When given his prisoner uniform at Birkenau, what item did Yanek feel luck to receive?
A. A pair of pants that fit
B. Underwear
C. A shirt
D. A pair of shoes


Answer 1
I just really want some points :):):)

Related Questions

Why does El Nino have different effects on climate around the world?



During an El Niño event, sea surface temperatures across the Pacific can warm by 1–3°F or more and warmer conditions can last for a few months to two years. ... These disruptions to the normal air movements in the tropics affect the mid-latitude jet streams, which is how El Niño can affect weather around the world.


hope this helps :3

if this the right answer?



Sounds about right. Correct me if I am wrong.


Have a good one :)

Explain the role the Green Mountain Boys played in preparing the colonists for fighting against the British?
Please dont post anything inappropriate, I had this question up before and someone posted something that traumatized me so please, if you want to do things like that, please go somewhere else and post that. Not on an actual question, Thank you and have a nice day. And if you are one of those people who post these kind of things, you should be ashamed of yourself, there are children on this app that are trying to get help on their homework and instead, end up seeing those disgusting pictures. And why isn't brainly doing anything to stop this?



thanks for the warning and yes their are many kids in this app that shouldn't see that I'm one of them these people are disgusting

Which of the following is an example of how Native Americans benefited from their relations with Europeans? A. They developed strong armies to protect themselves. B. They bought enslaved people from the Europeans. C. They sold their land to French and English settlers. D. They traded with French and English settlers.



I believe it would be D. They traded with French and English settlers


Hope this helps :)

Why was the fall constantinople considered the end of the European Middle ages?


Answer: that’s when they ended because everything was going downhill

Explanation: up

why is it accurate to say that many people keep socializing later in life?​



buz the y more experience - real answer

Socialization is the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies, providing an individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within his or her own society

Triangular trade is trade between 5 continents, Europe, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, North America
O False





The 5 continents that were involved were North America, Europe, Africa, New england, an

Please help me i need the correct answer fast and please dont guess ty <3


I’ve heard of a white nile but I’ve never heard of red I hope this helps. Ik you said don’t guess so I hope your not upset.

Identify three of the policies which have been a result of judicial review. (Site 1)



The constitution, the Supreme court, the judiciary

why did hume criticize descartes and locke view on the personal identity?



Hume believes that the common belief in personal identity results from human nature, and points out that the belief is neither a result of sense or of reason, but rather a result of imagination. Hence, there is no justification for the belief in personal identity.

how is the country of Korea divided at the end of World War
The country was entirely under the control of the Soviet union

the Japanese controlled much of the countries in the world ended

the Soviet Union controlled the north well you need United States control the south



the soviet union controlled the north and the United States controlled the south because the japanese surrendered and the country split in half.

What is a social graph? Group of answer choices Maps group contacts identifying who knows each other and who works together. Describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with keywords or tags as a way to organize it for future navigation, filtering, or search. Represents the interconnection of relationships in a social network. Uses a keyword or phrase to identify a topic and is preceded by a hash or pound sign (#).



Represents the interconnection of relationships in a social network


The word Social graph was said to be brought about by Mark Zuckerberg. It generally entails Users connection (how they are connected) an individual can also be the center of our own social network or graph.

The more the graph we have for a website, the switching cost will definitely be more. It is often refered to as Global mapping of users and how these users are connected. It aid important customers at times and links in the various branches of the social graph by analysis.

Why is democratic consolidation important?
A. it allows a dictator to take control of a new democracy.
B. it prevents free elections from taking place too soon.
C. it helps bring long-term stability to a new democracy
D. it means that one country is taken over by another country


I think he he answer is C

Sorry if I’m wrong

Lakesha, Leslie, Rojan (Roy), Luchiea, Nicole, Douglas, Ebony and Eric decided to go on a class picnic along the banks of the Potomac River. You are among the others standing by the edge of the Potomac River. You and your classmates have just finished a delicious picnic and are admiring the view across the river. Suddenly, you see a small sailboat overturn. The passengers cling desperately to the edge of the overturned boat, yelling for HELP!!! You and your classmates look on in horror, but no one swims out to help the people. Both passengers on the sailboat drown. If the families of the deceased passengers sue you when they find out that you didn't attempt to rescue the passengers, the most likely outcome of this case would be: (A) You would be held not liable for the passengers' deaths based on bystander cases. (B) You would be held not liable or responsible for the passengers' death based on the Informational Control Rule. (C) You would be held not responsible for the passengers' deaths based on the hearsay rule. (D) You would be held responsible for the deaths based on the Tarasoff case.


Answer: (A) You would be held not liable for the passengers' deaths based on bystander cases.


Based on the information given, if the families of the deceased passengers sue the bystanders when they find out that they did not attempt to rescue the passengers, the most likely outcome of this case would be that the bystanders will not be held liable for the passengers' deaths.

According to the bystander cases, it simply states that an individual who is a bystander has no legal duty to rescue someone else who's at distress. Therefore, in this case, the bystanders won't be held responsible for their death.

What did the committees of correspondence do?

A. All of these
B. Planned for actions the colonies took together
C. Communicated with other colonies
D. Contacted foreign governments


Answer: B


Please Help me i need the right answer fast!



I think it's full but I'm not sure


i think gibbous?


What the capital of Washington?​



The capital of Washington state is Olympia, Washington.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a gatherer society and an agrarian society in regard to their reliance on plant materials. Do not just repeat what was discussed in class, think about some other possibilities as well (there are more I did not mention in class this week that will come up through the semester. Be sure to address BOTH the advantages and disadvantages for BOTH types of society. Note that an advantage to one group may not be a disadvantage to the other.



Gatherer society


The food gathered can last up to 3 days, leaving time left for other activities. Gathered food provides more protein which leads to better health.


A lot of time must be invested in gathering food. They might not find enough food. Gathering societies lack the social structure that protects agrarian societies.

Agrarian society


They allow the development of a more complex social structure based on specialization. Farming creates surplus food, allowing to feed other members of society.


Land becomes the main source of wealth, dividing society into different social categories.


While an agrarian society has an economy primarily focused on agriculture and food cultivation in extensive areas, hunter-gatherer societies don´t cultivate their food.

What is a biological commodity



n the use of living organisms or their toxic products to induce death or incapacity in humans and animals and damage to plant crops, etc


Which would not be an expense for a candidate running for a national office



Salary of the candidate


Imagine that the United States was once again
trying to expand our "empire." Where should we
begin? In other words, what part of the world
should we bring under our direct influence?
Please tell me TWO reasons for your choice in a
short paragraph.



Rome went from being one of many city-states in the Italian Peninsula to being the center of the most powerful empire in the world between the fifth ... As Rome expanded its influence over more and more areas, its political ... For example, plebeians could not join the Roman Senate—an advisory body unable ... Terms of use.

Plastics are made from oil/petroleum and have both benefits for society and harmful effects on the environment



TRUEE !! give brainliest pls:)



i think it’s tariff but i’m not sure




Sea stars can reproduce by fragmentation. This photo
shows a sea star undergoing fragmentation.
Which statement describes the process of fragmentation?



correct answer is option D

New individuals develop from pieces that break off another individual




because if a sea star cuts in half it grows from the cut parts other sea star

how does degradation in quality of life occur?​



If anyone is looking down a upon a person or persons.


It would be if everyone or a particular group of people looked down upon life.


Degradation in the quality of life occurs due to rampant population growth, lack of economic opportunities, poor amenities available in the locality, lack of education and unchecked migration.


Search an explorer on the Net and write an article for a magazine called An Explorer's Diary. Write three paragraphs. Using the question below.
Par. 1 Who is he / she , Why does he / she travel ?
Par. 2 Who is he / she usually do during the day? What can he / she do?
Par. 3 How does he / she share his / her journey with other people?​





The physical process that leads to a reduction in the amount of arable land and crop output is __________.


I honestly don’t know I just need the points sorry

please give your best answer


Standard of living


Standard of living is defined as the economic level achieved by a person, family or country.

giving brainlist if u get it right! The United States achieves its foreign policy goals by:
a. following the orders of international organization
B. Attacking any country that warms trade block.
C. Using diplomacy to peacefully solve problems
D. Relying on the philosophy of isolationism ​



C. using diplomacy


I learned it in social studies(also that is the most logical answer)


The first on was right


Number the events from earliest (1) to most recent (6) to outline the development of the cell theory.





Other Questions
Susan has 50% more books than Michael. Michael has 40 books. If Michael buys 8 more books, will Susan have more or less books than Michael? Use any method to solve the problem Which scenario matches the relationship shown in the table?Sakura walked 6 miles yesterday.Sakura walks 6 miles every day.Sakura walked less than 6 miles.Sakura walked 1 day in 6 miles. Pls help extra points and mark ASAP EASY!!!! IS THIS WRONG??? ILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!! Please help me with this question Why did Dante most likely choose to write his views on Christianity in anindirect manner when he wrote the Divine Comedy? A. He was not sure of his exact views on many Christian values, sohe left room for personal interpretation.B. He knew his audience would be larger if he wrote an entertainingstory that waug't too serious. C. He wanted to represent Christianity in a positive light but felt thestate of the Church was too negative. D. He wanted other writers to imitate his style of avoiding directcharacter conflict. Which of these are NOT true about the first step of protein synthesis? *A. It occurs in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell B. It is called transcriptionC. It involves making an mRNA copy of the DNAD. RNA polymerase is the enzyme that makes the mRNA copy HELP!!!!!!!!!!! I have 2 more questions to ask jackson signed the force bill to ensure Bones have this joint in your wrists?A. SlidingingB. HindgeC. EllipsoidD. Ball-n-socket PLEASE HELP ASAP , MARKING BRAINLIEST XOXOLogan collected pledges for the charity walk-a-thon. He is receiving total contributions of $65 plus $20 for every mile he walks. How many miles will Logan need to walk in order to receive $325?Tiffany is saving money to buy a new iphone that costs $340. She has already saved $120 and plans to save $20 each week. How many weeks will it take her to save up for the iphone? What is natural increase? what is the sum of 2/5 and 2/5 in simplest form In a command economy, who is primarilyresponsible for making economic decisionsabout consumption, savings, and production? HELP. NEED NOW. WILL MARK BRAINLIEST. Use the method of completing the square to transform the quadratic equation into the equation form (x+p)^2. -6x^2+-6x+12=0 Peter the Leprechaun has 526 gold bars that he arranges evenly into 24 pots. Each gold bar weighs 2.2 pounds. A) How many bars of gold are in each pot? what is a general eqation for photosythisis WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST URGENT un texte argumentatif sur l'enseignement distance s'il vous plat Scientific knowledge is always changing. At one time, the kingdom was thehighest level ofclassification. Today, the highest level of classification is the domain. Two ofthe domains, Bacteria and Archaea both contain microscopic prokaryoticorganisms. What would be the best reason for scientists to separate theprokaryotes?A)There were too many species of prokaryotes to only have 1 domain for them.B)It was determined that neither have chloroplasts.C)Both organisms do not contain organelles.D)Research showed differences in living environments.