The Guardian online newspaper ________ the news on Tuesday.


The actor ________ that he had not made that comment.


Sam is going to be ________ by the BBC!



Answer 1
1. Informed

2. Claimed

3. Interviewed

Related Questions

In a persuasive presentation, the speaker is always trying to do influence the audience to do what?

A: change a belief or behavior

B: remember all the key points of the presentation

C: buy a product

D: invest capital in their idea


A persuasive presentation depends on what you’re trying to persuade the person to do.

Although in this case I would say the answer would be A.

Hope this helps!




i took the test.

Help me please!
What is the purpose of the dashes in this sentence, “During the ‘working’ day, she labored beside-not behind-my father in the fields.”?
to highlight the importance of the words ‘not behind’
to highlight the importance of the phrase “my father in the fields”
to take the place of semi-colons
to take the place of periods.


Answer: A

Explanation: simply through the process of elimination

Semi colons are used to combine two complete and related sentences, for example:

Swimming in the lake was relaxing; I never feel more relaxed then while I’m swimming.

One way to check if periods work is to just put periods instead of dashes:

“During the ‘working day’, she labored beside. Not behind. My father in the fields.

With the last part, “my father in the fields”, this sentence structure is incorrect.

By reading this sentence we can see that the dashes simply did not add importance to the words “my father in the fields”, so this can’t be the answer.

The answer is A

Hope this helps!

What is the difference between Chichewa and Chinyanja?



not much difference


Chichewa is a Bantu language spoken in parts of Malawi, where it is an official national language along with English, and also in Zambia, Mozambique, where the language is known as Chinyanja, and Zimbabwe.

Why might an infographic use an overwhelming number of colors or fonts?

A: to make the information clearer

B: to prove the designer is an expert

C: to distort data

D: to help interpret data


The whole point of adding colour to your presentations, is to not bore your readers and to make it more inviting to read.

For your answers I would pick A.

Hope this helped

Answer: The answer is C- to distort data.

Explanation: Infographic designers make an effort to use overwhelming colors and fonts to distract the reader from data but also to distort it.

Is the Chichewa language dying?


Answer: Sadly the language is now dying out, with only the eldest still speaking it as a main language, many of the younger Lomwe tribe now speak in the Chichewa.




Most people who speak the language are only elders

Which of these is NOT one of the four pillars of a presentation


The element that is not considered as one of the four pillars of a presentation is Good smell (option D).

What is a presentation?

A presentation is a term that refers to a method of displaying information on a specific topic, data, and results of one investigation or another. It is generally used as a support material for the presenter. When we create a presentation we must take into account that it is an aid to our memory if we forget some key concept. Additionally, it serves to display graphics, maps, multimedia content, among others.

Which option does not correspond to a pillar of the presentations?

An adequate presentation must have some pillars for it to be effective and help the presenter in his presentation. Due to the above, some pillars have been established as a reference to create a presentation correctly. Some of them are:

Content: The presenter must focus on using related information and key concepts so that the public understands his speech properly when watching his presentation.Design: The design is an important factor because it will invite the public to look at your presentation and understand the topic easily. In the design we must take two aspects into account, the first is that the information is well organized and the second is that the design is attractive to the eye.Delivery: This aspect refers to the message that our presentation transmits, both the oral part and the graphic support part, these two must be a complement and contribute to the understanding of the public.

According to the above, it can be established that "Good smell" is the option that is not correct because this is not considered a basic parameter of the presentations.

Note: This question is incomplete because there is some information missing. Here is the complete information:


A. Content

B. Design

C. Delivery

D. Good Smell

Learn more about presentations in:


please help meeee



so the cure to that is actually not been discovered yet



play some video games


If you can speak many languages, what would that make you?

1. Polyglot
2. Bilingual
3. Multilingual
4. A person who speaks many languages





A person who speaks many languages - Polyglot

(If you learned the languages you're a polyglot, if you live where the languages are spoken you are multilingual)

Polyglot - knowing or using several languages/a person who knows and is able to use several languages.

Bilingual - (of a person) speaking two languages fluently./a person fluent in two languages.

Multilingual - in or using several languages.

A person who speaks many languages

A polyglot is someone who learns many languages whilst multilingual is a community/country/place where more than two languages are spoken and used in everyday life




Which step is part of checking the context of a source?

A: Determine if you can validate quotes and statistics.

B: Evaluate the tone of the language used.

C: See if it depends on emotional appeals that are not traceable.

D: Ensure only primary sources are used.


The step that is part of checking the context of a source is option B: Evaluate the tone of the language used.

What role does tone have in writing?

The attitude a writer portrays about a topic is referred to as tone. A writer may have strong feelings for or against a particular subject and use numerous techniques to convey these feelings. It's possible that emotive language—also referred to as an emotive tone—is being used.

Therefore, In literary contexts, tone often refers to the mood that an author conveys through word choice and the feelings that the book may elicit in the reader. Any number of feelings and viewpoints can be evoked by the tone an author adopts in a piece of writing. Additionally, tone can take on a variety of linguistic forms, from terse to prosaic and thus help you to know the context.

Learn more about tone language from

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