The graph shows the quadratic function f(x).

What is the average rate of change for the quadratic function from x = 6 to x = 8?

Enter your answer in the box.

The Graph Shows The Quadratic Function F(x).What Is The Average Rate Of Change For The Quadratic Function


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

at x = 6

y = 6

point (6, 6)

at x = 8

y = 4

point (8, 4)

From (6, 6) to (8, 4)

∆y = 4 - 6 = -2

∆x = 8 - 6 = 2

ave rate change = -2/2 = -1

Answer 2


What is the average rate of change for the quadratic function from x = 6 to x = 8?

Enter your answer in the box.

Answer is -1 Took the test

Step-by-step explanation:

The Graph Shows The Quadratic Function F(x).What Is The Average Rate Of Change For The Quadratic Function

Related Questions

Please help me with my work give brainlessly



Volume = 684 in^3

Step-by-step explanation:

To start, the equation for Volume = L*W*H

So, lets begin with the cube on the top, all of its sides are 6 inches in length, so do:

6*6*6 to get the volume of just it


Next. lets get the rectangular prism.



Last, combine these.

684 in^3

Sven earns $750 in his first month at a new part-time job. If his pay rate increases by 0.5% each month, how much will Sven have earned after one year?



Step-by-step explanation:

750.05 easy :)



Step-by-step explanation:

answer on my exam

ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST 5x +2y = 24 solve for x



x = 24/5 - 2y/5

Step-by-step explanation:

Find value of x???????????



5 is the answer

xdxdddx thank you


The answer is 5.

Step-by-step explanation:

Using pythagoras theorem:-

[tex]13^{2}[/tex] = [tex]x^{2}[/tex] + [tex]12^{2}[/tex]

=> [tex]13^{2}[/tex] - [tex]12^{2}[/tex] = [tex]x^{2}[/tex]

=> [tex]x^{2}[/tex] = 25

=> [tex]x[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{25}[/tex]

∴ [tex]x[/tex] = 5

HELP ASAP (Brainliest)

What is the area of this figure?

Enter your answer in the box.


532 m

step-by-step explanation:
break the figure into 3 different shapes
first one is the square at the top
L • W = A
18 • 18 = 324
the next is the triangle below it
hbb/2 = A
18b16/2 = A
the last is the last triangle
hbb/2 = A
8b16/2 = A
add them together
324 + 144 + 64
532 m

pls answer w work/equation explained sooonnn



15.5 in

Step-by-step explanation:

To find diameter from circumference, divide circumference by π


The answer is 15.5 inches

Two similar shapes have a pair of corresponding sides which are easily measurable.
The smaller shape's side has a length of 4m, and the larger shape has a side length of
5m. If the area of the smaller shape is 80m², what is the area of the larger shape?



hi. im looking for fr33 p01nts. hope u understand.

Step-by-step explanation:


125 m²

Step-by-step explanation:

Given sides of similar shapes in the ratio a : b then

ratio of area = a² : b²

Here ratio of sides = 4 : 5 , so

ratio of areas = 4² : 5² = 16 : 25

let x be the area of the larger shape then by proportion

[tex]\frac{16}{80}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{25}{x}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

16x = 2000 ( divide both sides by 16 )

x = 125

Then area of larger shape is 125 m²

A rectangle has a length of 2 units and a width of 1 3/4 units? What is it’s area?




Step-by-step explanation:

Help sorry nothing was attached last time



The area of a rectangle is 99 square yd.

Length of the rectangle = 7 yd more than twice the width.

To find:

The dimensions of the rectangle.


Let x be the width of the rectangle. Then, length of the rectangle is:


Area of a rectangle is:

[tex]A=length\times width[/tex]

[tex]A=(2x+7)\times x[/tex]


The area of a rectangle is 99 square yd.



Splitting the middle term, we get




Using zero product property, we get

[tex](x+9)=0[/tex] and [tex](2x-11)=0[/tex]

[tex]x=-9[/tex] and [tex]x=\dfrac{11}{2}[/tex]

[tex]x=-9[/tex] and [tex]x=5.5[/tex]

Width of the rectangle cannot be negative. So, [tex]x=5.5[/tex] yd.

Now, the length of the rectangle is:





Therefore, the length of the rectangle is 18 yd and the width of the rectangle is 5.5 yd.



The answer is 6/5 converting it to a mixed fraction it will be 1 1/5 ( one and one-fifth)
Hope this is clear

Terrell de shays statement balance is $432.10 he has one outstanding check for $37.00 what is terrells adjusted balance?



add 37.00 to 432.10. so you get 432.10 + 37.00 = 469.1

What is 1,713.9999 rounded to the nearest thousandth?​




Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps have  a great day

Given that (2,-8) is on the graph of f(x), find the
corresponding point for the function
f(x + 5).



i dont know man

Step-by-step explanation:

The Question: Find the measure of the angle marked with the question mark.
Please help me.


So we know that a line equals 180° so first you would subtract 180-38 which is 142°. Then we know that the other angle is 90° so you would subtract 142-90. So the unknown angle is 52°

Solve : 4x=3x+5 please gelp




Step-by-step explanation:

Isolate by the x from one side of the equation.

First, you have to subtract by 3x from both sides.





Therefore, the solution is x=5.

[tex] \huge \rm{answer:} \: \boxed{ \rm{ \purple{x = 5}}}[/tex]


[tex] \huge \red{\boxed{ \sf{armed \: account}}}[/tex]

[tex] \huge \rm{4x = 3x + 5} \\ \huge\rm{4x - 3x = 5} \\ \huge \rm{1x = 5} \\ \huge \boxed{\rm{x = 5}}[/tex]


I hope you understood!✏


[tex] \huge\boxed{\boxed{ \rm{Hope \: this \: helps}}}[/tex]

What should replace a, b, and x in B(t) = abx for the amount of money in the account, B(t), after t months with an initial deposit of $100.



[tex]B(t) =100 * (1 + r)^t[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]B(t) = ab^x[/tex]

[tex]x = t[/tex] ---- months

[tex]a = 100[/tex] --- Initial deposit


Replace a, b and x

Substitute: [tex]a = 100[/tex] in [tex]B(t) = ab^x[/tex]

[tex]B(t) = 100 * b^x[/tex]

Substitute:[tex]x = t[/tex]

[tex]B(t) = 100 * b^t[/tex]

From the question, the rate, r is not given.


[tex]b = 1 + r[/tex]

So, the expression becomes:

[tex]B(t) =100 * (1 + r)^t[/tex]

The plot shows the number of students in a
certain school who have 0, 1, 2, 3; 4, or 5 pets.
What is the median number of pets for these 100




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

I don't know, but it makes the most sense. It can't be 1, that's too low. And it obviously not 22.5 or 30. So that means either 1.5 or 2, and 2 is the most centered. Therefore, I'm guessing 2.

In an experiment with 50 trials, the number 5 occurred 17 times, the number 6 occurred 8 times, the number 7 occurred 13 times, and the number 8 occurred 12 times. Let p be defined on the set {5, 6, 7, 8}. Find each of the following. Write each probability rounded to the nearest hundredth.


Explicaciones paso a paso:

Primero es necesario aclarar que el porcentaje en total es igual a 100%

Entonces si en total todos los ensayos dan un total de 50 ensayos lo único que se debería de hacer para conocer la probabilidad de cada número sería multiplicar por 2 el número de veces que ocurrió cada número.


5 = 34%

6 = 16%

7 = 26%

8 = 24%

Espero haber ayudado y que tengan un buen día.

16. What is the volume of the rectangular prism?*
1 point
5 in.
s in
3.4 in.




Step-by-step explanation:

i useed the formula LxWxH

i came up with 85


What is the solution to the equation below? (Round your answer to two
decimal places.)
3.6* = 15.57



The answer would be C

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply 6 by 0.87 to get 5.22, and then multiply 5.22 with 3 to get your answer :)

Answer: x=3

Step-by-step explanation:

4 x 4/12=



1.3 or [tex]\frac{13}{10}[/tex]

Hope this helps!


Exact form: 4/3 and mixed number is 1 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this helped

The graph shows the function f(x) = 6(3)^x What is the value of the inverse function, f ^-1 at x = 2​



Step-by-step explanation:

y = f(x)

y = 6 * 3^x

Interchange x and y

x = 6 * 3^y

Divide by 6

x/6 = 3^y  

Take the log of both sides

log(x/6) = log(3)^y

Bring the y down

log(x/6) = y log(3)                   \

Divide by log(3)

log(x/6)/log(3) = y

Let x = 2

log(2/6) / log(3) = y

-(0.4771 )/ 0.4771 = y

y = - 1


The original graph is in green

The red graph is the inverse.

The point (2,-1) is marked so that you know it falls on the inverse.

Here is the distribution of blood types from a group
of randomly selected people:
Joe can safely receive blood transformations from
people with blood types O and B. What is the
probability that a randomly chosen person can
donate blood to Joe?




Step-by-step explanation:

Add both 0.49 and 0.20 (blood types)

0.49+0.20 = 0,69

The probability that a randomly chosen person can donate blood to Joe

would be 0.69.

What is the probability?

Probability refers to a possibility that deals with the occurrence of random events. The probability of all the events occurring need to be 1.

P(E) = Number of favorable outcomes / total number of outcomes

The distribution of blood types from a group of randomly selected people:

Blood          Probability:                    

o                  0.49

A                  0.27

B                  0.20

AB                0.04

Joe can safely receive blood transformations from people with blood types O and B.

The probability that a randomly chosen person can donate blood to Joe

= 0.49 + 0.20

= 0.69

Learn more about probability here;

asap please !
What is the probability of rolling a 6 on a fair die if you know that the roll is an even number? Give your answer as a simplified fraction.




Step-by-step explanation:

6 divided bye 2=3


fraction is 1/3

Find the diameter of the object.

diameter: __ cm


Answer: 1 1/5

Step-by-step explanation: 3/5 is the radius so you would times the radius by two to get the diameter which is 1 1/5.

Find the area of the figure.


Divide the shape into a rectangle and a triangle.

A(rectangle) = bh
A = 8*3
A = 24

A (triangle) = (bh)/2
A = (3*3)/2
A = 4.5

24 + 4.5 = 28.5

help please ill give you brainliest if it’s right.



[tex] \frac{4}{3} \times \pi \times {21}^{3} = 38772.719999383[/tex]

Exact Volume =  12348pi

Approximate Volume =  38772.72   (when using pi = 3.14)

Units for the volume are in cubic inches



The cube has a side length of 42 inches.

Because the sphere is as large as possible, yet fully contained in the box, this means the diameter of the sphere is 42 inches.

If the diameter is 42, then the radius is half that at 21.

Plug r = 21 into the formula below to compute the volume of the sphere

V = (4/3)*pi*r^3

V = (4/3)*pi*21^3

V = (4/3)*21^3*pi

V = 12348pi  .... exact volume

If we use the approximation pi = 3.14, then we would get,

V = 12348*pi

V = 12348*3.14

V = 38772.72 .... approximate volume

The units for the volume are in cubic inches. If you need more accuracy for the approximate volume, then use more decimal digits of pi.

Errrr I'm confused... help?

Jane and Shane are debating the answer to the equation 1/4 x = 6.

Jane says m = 1.75

Shane says m = 24

Who is correct?

Please give reasons why



Heyaa! Im Pinky! Im here to inform you that you're answer is....

Step-by-step explanation:

!!! Shane Is correct because.... !!!


1. 1/4 of x is 6 becomes

2.  1/4X=6

3. X=6 / 1/4

 4. X=6/1 X 4/1

Answer: X=24

Have An Amazing Dayy!!!!


A circle has a circumference of 11,304 units


Circumference = 2 pi r

11304 = 2 x 22/7 x r
11304 x 7/2x22 =r = 1798.36

Help please I am struggling pretty bad thank you



1.024 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

volume of Sphere is given by; V=4/3(πr³).

by making r subject of formula, the equation for r is;


given from question that V=4.5cm³, π=3.14, substituting the values in the equation for r,

we have that;


r=1.024 cm ( 2 significant figures?

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