many neurons of joints help to inform the brain about the activity of the joint, including pain or position of the joint. these types of neurons are classified as _____________________ neurons.


Answer 1

Afferent somatic neurons. Sensational physical neurons, which we relate to as" proprioceptors," are the specific neurons that communicate with the brain about the stir of the joints.

What about neurons?The introductory structure blocks of the brain and nervous system are neurons( also known as neurons or whim-whams cells).Neurons are the cells that admit sensitive information from the outside world, give motor orders to our muscles, and convert and bear electrical impulses at each stage along the way.The bulk of neurons in invertebrates are set up in the central nervous system, still some are set up in supplemental ganglia and numerous sensitive neurons are set up in sensitive organs like the retina and observance.The brain and spinal cord, which are CNS organs, contain neurons.The PNS contains neurons as well as the rest of the body.Information is transported throughout the mortal body via neurons.They aid in coordinating all conditioning by transferring electrical and chemical signals.In this composition, we define neurons and describe how they serve.Neurons are nervous system cells that communicate information to other whim-whams, muscle, and gland cells.Axons, dendrites, and a cell body make up the maturity of neurons.The nexus and cytoplasm are set up inside the cell body.

Learn more about neurons here:


Related Questions

When the sympathetic nervous system is triggered, glycogen is broken down to glucose to provide more energy.
a. true
b. false


When the sympathetic nervous system is triggered, glycogen is broken down to glucose to provide more energy. This statement is True.

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is one of the three divisions of the autonomic nervous system, the others being the parasympathetic nervous system and the enteric nervous system. The enteric nervous system is sometimes considered a component of the autonomic nervous system and other times as a separate system.

The autonomic nervous system regulates the unconscious actions of the body. The primary function of the sympathetic nervous system is to stimulate the body's fight or flight response. It is, however, constantly active at a fundamental level in order to maintain homeostasis. To the extent that they actually exist.

Many homeostatic mechanisms in living organisms are up- and down-regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. SYNS fibers innervate tissues in almost every organ system, regulating functions as diverse as pupil diameter, gut motility, and urinary system output and function.

To learn more about sympathetic nervous system, here


Oligodendrocytes serve the same purpose in the cns that satellite cells do in the pns.T/F


The assertion is false. In the CNS, oligodendrocytes perform the same function as Schwann cells do in the PNS. The CNS's internal cavities are lined with ependymal cells. Neurons predominate over neuroglia in the brain.

In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which is generated from the neural crest, Schwann cells are the oligodendrocyte counterpart. Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells both play a key role in protecting and supporting axons.

The location is the main distinction. The peripheral nervous system is myelinated by Schwann cells, whereas the central nervous system is myelinated by oligodendrocytes. Additionally, oligodendrocytes have the ability to myelinate many axons, whereas Schwann cells can only do so for one axon per cell.

We can therefore conclude that the assertion is untrue. Similar to how satellite cells function in the PNS, oligodendrocytes have a function in the CNS. The interior cavities of the CNS are lined with ependymal cells. In the brain, neurons outnumber neuroglia in terms of density.



which feature is peculiar to adeno-associated viral (aav) vectors and not shared with retroviral vectors?


The answer is gene therapy needs to be repeated periodically to provide a constant supply of the therapy protein.

What are adeno-associated viruses (AAV) and retroviral vectors?

Humans and certain other primate species are infected by tiny viruses called adeno-associated viruses (AAV). Currently, it is unknown whether AAV can cause disease. A minimal immunological reaction is brought on by the viruses.

Retroviruses are viruses that have RNA as their genetic makeup. Reverse transcription is how it turns RNA into DNA.

To know more about retroviral vectors from the given link


for what reason might the id50 for salmonella typhi decrease when a rat simultaneously ingests sulfa drugs with the pathogen?


The answer is b) The antimicrobial interferes with the microbiome enabling the pathogen to more easily establish infection.

Resistance against foreign microbial colonization is crucially provided by the gut microbiome. Antimicrobial resistance (AR) is provided by the gut microbiota through a variety of processes that include the release of antimicrobial compounds, food competition, support of the integrity of the gut barrier, and the use of bacteriophages. However, bacterial intestinal infections are a significant contributor to disease worldwide, suggesting that the microbiota's role in CR can be compromised and rendered ineffective. Drugs like antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, antidiabetics, and antipsychotics might alter the microbiota's makeup and perhaps disrupt the CR as a result, opening the door for exogenous pathogens to colonize the gut and eventually lead to infection.

The complete question is:

For what reason might the ID50 for Salmonella Typhi decrease when a rat simultaneously ingests sulfa drugs with the pathogen?

a) It would not; the ID50 goes up.

b) The antimicrobial interferes with the microbiome enabling the pathogen to be a more easily established infection.

c) There would not be an effect on the ID50.

d) The antimicrobial inactivates stomach acid and allows the pathogen to more readily pass to the intestine.

e) Salmonella Typhi becomes stronger in the presence of sulfa drugs.

To learn more about antimicrobial resistance click on the given link:


A plant cell is placed in a solution whose solvent concentration is twice as great as the concentration of the cell cytoplasm. The cell membrane is selectively permeable, allowing water but not the solutes to pass through what will happen to the cell?.


The cell membrane is selectively permeable, allowing water but not the solutes to pass through because (D) the cell will shrivel because of the active transport of water.

Osmosis is the process by which solvent molecules move from a lower concentration to a higher concentration, or from a less concentrated solution to a highly concentrated solution, over a semipermeable membrane. The osmosis process involves the movement of water.  Water travels passively from a lower concentration of solute to a high solute concentration during the osmosis process.

Osmosis is another name for the diffusion of water or a solvent through a membrane, which only permits specific substances to pass through the channel. Osmosis is a passive process, thus ATP is not needed for it to take place.

The active movement of water will cause the cell to shrink as a result. Option D is correct as a result.

You can also learn about osmosis from the following question:


what would you assume if you found rna transcripts of lactose-utilizing genes within e. coli? lactose has bound to the lac operon activator. lactose is present in the cell. the lac operon activator protein is present in the cell. the lac operon repressor protein is absent in the cell.


Rna transcripts of lactose-utilizing genes within e. coli indicates the presence of lactose. Thus correct answer (b).

What is operon?

An operon is a collection of genes that all share a single promoter during transcription, found in bateria.There are regulatory DNA sequences in every operon, and these sequences serve as binding sites for regulatory proteins that either encourage or hinder transcription.Regulatory proteins frequently attach to tiny molecules, which can alter the protein's capacity to bind DNA and turn it on or off.Some operons are inducible, which means that a specific tiny molecule can activate them. Others can be turned off by a single molecule and are repressible, which means they are switched on by example of operon is Lac operon of E. coli contains genes involved in lactose metabolism. It's expressed only when lactose is present and glucose is absent.

Learn more about the Lac operon with the help of the given link:


What would you assume if you found RNA transcripts of lactose-utilizing genes within E. coli?

A) Lactose has bound to the lac operon activator.

B) Lactose is present in the cell.

C) The lac operon activator protein is present in the cell.

D) The lac operon repressor protein is absent in the cell.

Consider a population of wildflowers in which the frequency of the red allele CR is p = 0.7.
What is the frequency of the white allele (CW ) in this population?
Part B
This Punnett square shows allele combinations for all possible genetic crosses in the wildflower population described in Part A.
p = 0.7
q = 0.3
p = 0.7
q = 0.3
What are the expected genotype frequencies in the offspring generation?
What are the expected genotype frequencies in the offspring generation?
0.49 CRCR (red flowers), 0.42 CRCW (pink flowers), 0.09 CWCW (white flowers)
0.49 CRCR (red flowers), 0.21 CRCW (pink flowers), 0.30 CWCW (white flowers)
0.09 CRCR (red flowers), 0.21 CRCW (pink flowers), 0.42 CWCW (white flowers)
0.09 CRCR (red flowers), 0.42 CRCW (pink flowers), 0.09 CWCW (white flowers)


An allele frequency is computed by dividing the total number of copies of all the alleles at that specific genetic locus in the population by the number of times the allele of interest is observed in a population. The decimal, percentage, or fractional forms of allele frequencies are all acceptable.

How are the frequencies of the p and q alleles determined?

A representative sample of people from a community can be used to determine the values of p and q by simply counting the alleles and dividing by the total number of alleles analyzed. Homozygotes will account for twice as many copies of an allele as heterozygotes.

How are population frequencies determined?

The frequency of an allele in a population is referred to as its allele frequency. It is calculated by dividing the number of gene copies by the number of times the allele occurs in the population.

To know more about population frequencies visit;


the circulatory system can help maintain body temperature by controlling the flow of blood to the skin.


Blood artery dilation makes it easier for heat to be discharged from the body into the environment. Blood vessels tighten in order to keep the heat inside.

What controls blood flow in the skin?

The noradrenergic vasoconstrictor system and a sympathetic active vasodilator system are both involved in the sympathetic neural control of skin blood flow. The latter is in charge of 80–90% of the significant cutaneous vasodilation that happens in response to whole-body heat stress.

What system controls the skin?

The skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands are all part of the integumentary system, an organ system.

To know more about the circulatory system visit


a tumor that has advanced to regional structures is in which stage? 1. stage 1 2. stage 2 3. stage 3 4. stage 4


A tumor that has advanced to regional structures is in stage 4.

Stage 4 is the most advanced stage of a tumor. At this point, the tumor has spread to surrounding tissue and/or other organs, and is resistant to treatment. Symptoms of stage 4 cancer may include fatigue, pain, and difficulty breathing. Treatment options at this stage may include chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or a combination of treatments. The goal of treatment is to improve patient quality of life and extend survival.

Tumor is an abnormal growth of cells, which can occur in any part of the body. It can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign tumors are usually localized and do not spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, can spread to other parts of the body and cause serious health problems. Treatment for tumors depends on the type and location. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and other treatments.

To lknow more about tumor:


What is the relationship between amino acids genes and DNA?



Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and proteins are responsible for carrying out functions within the body. Genes are sections of DNA that contain the code for building proteins. DNA is the molecule that contains the genetic information required to build proteins from amino acids.


explain what happens in the skeletal muscle sarcomere to result in the changes in active, passive, and total force when the resting muscle length is changed.


Maximum overlap is reached along with an active force in the skeletal muscle sarcomere. Due of titin's elastic recoil, passive increases. Actin/myosin overlap causes a decrease in active.

The distinct predictions of the tetanic force-length relationship of skeletal muscle made by the sliding filament and cross-bridge theories of muscle contraction have been put to the test in experiments. When the filament overlap is optimum, the active force produced by a maximally activated single fibre (with sarcomere length control) is optimal, and it decreases correspondingly when overlap is reduced. Because skeletal muscle has a static force-length relationship, it cannot foresee the effects of dynamic contractions. The active force is modulated during muscular contraction as a result of changes in sarcomere length, which is a phenomenon that is not always predicted by the cross-bridge theory.

To learn more about skeletal muscle sarcomere, refer:


what bacterial structure is responsible for allowing improperly processed food to cause botulis


If food is incorrectly handled, Clostridium botulinum produces endospore and under low oxygen levels, they generate botulinum toxin that can be passed to humans (resulting in botulism).

Botulism can manifest as foodborne, neonatal, or wound-related diseases. A bacterium known as Clostridium botulinum typically causes botulism. Paralysis and muscular wasting are symptoms.

Antitoxin is frequently used as part of treatment to stop the toxin from doing further harm.

The extremely hazardous pathogen Clostridium botulinum produces endospores that are extremely resilient and pervasive in the environment. Under the right circumstances, these endospores germinate to become vegetative cells, which multiply and produce the incredibly strong botulinum neurotoxin.

Learn more about to Clostridium botulinum visit here;


which method could be used to delete a mutant exon of the dystrophin gene in muscle cells as was demonstrated by genetic therapy for mice with duchenne muscular dystrophy?


Exon skipping therapy generally aims to convert out-of-frame mutations in DMD patients to in-frame variants. A single CRISPR/Cas9 system can fix the exon 2 duplication in DMD myoblasts.

In a different study, defective exon 23 was removed using the CRISPR-Cas9 system in dystrophic animals. The results showed that genome editing restored the expression of dystrophin. Gene transfer to restore dystrophin expression utilising the secure, non-pathogenic adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector is a potential method for curing this fatal condition. CRISPR gene editing techniques for treating DMD can be developed to reduce the loss of genomic DNA. One can create a single sgRNA to abolish either the splice or the mutation rather than employing two sgRNAs flanking a mutant exon.

To learn more about exon click here


The area between the presynaptic nerve cell and the postsynaptic muscle cell is termed the synaptic cleft.
a. True
b. False


TRUE, The presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes are firstly clearly separated from one another. The synaptic cleft is the term for the space separating the two.

The statement is true

Where can you find the postsynaptic membrane?

The postsynaptic dense (PSD), which is often found near the apex of the dendritic spine, is a structural and physiological specialization of postsynaptic membrane that characterizes excitatory synapses.

What is Neurotransmitters ?

Neurotransmitters that have been released into the synaptic cleft interact to receptor proteins on the postsynaptic cell's membrane, causing the membrane's ionic channels to either open or close. Another action potential starts whenever these channels open, which causes depolarization.

To know more about postsynaptic membrane visit:


complete the following sentence correctly. the membrane of a neuron contains many more __________ leak channels than __________ leak channels, and this causes the resting membrane potential to be somewhat near to the equilibrium potential for __________.


The potassium and sodium cations can diffuse down their concentration gradients because the cell has leaky channels that allow them to do so. The number of potassium leakage channels in neurons is significantly higher than that of sodium leakage channels.

Which ion's cell membrane leak channels are the most numerous?

Ion channels that mostly pass through K+ are perhaps the most prevalent. Almost all animal cells have these channels in their plasma membranes. Since a significant portion of K+ channels remain open even in an unstimulated cell, they are sometimes referred to as K+ leak channels.

Are neurons equipped with leak channels?

A lot of potassium leaks out of the neuron through potassium leakage channels because the neuron cell membrane is extremely permeable to potassium ions (holes in the cell wall).

To know more about membrane visit:-


unlike signal transduction in many other sensory receptors, signal transduction in rods:_____.


Unlike signal transduction in many other sensory receptors, signal transduction in rods results in hyperpolarization of the sensory cell.

Sensory receptors can be found in specialized organs like the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, as well as internal organs. Thus every receptor form expresses a distinguishable sensory modality that will eventually be combined into a single perceptual frame. This data is obtained through the transformation of energy into an electrical signal by specialized mechanisms. Potassium ions continue to leak out of the cell such as through potassium channels during hyperpolarization. Because potassium ions (positively charged ions) diffuse into the extracellular space, the membrane potential becomes more negative.

The procedure through which a physical or chemical signal is transferred through a cell as a sequence of molecular events, most frequently protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinases, which results in a cellular response is known as signal transduction.

For more information Sensory receptors, visit :


the specific location where a substrate fits/connects to an enzyme is called the:______


The area of an enzyme's active site is where substrate molecules interact and a chemical reaction takes place. The active site of an enzyme is the precise area where a substrate attaches or fits.

Amino acid residues that are present in the active site take part in the enzyme's catalytic process. The Amino acids employed for substrate binding may be the same or distinct from other Amino acids. disruption of catalysis but not substrate binding using site-directed mutagenesis. The active site of an enzyme is composed of specific amino acid R groups and offers a distinct chemical environment (residues). This particular environment is ideal for transforming certain chemical reactants for that enzyme, known as substrates, into unstable intermediates, or transition states.

So, the area of an enzyme where substrate molecules interact and undergo a chemical reaction is known as the active site. The active site of an enzyme is the precise area where a substrate attaches or fits.



at which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


According to the research, the correct answer is resistance. The stage of the general adaptation syndrome where the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium is called resistance.

What is the general adaptation syndrome?

According to Hans Selye, stress is a dependent variable that consists of a set of adaptive functional responses of the organism to any aggressive stimulus, its stages are:


In this sense, the resistance stage refers to adaptation, given the persistence of stimuli, the organism overcomes the initial balance, adapting and acquiring a state of resistance higher than that of the alarm phase.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, in the resistance stage of the stage of the general adaptation syndrome, processes are developed adapting to the stressor.

Learn more about the general adaptation syndrome here:


Which statement about transcription is true?

Question 18 options:

Transcription occurs in the ribosomes where the tRNA brings amino acids.

Transcription only occurs in the cytoplasm because that is where the ribosomes are located.

Transcription only occurs in the nucleus because DNA does not leave the nucleus.

Transcription can occur in the nucleus or cytoplasm, depending on which gene is being transcribed.


The statement about transcription which is true is that it only occurs in the nucleus because DNA does not leave the nucleus and is therefore denoted as option C.

What is DNA?

This is referred to as deoxyribonucleic acid and it is known as the genetic material of most living organisms. It ensures that traits are passed from the parent to the offspring during cell division when an organism undergoes reproduction.

Transcription is referred to as the process of making an RNA copy of a gene's DNA sequence and the gene which is present in the DNA are all found or present in the nucleus.

This is therefore the reason why it only occurs in the nucleus because DNA does not leave the nucleus hence option C was chosen as the correct choice in this scenario.

Read more about Transcription here


In horses, black coat (b) is dominant over brown coat (b), and trotter (t) is dominant over the recessive allele pacer (t). Fill in the missing genotypes in the punnett square of the offspring of this dihybrid cross in horses.


Punnett square is used to calculate the dihybrid cross between two different parents with two different phenotypes. Genotypes of one of them is a heterozygous dominant and the other is a heterozygous recessive. The visualization using a Punnett square below is for the second generation of the dihybrid cross.

Dihybrid Cross Example

Mendel was using peas and observe two traits of them, which is colors and shapes. Round-yellow peas are crossed with wrinkled-green peas. The result of the first generation was round-yellow peas. This means yellow and round are the dominant phenotypes.

In this case, trotter-black coat horses are a dominant phenotype with genotype BBTT.

Know more about Mendel’s hereditary law here:


Describe how the defect in the Single-Mutant (Sev R7 precursor cell causes the cell to become cone cell instead of a photoreceptor cell. No response entered (c) The scientists predict that the presence of activated Ras in the Double-Mutant (Sev RasD) R7 precursor cell will enable the cell to differentiate into an R7 photoreceptor cell Based on Figure evaluate the likely accuracy of their prediction_ No response entered (d) The Sev RTK is expressed In more cell types than just R7 precursor cells, and It appears to be important in determining the phenotypes of these Other cells. Explain how one receptor can Induce different phenotypes In different cell types: No response entered


The Ras protein cannot bind to Sev RTK, so there is no signaling pathway causing the cell to become a cone cell.

RAS proteins play an important role in normal development. Active RAS promotes cell growth, proliferation, and migration. RAS in normal cells receives and obeys signals to rapidly switch between active (GTP form) and inactive (GDP form) states.

Ras proteins are proto-oncogenes that are frequently mutated in cancers in humans. They are encoded by three genes that are widely expressed: HRAS, KRAS, and NRAS. These proteins are GTPases, which act as molecular switches, regulating pathways involved in cell proliferation and survival. KRAS is the most frequently mutated of the three Ras isoforms, accounting for 75% of Ras-mutant cancers in 19 of the 29 cancer types listed in Table 1.

To learn more about RAS protein, here


To break a chemical bond, particles need to collide with a certain amount of



To break a chemical bond, particles need to collide with a certain amount of energy, which is present in the first option. the energy required to carry out a particular chemical reaction.

What is the activation energy?

The energy is required to break the chemical bond, and sometimes the energy is required to make the bond, such as in the endothermic reaction. The activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to break the bond in a chemical reaction.

Hence, to break a chemical bond, particles need to collide with a certain amount of energy, which is present in the first option.


Learn more about the activation energy here.



a. energy


To break a chemical bond, particles need to collide with a certain amount of


where does much of the seafood we eat begin life? 2.what do our oceans control? 3.what is the name of the project designed to reveal the oceans to the world? much acropora palmate remains in the florida keys?


The ocean has a big impact on the climate and weather on Earth. 70% of the earth's surface is made up of water. Our weather patterns and the slow, subtle changes in our climate are driven by this enormous reservoir, which continuously exchanges heat, moisture, and carbon with the atmosphere.

Oceans provide us with food, control our climate, and produce the majority of the oxygen we breathe. Additionally, they support industries like tourism, fishing, and international shipping, serving as the cornerstone for a large portion of the global economy. Hydrogen ions are released by carbonic acid, and when they interact with the carbonate in seawater, they create bicarbonate, a form of carbon that is difficult for the ocean to lose. The ocean takes in more carbon dioxide as a result of fossil fuel combustion and rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in order to maintain equilibrium.

To learn more about carbon dioxide follow the below link:


Describe the relative numbers of producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers,
and tertiary consumers expected in an ecosystem based on the food chain depicted
below. Use a diagram, if possible, to assist your explanation of the reasons you might
expect the population differences you described.
grass → grasshoppers → mice → snakes


the relative numbers of producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers.

What is energy?

energy is ability to do the work.scientist defines energy as the ability to do the work. energy is so necssary for human being. all things need energy to do something.

Here the grass is primary producer as it utilise the sun energy which is the source of energy in the ecosystem

Then the grasshopper is primary consumer as it consume the grass and gets energy from it

Then the mice is secondary  consumers as it eats the grasshopper for food and gets energy

And at last the snake is the tertiary consumer as it consume the mice and gets the energy from it

To know more about energy click-


Why might a scientist choose mitochondrial DNA instead of ribosomal RNA as a molecular clock?



How is mtDNA useful as a molecular clock? Scientists use the fact that mtDNA is passed down unshuffled to trace mutations back through many generations in a single species.


local watershed carries runoff from farms, suburban lawns, and wastewater treatment plants into local rivers, which run into a local bay. how could this affect the health of the bay? there will be a decrease in nitrogen and therefore an increase in aquatic life. there will be a decrease in dissolved oxygen and therefore a decrease in fish. there will be lower nitrogen levels and therefore fewer algae blooms. there will be less pollution and therefore an increase in biodivers


decreased dissolved oxygen therefore decreased in fish

The following figure shows the general steps that occur when a researcher uses the CRISPR-Cas9 system to modify a protein-encoding gene in a eukaryotic cell with the goal of modifying the protein product. Drag the descriptions of the steps to their appropriate locations on the figure.
1. Create plasmid expression vectors with genes encoding Cas9 and sgRNA.
2. Introduce the vectors into a eukaryotic cell.
3. The gene expression machinery of the cell produces the Cas9 protein and the sgRNA.
4. The Cas9 protien, guided by sgRNA, binds to its target sequence in the cell's DNA.
5. The Cas9 protien cleaves the target sequence.
6. During the process of DNA break repair, the target sequence may be modified.
7. The modified DNA sequence is transcribed into RNA.
8. the RNA is translated into a modified protien.


1. Create plasmid expression vectors with genes encoding Cas9 and sgRNA.

2. Introduce the vectors right into a eukaryotic cell.

3. The gene expression machinery of the mobile produces the Cas9 protein and the sgRNA.

4. The Cas9 protein, guided with the aid of sgRNA, binds to its goal collection within the cell's DNA.

5. Cas9 cleaves the target sequence.

6. For the duration of the system of DNA ruin restoration, the goal series may be changed.

7. The modified DNA sequence is then transcribed into RNA.

8. The RNA is translated into a modified protein.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is a polymer of polynucleotide chains that coil spherically each one-of-a-kind to form a double helix. The polymer includes genetic instructions for the development, functioning, boom, and replica of all seemed organisms and lots of viruses.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is a polymer of polynucleotide chains that coil spherically each one-of-a-kind to form a double helix. The polymer includes genetic instructions for the development, functioning, boom, and replica of all seemed organisms and lots of viruses.

Learn more about DNA here:-


why is lingual lipase of minor importance when discussing nutrition and digestion in adults?


Lingual lipase is important for infant nutrition. Lingual lipase also reportedly contributes to the digestion of lipids in adults along with gastric lipase, especially in diseases with pancreatic insufficiency such as cystic fibrosis and alcoholic pancreatic insufficiency.

A convenient lipase assay that discriminates between pancreatic and lingual lipase activities was developed to describe some properties of the triglyceride-hydrolyzing activities of lingual lipase (from von Ebners glands) and pancreatic lipase. Secretion of lingual lipase is stimulated by feeding. Gastric contents collected postprandially from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) contained lipase activity which is probably secreted from pharyngeal tissues. Also, duodenal contents from CF patients contained lipase activity with properties very close to those found in gastric contents from CF patients and controls. Apparently, the serous glands responsible for the secretion of lingual lipase is less affected than the exocrine pancrease in this disease. During fat balance experiments, CF patients utilized around 40% of the dietary lipids and more than 50% of milk lipids given as a test meal were hydrolyzed in the duodenum within 2 hr. In these patients with severe pancreatic insufficiency, we suggest that the lingual lipase is responsible for a considerable proportion of triglyceride hydrolysis. This hydrolysis starts in the stomach and continues in duodenum.

To know more about lipase click here:


At short focusing distances, ciliary muscles contract. What effect do these contractions have on the suspensory ligaments?
1) The suspensory ligaments tighten2) The suspensory ligaments relax3) Ciliary muscle contractions have no effect on the suspensory ligaments4) None of the above


The effect do these contractions have on the suspensory ligaments:1) The suspensory ligaments tighten 2).

Ligaments are bands of tough elastic tissue around your joints. They connect bone to bone, supply your joint's aid, and limit their motion. you've got ligaments around your knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders, and different joints. Stretching or tearing them could make your joints volatile.

There are three forms of articulation ligaments: capsular, extracapsular and intracapsular. They vary via their region within a joint.Ligaments and tendons are fibrous bands of connective tissue that connect to bone. Ligaments join extra bones together and help stabilize joints. Tendons connect muscle to bone. Tendons range in size and are rather elastic and attach bones to muscle groups.

Learn more about ligaments here:


how many people in the class are expected to be heterozygous for this locus? round your answer properly to 4 decimal digits. do not round to a whole number.


the proportion of heterozygous people. The proportion of heterozygous people is equivalent to 2pq. In this instance, 2pq is 0.32, which indicates that 32% of people are heterozygous for this gene (2 (0.8)(0.2) = 0.32).

Heterozygous (Aa) carriers are not healthy individuals. They are affected by the illness in the same way as homozygous dominant (AA) people. being completely normal. Genetic counsellors frequently use Punnett squares. You have a heterozygous genotype for that gene if the two versions differ from one another. For instance, having one gene for red hair and one allele for brown hair could indicate that you are heterozygous for hair colour. Which qualities are expressed depends on how the two alleles are related. A diploid creature having two different types of alleles is said to be heterozygous. Homozygous individuals are those who have only one type of allele. An allele is a gene variation that alters the functionality of the protein that the gene codes for.

To learn more about heterozygous here


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