The group that formally abolished the monarchy was the
. After the monarchy was abolished, the
was created. It was led by
, who later took the title Lord Protector. This leader was a
, meaning that he supported removing Catholic rituals from the Church of England.


Answer 1

The group that formally abolished monarchy was the Rump parliament.

What is the Commonwealth of England?

The Commonwealth was the governmental system in place from 1649 to 1660, when England, Wales, and later Ireland and Scotland, were ruled as a republic following the conclusion of the Second English Civil War and Charles I's trial and execution. The Commonwealth was the governmental system in place from 1649 and 1660 when England and Wales, later joined by Ireland and Scotland, were at their height.

After the monarchy was abolished, Commonwealth of England was created. It was led by Oliver Cromwell, who later took title Lord Protector. This leader was a Puritan, meaning that he supported removing the Catholic rituals from the Church of England.

To learn more about Commonwealth, visit:


The correct question is

The group that formally abolished the monarchy was the ____. After the monarchy was abolished, the ______ was created. It was led by ______, who later took the title Lord Protector. This leader was a ______, meaning that he supported removing Catholic rituals from the Church of England.

Related Questions

Who finally won the war between France or Vietnam?


As the Viet Minh anti-aircraft fire took its toll and artillery bombarded the airstrip, effectively preventing takeoffs and landings, fewer and fewer of those supplies reached the French. The garrison was overrun in May after a two-month siege, and most of the French forces surrendered.

How were the policies of Taft and Wilson toward Latin America similar?


Both preferred to utilize economics to sway nations rather than military action.

The foreign policy decisions made by Presidents Taft and Wilson were shaped by their contrasting opinions about U.S. involvement in world affairs. Like Roosevelt, President Taft supported an imperialist strategy, albeit one that used money rather than force. Taft's "dollar diplomacy" promoted American investment abroad to aid in the stabilization of impoverished countries and to expand the market for American companies.

The expansionist ideologies of Taft and Roosevelt, on the other hand, were challenged by President Wilson, who made a concerted effort to change course. His "moral diplomacy" centered on removing American investments from other countries and defending citizens from repressive regimes.

Although Taft and Wilson took quite different methods to American participation, both men had a lasting influence on how the United States and the rest of the world developed.

learn more about Roosevelt here


What important pieces of legislation were passed during reconstruction, and how did they change american life?


Important pieces of legislation were passed during reconstruction, and how did they change American life meanwhile, the Reconstruction acts gave former male slaves the right to vote and hold public office. Congress also passed two amendments to the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment made African-Americans citizens and protected citizens from discriminatory state laws.

The Reconstruction era is the period of time in United States history that lasted after the American Civil War until approximately the Compromise of 1877. Reconstruction refers to the period immediately following the Civil War, from 1865 to 1877, when several U.S. administrations attempted to restore society to the Old Union. especially by establishing and protecting the legal rights of the newly freed black population. The

The reconstruction Era lasted from 1865 to 1877 at the end of the Civil War. Her main focus was to return Southern states to full political participation in the Union, guarantee the rights of former slaves, and define a new relationship between African Americans and whites.

Learn more about reconstruction here:


in 1862, congress adopted a protective tariff, a transcontinental railroad, and a homestead act as a result of


Congress's power decisively shifted to the north in 1862, leading to the adoption of a protective tariff, a transcontinental railroad, and a Homestead Act.

At what crucial moment did Union forces successfully stave off a second invasion of the North?

Lee's first significant setback came at Gettysburg. During the three-day combat, the Union Army of the Potomac successfully repelled his second North American invasion and severely wounded his Army of Northern Virginia. Three battles—Antietam, Gettysburg, and Vicksburg—are regarded as the three pivotal moments of the Civil War. The Emancipation Proclamation, which redefined the war's objectives for both the North and the South, could be added as the fourth.

What was one significant outcome of the North's Civil War victory?

The Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863, and made possible by the Union victory at Antietam, released all slaves in the states that were still in rebellion against the Federal authority.

To know more about Emancipation Proclamation, visit:


What stood in the way of Italian unification?


The following things stood in the way of Italian unification: Language: The Italian language still had many regional and local variants and hadn't developed a single standard form. Italy was split into seven states, but only one of them—Sardinia-Piedmont—was controlled by an Italian princely family.

What was Italian unification?

Il Risorgimento, or "The Resurgence," was the political and social movement that brought the many Italian peninsula republics together to become the united nation of Italy. Giuseppe Garibaldi headed the republican movement in the South, while Camillo B. Enso and Conte di Cavour led the royalist movement in the North. Victor Emmanuel II, a Piedmont king, was crowned as the country's first monarch and ruled until 1946 when it became a republic as a result of World War II.

The founding of the Italian Republic and the subsequent Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy, both controlled by Napoleon, started to incite nationalism among people in the countryside. Other national kings whom Napoleon had established attempted to maintain their thrones as his rule waned by stoking such patriotic feelings, which prepared the ground for later uprisings.

To learn more about Italian unification follow the link.


cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


When making decisions that will have an impact on the people, leaders in Iroquois culture are expected to recall seven generations in the past and seven generations in the future.

Wilma was the sixth of Charley Mankiller and Clara Irene Sitton's eleven children when she was born on November 18, 1945, in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, the Cherokee Nation's capital. Wilma Mankiller is revered and acknowledged as the Cherokee Nation's first female Principal Chief. She is also the first female chief of a significant Native tribe to be chosen. She devoted her remarkable life to defending American Indians' rights. She continues to serve as an example for many Cherokees and powerful women worldwide.

She made the following statement to recall both generations so that we can be aware about the problem or mistake in the past and at the same time be aware about the future. Conclusively, we can frame our present in such a way it does not compromise our future.

Know more about the Charley Mankiller at:


Was manifest destiny in the united states accepted by everyone explain


Despite that majority accepted the idea of manifest destiny, some opposed because other nations claimed the land and so, they felt an expansive nation would be too large to govern.

What was the idea of manifest destiny?

The manifest destiny was a cultural belief in the 19th-century United States that the American settlers were destined to expand across North America.

There were three basic tenets to the concept of manifest destiny which are:

special virtues of American people and their institutionsmission of United States to redeem and remake the West in the image of the agrarian Eastirresistible destiny to accomplish this essential duty

Read more about idea of manifest destiny


Place the following events in the life of Osama bin Laden into chronological order.1. terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 20012. terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa3. declares "war" on the United States4. fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan


Battle against the soviet intrusion of Afghanistan, announce battle against the US, psychological oppressors related to Al Qaeda commit assaults on U.S. consulates in Africa.

Osama bin Laden  Loaded was naturally introduced to Saudi wealth and proceeded to turn into the head of one of the most ruthless, worldwide fear-based oppressor networks.

In 1979, he included himself in battling against the Soviet attack on Afghanistan.

In 1996, He moves to the Afghan city of Jalalabad and proclaims a battle against the US (U.S.)

In late 1998, Osama struck U.S. consulates in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dares Salaam, Tanzania, killing 224 individuals and harming a large number.

On Sept 11, 2001, he alongside his relationship with Al Qaeda, commandeered planes and designated New York's reality exchange focus prompting 3k passing and a large number of harmed.

Learn more about Osama bin Laden:


(co1) which statement best describes the chief difference between roosevelt and hoover's approaches to combating the great depression?


The essential question of how to alleviate or at least lessen the impacts of the Great Depression swiftly turned the 1932 presidential election into a referendum on the management styles of the Hoover and Roosevelt administrations.

Hoover and Roosevelt approached the Great Depression in different ways based on how they perceived the issue. Hoover had little interest in the issue since he saw it as a temporary one that would be resolved on its own, but Roosevelt made it the government's job to take the necessary action, which was reflected in his New Deal Program. The market will correct itself without management intervention because the Great Depression was only a temporary phase. Hoover believed that if the federal government became overly involved, it would eventually take over the entire country. Roosevelt, though, believed that the only way to aid was by government intervention.

To learn more about Hoover and Roosevelt please click on below link


although this civilization lacked a written language, they developed a method of keeping track of data. this method known as quipu, was a set of knotted strings using color and knots to define categories and numbers. which civilization developed this method of record keeping?


A quipu (khipu) was a method used by the Incas and other ancient Andean cultures to keep records and communicate information using string and knots. In the absence of an alphabetic writing system, this simple and highly portable device achieved a surprising degree of precision and flexibility.

Verbal exchange is usually described because the transmission of data. The time period may additionally seek advice from the message communicated thru such transmissions or the sphere of inquiry studying them. there are many disagreements about its unique definition.[4][5] John Peters argues that the problem of defining communique emerges from the truth that communication is each a popular phenomenon and a selected discipline of institutional educational examine.[6] One definitional approach entails proscribing what may be included inside the class of verbal exchange (as an example, requiring a "conscious rationale" to steer).

Learn more about communicate here


what was the main disagreement between northern states and southern states that led to the civil war?


The main disagreement was if slavery should be legal in all states. The north wanted slavery to be contained in the southern states, while the south wanted slavery to spread.

How did Criminals take advantage of Prohibition ?


Prohibition helped to Organize Crime. Organized crime exploded because of the prohibition.

Mobsters controlled the flow of alcohol on a national level. Top tier gangsters and mobsters ensured that alcohol reached major cities and regions around the country. They had the resources, workforce, and knowledge to ensure that they could successfully defy the prohibition.

Organized crime figures and groups made it difficult for prohibition to be completely successful. This group of people ensured that drinking would continue and that people would get alcohol. They were counterproductive to the overall movement.

To learn more about Prohibition and crimes, refer:


how were social categories roles and practices maintained or changed from 1450-1750


Cultural changes also contributed to the maintenance or change of social categories, roles, and practices during this period. For example, the spread of Enlightenment ideas and the development of new forms of artistic and intellectual expression led to the emergence of new social categories, such as artists and intellectuals, and the creation of new social practices, such as those associated with the pursuit of knowledge and cultural expression.

What are social categories' roles and practices?

Generally, During the period between 1450 and 1750, social categories, roles, and practices were maintained or changed in a number of ways. These changes were influenced by a variety of factors, including economic, political, cultural, and technological developments.

One of the most significant factors that contributed to the maintenance or change of social categories, roles, and practices during this period was the emergence of new economic systems and structures. For example, the rise of capitalism and the development of global trade networks led to the emergence of new social groups, such as merchants and traders, and the creation of new social roles, such as those associated with the production and distribution of goods.

Political developments also played a role in the maintenance or change of social categories, roles, and practices. For example, the expansion of European colonial empires led to the creation of new social categories, such as colonizers and colonized, and the development of new social practices, such as those associated with the exploitation and domination of colonized peoples.

Read more about social categories roles and practices


how has the leading cause of death changed from 1900 to the present-day in the united states?


The leading cause of death has changed from 1900 to the present-day in the united states because it has shifted from infectious diseases to chronic diseases.

How have the leading causes of death changed from 1900 to the present?

In United States, the leading causes of death in 1900 includes tuberculosis, gastrointestinal infections, and diphtheria which have seen huge decreases in death rates and are no longer among the leading causes of death in the U.S. However, some other diseases such as heart disease and cancer have seen increased death rates.

In this century, the leading cause of death has changed from 1900 to the present-day in the united states because it has shifted from infectious diseases to chronic diseases.

Read more about causes of death


when the united states dropped atomic bombs on nagasaki and hiroshima how did japan respond?


Japan responded by antisurrender sentiment and objections from much of the Japanese military was widespread.

At the end of World War II, Japan was so terrified that they submitted, but they didn't. Because the Soviet Union joined the war, Japan capitulated. The bomb, according to Japanese leaders, compelled them to surrender because it was less embarrassing to claim a miracle weapon had defeated them.Japan capitulated after the second atomic bomb was detonated, leaving a big mess for the Pacific theater to clean up. The United States established a type of government in Hiroshima to assist in the process and supply jobs to those who were having trouble finding employment.

To know more about Hiroshima here


the great depression of the 1930s was: a. the first economic crisis in the nation's history b. not as serious as the deprssion of the 1840s and 1870s c. not the first, but the most serious depression in the nation's history d. not the first depression and no more serious than some of the others


Answer: c

Explanation: There were depressions in the 1840s and 1870s, but they were not as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930. Almost 25% of people were unemployed.

United and divided how religion drove politics in pre-modern europe commonlit answers.


According to the author Shelby Ostergaard, religious warfare and the Protestant Reformation were drove pivotal in altering Europe's political system.

How did the European Reformation affect the political structures of kingdoms within Western Europe?The immense upheaval created by the reformation had a long-lasting impact on European politics. Soon after the Catholic Church declared Martin Luther to be a "Protestant," Europe became divided along confessional and territorial lines. The period's religious instability resulted in violence within most states and between several.The Reformation laid the groundwork for the establishment of Protestantism, one of Christianity's three primary branches. The Reformation resulted in the reformulation of certain fundamental aspects of Christian belief and the split of Western Christendom into Roman Catholicism and new Protestant traditions.

Learn more about Pre-modern Europe here:


Why would legislators sometimes have to choose between raising taxes and cutting services?


Legislators sometimes have to choose between raising taxes and cutting services because to find an equilibrium between tax rates and public spending is sought.

Why should taxes be lowered?

Tax cuts, according to their proponents, boost disposable income for individuals and families, encourage spending, and expand the economy. Tax cuts are criticized on the grounds that they only benefit the wealthy and cut back on essential government services for those in lower income brackets.

They also largely suggest that tax increases can increase government revenue, but frequently at the expense of economic growth and taxpayer mobility. Tax reductions, on the other hand, frequently result in temporary drops in revenue while fostering long-term economic expansion.

Learn more about Taxes here:


what can explain king tuts injury?


King tut's injury was complications from a broken leg exacerbated by malaria.

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that King Tutankhamun died as a result of a broken leg exacerbated by malaria. King Tutankhamun ruled ancient Egypt during the 18th dynasty of the New Kingdom of Egypt, from 1333 BC until he was 1324.

Why is King Tutankhamun famous?

Tutankhamun is famous because his tomb was completely discovered and contained incredible treasures that helped Egyptologists better understand the mummification process.

Who was King Tutankhamun and what did he do?

Tutankhamun was born in 1332 BC. He was a Pharaoh of BC Egypt. when he was 9 years old. He ruled the country during a period of conflict that escalated land warfare between Egypt and the neighboring Kingdom of Nubia.

Learn more about King Tut's:


the american colonization society shared views and solutions that were quite similar to abolitionists, frederick douglass and william lloyd garrison. group of answer choices false true


In the first half of the nineteenth century, biracial abolitionists launched an offensive against slavery. Their efforts turned out to be very successful.

Slavery was brought to light by abolitionists, who also made it difficult to ignore. They widened the chasm that had already been threatening to split the country apart even before the Constitutional Convention.

Although some Quakers owned slaves, they were among the first to oppose the African slave trade, the captives indefinite servitude, and the practise of dividing enslaved families by selling them to separate masters.

As the nineteenth century went on, a large number of abolitionists banded together to create a variety of antislavery organisations.

To know more about trade, click here:


explain how political, economic, and cultural factors affected societies gender and family from 1450 to 1750.


According to question, Plantations grew, traditional peasant agriculture changed, and there was a rise in the need for labor.

the results of the expansion of governmental authority between 1450 and 1750. -State centralization and growth sparked local opposition from a variety of social, political, and business sectors. - Slave rebellion opposed the ruling classes in the Americas. The world was altered by these movements in thought and expression.

The higher elite class and the lower labor class both grew as a result of increased global trade. New elite classes benefited from the enormous profits made by global trade. In the meantime, the number of forced laborers rose, widening the income divide.

To know more about global trade visit :


A crisis erupted in the 1830s over nullification.
Which of the following does not describe an aspect of nullification?
States could override presidential vetoes regardless of congressional action.
States could invalidate federal legislation.
States could prevent federal legislation from being enforced within their boundaries.
States could secede from the Union if they deemed this necessary.


Answer:States could override presidential vetoes regardless of congressional action.


Hope this help!

AAAAAAAAAA is the answer!!

What sporting events original jules rimet trophy has been missing since it was stolen in 1983?


The Jules Rimet Trophy was offered to the winner of the football world Cup, a sporting event in 1966 prior to the 1966 FIFA World Cup in England.

It depicted Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. Brazil won the trophy outright in 1970, prompting the commissioning of an alternative. The original Jules Rimet Trophy changed into stolen in 1983 and by no means recovered. the following trophy, referred to as the "FIFA international Cup Trophy", became delivered in 1974.

The oldest sports events   trophies inside the globe are the Carlisle Bells, a horse racing trophy relationship lower back to 1559 and 1599 and have been first presented by Elizabeth I. The race has been run for over four hundred years in Carlisle, Cumbria, united kingdom.

Learn more about sporting events   here


imperial expansion relied on the increased use of gunpowder, cannons, and armed trade to establish large empires in both hemispheres. what are examples?


to explain how and why various land-based empires developed and expanded from 1450-1750

read each quote and then write in your own words what solomon was saying
"trusting an unrealiable person in a difficult time is like a rotten tooth or a faltering foot."
proverbs 25:19


I think what Solomon is trying to say by trusting an unreliable person in a difficult time is like a rotten tooth, or a faltering foot is that trusting the wrong person in a difficult situation can lead to pain or more consequences. What he means by a rotten tooth or a faltering foot is that The person can already be so damaged or broken or not have the right idea of the situation or the right state of mind. And it can cause way more damage and can lead nowhere but backwards.

Does Andrew Carnegie believe in survival of the fittest


Carnegie stated in his "Gospel of Wealth" that although this natural rule may be difficult for those who are less fortunate than ourselves, "it assures the survival of the fittest in every sector."

What is the meaning of survival?

In order to survive, one must accept their current condition, work to make it better, and maintain their quality of life until they can leave it. The most crucial point is that survival is a mental condition.

A person's capacity to handle stress in emergency situations has a significant impact on their likelihood of survival. The ability of something to continue living despite circumstances that might otherwise cause its death or destruction is known as survival, or the act of survival.

Learn more about survival from here:


How did the Pure Food and Drug Act influence a change in how meat was prepared in the food industry?


by providing health insurance to all citizens in the country

by ordering the production of chemicals that would mask the foul smell of rotten food

by providing for laws that mandated federal inspections in food factories

by ordering the injection of antibiotics into meat to combat poisonous bacteria


The Pure Food and Drug Act influence a change in how meat was prepared in the food industry by providing laws that mandated federal inspections in food factories. The correct option is C.

How successful was the Pure Food and Drug Act?

The Division of Chemistry was a scientific office before the Act, but it is now a regulatory body. The Food and Drugs Act had some serious flaws from the start that made it nearly impossible to prove that food was adulterated, despite the fact that it got off to a good start and accomplished a lot.

The Meat Inspection Act was signed by Roosevelt on June 30, 1906, the same day that he also signed a law governing foods and drugs. The Pure Food and Drug Act restricted food additives and outlawed false or deceptive food and drug labeling. The creation of the federal Food and Drug Administration was made possible by this law (FDA).

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about the Pure Food and Drug Act here:


Who is the villain in A View from the Bridge?


The main antagonist in Arthur Miller's A View From the Bridge is Eddie Carbone.

Arthur Miller is an American playwright who wrote the play A View from the Bridge. On September 29, 1955, the Coronet Theatre on Broadway staged it for the first time as a one-act verse drama alongside A Memory of Two Mondays. Miller subsequently revised and extended the play to include two acts after the run was unsuccessful; This is the version that most people are familiar with. The two-act version debuted on October 11, 1956, at the New Watergate theatre club in London's West End, under Peter Brook's direction.

The play takes place in New York City in the 1950s, in an Italian-American neighbourhood near the Brooklyn Bridge. It has a chorus and a narrator named Alfieri. Eddie, the grievous hero, has an ill-advised love of, and nearly fixation on Catherine, his significant other Beatrice's stranded niece, so he doesn't endorse her romance with Beatrice's cousin Rodolpho.

Learn more about A view from a bridge here:


Who led the movement for independence in Ghana?


The Convention People's Party was established by Kwame Nkrumah, and it swiftly rose to prominence because to its unique appeal to the average voter. He was still acting prime minister in 1957 when Ghana formally declared its independence from Britain.

His regime was largely socialist in addition to being nationalist. It financed national energy and economic endeavours as well as pan-Africanist culture and a robust national education system. Kwame Nkrumah, who presided over an authoritarian administration in Ghana that repressed political opposition and staged manipulated elections, was largely responsible for Ghana's leadership in African foreign affairs during the period of independence. In 1964, a constitutional change rendered Ghana a one-party state, with Nkrumah serving as the life president of both the nation and the party. When the National Liberation Council overthrew Nkrumah in 1966, many of the country's state enterprises were privatised by foreign financial institutions while they were under their watchful eye. Nkrumah spent the remaining years of his life in Guinea, where he was appointed an honorary co-president.

learn more about Ghana independence here:


The movement for Freedom and Independence in Ghana was led by Kwame Nkrumah. He was the leader of the Convention People's Party.

Convention People's Party leader Kwame Nkrumah supported the nationalist movement calling for rapid independence and oversaw a campaign of nonviolent "positive action" that was influenced by Gandhi and India's war for independence.

After becoming aware of Nkrumah's involvement, Ghanaian politician J. B. Danquah hired him to work as the general secretary of the United Gold Coast Convention, a group that sought the independence of British territory. They were prepared to undertake a widespread battle for the elimination of British colonial power over the Gold Coast, but ideological differences between the two men caused Nkrumah to create his own organization, the Convention People's Party (CPP). Nkrumah established connections with other anti-colonial and Pan-African groups that were active in other West African colonies around this time.

To learn more about the Independence movement in Ghana, please click on the link:

#SPJ 1234

briefly describe the concept of manifest destiny. b) briefly explain one specific historical reason that the concept of manifest destiny emerged in the 1840s. c) briefly describe one specific historical similarity or difference between the concept of manifest destiny in the 1840s and the id


The expression "Manifest Destiny," first used in 1845, refers to the belief that God has predestined the United States to spread democracy and capitalism throughout all of North America.

"Manifest Destiny,  underpinned American territorial expansion in the 19th century and served as justification for the eviction of Native Americans and other ethnic groups from their homes. As more states were admitted to the Union as a result of the United States' fast growth, the problem of slavery became more pressing and the Civil War eventually broke out.The ideology was the driving force behind American territorial expansion in the 19th century and was used to defend the eviction of Native Americans and other ethnic groups from their homes. As new states were admitted to the Union due to the swift growth of the United States, the slavery issue became more pressing and the Civil War began.

learn more about "Manifest Destiny here:


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