The development of regional trade associations in Africa represents an effort to

deregulate the regional African economy.

encourage foreign investment in African nations.

remove barriers to trade between African nations.

expand trade between Africa and other world regions.


Answer 1


i think its D



Answer 2

The development of regional trade associations in Africa aims to remove trade barriers between African countries and create a single market for goods and services within the continent. This is expected to increase intra-African trade, leading to economic growth and development. Hence option C is correct.

What are trade barriers?

Trade barriers refer to any measures or policies implemented by governments to restrict or control the exchange of goods and services between countries.

They can be in the form of tariffs (taxes on imported goods), quotas (limits on the quantity of imports), embargoes (prohibitions on trade), or regulations and standards that create barriers to entry for foreign companies.

These barriers can be used to protect domestic industries, regulate the flow of goods for national security reasons, or as a tool in international negotiations.

However, they can also have negative consequences, such as reducing competition, increasing prices for consumers, and limiting opportunities for trade and economic growth. International organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) aim to reduce trade barriers and promote free trade.

Learn more about trade barriers here:


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Why was the Italian renaissance so important?



1st of all pls follow me I would really appreciate

Some of the greatest thinkers, authors, statesmen, scientists and artists in human history thrived during this era, while global exploration opened up new lands and cultures to European commerce. The Renaissance is credited with bridging the gap between the Middle Ages and modern-day civilization.

Was the dropping of the atomic bombs justified during ww2?





This answer is a personal opinion. The atomic bombs during WW2 were used in order to show the Axis Powers the devastating weaponry that The Allied Powers had at their disposal. In order to Justify this use of these weapons the US believed that using this weapon would quickly bring an end to the war and save countless lives from dying if the war continued. This was the excuse made in order to justify this bombing and state that it was morally right. I believe that it was not justified because the vast majority of individuals killed by the bombings were civilians, including women and children who were not soldiers. There is no morality in that.

WILL MARK BRAINLIEST PLS HELP President Carter's stimulus plans
improved economic growth
did not improve economic growth
were widely successful
were not implemented.


President Carter's stimulus plans did not improve economic growth.

What was President Carter's stimulus plans?

The stimulus plan was made to encourage economic growth. Through this plan, President Carter was said to have proposed increasing the number of government jobs for the people.

Carter was known to have a lot of plan and most of his plans was one called the stimulus plans that helped to improved economic growth in US. His aim was to bring a lot of development for the American economy but the plan failed.

Learn more about President Carter from

President Carter's stimulus plans did not improve economic growth. The second option is correct.

During President Jimmy Carter's tenure from 1977 to 1981, his administration implemented various economic stimulus plans to address the challenges of high inflation and unemployment.

However, these stimulus plans did not lead to improved economic growth.

Carter's policies, including public spending programs and tax incentives, aimed to stimulate consumer spending and investment.

However, factors such as rising energy costs, high-interest rates, and a sluggish economy posed challenges that hindered the desired economic growth.

Despite the implementation of these stimulus plans, the economy faced difficulties during Carter's presidency, including a recession in the late 1970s and a worsening inflationary environment.

Thus, the second option is correct.

To know more about Economic growth, click here:


If you were tasked with creating a social media campaign to bring awareness to the atrocities committed in the Congo what three hashtags


#lovecongo #africa #helpcongo

If Alan has amnesia, which of the following is he experiencing?
a loss of physical strength
an inability to maintain balance
a partial or total loss of memory
an injury to underlying soft tissue or bone



a partial or total loss of memory


Amnesia is when your limbic system gets damaged. Your limbic system is what controls emotions and memories.

Why was Bismarck fearful of socialism in Germany?


Answer: He felt socialist would undermine the loyalty of German Workers turning them towards revolution


i need a description of the Jews of the Renaissance and Reformation​



The 15th through the 18th centuries involved major changes in Jewish life in Europe. The conflicts, controversies, and crises of the period impacted Jews as much is it did other Europeans, albeit perhaps with different outcomes. In social, economic, and even intellectual life Jews faced challenges similar to those of their Christian neighbors, and often the solutions developed by both to tackle these problems closely resembled each other. Concurrently, Jewish communal autonomy and cultural tradition—distinct in law according to its own corporate administration, distinct in culture according to its own set of texts and traditions—unfolded according to its own intrinsic rhythms, which, in dialogue with external stimuli, produced results that differed from the society around it. The study of Jewish life in this period offers a dual opportunity: on the one hand, it presents a rich source base for comparison that serves as an alternate lens to illuminate the dominant events of the period while, on the other hand, the Jewish experience represents a robust culture in all of its own particular manifestations. Faced with these two perspectives, historians of the Jews are often concerned with examining the ways in which Jews existed in separate and distinct communities yet still maintained contact with their surroundings in daily life, commercial exchanges, and cultural interaction. Further, historians of different regions explore the ways that Jews, as a transnational people, shared ties across political frontiers, in some cases, whereas, in others cases, their circumstances resemble more closely their immediate neighbors than their coreligionists abroad. Given these two axes of experience—incorporation and otherness—the periodization of Jewish history resists a neat typology of Renaissance and Reformation. And yet, common themes—such as the new opportunities afforded by the printing press, new modes of thought including the sciences, philosophy, and mysticism, and the emergence of maritime economic networks— firmly anchor Jewish experiences within the major trends of the period and offer lenses for considering Jews of various regions within a single frame of reference. To build a coherent survey of this period as a whole, this article uses the major demographic upheavals of the 14th and 15th centuries and the subsequent patterns of settlement, as the starting point for mapping this period. These are followed by significant cultural developments, both of Jewish interaction with its non-Jewish contexts, the spaces occupying a more “internal” Jewish character, and of those boundary crossers and bridges of contact that traversed them before turning to the upheavals and innovations of messianic and millenarian movements in Judaism.

Explain how the spread of Christianity hurt the Roman Empire.



change of religion


thats what caused harm

Rome began to fall and they blamed Christians and romans began to turn on them . years of Roman tradition were thrown away. Under Constantine's rule, Pagan temples were abolished and the wealth was appropriated.

Which best describes how the county unit system favored the traditional branch of the Democratic Party?

It prevented the progressives from winning.
It prohibited African Americans from voting.
It undermined Republican election efforts.
It made the general election meaningless.


It undermined Republican election efforts


It prohibited African Americans from voting.I think so

What did Garrison, along with others, found in 1833? What three ideals did they


Answer: On December 4, 1833, Garrison and more than fifty other delegates from ten states met in Philadelphia to form the American Anti-Slavery Society.


They denounced the U.S. Constitution as supportive of slavery, were against established religion, and insisted on sharing organizational responsibility with women.

How did the economic conditions described in Source 1 influence the political ideas articulated in Source 2? The large debts discussed by Keynes inspired Mussolini's attacks on pacifism. The "bonfire" alluded to by Keynes validated Mussolini's call for international collaboration. The "belligerent countries" referenced by Keynes encouraged Mussolini's isolationist policies. The fiscal issues described by Keynes motivated Mussolini's resentment for international collaboration.


Answer: D

The fiscal issues described by Keynes motivated Mussolini’s resentment for international collaboration.

Explanation: I took the test. :)


Answer: D


Edg 2020

Identify and explain a cause and effect relationship associated with historical developments in documents 1 and 2. Be sure to use evidence from both documents 1 and 2 in your response.



In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine.

The Truman Doctrine demonstrated that the United States would not return to isolationism after World War II, but rather take an active role in world affairs.

To help rebuild after the war, the United States pledged $13 billion of aid to Europe in the Marshall Plan.



this refers to the glorification of a nation'a fighting and weapons capabilities and war was a long term cause of WWl





What are the three kinds of court cases?



The three kinds of courts are District courts, Supreme courts, and finally circuit courts


What are 5 similarities between the Roman republic and Roman Empire (make sure there true)



-Both the republic and the empire had a Senate, which was an assembly of patricians.

-Both the Roman Republic and Roman Empire had periods of instability

- Their periods of instability lasted almost the same amount of time

Thats all I could find sorry


Ricky had "d" dollars . After paying a bill of $12 he had $7 left . How many dollars did he have at first?​



19 dollars


$19 :) because 12 + 7 = 19 and he already spent 12 so 19 - 12 = 7

What is the difference between a concentration camp and an extermination camp?

Please help



Concentration camps served primarily as detention and labor centers, while extermination camps were killing centers for efficient mass murder.

Justice White's dissent argues that the majority decision puts the President above the law. Do you agree or disagree with this argument?


No one can’t tell you what to think, you need to evaluate the situation and decide for you self bud. ;)

Why does King Mark of Cornwall eventually kill his nephew, Tristam, after sending him to fetch his wife?
a. because Merlin told King Mark to sacrifice Tristam to maintain peace in his kingdom
b. because King Mark did not approve of Tristam befriending King Arthur
c. because King Mark does not want Tristam to take over his throne
d. because he suspects Tristam and Iseult to be in love with each other


Tristan dies of grief, thinking that Iseult has betrayed him, and Iseult dies swooning over his corpse. Some texts of the Prose Tristan use the traditional account of Tristan's death as found in the poetic versions.

King Mark of Cornwall eventually kills his nephew, Tristam, after sending him to fetch his wife because he suspects Tristam and Iseult to be in love with each other. Hence Option D is the answer.

Write a short note on the love story of Tristam and Iseult.

One of the most noteworthy legends of Cornwall is the appalling story of Tristram and Iseult – too known as Tristan and Isolde. The story is that Tristram, the nephew of  King Mark of Cornwall, was mortally injured in a battle where he slaughtered the brother of the Ruler of Ireland. Tristan passes on of melancholy, considering that Iseult has sold out him, and Iseult passes on swooning over his carcass.

A few writings of the Composition Tristan utilize the conventional account of Tristan's passing as found within the idyllic versions. Based on a Celtic legend and conceivably other sources, the story may be a catastrophe approximately the unlawful love between the Cornish knight Tristan and the Irish princess Iseult. The central struggle in this sonnet is between King Mark and Sir Tristan, as they battle for Isolde's cherish and hand in marriage. Likely the foremost popular legend to highlight a cherished elixir, the story of Tristan and Isolde (or Iseult one of the foremost celebrated Celtic legends.

To learn more about Tristan and Isolde, refer to:


could go either way truly but majority opinion would be for letting the vote remain as optional america is all about freedom we have choices and rights by forcing us to vote would be againest our own amendments...Other side ofthe arguement is that we should force people to vote so they cant complain when we get a bad president biggest example is the Trump vs hillary situation people didnt vote bc they didnt like either one so we got stuck with trump now people are upset that hes bad president



Stop talking sh*t bout Trump He was the best president n 74M people Voted him again.

Forcing people to vote, especially in times when voter suppression is growing (e.g., Republicans opposing the recent bill that will 'stop voter suppression'). If someone doesn't want to vote, however, irresponsible that may be, there's nothing the government can do about it. It's only fair to say that if you didn't vote then you can't complain about the presidency, however, you also can't tell people what to think, believe, or feel as this is the "land of the free." Anything beyond allowing people to their opinions is practically mind control. I would go with the first option here, only because "American values" and "land of the free" and all that, ya know? Elections are always unpredictable, and isn't that just what makes American wonderful?

what art movement did sandro botticelli belong to



Florentine Renaissance.


what two words did Bernard learn from the U.S. soldier? ​


More details please?

Why was William Taft a bad president?



Taft soon showed he was more conservative than Roosevelt, and started replacing Roosevelt's appointees with businessmen. Also, he lacked experience working with Congress. Both factors hurt him in the tariff fight. American duties were high and the public wanted them lowered.


hope it helps ;)

The reason William Taft was a bad president was because he really showed his conservative side

policy of a limited role for the nation in the world's affairs






if you didn't already submit the assignment i think it is isolationism




The map on the left shows Europe:

A. Under the reign of Louis XVI.
B. Under the reign of Napoleon.
C. After the Congress of Vienna.
D. After German unification.



That map is set in the napolean era, thus its B


Help ASAP, which one is correct



The answer is both A and B


Because at the end of the war woman’s did get the right to vote and they also got more rights to do things men’s could’ve done and they didnot.

hope this helps:

During the Industrial Revolution, coal-burning factories produced black soot that covered the
trees and killed the lichen in and near cities. In these areas the number of dark peppered moths
increased, while the number of light peppered moths decreased. What contributed to this





Which of the following civil rights concerns were indicated by the existence of such groups as the NAACP, SCLC, SNCC, and CORE?
Group of answer choices





The SNCC, or Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, was a civil-rights group formed to give younger Black people more of a voice in the civil rights movement. The SNCC soon became one of the movement's more radical branches.d

does the sun rise at the same time everyday?



The sun rises and sets at slightly different times each day


hope this helps :-)




The sun might appear or seem to come up every morning's like evenings but the sun does not rise at the same time everyday because fun fact, nor direction everyday. A sun rise does not appear at the same times no matter the specific time zone you're in. Have a great rest of your day!




East asians were considered white until the end of the 18th century when the Chinese and Japanese resisted cultural assimilation


Hope that helped and have a nice day! ;}

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