pls 100 points and crown
Philip Jones is a twenty-nine year old native of New York who has been living in Florida for the past ten years. The next election for governor is in two years.

In the passage above, will Philip be able to run? Why or why not.


Answer 1
Yes he is eligible to run for governor because he has lived in Florida for 10 years and by the time the election comes, he’ll be over 30.

Related Questions

How did trade and urbanization in China affect its contact with foreign peoples and goods? Did it produce a truly cosmopolitan society? How did Chinese economic power transform the hemispheric economy?


The Chinese economy has grown since ancient times and has been characterized by having been related to international trade, which has allowed it to establish a cosmopolitan society.

How did trade and urbanization in China affect your contact with people and goods from abroad?

China's trade and urbanization contributed to China's establishment of relations with other nations. Since ancient times, the Silk Road allowed Chinese cities to trade their products with European and Asian countries by different means (sea and land).

Did it produce a truly cosmopolitan society?

Chinese society can be considered cosmopolitan because the government and citizens have focused on promoting technological and commercial development with other nations. Due to the above, they have the conception that all humans belong to a society based on the same principles, which is why China could be considered a cosmopolitan country.

How did Chinese economic power transform the hemispheric economy?

The hemispheric economy was positively transformed by the Chinese economic power because this country has developed a strong international economy that has given importance to the surrounding countries. Additionally, the nations of the northern hemisphere have been characterized by having solid commercial relations that have allowed them to consolidate their industry.

Learn more about Chinese economy in:


Which of the following provided the world's number one source of energy during the second half of the twentieth century?

Nuclear power



Natural gas




Coal, in turn, was progressively replaced by oil during the first have of the 20th century, and by the mid-1960s, oil became the main source of energy.

What type of role do emergency powers have in our constitutional system?


Our constitutional system uses emergency powers to temporarily strengthen executive authority in the face of sudden emergencies that develop too quickly for Congress to act.

What is emergency powers and its types?

The emergency powers granted to the president by Congress are extensive and dramatic, and they include the suspension of all laws governing chemical and biological weapons, including the prohibition on human testing. Only when "the existence of the nation is threatened by war, invasion, mass rebellion, disorder, natural disaster, or other public emergency" and if regular laws and government powers are insufficient to restore peace and order may the president declare a state of emergency. Emergency situations can be classified as either national, state, or financial in nature.

To know more about Emergency Powers refer to:


Describe how the Navajo returned home from Bosque Redondo.


After four years of living in cramped, deplorable conditions at Bosque Redondo, the Navajo finally signed the famous US-Navajo Treaty of 1868.

Only a small section of the Navajo people's ancient homeland in Arizona and New Mexico was made accessible to them again by the treaty. Desperation and power disparities can lead to groups of people agreeing to compromises they would not ordinarily accept. In an effort to leave the difficult conditions at Bosque Redondo and return to their ancestral grounds, the Navajo (Diné) consented to give up some of their sovereignty in 1868.

To learn more about Navajo's return refer to:


Which two European nations took control of the regions in the Middle East that had been controlled by the Ottoman Empire?


France and Britain took control of the regions in the middle East that had been controlled by the Ottoman Empire.

The partitioning of the Ottoman Empire resulted in the dominance of the Middle East by Western powers, as well as the formation of the modern Arab world and the Republic of Turkey.

Between the 14th and early 20th centuries, the Ottoman Empire also referred to as the Turkish Empire, ruled over a large portion of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. Osman I, the head of the Turkoman tribe, founded it in the town of Söüt in northwest Anatolia at the end of the 13th century.

To know more about The Ottoman Empire, click here.


What happened to grazing land when Fort Defiance located near Canyon de Chelly?


When Fort Defiance was built in 1851 near Canyon de Chelly, Navajo territory, the Indians were forbidden from using the valuable grazing land. As a result, the Fort Defiance was constantly at odds with the Navajos, and two major attacks were launched against the fort in 1856 and 1860.

On April 29, 1860, about 1,000 Navajo warriors attacked the US Army garrison at Fort Defiance in New Mexico Territory, which is now part of Arizona. The Navajo launched a surprise attack but were defeated by 150 American defenders from the 3rd Infantry led by Captain Oliver L. Shepherd. Important event of history.

To know more about Fort Defiance here


in what way did legal rights for women expand in europe and the united states during the 19th century


Answer: A. Women became more likely to win custody of children after a divorce.

Explanation: Legal rights for women expanded in Europe and the United States during the 19th century since women became more likely to win custody of children after a divorce.

Hope this helps

What is appeasement and was it successful during this time period?


Answer: Instituted in the hope of avoiding war, appeasement was the name given to Britain's policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked.


Under the Song, the amount of land used for agriculture decreased.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


True, there was a reduction in the area used for agriculture. In India, the agricultural land is decreasing at a rate 0.03 million hectares per year.

What is land degradation?

As a result of natural processes, land uses, or other human activities and habitation patterns like land contamination, soil erosion, and the eradication of the vegetation cover, land degradation is the reduction or loss of the biological or economic productivity and complexity of rain-fed cropland, irrigated cropland, or range, pasture, forest, or woodlands.

What is soil erosion?

When water or wind impact separates and removes soil particles, the soil deteriorates gradually as a result of soil erosion. Around the world, surface runoff, soil erosion, and poor water quality have become major issues.

What is irrigated cropland?

Agriculturally used land parcels that are regularly or continuously irrigated with permanent infrastructure for arable crops (irrigation channels, drainage network and additional irrigation facilities).

To know more about soil, checkout this link:


Write a well-reasoned essay addressing the following question:
According to McCullough, what did President Truman feel was his most difficult decision while in office and why? Was his view of the decision shaped by his idea of the "Lesson of Munich"?


Truman made both well-liked and contentious choices, and the move that was most widely praised was also the most challenging. The hardest choice of Truman's administration was whether or not to enter the Korean War, and the Lesson of Munich had a significant influence on that decision.

Later in life, Mr. Truman said that the choice to deploy soldiers to Korea in 1950 was the one that he found the most challenging to make as president. Nearly 54,000 Americans had died in the "Forgotten War" by the time an armistice was formally ratified in July 1953.

The transition of the economy from wartime to peacetime was Truman's main economic task. He established the council for economic advisors and passed the Employment Act in an effort to maintain the level of employment that was close to full during the war.

To learn more about President Truman


What can be directly linked to the mass starvation the Mayans suffered?


One thing that can be directly linked to the Mayan mass starvation was their massive deforestation.

Why did the Mayans suffer mass starvation?

At some point in their history, the Mayan people suffered from mass starvation that affected their societies so heavily that when the Spanish came to the area, the Mayan civilization was already on the decline.

There have been different reasons suggested for the Mayan mass starvation and one of them is that the Mayan people had engaged in deforestation on a massive scale. This deprived the soil of nutrients and so not enough food could be grown.

Find out more on the Mayan mass starvation at


That happened to the treaty of versailles in the US Senate? When did finally sign a peace deal?​


When the Treaty of Versailles was initially passed by the President to the US Senate, it was rejected because they feared that U.S. involvement in the League of Nations would mean that American troops might be sent into Europe and settle European disputes.

Why did the US Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles after ww1?

At the end of World War I, the treaty forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I.

When it was passed to US senate to sign, some senators opposed it because they believed the proposed League of Nations would infringe upon U.S. sovereignty and Congress's power to declare war. But after the Senate's defeat of the treaty, the congress formally declared the end of World War I by joint resolution in 1921.

Read more about Treaty of Versailles


discuss and analyze two of the main reasons for the decline and eventual downfall of Ancient Ghana​


Although external invasion was a significant contributing element, the decline and destruction of both were mostly caused by internal strife in the royal family and the rebellion of feudal leaders and regional satraps.

A culture called Ghana emerged in the sixth century. Ghana is situated in the Savannah area and modern-day western Sudan. It was close to the Niger River, which offered plenty of fertile land ideal for farming, but this was only beneficial for the first 6,500 years the empire existed. In their agriculture, crops including red-skinned African rice, tuber, roots crops, oils, fiber plants, and fruits flourished.They also had the good fortune to live close to gold and iron mines, which enabled them to prosper and trade for expensive goods.

Thus this is the reason of Ghana's downfall.

Refer here to learn more about Ghana:


Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
The ancient Israelites are most well-known for their concern with which of the following?
O Punishing lawbreakers harshly
OUsing commandments as guides for behavior
O Giving women more rights than men
O Establishing a homeland in Africa


The ancient Israelites are most well-known for their concern by the:

Using commandments as guides for behaviour

How did the acts of old Israelites separate them from other antiquated people groups?

The Israelites accepted that God was strong yet additionally great and just. They accepted that individuals could interface with God through supplication, strict review, and great and simply acts. This faith in one God is called monotheism. This made Judaism exceptional among other old religions.

How did the religion of the old Israelites vary from the religion of antiquated Mesopotamians?

While the Israelites didn't completely accept that their god Yahweh was the sole god on the planet, they accepted he was the sole god answerable for their lives. Conversely, the Mesopotamians (and Egyptians and Greeks) adored many divine beings, from lords of climate to divine forces of the reap.

What is Israel generally known for?

Israel is known for being the origination of Jesus Christ to the Dead Ocean, the clamoring cutting edge city of Tel Aviv, and the antiquated excellence of urban areas like Jerusalem and Haifa. Its international position, history, and culture make it absolutely remarkable in the Center East, yet all at once all through the world.

Learn more about Israelites here:


Which region shows the greatest increase in immigration during the time period shown on the graph?


Southern and Eastern Europe because it increased over time as opposed to Northern Europe which decreased

Which was the most important achievement in the Song Dynasty? Why?



Just a few of these advancements included improvements in agriculture, development of moveable type, uses for gunpowder, invention of a mechanical clock, superior shipbuilding, the use of paper money, compass navigation, and porcelain production.


During the colonial era, all Latin American countries became republics except

Question 3 options:






Answer: Brazil


Between 1808 and 1836, all of Latin America except the Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico and Cuba gained their independence. Part of the revolutions originated in changing ideas in Europe and the Americas about the role of government and individual rights from the Enlightenment. But Latin American independence was also a specific reaction to the conflicts in Spain during the Napoleonic Wars. A new Spanish king, installed by Napoleon as he worked to conquer Europe, led some colonial leaders to demand more political power and autonomy from Spain. Two hundred representatives from Spain and sixty from various colonies wrote the Constitution of Cadiz in 1812. The constitution tried to both reinstate the old monarch and guarantee certain freedoms for all citizens, including Indigenous people in Spanish-controlled South America. The constitution’s rapid failure motivated some colonial leaders to push for independence. Similar to rebels in the thirteen colonies who considered themselves to be English, defending their rights as Englishmen, Latin American revolutionaries saw themselves as Spanish and entitled to the protections of the Spanish crown.

Each Latin American country had a distinctive path to independence, making slow and uneven progress, but there are times when their histories overlap. After the Constitution of Cadiz fell apart in 1814, some colonies like Venezuela and Argentina declared independence, touching off a decade of battles between interracial factions. Spanish Creoles, enslaved and free Black communities and Indigenous communities fought on both the Spanish and rebels’ sides. Independence leaders promised a society free of slavery. Between 1814 and 1824, rebels led by Simón Bolívar fought battles in what would become Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador. In 1821, they formed the nation of Gran Colombia, writing a constitution and creating a congress to represent a wide swath of South America. Battles continued, the decisive end coming at the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824 in Peru, guaranteeing independence for Peru and Argentina.[1] Gran Colombia would fall apart with the death of Simón Bolívar in 1830. But republics were established in most of Spanish-speaking South America by the 1830s.

Which pre-Columbian American leader reorganized his government to address problems of food and water supply to his people?
Pacal the Great
Moctezuma I
Moctezuma II
Huayna Capac


"The Pre- Columbian American leader who reorganized his government to address problems of food and water supply to his people was Moctezuma I."

"Moctezuma I was the 2nd emperor of "Aztec Empire" and fifth king of "Tenochtitlan". At the time of his rule, this kingdom was unified and large scale growth happened. "Tenochtitlan" began to be the main associate of the "Aztec Triple Alliance". His main achievement was the building of a double waterway pipe system, providing his city with fresh water. He also implemented various measures to deal with the situation of plague and famine."

To learn more about Aztec Empire,



Moctezuma I


Match the correct idea to the Enlightenment thinker


Each of the idea should be matched correctly with the appropriate Enlightenment thinker as follows:

John Locke: Natural rights.Baron de Montesquieu: Checks and balances.Voltaire: Importance of religious tolerance.

Who are Enlightenment thinkers?

Enlightenment thinkers were a group of intellectual and philosophical people who challenged existing traditional ideas, while desiring social, political and technical progress in Europe, especially by forming a social contract between the people and their government such as the following individuals:

John Locke.Baron de Montesquieu.Voltaire

Who is John Locke?

John Locke was an English physician and philosopher, who is also referred to as the father of liberalism. Additionally, John Locke's work was significant in the drafting of "The Fundamental constitution of Carolina" and he stated that government are saddled with the responsibility of protecting the people's natural rights such as:

Right to life.Right to liberty.Right to property.

In conclusion, Baron de Montesquieu and Voltaire were the Enlightenment thinkers who developed the idea of checks and balances and the importance of religious tolerance respectively.

Read more on Enlightenment thinkers here:


Complete Question:

Match the correct idea to the Enlightenment thinker. Tiles John Locke Baron de Montesquieu Voltaire Pairs checks and balances arrow importance of religious tolerance arrow natural rights

Which phrase best completes the diagram showing the growth of the Mongol empire


The phrase that best completes the diagram on the growth of the Mongol Empire is C. Captured northern china and southern Russia.

How did the Mongol Empire grow?

The Mongol Empire was able to grow thanks to the exploits of Genghis Khan and then his descendants who expanded the empire. Under Genghis Khan, the Mongol Tribes were united from being a group of Nomadic people to a centralized nation. This allowed them to pull their resources and strength together and attack other nations.

First they conquered the Muslim territory that they found in Central Asia and then they attacked southern Russia. They also went into Northern China and took over half of the nation. They did not take the entire nation until the reign of Kublai Khan. By this time they were also able to capture Korea and then threaten the Japanese even though they were never able to defeat them. Eastern Europe also fell to the Mongol invaders.

Find out more on the Mongol Empire at


(GIVING BRAINLIEST IF CORRECT) The territory of Texas was annexed by the United States because:
A: Texas was added to the United States as a result of the Mexican-American War.
B: Spain forced Mexico to allow annexation to happen after years of conflict.
C: Texas was annexed at the same time as California making the increase in sizable for the United States.
D: in 1845, the Republic of Texas voluntarily asked to be admitted to the United States.





Texas had been asking for years but was declined by the U.S due to political statements on slavery. The state finally was annexed in 1845 as a slave state.

C cuz if Texas is Anne led by us think this would be the only one

How did the political system in Great Britain help to encourage the development of industrialization


t allowed foreign trade and domestic to occur to expand the economy and grow industries.

The Inca used which of the following methods to centralize power over their empire?

worship of the sun god

O mita system of labor

the standardized Quechua language

all of the above


All alternatives are correct as methods used by the Incas to centralize power over their empire.

Who were the Incas?

It was an ancient pre-Columbian civilization that settled in South America, conquering an extensive territory of more than 4,000 km in the Andes region.

The great development of this civilization is due to a set of central characteristics, such as the strong religiosity that guided the lives and actions of individuals, in addition to the social hierarchy through social classes, and the agrarian economy.

Culture was then determined by polytheistic religion, with the worship of different gods of nature, such as gods of the sun and rain, who were worshiped through different rituals and even human sacrifices.

Therefore, in addition to culture and strong religiosity, the Incas standardized the Quechua language as a means of communication that allowed greater interaction, control and exchange of knowledge in society.

Find out more about Inca Civilization on:


How did women play a role in reform?



Women and women's organizations also worked on behalf of many social and reform issues. By the beginning of the new century, women's clubs in towns and cities across the nation were working to promote suffrage, better schools, the regulation of child labor, women in unions, and liquor prohibition


Herbert Hoover, Speech at New York City (1932)

What differences in Roosevelt and Hoover's philosophies of government are revealed in these speech excerpts? (2-3 sentences)
What political leaders and parties today sound most like Roosevelt?
What political leaders and parties today sound most like Hoover?
Do you think America is leaning toward one of these visions today?


There are many differences between the United States’ 31st president Herbert C. Hoover and it’s 32nd president Franklin D. Roosevelt.

A difference in the very foundation of their political standpoints. Herbert Hoover was affiliated with the Republican Party while Franklin D. Roosevelt was a member of the democrat party.Franklin D. Roosevelt was optimistic to bring trust and public confidence to his administration. Herbert Hoover lost the trust of the American people. Hoover and Roosevelt different in their domestic services but they were also different in their foreign affairs.

The Democratic Party is the party today which sounds like Roosevelt. The political leaders today who sound like Roosevelt include the likes of Joe Biden.

What was Herbert Hoover's Speech at New York City (1932)?

Americans elected some of conservative Republicans to the presidency during the boom years of the 1920s. When the economy crashed in 1929, however, and the nation descended deeper and deeper into the Great Depression, voters abandoned the Republican Party and conservative politicians struggled to in office. In this speech on the eve of the 1932 election, Herbert Hoover warned against Franklin Roosevelt’s proposed New Deal.

This campaign is more than a contest between two men, contest between two parties. It is a contest between two philosophies of government.

The Republic Party and the political leader Harry Evans Geithner Sounds Like Hoover.

Learn more about Herbert Hoover here:


Which of these was not one of the reasons many colonists decided to join the patriots' cause?

A) There was fear that the colonies would be dragged into wars and conflicts with other nations that were currently at odds with the British Empire.

B) Many felt the colonies were being mistreated, and that Great Britain was only looking out for its own best interests, and not that of the colonists in America.

C) There were thousands of slaves who had been promised their freedom if they sided with the patriots and fought against the British.

D) The great distance between England and the colonies made communication very difficult, thus making it impossible for the British government to rule properly.





everything else is true on the list

What statement is true regarding Latin American nations following World War II?

Question 2 options:

They experienced trade surpluses

They imported agricultural products from Europe and The United States

They moved away from the manufacturing industry

They remained dependent on the economies of more developed nations


Answer: They remained dependent on the economies of more developed nations


During World War II, a number of significant economic, political, and military changes took place in Latin America. The war caused considerable panic in the region over economics as large portions of economy of the region depended on the European investment capital, which was shut down. Latin America tried to stay neutral at first but the warring countries were endangering their neutrality. In order to better protect the Panama Canal, combat Axis influence, and optimize the production of goods for the war effort, the United States through Lend-Lease and similar programs greatly expanded its interests in Latin America, resulting in large-scale modernization and a major economic boost for the countries that participated.[1]

The  statement which is true regarding Latin American nations following World War II is that they remained dependent on the economies of more developed nations. Thus option (d) is correct.

What was the World War 2 (WW2)?

World War II was the biggest and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30 countries. Sparked by the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland, the war dragged on for six bloody years until the Allies defeated Axis powers or the Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945.

The two groups in WW2 were the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) and the Allies ( France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and to lesser extent, China) .

The major participants in the war threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources.

Learn more about World War 2 (WW2) here:


What expert knifeman was sent to evacuate the Alamo?

A) Davy Crockett

B) Daniel Boone

C) Sam Houston

D) Jim Bowie


Jim Bowie

Jim Bowie also known as James Bowie was sent to evacuate the Alamo.

A man named Bowie joined Texas militia in the Texas Revolution, leading forces at the Battle of Concepción and the Grass Fight. In January 1836, he arrived at the Alamo, where he commanded the volunteer forces. Unfortunately, he became bedridden from an illness. Bowie died on March 6, with the other Alamo defenders.

The expert knifeman who was sent to evacuate the Alamo was Jim Bowie.

In the "Sandbar Fight" duel he engaged in 1827, James "Jim" Bowie (1796–1836), who died at the Alamo, made the "Bowie knife" infamous.

Bowie knives developed into a craze that was so widespread that companies in Germany and England produced thousands of them for shipment to Texas and the West.

Even schools for teaching novices knife fighting existed. He could have had a hand in the butcher or dressing knife's insertion of the recognizable crossguards and Texas-clipped tip.

Therefore, the correct option is (D).

To know more about Jim Bowie, visit:


Use your understnading of realism, considerations of morality, and the issue of domestic determinants of US policy and describe how US should deal with Iran.


The US must deal with Iran rationally, realistically and with a view to the security of both countries and citizens.

How did the US conflict with Iran come about?

The series of conflict between nations originated in the period from 1979 to 1981, with the hostage crisis in Iran, nuclear threats and violation of human rights in the country.

Therefore, the series of conflicts between the countries resulted in the US trade embargo with the country, making diplomatic relations difficult and strengthening tensions between the policies of each one.

Find out more about diplomatic relations on:


Why did President Roosevelt ask Congress to declare war on Japan in 1941?


On December 8, 1941, the United States Congress declared war ( Pub. L. 77–328, 55 Stat. 795) on the Empire of Japan in response to that country's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and declaration of war the prior day.

Answer: Its A

Explanation: I'm doing k12 too and i got it right

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