stock has a stated value of $19 per share. what amount of credit to common stock would the journal entry to record the stock issuance include? select the correct answer. $38,950 $2,050 $65,600 $26,650


Question content area a corporation issues 2,050 shares of common stock for $65,600. the stock has a stated value of $19 per share. what amount of credit to common stock would the journal entry to record the stock issuance include  2,050*19=$38,950

Common stock is a type of security and a form of corporate equity ownership. The terms voting share and ordinary share are frequently used outside of the United States. They are referred to as equity shares or ordinary shares in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries. This type of share gives the holder the opportunity to vote on corporate strategy and the composition of the board of directors, as well as a piece of the company's income. Any specific corporate assets are owned equally by all shareholders and are not the property of the common stockholders. If a corporation issues both ordinary and preference shares, the dividends will be paid to the preference shareholders first.

Learn more about common stock from


refer to scenario 2.2. the college-aged student represents experience limited's , and the tours its operates represent the element of the marketing mix. a. cash cow; distribution b. cash cow; product c. customer relationships; distribution d. target market; distribution e. target market; product


The college-aged student represents experience Limited's target market, and the tours its operates represent the product element of the marketing mix.

A target market is a population that has been chosen because of similar traits like age, income, and lifestyle as the most probable candidates to purchase a product. When a business creates, packages, and advertises its product, determining the target market is a crucial step in the decision-making process.

A target market is a group of consumers (individuals, families, or organizations) for whom a company develops, carries out, and maintains a marketing mix appropriate for that group's requirements and preferences.

To learn more about target market refer here:


which investment would generally be inappropriate for a 25 year old with a traditional ira invested for his/her retirement?


A substantial and permanent investment in money market mutual funds investment would generally be inappropriate for a 25-year-old with a traditional ira invested for his/her retirement.

Now, According to the question:

An investment is an asset or item received with the aim of generating income or appreciation. Appreciation refers to growth within the fee of an asset through the years. whilst individual purchases a great as funding, the intent isn't always to eat the best however as an alternative to apply it inside the future to create wealth.

What Is a Money Market Fund?

A money market fund is a kind of mutual fund that invests in highly liquid, near-term instruments. These instruments include cash, cash equivalent securities, and high-credit-rating, debt-based securities with a short-term maturity (such as U.S. Treasuries). Money market funds are intended to offer investors high liquidity with a very low level of risk. Money market funds are also called money market mutual funds.

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a characteristic that sets apart as an economic and political system is the private ownership of businesses. t or f A rectangle has a length of 24 inches and a width of 13 inches. If 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters, find the area of the rectangle in centimeters. Round the answer to the nearest tenth. A. 48.4 cm2 B. 480.4 cm2 C. 792.5 cm2 D. 2,012.9 cm2 The goal of shareholder wealth maximizationa. is not appropriate for non-U.S. business firms.b. means that all business decisions and investments that a firm makes are done for the purpose of making the owners of the firm better off financially.c. is a sub-objective the firm should attempt to achieve after the objective of customer satisfaction is met.d. is in conflict with the privatization process taking place in third-world countries. The four members of a singing quartet are buying new outfits. The shirts are $21, the pants are $26, the hats are $6 and the canesare $13. What is the total cost of the new outfits for all the members?O $264O $284O $244O $224 in which disorder does a person seem to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in one body? Answer question with steps asap Ill give brainliest! Use photo above dark-skinned people living in an area with limited exposure to sunlight, such as the north pole, are more prone to become deficient in this vitamin. Given the geometric sequence 512 over 243 comma negative 128 over 81 comma 32 comma 27 comma and continuing comma what is a6?. a person based in japan buys shares of general motors through the new york stock exchange. this is an example of:____. at the center of the neutral metal block, what is the direction of the electric field contributed by the charge in and on the metal block only? During a classroom lab activity, students built each of the circuits shown below and measured the current and resistance in each circuit. Each circuit contains a 1. 5-volt battery and each bulb has a resistance of 50 .When the switch is closed, in which circuit would resistance be the highest and current be lowest? a stretched string with fixed two ends is observed to vibrate in three equal segments when driven by a 108-hz oscillator. if the tension in the 2.00-m string is 320 n, what is the mass of the wire? Is BTS most popular band in Korea? Please help. Im struggling so bad. Its ASAP :(( I need help desperately Select all the correct answers.In which two ways Alexander the Great contribute to achievements made during the Hellenistic era?Group of answer choicesHe spread ideas by creating trade routes and port cities.He encouraged learning and the exploration of ideas.He destroyed cities that were threatening to revolt against him.He married a Persian woman and started to dress in Persian clothing.He enjoyed inventing new ways of doing things to help the people. three and fifty-four thousandths written in number form The sum of 3 consecutive odd numbers is 51.What is the second number in this sequence? What factors affect sea urchins? A local town is under pressure from voters to close a polluting factory. The head of the homeowners organization argues that the pollution is a menace, and if the full external costs of the pollution were calculated, the factory would not be profitable. The homeowners calculate that the pollution generates an external cost of $3,000,000 per year in medical bills and $1,000,000 per year in suppressed property values, which reflects the difference in home prices with and without pollution. That factory makes a profit of $5,000,000 per year.i.What is the external cost of the pollution?ii.If the factory is forced to consider the total social costs of pollution, would it be profitable?iii.How much could the town tax the factory before profits become zero?iv. What does the Coase theorem suggest about negotiations between the town and the factory?