The concept of induced fit refers to the fact that a. Substrate binding may induce a conformational change in the enzyme, which them brings catalytic groups into proper orientation. b. When enzymes bind substrates, the substrates are bought into proximity to make a chemical reaction favorable. c. When a substrate binds to an enzyme, the enzyme induces a loss of water from the substrate. d. When a substrate binds to an enzyme, free energy is released due to non-covalent interactions.


Answer 1


Option A, Substrate binding may induce a conformational change in the enzyme, which them brings catalytic groups into proper orientation.


Induced fit concept refers to introduction of continuous change of enzyme conformation on substrate binding. This change in the shape of enzyme either inhibit or enhance the activity of enzyme. This makes the enzyme catalytic and hence lower the activation energy thereby increasing rate of reaction.

Related Questions

What’s the use of short tandem repeat?


Answer: Ok So A short tandem repeat is a microsatellite with repeat units that are 2 to 7 base pairs in length, with the number of repeats varying among individuals, making STRs effective for human identification purposes.STRs are extremely useful in applications such as the construction of genetic maps (49), gene location, genetic linkage analysis, identification of individuals, paternity testing, as well as disease diagnosis 50., 51.. STR analysis has also been employed in population genetics.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


A chemical reaction is shown.

SnO2 + H2 → Sn + H2O

What is true about this chemical reaction?

It is balanced because the mass of the reactants (number of atoms) is equal to the mass of the products (number of atoms).

It is unbalanced because the mass of the reactants (number of atoms) is greater than the mass of the products (number of atoms).

It is unbalanced because the mass of the reactants (number of atoms) is less than the mass of the products (number of atoms).

It is balanced because the number of reactants (number of atoms) is equal to the number of products (number of atoms).

Read the information about an experiment.

Jadon plans on carrying out an experiment involving the burning of steel wool to illustrate the conservation of mass. Steel wool is made of iron. When it is burned it combines with oxygen to form iron(III) oxide.

Which step in his experiment is the most important if he wants his experiment to correctly demonstrate the conservation of mass?

The steel wool should be burned inside of a sealed jar or other closed system.

The steel wool should be burned over a long period of time (at least two hours).

The steel wool should be burned in a room that is at room temperature (20–25°C).

The steel wool should be burned in its entirety sExpected Outcomes – Metals in Hydrochloric Acid

Metal Observations
Copper No reaction even when gently heated
Iron Little initial reaction.
More vigorous reaction when heated.
Positive test for hydrogen gas.
Solution turned from colorless to yellow.
Magnesium Vigorous initial reaction; rapid evolution of gas.
Positive test for hydrogen gas.
All of the magnesium seemed to disappear.
Solution remained colorless.
Zinc Initial reaction produced rapid evolution of gas; less vigorous than magnesium.
All of the zinc seemed to disappear.
Solution remained colorless.

Students in Ms. Brown's Science Lab demonstrated several chemical reactions, by placing the each above chemicals in HCl (hydrochloric acid). Unfortunately, the data did not appear to support the Law of Conservation of Matter in any of the experiments. The recorded Mass of the Reactants did not match the Mass of the Products. Based on the expected outcomes listed in the table above, what might be a reason that their demonstrations were not successful?
They only used metals

They perfomed the experiment in a closed system

The experiment was not performed in a closed system

They didn't use enough HCl that no iron is left in its original state.



1) A chemical reaction is shown.

SnO2 + H2 → Sn + H2O

What is true about this chemical reaction?


It is unbalanced because the mass of the reactants (number of atoms) is greater than the mass of the products (number of atoms).

2) Read the information about an experiment.  

Jadon plans on carrying out an experiment involving the burning of steel wool to illustrate the conservation of mass. Steel wool is made of iron. When it is burned it combines with oxygen to form iron(III) oxide.

Which step in his experiment is the most important if he wants his experiment to correctly demonstrate the conservation of mass?


The steel wool should be burned inside of a sealed jar or other closed system.


The explanation to number 1 is that I selected it in my test and got it.

The explanation the number 2 is from the link below:

The true statement about the given chemical reaction is-It is balanced because the mass of the reactants (number of atoms) is equal to the mass of the products (number of atoms). Therefore, the correct options for all the problems are 1-A, 2-A and 3-D.

What is a balanced equation?

A balanced equation refers to an equation where the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation. The given equation is balanced because the number of Sn atoms and the number of H atoms on the reactant side are equal to the number of Sn atoms and the number of H atoms on the product side.

1. The steel wool should be burned inside a sealed jar or other closed system is the most important step if he wants his experiment to correctly demonstrate the conservation of mass.

2. They didn't use enough HCl that no iron is left in its original state might be a reason that their demonstrations were not successful.

Therefore, the correct options are 1-A, 2-A and 3-D.

Learn more about balanced equation, here:


Ethylene, a hormone found in plants, is produced to ripen fruits. These fruits ripen and drop to the ground where they release seeds. Which two plant systems are interacting when this occurs?



Response and reproduction system


Resting a pot on top of a hot
stove causes the pot to become
hot. What method of heat
transfer is happening here?






In your own words, explain what the loss of trees in Uruk did to the agriculture and the population, and why this didn't happen in Anuradhapura



Between approximately 3600 and 2600 BCE, the people of Uruk created the ... collected into a whole and living in a defined place with structures designated for a ... as one of the world's first cities (Uruk is its Akkadian name; its own people called it ... condemned to death, and Gilgamesh has to accept the loss of his friend


Check Check Match the function to the correct part of the cell. DNA controls the activities of the cell nucleus supports and protects the organelles in the cell cytoplasm contains instructions on how a cell functions​



DNA- contains instructions on how a cell functions

Nucleus- controls the activity of the cell

Cytoplasm- supports and protects the organelles in the cell.


Hope it helps you. Please mark as the brainliest. Thanks.

Answer:The answers are right js did on edge Thanks !!!


Codons are found on
while anticodons are found on



Anticodons are found in tRANA

Codons are found in RNA

Can I get brainliest?

The maximum number of individuals that a population
can support and sustain is known as ?
A Carrying capacity
B Limiting Factor
C Migration
D Density



the answer would be migration

For over a decade, farmers in the U.S. have been planting genetically modified crops. An example of one of these crops is corn that is resistant to weed-killer. This makes it so that no corn is lost due to contact with herbicide meant to kill weeds. While this is seen by many as a positive development, others see it as a cause for concern. What is one possible negative side effect of planting genetically modified corn?





hope it helps

through which plant structure does water move by capillary action?





Raccoons feed on dead animals. Thus, they are decomposer animals known as?






Raccoons are scavengers

A raccoon is not a decomposer but is an omnivore and scavenger. Raccoons will eat just about anything, including a wide variety of plants

Which experiment would most likely contain experimental bias?



A company that makes pain relief medication tests the effectiveness of their own medicine compared to that of three other brands.

Meiosis is part of the cell cycle.




Select all that apply.
Which of the following are true about a block of ice at -10°C as you continue to apply heat.

Its temperature will rise continuously until it completely melts.
Its temperature wil rise until reaching o°C.

Its temperature will not rise above -10°C until it melts. Its

temperature will remain at 0 G until all the ice melts.​


I temperature will continually rise until it melts assuming you do not stop applying heat to the ice. It doesn’t really matter at what temp below freezing you start as long as you go above freezing the ice will melt.

How does the length of the axon in a relay neurone differ from the axon in both a sensory and a motor neurone



Relay neurons are interneurons that connect brain regions and near neurons, so their axons are shorter than the ones of a motor or sensory neurons which need to be very long as they travel long distances to reach target organs

What is the main reason to put a telescope in space?
It is much closer to the stars.
It can receive star light that cannot reach Earth.
Light reaching it is not affected by the movement of air.
It can detect objects behind the moon.


Answer: D


The main reason we put telescopes into space is to get around the Earth's atmosphere so that we can get a clearer view of the planets, stars, and galaxies that we are studying. Our atmosphere acts like a protective blanket letting only some light through while blocking others.

B. Population Dynamics Symbiotic Relationships
Ticks belong to a family called Acarina, which also contains mites. Ticks eat by taking blood from
other organisms such as wallabies, lizards, echidnas and occasionally humans. In humans this can
lead to symptoms such as itching, head aches and in extreme cases flu like symptoms, facial
paralysis, and meat allergy.
1. Identify the relationship a tick has with its host. Justify your answer [3]





Parasitism is a form of relationship in which one of the organism is being harmed while the other benefits. The organism being harmed is usually called the HOST while the organism that benefits is called PARASITE. Parasites often inflict certain health-related conditions on their hosts.

According to this question describing the mode of feeding of ticks, they are said to eat by taking blood from other organisms such as wallabies, lizards, echidnas and occasionally humans, which are all HOSTS.

In human hosts, this relationship with ticks can lead to symptoms such as itching, head aches and in extreme cases flu like symptoms, facial paralysis, and meat allergy etc. From the description above, it is clear that TICK has a PARASITIC RELATIONSHIP with its host as it brings only harm to them and benefits itself.

if a skunk has 20 chromosomes in each sperm cell how many chromosomes are in it's haploid cells​



El 20 Chromesons in el spem muna ceasa.

Many of the animals that live in the northernmost regions of the Northern Hemisphere have white fur. How does having white fur make these animals more likely to survive in an arctic environment?


It helps them keep warm and just brings more vibrant things in the world and it makes them feel completely comfortable


White fur blends in with the snow!! It helps them prevent being prey or to be a very excellent predator.



how many sperms are formed in four primary spermatocyte​


One primary spermatocyte produces four spermatozoa, therefore, four primary spermatocytes will produce 16 spermatozoa.
One primary spermatocyte produces four spermatozoa, therefore, four primary spermatocytes will produce 16

Name the enzyme diagrammed below.


this is a aminoacyl- TRNA synthetase

characteristics that necessitated success of birds in essay form​





Evolution is the characteristics that allows the bird to be successful in this environment because with the passage of time the birds adopted themselves according to their environment. Birds are evolved from the dinosaurs which was unable to survive due to lack of adaptation to the new environment and less availability of food for themselves so that's why birds are successfully survive in the new environment.

list five women rights​


Women's Suffrage. ...
Sexual and Reproductive Rights. ...
Freedom of Movement. ...
Intersectional Feminism. ...
Gender Inequality. ...
Gender-Based Violence. ...
Sexual Violence and Harassment. ...
Workplace Discrimination.

A student had medical testing and discovered that her white blood cell count is lower
than normal. Which of her systems are most likely functioning improperly?
A. nervous and immune
O B. circulatory and urinary
O C. circulatory and immune
O D. nervous and respiratory


Answer: b

Explanation: Viral infections that momentarily impair the function of bone marrow are the most common cause of a reduced white blood cell count. Certain defects with impaired bone marrow activity that are present at birth (congenital). Diseases of the bone marrow, such as cancer.

____ is the process of cell division that results in the formation of cells with half of the usual number of chromosome?



I think

the answer is meiosis


Have a great day

Which feature of the Earth's surface is caused by wind?
rock quarries
sand dunes



b canyons


what is the activities of life that occur the cellular level​



all the digestive activities of life (respiration , digestion, excretion, etc) occur at the cellular level.


-Eijiro <3

2. Which part of the nucleotide encodes (holds) the genetic information?
(highlight correct answer)
A. Sugar
B. Phosphate
C. Base
D. Sugar-phosphate backbone



C. Base


The bases for DNA are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). The certain sequence gives certain genetic information.

what does transportation help in ascent of sap?​


Evaporation of water molecules from the cells of a leaf creates a suction which pulls from the xylem cells of the roots.Thus,the transpiration helps in the absorption and upward movement of water and minerals dissolved in it from roots to leaves in the help of ascent of sap .

may this was ur answer

Question 5 of 25
The image shows devices that convert solar energy into electrical energy.
What is one advantage of using these devices in place of a nuclear power
A. They have lower greenhouse gas emissions.
B. They are more reliable,
C. They take up less space,
D. They produce less hazardous waste.



Explanation: D- they produce less hazardous waste


D. They produce less hazardous waste


Nuclear power plants have radioactive hazardous waste, while solar panels do create waste it is not hazardous/as much as a nuclear power plant.

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The soft, pulpy fruit of the passion fruit possesses a flavor at once tart and sweet that has captivated many prominent chefs, among them Alice Waters. The soft, pulpy fruit of the passion fruit possesses a flavor at once tart and sweet, the flavor captivated many prominent chefs, among them Alice Waters. The soft, pulpy fruit of the passion fruit possesses a flavor at once tart and sweet that have captivated many prominent chefs, among them Alice Waters. What did policies like the Hawley-Smoot Tariff discourage?A. international tradeB. buying American goodsC. purchasing imports and exportsD. discrimination against immigrants Which statement describes solstices?They occur when the Sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky.They affect the amount of sunlight in the Southern Hemisphere in May.They contribute to the cycling of winters all year long in the Northern Hemisphere.They increase the amount of rays from the Sun directly received in the Southern Hemisphere. 1. Simplify each of the following.(a) 4(6-1)-9 PLZZ HELP WILL MARK BRAINLY!Which statement BEST describes the impact immigrant populations have on Georgias communities?A.Georgias communities are minimally impacted by immigrant populations.B.Georgias communities have seen a decrease in the ethnic diversity of many of its major cities.C.Georgias communities have seen an increase in the number of restaurants, churches, and various businesses owned and operated by immigrants.D.Georgias communities have seen an influx of immigrants from only Latin American countries.Which statement BEST describes the importance immigrant communities have on Georgia's economic growth?A.Immigrant communities are important economically because they bring religious diversity to communities.B.Immigrant communities are important economically because they increase the awareness of racial discrimination.C.Immigrant communities are important economically because they assist in many jobs and businesses, which strengthens the workforce.D.Immigrant communities are important economically because they encourage the growth of multilingual programs at schools.Why was the Albany Movement unable to fully achieve its desegregation goals?A.The focus was on using the political process rather than protests to create change.B.The support among middle-class African Americans was lacking.C.The movement lacked organization and leadership and quickly dissolved.D.The use of violence by some of its members isolated moderate supporters.Use the list to answer the question.Accomplishments of Mayor Maynard JacksonProvided more city contracts to African American business ownersLed efforts to promote African American police officersExpanded MARTA for Atlanta commuters???Which of the following would BEST complete the list?A.Brought major league sports teams to the cityB.Desegregated Georgia State University during his time as mayorC.Oversaw the expansion of Atlanta International AirportD.Signed off on highway construction to help with trafficWhat was the MOST significant long-term impact of the 1996 Olympic Games on the city of Atlanta?A.increased tourism in the cityB.improvements to the citys infrastructureC.improvements in employment due to new permanent jobsD.increase investment in the citys small businessesUse the list to answer the question.?Weakening the economyPersistent inflation and a stagnant economyBoycott of the 1980 Summer OlympicsWhich of the following is the BEST title for the list?A.Reasons for Jimmy Carters reelection in 1984B.Reasons for Criticism of Jimmy Carters PresidencyC.Reasons for Jimmy Carters receiving Nobel Peace PrizeD.Reasons for Criticism of Jimmy Carters Governorship Combine the two ideas into a single sentenceSimon didn't have time to argue. Lunch was about to beginSimon didn't have time to argue_____lunch was about to begin1, since 2, until 3, whether 4, whenever Which of the following statements most closely describes a socialist government? A The country's property and wealth belong to the government. B The country is managed by elected representatives who set rules. C The country is ruled by a strong elite that lifts it above other nations. D The country's decisions are all made by a direct vote. 15 POINTS!!!! 7 0.1 = 7 1/107 is 1/10 of____.Help Please