The diagram below represents the reproductive cycle of a squirrel species with 40 chromosomes in each zygote.
A process that could be represented by letter A in the given diagram is
B) meiosis
A) mitosis
C) mutation
D fertilization


Answer 1

A process that could be represented by the letter A in the given diagram is fertilization. The correct option is D.

What is a reproductive cycle?

It goes through four stages: menstrual, regenerative, proliferative, and secretory. The cycle duration is the time it takes from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the following menstruation; most usual cycles last 28 days, but it can range from 21 to 40 days.

The average cycle lasts 28 days; however, cycles can last anywhere from 21 to 35 days. The menstrual cycle is triggered by the rise and fall of chemicals in your body known as hormones.

Therefore, the correct option is D, fertilization.

To learn more about the reproductive cycle, refer to the link:


The Diagram Below Represents The Reproductive Cycle Of A Squirrel Species With 40 Chromosomes In Each

Related Questions

3.Which of the following isotopes should be expected to be radioactive?Select one:a. Ab. Bc. Cd. D



To find the isotope that is expected to be radioactive we have to compare the given isotopes with the ones that we find the in the periodic table.

(A) Ti:

Isotope ----> atomic mass = 48 atomic number = 22

Periodic table ---> average atomic mass = 47.9 atomic number = 22

(B) Sr:

Isotope ----> atomic mass = 88 atomic number = 38

Periodic table ---> average atomic mass = 87.6 atomic number = 38

(C) Os:

Isotope ----> atomic mass = 192 atomic number = 76

Periodic table ---> average atomic mass = 190.2 atomic number = 76

(D) Pu:

Isotope ----> atomic mass = 244 atomic number = 94

Periodic table ---> average atomic mass = 244 atomic number = 94

If we take a look at them we will see that the only one that is different is osmium. The atomic mass of the isotope is 192 amu, that means that this isotope has 2 more neutrons than the average atom of the element. So we can expect that it could be radioactive.

Answer: C. Os

Match each element to the correct description of its usual behavior in a chemical reaction.Sodium (Na)Silicon (Si)Oxygen (O)Argon (Ar)?Will lose electrons?Will gain electrons?Could lose or gain electrons?Does not gain or lose electrons



Sodium- will loose electron

Silicon - could loose or gain electrons

Oxygen - wil gain electron

Argon - does not gain or loose electron


Sodium is a group 1 elements. All group 1 elements have 1 valence electron in their outermost shell which they can easily loose to other atoms to form a stable octet configurations. Hence Sodium will loose electron.

For silicon, it forms a covalent bond with other non metals. Therefore it could loose or gain electrons.

Oxygen is known as one of the electronegative element with 6 valence electrons in its outer shell. This shows that oxygen will need 2 electrons to form a stable octet configuration. Therefore, Oxygen will gain electrons.

Elements that can neither loose nor gain electrons are known to be inert in nature since their outer shell is already complete. Since Argon is inert due to astable configuration, hence it does not gain or lose electrons

an aqueous solution contains 0.25 m potassium nitrite. one liter of this solution could be converted into a buffer by the addition of:


One liter of this solution could be converted into a buffer by the addition of 0.25mol NH₄Cl, and 0.12 mol HCl.

A buffer is a substance that can withstand a pH change when acidic or basic substances are added. Small additions of acid or base can be neutralized by it, keeping the pH of the solution largely constant. For procedures and/or reactions that call for particular and stable pH ranges, this is significant. The pH range and capacity of buffer solutions determine how much acid or base can be neutralized before pH changes and how much pH will vary.

A weak acid and its conjugate base, or vice versa, are combined in solution to form a buffer.

The conjugate base of ammonia (NH3), which is a weak base, is NH4+. Therefore, adding 0.25 mol of NH4Cl will change the solution into a buffer. Additionally, NH3 and HCl interact to form NH4+. Therefore, 0.12 mol of HCl added will result in NH4+. All of the NH3 is consumed by 0.25 mol HCl.

Know more about Buffer Solution at:


The water level in a granulated cylinder raised up 6.2 ml after a 16.74 metal sample is lowered into the cylinder. What is the density of the sample? What metal is the sample most likely to be?



The density of the mystery metal is 2.7g/cm^3.  It is likely aluminum, Al.


Density is defined as (mass/unit volume).  We know the volume of the metal sample by the fact it displaced 6.2 ml of water.  Since the mateal sample had a mass of 16.74 grams, we find the density by dividing the mass by the volume:

Density = (mass)/(volume) = (16.74g)/(6.2ml)

Density = 2.7 g/ml

Note that the ubntis for density can vary greatly. kg/cm^3 is a possible unit.

since 1 ml = 1 cm^3, we can also say the density of the metal sample is 2.7 g/cm^3.  [This is a more common unit for this type of measurement]

A reference book of densities can be search to find what metals have this density.  See the attached excerpt form one such table.

While not definitive, it can be seen that aluminum, Al, is a good candidate for the ID of this metal.  It has a density of 2.7 g/cm^3, although different forms may deviate slightly.  The metal is most likely aluninum.

Please answeeeerrr i neeed help look at imagine


Answer: D


which of the following molecules is/are produced by translation? include molecules that are subject to further modification after initial synthesis. select all that apply. which of the following molecules is/are produced by translation? include molecules that are subject to further modification after initial all that apply. the amino acid glycine rna polymerase aminoacyl-trna synthetase


Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and RNA polymerase are produced by translation.

Generally speaking, translation is the process of changing something from one form to another, such as a word from one language to another. In biology, translation is a process in which a strand of mRNA's genetic code is decoded to create a specific sequence of amino acids. It happens on the ribosomes in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. However, in eukaryotes, it takes place on ribosomes that are attached to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), allowing the newly formed protein to undergo additional maturation inside the ER after translation and then be labeled in the Golgi apparatus for transport inside or outside the cell. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes go through the same basic translational process.

To know more about  translation visit :


If the concentration of reactants is decreased, how is the reaction rate affected?A.) the reaction rate decreasedB.) the reaction rate can increase or decreaseC.) the reaction rate does not changeD.) the reaction rate increases



A.) The reaction rate decreased.


Let's review the rate law based on the effect on concentration on reactions: typically, reaction rates decrease with time because reactant concentrations decrease as reactants are converted to products. Reaction rates generally increase when reactant concentrations are increased.

Based on this logic, the reaction rate when the concentration of reactants is decreased, this would have a decreased too. The answer would be A.) The reaction rate decreased.

List the following substances in order from lowest density to highest density:
iron, gold, steel, water, air, silver, aluminum, gasoline.


The substances in order of lowest to highest density will be H2O<air < Al < steel < Fe< Ag < Au

Density is called as the mass contained per unit volume.

The formula for density :


d is density

m is mass

V is volume

This leads us to the conclusion that a substance's mass and volume affect its density.

Given that it is independent of the amount of substance, density is known to be an intense attribute. It stays the same.

So density is fixed for any substance.

The density of iron = 7.86 g/mL

The density of gold = 19.3 g/mL

The density of steel = 7.8 g/mL

The density of water = 1.00 g/mL

The density of air = 1.29 g/mL

The density of silver = 10.5 g/mL

The density of aluminium = 2.70 g/mL

From this we observe that the order of density from lowest density to highest density will be:

water < air < aluminum < steel < iron < silver < gold

To learn more about intensive property visit:


can someone please help? :(


Sigma bonds are single bonds formed by the head on collision between orbitals and pi -bonds are double bonds or triple bonds which are weaker than sigma bonds. There are 7 sigma bonds and one pi bond in acetic acid.

What is acetic acid?

Acetic acid is a weak organic acid formed from methane croup. Its diluted form as vinegar is used as preservatives. Acetic acid contains the COOH acidic group. Where the C=O group is called carbonyl group.

A sigma bond is formed between head on overlap of two orbitals. It is more strong and forms single bonds. Pi bonds are formed by the sidewise overlapping of p orbitals. They are weak. In a double bond such as in C=O group one bond is pi bond and one is sigma bond.

First carbon in acetic acid forms sigma bonds  with 3 hydrogens and one carbon and the second carbon has a sigma bond with an OH group. Thus there a total of 7 sigma bonds and 1 pi bond.

To find more on acetic acid, refer here:


ome regions produce large amounts of geothermal energy. This energy production indicates that the crust in these regions

reaches deep into Earth.

is heated by nearby magma.

is rich in precious metals.

has large oil reserves.


The geothermal energy production indicates that the crust in these regions is heated by nearby magma.

What is geothermal energy?

The geothermal energy is the heat that comes from the sub-surface of the earth which is contained in the rocks and fluids beneath the earth's crust. It is important because unlimited amount of energy is found in earth's crust which is the source of geothermal energy.

The magma is present in the mantle and lower crust which heats up nearby rocks and underground aquifers. By this hot water can be released through steam vents, hot springs, geysers and mud pots etc. these can be used as the sources of geothermal energy.

Therefore, the geothermal energy production indicates that the earth's crust is heated by nearby magma. So, the correct option is B.

To learn more about geothermal energy click on the given link


The change in temperature of 150.0 g of chloroform is 6.9 degrees Celsius. When it absorbs 1000.0 joules of heat, and the specific heat of chloroform is 0.96 J/g x C. Find the initial temp


Based on the temperature change and specific heat of chloroform, the initial temperature will be found as follows:

initial temperature = final temperature - temperature change

What is the change in the temperature of chloroform after it absorbs  1000.0 joules of heat?

The change in the temperature of chloroform after it absorbs  1000.0 joules of heat is determined using the formula below:

Heat change or absorbed = mass * specific heat capacity * temperature change


Temperature change = heat absorbed / (mass * specific heat capacity)

The heat absorbed = 1000 Joules

mass of chloroform = 150.0 g

specific heat of chloroform =  0.96 J/g.C

Temperature change = 1000 / (150 * 0.96)

Temperature change = 6.9 °C


Temperature change = Final temperature - Initial temperature

Initial temperature = Final temperature - Temperature change

Learn more about specific heat at:


draw structures corresponding to the following names: (a) phenyl benzoate (b) n-ethyl-n-methylbutanamide (c) 2,4-dimethylpentanoyl chloride (d) methyl 1-methylcyclohexanecarboxylate (e) ethyl 3-oxopentanoate (f ) methyl p-bromobenzenethioate (g) formic propanoic anhydride (h) cis-2-methylcyclopentanecarbonyl bromide


Option g. formic propanoic anhydride.

Propionic anhydride is an organic compound with the system CH₃CH₂CO₂O. This easy acid anhydride is a colorless liquid. it is a broadly used reagent in natural synthesis in addition to producing distinctive derivatives of cellulose.

Propionic Anhydride is a colorless liquid with a very sturdy, unpleasant smell. it's far used in the manufacture of perfumes, oils, resins, dyestuffs, drugs, and cellulose esters.

Anhydrides react with alcohols to form esters as the main product and carboxylate as a facet product. The response is generally run with a base, such as NaOH or pyridine, to take away any acid produced.

Learn more about propanoic anhydride here:-


an aqueous solution contains 0.32 m hypochlorous acid. one liter of this solution could be converted into a buffer by the addition of:


One liter of 0.3 M HClO can be combined with 0.31 mol of KClO to create a buffer solution.

A weak acid, a base, and its corresponding salt make up a buffer system. The Henderson-Hasselbach equation, which is the same, can be used to determine the pH of the buffer.

pH is calculated as pKa + log ((Salt/Acid)).

A hypochlorous acid buffer in the illustration should contain the hypochlorous acid salt, which might be potassium hypochlorite. Because the perchloric acid ion is absent, potassium perchlorate is not a buffer.

Nitric acid and sodium hydroxide are also powerful acids and bases, respectively. They cannot partially ionize, which is necessary for a buffer, as a result. The importance of this partial ionization is because it is what causes the buffer to keep the pH of the solution constant when an acid or base is added. Strong bases and acids are ineffective as buffers.

Know more about Buffer Solution at:


How can she test this idea in the Flowing Water Model?


She test this idea in the Flowing Water Model through integrated water flow model

Flowing water model is the computer programmed for simulating water flow through the integrated land surface water and groundwater flow systems and hydroelectric energy is power made by the moving water and water always flow downhills because of gravity and she She test this idea in the Flowing Water Model through integrated water flow model

Know more about model


Gas X has the molecular formula C5Hx. A mass of 1.44g X occupies a volume of 0.32 dm*3 at 2 atm and 400K. Find the value of x. [H=1; C=12; R =0.08 atm.dm3 K*-1.mol*-1]​


The value of x in the gas C₅Hx is 12.


PV = nRT

n = PV/RT

  = 2 × 0.32 /  0.08 × 400

 =  0.64 / 32

  = 0.02

mole = mass/molar mass

molar mass = mass/ mole

= 1.44/0.02

= 72 grams.

C5Hx = 72

12 × 5 + x = 72

x = 72 - 60

x = 12

An ideal gas is a theoretical gas composed of many randomly transferring factor particles that aren't difficult to interparticle interactions. the best gasoline idea is beneficial because it obeys the precise gas law, a simplified equation of country, and is amenable to evaluation under statistical mechanics.

An ideal gas is described as one for which both the extent of molecules and forces between the molecules are so small that they have got no effect on the behavior of the gas. The real gas that acts almost like a really perfect gasoline is helium. that is due to the fact helium, in contrast to maximum gases, exists as an unmarried atom, which makes the van der Waals dispersion forces as low as viable.

Learn more about ideal gas


15. Which of the following elements will have the most similar properties?
C. Helium and Hydrogen
D. Magnesium and Calcium
A. Helium and Carbon
B. Magnesium and Iron


The elements that showcase the most similar properties are Magnesium and Calcium due to having the same valency.

Helium and Hydrogen

Helium and Hydrogen are two completely different elements. Hydrogen forms various compounds with other elements, water H2O, Ammonia NH4, and carbohydrates C6H12O6 whereas Helium being a noble gas is a stable element that contains 8 electrons in its valence shell, i.e. the ideal amount and so does not react with other elements to make compounds.

Magnesium and Calcium

Magnesium and calcium have similar properties as they both contain only 2 electrons in their valence shell. Since all chemical properties are in one way or another dependent on valency, they display similar behavior.

Helium and Carbo

Helium a noble gas contains 8 electrons in its valence shell causing it to have no need to react with other elements. Thus Helium does not form any compounds whereas Carbon on the other hand containing 4 electrons in its valence shell is among the best elements for chain compounds. Due to carbon's ability to accept and donate the same amount of electrons as well as sharing electrons, it is the major element in all biotic materials.

Magnesium and Iron

Magnesium contains 2 electrons in its valence shell and has a tendency to lose them to attain Mg2+ ion. Magnesium has a set valency whereas Iron has multiple vacancies. Depending on the state of Iron it may exhibit a valency of 2 or 3. Due to Iron having a valency of 3 as well as 2 it differs from Magnesium in its chemical properties.

Learn more about valency at:

what is the molarity of the solution if the mole fraction of ethanol in water is 0.2 ?


Answer: 2.1M


   Hence, the molarity of a solution of ethanol in water is 2.1M.

2. Which of the following is a renewable resource? *
A. Air
B. Fossil Fuels
C. Minerals



a) Air


Air from the following is a renewable resource, fossil fuels and minerals cannot be renewed. Hence, option (a) is correct.

What happens when a base dissolves?OA. It increases the concentration of H* in solution.OB. It is no longer dangerous.OC. It increases the concentration of OH in solution.о D. It adds oxygen to the solution.


A base, according to the Arrhenius definition, is any species that increases the concentration of OH- in the solution. Some examples of bases are, NaOH, KOH, LiOH, all these substances will increase the concentration of OH when dissolved. Letter C

3.Which term best describes algae?


The term which best describes algae is Single-celled organisms or unicellular organism.

What is an Algae?

A broad and varied collection of photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms are collectively referred to as algae informally. It is a polyphyletic group that consists of species from various separate clades.

What do you mean by Single-celled organisms?

A single cell makes up a unicellular creature, also referred to as a single-celled organism, as opposed to a multicellular organism, which is made up of numerous cells.

Hence, The term which best describes algae is Single-celled organisms or unicellular organism.

To know more about Algae visit


Question 1 (0.75 points)
The endocrine system, producer of hormones which are chemical messengers work
with the nervous system to control many different body functions such as
metabolism and growth.


The endocrine system, producer of hormones which are chemical messengers work with the nervous system to control many different body functions such as metabolism and growth is True.

What is endocrine system ?

The endocrine system is a communication system that uses feedback loops to control distant target organs by controlling hormones secreted by internal glands of an organism directly into the circulatory system.

All endocrine systems in vertebrates are controlled neurally by the hypothalamus. Among the endocrine glands are: Two organs called the adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and secrete the stress hormone cortisol.  

The pituitary gland receives instructions from the hypothalamus in the lower middle brain about when to release hormones. The female reproductive system's ovaries, which release eggs and sex hormones.

Thus, the endocrine system, producer of hormones which are chemical messengers work with the nervous system to control many different body functions such as metabolism and growth is True.

To learn more about endocrine system follow the link;


pls answer question will mark brainliset tyty


In these given options, flooding is most likely to reduced human population.

Humans are affected by floods in a variety of ways, including: flooding can cause injury or death to individuals. Sewage is frequently present in floodwater, which can compromise clean drinking water and cause disease. Power supply may become unstable.Environmental stress is a term that refers to a variety of circumstances, such as food shortages, predator activity, and other density-dependent variables, that cause population growth to slow down.

Therefore, the infrastructure in our environment and the ecosystem itself may be harmed by severe flooding. They can first demolish houses and render them inhabitable. Additionally, they can clear farms of sand, which makes it harder to cultivate crops. In addition to the aforementioned, flooding taints clean water, resulting in illnesses.

Limiting variables prevent populations from growing either through increased death rates or emigration, decreased birthrates or immigration, or a combination of these factors.

To know more about flooding


Where can people get the chemical
potential energy stored by plants?


People get the chemical potential energy stored by plants is solar energy in sugar

Chemical energy is stored in the bond that connect atom with other atom and molecule with other molecule and because chemical reaction takes place the stored chemical energy is released and plant store this solar energy as chemical energy in sugar means glucose within cell in leaves called as chloroplast and these cells are full of chlorophyll that help absorbs light

Know more about plant


State the worded equation for the reaction that occurred in a beaker when copper is placed in a beaker of silver nitrate.


The reaction of silver nitrate with copper is a substitution reaction. We have copper in its free state, Cu, and we have silver nitrate which has the formula AgNO3. The copper replaces the silver obtaining the following reaction:

[tex]2AgNO_{3(aq)}+Cu_{(s)}\rightarrow Cu(NO_3)_{2(aq)}+2Ag_{(s)}[/tex]

The products obtained are copper nitrate and silver.

The word equation will be:

[tex]SilverNitrate+Copper\rightarrow Copper(II)Nitrate+Silver[/tex]

is hydrogen Anion or Cation



Hydrogen is a Cation, the only cation that has no electrons.

¿Is hydrogen Anion or Cation

A Hydrogen, it is well known that it is a Cation, since it is a positively charged particle.

¿What is hydrogen?

A Hydrogen is a chemical element, which is the lightest that exists, its atom is made up of a proton and an electron and it is stable in the form of a diatomic molecule (H2).

See more about hydrogens in:

Why do scientists clone banana plants, but not humans?



There are legal and ethical restrictions regarding human cloning.



Scientists clone banana plants and not humans because there are legal and ethical restrictions regarding human cloning.

[tex]hope \: this \: helped \: you \: [/tex]

Bauxite consists mainly of AlOs, which react with carbon at high temperatures.
The process uses large amounts of electric power; that's why it makes sense to recycle aluminum cans. The balanced equation for the reaction is
A1203 (s) + 3 C (s) ---> 2 AI (1) + 3 CO (g)

Suppose you react 25.0 grams of AlO, with 15.0 grams of carbon.
a. Determine which reagent is limiting and which is excess.
b. What theoretical yield (grams) of aluminum metal can be formed?
c. What mass of the excess reactant will be left over?
pls help me!!!


Based on the balanced equation of the reaction of bauxite and carbon;

a. the limiting reagent is Al₂O₃ amd the excess reagent is carbon, C.

b. the theoretical yield of aluminum metal is 13.23 grams

c. the mass of the excess reactant left over is 6.18 grams

What is the balanced equation of the reaction?

The balanced equation of the reaction of bauxite and carbon is given below as follows:

Al₂O₃ (s) + 3 C(s) ---> 2 Al (s) + 3 CO (g)

Based on the equation of the reaction, the mole ratio of the reactants is 1 mole of Al₂O₃ to 3 moles of C.

Mole of a substance = mass / molar mass

Moles of Al₂O₃ in 25.0 g sample = 25 / 102

Moles of Al₂O₃ = 0.245 moles

Moles of C in 15.0 grams sample = 15 / 12

Moles of C in 15.0 grams sample = 1.25 moles

moles of C required = 0.245 * 3

moles of C required = 0.735 moles

Based on the mole ratio, C is the excess reactant and the limiting reagent is Al₂O₃

The theoretical yield of aluminum will be calculated from the mole ratio of Al₂O₃ and Al as follows:

Theoretical yield of Al = 0.245 * 2/1 * 27 g

Theoretical yield of Al = 13.23 grams

Moles of C leftover = 1.25 - 0.735

Mass of C left over = (1.25 - 0.735) * 12 g

Mass of C left over = 6.18 grams

Learn more about limiting reagent at:


please help with these 5 questions if they physical or chemical as well as intensive or extensive i will be giving brainliest thank u



Before categorizing each of the properties into physical or chemical, intensive or extensive, we need to understand the terms:

Physical property: This is any characteristic that can be determined without changing the substance’s chemical identity.

Chemical property: This is any characteristic that can be determined by simply changing the molecular structure of a substance

1) For the property: Its melting point is 112 degrees Celcius is a Physical property and intensive since extensive property depends on the amount of matter being measured.

2) If a substance burns in a presence of oxygen, it is a chemical property since the molecular structure of the resulting compound will be changed. This is also an intensive property.

3) If a substance is yellow solid is a physical property since the first is the color yellow and solid shows the state of the element. Neither property implies that the substance is changing its composition. Therefore, both properties are physical properties. This physical property is Intensive properties since it does not depend on the amount of the substance present.

4) If the substance is combustible, it is a chemical property and intensive property

5) For the sample of a substance that measures 75cm^3, this is a Physical property since the volume of a substance can be determined without changing its identity. This is also an extensive property since examples of these properties include mass, weight, and volume.

What type of nuclear radiation is given off in the nuclear reaction below?




Beta radiation


we know the three types of nuclear radiation:

alpha beta gamma

okay so first look at the mass number of both the product and reactant, we notice that the mass number for both remains 35.

immediately we can cross of the possibility of it being alpha radiation because an alpha particle is similar to that of helium nucleus, hence if it was alpha, the mass number of Cl would be 4 less.

now look at the atomic number, we notice that moving from S to Cl it increased by 1 which can only mean it was beta radiation.

Beta radiation is when a neutron inside to nucleus turns into a proton and an electron, the electron is ejected from the nucleus hence it's a high speed electron.

neutron --> proton + electron

the reason the mass number is the same is because a neutron and proton has a mass of 1 whilst the electron is too small to cause much change.

the reason for nuclear decay is mainly because the elements want to achieve more stability.

sodium and oxygen react to produce sodium oxide how many moles of oxygen are needed to produce 11.15 g of sodium oxide



0.0899 moles of oxygen (O2).


What is given?

Mass of sodium oxide (Na2O) = 11.15 g.

Molar mass of Na2O = 62 g/mol.

Step-by-step solution:

First, let's state the balanced chemical equation:


Let's calculate the moles of Na2O that are in 11.15 g of Na2O, using its molar mass:

[tex]11.15\text{ g Na}_2O\cdot\frac{1\text{ mol Na}_2O}{62\text{ g Na}_2O}=0.1798\text{ moles Na}_2O.[/tex]

Now that we have the moles of Na2O, let's do the stoichiometry: you can see in the chemical equation that 1 mol of oxygen (O2) reacted produces 2 moles of Na2O, so by doing a rule of three based on this data, the calculation will look like this:

[tex]0.1798\text{ moles Na}_2O\cdot\frac{1\text{ mol O}_2}{2\text{ moles Na}_2O}=0.0899\text{ moles O}_2.[/tex]

The answer is that we need 0.0899 moles of oxygen (O2) to produce 11.15 g of sodium oxide.

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