The debate presented by the _____________ and _____________ Papers over protections for individuals and limits on government power resulted in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights provides constitutional protections for individual liberties and limits on governmental power

A) Democrats
B) Federalist
C) Republicans
D) Progressives
E) Anti-Federalist

Which TWO letter choices are correct to this statement?


Answer 1

The conflict between federalists and anti-federalists over individual rights safeguards and restrictions on governmental power led to the creation of the Bill of Rights. Individual liberties are constitutionally protected, while state power is constrained by the Bill of Rights. As a result, choices (B) and (E) are ideal.

Who are anti-federalists?

The political movement known as anti-federalism, which first opposed the passage of the 1787 Constitution before becoming opposed to the establishment of a more powerful U.S. federal government, emerged in the late 18th century.

State governments were given more power under the previous constitution, known as the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Anti-Federalists, led by Virginia's Patrick Henry, were concerned that the presidency, which was still innovative at the time, might turn into a monarchy.

The Bill of Rights was passed thanks in part to anti-federalist pressure even though the Constitution was approved and replaced the Articles of Confederation.

Learn more about anti-federalists, from:


Related Questions

Was manifest destiny in the united states accepted by everyone explain


Despite that majority accepted the idea of manifest destiny, some opposed because other nations claimed the land and so, they felt an expansive nation would be too large to govern.

What was the idea of manifest destiny?

The manifest destiny was a cultural belief in the 19th-century United States that the American settlers were destined to expand across North America.

There were three basic tenets to the concept of manifest destiny which are:

special virtues of American people and their institutionsmission of United States to redeem and remake the West in the image of the agrarian Eastirresistible destiny to accomplish this essential duty

Read more about idea of manifest destiny


A philosophical movement of the 18th century marked by a rejection of traditional social, religious, and political ideas and an emphasis on rationalism


the 'long' 18th century in Europe, which was characterized by serious scientific, political, and philosophical discourse:

What did the intellectual revolution of the eighteenth century consist of?

Intellectuals who were deeply moved by the accomplishments of the Scientific Revolution and preoccupied with the concept of reason made up the Enlightenment, a philosophical movement in the eighteenth century.

What were the political and intellectual ideals of the eighteenth century?

The Enlightenment, a philosophical movement that predominated in Europe during the 18th century, promoted ideals like liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and the separation of church and state. It was based on the premise that reason is the primary source of legitimacy and authority.

To know more about philosophical movement visit:-


Which of the following innovations were achievements of the Hellenistic age?

A simple machines, including the lever
and the pulley

B outlining the basis for geometry

C estimating the circumference of the earth

D All of the choices are correct.


Simple machines, including the lever and the pulley of the following innovations, were achievements of the Hellenistic age. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a Hellenistic age?

Between the passing of Alexander the Magnificent in 323 BC and also the establishment of the Rome, as symbolized by the Second punic War, the Hellenistic period was the period of Greek civilization that followed Classical Greece.

In winemaking and vegetable presses, it was employed. These straightforward devices gave us the ability to go beyond what we were naturally capable of and established the groundwork for countless technological developments.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about Hellenistic age, here:


how has the leading cause of death changed from 1900 to the present-day in the united states?


The leading cause of death has changed from 1900 to the present-day in the united states because it has shifted from infectious diseases to chronic diseases.

How have the leading causes of death changed from 1900 to the present?

In United States, the leading causes of death in 1900 includes tuberculosis, gastrointestinal infections, and diphtheria which have seen huge decreases in death rates and are no longer among the leading causes of death in the U.S. However, some other diseases such as heart disease and cancer have seen increased death rates.

In this century, the leading cause of death has changed from 1900 to the present-day in the united states because it has shifted from infectious diseases to chronic diseases.

Read more about causes of death


Which culture group spread across eurasia in the 13th century and became the world’s largest empire?



Mongol Empire  which was led at first  by Genghis Khan


What sporting events original jules rimet trophy has been missing since it was stolen in 1983?


The Jules Rimet Trophy was offered to the winner of the football world Cup, a sporting event in 1966 prior to the 1966 FIFA World Cup in England.

It depicted Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. Brazil won the trophy outright in 1970, prompting the commissioning of an alternative. The original Jules Rimet Trophy changed into stolen in 1983 and by no means recovered. the following trophy, referred to as the "FIFA international Cup Trophy", became delivered in 1974.

The oldest sports events   trophies inside the globe are the Carlisle Bells, a horse racing trophy relationship lower back to 1559 and 1599 and have been first presented by Elizabeth I. The race has been run for over four hundred years in Carlisle, Cumbria, united kingdom.

Learn more about sporting events   here


the great depression of the 1930s was: a. the first economic crisis in the nation's history b. not as serious as the deprssion of the 1840s and 1870s c. not the first, but the most serious depression in the nation's history d. not the first depression and no more serious than some of the others


Answer: c

Explanation: There were depressions in the 1840s and 1870s, but they were not as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930. Almost 25% of people were unemployed.

how would the experiences of the 1930s have influenced the United States and its many allies in the UN to come the aid of South Korea in 1950?



The US and its allies wanted to help South Korea defeat North Korea because they did not want communist rule to take over the whole of Korea. They met this goal by getting the UN to send UN troops which the majority of the troops were US soldiers. They want to stop the spread of communism.


what can explain king tuts injury?


King tut's injury was complications from a broken leg exacerbated by malaria.

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that King Tutankhamun died as a result of a broken leg exacerbated by malaria. King Tutankhamun ruled ancient Egypt during the 18th dynasty of the New Kingdom of Egypt, from 1333 BC until he was 1324.

Why is King Tutankhamun famous?

Tutankhamun is famous because his tomb was completely discovered and contained incredible treasures that helped Egyptologists better understand the mummification process.

Who was King Tutankhamun and what did he do?

Tutankhamun was born in 1332 BC. He was a Pharaoh of BC Egypt. when he was 9 years old. He ruled the country during a period of conflict that escalated land warfare between Egypt and the neighboring Kingdom of Nubia.

Learn more about King Tut's:


during the history of the universe, what important event occurred about 380,000 years after the big bang?


Light began to travel freely through universe was an important event that occurred about 380,000 years after Big Bang.

What was Big Bang?

A physics hypothesis known as the Big Bang event explains how the cosmos grew from an initial condition of great density and warmth. Cosmic inflation, the unexpected and extremely rapid expansion of space during the universe's early moments, provides an explanation for the flatness problem, which refers to the uniformity of the universe as a whole. The early conditions of the Big Bang cannot yet be accurately modelled by any commonly accepted theory of quantum gravity. The models depict an increasingly compressed cosmos that is preceded by a singularity where space and time cease to exist by extrapolating this cosmic expansion backwards in time using the known rules of physics. The Big Bang event is now largely recognised by everyone, and a vast range of empirical data strongly supports this claim.

To learn more about rapid expansion, visit:


in 1862, congress adopted a protective tariff, a transcontinental railroad, and a homestead act as a result of


Congress's power decisively shifted to the north in 1862, leading to the adoption of a protective tariff, a transcontinental railroad, and a Homestead Act.

At what crucial moment did Union forces successfully stave off a second invasion of the North?

Lee's first significant setback came at Gettysburg. During the three-day combat, the Union Army of the Potomac successfully repelled his second North American invasion and severely wounded his Army of Northern Virginia. Three battles—Antietam, Gettysburg, and Vicksburg—are regarded as the three pivotal moments of the Civil War. The Emancipation Proclamation, which redefined the war's objectives for both the North and the South, could be added as the fourth.

What was one significant outcome of the North's Civil War victory?

The Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863, and made possible by the Union victory at Antietam, released all slaves in the states that were still in rebellion against the Federal authority.

To know more about Emancipation Proclamation, visit:


read each quote and then write in your own words what solomon was saying
"trusting an unrealiable person in a difficult time is like a rotten tooth or a faltering foot."
proverbs 25:19


I think what Solomon is trying to say by trusting an unreliable person in a difficult time is like a rotten tooth, or a faltering foot is that trusting the wrong person in a difficult situation can lead to pain or more consequences. What he means by a rotten tooth or a faltering foot is that The person can already be so damaged or broken or not have the right idea of the situation or the right state of mind. And it can cause way more damage and can lead nowhere but backwards.

What came before the Agricultural Revolution?


An agricultural revolution is when farming techniques drastically improve in a relatively short period of time. This leads to increased food production. Three agricultural revolutions have taken place in human history. The First Agricultural Revolution, or Neolithic Revolution, began around 10,000 B.C.

Humans went from being hunter-gatherers to being subsistence farmers and herders. The Second Agricultural Revolution, or British Agricultural Revolution, began around 300 years ago during the 18th century. Major changes in agricultural techniques included selective cattle breeding and systematic crop rotation. The Third Agricultural Revolution, or Green Revolution, took place during the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Improvements in plant technology allowed for much higher crop yields. Beginning around the year 10,000 B.C. C., during the Neolithic Era, the First Agricultural Revolution occurred when humans changed their more common approaches to gathering food. Up to this point, humans had primarily led a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. They ate wild edible plants and hunted animals for food. During this revolution, humans began to plant small gardens and domesticated animals to use for food. Archaeologists have found evidence of the first farms at different sites around the world. As discussed in the previous section, archaeologists have found evidence of early agriculture throughout the world. Archaeological sites in China yield evidence of early paddy fields, while sites in the Americas have tools for growing potatoes, corn, and squash. The Fertile Crescent of the Middle East contains the greatest evidence of the agricultural revolution. Archaeological sites at Catalhoyuk, Abu Hureyra, and other locations reveal evidence of grain cultivation, fruit tree cultivation, and animal domestication. Early humans had no written language to record how they changed from a hunter-gatherer to an agrarian lifestyle. Historians and scientists use evidence from archaeological sites to theorize the causes of the first agricultural revolution. Because this revolution began around 14,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age, experts theorize that the warmer climate led early humans to plant crops and build houses. At the same time, humans developed aspects of culture such as religion and art. Archaeologists have discovered rock art and figurines from this period. These discoveries demonstrate how humans had developed greater intellectual capacities than their ancestors. Additionally, these new beliefs may have encouraged humans to establish themselves in a permanent community with like-minded people.

To learn more about Archaeologists please click on below link


when the united states dropped atomic bombs on nagasaki and hiroshima how did japan respond?


Japan responded by antisurrender sentiment and objections from much of the Japanese military was widespread.

At the end of World War II, Japan was so terrified that they submitted, but they didn't. Because the Soviet Union joined the war, Japan capitulated. The bomb, according to Japanese leaders, compelled them to surrender because it was less embarrassing to claim a miracle weapon had defeated them.Japan capitulated after the second atomic bomb was detonated, leaving a big mess for the Pacific theater to clean up. The United States established a type of government in Hiroshima to assist in the process and supply jobs to those who were having trouble finding employment.

To know more about Hiroshima here


A crisis erupted in the 1830s over nullification.
Which of the following does not describe an aspect of nullification?
States could override presidential vetoes regardless of congressional action.
States could invalidate federal legislation.
States could prevent federal legislation from being enforced within their boundaries.
States could secede from the Union if they deemed this necessary.


Answer:States could override presidential vetoes regardless of congressional action.


Hope this help!

AAAAAAAAAA is the answer!!

How did WWII begin
and what brought about
US involvement in the


Answer: When Germany invaded Poland, France, and Great Britain decided to declare war on Germany. Pearl Harbor is when the US was officially dragged into WWII I hope this helped!

briefly describe the concept of manifest destiny. b) briefly explain one specific historical reason that the concept of manifest destiny emerged in the 1840s. c) briefly describe one specific historical similarity or difference between the concept of manifest destiny in the 1840s and the id


The expression "Manifest Destiny," first used in 1845, refers to the belief that God has predestined the United States to spread democracy and capitalism throughout all of North America.

"Manifest Destiny,  underpinned American territorial expansion in the 19th century and served as justification for the eviction of Native Americans and other ethnic groups from their homes. As more states were admitted to the Union as a result of the United States' fast growth, the problem of slavery became more pressing and the Civil War eventually broke out.The ideology was the driving force behind American territorial expansion in the 19th century and was used to defend the eviction of Native Americans and other ethnic groups from their homes. As new states were admitted to the Union due to the swift growth of the United States, the slavery issue became more pressing and the Civil War began.

learn more about "Manifest Destiny here:


How were the policies of Taft and Wilson toward Latin America similar?


Both preferred to utilize economics to sway nations rather than military action.

The foreign policy decisions made by Presidents Taft and Wilson were shaped by their contrasting opinions about U.S. involvement in world affairs. Like Roosevelt, President Taft supported an imperialist strategy, albeit one that used money rather than force. Taft's "dollar diplomacy" promoted American investment abroad to aid in the stabilization of impoverished countries and to expand the market for American companies.

The expansionist ideologies of Taft and Roosevelt, on the other hand, were challenged by President Wilson, who made a concerted effort to change course. His "moral diplomacy" centered on removing American investments from other countries and defending citizens from repressive regimes.

Although Taft and Wilson took quite different methods to American participation, both men had a lasting influence on how the United States and the rest of the world developed.

learn more about Roosevelt here


What was the main disagreement between northern states and southern states that led to the civil war?


Slavery, Disagreements among states about the eventual fate of bondage were the primary driver of divergence and the conflict that followed. Bondage had been dubious during the outlining of the Constitution but had been left disrupted.

Sweeping sectional contrasts on the issue of bondage, like by and large help/resistance of subjection, monetary practices, strict practices, schooling, social contrasts, and political contrasts kept the North and South at close to consistent resistance to each other on the issue of servitude.

The Northern states, having canceled bondage, looked to forestall its spread, while the Southern states, having developed more reliant upon slave work, attested to the freedoms of Southerners to move their lifestyle into the new domains.

Learn more about civil war:




In the book, the youth of the main character is described in West Virginia's Appalachian Mountains. The setting of the book is Rylant's childhood in West Virginia.

Explain in detail.

The work also explores the idea of familial love, whether it be through the description of how her grandfather kisses the top of her head with his "dust-free lips" or the grandmother defending her home and grandkids from a black snake (and then takes a picture of them holding the dead snake).In her memoir When I Was Young in the Mountains, Cynthia Rylant recalls her youth in West Virginia's Appalachian Mountains with her grandparents. Rylant begins the novel by narrating how her grandfather, a coal miner, used to kiss her head after he returned home, but his lips were smeared in coal dust.

To learn more about Virginia here


What happened to Furman after Furman v. Georgia?


The homeowner in the Furman v. Georgia case awoke in the middle of the night to discover William Henry Furman breaking into his home. In an unsworn declaration permitted by Georgia criminal law.

Furman claimed during the trial that he fell while attempting to flee and the weapon he was carrying accidently fired, killing the victim. His earlier claim to the police that he had turned and fired a shot while running was refuted by this. In any case, Furman would have been guilty of murder and subject to the death penalty under then-existing state law, in accordance with the felony murder rule, because the shot took place while a criminal was being committed. Furman was convicted guilty of murder after going through a trial, partly because to his own testimony.

learn more about Furman here:


How did Criminals take advantage of Prohibition ?


Prohibition helped to Organize Crime. Organized crime exploded because of the prohibition.

Mobsters controlled the flow of alcohol on a national level. Top tier gangsters and mobsters ensured that alcohol reached major cities and regions around the country. They had the resources, workforce, and knowledge to ensure that they could successfully defy the prohibition.

Organized crime figures and groups made it difficult for prohibition to be completely successful. This group of people ensured that drinking would continue and that people would get alcohol. They were counterproductive to the overall movement.

To learn more about Prohibition and crimes, refer:


What did Japanese Americans experience in the internment camp?



The only furnishings in the uninsulated barracks where interns were housed were cots and coal-burning stoves.

What important pieces of legislation were passed during reconstruction, and how did they change american life?


Important pieces of legislation were passed during reconstruction, and how did they change American life meanwhile, the Reconstruction acts gave former male slaves the right to vote and hold public office. Congress also passed two amendments to the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment made African-Americans citizens and protected citizens from discriminatory state laws.

The Reconstruction era is the period of time in United States history that lasted after the American Civil War until approximately the Compromise of 1877. Reconstruction refers to the period immediately following the Civil War, from 1865 to 1877, when several U.S. administrations attempted to restore society to the Old Union. especially by establishing and protecting the legal rights of the newly freed black population. The

The reconstruction Era lasted from 1865 to 1877 at the end of the Civil War. Her main focus was to return Southern states to full political participation in the Union, guarantee the rights of former slaves, and define a new relationship between African Americans and whites.

Learn more about reconstruction here:


Which are accurate tatement about Queen Elizabeth I of England and her reign? Chooe Three


The decision by Elizabeth not to wed sparked a lot of debate on a national and international level. At the time, it was generally accepted that only men were equipped to rule and that a woman's place was as a wife.

Beyond this idea, however, there were significant dynastic and diplomatic risks associated with a potential royal union. The Tudor line would terminate if Elizabeth died childless, and her Catholic cousin Mary, Queen of Scots, would succeed to the throne in England. The prospect of a Catholic king was seen by Protestants as a terrifying threat that would be best avoided if Elizabeth delivered a Protestant heir. The queen's choice of husband was crucial for the complex web of affairs, including the issue of succession.

learn more about Elizabeth here:


How did Brooklyn get its name?


The old Dutch settlement of Breukelen is where the name Brooklyn comes from. The Holy Roman Emperor Otto I's charter from 953 has the earliest reference to the Dutch town, specifically Broecklede.

Breukelen was one of a number of tiny Dutch settlements along what the colonists termed Langue Eylandt's western shore (Long Island). According to Jelly-Schapiro, "Breukelen was created in 1646 as a ferry landing for farmers."

The name Breukelen, which means "broken land," was taken from a Dutch settlement outside of Amsterdam. Breukelen's surrounding towns were given the name Kings County after King Charles II when the British gained control, and the name of Breukelen was anglicized to Brooklyn.

To learn more about Brooklyn, visit the link below:


PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ASAP!!!!


One place where Woodrow Wilson's belief in the " underdog " is not evident in the Fourteen Points is V. " A free, open - minded and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims.

What were the Fourteen Points ?

In reaction to the multiple causes of World War I, Woodrow Wilson created a set of moral principles known as The Fourteen Points. On January 8, 1918, he delivered a message to Congress outlining these principles to the entire world.

The Fourteen Points served as a framework for discussions when the war was over and the leaders of the winning nations gathered to draft peace treaties and determine sanctions.

The issue was that Wilson's plan did not take into consideration France's, Britain's, and their allies' claims.

Perhaps it was also demonstrated that Wilson's support for colonies did not extend to the underdog.

Find out more on the Fourteen Points at


in the year 1770 james hargreaves of england obtained a patent for his invention called the spinning jenny. another englishman, samuel crompton, merged the spinning jenny with a water frame. he called his new invention the spinning mule. the spinning jenny and spinning mule are examples of?


The spinning jenny and spinning mule are examples of Cultural changes Socioeconomic changes Technological determinism Technological advances.

A device called a spinning mule is used to spin cotton and other fibers. From the late 18th until the early 20th century, they were widely utilized in Lancashire's mills and other places. The tiny piecer and the big or side piecer were two lads who assisted the minder in working the mules in pairs. The carriage could be 150 feet (46 meters) long, carried up to 1,320 spindles, and moved five feet (1.5 meters) forward and back four times each minute.

Samuel Crompton created it between 1775 and 1779. Richard Roberts obtained a patent for the self-acting (automatic) mule in 1825. In Lancashire alone, there were 50,000,000 mule spindles at its height. There are still current versions.

Learn more about the spinning mule here:


What qualities gave someone status and power in seventeenth-century Virginia? How had that changed by the 1670s?


The legislation compels an employer or other covered organization to make a reasonable effort to respect an employee's religious practices or beliefs unless doing so would significantly impair the company's ability to do business.

What are seventeenth-century Virg/inia?

Generally, Religion and the ownership of property in the community were the two characteristics that determined a person's position in a community.

As more time passed, this concept evolved, and as the rights of white Europeans rose in these colonies, people of color became the target of discrimination.

Read more about seventeenth-century Vir/ginia


Read the excerpt from William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech:

There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it.
Which three statements describe Bryan’s positions on the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the 1896 election?

A.The Republican Party made policies that supported big business.
B.The Democratic Party wanted to create more upward mobility for people.
C. The Republican Party was focused on distributing wealth equally.
D. The Democratic Party understood the economy from the point of view of workers and farmers.
Bryan was adopting some of the ideas of the Republican Party to attract voters for Democrats.


William Jennings Byran writes:

A. The Republican Party promoted pro-business policies.

B. The Democratic Party desired to increase people's opportunities for advancement.

D. The Democratic Party saw the economy through the eyes of workers and farmers.

What was William Jennings Bryan famous for?

William Jennings Bryan was a lawyer, orator, and politician from the United States. He emerged as a major influence in the Democratic Party beginning in 1896, seeking three times as the party's choice for President of the United States.

Jennings, William Bryan was a prominent Democratic Party figure who ran for President multiple times. According to his "Cross of Gold" speech, he believed:

that Republicans only enacted legislation that helped big business and the rich with the assumption that income would flow down to the poorthat the Democratic Party would implement rules for all classes that would help lower-class people to advancesaid the Democratic Party recognized the ordinary people's point of view, such as laborers and farmers, and wanted them to prosper

To learn more about William Jennings Bryan, click


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