Question 17 of 25
What is the probability of flipping a coin 10 times and getting tails 8 times?
Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.
O A. 4.4%
B. 1.0%
OC 20.5%
D. 11.7%


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

10 ÷ 8


≈1% probability

Related Questions

What is the value of the expression below?
900 – 2 x (18x3)

Help it’s for a test and I need it done in under 20 mins


Don’t know if this is right but I would do the brackets first 18 x 3=54, then I would multiply that number by 2 so 54 x 2=108, then I would subtract it from 900 so 900-108=792
i think the answer is 900-108x

I hope it helps you :)

Solve for x.
[tex]25x = 100[/tex]



Solution given:

[tex]25x = 100[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{100}{25}[/tex]

[tex]x = 4[/tex]

x=4 is a required answer.

Let's check


x is 4

3. A soccer player heads a ball from a height of 6 feet with an initial vertical velocity of
20 feet per second. The height h in feet of the ball is given by h = -167 + 20t +6,
where t is the time elapsed in seconds. How long will it take the ball to hit the
ground if no other players touch it? State the method you used to solve this
quadratic equation and why you chose that method.




Step-by-step explanation:

Given the expression that models  the height as;

h(t) = -16t²+20t +6

The ball will touch the ground at when h(t) = 0

0 =  -16t²+20t +6


-16t²+20t +6 = 0

Divide through by -2

8t²-10t-3 = 0

Expand using the general formula

t = -(-10)±√(-10)²-4(8)(-3)/2(8)

t = 10±√100+96/16

t = 10±√196/16

t = 10±14/16

t = 10+14/16

t = 24/16

t = 1.5

Hence it will take the ball 1.5secs to hit the ground

Geoff paddles his canoe at an average speed of 3.5 miles per hour. After 5 hours of canoeing, Geoff has traveled 18 miles. Write an equation in slope-intercept form to find the total distance y Geoff travels after x hours.



d(x) = 3.5x + 0.5

Step-by-step explanation:

3.5 x 5 = 17.5 which means the canoe began from a starting point of 0.5



Step-by-step explanation:

from mcgraw hill

Question 3
A bucket contains 4 red marbles, 10 blue marbles, 7 yellow marbles, and 5 green marbles.
What is the probability that you will get a blue, then a yellow with replacement?
a: 17/52
b: 10.796
c: 35/388
d: 10/26


It looks like it could be c but I’m not sure

Find the surface area of the prism.



58.1 (not rounded)

Step-by-step explanation:

You add all sides given to you to get the SA of the prism.



The sum of x and y is a rational number

Pleaseeeee helppppppppppppppp




Step-by-step explanation:

a biconditional is if and only if

plz help what’s the answer



a. 192 b.60 c. 184, 164, 350

Step-by-step explanation:

a.Total of males=88+104

b.Female, Anaerobic=156-96

c. aerobic= 88+96=184



Can someone plz help me plz I beg uuuu plz I will really appreciate it


x is equal to 45 because the whole thing is supposed to equal 180



Step-by-step explanation:

(2x+10) + 30 + 50 = 180

2x+10+30+50 = 180




A mother is now 2 1/2 times old as her daughter Mary. Four years ago the ratio of their ages was 3:1. Find the present age of the mother.



The present age of the mother is 40 years

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the age of the mother be M and that of the daughter D. Given that the mother is now 2 1/2 times old as her daughter Mary then

M = 2.5D

Given that Four years ago the ratio of their ages was 3:1

The mother's age 4 years ago was

= M - 4

and that of the daughter then was

= D - 4


(M - 4)/(D - 4) = 3/1

Cross multiply

M - 4 = 3(D - 4)

M - 4  = 3D - 12

M = 3D - 12 + 4

M = 3D - 8

Substitute into the first equation

3D - 8 = 2.5D

3D -2.5D = 8

0.5D = 8

D = 8/0.5

= 16 Years

M = 2.5D

M = 2.5 * 16

= 40 Years

How do you find a factor in a graph?


you look for the points where x=0 or when the graph touches the x axis

Biologists studying wildlife in the state parks want to estimate the average weight of chipmunks. They measured the weights of 5 chipmunks from each of 10 parks. The mean of the data was 91 grams, and the median was 87 grams



The average weight of the chipmunks is 91 grams

Step-by-step explanation:

The mean of a dataset gives the average which is obtained by taking the sun of each data value and dividing by the number of samples. The median however requires the arrangement of data in terms of size ze (ascending) and taking the mid value (value which falls in the 50% mark). For the data above, the most appropriate measure of the average is the mean. Hence, the prediction which matches the data is ; The average weight of the chipmunks is 91 grams.

Based on the data that the Biologists found out, the prediction that best matches the data is The average weight of the chipmunks is 91 grams.

What does the data say?

The data shows the weights of the five chipmunks that were recorded and the mean of these weights was 91 grams.

The mean of a dataset is the same as its average which means that the average weight found from the chipmunks was 91 grams.

In conclusion, option D is correct.

Options for this question are:

About one-half of the chipmunks weigh more than 91 grams

The average weight of the chipmunks is 87 grams.

About one-half of the chipmunks weigh more than 87 grams

The average weight of the chipmunks is 91 grams

Find out more on averages at

9. Joanna is considering two job offers. Phoenix Fashions offers

$1500/month plus 2.5% commission. Styles by Rebecca offers

$1250/month plus 5.5% commission.

a) Create a linear system by writing an equation for each salary.

b) What value of sales would result in the same total salary

for both jobs?

c) Which job should Joanna take? Explain your answer.



A] 1500 + 0.025x , 1250 + 0.055x ; B] Sales value = 8333

C] Offer 1, if prefers more fix salary over additional incentive. And, offer 2 if  prefers additional incentive over fix salary.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the sales be = x

A] Offer 1 = 1500 + 2.5% comm on sales = 1500 + 2.5%x = 1500 + 0.025x

Offer 2 = 1250 + 5.5% comm on sales = 1250 + 5.5%x = 1250 + 0.055x

B] Value of sales, resulting in total salary : at equation 1 = equation 2

1500 + 0.025x = 1250 + 0.055x

1500 - 1250 = 0.055x - 0.025x → 250 = 0.03x

x = 250 / 0.03 →  x (Sales value) = 8333

C] Which job she should take, would depend on her preferences.

If she wants more fixed salary, & less above per unit achievement, she should take offer 1 as fixed salary 1500 > 1250. If she wants less fixed salary & more additional incentives, she should take offer 2, as commission 5.5% > 2.5%

hey what's the answer !!

[tex] \sqrt{98 - ( 17)} [/tex]

(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ​




=√ 81

=√ (9)^2

=9 is ans


[tex] \sqrt{98 - ( 17)} [/tex]

[tex] {\sqrt{81}} [/tex]

[tex] {\sqrt{9²}} [/tex]=±9

is your answer

All three please 10 points



A) x = 3 or -1

B) x = -7

C)x = -7

Step-by-step explanation:

A) x² + 2x + 1 = 2x² - 2

Rearranging, we have;

2x² - x² - 2x - 2 - 1 = 0

x² - 2x - 3 = 0

Using quadratic formula, we have;

x = [-(-2) ± √((-2)² - 4(1 × -3))]/(2 × 1)

x = (2 ± √16)/2

x = (2 + 4)/2 or (2 - 4)/2

x = 6/2 or -2/2

x = 3 or -1

B) ((x + 2)/3) - 2/15 = (x - 2)/5

Multiply through by 15 to get;

5(x + 2) - 2 = 3(x - 2)

5x + 10 - 2 = 3x - 6

5x - 3x = -6 - 10 + 2

2x = -14

x = -14/2

x = -7

C) log(2x + 3) = 2log x

From log derivations, 2 log x is same as log x²


log(2x + 3) = logx²

Log will cancel out to give;

2x + 3 = x²

x² - 2x - 3 = 0

Using quadratic formula, we have;

x = [-(-2) ± √((-2)² - 4(1 × -3))]/(2 × 1)

x = (2 ± √16)/2

x = (2 + 4)/2 or (2 - 4)/2

x = 6/2 or -2/2

x = 3 or -1

What is the domain of the square root function graphed below?



x ≥ 3

Step-by-step explanation:

The domain is the set of x values in a function

The ordered pair ( 3 , 1 ) represents the point where the function starts

( note that the point is "closed" which means that ( 3 , 1 )  represents a solution to the function ) ( which also means that we will be using ≤ or ≥ )

The x value of that ordered pair is 3 which means that the domain must include 3.

The line then goes to the right of the x value 3, infinitely which means that the domain is anything greater than or equal to 3

or x ≥ 3

Please help. SINE=?


opposite/hypotenuse = sine


opposite - hypotenuse

In a quiz, you receive 7 points for a correct answer and –4 points for an incorrect answer.You receive 0 points if you do not answer the question.There are 20 questions in total.Is it possible to get a score of –11 in this quiz?



Yes it is possible

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]n = 20[/tex]

[tex]x= 7[/tex] --- correct

[tex]y = -4[/tex] --- wrong

[tex]z = 0[/tex] --- empty answer


Is a total of -11 possible?

To do this, we apply trial by error method.

After so many approaches, I found the following solution

[tex]x \to 3[/tex] -- Got 3 correctly

[tex]y \to 8[/tex] --- Failed 8

[tex]z \to 9[/tex] ---- Didn't answer 9

The above will give a score of -11.

We have:


[tex]3x+8y+9z = 3 * 7 + 8 * -4 + 9 * 0[/tex]

[tex]3x+8y+9z = 21-32 + 0[/tex]

[tex]3x+8y+9z = -11[/tex]

Hence, a score of -11 is possible

HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLS



I think it will be (x+7)^2 =16

I'm not for sure but I think this is it.

Step-by-step explanation:

please help me ill give you the crown thing if its right no joke


Answer: Third option

Step-by-step explanation:

The amount in each of the 3 busses (g) is fixed and equal, so 200+3g represents that

(top number is a 6)



[tex]\frac{24}{11}+\frac{6\sqrt{5} }{11}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply the fraction by the conjugate and solve (would explain more but you're on a time crunch)





Step-by-step explanation:

The problem tells us that we need to use 25 equally sized stones to make a 12 feet long path. As the stones must be equally sized, you have to divide 12 by 25 to distribute the feet length equally. Therefore, 12 divided by 25 is just rewritten as 12/25 feet long.

Which fraction is less 2/9 1/3



2/9 is less than 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

2/9= 0.222


Help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can someone talk to me please?




Step-by-step explanation:


sure why not .


Step-by-step explanation:

can I have brainiest

PLEASE HELP! In a film study, a sample of 300 movies was found to have an average runtime of 116 minutes with a standard deviation of 15 minutes. What is the margin of error for any sample of movie runtimes with 90% confidence (z=1.64)?



The answer is 1.42!!!!!!

Step-by-step explanation:

X A padlock's combination is five digits long using the digits o through 9. 0/4 Numbers can repeat within the combination. What is the probability that my combination has all even numbers in it (for example 22222 or 86840)? 0.01 w 0.03 0.05 Х O 0.1 Correct answer 0.03 OFC mooton Monday or Tuesday at 3PM 4PM​



Before we discuss permutations we are going to have a look at what the words combination means and permutation. A Waldorf salad is a mix of among other things celeriac, walnuts and lettuce. It doesn't matter in what order we add our ingredients but if we have a combination to our padlock that is 4-5-6 then the order is extremely important.

If the order doesn't matter then we have a combination, if the order does matter then we have a permutation. One could say that a permutation is an ordered combination.

The number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time is determined by the following formula:



A code have 4 digits in a specific order, the digits are between 0-9. How many different permutations are there if one digit may only be used once?

A four digit code could be anything between 0000 to 9999, hence there are 10,000 combinations if every digit could be used more than one time but since we are told in the question that one digit only may be used once it limits our number of combinations. In order to determine the correct number of permutations we simply plug in our values into our formula:


In our example the order of the digits were important, if the order didn't matter we would have what is the definition of a combination. The number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time is determined by the following formula:


Four friends are going to sit around a table with 6 chairs. In how many ways could the friends sit?

Step-by-step explanation:

Two different banks, Bank A and Bank B, offer accounts with exactly the same annual interest rate of 6.85%. However, the account from Bank A has interest compounded monthly, whereas the account from Bank B compounds interest continuously. To decide which bank to open an account with, you calculate the amount of interest you would earn after three years from an initial deposit of $5000 in each bank’s account. How much interest would you earn from each account? Which bank’s account earns more – and how much more?



Solution given:

For bank A.


principal [P]=$5000

time [T]=3years

now since simple interest is given by this bank

we have

Simple interest=PTR/100


For bank B


principal [P]=$5000

time [T]=3years

now since compound interest is given by this bank

we have

compound interest=P((1+R/100)^T-1)



Bank B gives more interest .more amount is

1099.49-1027.5=$71.99 or $72

omg bet you don't know this pt2



look at what the angle represent in the arrows

Step-by-step explanation:

Answers are 3/4 and 4/6

move numbers to the table to show the value of x that satisfies each question
equation 2^x = 16
4^x = 1/16


The first empty box the answer is 3
The second empty box the answer is -3
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