dixon co. incurred costs of $3,300 when it issued, on august 31, year 1, 5-year debenture bonds dated april 1, year 1. what amount of issue expense should dixon report in its income statement for the year ended december 31, year 1?


Answer 1

The correct option for this question is : B) $240

Bond issue costs are the expenses related with the issuance of bonds by an issuer to financial backers

Bond issue costs are treated as conceded charges and amortized on a straight-line premise over the existence of the bond. These five-year bonds were issued five months late (4/1/Y1 to 8/31/Y1), so they will be remarkable just 55 months (60 - 5). During year 1, the bonds were exceptional for a long time (8/31/Y1 to 12/31/Y1). In this manner, the bond issue costs should be amortized for a long time out of 55 months all out, bringing about bond issue cost of $240 ($3,300 × 4/55).

The representing these costs includes at first underwriting them and afterward charging them to discount over the existence of the bonds. Bond issue costs might incorporate bookkeeping expenses, commissions, lawful charges, printing costs, enrollment charges, and guaranteeing charges.

These costs are recorded as a derivation from the bond liability on the asset report. The costs are then charged to discount over the existence of the related bond, utilizing the straight-line strategy. Under this amortization technique, you charge a similar sum to discount in every period over the existence of the bonds. The full time frame over which bond issue costs ought to be charged to discount is from the date of bond issuance to the bond development date.

to know more about bond liability click here:



The complete question is:

Dixon Co. incurred costs of $3,300 when it issued, on August 31, year 1, five-year debenture bonds dated April 1, year 1. What amount of bond issue expense should Dixon report in its income statement for the year ended December 31, year 1?

a. $220

b. $240

c. $495

d. $3,300

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Is absolute advantage necessary for trade?


Absolute advantage cannot be sought as necessary or essential or trade activities.

An absolute advantage can be referred to or considered as the upper hand that an individual has over the position that he or she enjoys within the market of an economy, where it is relevant. Usually, an absolute advantage is enjoyed by a seller in a monopolist market structure.

However, the trade in other market structures is also possible without the possession of an absolute advantage. So, it cannot be considered as necessary for trade, but it is definitely beneficial.

Learn more about absolute advantage here:



What are the top 10 things the government spends money on?


Defense,  Health Care, Interest Payments, Income Security, Benefits for Veterans, Education, Social Security,  Medicare,  Foreign aid, Other are top 10 things government spends money on.

Spending by the federal government is getting close to $4 trillion annually. The country will still need a lot of money to function, even though a new administration is promising a surge of change. Most of that money comes from you, the taxpayer, directly. The majority of the money used by the government for spending comes from tax collections, including $1.53 trillion from individual income taxes. Aside from borrowing, Social Security and Medicare taxes, customs fees, and excise taxes are other significant revenue generators for the government.

Those sums are so enormous they are hardly comprehensible. Whatever the size of your tax payment, it undoubtedly feels insignificant compared to the total amount of money the government Spending.

Learn more about government Spending here



the situation in which the central bank increases the money supply, but the money multiplier falls enough to offset increases in reserves is known as a: multiple choice liquidity trap. reserve trap. interest rate trap.


The liquidity trap is a situation in which the central bank increases the money supply, but the money multiplier falls enough to offset increases in reserves. Therefore, the option A holds true.

A liquidity can be referred to or considered as a phenomenon that represents the ability of a monetary engagement to be easily converted into real money. Liquidity is a controllable aspect by the economic authorities, which can be done with the help of an increase or decrease in the supply of money within the economy.

Learn more about liquidity here:



over the past several decades, country x has seen a trend of more and more of citizens graduating from high school. how could this affect the aggregate demand/aggregate supply model?


This effect the aggregate demand/aggregate supply model as the Short as well as long-run aggregate supply will both increase.

What is a supply model?

A socioeconomic model known as AD-AS, or aggregating liquidity supply, explains price level and production through to the interaction between consumption and investment.

A supply model demonstrates how total demand and complete supply interacts at the global scale as well as what factors influence total supply as well as the growth of the market.

The changes anywhere along the curve of cumulative demand are mostly caused by price. The actual money supply shrinks as the price threshold rises, which forces an increase in interest rates. Higher interest rates cause investments as well as saves to decline, temporarily lowering economic status.

Learn more about  supply model, here:



why would company personnel be interested in knowing the hours during which their site has the most traffic?


The correct response is A) It will help them know when to have more customer-service staff available. Customer service is the assistance you provide to your clients to make their interactions with you simple and joyful, both before and after they purchase and utilize your goods or services.

Customer service refers to the help and guidance a business offers to consumers who purchase or utilize its goods or services. Every industry has distinct standards for customer service, but ultimately, the goal of a well-performed service is to boost profits. Employees "who can modify themselves to the personality of the customer" are critical to the perceived effectiveness of customer service encounters. Customer service practices frequently show a company's strategies and ideals. Customer retention is typically used to gauge how well customer service is performing. For some businesses, providing excellent customer service is one of their intangible assets that sets them apart from competitors. A single instance of excellent customer service can completely alter a consumer's opinion of the company.

Learn more about Customer service here



Why would company personnel be interested in knowing the hours during which their site has the most traffic?

A) It will help them know when to have more customer-service staff available.

B) It will help them to know when to open their online store.

C) It will help them decide how much money to put into web development services.

D) It will help them make sure their hosting is sufficient so that the site doesn't crash during peak hours.

the most common method used for training non-managerial employees is: a. vestibule training b. computer-based instruction c. on-the-job training d. apprenticeships


The most common method used for training non-managerial employees is on the job training (OJT). In fact, one estimate suggests that organizations spend three to six times more on OJT than on classroom training.

On-the-job training is a form of on-the-job training. During training, employees are introduced to the work environment in which they participate. Employees can also gain hands-on experience using machines, equipment, tools, materials, and more.

On-the-job training is usually the most effective way to acquire the skills needed for the job. No one wants to spend time away from work sitting in a classroom when they can study at work while working.

Lack of qualified trainers is one of the drawbacks of in-house training. The best people in an organization don't always make the best coaches. A qualified trainer has excellent communication skills. They are patient and ready to answer any off-course questions a trainee may have.

To know more about On-the-job training, visit:-



microsoft faces very little competition from other firms for its windows software. why isn't the price of their software $10,000 per copy?


The business would sell so few copies that they would make more money by selling at a lesser price because of this.

The company would sell so few copies that selling at a lower price would make them more money. A business term is a word or phrase that describes a notion that is utilized in a particular field of business. Examples include things like paid time off, clients, purchase orders, and personal loans. Business is defined by Prof. L.H. Hanrey as "any human activity aimed at generating or obtaining income through the buying and selling of goods." But according to the definition given above, business is only defined as exchange activity that is not founded on a proper grasp of the issues. The creation, distribution, and selling of goods and services for a profit is one definition of business.

Learn more about business from



2. to compare plastic and paper bags in terms of acquisition of raw materials, manufacturing and processing, use and disposal using the data below: (a) which bag would you choose if you were most concerned about air pollution? (b) if we assume that two plastic bags equal one paper bag, does the choice change? (c) compare the energy required to produce each bag. which bag takes less energy to produce?


Paper bags are a popular option. No, the decision remains the same if air pollution is an issue. If we are worried about reducing air pollution, we cannot be comforted by money factors or productivity rates.

Regarding sustainability, paper bags offer several advantages over plastic bags. Because they are biodegradable, they may be utilized for activities like composting and are simpler to recycle.

According to a Washington Post investigation, paper manufacture results in 70 percent greater air pollution and 50 times greater environmental pollution than plastic bag production due to the extensive use of hazardous chemicals in the process, making it more dangerous to people and the environment than HDPE bags.

Paper bags are biodegradable and recyclable, but polythene bags are not biodegradable and are detrimental to animals, hence paper bags should be preferred instead.

To learn more about air pollution



Shandra is on vacation and wants to buy souvenirs for at least 8 friends. A postcard book costs $2. 50 and a magnet costs $4. 0. She can spend up to $30 altogether. Let x represent the number of postcard books and y represent the number of magnets.


A postcard book costs $2.50 and a magnet costs $4.0. If Shandra can spend up to $30 altogether, then the system of inequalities that represents the situation is 2.5 x + 4 y ≤ 30

The problem can be solved by translating the given word problem into algebraic expression.


x =  the number of postcard books

y = the number of magnets

A postcard book costs $2. 50. It means if Shandra buys x postcards, total cost is:

total cost for postcard book = 2.5 x

A magnet costs $4.0. It means for y magnets, the cost is:

total cost for magnets = 4y

Total cost = total cost for postcard book + total cost for magnets

Total cost = 2.5 x + 4 y

She can spend up to $30 altogether. It means total cost should be less or equal to 30. Hence, mathematically,

2.5 x + 4 y ≤ 30

Therefore, the inequality that represent the situation is 2.5 x + 4 y ≤ 30

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your question was:

Shandra is on vacation and wants to buy souvenirs for at least eight friends. A postcard book costs $2.50 and a magnet costs $4.00. She can spend up to $30 all together. Which system of inequalities represents the situation?

Learn more about inequality here:



who established a system to give all twelve tones of the chromatic scale equal importance?


Arnold Schoenberg developed a system that gave equal importance to all twelve notes of the chromatic scale.

What is 12 Tone Theory?

Commonly known as 12-note or serialism, it uses all 12 notes in the chromatic scale. Schoenberg arranged the notes in pitch columns, and in the chromatic scale he had to play each of the 12 notes before he could reuse the notes.

What do you mean by 12 notes of the chromatic scale?

A, A#/Bb, B, C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab. The chromatic scale can start from any of the 12 tones, so the scale has 12 different iterations or inversions.

How old is the 12-tone chromatic scale?

Most sources state that it was invented by the Austrian composer Arnold Schoenberg in 1921 and first described privately for his collaborators in 1923, but in fact Joseph his Matthias his Hauer published his "Law of Twelve Tones" in 1919. Each note is repeated.

To learn more about chromatic scale visit:



What portion of income is not spent on expenses?


Savings is the portion of income is not spent on expenses. It is treated as a Net Income.

Saving is the part of pay not spent on current uses. All in all, it is the cash saved for sometime later and not spent right away.  Saving can be utilized to achieve targets in the present moment like purchasing a cell phone, or in the more extended run, for example, proceeding to study, or probably purchasing a vehicle or a house.

Setting aside cash can likewise assist us with covering surprising costs, like a disease, supplant an apparatus that can't be fixed or make a crisis trip.

Furthermore, reserve funds can be contributed and, subsequently, you get a benefit on the cash you have saved. In other words, not exclusively will you have the assets accessible to spend later, however you will likewise bring in cash simultaneously.

For an individual, net income is "take home" money after  taxes, health insurance and pension contributions are deducted. Net income should ideally be greater than expenses to demonstrate financial health.

Know more on Savings & Net Income - https://brainly.com/question/28957793


a company's board of directors votes to declare a cash dividend of $1.65 per share of common stock. the company has 33,000 shares authorized, 28,000 issued, and 27,500 shares outstanding. the total amount of the cash dividend is:


If a company's board of directors votes to declare a cash dividend of $1.65 per share of common stock. the company has 33,000 shares authorized, 28,000 issued, and 27,500 shares outstanding. the total amount of the cash dividend is: $45,375.

How to find the total amount of cash dividend?

Using this formula to find the total amount of cash dividend

Total amount of cash dividend = Cash dividend per share of common stock × Shares outstanding


Cash dividend per share of common stock = $1.65

Shares outstanding = $27,500

Let plug in the formula

Total amount of cash dividend =$1.65 × 27,500 shares outstanding

Total amount of cash dividend = $45,375

Therefore the Total amount of cash dividend  is the amount of $45,375.

Learn more about Total amount of cash dividend  here:https://brainly.com/question/20374943


All of the following qualitative considerations may i impáct capital investment analysis except? a. time value of money b. employee morale c. the impact on product quality d. manufacturing flexibility


With the exception of time value of money, all of the following qualitative factors may influence capital investment analysis.

Who is called as employee?

The employee is anybody who receives compensation in doing work for another individual or company. For an individual to be considered an employee, they simply need to be paid by their employer for their effort; full-time employment is not a need (the person or business that pays them).

What is an example employee?

The salesperson at a retail establishment is an example of an employee. The worker is seen as an employee since they have to perform activities in a specific way, such wearing name badges and greeting customers in a certain way.

To know more about employee visit:



Cash inflows and outflows involving stockholders and creditors are classified on the statement of cash flows as activities.a. Trueb. False


The statement, "Cash inflows and outflows involving stockholders and creditors are classified on the statement of cash flows as financing activities" is true.

Offering a budget for business activities, making purchases, or making investments is known as financing. Financial institutions, including banks, are in the business of providing capital to businesses, customers, and traders to enable them to realize their aspirations. In a kind of financing known as cash flow financing, a corporation receives a loan that is secured by the company's anticipated cash flows.

The quantity of money that enters and leaves a firm over a certain time period is known as cash flow. Cash flow financing makes use of the cash flow produced to repay the loan. The method of raising funds or resources for any kind of expenditure is known as financing. It is a method of directing large amounts of money in the form of credit, loans, or invested capital to the financial institutions that can use them most effectively.

Learn more about Capital here:



if lamont receives one pass (worth $285) each month, how much of this benefit must he include in his gross income each year?


If Lamont receives one pass (worth $285) each month, the benefit must he include in his gross income each year is $ 300.

What do you mean by the gross income?

The sum of an individual's earnings before taxes or other deductions is their gross income, which is sometimes referred to as their gross pay on a paycheck.

This covers earnings from all sources, not only work, and is not restricted to earnings in cash; it also covers earnings from the receipt of goods or services.

For businesses, the terms gross income, gross margin, and gross profit are equivalent.

On the income statement, a company's gross income is calculated as total revenue less cost of goods sold (COGS).


The cost of transit is pass is considered as qualified transportation fringe, Lamont can exclude $ 260 per month from his gross income as per 2018 limit and the limit was $265 for 2019.

The cost of 20 ($285 - 265) per month will be included in the gross income of Lamont total inclusion = $ 25 × 12 = $ 300.

Therefore, if  Lamont receives one pass (worth $285) each month, the benefit must he include in his gross income each year is $ 300.

To know more about the gross income, visit:



in high-income countries, many central banks run highly expansionary policies that are successful in the short run. what is the interest rate associated with these policies?


The interest rate associated with these policies is typically very low, close to zero. Central banks in high-income countries often employ near-zero or even negative interest rates in order to encourage borrowing and stimulate economic growth.

What does Intrest rate mean?

The percentage of a sum of money charged for its use, usually expressed as an annual percentage rate, is known as the interest rate. It is the interest rate charged by a bank or other lender for borrowing money, or the interest rate paid by a bank to its savings account customers for keeping money in an account.

What does Saving account means?

A savings account is a deposit account at a financial institution that offers principal protection as well as a low interest rate. The account holder can deposit and withdraw funds as needed while earning interest on the balance. Savings accounts are typically used to hold funds for short-term objectives.

To know more about Saving account,



when an appraisal is made subject to the completion of repairs or improvements to the subject property, fannie mae/freddie mac regulations require the appraiser to:


One can issue a Certificate of Completion when the construction is finished.

The appraiser ought to remark if the web page has adverse conditions or if there's market resistance to a property because the web site isn't always well matched with the neighborhood or the necessities of the aggressive market, and verify the effect, if any, on the price and marketability of the belongings.

Precise statistics are information about the assets being appraised (the problem property) and similar houses which have been bought or leased in the local market. Land and building descriptions are unique statistics that help an appraiser to choose comparable income and leases.

If a document consists of two or extra indicators of price which are notably distinctive from each other and they're averaged to get to the belief of price with none further rationalization or help, that may be a red flag.

Learn more about appraiser here:- https://brainly.com/question/25088996


Appraisers determine if a site has adverse conditions or if there is market resistance to the property, as the site is not always well suited to the needs of the neighborhood or aggressive market. and the price impact, if any, should be considered. and the marketability of things.

Accurate statistics are information about the properties under evaluation (problem properties) and similar homes purchased or rented on the local market. Property and building descriptions are unique statistics that help surveyors select comparable yields and leases.

If a document consists of two or more price indicators that differ significantly from each other and are averaged into believing prices without further justification or support, this may be a red flag .

Learn more about appraisers here:- https://brainly.com/question/25088996


What is a core position at FEMA?


Our agency's capstone philosophy, "We Are FEMA," or Publication One, contains the fundamental principles that direct it  Pub 1 provides guidance for our agency's

Over 20,000 employees work for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) countrywide. We are a nationwide organization with 10 regional offices and our main office in Washington, D.C.FEMA was officially created in 1979 through an executive order by President Jimmy Carter. Our history can be traced as far back as 1803.On March 1, 2003, FEMA became part of the Department of Homeland Security.Our agency's capstone philosophy, "We Are FEMA," or Publication One, contains the fundamental principles that direct it  Pub 1 provides guidance for our agency's

learn more about FEMA here:



requirements for successful mbo programs include all of the following except: a. the results must be under the control of the employee b. a specific time must be set when goals are to be reviewed and evaluated c. goal statements must be accompanied by descriptions of how they will be accomplished d. both trait and critical incident objectives must be set


All of the following are necessary for mbo projects to be effective, with the exception that both trait & critical incident objectives need to be specified.

Which is the best way to define characteristics?

A trait is a distinctive attribute, propensity, or trait that someone, something, or both possesses. During those formative months, a lot of our personality characteristics are formed. Humans are naturally creative. Synonyms: trait, quality, attribute, feature More synonyms for characteristic

Which 5 characteristics best describe each?

Extraversion (sometimes known as extroversion), openness to experience, openness, conscientiousness, and psychopathy are the "Big Five" personality qualities. A continuum can be seen in each trait. Anywhere along the spectrum for each trait, an individual may fit. Most of a person's lifespan, The Big Five stay largely steady.

To know more about trait visit:



suppose you are moving out of the country and need to sell your car fast. true or false? you are likely to get lower offers from used-car dealers if they find out that you are moving away soon.


the statement is true: suppose you are moving out of the country and need to sell your car fast. you are likely to get lower offers from used car dealers if they find out that you are moving away soon.

The Used Car Rule of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) must be followed by the majority of auto dealers who sell used cars. In reality, the Rule must be followed by auto dealers that sell, or advertise for sale, more than five used cars in a calendar year. Banks and other financial institutions, companies that sell cars to their workers, and lessors who sell leased cars to a lessee, a lessee's employee, or a buyer that the lessee finds are all free from the Rule.

To know more about Used Car:



which technique is used to create billions of copies of dna in a short amount of time?


The technique is used to create billions of copies of DNA in a short amount of time Polymerase Chain Reaction

Now, According to the question:

What is PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)?

is a revolutionary method developed by Kary Mullis in the 1980s. PCR is based on using the ability of DNA polymerase to synthesize new strand of DNA complementary to the offered template strand. Because DNA polymerase can add a nucleotide only onto a preexisting 3'-OH group, it needs a primer to which it can add the first nucleotide. This requirement makes it possible to delineate a specific region of template sequence that the researcher wants to amplify. At the end of the PCR reaction, the specific sequence will be accumulated in billions of copies.

Learn more about Polymerase Chain Reaction at:



which aspect of the marketing mix is addressed when a new kind of vascular scan is advertised on billbaords


The aspect of the marketing mix is addressed when a new kind of vascular scan is advertised on billboards such that product, price, place, and promotion.

The marketing mix is known as the four P's of marketing and this refers to the four key elements of a marketing strategy:

product, price, place, promotion

Billboard advertising is the process of using large-scale prints and digital advertising boards that is called billboards or hoardings to promote a brand, offering, or campaign.

To know more about the product, click the below link



a form of advertising thatfirms use when a product enters the growth phase of the product life cycle and other companies begin to enter the marketplace is called .


Competitive advertising  is a form of advertising that firms use when a product enters the growth phase of the product life cycle and other companies begin to enter the marketplace

Competitive advertising is characterized as an approach that is utilized by companies to differentiate themselves from their competitors. This sort of advertising has been utilized by companies to gain impact over buyer decision by emphasizing the fact that their item or administration is better than their competitors. This is also finished to get a larger share of the market.

An example of competitive advertising is Coke and Pepsi. Both soft beverage giants have had a long-standing history of competitive advertising that dates back to the Pepsi challenge in 1975.

The overall target of competitive advertising is for an organization to differentiate itself from its competitors. Through its utilization, it looks to impact the customer's decisions and gain a greater market share.

to know more about Competitive advertising click here:



to solve the common-pool problem in fishing, governments can a. make property rights flexible. b. shutdown all firms in this industry. c. restrict output. d. restrict production to the socially optimal level.


The correct answer is option c.To solve the common pool problem in fishing, governments can restrict output.

One of the greatest challenges we face as the human race when managing natural resources for long-term human benefit is the “common pool” problem. This is the tendency for individual users to exploit limited resources to over capture for their own benefits that would otherwise go to their competitors.

This is the same in the case of the fishing department. Fisheries tend to over capture and deplete the number of fish in the water bodies to a great extent.

One of the few ways by which one can control common pool problems in fishing is by enacting laws that reduce the output of fish in the market. So if the output is reduced so will the fishing automatically since most of the fish cannot be stored in optimal quality for a very long period of time.

Learn more about common pool here brainly.com/question/24229915


during a certain year, the stay with us inc. paid back $1,250,000 on a bond that matured in that year. the cash flow section that will be affected by this transaction is:


During a certain year, the stay with us inc. paid back $1,250,000 on a bond that matured in that year. The cash flow section that will be affected by this transaction is Cash Flow from Financing Activities.

What does Cash Flow mean?

The movement of money into and out of a business is described as "cash flow." It is the net amount of cash and cash-equivalents being transferred into and out of a business. It measures a company's liquidity and solvency and is an important indicator of the company's overall financial health.

What does Financial health mean?

Financial health is the overall financial well-being of an individual or organization. It is a measure of how well a person or company manages their finances, and it takes into account factors such as cash flow, savings, debt, and credit score. A person or company with a healthy financial situation can meet their financial obligations and make proactive investments for the future.

To know more about Cash Flow,



which one of the following items is not required to be disclosed for each operating segment? factors used to identify operating segments. products and services from which each segment derives its revenues. revenues from external customers. factors used to allocate company-wide expenses. revenues from transactions with other operating segments.


The items that are not required to be disclosed for each operating segment are "factors used to allocate company-wide expenses". Thus, the correct answer is D.

Operating segments necessitate that certain types of companies (mostly those with publicly traded shares) publish information about their operating segments, goods and services, the geographical region in which they operate, and key clients. Both the identification of operational segments and the measurement of reported segment information are derived from internal management reports.

Requirements for DisclosureAmong the required disclosures are basic information about how the company determined its operating segments and the categories of items and services from which each operating segment generates revenue.Details on each reportable segment's profit or loss.A measurement of each reportable segment's total liabilities and total assets.Geographical analyses of revenues and some non-current assets.Reconciliations between stated segment profit or loss and the sum of segment revenues.


Answer choices should be written in the following format:

A. Factors used to identify operating segments.B. Products and services from which each segment derives its revenues.C. Revenues from external customers.D. Factors used to allocate company-wide expenses.E. Revenues from transactions with other operating segments.

The correct answer is D.

Learn more about operating segment here: brainly.com/question/29588199


the jetpak skydiving club charges each member a $50 membership fee in addition to the $35 charged for each jump the member makes. this is an example of what kind of pricing tactic?


This is an example of two-part pricing.

What is the purpose of two part pricing?It is intended to make it possible for the company to obtain more consumer surplus than it otherwise would in a setting where there is no price discrimination. In competitive marketplaces where consumers are unsure of their ultimate demand, two-part tariffs may also exist.Since it allows producers to sell more product and capture more consumer surplus (or, more precisely, producer surplus that would otherwise be consumer surplus), a two-part tariff will typically be more profitable than monopoly pricing in most situations.

To learn more about two-part pricing refer,



not having to establish manufacturing operations overseas and being able to work to achieve experience curve and location economies are advantages of blank . multiple choice question. turnkey projects exporting importing greenfield investments


Not having to establish manufacturing operations overseas and being able to work to achieve experience curve and location economies are advantages of exporting.

Exports are the goods and services that a country produces domestically or inside the borders of its own us and sell to buyers overseas. the opposite of exports and imports, which are items and offerings that buyers in a country purchase from dealers out of the country.

The 2 important varieties of exporting are direct and oblique exporting. Direct exporting is a sort of exporting in which the organization immediately sells products to foreign places' clients. oblique exporting is a kind of exporting practiced via groups that promote products to different international locations with the help of an intermediary.

Learn more about exporting here https://brainly.com/question/21897468


which conservation organization would be involved in the illegal trade of pangolins across country borders? group of answer choices cites iucn esa mbta


Option a is correct. The conservation organization which would be involved in the illegal trade of pangolins across country borders is CITES.

The pangolin is highly prized for its numerous body parts, with China being the primary source of demand. Due to habitat loss, two Asian species of the mammal are categorized as Critically Endangered on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. A switch in trade from Asian to African pangolin species has been proposed as a result of dwindling Asian pangolin populations. An exceptional opportunity to examine worldwide trends in pangolin trade at the species level across a wide temporal range is provided by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Trade Database (1977–2014). We discovered that after the year 2000, CITES trade in African pangolin species grew whereas trade in Asian pangolin species decreased.

Know more about Conservation here:



assume the economy faces high unemployment but stable inflation. which combination of government policies is most likely to reduce unemployment?


The combination of government policies that are most likely to reduce unemployment includes the following: expansionary fiscal policy, expansionary monetary policy, active labor market policies, and structural reforms.

What are government policies?

Government policies are laws and regulations that are imposed by a governing authority, such as the federal government, state governments, or local governments. These policies are created to protect the public from harm and to ensure that all citizens are treated fairly. Government policies can range from environmental regulations to social security and healthcare reforms. In general, governments use policies to create a safer and healthier environment for their citizens.

The combination of the government policies includes the following:

1. Expansionary fiscal policy: Increase government spending and/or cut taxes to increase demand and boost job creation.

2. Expansionary monetary policy: Cut interest rates to encourage investment, boost growth and reduce unemployment.

3. Active labor market policies: Invest in job-training, job-search assistance, and other programs to help the unemployed find new jobs.

4. Structural reforms: Remove regulations and other barriers that impede job creation.

It can be concluded that the combination of government policies that are most likely to reduce unemployment includes the following: expansionary fiscal policy, expansionary monetary policy, active labor market policies, and structural reforms.

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What happens when the demand for a good is inelastic? which of these nfl teams has a cheerleading squad? new york jets cleveland browns pittsburgh steelers green bay packers a Ferris wheel can accommodate 35 people in 20 minutes. how many people could ride the Ferris wheel in 6 hours the extent to which one's political participation achieves its desired results, or the amount of power a political actor has to achieve his or her will. in a small open economy with a floating exchange rate, if the government imposes import restrictions, then output and net exports . Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per u.s. dollar and the united states wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per u.s. dollar. if the demand for u.s. dollars , the fed ______. which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans? Find the value of x. Then find the measure of each angle and write the answers in ascending order. How long ago was the primary evidence of photosynthesis? eliza lucas pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that _______________ could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740. To reach the highest point, summit or highest development is to ___________. I need an essay wiith 3 paragraphs the article is called EARTH WITHOUT PEOPLE pls help with respect to expanding opportunities for ict environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots? only a certain amount of glucose can be stored in the muscles as glycogen. any excess is converted and stored as fat in muscles and liver. HELPPPPP!!!!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!Which of the following is true about the 2004 presidential election?Fewer people voted in this election than the 2000 election.George W. Bush won in a landslide.John Kerry won Iowa and New Mexico.John Kerry won by using his amicable personality.Bush generated more enthusiasm among supporters than Kerry. another technician tells you that they are pxe booting a computer. what is the technician most likely doing with the computer? an in-place upgrade of the os installing an image to the computer over the network conducting a system repair using a multiboot configuration see all questions back skip question 1. how does swift want the reader to view his speaker? that is, how would swift want his reader to describe the persona he adopts? The suffix that means berry shaped is: 1. How does Beatrice's situation in the household (mother and father are dead; heruncle is her guardian) make her attitude toward love and marriage more unusual?Use evidence from the articles to support your claim. Select the sentence with consistent verb tense.O The women are going to learn how to hula while the men made food for the luau.O The women are learning how to hula while the men made food for the luau.O The women learned how to hula while the men are making food for the luau.O The women are learning how to hula while the men are making food for the luau.