The initial ingredients of a reaction.

The Initial Ingredients Of A Reaction.


Answer 1




I don't really know how to explain since it's a definition question. Just know that reactants are to the left of the arrow in a reaction, while products are to the right. The products are the end result.

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What property allows
water to dissolve a
variety of other
A. transparency
B. high specific heat capacity
C. the density of the water
D. ability to act as a universal



Ability to act as a universal solvent


All other properties are unrelated to how water performs as a solvent and a component within solutions.

put the following in order from largest to smallest cell nucleus, gene, chromosome,



Cell, nucleus, chromosome, gene


Nucleotide, Gene, DNA, Chromosome, Nucleus, Cell, Organism.

hope this helps

With floral characteristics, can one predict the type of pollination that can occur in a flower?



Try this website:


A red blood cell (RBC) enters the cranial vena cava of a dog and makes its way to the femoral artery of the dog. Choose the correct number corresponding to each component of the circulatory system that the RBC would encounter on its journey.
1. Lungs
Would not be included on this journey by the RBC
2. Right atrium
Would not be included on this journey by the RBC
3. Aorta
Would not be included on this journey by the RBC
4. Right ventricle
Would not be included on this journey by the RBC
5. Left atrium
Would not be included on this journey by the RBC
6. Carotid artery
Would not be included on this journey by the RBC
7. Pulmonary artery
Would not be included on this journey by the RBC
8. Left ventricle
Would not be included on this journey by the RBC
9. Pulmonary vein
Would not be included on this journey by the RBC
i. 3
ii. 1
iii. 6
iv. 2
v. 8
vi. 4
vii. 5
viii. 7


Answer:iii. 6

Explanation: the RBC will enter from the superior vena cava into the right atrium then enters the right ventricle. Then it goes into the lungs through pulmonary artery from lungs it enters the left atrium through pulmonary vein and then enters the left ventricles and from left ventricles it enters the aorta.

How can human beings work to combat and reduce the many negative impacts to the planet?



Use more renewable resources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, etc) and fewer fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas), since fossil fuels produce a lot of carbon dioxide Eat less livestock (farm animals, such as cows, produce a lot of methane and waste) and possibly become vegetarian/vegan Decrease deforestation (trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen)Recycle/reuse more items to decrease the amount of trash in oceans, forests, and other ecosystems

What is the estimated number of galaxies in the universe? What is the average number of stars in each galaxy?



about 100 billion galaxies in the observable cosmos. Each galaxy would have about 100 billion stars on average, and stars typically have roughly 10 planets, and hundreds or thousands of asteroids and comets


100 billion stars and 100 billion galaxies


I’m not sure if the answer


the answer would be acids

Processing Minerals and Metals


Organize Information Fill in the flowchart with the main steps involved in

processing minerals,

Minerals are

removed from

the ground

11. Why are minerals processed?

12. What are tailings, and why are they so controversial?



To remove impurities.


Minerals are processed in order to remove impurities from the minerals as well as getting clean minerals. If the minerals are not clean from impurities, it can't be used in the manufacturing of other products. Tailings are the materials that left over after the process of separating the mineral from the uneconomic fraction or residue of an ore. Tailing stored in water can be dangerous sources of toxic chemicals, such as heavy metals, sulfides and radioactive content that can adversely affected the biotic or living part of water.

The owners of a local bakery ask for your help in improving a special yeast strain they use to make bread. They would like you to help them design experiments using RNA interference to turn off genes, to allow them to test their hypothesis that certain genes are important for the good flavors found in their bread. Of the components in the following list, which is the most important to check for in this yeast strain if you would like this project to succeed?

a. the presence of foreign double-stranded RNA
b. the presence of genes in the genome that code for RISC proteins
c. the presence of miRNA genes in the genome
d. the presence of single-stranded siRNAs within the cell



b. the presence of genes in the genome that code for RISC proteins


The RNA interference (RNAi) mechanism is a naturally occurring pathway by which eukaryotic cells can silence specific genes both at the transcriptional (eg., by triggering DNA methylation on specific loci) and posttranscriptional (e.g., by triggering mRNA degradation) levels. This mechanism (RNAi) is widely used in molecular biology laboratories in order to silence genes and thus understand their functions. During the RNAi pathway, double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) are cleaved into small double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules known as small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or microRNAs (miRNAs) by an enzyme referred to as "Dicer". Subsequently, these small non-coding RNAs bind to an enzymatic complex known as RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) that contains a ribonuclease enzyme, i.e., an enzyme that degrades RNA. Finally, the small non-coding RNA (either siRNAs or miRNAs) that are complementary to the RNA target directs the RISC complex to bind and cleave specific mRNAs, thereby silencing gene expression (in this case, by the inhibition of protein translation).

What is accomplished during meiosis 1


Answer: However, Meiosis I begins with one diploid cell and ends with two haploid  cells, halving the number of chromosomes in each cell.


Which organism diverged first?? *


Sharks diverged first

Why can matter be weighed?
O A. It has mass.
O B. It has width.
O c. It has volume.
OD. It has pressure.


matter can be weighed because it has mass


A. It has mass.

C. It has volume.


The matter has both Mass and volume.

Mass and volume are two units used to measure objects. Mass is the amount of matter an object contains, while volume is how much space it takes up.

Hope it is helpful...

identify examples of RRAD from the process of photosynthesis




If a warm air mass and a cold air mass come together which one goes underneath?


Cold air will go underneath because hot air rises

How many total carbonate ions would be present in the formula for aluminum carbonate?

Select one:







its d


On a distance-time graph, a car standing still is shown with ____.

A. line curving down
B. line curving up
C. straight, horizontal line
D. series of dots getting closer together​




because time is still going by when the car isn’t moving


yess i think it is c as well


hope you have a great day

PLEASE HELP! I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST. What 2 factors affect organisms and their habitats, and give examples of each



There are two categories of these factors: abiotic and biotic. Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the environment that can often have a major influence on living organisms. Abiotic factors include water, sunlight, oxygen, soil and temperature.


Biotic factors are interactions associated with living organisms. They can also influence the distribution of organisms in an ecosystem. grazing - too little leads to dominant plants outcompeting other species, too much reduces species numbers overall. Both decrease biodiversity.

Abiotic factors affect the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce. Abiotic limiting factors restrict the growth of populations. They help determine the types and numbers of organisms able to exist within an environment.

: ) x

Transcriptional termination by RNA polymerase is favored when tryptophan levels are low (1) / high (2), because the low levels (3) / abundance (4) of charged Trp-tRNATrp causes the ribosome to quickly synthesize the leader polypeptide (5) / stall at the pair of Trp codons (6). This termination (7) / elongation (8) structure forms because the 3-4 stem loop (9) / the ribosome (10) allows region 2 to pair with region 3.
a. 1,3,6,8,9.
b. 2,3,5,8,9.
c. 1,4,6,7,10.
d. 2.4,5,8,10.



The answer is "Choice e".


The additional Trp Operon function is gene expression attenuation. If tryptophan levels are high, RNA Polymerase endings of glutamate operone are favoured, since the excess of Trp-tRNATrp load causes rna to rapidly synthesise the lead polyprotein and region iii base pairs with cluster 4 and creates stepping chain structures which signal mrna cessation. Rest both options are wrong in regards to the glutamate operon amplification transmission termination mechanism.

Which of the following are the products of respiration?
1)ATP, Water, and Oxygen
2)Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, and Water
3)ATP, Carbon Dioxide, and Water
4)Glucose, Water, and Carbon Dioxide


3 would be the best choice of cellular respiration

what is the relation between chromatin ,dna,gene,chromosome?pls answer in simple words ​



The main difference between chromatin and chromosome is that chromatin consists of the unravelled condensed structure of DNA for the purpose of packaging into the nucleus whereas chromosome consists of the highest condensed structure of the DNA doublehelix for the proper separation of the genetic material between

How are Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Cycles connected?
1)The products of one cycle become the reactants of the other.
2)The sun provides energy for both photosynthesis and respiration.
3)Photosynthesis and respiration both take place in the mitochondria.
4)Animals eat plants for food and then do not need to perform respiration


the answer is 1. both cycles are connected by what the reactants are for the cellular respiration

River dolphins are morphologically distinct from other dolphins and are primarily restricted to freshwater ecosystems in Asia and South America.

a. True
b. False



a. True


The river dolphin is a group of aquatic animals that is specially adapted to the fresh water and are relatively smaller compared to the other dolphins. They have evolved to survive in shallow waters and strong-river currents. These dolphins are not very widely disturbed and are found in certain deltas and rivers.

The diagram shows a portion of the fossil record. Select ALL of the statements that are supported by the record.

A) Life moved to land in layer 6.

B) Layer 5. is older than layer 2.

C) Fish were the first life forms.

D) The oldest life existed in water. Shelled organisms existed before fish. ​



i think it's D and E...


19. If you discovered a large deposit (layer) of organic sedimentary rock
mountain, what would this indicate to you about the mountain's past history?


This indicated that the mountain is old

Cómo se denomina al tipo de acción metabólica que genera la glucólisis y respiración celular?





El tipo de acción metabólica que genera la glucólisis y la respiración celular se llama catabolismo porque en ambos procesos se descomponen las moléculas lo cual es una acción catabólica. El catabolismo es una forma de metabolismo que descompone moléculas más grandes en unidades más pequeñas que son utilizadas por la célula para liberar energía o utilizadas en otras reacciones anabólicas significa la síntesis de moléculas complejas en organismos a partir de otras más simples.

Gaining Insight into Depositional Environments of Sedimentary Rocks
Name: ________ Course:____________
Section:_______ Date:_____________
Sedimentary structures, fossils, cements, and other features of sedimentary rocks provide insight into the environment in which the sediment was deposited.
Match each of the features in the left-hand column to an aspect of the depositional environment listed in the right-hand column by placing the corresponding letter in the proper blank.
Rock and/or feature of the rock
(a) poorly sorted arkose
(b) contains fossils of intact coral
(c) red mudstone containing dinosaur footprints
(d) black shale containing some pyrite crystals
(e) sandstone containing symmetrical ripples
(f) cross-bedded sandstone
(g) contains > 50% carbon and fossil leaves
(h) contains large, rounded pebbles and cobbles (contains fossils of feathers G very angular grains
Aspect of the depositional environment
1. deposited in a desert dune or in a current
2. formed from sediments accumulated in a swamp
3. deposited in very quiet (stagnant) water
4. deposited in an anoxic marine setting
5. deposited by a swiftly moving stream
6. formed from warm-water, shallow marine reef
7. has not undergone a lot of transport immature,
8. deposited close to the source
9. formed from terrestrial mud (riverbank deposits)
10. deposited on a beach



(a): 7. and 8.

(b): 6.

(c): 9.

(d): 4.

(e): 10

(f): 1.  

(g): 2.  

(h): 5.  and 3.  


Sedimentary rocks are rocks generated from pre-existing rocks and/or once-living organisms. Arkose is a type of sandstone rich in feldspar (at least 25% of this mineral). Moreover, a rock containing coral fossils indicates that its depositional environment was located in warm tropical reef waters. Mudstone is a kind of sedimentary rock composed of clay (in this case, sediments continued to be deposited above the dinosaur footprints). The black shales are fine-grained sedimentary rocks composed of a mixture of clay (in this case, the pyrite crystals are used as an indicator of low oxygen). Symmetrical ripple marks in the sandstone indicate a marine environment where water motion was dominated by wave oscillations. Cross-bedding is a common structure of sedimentary rocks that form during deposition on inclined surfaces of bedforms (e.g., ripples and dunes). Sediment deposition in swamps is usually heavily vegetated and therefore they are rich in organic matter, while deeper swamp sediments are generally anoxic. Finally, cobblestones are naturally occurring cobble-sized stones formed from the flow of water and gathered from stream beds, while pebblestones are formed when water bodies hit the giant rocks in the rivers and lakes.

Which components makes up the "backbone" of the DNA molecule?
O phosphate and nitrogen bases
O deoxyribose sugar only
O nitrogen bases
O phosphate and deoxyribose sugar


phosphate and deoxyribose sugar
Phosphate and deoxyribose bases is your answer

1, name the part of the reproductive system in which fertilisation happens.
2, what is an embryo
3, where does the embryo develop into a foetus, and then a baby
4, why does the uterus lining start to grow thick and spongy, as an egg cell develops in an ovary
5, what happens to the uterus lining if the egg cell is not fertilised
6, how often does an egg cell leave an ovary, in an adult woman
7, how often does menstruation happen, in an adult woman


I’m going for real I haven’t done this because it was hard didn’t get it but now I know // ANSWER -




1.fallopian tube unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development, in particular a human offspring during the period from approximately the second to the eighth week after fertilization (after which it is usually termed a fetus)

3.First, the zygote becomes a solid ball of cells. Then it becomes a hollow ball of cells called a blastocyst. Inside the uterus, the blastocyst implants in the wall of the uterus, where it develops into an embryo attached to a placenta and surrounded by fluid-filled membranes.

4.Eggs live in ovaries, and the hormones that control your menstrual cycle cause a few eggs to mature every month. When your egg is mature, it means it's ready to be fertilized by a sperm cell. These hormones also make the lining of your uterus thick and spongy, which gets your body ready for pregnancy.

5.The fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. The placenta then develops. The placenta transfers nutrition and oxygen to the fetus from mother. If the egg does not become fertilized, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed during menstruation.

6.The egg cell travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus. The moment the egg cell leaves the ovary is called ovulation. Once a girl has had her first monthly period, ovulation usually occurs once a month

7.The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Cycles can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days in adults and from 21 to 45 days in young teens. The rise and fall of levels of hormones during the month control the menstrual cycle.

what is the role that humans play in artificial selection


Answer is there options if not then i think it would be so then they can reproduce for offsprings to greater the population.


pls mark brainlies

Please help!!! 15 points to whoever answers, and brainliest to the best answer!
The process of cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. Write the chemical equation for cellular respiration.



C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O


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