Terrell uses his debit card to buy $54 worth of groceries. Later he withdraws $25 from his checking account. What integer represents the total change in his account balance?.


Answer 1

The integer that represents the total change in Terrell’s account balance is $29.

What is integer?

An integer is a whole number (not a fractional number) which can be positive, negative, or zero. Examples of integers are: -4, 2, 4, 7, 98, and 1,234. Examples of numbers which are not integers are: -3.14, 1 2/3, 3.21.

Integers come in three types, those are: Zero (0); Positive Integers (Natural numbers); and Negative Integers (Additive inverse of Natural Numbers).

The application of positive and negative numbers in the real world is different. While positive numbers are commonly used everywhere, the negative integers are used in bank credit and debit statements which can also have a negative value, that is, to represent the negative or positive values in transactions.

In this case, based on the given information,

$54 - $25 = $29

Hence, the integer is $29.

Learn more about integer at: https://brainly.com/question/15276410


Related Questions

the creation of a relationship for the future based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect is the basis of: a. the federal mediation and conciliation service b. traditional bargaining c. interest-based bargaining d. good faith bargaining


The creation of a relationship for the future based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect is the basis of interest-based bargaining.

Interest based, or common increases bargaining at its establishment is based on the rule that an arranged settlement of any issue is generally better than different choices accessible. As a matter of fact, to decide if or this way to deal with 'bargaining' can be of any benefit to you, you initially should find whether different choices will give you an improved arrangement. Assuming they will, the standards of interest based bargaining are presumably irrelevant to your circumstance.

"good faith" - It basically implies each party should exhibit a genuine and legit expectation to agree and to be sensible in their bargaining positions, strategies, and exercises.

to know more about bargaining click here:



If a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable.a. Trueb. False


If a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable. [FALSE]

About Operating cycle

In general, the operational cycle can be explained as the length of time it takes to buy raw materials, carry out the production process, and sell the product plus the time it takes to collect receivables if the sale is a credit sale. In short, the operational cycle shows the length of time required from the process of purchasing raw materials to receiving sales (either cash or credit sales). The thing that needs to be considered by business owners is to maintain the time range so that sales receipts don't take too long. The operational cycle is important for business people to pay attention to because it reflects efficiency.

The shorter this cycle, the better because the faster the business will receive cash from its operational activities. Of course, business people don't want to wait a long time to get cash from their sales because of the slow production process or the slow process of paying off receivables.

In the operational cycle there are several things that we need to calculate in order to know the length of the process needed to complete the cycle. Business players can measure conversion times to determine the length of the operational cycle.

Learn more about operating cycle at https://brainly.com/question/28390409.


Because cash transactions occur more frequently than other transactions, there is more chance for making recording errors affecting cash.
a. True
b. False


Cash transactions are more likely to be recorded incorrectly than other types of transactions since they happen more frequently.

What do you name a transaction?

A transaction is what? An executed contract between such a seller and a buyer to trade goods, services, or capital instruments in exchange for money is known as a transaction. The phrase is also frequently used in business accounting. In corporate bookkeeping, this easy notion could be difficult to apply.

Do you mean by transaction "payment"?

A transaction is the outcome of a contract between such a seller and a buyer. In a trade, the seller exchanges cash for the provision of goods, services, or other financial assets. A company's lifeblood is its financial activities, which enable them to produce a consistent revenue stream and manage cash flow.

To know more about transactions visit:



a dispute resolution mechanism negotiated into most collective bargaining agreements is a (an): a. mediation service b. shared decision-making c. critical incidents method d. grievance mechanism qyizlet


D. grievance mechanism is a dispute resolution mechanism negotiated into most collective bargaining agreements

The process of resolving conflicts between parties is known as dispute resolution or dispute settlement. Conflict resolution and dispute resolution are sometimes used interchangeably. The use of dispute mechanisms to provide channels of dialogue between corporations and communities is becoming more and more effective.

A dispute mechanism is a formalized procedure for resolving disagreements or grievances between two or more parties involved in societal, commercial, or legal connections. In order to resolve disputes, dispute processes are used. These methods include negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution, and conciliation.

To learn more about dispute resolution refer here:



True or false? trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.


The statement, "Trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time." is true.

Trade secret protection remains in place indefinitely. Trade secrets are not need to be registered and can last as long as they are kept private. Trade secrets are a type of intellectual property that includes formulas, procedures, methods, designs, tools, patterns, or information compilations that have inherent economic value because they are not widely known or easily discoverable by others and that the owner takes reasonable precautions to keep secret.

A corporation may use a trade secret to maintain a competitive edge as long as the company maintains the trade secret' confidentially since a trade secret has no expiration date. A trade secret is any corporate policy or practice that is normally kept a secret from anyone outside the company.

Learn more about Trade secrets here:



Monopolistically competitive firms are likely to have ______________ prices in the long run than will occur in a perfectly competitive industry producing similar goods.a. higherb. smallerc. the same asd. one cannot tell


Out of the choices provided above, it can be said that monopolistically competitive firms are likely to have higher prices in the long run than will occur in a perfectly competitive industry producing similar goods. Therefore, the option A holds true.

A monopolistic competition can be referred to or considered as a form of market structure wherein only a single seller holds a dominating position in the market with respect to the supply of a particular good or service. The other firms in such market do not have a dominating or a significant share in the market, and thus, there is a perfect competition being formed in the long run, wherein the prices of the goods are usually higher.

Learn more about a monopolistic competition here:



________ focuses on problem solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.


Lean Six Sigma focuses on problem-solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.

problem fixing strategies are required in fixing the problems that we face ordinary. To clear up a selected problem, we have to apprehend the problem, devise a plan in order to be utilized in wearing out the hassle after which put into effect the answer.

problem-solving techniques discuss with the techniques that are utilized by an character in the fixing of problems. A man or woman may be faced with demanding situations at their administrative center or at domestic. to be able to solve such problems, it's essential to have a hassle-solving method in area.

firstly, one wishes to beneath the hassle. Then, one has to discover capacity answers to the trouble and the excellent answer out of the options could be selected. the chosen answer might then be carried out.

problem-solving strategies also are required in arithmetic. so one can clear up a selected arithmetic query, one desires to recognize the trouble first and find the answer to the trouble.

Learn more about problem-solving here: https://brainly.com/question/23945932


An example of a correction of an error in previously issued financial statements is a change in the tax assessment related to a prior period. in the service life of plant assets, based on changes in the economic environment. from the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting. from the FIFO method of inventory valuation to the LIFO method.


An example of a correction of an error in previously issued financial statements is a change in the tax assessment related to a prior period is:

From the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting.

The correct option is (c).

"Information available from the question"

In the question:

An example of a correction of an error in previously issued financial statements is a change :

a) In the tax assessment related to a prior period.

b) In the service life of plant assets, based on changes in the economic environment.

c) From the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting.

d) From the FIFO method of inventory valuation to the LIFO method.

Choose the correct answer.

Now, According to the question:

An example of correcting an error in previously issued financial statements is a change from the cash basis to the accrual basis of accounting. Under the cash basis, we don't account for transactions that do not involve cash, but we incorporate them under the accrual basis. A change in the accounting system requires a retrospective adjustment. Hence, we can consider this transaction as an example of correcting an error in previous records.

Hence,  From the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting.

The correct option is (c).

Learn more about Accounting at:



The question is like this:

An example of a correction of an error in previously issued financial statements is a change :

a) In the tax assessment related to a prior period.

b) In the service life of plant assets, based on changes in the economic environment.

c) From the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting.

d) From the FIFO method of inventory valuation to the LIFO method.

using a spreadsheet, compare the hedging alternatives for the thai baht with a scenario under which blades remains unhedged. do you think blades should hedge or remain unhedged? if blades should hedge, which hedge is most appropriate?


According to the report, Blades should protect its exposure to the baht. Blades seems to benefit most from the money market hedging since it generates the biggest dollar value for the net baht inflows.

In the world of finance, to hedge is to take a counterbalanced position in a security or investment that lowers the price risk of an existing stake. Therefore, a trade performed as a hedge serves the objective of lowering the risk of unfavorable price changes in another asset. Typically, hedging involves taking the opposite position in a linked security or a derivative security that is dependent on the asset that has to be protected.

Because the relationship between the two is more or less well stated, derivatives can be useful hedging tools against their underlying assets. Securities that fluctuate in accordance with one or more underlying assets are known as derivatives. They consist of futures, swaps, options, and forward contracts. The underlying assets may include securities such as equities, bonds, commodities, currencies, indexes, or interest rates. Derivatives can be used to create a trading strategy whereby a loss on one investment is compensated or lessened by a gain on a similar derivative.

To learn more about derivative click here



janice is in the market for a new smartphone when she sees an ad online touting the new features of the latest samsung model. she had not thought about buying a samsung and doesn’t know how much it costs, but the ad made her want to research this type of smartphone further. what feature of advertising does her response exemplify?


Janice is in the market for a new smartphone when she sees an ad online touting the new features of the latest Samsung model. The characteristic of advertising that Janice's response to advertising exemplifies is persuasion.

It is comparable to the marketing strategies employed by businesses to arouse the urge to buy in potential customers through the elicitation of psychological reactions. When a customer is drawn to an advertising because of the message, look, value, or other aspects of the product or service, persuasion has taken place. The needs, values, and wants of the customer must be reflected in every advertising.

Since the smartphone brand advertising successfully persuaded Janice to want to learn more about the product, the value it created for existing customers as well as luring in new ones, it was a success in promoting the brand.

Learn more about Advertisement here:



the amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market ______.


The amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market increases with a rising dollar value.

What occurs when the Fed raises the money supply?

When an economy's money supply expands more quickly than its capacity to generate goods and services, inflation results. A rise in the money supply has two effects: it lowers interest rates, which encourage investment, and it puts more money in the hands of consumers, which makes them feel wealthier and encourages consumption.

Inflation is a possibility when the Federal Reserve expands the money supply. Prices will almost always go up, the cost of commodities will fluctuate, and inflation is almost certain. Short-term interest rates are lowered by an increase in the money supply. This reduced cost of borrowing money encourages investment spending and moves the AD curve to the right.

To know more about fed raise and money supply visit:




increasing with a rising doller value


all chopped inc., a firm that manufactures ready-to-eat salads, offers incentives based on an employee's performance rating and the employee's compa-ratio. which payment plan is exemplified in this scenario? multiple choice piecework plan merit pay standard hour plan differential plan skill-based plan


Merit pay is the payment plan is exemplified in this scenario. Hence, option C is correct.

Merit pay is an exhibition based remuneration framework that offers rewards or base boosts in compensation to representatives who meet execution objectives or complete their obligations productively throughout a predetermined time span.

Merit pay and rewards contrast in that legitimacy pay is normally remembered for or added to the representative's base compensation while a reward is a one-time installment.

Merit pay is a savvy execution remuneration system that urges individuals to perform better, which thusly assists a firm with accomplishing its general benefit making goals.

Know more about Merit Pay System - https://brainly.com/question/29566759


Question you are considering investing in two different instruments. The first instrument will pay nothing for three years, but then it will pay $20,000 per year for four years. The second instrument will pay $20,000 for three years and $30,000 in the fourth year. All payments are made at year-end. If your required rate of return on these investments is 8 percent annually, what should you be willing to pay for: the first instrument? the second instrument (use the formula for a four-year annuity)?


(1) The price I'm willing to pay for the first instrument is $52,585, and the price for the second is $73593.

(2) If both are available, the second instrument is preferred.

            First             Second

           Instrument  Instrument

Year    Cashflows      DF(8%) DCF     Cashflows  DF(8%) DCF

1         0              0.9259     -         20000  0.9259    18,519

2         0              0.8573      -        20000  0.8573   17,147

3         0              0.7938       -       20000   0.7938   15,877

4      20000      0.7350       14,701    30000   0.7350    22,051

5      20000       0.6806 13,612    0            0.6806          -  

6      20000       0.6302 12,603    0            0.6302  -  

7      20000        0.5835  11,670    0            0.5835   -  

Value    52,585                              73,593

Based on the foregoing calculations, we can say that

(1) The first instrument's price that I'm willing to pay is $52,585, and the second instrument's price is $73593.

(2) The second instrument is preferred if both are offered in the market at the same price because it has a higher value than the first.

To know more about Investment, refer to this link:



if you perceive that your boss is bored at a business lunch, you are most likely observing which type of nonverbal communication?


Answer: Facial Expressions

Explanation:: Using artifacts is an example of nonverbal communication, but it is not indicative of boredom.

Touch behaviors are an example of nonverbal communication, but they are not indicative of boredom.

Facial Expressions of nonverbal communication

What is the Communication?

Giving, receiving, and exchanging information are all parts of communication, which might take the form of talking, writing, listening, or reading. Listen intently, talk or write properly, and appreciate many points of view when communicating

In daily life, communication enables us to connect with people, share our experiences and needs, and strengthen our bonds. It gives us the chance to communicate our views, share information, and express our emotions. We must all communicate.

Nonverbal communication is the exchange of messages or signals through nonverbal cues including body language, gestures, and nonverbal cues like eye contact and facial expressions. It makes use of kinesics, distance, physical environments/appearance, voice, and touch in addition to social cues.

Therefore, Expressions of nonverbal communication

Learn more about Communication here:



34) the amount that individuals would have been willing to: group of answer choices a) pay minus the amount that they actually paid, is called consumer surplus b) pay plus the amount that they actually paid, is called consumer surplus c) pay minus the amount that they actually paid, is called deadweight loss d) b and c


People might have been prepared to pay in terms of: group of possible responses. Pay less what they really paid, which is referred to as consumer surplus.

What is the formula for consumer surplus?

The following is the simplest technique for figuring out the consumer surplus: Maximum Price - Market Price equals Consumer Surplus. The enlarged version of the equation is as follows from there: Quantity at Equilibrium = (1/2) Consumer Excess (max - equilibrium)

What is an excess of consumers versus producers?

The difference between the amount a consumer is prepared to pay and what they actually spent for a product is referred to as the consumer surplus. The difference between both the market rate and the best cost a manufacturer will accept to create a good is known as the producer surplus.

To know more about consumer surplus visit:



The statement of cash flows is designed to fulfill all the following purposes EXCEPT to:
A) show the relationship of net income to changes in the company's cash.
B) assess the collectability of accounts receivable.
C) evaluate management decisions.
D) help predict future cash flows.


The statement of cash flows is designed to fulfill all the following purposes except to assess the collectability of accounts receivable. The Option B is correct.

What is the statement of cash flows?

In financial account, statement of cash flows is a financial statements issued by a business which describes the cash flows into and out of the organization. The statement focus is on types of activities that create and use cash which are operations, investments, and financing. Smaller organization may be unable to release a statement of cash flows for internal use, preferring to only issue an income statement and balance sheet.

The purpose of cash flow statement is to provide detailed picture of what happened to a business's cash during a specified period known as the accounting period. The statement also demonstrates an organization's ability to operate in the short and long term based on how much cash is flowing into and out of the business.

In this context, the statement of cash flows are designed to show the relationship of net income to changes in the company's cash, evaluate management decisions and help predict future cash flows.

Read more about cash flow statement



true or false: the aicpa audit health care guide provides optional recommendations for all types of health care organizations.


Health care is the improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, amelioration or cure of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in people.

What are the three major types of health organizations?Healthcare organizations have three basic ownership forms: public, private non-profit, and for-profit. Public institutions provide health services to individuals under the support and/or direction of local, state, or federal government.Collect Data and Analyze Patient Outcomes. If you can't measure it, then you can't manage it. Set Goals and Commit to Ongoing Evaluation. Improve Access to Care. Focus on Patient Engagement. Connect and Collaborate With Other Organizations.Recommendation scenarios in the healthcare domain. HRS offer users various types of recommendations that help to improve their well-being. These systems also assist healthcare professionals in making more precise patient-oriented decisions.Interventions to increase access to health care services — like lowering costs, improving insurance coverage, and increasing use of telehealth — can help more people get the care they need.

To learn more about health care refer to:



ruby company is considering a project with an initial investment of $300,000 that will yield annual net cash flows of $90,576 and will be depreciated at $75,000 per year over its 4-year life. what is the approximate internal rate of return? (note: round the discount factor to five decimal places.)


IRR is the rate at which the present value of cash outflow equals the present value of cash inflows is 8%.

Present value of cash outflows = $300,000

Present value of cash inflows  = $90,580 * present value of annuity factor

at IRR

$300,000 = 90,580 * present value of annuity factor

=> present value of annuity factor = 300,000 / 90,580


from the table of annuity

we can see that for 4 periods, the factor 3.312 falls under 8%.

so the IRR for the given problem is 8%.

Deprecation is the discouragement of the usage of a few terminology, feature, design, or exercise, usually as it has been superseded or is not taken into consideration efficient or secure, without absolutely removing it or prohibiting its use. normally, deprecated materials aren't completely removed to ensure legacy compatibility or backup exercise in case new methods aren't functional in an abnormal situation.

The motion of not approving of something or pronouncing which you no longer approve of something: She couldn't hide the deprecation in her voice. The barman shook his head in deprecation. In present-day technical utilization, for one to the nation that a function is deprecated is simply advice in opposition to its usage of it. it is still feasible to provide a program or product without heeding the deprecation.

To learn more about Deprecation visit here:



the main activities of collaboration are . question 36 options: a) feedback and iteration b) meeting and conversing c) evaluation and measurement d) discussing and criticizing


The main activities of collaboration are meeting and conversing.

When two or more people collaborate, they aim to achieve a joint objective. To create a product, finish a project, or address a problem, teams may collaborate. Teams that have better cooperation skills collaborate more successfully on any given assignment. Strong communication skills, active listening, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution are some of the abilities that contribute to good collaboration. Many jobs require the ability to collaborate with others, as employers depend on their workforce to work as a team to accomplish shared objectives. Working in a group is not only more productive than working alone, but it can also give you a chance to learn new abilities. You can get knowledge by working together at work.

Learn more about collaboration from



how did changes in navigation and multiple-masted cargo ships impact trade? a. merchants gave up using overland trade routes such as the silk road. b. political authorities did not profit as much from maritime trade as they had from caravan trade. c. inland oases remained vital as transshipment points for goods to the coasts. d. most shipping firms were government owned.


Political authorities did not profit as much from maritime trade as they had from the caravan trade. did changes in navigation and multiple-masted cargo ships impact trade.

What is trade?

The act of exchanging goods or services between people, companies, or countries is referred to as a trade. In every aspect of foreign trade, the negotiations for a new trade agreement fell squarely under the purview of the ministry.

Due to the lower cost of shipping big volumes via sea routes, as well as the fact that they may cover greater distances than land routes, sea routes are preferred by traders overland routes for trade.

The coastal traders organized caravans to travel to the interior in search of products and return to the coast with those things. 10. Bartering, or the exchange of goods for goods, served as the method of transaction in this trade.

Therefore, Thus option (B) is correct.

Learn more about trade here:



write a short paper (at least 3 paragraphs in length, double-spaced) explaining roi and payback, and discussing the three areas typically addressed in a contract for the purchase of a technology system. write a paragraph elaborating each area.


ROI (return on investment) is a commonly used metric to assess how well investments in IT systems have performed.

It is frequently used to support IT projects, but it may also be used to assess project team effectiveness, monitor project returns at any stage, and consider other important aspects.

Which IT projects to embark on can be determined by comparing the ROI of various projects and bids. ROI demonstrates to corporate executives, shareholders, and other stakeholders the business's benefit from a given project investment.

If the ROI of a project is larger, the better, the project is more likely to move forward. A 200% ROI over 4 years, for instance, denotes a return of twice the project expenditure over that time frame.

Know more about ROI here:



In order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers?
Group of answer choices
a. Look at each segment of the markets they serve
b. Help identify new customer requirements
c. Rely on traditional performance measures
d. Collaborate in pricing of products


Option b help identifies new customer requirements is the correct choice.

For the managers, if they look to estimate the effectiveness of their supply chain, then they must look at the need of the customers and how well these needs are addressed.

Option a is not correct as effectiveness needs the identification of the customer's need.

Option b is correct as by knowing the needs of the customers, managers can know how well the firm is satisfying the customer's needs.

Option c is not the correct option as there are various methods to determine the performance of the firm.

Option D is not correct as only product pricing cannot be the sole factor result in better performance of the firm

To learn more about customer requirements



when the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, how would it impact the economy?


When the Federal Reserve increases the federal funds rate, it typically increases interest rates throughout the economy, which tends to make the dollar stronger. The higher yields attract investment capital from investors abroad seeking higher returns on bonds and interest-rate products.

Is McDonalds an MNC or TNC?


The American fast food chain McDonald's, which has 34,000 locations across 119 countries, is a significant TNC.

Headquarters for multinational firms are typically located in those nations. Then, in order to expand their business, they establish various branches in other nations. They are often established in developing nations for a number of reasons, including access to cheap labour, the availability of raw materials for industrial needs, and influence over the governments of those nations.

In a multinational corporation, decisions are made in the home country and should be implemented internationally in all of the subsidiaries. While in a TNC  transnational, decisions are made by specific multinational firms.

To learn more about TNC visit here:



what type of communication channels do not follow the chain of command and develop outside the formal structure of the organization?


unofficial channels Additionally, it is a formal method of communication with lax standards. A hierarchy or chain of command may not be necessary in this type of communication.

What are the five communication channels?

There are five different ways or styles of communication that can be used. They are mathematics, writing, speaking, writing, and listening. To be comprehensive communicators, engineers and other technical professionals need knowledge and abilities in all five domains.

Which media currently monopolizes communication?

Spoken, written, and non-verbal communication channels can be categorized into these three basic groups. Humans commonly use numerous channels simultaneously, and each of these communication avenues has unique benefits and drawbacks..

To know more about communication channels visit:



unlike the case of perfect competition, consumers in monopolistically competitive markets pay relatively higher prices, however, purchase products that are more closely suited to their tastes. true


The statement that in  monopolistically competitive markets, consumers pay relatively higher prices for products that are more suited to their tastes is True.

What is a monopolistically competitive market ?

In a monopolistically competitive market, we find that the sellers might be many, but they don't sell products that are exactly the same. They will instead sell differentiated products which are more closely suited to the needs and tastes of the consumers buying them.

As a result of this differentiation, we find that consumers will have to pay relatively higher prices than a perfect competition where all the products are the same.

Find out more on monopolistically competitive markets at https://brainly.com/question/25717627


Options for this question are :

True False

Answer: The answer is True


kyle is a stay-at-home dad who does not have a job. why is he not considered in the unemployment numbers?


Workers suffer, as do their families and the nation as a whole, when they are out of work. Laborers and their families lose compensation, and the nation loses the labor and products that might have been delivered. Additionally, these workers lose their purchasing power, which may result in the unemployment of additional workers.

Early every month, the Department of Work Measurements (BLS) of the U.S. Branch of Work declares the absolute number of utilized and jobless individuals in the US for the earlier month, alongside numerous attributes about them. Media coverage of these figures is extensive, particularly the unemployment rate, which indicates the proportion of the workforce without a job. Some people believe that the number of people receiving unemployment insurance (UI) benefits through state or federal programs is used by the government to obtain these figures on unemployment. In any case, certain individuals are as yet jobless when their advantages run out, and a lot more are not qualified by any stretch of the imagination or defer or never apply for benefits. Therefore, it is evident that UI data cannot be used as a complete source of information regarding the number of unemployed individuals.Others believe that the government counts every person who is unemployed each month. Just like in the population census every ten years, every home in the country would need to be contacted in order to accomplish this. The data would be produced using this method in an unreasonable amount of time and at a price. Additionally, it would soon become tiresome for census takers to contact individuals on a monthly basis, year after year, to inquire about activities related to their jobs.

To know more about unemployment visit https://brainly.com/question/14227610?referrer=searchResults


what is price competition? sellers compete with each other by charging as high a price as possible. sellers differentiate products so they can charge a higher price. sellers force competitors to lower their prices until the competitors have losses. sellers try to win customers through charging as low a price as possible


Competition in determining the price of merchandise carried out by traders as an effort to seize the market and beat their trading competitors. This price competition is very likely to occur in a market.

Business competition or business is the efforts of two parties/more companies, each of which is active in obtaining orders by offering the most favorable prices/conditions. Competition is when organizations or individuals compete to achieve desired goals such as consumers, market share, survey rankings, or required resources.

Business competition is carried out to win the hearts of consumers. Business actors try to offer attractive products and services, both in terms of price, quality and service. The combination of these three factors to win the competition to win the hearts of consumers can be obtained through innovation, application of the right technology, and managerial ability to direct company resources in winning the competition.

You can learn more about Business competition here brainly.com/question/17309368


A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry.
a. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:
b. Firms in this industry will likely earn:
c. If foreign firms begin supplying the product, increasing the number of competitors, it is likely that


This sector of the economy is perhaps best described as an oligopoly. Businesses in this sector will probably make money. Economic earnings will probably decrease if foreign companies start supplying product.

Describe oligopoly using an example?

Oligopoly is a type of imperfect competition that is typically characterised as competition among a small number of parties. Therefore, oligopoly exists when there are two to ten vendors selling similar or distinct goods in a market. The market for cold drinks is a prime illustration of an oligopoly.

How are economic profits determined?

Revenue less explicit costs minus opportunity cost equals economic profit (or loss). All costs that are normally accounted for, such as labour costs, material costs, marketing expenses, depreciation, and taxes, are considered explicit costs.

To learn more about Oligopoly here:



For most corporations, physical-distribution activities are usually the responsibility of the marketing department.
a. True
b. False


" For most corporations, physical-distribution activities are usually the responsibility of the marketing department." This statement is True.

marketing is the pastime, set of establishments, and strategies for developing, communicating, turning in, and changing offerings which have fee for clients, clients, partners, and society at large. The 4 ps are a “advertising mix” made from four key factors—product, rate, region, and advertising—used while marketing a product or service. generally, agencies don't forget the four playstations when growing advertising plans and strategies to effectively market to their target audience. The importance of advertising on your business is that it makes the customers aware about your products or services, engages them, and facilitates them make the shopping for choice. moreover, an advertising and marketing plan, part of your marketing strategy allows in creating and keeping call for, relevance, reputation, opposition, etc.

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