the difference between solving for surface area and solving for volume


Answer 1

Answer: The Surface Area is a sum total of Area of the planes that form a surface/shape while Volume is the space enclosed within a figure/shape/surface.

The Surface Area is a 2-Dimensional concept with units m², cm² or mm² where as Volume is a 3-Dimensional concept with m³, cm³ or mm³ as units.

Answer 2
Surface area and volume are calculated for any three-dimensional geometrical shape. The surface area of any given object is the area or region occupied by the surface of the object. Whereas volume is the amount of space available in an object.

Related Questions

A new bakery is giving away free prizes for the grand opening. Every 5th customer will get a free bagel, every 9th customer will get a free blueberry muffin, and every 12th customer will get a free slice of carrot cake. Diego is the 23rd customer, he thinks he should get farther back in line to get a prize. Is he right? How far back should he go?



1 spot back

Step-by-step explanation:

23 is closest to the number 24. 24 isn't divisible by 5 or 9 but it is by twelve. He Should only move 1 spot back because he is 1 in front of 24.

Answer: Diego is right and needs to go 1 place back.

Step-by-step explanation: We start by finding the least multiple for 5 it is 25, 9 is 27, and finally 12 is 24 and 24 is the closest so he only needs to back one place in line.

Which comparison symbol makes each inequality statement true?

Enter <, >, or = to make each statement true.

(Image included)


Answer: -11 5/8< -116/8


1. -11[tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex] > -11[tex]\frac{6}{8}[/tex]

2. |-11[tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex]| > |-11[tex]\frac{6}{8}[/tex]|

Step-by-step explanation:

For 1: The greater the negative number, the less it's worth (if that makes sense). So, -11[tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex] would be greater.

For 2: The absolute value (which is what the bars indicate) of -11[tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex] is 11[tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex], and the absolute value of -11[tex]\frac{6}{8}[/tex] is 11[tex]\frac{6}{8}[/tex]. So |-11[tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex]|.

Hope that helps! :)

solve for m

-5m = -35



I think -5m =-35 willl be -6m


m = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

-5m = -35

___   ___       Divide -5 on both sides.

-5        -5

m = 7

9.6x + 13.4 = 34.2
9.6x = ?
x = ?
round to nearest tenth








Step-by-step explanation:

Trying to complete ASAP. You are throwing a party and have a 1-liter jar of sauce for dipping mozzarella sticks. Part A: Determine how many ounces are in 1 liter. Show every step of your work. (10 points) Part B: You need to use 2-ounce containers for your guests. How many of these containers can you fill with sauce? Show every step of your work. (2 points)


Answer:A. 33.814 ounces  B. 17 containers.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since there is only 33.814 USA fluid ounces (fl. oz) A is answered.

[tex]\frac{33.814}{1}[/tex] = 33.814

A. 33.814 ounces

Now that you need 2-ounce containters to fill with the 33.814 ounces (at this point you cant round to 34 ounces) how many cups do you need?

33.814/2 = 16.907 ounces (basicly 17 cups for the guests)

B. 17 containers.

Part A : The number of ounces in 1 liter is 33.814 ounces.

Part B  : The number of containers that can fit the sauce is 17.

What is Unit Conversion?

Unit conversion is defined as expressing the same quantity by different measurement units.

For example, a distance of 20 meter can be also expressed as 2000 cm. The distance is same.

Given that,

Amount of sauce for dipping mozzarella sticks = 1 liter

Part A :

We have the unit conversion,

1 liter = 33.814 ounces

Part B :

Measurement of containers = 2 ounces

Total amount of sauce = 33.814 ounces

We have to divide the total amount of sauce in to 2 ounce containers.

Number of containers formed = 33.814 / 2 = 16.907 ≈ 17

Hence there will be 17 containers of sauce.

Learn more about Units here :


7th grade mathbook page 217-218 questions 6-17 skip 12



217 -218=1

6-17 =11

Step-by-step explanation:

Please please help very urgent!!

A bag of letter tiles contains the letters A, B, C, D, and E. Which of the following is the complement of the event that the letters B and D are picked?


Answer: you have a 1/5 chance of every tile

Step-by-step explanation: if your trying to pick out B or D you have a 2 out of 5 chance.

2/5 chance would be your answer

In 2008, Hurricane Ike struck the Gulf Coast. Ike caused severe damage, including flood damage, roof damage, tree loss, power outages, and personal financial loss. To study Ike’s effects, a survey was conducted of the people living in the affected community.
Sampling method 1: A phone poll that called the first person on each page of a 300-page community phone book.
Sampling Method 2: Handed out surveys to every fifth person entering a local grocery store and library.
Total surveys were taken: 180
Total community population: 81,000
The first survey question asked about flood damage. From the survey, 20 people reported that their homes sustained some sort of flood damage. Using this information, calculate how many people in the community sustained flood damage from the hurricane.



Hurricane Ike made landfall just southeast of the Houston-Galveston region as a Category 2 hurricane on September 13, 2008. It is estimated to cause a total of $37.5 billion in damage, making it the third costliest storm in United States history.

Step-by-step explanation:


Hurricane Ike made landfall just southeast of the Houston-Galveston region as a Category 2 hurricane on September 13, 2008. It is estimated to cause a total of $37.5 billion in damage, making it the third costliest storm in United States history.

Step-by-step explanation:

Samuel is folding his laundry. The table shows the proportional relationship between the number of shirts he folds and the time, in minutes, it takes him to fold them. Number of Shirts 2 4 ? Time (minutes) 0.40 0.8 3 How many shirts can Samuel fold in 3 minutes?

i will give brainiest and thanks



He can fold 30 shirts in 3 minutes.

Step-by-step explanation:

pls help i'm timed Which property of exponents must be applied when simplifying the expression 3^9 over 3^−6?

Zero Exponent Property

Power of Powers Property

Product of Powers Property

Quotient of Powers Property


[tex]\frac{3^{9} }{3^{-6}} }[/tex]

If you are dividing two exponents of common bases, subtract the exponent.

9 -(-6)

9 + 6

= 3^15

Quotient of Powers Property

Hope this helps :)

If you need any more explanation, feel free to ask.  If this really helps, consider marking brainliest.

- Jeron

Quotient if property powers because you have to divide and then subtract

Simplify the expression. negative 15 plus the quantity negative 1 and six tenths plus 9 and 34 hundredths end quantity divided by 6 all times 3 squared minus 5 and 7 tenths

i will give brainiest and thanks


Answer:The value of the given expression is -6.93

How to simplify the expression?

The expression in the question is given as:

negative 15 plus the quantity negative 3 and seven tenths plus 9 and 15 hundredths end quantity divided by 5 all times 3 squared minus 4 and 7 tenths

Rewrite the expression properly

So, we have

-15 - 3.7 + 9.15/5 * 3^2 - 4.7

Evaluate the quotient and the exponent

So, we have

-15 - 3.7 + 1.83 * 9 - 4.7

Evaluate the product

-15 - 3.7 + 16.47 - 4.7

Evaluate the sum and the difference


Hence, the value of the given expression is -6.93 (none of the options is correct)

Step-by-step explanation:

Price markup and discount 7.RP.3

Stop and shop marked up the price of their bananas by 10%. If the original price was 0.39 for one banana. How much will you pay now for four bananas?



hello can you explain it a lil more pls

but i promise ill answer it

Step-by-step explanation:

I think it is $1.72
But I don’t exactly know for sure

Compare and contrast the methods you can use to
multiply a whole number and a decimal
(This is a general question)



say for example you have 3.14 you multiply by 12.45 what would do?

Step-by-step explanation:


say for example you have 3.14 you multiply by 12.45 what would do?

Step-by-step explanation:

the number of patients at a doctor's office is tracked over a period of 10 days. which statement best supports the data?

please help


The answer is A.

The data for Dr amines office is more symmetrical than the data for Dr Harne’s office.

a school principal claims that grade 11 have a mean grade of 86 with a standard deviation of 4. suppose that the distribution is approximately normal, what is the possibility that a randomly selected grade will be less that 84?



I'm not sure, but I think is this

z=(82–86)/4 = -1

z=(90–86)/4= 1

P(82<x<86) = 0.34134

P(86<x<90) = 0.34134

P(82<x<90) = 0.34134+0.34134 = 0.68268




If you need help with anything go to the website called Jishka they got you covered, thanks for the points btw. can i have brainliest if you find the answer?

Step-by-step explanation:

Fr tho jiskca got you covered

5g (3g+782-9)

A. 50g4 - 45g
B. 15g2 +35g3 - 45g
C. 8g2 + 12g3-4g
D. 8g +7g²-9 E. 5g4



B. 15g^2 + 35g^3 - 45g

Step-by-step explanation:

5g(3g + 7g^2 - 9)

5 x 3 = 15 g x g = g^2; 15g^2

5 x 7 = 35 g x g^2 = g^3; 35g^3

5g x -9 = -45g

the answer will be b

Please help with these questions! Giving 100 points + brainliest.



1. Pythagorean theorem

2. Square root of 73cm

3. A leg

4. The hypotenuse

5. 9

Hope this helps :)

blank 1: find h by using the area of a triangle
blank 2:since h =4 use the v to find the volume
blank 3: the volume is aprox 113.04 cm^3

guy can you help it is to early for me to do math please and thank you.


Answer: D

Step-by-step explanation: -6 is less than 7


Since -6 is less than 7

I need answers and to fill in the blanks, I'm sorry if this is a little amount but here's 15 points



why thank you!

Step-by-step explanation:

but if you need help I'm here


Step-by-step explanation:

This work is way to hard and my work is stacking it would be nice to have some weight off my back


1) Popcorn unit price: 17.57/7 = $2.51

2.51 x 3 = 7.53

Three bags of popcorn would cost $7.53.

2) Old games unit price: 73.10/5 = 14.62

14.62 x 6 = 87.72

If they sold six games they would've made $87.72.

3) Lollipop unit price: 20.51/7 = %2.93

2.39 x 4 = 11.72

Four lollipops would cost $11.72

4) Hotdogs unit price: 82.86/3 = $27.42

Hamburgers unit price: 55.12/2 $27.56

Hotdogs have the lower unit price. $27.42 < $27.56

5) Packs of paper unit price: 12.74/7 = $1.82

1.82 x 2 = 3.64

Two packs of paper would cost $3.64

6) Pair of shoes unit price: 49.32/4 = $12.33

12.33 x 6 = $73.98

Six pairs of shoes would cost $73.98

7) Brand A unit price: 71.28/6 = $11.88

Brand B unit price: 59.15/5 = $11.83

Brand B has the cheaper price. $11.83 < $11.88

8) Pounds of seeds unit price: 37.62/2 = $18.81

18.81 x 6 = $112.86

Six pounds of seeds would cost $112.86

9) Red Grapes unit price: .82

Green Grapes unit price: .84

Green grapes are more expensive. .84 > .82

10) Book Store unit price : 21.69/3 = $7.23

Online unit price: 14.28/2 = $7.14

Online has a lower unit price. $7.14 < $7.23

8 asparagus filled 2/3 of a planter.
asparagus will fill 1 planter


Answer: 12

Step-by-step explanation: 8 asparagus fill 2/3rds 1/3 will be 4 so 4x3= 12 so 12 will fill 1 pot

Karen spends $450 per month on bills. If 1/10 is for wifi, 2/9 if for utilites, and the remaining amount is for rent, how much is her rent payment?



Step-by-step explanation:





Answer = 305

Explanation : took the test

Hey! Can someone help me with find the distance between two points. Thank you so much!


use y2-y1 dived by x2-x1 to find your slope
Use distance formula! Hope this helps!

Need answer asap please and thank you




Step-by-step explanation:

2x2x2 = 8


X=2 that is the answer

wrire two expressions for 2x+3



x+x+3, 2x+1+2

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: x+x+3 and 2x+2+1

In 5 rounds of a game, Shannon scored 75, 93, 97, 97, and 99 points.

How will the mean and the median be affected if the lowest score was removed?

Choose two statements.
A. The mean will increase.
C. The mean will not change.
E. The median will decrease.
B. The mean will decrease.
D. The median will increase.
F. The median will not change.​


A. The mean will increase
F. The median will not change
the answer i will be

If the sales tax rate is 4% in Kansas, then how much sales tax would you pay in Topeka for a $156 cart of groceries?
Thank u!


$6.24 it would be 156.48 x 0.04 =6.24

8x/13 = 64/52

If answer is in a decimal, put in fraction (simplest form)


Simplify 64/52
To get 16/13, you have to cancel out the common factor which is 4.
208 / 104 = 2

Answer: 2

Step-by-step explanation: This is incredibly simple first we can match the denominators, 4*13 = 52 and that means we have to do that to numerators to, 8x*4 = 32x so now our equation is 32x/52 = 64/52 and as we know 32*2 = 64 so that means x = 2.

Two friends, Rahul and Arun, took summer jobs. The equation y = 17.3x represents Arun's earnings in dollars and cents, y, for working x hours. The graph below represents Rahul's earnings in dollars and cents, y, for working x hours.

How much more does Rahul earn per hour than Arun?


Answer: Rahul earns 3.5 dollars more per hour than Arun.

Step-by-step explanation:

17.3 is the slope of Arun's earnings. To find what Rahul makes in an hour, you can find the slope of his graph below.

Use the two points, (10,208) and (20, 416)

Use the formula for calculating slope:




208/10= 20.8

Rahul's equation can be set up like this:




Therefore, Rahul earns 3.50 dollars more per hour than Arun.

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